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Job summary for "Bibliography"
Professional Collection Sorted by Call Number / Author. PROF 001 GAR
Gardner, Howard. Five minds for the future. Boston : Harvard Business School Press, c2007. Minds viewed globally: a personal introduction The disciplined mind The synthesizing mind The creating mind The respectful mind The ethical mind Conclusion: toward the cultivation of the five minds. Discusses five cognitive abilitiessynthesis, creativity, respect, ethics, and mastery of major schools of thought and a professional craftthat will grow in importance in school, business, and other settings with globalization, increased information transfer, and other shifts and changes in the world.
Prof 001.64 Cha
Channelle, Andy 2009. Beginning OpenOffice 3.
PROF 004.071 MAR
Margolis, Jane. Stuck in the shallow end : education, race, and computing. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2008.
PROF 004.1675
Biersdorfer, J. D. iPad : the missing manual. 5th ed. Farnham ; : O'Reilly, 2012, c2013. Set up your iPad Tour your tablet Interact with your iPad Get online Surf the Web Keep in touch with email and messaging Organize your life with the iPad's apps Shop the app store Read iBooks and ePeriodicals Play games Get productive with iWork Sync and share media files with iTunes and iCloud Master iTunes on the desktop Manage and play music and other audio Watch, create, and edit videos View, shoot, edit, and manage photos Back up and sync your gadgets with iCloud Appendix A. iPad settings Appendix B. iPad troubleshooting and care.
Prof 004.67 Fod
Fodeman, Doug. Safe practices for life online : a guide for middle and high school. International Society for Technology in Education, c2008.
Prof 004.67 Joh
Johnson, Doug. Learning right from wrong in the digital age. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub, c2003. An ethics guide for parents, teachers, librarians, and others who care about computerusing young people.
Prof 006.6 Lif
Lifter, Marsha. Multimedia Projects for PowerPoint: stepbystep directions for 15 curriculum based projects. Bloomington, IL : FTC Publishing Group, c2000. Help students design slides and create presentations.
PROF 006.7 HES
Heskett, Tracie. Blogging in the classroom. Westminster, CA : Teacher Created Resources, c2009. A teacher's guide to blogging at school, offering advice on how to create a classroom blog, develop an interactive community, share information instantly, and incorporate academic content.
PROF 011.62 ISA
Isaacs, Kathleen T. Picturing the world : informational picture books for children. Chicago : American Library Association, c2013.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
An annotated resource of the best nonfiction and informational picture book titles for ages three through ten, describing 250 books. PROF 025.04 EIS
Eisenberg, Michael. The Super3 : information skills for young Learners. Columbus, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2007. Introduction: the super3 The super3 explained Teaching the super3 Super3 worksheets Additional ideas and conclusion.
PROF 025.04 EIS
Eisenberg, Michael. Teaching information & technology skills : the Big6 in secondary schools. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2000. Presents ideas designed to promote understanding of the Big6 approach to information and technology skills instruction; discussing specific strategies for building Big6 skills into new and existing instructional programs.
Prof 025.04 Wol
Wolinsky, Art. Internet power research using the Big6 approach. Rev. ed. Berkeley Heights, N.J. : Enslow Publishers, c2005.
PROF 025.042 BER
Berger, Pam. Choosing Web 2.0 tools for learning and teaching in a digital world. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, c2010. Learning, literacy, and Web 2.0 Searching the Web Social bookmarking Managing and organizing information Content collaboration Media sharing Social networking Digital mapping. An illustrated overview of Web 2.0 tools that can be useful in classrooms or school library programs, explaining the benefits of digital literacy, and describing social bookmarking sites, media sharing, social networking, digital mapping, and related topics.
PROF 025.042 DEV
Devine, Jane, 1947. Going beyond Google again : strategies for using and teaching the Invisible Web. Chicago : NealSchuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2014. The invisible Web today Studies of informationseeking behavior Teaching the invisible Web : a survey of theory and practice How to make students better researchers : the invisible Web in teaching Teaching resources Looking inside the invisible Web : a sampler Future of the invisible Web and its implications for teaching. A guide to improving Internet search skills and using search engines that discusses characteristics of the invisible Web, research strategies, tools, and other related topics.
PROF 025.1 EVE
Everhart, Nancy. Evaluating the school library media center : analysis techniques and research practices. Englewood, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1998. Discusses the different research and evaluation techniques used to evaluate school library media centers; includes sample evaluation forms, reasons to evaluate, and selfassessment charts for media specialists.
PROF 025.1 JOH
Johnson, Doug, 1952. The indispensable librarian : surviving and thriving in school libraries in the information age. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Linworth, [2013]. The roles and missions of the librarian Program assessment Planning Communications and advocacy Managing others and collaboration Managing digital resources Curriculum Budget…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Facilities Digital intellectual freedom Ethics and technology Copyright and creative commons The librarians role in effective staff development Surviving professional transitions Libraries and the future. Provides suggestions on how school librarians can keep their professions viable and their jobs meaningful and secure by developing and sharing unique skills and services, focusing on the use of technology in the school media. PROF 025.1 TOO
Toor, Ruth, 1933. Being indispensable : a school librarian's guide to becoming an invaluable leader. Chicago : American Library Association, 2011. What's your mission? What makes a leader? Where do you stand? What do administrators want? What does the community want? What do teachers want? What do students want? How does advocacy develop leadership? How do you get a larger perspective? Does this really work?. Explains how to become an indispensable school librarian, discussing how to understand what others in the school need and want, demonstrate importance, plan strategically, and master important tools.
PROF 025.2 ADA
Adams, Helen R., 1943. Protecting intellectual freedom and privacy in your school library. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, [2013]. What is intellectual freedom? Intellectual freedom : from principles to practice Challenges to school library resources Intellectual freedom online Serving students with special needs Privacy and confidentiality in a school library The intellectual freedom community Advocating for intellectual freedom The future of intellectual freedom in school libraries. Offers guidance for school librarians on intellectual freedom and privacy.
Prof 025.2 Bis
Bishop, Kay, 1942. The collection program in schools : concepts, practices, and information sources. 4th ed. Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2007. The collection Collection development Community analysis and needs assessment The media center program Policies and procedures Selection General selection criteria Criteria by format Acquisitions and processing Maintenance and preservation Circulation and promotion of the collection Evaluation of the collection Ethical issues and the collection The curriculum Special groups of students Fiscal issues relating to the collection Opening, moving, or closing the collection.
PROF 025.2 INT
Intellectual freedom manual. 3rd ed. Chicago : The Association, 1989.
PROF 025.3 SVE
Svenonius, Elaine. The intellectual foundation of information organization. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2000.
PROF 025.3 TAY
Taylor, Arlene G., 1941. Wynar's introduction to cataloging and classification. Rev. 9th ed. /. Westport, CT : Libraries Unlimited, 2004. Introduces the concepts and practices of cataloging and classification, covering cataloging in context, development of cataloging codes, electronic formatting, description and access, subject analysis, authority control, and administrative issues.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 025.4 Fin
Findlay, Diane. Digging into Dewey. Upstart Books, 2005.
Prof 025.4 Tay
Taylor, Paige. Dewey & the decimals : learning games & activities. Fort Atkinson, Wis. : Alleyside Press, 2001. Laying the foundation and Melvil Dewey : dreams and accomplishments Discovering Dewey's system Putting numbers in order Call numbers Locating books using call numbers and how to read a bookshelf Computer and online catalogs.
Prof 025.5 Eis
Eiksenberg, Michael. The Big6 workshop handbook : implementation and impact. Fourth edition. Linworth, 2011. A workshop handbook to using the Big6 approach to teach and learn information literacy skills, including the Super3 process; using the Big6 to teach technology skills; integration with subject area curricula, assessment and standardized testing; connecting with national, state, and school district standards, and micro and macrolevel planning.
PROF 025.5 EIS C. 1
Eisenberg, Michael. The definitive Big6 workshop handbook. 3rd edition. Linworth Publishing, Inc, 2003.
Prof 025.5 Hal
Halsted, Judith Wynn. Some of my best friends are books Guiding gifted readers from preschool to high school. Scottsdale, AZ : Great Potential Press, c2002. Books can be wonderful bridges for communications on feelings, values, and decisionmaking. The extensive indexing makes it easy to select appropriate books that are interesting to a particular child. Each book contains characters with which the child can easily identify.
PROF 025.5 KAR
Karle, Elizabeth M. Hosting a library mystery : a programming guide. Chicago : American Library Association, 2009. A program guide for libraries that provides ideas and suggestions for mystery activities, discussing preparation, how to adapt scripts based on available resources, and related topics. Includes five sample scripts.
PROF 025.5 LAN
Lanning, Scott. Essential reference services for today's school media specialists. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, CA : Libraries Unlimited, c2010. Information Information literacy Evaluating reference sources Print reference sources The reference experience Library instruction Library catalogs Electronic reference sources Searching the web Creating resources that make your library more accessible Core curriculum and collaboration Building a reference collection Evaluation of reference service The value of your reference skills and collection to your school. Contains information for school librarians and media specialists on core reference skills, electronic resources, and leadership skills.
PROF 027.62 CER
Cerny, Rosanne. Outstanding library service to children : putting the core competencies to work. Chicago : Association for Library Service to Children, American Library Association, 2006. A practical guide to children's librarianship, that focuses on seven core competencies including communication, administrative skills, advocacy, public relations, and professional development.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 027.625 Tur
Turrell, Linda. Complete library skills, grade 4. Instructional Fair, 2004.
PROF 027.8
Varachi, Christine. The Tibrarian handbook : a teacherlibrarian's guide to transforming the library into a center of learning. Madison, WI : UpstartBooks, c2012. A teacherlibrarian's guide to transforming the library into a center of learning, providing lesson plans, reading motivation strategies, suggestions for using technology effectively, and ideas for keeping students focused and ontask.
PROF 027.8 ACT
Activism and the school librarian : tools for advocacy and survival. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, c2012. The promise of library : a theoretical foundation for activism / Gail Bush Teaching and learning : the heart of advocacy / Deborah D. Levitov Taking a proactive stance : advocacy to activism / Ann M. Martin Developing a culture of advocacy / Christie Kaaland School library legislative advocacy defined / Christie Kaaland and Debra E. Kachel Working with parents, community groups, and businesses / Sarah Applegate, David Schuster, and Roz Thompson Building champions in the school community / Debra E. Kachel, Margaux DelGuidice, and Rose Luna. "Provides practical strategies and stepbystep plans to develop advocacy initiatives for school libraries"Provided by publisher.
PROF 027.8 BUZ
Buzzeo, Toni. The collaboration handbook. Columbus, Ohio : Linworth, c2008. Presents strategies for increasing the level of collaboration and achievement in the classroom with cooperation, use of databased analysis, and integration of new technologies.
Prof 027.8 Chu
Church, Audrey P., 1957. Leverage your library program to help raise test scores : a guide for library media specialists, principals, teachers, and parents. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2003. Discusses research on the role library programs can play in test scores and provides practical guidance for improving the effectiveness of one's school library for that purpose, explaining what administrators, teachers, and parents should know and expect.
PROF 027.8 CRA
Craver, Kathleen W. Creating cyber libraries : an instructional guide for school library media specialists. Greenwood Village, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 2002. Provides library media specialists with the information and resources needed to create a cyber library that is accessible to all of their users.
Prof 027.8 Dun
Duncan, Donna. Isearch, you search, we all learn to research: a howtodo it manual for teaching elementary school students to solve information problems. New York : NealSchuman Publishers, c2000.
PROF 027.8 EMP
Empowering learners : guidelines for school library media programs. Chicago : American Association of School Librarians, c2009. Presents school library media specialists an overview of the guidelines the American Association of School Librarians has laid out for creating library programs that empower learners.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 027.8 Far
Farmer, Lesley S. J. Student success and library media programs: a systems approach to research and best practice. Westport, CT : Libraries Unlimited, 2003.
PROF 027.8 KAP
Kaplan, Allison G. Catalog it! : a guide to cataloging school library materials. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2002. Presents college and university students from undergraduate or graduate degree programs in school library media with information on the theory and practice of cataloging and classification in the school library environment.
PROF 027.8 MAR
Martin, Ann M. 7 steps to an awardwinning school library program. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, c2012. Presents a comprehensive guide to implementing a library media program, and includes information on team building, assessments, problem solving, training modules for staff development, and more.
Prof 027.8 Mil
Milam, Peggy S. InfoQuest: a new twist on information literacy. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2002.
Prof 027.8 Net
NetSavvy: Information literacy for the communication age : NetSavvy Group. USA : NetSavvy Group, c1998. Summary: How to deal with information overload; the six critical steps for solving and information problem; lesson planners to help create your own lessons; and grade level objective and skills framework.
PROF 027.8 PUB
The informationpowered school. Chicago : American Library Association, 2001. Provides articles and tools for school librarians to teach children information literacy, discussing such topics as curriculum mapping, collection mapping, informationpowered professional development, community engagement, and resource development.
PROF 027.8 SCH
School libraries matter : views from the research. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, [2013]. A collection of ten research studies that supports the importance of school libraries.
PROF 027.8 Sen
Senator, Rochelle B. Collaborations for literacy : creating an integrated language arts program for middle schools. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1995.
Prof 027.8 Syk
Sykes, Judith Anne 1957. Brain friendly school libraries. Libraries Unlimited, 2006.
PROF 027.8 TOO
Toor, Ruth, 1933. New on the job : a school library media specialist's guide to success. Chicago : American Library Association, 2007. Your philosophy Getting the job Finding your way Getting yourself organized Reaching your students Reaching your teachers A matter of "principals" Advocacy and you Planning Technology and you Ethics, standards, and you Looking back, looking forward. Presents a comprehensive, handson guide to…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
successfully managing a library media center. Prof 027.8 Wil
Wilson, Patricia J. (Patricia Jane). Center stage: library programs that inspire middle school patrons. Greenwood Village, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 2002.
Prof 027.80973 Inf
Information Power: building partnerships for learning. Chicago, IL : American Library Association, c1998.
Prof 028.5 Coo
Cook, Sybilla Avery 1930. Battle of the Books and more: reading activities for middle school students. Worthington, Ohio : Alleyside Press, 2001.
Prof 028.5 Jon
Jones, Jami Biles. Helping teens cope: resources for school library media specialists and other youth workers. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., 2003.
PROF 028.5 KAY
Kay, Linda (Linda Wiseman). Read It Forward. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABCCLIO, LLC, [2013]. A simple guide to implementing a Read It Forward program in your middle school library. Teens recommend books to other teens, offering a way to promote books and reading.
