Jan 4, 2011 ... F re e d o m. R o a d. Frost Hill Road. M ountain Road. 0. 0.125. 0.25. 0.375. 0.5.
MILES. Park Office: (845) 452-1489. Taconic Regional Office: ...
James Baird State Park 14 Maintenance Lane, Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
Park Office: (845) 452-1489 Taconic Regional Office: (845) 889-4100 State Park Police: (845) 889-4100 x310 In Case of Emergency: 911
Park Office
Parking Area
Comfort Station Information
Pavilion/Stage Picnic Shelter
Golf Path Roads Taconic State Pkwy State Park Golf Course
Tennis Court
Nature Center
Trail color varies
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Please be considerate of other park users. Please report any accident or incident immediately to park police. All boundaries and trails are shown as approximate. Be aware of changing trail conditions.
Legend Building
BL - Blue Trail- 0.9 Miles CO - Connector - Blue/Red - 0.18 Miles GR - Green Trail - 0.18 Miles RD - Red Trail - 2.14 Miles
Water Wetland
Mile s 0
Map produced by NYSOPRHP GIS Bureau, September 23, 2015.