JL Embroidery Worksheet: Basic Embroidery Oars with ... - JL Racing

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let us know. There is a separate sheet for Basic Text only, and one to help you with custom logos. There is no setup charge for basic embroidery, when you use.
JL Embroidery Worksheet: Basic Embroidery Oars with Text

This page will allow you to describe in detail Text with Crossed Oars basic embroidery for your garment. Choose your options, fill in appropriate blanks, and fax it in with your order. Be specific! When writing text, use upper and lower case, or all capitals, as you would like it to be embroidered. Basic Embroidery fits within a 100mm diameter circle (see below). We will size your text proportionately to fit this space, and to look great with the blades. For example, 4-5 letters across the shafts will be larger than the size of 15 letters arced above the blades. If you have specific requirements for the size of your lettering, please let us know. There is a separate sheet for Basic Text only,and one to help you with custom logos.








If several garments have exactly the same embroidery, list them all here. If you have different embroidery on various garments, make copies of this sheet as needed and fill in information appropriately. If using text with oars in conjunction with other embroidery (ie., text on collar) provide all necessary paperwork together.

Embroidery will be applied to which garment(s)? Notes: 1618 E. Edinger, Santa Ana, CA 92705 USA 800.831.3305 (N. America toll-free) 714.479.0152 (fax) 714.479.0240 (local & overseas) http://www.jlracing.com [email protected]

There is no setup charge for basic embroidery, when you use these in-stock fonts. We will contact you with a final quote when you fax in your order with this sheet filled out.


purple white

, eeded Quantity Discounts start at 9 units, call for quote here n at. W em stand re g k ill loo ake th graphite lades w e to m Your b se an outlin hafts will be olor. u s cc we will ss specified, ith fabri trast w nle out. U white to con Per piece embroidery $3.50 for oars and up to 5 letters, add .50 for r grey o each additional 10 letters

Text with Oars Location

Left Chest

Center Chest

royal blue red

Draw in the design of your blade here. Be specific.Call out colors as shown on example above

Right Chest

Text and Style (please be specific, use upper and lower case, or all caps, as you expect to see it embroidered. Check your spelling.) Text arced above blades:




Thread color:



Thread color:

Text across shafts:


More possibilities!

Text straight below blades:




Thread color:

Use our "Text Only" worksheet to add embroidery to the collar of your technical shirt, embroidery below the back neckline, or to embroider down armstripes. Individual names can be embroidered. Contact us for any custom logos.