Prof 028.5 Kea
Keane, Nancy J. The big book of children's reading lists : 100 great, ready touse book lists for educators, librarians, parents, and children. Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2006.
Prof 028.5 Lit
Littlejohn, Carol. Promote reading through booktalks: more than 125 exciting booktalks for middle school students. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2002.
Prof 028.5 Sul
Sullivan, Edward T. Reaching reluctant young adult readers: a handbook for librarians and teachers. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2002.
Prof 028.55 Bac
Backes, Laura. Best books for kids who (they think) hate to read: 125 books that will turn any child into a lifelong reader. Random House, 2001.
Prof 028.55 Gel
Gelman, Judy, 1962. The kids' book club book : reading ideas, recipes, activities, and smart tips for organizing terrific kids' book clubs. New York. : Penguin Group, c2007.
Prof 028.55 Les
Lesesne, Teri S. Making the match : the right book for the right reader at the right time, grades 412. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2003.
Prof 028.55 McG
McGrath, Barbara Barbieri. Skittles bite size candies riddles math. Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc., 2000.
Prof 028.7 Eis
Eisenberg, Michael. Information literacy: essential skills for the information age. Westport CT : Libraries Unlimited, c2004.
PROF 028.7 JAN C.1
Jansen, Barbara A. The Big6 in middle school : teaching information and…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
communications technology skills. Columbus, Ohio : Linworth Books, c2007. Introduction : the need and the solution The Big6 process and skills Technology with a Big6 face Implementing the Big6 : context, context, context Assessment of information & technology skills Task definition Information seeking strategies Location and access Use of information Synthesis Evaluation Putting it all together Big6 cool tools. Prof 028.7 Koe
Koechlin, Carol. Build your own information literate school. Salt Lake City, UT : Hi Willow Research and Pub, 2003.
Prof 028.7 Loe
Loertscher, David V. Ban those bird units! : 15 models for teaching and learning in informationrich and technologyrich environments. Salt Lake City, UT : Hi Willow Research and Pub., c2005.
Prof 028.7 Rie
Riedling, Ann Marlow. Learning to learn: a guide to becoming information literate. New York : NealSchuman Publishers, c2002.
Prof 028.7071 Cal
Callison, Daniel, 1948. The blue book on information age inquiry, instruction, and literacy. Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2006. Information inquiry : concepts and elements Key foundational documents for information literacy and inquiry Information search and use models Models for information inquiry, composition, and scientific method Information literacy, media literacy, and information fluency Standards, scope and sequence, and best practices Instructional models applied to inquiry Foundations of the library media specialist's instructional role The instructional media specialist : a role for all inquiry educators The student as information scientist Online inquiry learning, virtual schools, and the digital divide Learning resources management to support inquiry learning Middle school inquiry research basics Middle school inquiry research orientation Middle school inquiry research exploration and strategy Middle school inquiry research investigation Middle school inquiry research : conclusion and reflection.
Prof 031.02 New
The new book of knowledge : Home and school reading and study guides. Danbury, CT : Scholastic Inc, c2008.
PROF 152.4 LED
LeDoux, Joseph E. The emotional brain : the mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. 1st Touchstone ed. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1998. Examines the role that the brain's circuitry plays in the development of human emotions and responses and how this relationship needs to be understood in order to improve treatment of emotional disorders.
PROF 153.1 EVA
Evans, Rod L., 1956. Every good boy deserves fudge : the book of mnemonic devices. 1st ed. New York : Perigee, 2007. A comprehensive collection of mnemonic devices and phrases to help students remember facts and details.
PROF 153.1 HIG
Higbee, Kenneth L., 1941. Your memory : how it works and how to improve it. 2nd ed. New York : Marlowe ;, [2001], c1977. Describes such memory techniques as the Link, Loci, Peg, and Phonetic…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
systems and explains how these techniques can be applied to everyday life. PROF 153.3 CAM
Cameron, Julia. The artist's way : a spiritual path to higher creativity. 10th anniversary ed. New York : J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, c2002. Describes the author's comprehensive twelveweek program designed to lead people to discover their creativity and develop imagination by tapping into a higher power that connects creativity with the creative energies of the universe.
Prof 153.4 Par
Parks, Sandra and Black, Howard. Organizing thinking, (Book 1): graphic organizers. Pacific Grove, CA : Critical thinking press & software, 1992. Summary: a handbook of lessons which integrate the teaching of thinking skill into elementary school instruction.
Prof 153.4 Tho
Thornburg, David D. Brainstorms and lightening bolts: thinking skills for the 21st Century. Mountainview, CA : Starsong Publications, 1998. Summary: by exploring the changes taking place today that are likely to impact the shortterm future, several thinking skills emerge. Each of these skills makes use of tools that can help anyone "futureproof" their thinking.
PROF 153.6 CRU
Crucial conversations : tools for talking when stakes are high. New York : McGrawHill, c2002. Presents practical information for enabling individuals to handle the most crucial and important conversations that could impact relationships and careers including how to stay focused, how to speak persuasively, and knowing how and when to listen.
PROF 153.9 BEI
Beilock, Sian. Choke : what the secrets of the brain reveal about getting it right when you have to. 1st Free Press trade pbk. ed. New York : Free Press, 2011, c2010. The curse of expertise Training success Less can be more : why flexing your prefrontal cortex is not always beneficial Brain differences between the sexes : a selffulfilling prophecy? Bombing the test : why we choke under pressure in the classroom The choking cure Choking under pressure : from the green to the stage Fixing the cracks in sport and other fields : antichoke techniques Choking in the business world. Explores the science behind success and failure, describing the brain and body's response to each, and discusses how understanding these processes can help people become more successful.
PROF 155.4 LOU
Louv, Richard. Last child in the woods : saving our children from nature deficit disorder. Updated and Expanded. Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2008. Directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today's children to some disturbing childhood trends, such as rises in obesity, Attention Deficit Disorder, and depression, arguing that children's obsession with the latest technology have led them to underappreciate nature.
PROF 155.4 PIA
Piaget, Jean, 18961980. The essential Piaget. London : Routledge and K. Paul, 1977.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Pink, Daniel H. A whole new mind : why rightbrainers will rule the future. 1st Riverhead trade pbk. ed. New York : Riverhead Books, 2006. Explores how the business world is changing in the twentyfirst century, becoming more "rightbrain" based and allowing people more creative and artistic than earlier generations succeed more than those with left brain dominance.
Prof 158.1 McG
McGraw, Jay. Life strategies for teens. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2000.
Prof 158.1 McG
McGraw, Jay. Life strategies for Teens workbook: exercises and selftests to help you change your life. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2001.
PROF 174.4 COV
Covey, Stephen M. R. The speed of trust : the one thing that changes everything. Free Press trade pbk. ed. New York : Free Press, 2008, c2006. Explores the often overlooked and underestimated power of trust in the business world, discussing how business leaders who are trustworthy have an edge in their business dealings and offering tips on how people can build trust in others and themselves.
Prof 291 Hay
Haynes, Charles C. Religion in American history: what to teach and how. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1990.
PROF 292 Bak
Baker, Charles F., III. Myths and legends of Mount Olympos. Peterborough, NH : Cobblestone, c1992.
PROF 302.14 Fos
FosterHarrison, Elizabeth S. (Elizabeth Sabrinsky). Energizers and icebreakers for all ages and stages. Minneapolis, MN : Educational Media Corp., c1989.
Prof 302.23 Pal
Palfrey, John. Born digital : understanding the first generation of digital natives. Basic Books, 2008.
Prof 302.234 Pax
Paxson, Peyton. Media literacy : thinking critically about advertising. J. Weston Walch, c2002. The history of advertising Consuming ads Advertising and females Advertising and males Television and radio advertising Print and outdoor advertising Advertising and the Internet.
Prof 302.234 Pax
Paxson, Peyton. Media literacy : thinking critically about movies. J. Weston Walch, c2003. History of movies Movies and society Movies as narrative Common themes Mechanics of movies Business of movies.
Prof 302.234 Pax
Paxson, Peyton. Media literacy : thinking critically about music & media. J. Weston Walch, c2003. Our musical heritage Radio The message of music How we use music Music and society The business of music.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 302.234 Pax
Paxson, Peyton. Media literacy : thinking critically about television. J. Weston Walch, c2002. The television industry Consuming television Situation comedies Dramas News Sports Talk show and reality programming.
Prof 302.234 Pax
Paxson, Peyton. Media literacy : thinking critically about the internet. Portland, Me. : J. Weston Walch, c2004.
Prof 302.234 Pax
Paxson, Peyton. Media literacy : thinking critically about visual culture. Portland, Me. : J. Weston Walch, c2004.
Prof 302.34 Sch
Schmidt, John J. Making & keeping friends: readytouse lessons, stories, and activities for building relationships (grades 48). The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1997.
PROF 302.5 SIM
Simmons, Rachel, 1966. Odd girl out : the hidden culture of aggression in girls. 1st ed. New York : Harcourt, c2002. The hidden culture of aggression in girls Intimate enemies The truth hurts She's all that The bully in the mirror Popular Resistance Parents and teachers The road ahead.
PROF 303.6 CRU
Crucial confrontations : tools for resolving broken promises, violated expectations, and bad behavior. New York : McGrawHill, c2005. Reveals the skills needed to effectively deal with tough issues and resolve conflict in every aspect of life.
Prof 305 Lev
Levine, Melvin D. Ready or not, here comes life. Simon & Schuster, c2005.
PROF 305.23 CAN
Canada, Geoffrey. Reaching up for manhood : transforming the lives of boys in America. Boston : Beacon Press, 1998.
PROF 305.23 SAX
Sax, Leonard. Girls on the edge : the four factors driving the new crisis for girls : sexual identity, the cyberbubble, obsessions, environmental toxins. New York : Basic Books, c2010. Introduction: three girls Sexual identity Cyberbubble Obsessions Environmental toxins Mind Body Spirit. A guide for parents, with tips and strategies for connecting with daughters and tackling problems they may have with sexual identity issues; becoming disconnected from themselves due to hyperconnection via technology such as texting and Facebook; obsessions such as selfharm and eating disorders; and the impact of environmental toxins that can alter normal developmental processes.
PROF 305.231 WOO
Wood, Chip. Yardsticks : children in the classroom, ages 414 : a resource for parents and teachers. Expanded ed. Greenfield, MA : Northeast Foundation for Children, c1997.
PROF 305.234 GRU
Gruwell, Erin. Teach with your heart : lessons I learned from the Freedom Writers : a memoir. 1st ed. New York : Broadway Books, c2007. Erin Gruwell, the teacher of the Freedom Writers, reflects on her experiences working with troubled teens and shares information about her students' futures after high school.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 305.235 PER
Perlstein, Linda, 1971. Not much, just chillin' : the hidden lives of middle schoolers. 1st Ballantine Books pbk. ed. New York : Ballantine, 2004, c2003. Provides insights into what is really going on in the lives and thoughts of middleschoolers through an anthropological study which follows five representative students at a Maryland middle school through the course of one school year.
PROF 305.3 SAX
Sax, Leonard. Why gender matters : what parents and teachers need to know about the emerging science of sex differences. New York : Broadway Books :, 2005.
Prof 305.895 Cha
Cha, Dia 1962. Teaching with folk stories of the Hmong: an activity book. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 2000.
Prof 306 Joh
Johnson, Steven, 1968. Everything bad is good for you : how today's popular culture is actually making us smarter. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005.
PROF 306.43 GUR
Gurian, Michael. The boys and girls learn differently : action guide for teachers. 1st ed. San Francisco : JosseyBass, c2003.
PROF 320.47 KAS
Voices & votes : how democracy works in Wisconsin. Madison, WI : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, c2005. Introduction: Making democracy work How does government work? The Wisconsin constitution State government and tribal government Government working for the people Local government Who are the voters in Wisconsin? Political parties and elections Voices for change.
Prof 320.47 KAS
Kasparek, Jon. Voices & Votes: how democracy works in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Historical Society Press, c 2005. Introduction: Making deomocracy work; How does government work?; The Wisconsin constitution; State government and tribal government; Government working for the people; Local government; Who are the voters in Wisconsin?; Political parties and elections; Voices for change.
PROF 325 Wil
Wilson, Wendy S. Ellis island and beyond : A multicultural simulation and exploration. J. Weston Walch, 1996.
Prof 328.5 Les
Lesesne, Teri S. Naked reading : uncovering what tweens need to become lifelong readers. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2006.
PROF 331.25 TOU
National Center on Education and the Economy (U.S.). New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce. Tough choices or tough times : the report of the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce ; National Center on Education and the Economy. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA : Wiley, c2007. Executive summary Preface Prologue The nature of the challenge now The scenario: The recommendations as they might look from the vantage point of an observer in 2021 Comments Background…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
papers: Estimates of the additional expense and savings associated with the Commission's proposed reforms in elementary and secondary education; Teachers and teaching policy; Early childhood education; The adult workforce Appendices: The study; Trustees of the National Center on Education and the Economy; Biographies of members of the Commission; Commission staff and associates. Offers a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the American workforce in the twenty first century, describing trends and events that have influenced the experiences of working Americans and the direction it may take in the future. PROF 342.73 Bin
Binkley, Dennis. Great documents that shape American freedoms. Hayward, CA : Janus Books, c1987.
Prof 342.73 Smi
Smith, Robert W. The Constitution. 2004 : Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
Prof 342.73 Sob
Sobel, Syl. The U.S. Constitution and you. Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series, c2001. The rules for the government Three branches of government Checks and balances The people's powers Changing the constitution The rights of the people The rights of the states The constitution and you.
Prof 342.73 Sta
Stange, Mark. Understanding the U.S. Constitution : Social studies activity book. Mark Twain Media, Inc., 1994.
Prof 342.8 Lip
Lipson, Greta Barclay. Ethnic pride: explorations into your ethnic heritage: cultural information, activities, student research. Carthage, Ill : Good Apple, c1983 (A Good Apple idea book).
PROF 346.7304 SIM
Simpson, Carol, 1949. Copyright for schools : a practical guide. 5th ed. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Linworth, c2010. The law Public domain Licensed and royaltyfree materials Fair use Print materials in schools Audiovisual materials in schools Music materials in schools (print and recorded) Multimedia in schools Distance learning in schools Internet in schools Computer software in schools School library exemptions Permissions Managing copyright in schools Copyright and administrators Copyright policies Appendices. Explains copyright law in relation to schools, providing mediumbymedium coverage of print, software, music, video, multimedia, and more, and discussing advancing technologies and their common uses in classrooms and libraries.
Prof 362.5 Pay
Payne, Ruby K. A framework for understanding poverty. 4th rev. ed. Highlands, Tex. : Aha! Process, 2005. Definitions and resources Role of language and story Hidden rules among classes Characteristics of generational poverty Role models and emotional resources Support systems Discipline Instruction and improving achievement Creating relationships.
