Edna Greene, Hillcrest Jewish Center. Treasurer, on the .... The 5711KolNidre Campaign Honor. Roll was ... lettcr or cal
JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Dedicated to the Memory of H. Bert Mack
I Av
Vol. 70. No.22
My First Visit to Israel
had always wanted to go to Israel
bt¡t I was waiting for p.eace in the region.
realized that unfortunately that
was¡l't going to happen any time soon and after hearing so many stories about
the previous Hillcrest trip, I
delighted when an eight day trip was scheduled for the fall of 2010. I began the laborious process of getting an international i.d. micro chip and the papers necessary for my guide dog, Jack. A passport is easy by comparison. On October 31, my eleven hour El Al flight departed for Israel. Security was reassuringly tight, better than anywhere else I've expcrienced. I'vc heard people talk about the wonclcrfìrl fccling you gct when you land in Israel and I can confirnr it. I felt proud and fortunate to be i¡r that wonderful country, like a homecoming. Our guide, Yoni, and everyone on the
tour were enormously generous with their visual descriptions, and wherever possible they had me touching things including walls, models and sculptures, Everybody quickly learned how well
Jack and I work as a team. Israel basically has the same guide dog access laws as in the Unitcd States. As we drove around, I got the feeling of how close Israel is to other cou¡ttries including Syria, Jordan and [,cbano¡r. It's hard for me to choose one thing that I liked the best so hcre are a few of the highlights: The lecn¡res in'lzfat and Jerusalem were very inforrnative. It was fun sharing a camel ricle with Rabbi Kogan. I eryoyed exploring the Rosh Hanik¡a ocean grottoes, David's City, Masada, and Caesarea. Floating in the Dead Sea was a fun and unique expericnce and I wished I could stay there longer.
Touching the Western Wall and putting my note in a hole was very moving as was
our visit to Yad Vashem. In Nahariya
and Jerusalem it was great walking around at night and visiting ths local shops and restaurants. Of course, one of the biggest highlights was getting to know all the wonderful people in our group.
When the next Hillcrest
planned, I'm going!
Janet Ingber Hammelbacher, Vice Pres.
Ausust l- 2011
SHABBAT AND HOLIDAY SERVICE Monday, August 1 - Rosh Chodesh Av Friday, August 5 Candle
Lighting .....,...........
7:47 P.M.
....... 6:30 P.M.
Devarim....... Shelishit/Maariv............. Shabbat ends.............
Saturday, August 6 - Shabbat Chazon - Sedra:
9:00 A.M.
Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 Haftarah: Isaiah l:l-27 Aufruf: Meredith Flug and Ross Markowitz MinchaiSeudah ...,. 7:45 P.M. 8:54 P.M.
Monday, August 8 - Erev Tisha B'Av - Lamentations Mincha/lr4aariv
...... 8:00 P.M.
Tuesday, August 9 - Tisha B'Av Morning Service - (no tallit, no Mincha/Maariv - (with tallit and
tefilin)..... tefìlin)
6:45 A.M.
...... 7:45 P.M.
Friday, August l2 Ca¡rdle
Lighting .................
7:38 P.M.
....... 6:30 P.M.
Va'etchanan. 9;00 A.M. Mincha/Seudah Shelishit/Maariv............. ..... 7:30 P.M. Shabbat ends......,....., 8:45 P.M.
Saturday, August 13 - Shabbat Nachamu - Sedra:
Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 Haftarah: Isaiah 40:l-26 We celebrate with all members who have July and August Birthdays
Friday, August l9 Candle
MinchaÀ4aariv........,..... 7:30 P.M. Saturday, August 20 - Sedra: Ekev............. .. . ,ú0 Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 7:12-ll:25 - Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14-51:3 ^Àt. Aufruf: Liran Kohen and Karen Zigelstein Mincha/Seudah Shelishit/Maariv............. ..... 7:15 P.M. Shabbat ends............. 8:33 P.M. Tea and Schmooze -
Friday, August
Lighting Mincha/Maariv................. Candle
....... 6:30 P.M.
Saturday, August 27 - Birkat HaChodesh - Sedra:
9:00 A.M.
Torah Reading: Deuteronomy ll:26-16:17 Haftarah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5 Bat Mitzvah: Julia Duze, daughter of Susan and Larry Duze We welcome the new month of Elul - Rosh Chodesh is Tues./!Ved. Aug. 30/31
Shelishit/Maariv............. ends.............
Mincha/Seudah Shabbat
..... 7:00 P.M. 8:22 P.M.
Monday through Friday mornings...... Sunday and Holiday mornings Sunday through Thursday evenings Friday evenings
6:45 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. ....... 6:30 P.M.
Page Two
Kogan Moti Fuchs Geny Lewis...
