The JAA-ATPL Distance Learning System (ATPL-DLS) course is based on an. All
-Inclusive ... A dedicated Internet forum allows you to ask questions on-line.
JAA-ATPL Theory Distance Learning ATPL Theory Distance Learning System The JAA-ATPL Distance Learning System (ATPL-DLS) course is based on an All-Inclusive System, in particular for the home study student in mind. The ATPLDLS system combines the best of traditional books training methods incorporating today’s state of the art Computer Based Training Systems that has a proven success rate by far in excess of traditional classroom based training. The ATPL Theory Distance Learning System consists of:
7 JAA-ATPL Training Manuals 1 Computer Based Training CBT and PTS System 1 Jeppesen Student Airways Manual 3 Reference Manuals On-line resources of the JAA ATPL forum and question bank 4 Weeks JAA-ATPL Consolidation training (conducted in Malta)
A particular advantage of distance learning is that you can work at your own rate as the average student typically takes around three months to complete Module 1 and usually around a month more for Module 2. There are fourteen exams to be passed for the JAA ATPL, and some more difficult than others. To keep the ATPL studies convenient, the ATPL-DLS are split into two phases:
Home study phase Class study phase.
Class consolidation studies last for two weeks and most of the time is spent working through practice papers and briefing you up with your results so there is very little time to cover new material. Classes commence on a Monday to Friday at our Academy for Module 1 and 2 just before sitting for your JAA-ATPL exams here in Malta.
Module 1 contains:
General Navigation Flight Planning Human Performance & Limitations VFR Communications IFR Communications Mass & Balance Radio Navigation
Module 2 contains
Operational Procedures Principles of Flight Performance Aviation Law Aircraft General Knowledge Meteorology Instruments
During the distance learning stages you are guided carefully through the subjects as you follow a straightforward training program. Depending on your preference you can work either from the manuals, or the computer program, or both. Progress test are placed at the end of each section, and sent in to us for marking electronically, which automatically sends us your results on our Data Base. While you are working at home it is very important that you make use of our instructors. A dedicated Internet forum allows you to ask questions on-line.
The ATPL Manuals
The manuals form a major part of the Learning System. The course is divided down subject-by-subject and chapter-by-chapter into easily understood sections supplemented with thousands of diagrams, all produced in house. Bullet points in the margins emphasis important facts. Progress Tests have been inserted after each major section. They are presented in multi-choice format and the questions are either based on exam feedback or in the style of the JAA exams. Seventy four tests in all need to be completed and returned to us for marking and assessment, these can be completed in hard copy and returned either through the mail or by fax or, alternatively, the tests can be completed on the computer program and results electronically transmitted. The manuals are printed in full colour on high quality paper. They are presented in four ring loose-leaf binders, sometimes one subject a binder, sometimes more. Amendments to the manuals are accessed through the Internet by selecting 'Download Page' in the computer program.
The computer program provided with the course also contains all the text and diagrams you will find in the ATPL manuals. Many of the static diagrams from the manuals are animated to illustrate particular points The program also contains a series of longer extra animated training modules and video sequences, holds electronic versions of the progress tests and gives access to the on-line question bank, forum and download page Learning System:
Animated diagrams and video sequences to help you understand how various components and systems work. Quickly to find information on specific topics using the phrase finder. It tests your knowledge with a series of progress tests and sends your test results back to the school. Progress tests in the Learning System are the same as those contained in the written notes. Automatically marks and scores the tests you take. Feedback on wrong answers and allows you to refer directly back to the appropriate section and chapter in the main text.
It tracks and records your responses to questions allowing you to see at a glance which questions you got wrong or hesitated over. It allows you to compile your own set of abbreviated notes by cutting and pasting selected portions of text from the manual. It includes an auto-glossary function that allows you quickly to call up definitions of defined terms and expressions.
Progress Tests
The Progress Tests are controlled through a Personal Course Management System (PCMS) integrated into the program. The PCMS will be central to your studies.
Gives you access to each of the 74 progress tests Allows you to view at a glance your past performance on test Displays comprehensive reports on completed tests Allows you to print the revision notes you have constructed Displays lists of problem questions sorted by subject area
The PCMS Main Page
This page is your starting point for all the PCMS functions. As well as processing and reviewing progress tests and notes you can download updates and enhancements to Learning System, update your personal details and manage your results database. Progress Tests
All the Progress Tests in the manuals are repeated in the computer program. The tests can be taken any number of times and the sequence of questions and answers is randomised each time.
The first time the test is scored the program stores the result so that you can automatically transmit it to us over the internet
Test Report Once the test is scored the learning System identifies which questions you got wrong and produces a written test report that shows each question in turn, the right answer and your answer. Detailed explanations can also be shown on screen and hot links refer you back to the relevant sections of text. Review Problem Questions The program keeps a record of every question your answered incorrectly or even hesitated over. This allows you to revise specific problem areas and jump directly to the questions you got wrong rather than requiring you to take the whole test again. Entry Requirements - ATPL Distance Learning System
Minimum age to commence training 17 years Minimum license requirements to commence - PPL (issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1) Medical requirements - JAA Class 1 (complete before commencing training) Minimum academic standards: (Malta Metsec O Levels, UK GCSE or equivalent) Mathematics Physics English language
For students who wish to have additional English language training, suitable courses are available, please contact EPA for further information. The JAA ATPL The JAA Airline Transport Pilot's License is a common license standard that has been agreed by 26 European countries. Although the standard is common, each country still issues its own license and approves training providers to operate within its national boundaries. In theory all training for the ATPL must be completed with training providers approved by one single member state. The only exception to this occurs if there is an arrangement between JAA states to accept training in other states. If you are planning to train in several different
countries you must make sure the country of license issue will accept the training. European Pilot Academy is an approved Flight Training Organisation FTO by the Malta Civil Aviation Authority to conduct such training. To hold an ATPL you must pass flight and ground tests and have at least a certain number of flight hours and a certain minimum experience. The minimum number of flight hours required, 1500, means that it is very unlikely that any pilot will graduate with an ATPL as a first professional license even if they pass the appropriate ground and flight tests. What they usually start with is a Commercial Pilot's License (CPL). This is referred to as a 'frozen ATPL' because, if the ATPL ground exams and flight tests are passed, it will become an ATPL once the experience levels are reached. The minimum license standard for employment is to hold a Frozen ATPL with Instrument Rating (IR). Most companies also require you to have completed a Multi-Crew Co-operation (MCC) Course Price: € 3999 (includes all the ATPL training manuals, groundschool consolidation courses and computer program) ATPL Consolidation Course Schedule 2011 (Monday – Saturday)
April October
5th to 1st May
8:30- 17:00
4th to 30th
8:30- 17:00
. For more information do not hesitate to contact
[email protected] or call us on +35621257127/8
*It is advisable to contact us for the latest information and updates. While great care and attention has been given to ensure the accuracy of text and other information, EPA will not be responsible for any unforeseen omissions and errors.