PROF 362.74 TOU
Tough, Paul. Whatever it takes : Geoffrey Canada's quest to change Harlem and America. 1st Mariner Books ed. Boston : Mariner Books, 2009, c2008.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
The lottery Unequal childhoods Baby college Contamination Battle mode Bad apples Last chance The conveyer belt Escape velocity Graduation What would it take?. Explores how Geoffrey Canada is attempting to change the lives of poor children in America through his Harlem Children's Zone, a ninetysevenblock lab in Harlem where Canada and his staff test new and controversial ideas about poverty in the United States, including his theory that poor children need everything in their lives, including their schools, neighborhoods, and family practices, changed in order to compete with their middle class peers. PROF 364.3 GLO
Glodoski, Ron. How to be a successful criminal: the real deal on crime, drugs, and easy money. 1st ed. Turn Around Pub., c1998.
Prof 370 Arm
Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple intelligences in the classroom. 2nd ed. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2000. The foundations of the theory of multiple intelligences MI and personal development Describing intelligences in students Teaching students about MI theory MI and curriculum development MI and teaching strategies MI and the classroom environment MI and classroom management The MI school MI and assessment MI and special education MI and cognitive skills Other applications of MI theory MI and existential intelligence.
Prof 370.1 Eng
English, Evelyn Williams. Gift of literacy for the multiple intelligences classroom. Arlington Heights, IL : Skylight Training and Publishing Inc., c1999. Offers teachers a variety of strategies and activities that will support students at all levels they acquire and apply knowledge in the areas of reading, thinking, writing, speaking and listening.
Prof 370.1 Esq
Esqith, Rafe. Teach like your hair's on fire : the methods and madness inside rom 56. Viking, c2007.
PROF 370.117 BYR
Common bonds : antibias teaching in a diverse society. 3rd ed. Olney MD : Association for Childhood Education International, c2005.
Prof 370.15 Arm
Armstrong, Thomas. The best schools : how human development research should inform educational practice. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2006. Academic achievement discourse Human development discourse Early childhood education programs: play Elementary schools: learning how the world works Metacognitive growth High schools: preparing to live independently in the real world.
PROF 370.15 BEL
Bellanca, James A., 1937. The focus factor : 8 essential TwentyFirst Century thinking skills for deeper student learning. New York : Teachers College Press, [2013].
Prof 370.15 Bro
Brough, Judith Allen. Teach meI dare you! Larchmont, NY : Eye on Education, c2006.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 370.15 CAI
12 brain/mind learning principles in action : developing executive functions of the human brain. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, c2009. Getting started Why relaxed alertness provides the optimum emotional climate for learning Complex learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat, helplessness, and fatigue The brain/mind is social The search for meaning is innate Emotions are critical to patterning Creating the richest learning environments using immersion in complex experience The brain/mind processes parts and wholes simultaneously All learning engages the physiology The search for meaning occurs through patterning Learning is developmental Helping learners digest and consolidate learning There are at least two approaches to memory Learning engages both focused attention and peripheral perception Learning is both conscious and unconscious Each brain is uniquely organized. Provides a framework for helping teachers and students reach higher performance levels, based on studies of how the brain learns, identifying three essential elements for learning, and including examples, anecdotes, and vocabulary guides.
PROF 370.15 JEN
Jensen, Eric. Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1998. The new winds of change. Background and theory update on brain research, the state and direction of research today. Tools for learning about the brain. How to interpret the new brain research The learning brain. Brain basics; the size, content, lobes, and basic operations. Key vocabulary. What is built in and what's not? How we actually learn and remember Getting ready to learn. The developing brain. Getting students ready for school. Emotional readiness. Motor skill readiness. The role of threat, sleep, and nutrition. How we can influence parents Enriched environments and the brain. How enrichment affects the brain. Two conditions for enrichment : challenge and feedback. The role of language, motor activity, music, and the arts. What really builds better brains Getting the brain's attention. The biology of attention. Getting attention but not keeping it. The brain's high and low attention cycles. An ADD/ADHD update. Implications for classroom discipline How stress and threat affect learning. What is stressful to the brain? How does stress affect students? How threats affect learning. What is learned helplessness? Reducing the impact of stress and threat Motivation and Rewards. What's the new research on motivation? What causes temporary demotivation? What does brain research tell us about rewards? How can we boost intrinsic motivation Emotions and Learning. The role of emotions in the thinking and learning process. Why use the more emotionally laced learning. Emotions vs. feelings differences. Specific strategies for emotional engagement Movement and Learning. The mindbody link. What does research say about the links between movement and cognition? Physical states; how does our body actually learn? The specific roles for movement, arts, and P.E. Why movement makes sense The Brain as a MeaningMaker. The natural mechanisms of making meaning. Three ingredients for optimal learning. How to encourage these ingredients Memory and Recall. Why don't students remember more? Exploding the memory myths. How to use the brain's best systems for retrieval. Making learning last. A collection of articles about how the brain functions and how learning occurs; includes advice on how to use the current research about brain functions to create classroom activities that increase a child's focus and learning ability.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 370.15 Joh
Johnston, Peter H. Choice words : how our language affects children's learning. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2004.
PROF 370.15 KUH
Kuhlthau, Carol Collier, 1937. Guided inquiry design : a framework for inquiry in your school. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, c2012. Provides an introduction to Guided Inquiry, and looks at the eight phases in its planning process.
PROF 370.15 OLS
Olson, Kirsten. Wounded by school : recapturing the joy in learning and standing up to old school culture. New York : Teachers College Press, c2009. Examines how educational structures and outdated schooling policies inhibit or bore learners and advocates for a system that makes learning fun and creative.
Prof 370.15 Poh
Pohlman, Craig. Revealing minds : assessing to understand and support struggling learners. JosseyBass, c2008.
PROF 370.15 RAY
Ray, Max. Powerful problem solving : activities for sense making with the mathematical practices. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, [2013]. Communication and community Learning through listening Noticing and wondering Change the representation: seeing the big picture Engaging students' number sense through guessing Getting organized Generalizing, abstracting, and modeling Looking for structure The problem solving process and metacognition Reflecting, revising, justifying, and extending. Provides strategies and activities for teaching problem solving strategies in mathematics.
PROF 370.15 SCH
Schwebel, Milton. Piaget in the classroom,. New York, : Basic Books, [1973].
PROF 370.15 SPR
Sprenger, Marilee, 1949. Brainbased teaching in the digital age. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2010. Introduction Digital technology and the brain. iPod + iPhone + iVideo + Internet = iBrain ; Recent research on the brain : we need low tech, too ; Do brainbased principles apply in the digital age Desk space, MySpace, my style. Environments for learning ; Social networking through teams ; Understanding learning styles ; The digital native and intelligence Music, mind maps, and memory. The digital brain and music ; Visual tools ; Flash bulbs and flash drives : understanding how memory works Balancing digital desires with digital natives' needs. The balancing act ; The present and the future of learning Appendix A: How the brain works Appendix B: How tech savvy are you? Appendix C: Glossary of digital terms. Examines the impact of technology on the developing brains of students and discusses teaching strategies to use digital media tools within the classroom environment.
PROF 370.15 SPR
Sprenger, Marilee, 1949. Learning & memory : the brain in action. Alexandria, Va., USA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1999. Examines what researchers have discovered about the structure, function, and development of the human brain, and looks at how their discoveries can be applied to teaching techniques in the classroom.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 370.15 STE
Stevens, Chris, 1964. Thirty days has September : cool ways to remember stuff. 1st American ed. New York : Scholastic, 2008. Provides tips and tricks for remembering math and spelling rules, tricky science, geography, and history facts, the names of the planets, and more, using rhymes, acronyms, popular sayings, and rules.
PROF 370.15 WIL
Willis, Judy. Researchbased strategies to ignite student learning : insights from a neurologist and classroom teacher. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2006. Memory, learning, and testtaking success Strategies to captivate students' attention How stress and emotion affect learning Assessment that builds dendrites Afterword : the future is now. Provides researchedbased teaching strategies, discussing memory and testtaking success, strategies for captivating students' attention, how stress and emotion affect learning, and assessment.
PROF 370.15 WOL
Wolfe, Pat. Brain matters : translating research into classroom practice. Alexandra, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2001. Provides background on brain anatomy and physiology, looks at what advances in neuroscience have revealed about brain functioning, discusses the implications of discoveries about how the brain processes information for teaching and learning, and includes practical classroom applications.
Prof 370.152 Bea
Beaver, John F. Problem solving across the curriculm: improving students' problemsolving skills using offcomputer & oncomputer activities. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, c1994.
PROF 370.152 Dim
Dimensions of thinking : a framework for curriculum and instruction. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, [c1988].
PROF 370.152 GAR
Gardner, Howard. Multiple intelligences : the theory in practice. New York, NY : Basic Books, c1993.
Prof 370.1523 Jen
Jensen, Eric. Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998.
Prof 370.19 Ste
Steinberg, Laurence D. 1952. Beyond the classroom: why school reform has failed and what parents need to do. New York : Simon & Schuster, c1996.
PROF 370.285 COL
Collins, Allan, 1937. Rethinking education in the age of technology : the digital revolution and schooling in America. New York : Teachers College Press, c2009. Examines how technology has impacted education in the early twenty first century, discussing the necessity for schools to adapt and incorporate technologydriven learning techniques.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 370.7 Pay
Payne, Ruby K. Working with students : discipline trategies for the classroom. aha! Press, Inc, c2006.
Prof 370.7 Str
Strong, Michael. The habit of thought: From socratic seminars to socratic practice. Chapel Hill, NC : New View Publications, 1997, c1996. Describes the theory, practice, and vision of socratic practice. Makes the case that Socratic Practice fosters a culture of learning in the classroom and ultimately helps young people to become mature, independent thinkers.
PROF 370.71
Udelhofen, Susan. The mentoring year : a stepbystep program for professional development. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, c2003. Contains a stepbystep program for mentoring new teachers and helping them create a positive learning environment including developing support systems, understanding standards and curriculum, and setting goals.
Prof 370.71 Tra
Transforming classroom practice : professional development strategies in educational technology. 1st ed. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, 2008.
PROF 371.01 DUF
DuFour, Richard, 1947. Professional learning communities at work : best practices for enhancing student achievement. Bloomington, Ind. : National Education Service ;, c1998. Provides specific information on how to transform schools into results oriented professional learning communities, describing the best practices that have been used by schools nationwide.
PROF 371.1 DAN
Danielson, Charlotte. Enhancing professional practice : a framework for teaching. 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2007. Describes a framework for teaching based on the PRAXIS III criteria which identifies those aspects of a teacher's responsibilities that promote improved student learning; exploring twentytwo components, grouped into the four domains of planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction, and professional responsibilities.
PROF 371.1 ENZ
Enz, Billie. Managing the classroom : creating a culture for middle and secondary teaching and learning. 3rd ed. Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., c2008.
PROF 371.1 HIM
Himmele, Pérsida. Total participation techniques : making every student an active learner. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2011. Describes fieldtested techniques teachers may use to engage students from kindergarten through high school in active learning, each with a descriptive overview, stepbystep instructions for implementation, ideas for advancing students beyond surfacelevel thinking, and suggestions for adapting the techniques to specific contexts and content areas.
PROF 371.1 Hun
Hunter, Madeline C. Aideing in education. Thousands Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, [1995].…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 371.1 Hun
Hunter, Madeline C. Mastery teaching. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, c1982 (34th printing).
PROF 371.1 KOZ
Kozol, Jonathan. Letters to a young teacher. 1st ed. New York : Crown Publishers, c2007. A collection of letters in which Jonathan Kozol shares his experiences in the public school system with Francesca, a first grade teacher at a Boston innercity school whose classroom Jonathan visited while examining the current state of American education.
Prof 371.1 Nat
International Society for Technology in Education. National educational technology standards for teachers : preparing teachers to use technology. 2nd edition. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, c2008. This book is designed around the four profiles highlighted in the NETS for teachers document. The profiles were developd to help teachers to interpret how the six standards can be implemented.
Prof 371.1 Res
Resources for assessment. 1st ed. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, c2003.
PROF 371.1 SMI
Smith, Rick. Picture this! : Visuals and rubrics to teach procedures, save your voice, and love your students. San Rafael, CA : Conscious Teaching Publications , 2011.
PROF 371.1 THO
Thompson, Julia G. The firstyear teacher's checklist : a quick reference for classroom success. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA : JosseyBass, c2009. A quickreference resource for new teachers that provides answers, ideas, and lists on professionalism, ways to establish working relationships with parents, guardians, and students; classroom cultures; motivational techniques; discipline mistakes; effective instruction; assessments; and other related topics.
PROF 371.1 THO
Thompson, Julia G. The firstyear teacher's survival guide : readytouse strategies, tools & activities for meeting the challenges of each school day. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA : JosseyBass, c2007. Presents strategies, professional tools, and materials designed to help first year teachers approach their jobs with confidence and professionalism, covering such topics as organization, behavior problems, evaluation, stress management, and others. Includes a list of resources.
Prof 371.102
Mendler, Allen N. Connecting with students. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2001. Why this book? How to use this book Identifying disconnected students Necessary attitudes and feelings Strategies for developing personal connection Strategies for developing academic connection Strategies for developing social connection For the administrator.
Prof 371.102 Bea
Beane, Allan L. 1950. The bully free classroom: over 100 tips and strategies for teachers K8. Free Spirit Publishing, 1999.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 371.102 Ber
Berry, Barnett. Teaching 2030 : what we must do for our students and our public schools : now and in the future. New York : Teachers College Press ;, c2011.
Prof 371.102 Bre
Breaux, Annette L. Real teachers, real challenges, real solutions : 25 ways to handle the challenges of the classroom effectively. Larchmont, NY : Eye On Education, c2004.
PROF 371.102 CUM
Cummings, Carol Bradford. Winning strategies for classroom management. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2000. Seeking selfdiscipline Bonding and connecting Time and space matters Learning to learn Integrating selfmanagement into the curriculum Preventing misbehavior. Presents practical suggestions for motivating students, encouraging selfdiscipline, and addressing behavior problems in the classroom, providing tools including task specific seating charts, project planners, checklists, and rubrics.
