Please attach one (1) set of layout plan and pond design. (i) Please indicate the modification or expansion part of the plan; (ii) Please indicate the ponds in operation in the first year or previous years.
No. of ponds and total surface area of ponds in operation: No. of ponds:… … … … … . Total pond area:… … … … … … ha.
Conditions: (i) For project size of more than 5 hectares, please attached one (1) copy of EIA report approved by NREB and approval letter from NREB (ii) However, if there are a number of small tiger prawn farm (less than 5 hectares of project area) operating within the vicinity (ie. sharing the same stream, creek, small river) the applicant may be required to furnish shared Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report or individual Environmental Management Plan (EMP) report if the total project area exceeds five (5) hectares.
I/We * hereby declare and fully understood and take responsibility for any false information given therein as an offence under The Sarawak Inland Fisheries (Amendment) Rules, 2000.
___________________________________ (Date)
_____________________________________________ (Signature or thumb print of applicant)
Licence is renewable annually. An annual fee of RM20.00 (minimum) per hectare of pond is levied. Attached two (2) copies of passport-sized photograph of applicant.