........... Rabbi
.......President Iris Schachter.. ........... Sisterhood President Benjamin Rosof....... M¿r¡'s Club President Mark Inhaber. ............... Execut ive Director Joan Hausmann .............. Managing Editor Robert Zuckerman...... Bul I et in A dve rt is ing
Published Setnimonthly September-June Monthly July & August Postmaster: Send address change to Hillcrest Jewish Center Phone (?18) 380-4145 Fax (718) 380-4665 183-02 Union Tumpike Flushing, NY I 1366 UPS H -245420
Subscription One Dollar Per Year- Included In Ducs Periodical Postage Paid At Flushing
Affiliated with United Synagogue of Conscrvativc.lr¡dnisnr Hillcrest on the Wclr www.lÌillcrcstJC.org
CENTER FAMILY Congratulations to: Sela & Steven Zellman on the birth of grandson Erik Israel Zellman.
Lillian &
Joseph Krochak
birth ofgrandson Jake Hudson Garson. Susan & Philip Zigman on the birth of granddaughter Rose Mae Zigman, judy & Randy Stein on thc nrarriagc of their daughter Rachel Leah to Yaakov (Jake) Benzaquen.
Rose Berger on the marriagc ol'hcr granddaughter Rachel Lcah Stcin to Yaakov (Jake) Benzaquen. Arthur & Phyllis Orlikoff Flug on thc marriage of their daughter Mereclith lìlug to Ross Markowitz.
Larry Duze on the Ilat
Mitzvah of their daughter Julia.
Wishing Good Recovery to: Joseph Fruchter, Simon Gold, Lillian
Berger Goldberg, Tibor Mermelstein, Herb Mindlin, Norman Mollov, Cheryl Schack, Alberto Schejtman, Miriam Silver, Walter Strauss and Addie Wilder. Condolences to: Edna Greene, Hillcrest Jewish Center Treasurer, on the passing of her husband Gerson Greene. Adrienne Star on the passing of her father Leonard Geffner. Carol Zolondek on the passing of her father Marcus Fish. The family of long time HJC member Sidney H. Siegel. May the families be comforted amongst the moumers of Zionand Jensalem.
Rabbi Kogan is in lsrael as ff,,b Bulletin goes fo press. We look forward column in the September 1, 2011 issue.
to his
H¡LLCREST JC AT CELEBRATE ISRAEL PARADE From lhe Editor: lle were so intent on getting all the names of the marchers in the July I , 20 I I issue, that inadvertently the last 2 paragraphs of Ethel Levine's report on the parade were omitted. As you may recall, l6 of the names were preceded with stars. The balance of the articlefollows... The children are our stars, and so are our donors. Many thanks to: Herbert Amdur, Basheva & Lou Appleman, Abby & Joel Belson, Andria & Scott Cooper, Avia & Ralph Fodor, Joan & Ray Hausmann, Muriel & Jack Kaplan, Robert Kenler, Ben Rosof, Ruth & Steven Rosenhaus, Svetlana & Boris Rozenberg, Ginger and Jonathan Schulman, Doris Shinners, Eileen Star, Loretta Wasserheit and Anita'ù/hite. A note to those who didn't rcturn on the bus, Please bring your name tag holders to the Center office. We need them for next year. Ethel Levine
MEN'S CLUB The Men's Club's fiscal year enclecl on Junc 30, 201 I . At that timc Men's Club already had over 25o/o more paid rnentbcrs than it had at thc sanrc tirrrc last ycar. I¡rcluded in that ¡rumber were two new me¡rrbers wlto cantc in t¡ntlcr thc ¡rrovisions of thc rcccntly approved rcviscd Constitution that pcrmits lncn who arc nrcrrrbcrs of othcr congrcgations, or not aflìliatcd with any congrcgaliort, lo.ioin Ilillcrcst Jcwish Cc¡rtcr's Mcn's Club. 'l'hcre are scvcral olhcr nrcn who cxprcssctl intcrcst in joining our Mcn's Ch¡b lrut have not yet filled out thc application lbl nrcrnbcrshi¡1. It is fblt that this ¡lrovision in thc rcccntly reviscd Constitt¡tion will hclp lo incrcasc lhc sizc of'Mcn's Club and hclp it to conlinr¡c thc forward ¡nonìcntu¡n it has shown in rcccnt ycars. 'l'his colunln is bcing writton carly in July and our bclovcd Msts are beginning to show sortrc sur¡rrising strcnglh, cspccially afìcr thc way in which they won the last game in the scrics with thc New York Ya¡rkess. All this by way of saying that Abe Reback still has some tickets left for the baseball game on Jewish Heritage Day, Sunday, August 25th, For those who are students of statistics, the Mets have yet to lose a game on Jewish Heritage Day at Citi Field. So let's go to see the Mets make it three in a row on that special day. You can reach Abe at 718-454-1945. Nathan's made a spcctacle of thcmselves with a hot clog caling çorìlcst on thc l,'ourlh of
July. Mcn's Club
lravc ils annual Labor Day Wcckcnd Iìarbccuc on
Scptcmbcr 4tlt, slarting at 4:00
l).M.'l'hcrc rvill bc arnplc quantitics of
frankfurters, Itantburgcrs arr