PROF 371.102 DAN
Danielson, Charlotte. The handbook for enhancing professional practice : using the framework for teaching in your school. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2008. Introduction Evidence of teaching Promoting professional learning Using the framework across the career spectrum Using the framework for teaching for teacher evaluation Using the framework for teaching for selfdirected professional inquiry Recommended procedures for teacher evaluation Appendix A : instruments to support teacher evaluation and professional learning Appendix B : artifacts of teaching. International education consultant Charlotte Danielson provides guidance and tools for improving the professional practices of teacher educators, teachers, administrators, and others, covering teacher preparation, recruitment, hiring, evaluation, and mentoring; peer coaching; selfdirected professional inquiry; and professional development.
PROF 371.102 DOU
Dougherty, Eleanor, 1947. Assignments matter : making the connections that help students meet standards. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2012. Explains how teachers can use assignments to improve classroom teaching, and offers tips on how to create better assignments.
PROF 371.102 MAR
Martinez, Sylvia Libow. Invent to learn : making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. Torrance, CA : Constructing Modern Knowledge Press, [2013]. Presents a guide for teachers on how to turn the classroom into a center of innovation and promote handson learning.
PROF 371.102 MAR
Marzano, Robert J. Classroom instruction that works : researchbased strategies for increasing student achievement. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2005, c2001. Applying the research on instruction Researchbased strategies Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives and providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, and advance organizers Specific applications…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Teaching specific types of knowledge Using the nine categories in instructional planning. Describes ten researchedbased teaching strategies for effective instruction to increase student achievement in the classroom, explaining how each strategy can be incorporated into individual classrooms, including guidelines to teach specific types of knowledge, and providing sample rubrics and resources on organization, assessment, time management, and related topics.
PROF 371.102 MAR
Marzano, Robert J. Classroom management that works : researchbased strategies for every teacher. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003. Discusses the importance of classroom management to effective teaching and learning, and draws from educational research to present specific strategies teachers can use to control their classrooms, covering rules and procedures, disciplinary interventions, teacherstudent relationships, student responsibility, and other topics.
PROF 371.102 PAR
Partin, Ronald L. The classroom teacher's survival guide : practical strategies, management techniques, and reproducibles for new and experienced teachers. 3rd ed. San Francisco : JosseyBass, c2009. Contains practical strategies and techniques for dealing with the everyday problems of classroom management, interaction with parents, and daily stress as well as tips on creating successful lesson plans and assessing student performance.
PROF 371.102 SCH
Schmoker, Michael J. Focus : elevating the essentials to radically improve student learning. Alexandria, Va. : ASCD, c2011. The importance of simplicity, clarity, and priority What we teach How we teach English language arts made simple A brief note on textbooks Social studies with reading and writing at the core Redefining inquiry in science Making math meaningful. Presents a plan for improving student learning that emphasizes the importance of a focused and coherent curriculum, prioritized lessons, and purposeful reading and writing.
PROF 371.102 SMI
Smith, Rick. Conscious Classroom Management : Unlocking the Secrets of Great Teaching. San Rafael, CA : Conscious Teaching Publications , 2004. 1. Introduction 2. Assume the best 3. Inner authority 4. Ask for help 5. Got stress 6. Holding our ground 7. Positive connections 8. Teaching procedures 9. Consistency 10. Getting ready 11. Lesson design 12. Rules and consequences 13. Breaking the cycle of student misbehavior 14. Putting it all together: final thoughts.
PROF 371.102 TOM
Tomlinson, Carol A. Integrating differentiated instruction & understanding by design : connecting content and kids. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2006. UbD and DI : an essential partnership What really matters in teaching? (The students) What really matters in learning? (Content) What really matters in planning for student success? Considering evidence of learning in diverse classrooms Responsive teaching with UbD in academically diverse classrooms Teaching for understanding in academically diverse classrooms Grading and reporting achievement Bringing it all together : curriculum and instruction through the lens of…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
UbD and DI Moving forward to integrate UbD and DI. Explains how the curriculum planning model Understanding by Design (UbD) and the teaching model Differentiated Instruction (DI) fit together and can be integrated for student success, discussing such topics as responsive teaching with UbD and assessment in academically diverse classrooms. PROF 371.102 WON
Wong, Harry K. The First Days of School : How To Be An Effective Teacher. Sunnyvale, CA; : Harry K. Wong Publications;, 1991. Explores characteristics of effective teachers and good classroom management techniques.
PROF 371.102 ZAC
Zachary, Lois J. The mentor's guide : facilitating effective learning relationships. 1st ed. San Francisco : JosseyBass, c2000. Grounding the work : focusing on learning Working the ground : considering context To everything there is a season : predictable phases Tilling the soil : preparing Planting seeds : negotiating Nurturing growth : enabling Reaping the harvest : coming to closure Regenerating personal growth through mentoring. A guide to developing satisfactory mentoring relationships that are consciously grounded in learning, discussing the context of the learning, providing an indepth look at each of the four phases of a mentoring relationship, and examining the process of reflection, renewal, and regeneration. Includes worksheets.
Prof 371.13 Jac
Jackson, Tom. Activities that teach. Red Rock Pub., c1993.
Prof 371.13 Jac
Jackson, Tom. Activities that teach family values. Red Rock Pub., c1998. Helping parents move from lecturing to sharing real tools for real families to use during the critical years (ages 7.5 to 15.5).
Prof 371.13 Jac
Jackson, Tom. More activities that teach. Red Rock Pub., c1995. Over 80 handson learning activities for today that make a difference for tomorrow.
Prof 371.13 Jac
Jackson, Tom. Still more activities that teach. Red Rock Pub., c2000. 55 handson learning activities that are educational, practical, user friendly and fun! Cover.
PROF 371.14 SAR
Sargent, Judy Werder. Targets for teachers : a selfstudy guide for teachers in the age of standards. Winnipeg, Man., Canada : Portage & Main Press, c2000. Presents selfassessment strategies for teachers based on the "Teacher SelfAssessment of Targets," or TSAT, providing a tool for analyzing levels of expertise in professionalism, standardsbased curriculum, assessing, learning, planning, and teaching strategies.
PROF 371.14 TUC
Tucker, Pamela D. Linking teacher evaluation and student learning. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2005. The power of an effective teacher and why we should assess it How can we assess teacher quality? Assessing teacher quality with student work : the Oregon Teacher Work Sample Methodology Assessing…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
teacher quality in a standardsbased environment : the Thompson, Colorado School District Assessing teacher quality through goal setting : the Alexandria, Virginia School District Assessing teacher quality based on student gains : ValueAdded Assessment System in Tennessee Final thoughts on assessing teacher quality : guidelines for policy and practice. Explains how including measures of student achievement in teacher evaluations can help schools focus on meeting higher standards and describes programs implemented by four successful schools. Prof 371.19 Eme
Emery, Kathy. Why is corporate America bashing our public schools? Heinemann, c2004.
PROF 371.2 DUF
Learning by doing : a handbook for professional learning communities at work. Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree, c2006. Presents a comprehensive handbook with accompanying CD that helps educators develop a professional learning community; and contains case studies, assessments, and strategies for implementing PLC concepts.
PROF 371.2 FUL
Fullan, Michael. Breakthrough. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, c2006. Presents a new approach to educational reform designed to help educators create focused instruction, transform the classroom experience, and raise performance levels for students and teachers.
Prof 371.2 Jas
Jasmine, Julia. How to prepare your Middle School Students for Standardized tets. 1997.
PROF 371.2 MAR
Marzano, Robert J. What works in schools : translating research into action. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003. Discusses the lessons education research has taught about what practices and factors make a difference in student achievement, covering school goals, curricula, studentteacher relationships, home environment, community involvement, instructional strategies, motivation theories, and other related topics.
PROF 371.2 OCO
O'Connor, Ken. A repair kit for grading : 15 fixes for broken grades. Portland, OR : Educational Testing Service, c2007.
PROF 371.2 REE
Reeves, Douglas B., 1953. Leading change in your school : how to conquer myths, build commitment, and get results. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2009. An exploration of change initiatives in schools that provides real life examples and advice on creating conditions for change and planning, implementing, and sustaining it.
Prof 371.2 Tom
Tomlinson, Carol A. How to differentiate instruction in mixedability classrooms. 2nd ed. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2001. What differentiated instruction isand isn't The rationale for differentiated instruction in mixedability classrooms The role of the teacher in a differentiated classroom The learning environment in a differentiated classroom A look inside some differentiated classrooms…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Strategies for managing a differentiated classroom Preparing students and parents for a differentiated classroom The how to's of planning lessons differentiated by readiness The how to's of planning lessons differentiated by interest The how to's of planning lessons differentiated by learning profile Differentiating content Differentiating process Differentiating products Grading in a differentiated classroom. Prof 371.2 Whi
Whitaker, Todd, 1959. What great teachers do differently : fourteen things that matter most. Larchmont, NY : Eye on Education, c2004.
PROF 371.26 CAL
Calkins, Lucy, 1951. Pathways to the common core : accelerating achievement. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2012. A guide to teaching the Common Core State Standards' level of work in literacy, examining both the standards themselves and pathways to achieving those expectations.
Prof 371.26 Sch
Schurr, Sandra. Authentic assessment: using product, performance, and portfolio measures from A to Z. Westerville, OH : National Middle School Association, 1999. Descriptions of 26 specific and imaginative strategies that students can employ as they seek to both demonstrate and assess their own learnings.
PROF 371.27 ART
Arter, Judith A. Scoring rubrics in the classroom : using performance criteria for assessing and improving student performance. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, c2001. Presents practical guidance for teachers on developing effective rubrics that clarify the targets of instruction, provide valid and reliable assessment of student learning, and improve student motivation and achievement; and also includes several sample rubrics.
PROF 371.27 BRO
Brookhart, Susan M. How to assess higherorder thinking skills in your classroom. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2010. A guide to assessing higherorder thinking skills in kindergarten through twelfth grade that describes principles for assessment and includes guidance on the assessment of analysis, evaluation, creation, logic, reasoning, judgment, problem solving, creativity, and creative thinking.
Prof 371.3 Bis
Bishop, Kay, 1942. A staff development guide to workshops for technology and information literacy : readytopresent! Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2005.
PROF 371.3 BUR
Burgess, Dave . Teach like a pirate : Increase student engagement, boost your creativity, and transform your life as an educator. San Diego : Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. , 2012 .
PROF 371.3 CHR
Christensen, Clayton M. Disrupting class : how disruptive innovation will change the way the world learns. New York : McGrawHill, c2008.
PROF 371.3 HAR
Harvey, Stephanie. Comprehension & collaboration : inquiry circles in action. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2009.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Offers teachers a comprehensive overview of crosscurricular projects that emphasize collaboration and help students create inquiry circles that will expand their research skills and broaden their knowledge of various subjects. Prof 371.3 Inf
Information & technology literacy: standards matrix. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 2000. Correlates information & Technology Literacy standards with Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies standards for grades 4, 8, & 12.
Prof 371.3 Jac
Jackson, Tom. Conducting Group discussions with kids: a leader's guide for making activities meaningful. Red Rock Pub., c2002.
Prof 371.3 Koe
Koechlin, Carol. Info tasks for successful learning : building skills in reading, writing and research. Markham, Ont. : Pembroke Publishers, 2001.
PROF 371.3 MCT
McTighe, Jay. Essential questions : opening doors to student understanding. Alexandria, Va. USA : ASCD, [2013]. What makes a question essential? Why use essential questions? How do we design essential questions? How should we use essential questions? How should we address implementation challenges and special cases? How do we establish a culture of inquiry in classrooms? How do we use essential questions beyond the classroom?. Explores how to design and frame essential questions that prompt students to think deeply and create a more stimulating environment for learning.
Prof 371.3 Mil
Miller, Elizabeth B. Internet resource directory for K12 teachers and librarians : Elizabeth B. Miller. 2000/2001 edition. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 2000.
Prof 371.3 Nat
National educational technology standards for students connecting curriculum and technology. 2nd edition. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, c2007.
PROF 371.3 ROT
Rothstein, Dan. Make just one change : teach students to ask their own questions. Cambridge, MA : Harvard Education Press, c2011. Argues that formulating one's own questions is an essential skill for learning and presents the Question Formulation Technique.
PROF 371.3 Stu
Burkle, Candace Regan. Study skills program : level I. Arlington, VA : National Association of Elementary School Principals ;, c1980.
PROF 371.3 WOC
Wojcicki, Esther. Moonshots in education : Launching blended learning in the classroom. San Francisco, CA : Pacific Research Institute , 2015 .
Prof 371.33 Bro
BrooksYoung, Susan. Making technology standards work for you : a guide to the NETSA for school administrators with selfassessment activities. 2nd ed. Eugene, Or. : International Society for Technology in Education, c2009.
PROF 371.33 KHA
Khan, Salman, 1976. The one world schoolhouse : education reimagined. 1st ed. New York : Twelve, 2012.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
"The founder of the Khan Academy, the world's most popular free online learning site, tells the story of his school's astonishing success, and shares his revolutionary vision for the future of education"Provided by the publisher. Prof 371.33 Rib
Ribble, Mike. Digital citizenship in schools. 1st ed. Eugene, Or. : International Society for Technology in Education, c2007.
Prof 371.33 Sha
Shamburg, Christopher. Studentpowered podcasting : teaching for 21st century literacy. International Society for Technology in Education.
PROF 371.33 SOL
Solomon, Gwen, 1944. Web 2.0 : howto for educators. 1st ed. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, c2010. Introduces educators to Internet tools and applications that allow people to collaborate and share information online, comprising the second generation of the World Wide Web often referred to as Web 2.0, and covers such topics as blogs, podcasts, and virtual environments.
Prof 371.33 Sum
Summers, Sue Lockwood. Get them thinking! : use media literacy to prepare students for state assessments. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2005. Overview Who created the message? What is the message? How was the message delivered? What is the impact of the message on me? What is the impact of the message on society? Make a message Applying critical thinking.
PROF 371.33 WAR
Warlick, David. Redefining literacy 2.0. 2nd ed. Columbus, Ohio : Linworth Books, c2009. A day in the life of school 2.02015 Exposing what is true Employing the information Expressing ideas compellingly Ethics and context Implementation Conclusion. Presents a model of literacy designed to address the needs of students in an uncertain twentyfirst century future, offering advice on how to adapt classrooms, teaching practices, and curriculums.
Prof 371.33 Zel
Zellers, Carolyn M. Computer activities: word processing projects. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Learning, c2003.
Prof 371.334 Mak
Making Literacy magic happen: the best of Learning and Leading with Technology on Language Arts. ISTE Publications, c2001.
Prof 371.334 McK
McKenzie, Walter. Multiple intelligences and instructional technology: a manual for every mind. 1st edition. ISTE Publications, c2002.
