American Ordnance LLC, operator of the. Iowa and Milan Army Ammunition
Plants, produces the pressed main warhead explosive on the Javelin missile
system ...
Javelin (Warhead)
American Ordnance LLC, operator of the Iowa and Milan Army Ammunition Plants, produces the pressed main warhead explosive on the Javelin missile system for the U.S. Army, Marines and other State Department approved customers. USE: The Javelin provides medium range anti-tank capability to the infantry, scouts, and combat engineers. g The Javelin is a man-portable, p anti-tank system developed for the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. DESCRIPTION: The system is highly lethal against tanks with conventional and reactive armor. The key feature of the Javelin is the use of fire-and-forget technology, that allows the gunner to fire and immediately take cover. cover SPECIFICATIONS: Max Range: Excess 2,000m Weight: 49.5lbs
Javelin (Warhead)
American Ordnance LLC – Iowa Army Ammunition Plant Milan Army Ammunition Plant