PROF 371.334 MIN
Minecraft in the classroom : ideas, inspiration, and student projects for teachers. Berkeley, CA : Peachpit Press, [2015]. Minecraft in education: the basics Minecraft classroom projects. Teaching with Minecraft pocket edition ; Minecraft and teaching humanities ; Minecraft and teaching science ; Minecraft and teaching math ; Minecraft and language learning ; Minecraft and transdisciplinary learning ; Minecraft and special educational needs Minecraft, where next? Minecraft in education: the future ; Minecraft and 3D printing.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Offers essential advice and captivating projects for using Minecraft to enhance students' learning experience. Learn how educators are using Minecraft as a powerful instructional tool to engage students and teach subjects as varied as math and humanities. Prof 371.334 Mul
Multidisciplinary units for grades 35. ISTE Publications, c2001.
Prof 371.334 Wil
Willard, Nancy E. Computer ethics, etiquette & safety: for the 21st century student. ISTE Publications, c2002.
PROF 371.3356 HAW
Hawthorne, Karen. Bulletin boards and 3D showcases that capture them with pizzazz. Englewood, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1999. Provides ideas and instructions for creating bulletin boards and three dimensional showcase displays for a variety of occasions throughout the school year; designed specifically for middle and highschool libraries.
Prof 371.39 Kuh
Kuhlthau, Carol Collier, 1937. Guided inquiry : learning in the 21st century. Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2007. Introduction to guided inquiry : what is it, what's new, why now? The theory and research basis for guided inquiry Connecting to the student's world The guided inquiry team Resources for a rich learning environment Information literacy through guided inquiry Meeting content area curricular standards through guided inquiry Assessment in guided inquiry Interventions for guiding inquiry Meeting the challenge of the 21st century school.
Prof 371.39 Mov
Moving forward with literature circles. New York : Scholastic, c2002. How to plan, manage, and evaluate literature circles that deepen understanding and foster a love of reading.
Prof 371.39 Tom
Tomlinson, Carol A. The differentiated classroom : responding to the needs of all learners. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1999. What is a differentiated classroom? Elements of differentiation Rethinking how we do schooland for whom Learning environments that support differentiated instruction Good instruction as a basis for differentiated teaching Teachers at work building differentiated classrooms Instructional strategies that support differentiation More instructional strategies to support differentiation How do teachers make it all work? When educational leaders seek differentiated classrooms.
PROF 371.39 TOM
Tomlinson, Carol A. The differentiated classroom : responding to the needs of all learners. 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA USA : ASCD, [2014]. Explains a way of thinking about differentiated instruction and provides realworld examples of lesson plans, units, and classroom scenarios used with elementary and secondary students.
PROF 371.39 TOM
Tomlinson, Carol A. Leading and managing a differentiated classroom. Differentiated classroom. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2010. Pt. I. Leading a differentiated classroom. Understanding differentiation in order to lead : aiming for fidelity to a model ; Teaching what you believe : a philosophy to guide teachers who lead for differentiation ;…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
The invitation to be part of a vision : talking with students, parents, and other educators about differentiation Pt. II. Managing a differentiated classroom. Learning environment : setting the stage for academic success ; Classroom routines : preparing for the work ahead ; Routines in a differentiated classroom : once the work begins ; Yes, butcommon sticking points about differentiation. Offers teachers practical suggestions and practices that can help them address student differences and meet the needs of their students in a differentiated classroom setting. PROF 371.39 WOR
Wormeli, Rick. Differentiation : from planning to practice, grades 612. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers ;, c2007. Developing a common frame of reference A walkthrough of a differentiated lesson Helpful structures and strategies for the differentiated class Cognitive science structures and tips that help us differentiate Twelve samples of differentiated learning experiences from multiple subjects A final word : three tips to begin the journey.
PROF 371.41 TAN
Tankersley, Karen, 1952. The threads of reading : strategies for literacy development. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003. Explains how students build reading skills, and provides activities and strategies for teachers from kindergarten through high school, in phonemic awareness, phonics and decoding, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and higherorder thinking.
PROF 371.5 BUL
Bully : an action plan for teachers and parents to combat the bullying crisis. 1st ed. New York : Weinstein Books, c2012. A companion to the film Bully following the stories of the families featured in the movie and personal anecdotes from antibullying activists, experts, authors, and educators.
PROF 371.5 Can
Canter, Lee. Assertive discipline for parents. Santa Monica, CA : Canter and Associates, Inc., 1982. A stepbystep approach to raising happy, wellbehaved children.
PROF 371.5 Can
Lee Canter's parent conference book : A guaranteed formula for success. 1st ed. Santa Monica, CA : Canter and Associates, Inc. A guaranteed formula for dealing with parents. All parents. Even the most difficult and reluctant ones.
PROF 371.5 Can
Assertive discipline : a takecharge approach for today's educator. Santa Monica, CA : Canter and Associates, Inc.
PROF 371.5 Can
Assertive discipline : Secondary resource materials workbook. Santa Monica, CA : Canter and Associates, Inc., 1984. Gives individual teacher guidelines for establishing an effective discipline plan geared for classrooms. Also includes a school wide plan.
PROF 371.5 Hun
Hunter, Madeline C. Improving your child's behavior. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, 1996.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 371.5 LAM
Laminack, Lester L., 1956. Bullying hurts : teaching kindness through read alouds and guided conversations. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2012. Working toward kindness, civility, and human compassion as an integral part of the curriculum Getting started : we have so much in common Moving in : There are ways in which we are different, not less than others, not better than others, just different Inside the circle : thinking, feeling, acting At the core : when others are not thoughtful, caring, and kind Getting focused for action : an opportunity to explore the actions of others, reflect on our own feelings, and redirect our behaviors toward fellow human beings Final thoughts Appendix A: Additional texts to support working through the layers Appendix B: Sample parent/guardian/caregiver letter Appendix C: Sample antibulling pledge Appendix D: Activities for community building Appendix E: Resources for educators. Presents read alouds and other instructional techniques to neutralize bullying behaviors in the classroom.
Prof 371.5 Lat
Lathrop, Ann. Guiding students from cheating and plagiarism to honesty and integrity : stategies for change.
PROF 371.5 NEL
Positive discipline : a teacher's AZ guide. Rev. 2nd ed. [Roseville, Calif.] : Prima Pub., c2001. Describes the seventeen fundamental tools of positive discipline, and features an AtoZ list of discipline problems that occur in most classrooms, each with a discussion of the issue, suggestions for responding to the problem, and advice from other teachers.
Prof 371.58 Fri
Fried, SuEllen. Bullies & victims : helping your child survive the schoolyard battlefield. New York : M. Evans and Co., c1996.
PROF 371.7 WES
Wessler, Stephen. The respectful school : how educators and students can conquer hate and harassment. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003. Explores the emotional and physical damage of bullying in school and offers suggestions for helping students overcome that damage and begin the healing process.
PROF 371.823 SAX
Sax, Leonard. Boys adrift : the five factors driving the growing epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men. New York : Basic Books, c2007. The riddle The first factor : changes at school The second factor : video games The third factor : medications for ADHD The fourth factor : endocrine disruptors End result : failure to launch The fifth factor : the revenge of the forsaken gods Detox. Analyzes the potential causes of the growing number of unmotivated and underachieving males, including video games, teaching methods, prescription drugs, endocrine disrupters, and the devaluation of masculinity; and provides advice for parents on how to help their sons achieve.
Prof 371.829 Kun
Kunjufu, Jawanza. An African American centered response to Ruby Payne's poverty theory. Chicago, IL : African American Images, c2006.
PROF 371.9 Can
Canter, Lee. Lee Canter's Succeeding with difficult students : new strategies…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
for reaching your most challenging students. Santa Monica, CA : Lee Canter & Associates, c1993. PROF 371.9 CAP
Capper, Colleen A., 1960. Meeting the needs of students of all abilities : how leaders go beyond inclusion. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, c2009. Offers specific strategies for creating positive learning environments for all students including English language learners, students with learning disabilities, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
PROF 371.9 Cha
Chalmers, Lynne. Modifying curriculum for the special needs student in the regular classroom. Moorhead, MN : Practical Press, c1992.
PROF 371.9 Cha
Chalmers, Lynne. Successful inclusions : assistance for teachers of adolescents with mild disabilities. Moorhead, MN : Practical Press, c1993.
PROF 371.9 JEN
Jensen, Eric, 1950. Different brains, different learners : how to reach the hard to reach. San Diego, CA : Brain Store, c2000. A comprehensive guide to learning impairments that connects the latest brain research with strategies to help teachers identify and cope with the most common learning disorders.
PROF 371.9 MAS
Mastropieri, Margo A., 1951. The inclusive classroom : strategies for effective instruction. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, c2007. Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Collaboration: Partnerships and Procedures Teaching Students with HigherIncidence Disabilities Lower Incidence Disabilities Teaching Students with Other Special Learning Needs Effective Instruction for all Students Improving Classroom Behavior and Social Skills Promoting Inclusion with Classroom Peers Enhancing Motivation and Affect Improving Attention and Memory Teaching Study Skills Assessment Literact Mathematics Science and Social Studies Art, Music, Physical Education, Foreign Languages, and Career and Technical Education Transitions.
PROF 371.9 McC
McCoy, Kathleen M. Teaching mainstreamed students : methods and techniques. Denver; London : Love Publ. Co., 1987.
PROF 371.9 OTT
Ott, Pamela. Music for special kids : musical activities, songs, instruments and resources. London ; : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011. Contains music activities that may be used to enhance the education and development of children with special needs, featuring songs to sing, song games, songs for playing on instruments, instrument games, rhythm activities, movement songs, worksheets, and sheet music, along with tips on how to use them.
Prof 371.9 Rie
Rief, Sandra F. How to reach & teach all students in the inclusive classroom: reaytouse strategies, lessons, and activities for teaching students with diverse learning needs. West Nyack, N.Y. : Center for Applied Research in Education, c1996.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 371.9 Win
Winebrenner, Susan. Teaching gifted kids in the regular classroom : Strategies and techniques every teacher can use to meet the academic needs of the gifted and talented. Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 1992.
PROF 371.94 MEL
Melrose, Regalena, 1970. Why students underachieve : what educators and parents can do about it. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006. Explains why it is important for teachers and parents to understand the impact prevalent trauma has on the lives of students, their learning, and behavior and explores how teachers can help those students have a promising future.
Prof 371.95 Geo
George, Paul S. Dilemmas in talent development in the middle grades: two views. USA : National Middle School Association. Summary: How can and should the needs of gifted and talented students be met in a middle school? Nationally recognized authorities, Paul George and Joseph Renzulli/Sally Reis examine this highly controversial question in a hardhitting exchange of views.
Prof 372 Get
Getting started with Accelerated Reader and Reading Renaissance. Madison, WI : The Institute for Academic Excellence, Inc., 2000. Basic information about how to combine Accelerated Reader with sound teaching strategies and create a Reading Renaissance in your classroom.
Prof 372 McC
McConnell, Carolyn. The essential questions handbook. Grades 48. Scholastic, 2011.
Prof 372 Pow
Power lessons: A Sampler. Madison, WI : The Institute for Academic Excellence, Inc., 2000. Give your students the time they need for reading practice, and teach essential reading skills, by using power lessons.
Prof 372 Tea
Teacher's Handbook 35: a practical guide to Reading Renaissance in the intermediate grades. Madison, WI : The Institute for Academic Excellence, Inc., 2000. Learn how to organize your classroom to effectively balance instruction and practice; to motivate every student to participate fully in the wonderful world of books; and how to best use Accelerated Reader reports to monitor progress, diagnose problems, and set goals.
Prof 372 Tea
Teacher's Handbook 68: a practical guide to Reading Renaissance in Middle School. Madison, WI : The Institute for Academic Excellence, Inc., 2000. Learn how to engage young adolescents in meaningful literacy experiences; how to develop school schedule that provides 60 minutes of reading practice daily; and how to set goals that encourage all student to be selfdirected learners.
Prof 372 Voc
Vocabulary power lessons and activities. Renaissance Learning, Inc., 2002. Provides lessons that promote vocabulary growth through independent reading. Includes: classroom routines; strategies for learning new words and meanings, strategies for using word structure; strategies for…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
learning vocabulary during reading; and word play activities. Prof 372.01 Man
Mannix, Darlene. Characterbuilding activities for kids : readytouse character education lessons & activities for the elementary grades. Paramus, N.J. : Center for Applied Research in Education, c2002.
Prof 372.11 Bru
Brunetto, Carolyn Ford. Math Art: projects and activities. New York : Scholastic, c1997.
PROF 372.12 Bes
Best ideas from America's blue ribbon schools : what awardwinning elementary and middle school principals do. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, c1994.
PROF 372.13 DUP
DuPuis, Danielle N. Big6, large and in charge : projectbased information literacy lessons for grades 36. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Linworth, [2013]. Presents collaborative literacy unit plans for teacher librarians and teachers based around the national standards for grades three through six. Includes CDROM.
Prof 372.19 Bro
Bromley, Karen. Graphic organizers. Scholastic Professional Books, 1995.
PROF 372.21 TOU
Tough, Paul. How children succeed : grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. Journalist Paul Tough discusses what he believes creates successful children, looking at why some succeed and others fail and how to move individual children toward their full potential for success.
Prof 372.3 Lum
Lumpkin, Beatrice and Strong, Dorothy. Multicultural science and math connections: middle school projects and activities. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publishing, c 1995.
PROF 372.3 Sil
Silver, Donald M., 1947. The body book. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c1993.
Prof 372.34 Bro
BrooksYoung, Susan. Teaching with the tools kids really use : learning with web and mobile teachnologies. Corwin, 2010.
Prof 372.34 I
iSafe internet safety activities : reproducible projects for teachers and parents. JoseyBass, 2010.
PROF 372.35 MCN
McNeill, Katherine L. Supporting grade 58 students in constructing explanations in science : the claim, evidence, and reasoning framework for talk and writing. Boston : Pearson, c2012.
PROF 372.35 MOO
Moomaw, Sally, 1948. Teaching STEM in the early years : activities for integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 1st ed. St. Paul, MN : Redleaf Press, 2013. "Provides activities and learning center ideas that seamlessly integrate STEM throughout your early childhood classroom"Provided by publisher.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 372.35 WIL
Willard, Ted. The NSTA quickreference guide to the NGSS, elementary school. Arlington, Va. : NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association, [2014].
PROF 372.37 Boz
Bozza, KatherineKerry L. You and your body. New York, NY : Scholastic Inc., c1994.
Prof 372.4 Bee
Beers, Sue. Reading Strategies for the Content Areas. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003.
Prof 372.4 Mas
Mason, George E. and Davis, Barbara C. What's the question? Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publishing, 1991. Summary: A set of 50 questions for improving reading comprehension of middle school students. Consists of a reading passage followed by answers for which the students are asked to compose questions.
Prof 372.4 Rea
Reading Renaissance Power Lessons; Grade 5. Renaissance Learning, 2001. 40 gradeappropriate lessons covering the most commonly taught reading skills.
Prof 372.4 Rea
Reading Renaissance Power Lessons; Grade 6. Renaissance Learning, 2001. 40 gradeappropriate lessons covering the most commonly taught reading skills.
Prof 372.4 Rea
Reading Renaissance Power Lessons; Grade 7. Renaissance Learning, 2001. 40 gradeappropriate lessons covering the most commonly taught reading skills.
Prof 372.4 Rea
Reading Renaissance Power Lessons; Grade 8. Renaissance Learning, 2001. 40 gradeappropriate lessons covering the most commonly taught reading skills.
Prof 372.4 Rob
Rob, Laura. Teaching reading in Middle School. New York : Scholastic Inc., 2000. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Prof 372.4 Smi
Smith, Michael W. (Michael William), 1954. Going with the flow : how to engage boys (and girls) in their literacy learning. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2006. Lessons from Chevys A look at reading : developing competence and providing control Teaching so it matters : where should we be going and how can we get there Making literacy visible and social A look at writing : getting to the heart of the matter Present possibilities.
Prof 372.4 Wil
Wilhelm, Jeffrey D. Action strategies for deepening comprehension. Scholastic Professional Books, 2002.
Prof 372.4 Wil
Wilhelm, Jeffrey D. Engaging readers & writers with inquiry : Promoting deep understanding in language arts and the content areas with guiding questions. Scholastic, c2007. Provides examples of guiding questions for every content area.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 372.4 Wil
Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., 1959. Improving comprehension with thinkaloud strategies. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c2001. "With this book, Jeff Wilhelm gets to the heart of what it means to be a passionate teacher and reader, one who not only conveys to his students an enthusiasm for reading, but also shows them ways that they can comprehend, appreciate, and converse with texts of all kinds. Jeff's energy for teaching is palpable and infectious, yet the beauty of this book emanates from Jeff's ability to reveal the raw mechanics of the reading process both to his students and to us."Cover, p. 4.
PROF 372.41 PRE
Pressley, Michael. Reading instruction that works : the case for balanced teaching. 3rd ed. New York : Guilford Press, c2006. Provides information about effective elementary literacy instruction, featuring overviews of the whole language and skills instruction techniques, and presenting research to support the author's case for a balanced perspective on reading instruction.
PROF 372.43 ALL
Allington, Richard L. What really matters for struggling readers : designing researchbased programs. New York : Longman, c2001. Presents an overview of reading education in the United States; looks at research on how children learn to read, focusing on three principles identified by the author as key to helping struggling readers; and includes guidance for designing instruction to help children become proficient readers.
PROF 372.45 MAR
Martin, Justin McCory. 12 fabulously funny fairy tale plays. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c2002. Presents the scripts of twelve humorous plays based on familiar fairy tales, designed to boost the reading skills of students in second through fourth grade, each with a teacher page that includes the history of the tale, and suggested vocabulary boosters, discussion starters, and writing prompts.
PROF 372.45 MAR
Martin, Justin McCory. 12 fabulously funny folktale plays. New York : Scholastic, c2004. Presents twelve humorous folktale plays for grades two through four that help students learn vocabulary and comprehension.
Prof 372.45 Ras
Rasinski, Timothy V. The fluent reader: oral reading strategies for building word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. New York : Scholastic, c2003.
PROF 372.47 DAN
Daniels, Harvey, 1947. Texts and lessons for contentarea reading. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2011. Contains over seventyfive articles with twentythree comprehension lessons, ten text set lessons, and collaboration strategies designed to improve contentarea reading skills of students.
PROF 372.47 GAL
Gallagher, Kelly, 1958. Deeper reading : comprehending challenging texts, 412. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2004. Identifies the elements of an effective reading lesson, and presents strategies teachers may use to help secondary students read and…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
understand challenging fiction and nonfiction books. PROF 372.47 HAR
Harvey, Stephanie. Strategies that work : teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement. 2nd ed. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers ;, c2007. Reading is thinking Reading is strategic Effective comprehension instruction: teaching, tone and assessment Tools for active literacy: the nuts and bolts of comprehension instruction Text matters: choice makes a difference Monitoring comprehension: the inner conversation Activating and connecting to background knowledge: a bridge from the new to the known Questioning: the strategy that propels readers forward Visualizing and inferring: making what's implicit explicit Determining importance in text: the nonfiction connection Summarizing and synthesizing information: the evolution of thought Content literacy: reading and understanding social studies and science Topic studies: a framework for research and exploration Reading to understand textbooks The genre of test reading Appendix A: great books for teaching content in history, social studies, science, music, art, and literacy Appendix B: magazines and web sites Appendix C: professional journals for selection of children's books Appendix D: assessment interview with fourth graders.
Prof 372.47 Kee
Keene, Ellin Oliver. Mosaic of thought: teaching comprehension in a reader's workshop. New York : Heinemann, c1997. Proposes a new instructional paradigm focused on indepth instruction in the strategies used by proficient readers.
PROF 372.5 BRA
Brady, Martha. Dancing hearts : creative arts with books kids love. Golden, Colo : Fulcrum Publ., c1997. Provides creative activities for twenty children's books, including "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs," "The Brook," and "The Whales' Song." Includes material lists and directions for art projects, instructions for creative writing and storytelling projects, and sheet music with lyrics for musical projects.
PROF 372.6 ALL
Allyn, Pam. Be core ready : powerful, effective steps to implementing and achieving the common core state standards. Boston : Pearson, c2013. Ensuring college and career readiness right from the start Entering the four door to the common core Preparing the classroom and the community for the common core state standards Taking action to meet and exceed the common core state standards Mastering text complexity Mastering argument and evidence Mastering technology and new media Impplementing core ready lessons Mastering the art of close reading Empowering ELL core ready learners Differentiating with passion and purpose for special needs students Making assessment matter Engaging core ready families and communities. Provides practical strategies for how to implement core teaching and core learning.
Prof 372.6 Bou
Bourman Ann. 61 Cooperative learning activities: thinking, writing, and speaking skills. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publisher, 1989, 1997. Summary: Provides activities for teachers who wish to foster cooperative learning and collaboration in their classrooms and to…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
encourage students to explore new ideas and develop wholelanguage skills. PROF 372.6 BOU
Boushey, Gail, 1956. The Daily 5 : fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2006. A structure to help students develop daily habits of reading, writing and working with peers.
PROF 372.6 COM
Common Core curriculum maps in English Language Arts, grades 68. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA : JosseyBass, c2012. Presents a comprehensive, coherent sequence of thematic units for teaching the skills outlined in the CCSS for English language arts in sixth through eighth grades.
PROF 372.6 COM
Common Core curriculum maps in English language arts, grades K5. 1st ed. San Francisco : JosseyBass, c2012. Presents a comprehensive, coherent sequence of thematic units for teaching the skills outlined in the CCSS for English language arts in kindergarten through fifth grades.
PROF 372.6 CUM
Cummins, Sunday. Close reading of informational texts : assessmentdriven instruction in grades 38. New York : Guilford Press, c2013. Provides a comprehensive instructional framework to engage students in grades three to eight to develop close reading skills.
PROF 372.6 CUN
Cunningham, Patricia Marr. Classrooms that work : they can all read and write. 2nd ed. New York : Longman, c1999. Contains practical ideas, activites, and organizational strategies designed to help teachers improve their students' reading and writing skills.
PROF 372.6 FLE
Fletcher, Ralph J. Craft lessons : teaching writing K8. York, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c1998. A collection of agespecific craft lessons educators may use to teach writing to students, grouped by grade level, from kindergarten through second, third and fourth, and fifth through eighth. Includes references.
PROF 372.6 GAM
Best practices in literacy instruction. 3rd ed. New York : Guilford Press, c2007. Evidencebased best practices for comprehensive literacy instruction / Linda B. Gambrell, Jacquelynn A. Malloy, and Susan Anders Mazzoni Balance in comprehensive literacy instruction : then and now / P. David Pearson ... [et al.] Best practices in early literacy development in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade / Lesley Mandel Morrow and Diane H. Tracey Best practices for struggling readers / Richard L. Allington and Kim Baker Best practices for literacy instruction for Englishlanguage learners / María S. Carlo Best practices in adolescent literacy instruction / Donna Ogle with Laura Lang Best practices in teaching phonological awareness and phonics / Patricia M. Cunningham Best practices in vocabulary instruction / Camille L. Z. Blachowicz and Peter J. Fisher Best practices in fluency instruction / Melanie R. Kuhn and Timothy Rasinski Best practices in teaching comprehension / Cathy Collins Block and Michael Pressley Best…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
practices in teaching writing / Karen Bromley Best practices in literacy assessment / Peter Afflerbach Instructional resources in the classroom : deepening understanding through interactions with multiple texts and multiple media / Linda Kucan ... [et al.] Organizing effective literacy instruction : differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all children / D. Ray Reutzel Effective use of technology in literacy instruction / Michael C. McKenna ... [et al.] Best practices in professional development for improving literacy instruction / Rita M. Bean and Aimee Morewood Achieving best practices / Michael Pressley. Seventeen essays discuss literacy instruction strategies, covering such topics as motivation, assessment, adolescent literacy, English language learners, integration of various kinds of texts and multimedia, and professional development. Prof 372.6 Han
Hanson, Merrily P. Instant activities for creative writing that kid's really love! New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c1997. Upbeat materials with uptodate strategies based on the writing process. Contains ideas and materials for setting up a classroom to create a rich writer's environment and to get students thinking like writers.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Ancient Africa. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Ancient China. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Ancient Egypt. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Ancient Greece : written and illustrated by Steve and Jean Henrich. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Ancient Japan. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Ancient Rome. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on Colnial and Revolutionary America. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: a creative writing program.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on the Civil War/Old West. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on the Middle Ages. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
Prof 372.6 Hen
Henrich, Steve. Story starters on the Renaissance. Henrich Enterprises, 1991 (Story Starters). Summary: A creative writing program.
PROF 372.6 LEE
Lee, Martin (Education consultant). 25 complex text passages to meet the Common Core : literature and informational texts. New York : Scholastic Inc., [2014]. Contains twentyfive passages with questions that evaluate a student's understanding and support Common Core State Standards.
PROF 372.6 LEE
Lee, Martin (Education consultant). 25 complex text passages to meet the Common Core : literature and informational texts. New York : Scholastic Inc., [2014]. Contains twentyfive passages with questions that evaluate a student's understanding and support Common Core State Standards.
PROF 372.6 McC
McCarthy, Tara. 150 thematic writing activities : Reproducible reading writing motivators for students with diverse interests and learning strengths. Scholastic Professional Books, 1993.
Prof 372.6 Mil
Miller, Marcia. The big book of Readytogo writing lessons. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c 2000. 50 engaging activities with graphic organizers that teach kids how to tell a story, convey information, describe, persuade and more..
PROF 372.6 POR
Portalupi, JoAnn. Nonfiction craft lessons : teaching information writing K8. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2001. Contains eighty lessons for teaching students the craft of nonfiction writing, each with a discussion of the lesson, directions on how to teach it, and resource material; grouped by grade level, including kindergarten through second, third and fourth, and fifth through eighth.
Prof 372.6 Ros
Rose, Mary C. 10 Easy writing lessons that get kids ready for writing assessments: proven ways to raise your students' scores on the State Performance Assessments in Writing. Scholastic Inc., 1999. Shows you how to teach students to write well.
Prof 372.6 Sul
Sullivan, Dianne. Bring books to life; using research to explore literature. Parsippany, NJ : Good Apple, c1997. Summary: Explore the historical setting of fine novels and childhood memoir through creative instructional hands on projects such as documentaries and museum exhibits. The activities work well with any historical novels.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 372.6 Wit
Withington, Janice J. Genres of Literature. Parsippany, NJ : Good Apple, 1996.
PROF 372.61 Kal
Kalsem, Kristin. Everyday words from classic origins : a language activity workbook. Logan, IA : Perfection Form, c1983.
PROF 372.61 Kal
Kalsem, Kristin. Everyday words from other lands : a language activity workbook. Logan, IA : Perfection Form Co., c1983.
PROF 372.62 BLA
Blauman, Leslie. The Common Core companion, the standards decoded. : what they say, what they mean, how to teach them. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Literacy, [2014]. A guide for teachers of grades third through fifth to using the Common Core standards in daytoday practice in English language arts, history and social studies, science, and technical subjects.
PROF 372.62 BUC
Buckner, Aimee E. (Aimee Elizabeth), 1970. Notebook know how : strategies for the writer's notebook. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2005. Presents a practical guide for intermediate and middle level teachers that provides the tools needed to integrate writer's notebook into their writing programs, and contains lessons and samples of student writing.
PROF 372.62 CAL
Calkins, Lucy McCormick. One to one : the art of conferring with young writers. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2005. Explains how effective the oneonone writing conference can be as a teaching tool for young children and presents simple, repeatable conference frameworks; conference transcripts; recordkeeping systems; and methods for tailoring conferences to English language learners.
PROF 372.64 SAC
Sacks, Ariel. Whole novels for the whole class : a studentcentered approach. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA : JosseyBass, a Wiley brand, [2014]. "Offers a stepbystep guide for implementing a studentcentered literature program that promotes critical thinking and literary understanding through the study of novels and other texts"Back cover.
PROF 372.66 WOL
Wolf, Joan M., 1966. Cinderella outgrows the glass slipper and other zany fractured fairy tale plays. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c2002. Contains the scripts for five funny plays based on traditional fairy tales, featuring character roles written at a variety of reading levels, and includes related writing activities, book links, and graphic organizers.
Prof 372.7 Bur
Burns, Marilyn, 1941. About teaching mathematics : a K8 resource. 2nd ed. Sausalito, Calif. : Math Solutions Publications, c2000.
Prof 372.7 Cof
Coffland, Jack A. Basketball math : slamdunk activities and projects for grades 48. 3rd ed. Tucson, AZ : Good Year Books, c2006.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 372.7 Fis
Fisher, Ann. Perplexing puzzlers; a monthly collection for masterful minds. Carthage, IL : Good Apple, c1992. Summary: Sharpen the logic, geometry, visualization, vocabulary and spelling skills. Over 65 challenging reproducible puzzles, organized into a monthly seasonal format.
Prof 372.7 Liv
The living textbook: Using the newspaper in the classrooms. Madison, WI : Knowledge Unlimited, Inc., c1998. The exercises are designed to be used in Social Studies, Language Arts, and Mathematics and science curricula Activities and based on items or standard features found in most daily newspapers. A few also involve further research and all of the exercises require some independent thinking.
PROF 372.7 Num
Number sense. New York : Scholastic Inc., 1994.
PROF 372.83 Abe
Abegglen, Sue R. Exploring my world : developing higher level thinking skills through language arts, social studies, science, math, art, and music activities. s.l. : Mark Twain Media, Inc., c1994.
PROF 372.83 Pic
Pickering, John W. Comparing cultures : a cooperative approach to a multicultural world. Portland, ME : J. Weston Walch, c1994.
PROF 372.89
Mandell, Nikki. Thinking like a historian : rethinking history instruction : a framework to enhance and improve teaching and learning. [Madison, Wis.] : Wisconsin Historical Society Press, c2007. Provides instructional strategies for history teachers and offers sample activities and lessons designed to engage students and improve understanding.
PROF 373.11 Spr
Sprick, Randall S. Discipline in the secondary classroom : a problemby problem survival guide. West Nyack, N.Y. : Center for Applied Research in Education, c1985.
PROF 373.11 WOR
Wormeli, Rick. Day one & beyond : practical matters for new middlelevel teachers. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2003.
Prof 373.1102 Wor
Wormeli, Rick. Meet me in the middle : becoming an accomplished middle level teacher. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers ;, c2001.
Prof 373.12 Ben
Benjamin, Amy, 1951. Differentiated instruction : a guide for middle and high school teachers. Larchmont, N.Y. : Eye on Education, c2002.
Prof 373.139 Smi
Smith, Grace E. Differentiating instruction with technology in K5 classrooms. Eugene, Or. : International Society for Technology in Education, c2007.
Prof 373.2 LeT
LeTendre, Brenda Guenther. Getting answers to your questions: a middle level educator's guide to program evaluation. Norwood, MA : Christopher Gordon Publishers, Inc., c1999. Provides the tools you need to get your questions answered. Shows how to use program evaluation techniques to make sure that you select…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
solutions that truly solve your problems. Prof 373.236 Cus
Cushman, Kathleen. Fires in the middle school bathroom : advice for teachers from middle schoolers. The New Press, 2008.
Prof 373.236 Her
Hernandez, Michele A. The middle school years: achieving the best education for your child. New York : Scholastic, 2000.
Prof 373.236 Vat
Vatterott, Cathy. Academic Success through empowering students. Westerville, OH : National Middle School Association. Sets out both a vision and a clear agenda for schools willing to carefully examine their most cherished practices in order to succeed with all children in the new century. Challenges us to commit to a just, fair, and rigorous curriculum for all learners and to support all children as they confront demanding but engaging authentic learning tasks.
Prof 373.236 Whe
Wheelock, Anne. Safe to be smart : building a culture for standardsbased reform in the middle grades. Columbus, Ohio : National Middle School Association, c1998.
Prof 375 Bis
Bishop, Kay. Connecting libraries with classrooms: the curricular roles of the media specialist. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2003.
Crawford, Joe, 1946. Aligning your curriculum to the common core state standards. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin, c2012. A guide for teachers to implement curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards, including methods to connect assessments to quarterly instructional objectives, tips on scaffolding, examples from districts who have already implemented CCSS, and charts, graphs, access to software for mapping curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
PROF 375 Fog
Fogarty, Robin. How to integrate the curricula : the mindful school. Palatine, Ill. : Skylight Pub., c1991.
Curriculum 21 : essential education for a changing world. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2010.
PROF 375.001 WIG
Wiggins, Grant P., 1950. Understanding by design. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1998. What is backward design? What is a matter of understanding? Understanding understanding The six facets of understanding Thinking like an assessor How is understanding assessed in light of the six facets? What is uncoverage? What the facets imply for unit design Implications for organizing curriculum Implications for teaching Putting it all together : a design template. Explores six different facets of understanding; examines ways to design curriculums to engage students in exploring and deepening their understanding of important ideas; and discusses how to design assessments that reveal the extent of student understanding.
Prof 378.12 Moe
Moersch, Christopher. Beyond hardware: Using existing technology to promote higherlevel thinking. International Society for Technology in…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Education, 2002. PROF 379.1 AAS
Standards for the 21stcentury learner in action. Chicago : American Association of School Librarians, c2009. Details twentyfirstcentury student learning standards from the American Association of School Librarians, and features information on digital, visual, textual, and technological literacies.
Prof 379.158 Wis
Wisconsin's model academic standards for information and technology literacy. Madison, WI : Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 1998 (Bulletin; no 90022).
PROF 379.73 HES
Hess, Diana E. The political classroom : evidence and ethics in democratic education. New York : Routledge, 2015. "never been agreement on what types of skills, dispositions, and knowledge ought to be taught, nor even agreement on how they should be taught. Grounded in thick empirical description and rich in ethical debate, The Political Classroom is the first book to focus on how democratic education is actually taught in real schools with real teachers and students. Based on one of the largest, mixedmethods studies of civic education ever undertaken, awardwinning author Diana Hess and Paula McAvoy provide a systemic analysis of various approaches to teaching young people about democracy and democratic participation that exist in high schools throughout United States. By bringing the tools of social science and philosophy into conversation, this book engages readers in an examination of some persisting, important, and challenging dilemmas that are inherent in the process of educating young people to actively participate in political and civil society. Both clear and thoughtful in their presentation, Hess and McAvoy promote a coherent plan for improving the quality of classroombased democratic education".
PROF 379.73 KEN
Kendall, John S. Understanding common core state standards. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2011. The common core standards in context What the standards look like Benefits and concerns Preparing for the common core Conclusion: looking ahead. Examines the Common Core State Standards established in June 2010 to identify the knowledge and skills essential for students to find success in college, careers, and the global economy, describing the goals and criteria used to determine the national standards and the benefits of implementing the standards, and discussing ways for schools to transition, the benefits of common state assessments, and related topics.
Prof 379.73 Rav
Ravitch, Diane. The death and life of the great American school system : how testing and choice are undermining education. New York : Basic Books, c2010. What I learned about school reform Hijacked!: how the standards movement turned into the testing movement The transformation of district Lessons from San Diego The business model in New York City NCLB: measure and punish Choice: the story of an idea The trouble with accountability What would Mrs. Ratliff do? The billionaire boys' club Lessons learned.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 384.3 Sha
Sharp, Richard M. The best web sites for teachers : Richard M. Sharp. Third edition. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, c 2000.
Prof 384.3 Tay
Taylor, Paige. Consider the source: finding reliable information on the internet. Fort Atkinson, WI : Upstart Books, 2004. Contains evaluation criteria students need when analyzing Websites; discusses chat rooms and email; and suggests research applications.
PROF 394.26 CHA
Chase's calendar of events, 2011. New York : McGrawHill, c2011. A chronological guide to 12,500 notable birthdays, historic anniversaries, national holidays, religious holidays, and observances that occur throughout the world and calendar year. Includes a CDROM.
PROF 394.26 CHA
Chase's calendar of events, 2013. New York : McGrawHill, c2013. A chronological guide to 12,500 notable birthdays, historic anniversaries, national holidays, religious holidays, and observances that occur throughout the world and calendar year. Includes a CDROM.
PROF 398.2 Cad
Caduto, Michael J. Keepers of life : discovering plants through Native American stories and earth activities for children. Golden, Colo. : Fulcrum Pub., c1994.
PROF 398.2 Cad
Caduto, Michael J. Keepers of the animals : Native American stories and wildlife activities for children. Golden, Colo. : Fulcrum Pub., c1991.
Prof 413 Key
Keywords for high achievement. Westminster, CA : Teacher Created Materials, Inc., c2002. Includes common word roots; common prefixes, prefixes that denote negativism, common suffixes, and 288 key words.
Prof 413 Voc
Vocabulary power lessons and activites : grades 7 and up. Renaissance Learning, 2003.
PROF 420.7 LES
LessowHurley, Judith. Meeting the needs of second language learners : an educator's guide. Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003. Challenges common beliefs about bilingual education and discusses factors in the education of young second language learners, covering demographics, political and legal issues, teacher qualifications, language instruction theories, and teaching methods and programs.
Prof 427.0071 Atw
Atwell, Nancie. In the middle: new understandings about writing, reading, and learning. 2nd edition. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook Publishers, 1998. Summary: Lists several hundred mini lessons and scripts, and ideas for teaching them; new expectations and rules for writing and reading workshops; new ideas for teaching conventions; new systems for record keeping; lists of essential books for students and teachers; and forms for keeping track of individual spelling, skills, proofreading, homework, writng and reading.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Anderson, Jeff, 1966. Mechanically inclined : building grammar, usage, and style into writer's workshop. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2005. Places grammar theory in context with practical instruction strategies, explains why students often don't understand or apply grammar correctly, and demonstrates how to create a workshop environment that supports grammar and mechanics concepts.
PROF 428 Atw
Atwell, Nancie. Side by side : essays on teaching to learn. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c1991.
Prof 428 Ben
Benjamin, Amy, 1951. An English teacher's guide to performance tasks & rubrics : high school. Larchmont, NY : Eye on Education, c2000.
Burke, Jim, 1961. The common core companion : the standards decoded. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Literacy, [2013]. A guide for teachers of grades sixth through eight to using the Common Core standards in daytoday practice in English language arts, history and social studies, science, and technical subjects.
Gallagher, Kelly, 1958. Write like this : teaching realworld writing through modeling & mentor texts. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2011. Shows teachers how to bring effective modeling practices into their classrooms, and provides mentor texts, student writing samples, and numerous assignments and strategies designed to elevate student writing.
Maggio, Rosalie. Talking about people: a guide to fair and accurate language. Phoenix, AZ : Oryx Press, 1997.
McEwanAdkins, Elaine K., 1941. 20 literacy strategies to meet the common core : increasing rigor in middle & high school classrooms. Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, c2013. Provides twenty researchbased literacy strategies designed to help students meet the common core standards.
Weaver, Constance. Teaching grammar in context. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook/Heinemann, c1996. Contains a comprehensive guide to teaching grammar within the context of writing and presents practical information on writing, revising, and editing selected pieces.
PROF 428.0071 BUR
Burke, Jim, 1961. The Common Core companion : the standards decoded. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Literacy, [2013]. A guide for teachers of grades nine through twelve to using the Common Core standards in daytoday practice in English language arts, history and social studies, science, and technical subjects.
PROF 428.0071 MCL
McLaughlin, Maureen. The Common Core : teaching students in grades 612 to meet the reading standards. Newark, DE, USA : International Reading Association, [2013]. Explains the key points of the Common Core State Standards and…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
describes how to use the Standards effectively in grades 612 instruction. PROF 428.0071 TAB
Taberski, Sharon. The Common Core companion, the standards decoded. : what they say, what they mean, how to teach them. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Literacy, [2014]. A guide for teachers of grades kindergarten through second to using the Common Core standards in daytoday practice in English language arts, history and social studies, science, and technical subjects.
PROF 428.24 HIL
Hill, Jane, 1953. Classroom instruction that works with English language learners. Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2006. What is classroom instruction that works? The stages of second language acquisition Setting objectives and providing feedback Nonlinguistic representations Cues, questions, and advance organizers Cooperative learning Summarizing and note taking Homework and practice Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Generating and testing hypotheses Identifying similarities and differences Involving parents and the community. Presents a comprehensive guide to help elementary students at all levels of English language instruction.
Prof 428.4 All
Allen, Janet, 1950. Tools for teaching content literacy. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2004.
PROF 428.4 BEE
Beers, G. Kylene, 1957. When kids can't read, what teachers can do : a guide for teachers, 612. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2003. A defining moment Creating independent readers Assessing dependent readers' needs Explicit instruction in comprehension Learning to make inference Frontloading meaning: prereading strategies Constructing meaning: during reading strategies Extending meaning: afterreading strategies Vocabulary: figuring out what words mean something Fluency and automaticity: the rhythm of reading Word recognition: what's after "sound it out?" Spelling: from word lists to how words work Creating the confidence to respond Finding the right book A final letter to George.
PROF 428.4 BEE
Beers, Kylene. When kids can't read : what teachers can do. Heinemann, 2003.
PROF 428.4 BUR
Burke, Jim, 1961. Reading reminders : tools, tips, and techniques. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook Publishers, c2000. Features a collection of tips, or reminders, designed to help instructors teach reading, each with a brief explanation of why the idea or activity is important, and suggestions for classroom practice; and includes reproducible forms.
PROF 428.4 DAN
Daniels, Harvey, 1947. Subjects matter : every teacher's guide to content area reading. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2004. Presents a discussion of contentarea reading, providing tools and structures teachers may use to get students interested in reading and to help them understand what they read by incorporating newspapers, magazines, Web sties, and nonfiction trade books across the curriculum.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 428.4 GAL
Gallagher, Kelly, 1958. Readicide : how schools are killing reading and what you can do about it. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2009. The elephant in the room Endangered minds Avoiding the tsunami Finding the "sweet spot" of instruction Ending readicide. Argues that the standard instructional practices used by most schools is contributing to the decline of reading, and suggests ways in which teachers and administrators can encourage the development of lifelong readers.
PROF 428.4 GAL
Gallagher, Kelly, 1958. Reading reasons : motivational minilessons for middle and high school. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2003. Contains forty reproducible minilessons, ranging from five to twenty minutes in length, designed to motivate middle and high school students to read and to impress upon them the importance of reading.
PROF 428.4 TOV
Tovani, Cris. I read it, but I don't get it : comprehension strategies for adolescent readers. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2000. The author, a reading specialist, shares some of the problems she has faced in her own classroom; explains how she addressed the dilemma, focusing on what good readers do to make sense of text; and offers suggestions teachers can use to make content more accessible.
PROF 428.4071 KIT
Kittle, Penny. Book love : developing depth, stamina, and passion in adolescent readers. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2013. Teenagers want to readif we let them Understanding readers and reading Building stamina and fluency Opening doors into reading The power of the book talk Conferences Responding to reading Nurturing interdependent readers in a classroom community Creating a school community of readers. A guide to reducing student apathy towards reading and books providing strategies to increase volume, capacity, and complexity, to help students deepen their thinking about reading, and related topics.
Prof 507 Pot
Pottle, Jean and Rutley, Mary. Integrating science and language arts in your classroom. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publisher, 1996.
PROF 507.1 LUF
Science as inquiry in the secondary setting. Arlington, Va. : NSTA Press, c2008. Presents a guide to helping students develop their science literacy by increasing the depth of their content knowledge, mental habits, and critical reasoning skills for application in various science classes and for helping teachers incorporate inquirycentered practices in the classroom.
PROF 507.1 WIL
Willard, Ted. The NSTA quickreference guide to the NGSS, middle school. Arlington, Va. : NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association, [2014].
Prof 510 Acc
Accelerated Math library guide, Algebra. Renaissance Learning, 2001.
Prof 510 Acc
Accelerated Math library guide, Grade 4. Renaissance Learning, 2001.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 510 Acc
Accelerated Math library guide, Grade 5. Renaissance Learning, 2001.
Prof 510 Acc
Accelerated Math library guide, Grade 6. Renaissance Learning, 2001.
Prof 510 Acc
Accelerated Math library guide, Prealgebra. Renaissance Learning, 2001.
Prof 510 Gre
Greenberg, Dan. Comicstrip math: Ministory problems. New York : Scholastic, 2000.
Prof 510 Lot
Lotta, Chuck. Fast & fun mental math. New York : Scholastic, 2000.
Prof 510 Pau
Paulos, John Allen. Innumeracy : mathematical illiteracy and its consequences. New York : Hill and Wang, c2001.
PROF 510 Smi
Smith, Sanderson M. Agnesi to Zeno : over 100 vignettes from the history of math. Berkeley, CA : Key Curriculum Press, 1996.
Prof 510 Zac
Zaccaro, Edward. Challenge math : for the elementary and middle school student. Bellevue, Iowa : Hickory Grove Press, c2000. Recognizing and honoring academic brilliance Astronomy Problem solving Algebra Metric Decimals Fractions Perimeter and circumference Areas Volumes Percents Ratio and proportion Trigonometry Probability Statistics Distance = speed x time Algebra (simultaneous equations) Graphing equations Acceleration Calculus Math contests.
Prof 513 Tho
Thompson, Virginia. Family math, the middle school years: algebraic reasoning and number sense. Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, 1998.
PROF 513.2 JEN
Jennison, Christopher. Baseball math : grandslam activities and projects for grades 48. 4th ed. Tucson, AZ : Good Year Books, c2011. Presents an introduction to basic math concepts explaining simple problem solving skills as readers attempt to solve various problems related to the game of baseball, including keeping score, players salaries, team budgets and more.
Prof 520 Ima
Image directory for the Universe videodisc. 1st edition. Videodiscover Inc., 1997. A current and comprehensive collection of visual resources for use in the study of space science.
Prof 522.4 Sac
SachatelloSawyer, Bonnie. Exploring the planets! New York : Scholastic, 2000.
Prof 530 Ima
Image database for Physics at work. Videodiscover Inc., 1992.
Prof 540 Ima
Image directory for the chemistry at work. Videodiscover Inc., 1994, c1991.
Prof 550 Cah
Cahn, Andy. Middle School lessons for use with the Understanding Earth…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
videodisc or CDRom. 2nd edition. Videodiscover Inc., 1996. Prof 550 Ima
Image directory for the Understanding Earth videodisc. 1st edition. Videodiscover Inc., 1994.
Prof 551 Nie
Niesen, Thomas M. The marine Biology coloring book. Coloring Concepts, Inc., 1982.
PROF 570.78 END
Enderle, Patrick. Argumentdriven inquiry in life science : lab investigations for grades 68. Arlington, VA : National Science Teachers Association, [2015].
Prof 574 Kri
Kricher, John C. A field guide to seashores coloring book. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1989.
Prof 574.5 Nat
NatureScope Kit: Habitats. National Wildlife Federation, n.d. This kit introduces basic concepts of habitat through interdisciplinary, hands on activities. These activities result in the creation of a schoolyard habitat.
PROF 576.8 NAT
Teaching about evolution and the nature of science. Washington, DC : National Academy Press, c1998. A guide to teaching about evolution in kindergarten through twelfth grade that provides sample activities, background information, stepby step presentations, and materials.
Prof 595.7 Emb
Embry, Lynn. Scientific encounters of the insect world. Good Apple, 1988.
Prof 595.79 McK
McKay, Bev. Ants and more ants: an integrated activity unit. Incentive Publications, 1992.
Prof 597 Emb
Embry, Lynn. Scientific encounters of the mysterious sea. Good Apple, 1987. Reading activities that explore the mysterious creatures of the deep blue sea.
PROF 607.1 BEL
Technology in the secondary science classroom. [Arlington, Va.] : NSTA Press, c2008. Contains technologybased teaching strategies that help students learn and develop their science skills; and covers topics including the use of digital images and video, using computer simulations, online assessments, and webbased inquiry projects.
PROF 608 Sho
Showell, Ellen Harvey. From Indian corn to outer space : women invent in America. [Peterborough, N.H.] : Cobblestone Publishing, c1995. An examination of women from American history and present times who have invented, and a motivation for students to enhance creativity and achieve their dreams.
PROF 609.2 LAN
Lang, David. Zero to maker : learn (just enough) to make (just about) anything . Sebastopol, CA: : MakerMedia , 2013 .…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 609.22 Kar
Karwatka, Dennis. Technology's past : America's industrial revolution and the people who delivered the goods. Ann Arbor, MI : Prakken Publications, c1996.
PROF 611 Mil
Miller, Jonathan, 1934. The human body. New York, N.Y. : Viking Press, 1983.
Prof 612 Car
Carr, Nicholas G. 1959. The shallows : what the internet is doing to our brains. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2010.
Prof 612.8 Aam
Aamodt, Sandra. Welcome to your brain : why you lose your car keys but never forget how to drive and other puzzles of everyday life. 1st U.S. ed. New York : Bloomsbury, c2008. We use our brains at practically every moment of our lives, and yet few of us have the first idea how they work. Much of what we think we know comes from folklore: that we only use 10 percent of our brain, or that drinking kills brain cells. These and other myths are wrong, as shown by neuroscientists who have spent decades studying this complex organ. However, most of what they have learned is not known to the world outside their laboratories. Here, the authors dispel common myths about the brain and provide a comprehensive, useful overview of how it really works. You'll discover how to cope with jet lag, how your brain affects your religion, and how men's and women's brains differ. With accessible prose decorated by charts, trivia, quizzes, and illustrations, this book is suitable for quick reference or extended reading.From publisher description.
Prof 612.82 Med
Medina, John, 1956. Brain rules : 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school. 1st ed. Seattle, WA : Pear Press, c2008.
Prof 613.8 Dru
Drug Safety: the choice is yours. Gateway Community Safety Net, 2002, c1993.
Prof 613.85 Health
Health Literacy Performance assessments: alcohol and other drug use prevention. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 2001. Includes 15 topical packets of practical assessment items.
PROF 616.85 END
Endow, Judy. Outsmarting explosive behavior : a visual system of support and intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Shawnee Mission, KS : Autism Asperger Publishing Co., 2009 .
Prof 616.89 Str
Strauch, Barbara. The primal teen : what the new discoveries about the teenage brain tell us about our kids. 1st ed. New York : Doubleday, 2003.
PROF 618.92 Mus
Music and dyslexia : a positive approach. Chichester, West Sussex, England ; : Wiley, c2008. A collection of essays that explores the challenges associated with teaching music to people with dyslexia and examines the most effective methods for helping musicians deal with those challenges.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 640 Bot
Botvin, Gilbert J. Life skills training: promoting health and personal development. Level three: grades 56. Princeton Health Press, Inc., c19981999. Introduction; Self esteem; Decision making; Smoking information; Advertising; Dealing with stress; Communication skills; Social skills; Assertiveness; My life skills training dictionary.
Prof 640 Bot
Botvin, Gilbert J. Life skills training: promoting health and personal development. Level two: grades 45. Princeton Health Press, Inc., c19981999. Introduction; Self esteem; Decision making; Smoking information; Advertising; Dealing with stress; Communication skills; Social skills; Assertiveness; My life skills training dictionary.
Prof 646.7 Mos
Mosatche, Harriet S. 1949. Too old for this, too young for that! Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 2000. Information, advice, and support for middle schoolers on issues such as physical and emotional changes, connecting with friends and family, setting goals, and handling peer pressure.
PROF 649.1 BLU
Bluestein, Jane. The parent's little book of lists : dos and don'ts of effective parenting. Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1997. Presents lists that contain ideas and suggestions for parents to help them create strong, loving relationships with their children, discussing character building, power struggles, choices, emotional safety, creativity, problem solving, and many other topics.
PROF 649.1 Cra
Crary, Elizabeth, 1942. Pick up your socks and other skills growing children need! Seattle, Wash. : Parenting Press, c1990.
PROF 649.1 EYR
Eyre, Linda. Teaching your children values. New York : Simon & Schuster, c1993. Presents a practical, monthbymonth program, full of proven methods for teaching values to children of all ages.
Prof 649.1 Rim
Rimm, Sylvia B. 1935. How to parent so children will learn. New York : Three Rivers Press, 1996.
PROF 649.125 WIS
Wiseman, Rosalind, 1969. Queen bees & wannabes : helping your daughter survive cliques, gossip, boyfriends, and other realities of adolescence. 1st pbk. ed. New York : Three Rivers Press, c2002. Explains how parents can help their daughters deal with the different issues surrounding friendships, boys, gossip, and cliques as they start high school.
PROF 649.51 DOO
Doorley, Rachelle. Tinkerlab : a handson guide for little inventors. Boston : Roost Books, 2014. Fiftyfive creative activities to get children thinking and learning.
PROF 649.51 GAB
Gabrielson, Curt. Tinkering : kids learn by making stuff . Sebastopol, CA : MakerMedia,.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 649.51 THO
Thomas, AnnMarie. Making Makers : kids, tools, and the future of innovation . Sebastopol, CA : MakerMedia,.
PROF 649.64 CAN
Canter, Lee. Lee Canter's Assertive discipline for parents. 1st ed. Santa Monica, Calif. : Canter & Associates ;, c1982.
Prof 651.7 Lew
Lewis, Pamela. Spreadsheet Magic. New York : ISTE, 2001. 40 lesson plans some designed as multistep projectsexpose the humble spreadsheet as the flexible, multifaceted teaching tool that it is, accommodates a wide range of abilities, learning styles, and curriculum areas with a single computer tool. Correlates each lesson to appropriate standards. Provides lesson templates for AppleWorks 5.0.
Prof 652.3 Key
Keyboarding toolbox: teaching methods for keyboarding technique, accuracy, and speed. Eugene, OR : International Society for Technology in Education, 1993.
Prof 658 Dem
Deming, W. Edwards (William Edwards) 1900. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, MA : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Education.
Prof 658.1522 Min
Miner, Lynn E. Proposal planning and writing. 2nd edition. Phoenix, Az : Oryx Press, 1998.
Prof 707.1 Gur
Gura, Mark. Visual arts units for all levels. ISTE, 2008.
Prof 780 Hen
Henderson, Betsy. Thirty Days to Melody. Milwaukee, WI : Chal Leonard Corporation, 2003. Readytouse lessons and reproducible activities for the Music Classroom. Lessons help students experiment with scales, intervals, solfege and Hand signs, key signatures, notation, sightreading, harmony and much more.
Prof 780 Hen
Henderson, Betsy. Thirty Days to Music Theory. Milwaukee, WI : Chal Leonard Corporation, 2001. Readytouse lessons and reproducible activities for the Music Classroom. Lessons include basic music concepts presented in a logical sequence with explanation, vocabulary, activity and practice.
Prof 780 Hen
Henderson, Betsy. Thirty Days to Rhythm. Milwaukee, WI : Chal Leonard Corporation, 2002. Readytouse lessons and reproducible activities for the Music Classroom. Helps students understand the concepts of beat, rhythm, accents, duration, value, meter and syncopation.
Prof 781 I
I will be your friend: songs and activities for young peacemakers. Teaching Tolerance, 2003.
PROF 782.42162 Wor
A World of children's songs. New York : Friendship Press, c1993.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 790.1922 Wor
A world of children's games. New York : Friendship Press, c1993.
PROF 793.7 Man
Manchester, Richard B. Mammoth book of word games. New York : Hart Pub. Co., c1976.
PROF 793.73 Lew
Lewis, Marguerite Relyea. Hooked on reading : 114 wordsearch and crossword puzzles based on the Newbery and Caldecott Award winners. West Nyack, N.Y. : Center for Applied Research in Education, c1986.
Prof 796.323 Lum
Lumsden, Ken. Complete book of drills for winning basketball. West Nyack, NY : Parker Publishing Company, 1999. 245 easytouse drills to put new variety and challenge into your practices and develop players' individual and team skills!.
Prof 808 Cli
Clifford, Tim, 1959. The middle school writing toolkit : differentiated instruction across the content areas. Gainesville, FL : Maupin House, c2007.
Foster, Thomas C. How to read literature like a professor : for kids. Young readers' ed.., 1st ed. New York, NY : Harper, [2013]. Presents a guide on how to become a thoughtful reader.
Prof 808 Pen
Penrod, Diane. Using blogs to enhance literacy : the next powerful step in 21stcentury learning. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2007. Why blog? Blogging and new literacies Blogs as a new writing genre Gender and blogging Ethnicity and blogging Blogs and bullying Encouraging safe blogging practices Integrating multiple intelligences and blogging Creating classroom ethics for blogging Blogging matters.
Stop plagiarism : a guide to understanding and prevention. New York : Neal Schuman Publishers, c2010. Teaching intellectual honesty in a parodied world / Katie Elson Anderson and Vibiana Bowman Cvetkovic The onus of originality : creativity and accomplishment in a digital and competitive age / Laura B. Spencer The dark side of the Web : where to go to buy a paper / Nick Cvetkovic The academy versus plagiarism : rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or the stand at Thermopylae / Vibiana Bowman Cvetkovic and Luis F. Rodriguez An undergraduate's perspective / Sarah F. Brookover Creating a tutorial : background, theory, and practical application / Vibiana Bowman Cvetkovic and John B. Gibson The first year college experience / Gillian A. Newton and Jeffrey J. Teichmann Plagiarism : university reaction and subsequent action / Dolores PfeufferScherer Plagiarism and the nontraditional student : challenges and perspectives / Dawn Amsberry Plagiarism : the legal landscape / Robert Berry Professional organizations' recommendations regarding intellectual honesty / Frances Kaufmann and Julie Still Inoculating against plagiarism : resources for teaching and learning / Leslie Murtha Write it, then cite it : guiding students toward reliable techniques and resources for effective scholarly writing / Robert J. Lackie Plagiarism : an annotated bibliography / Patience L. Simmonds. A guide to teaching, modeling, and promoting intellectual…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
honesty, covering legal aspects, the role of technology, ramifications of plagiarism, and other related topics. Includes a CDROM with websites and tutorials. Prof 808.025 Fox
Fox, Kathleen. Plagiarism! plagiarism! : 25 fun games and activities to teach documenting and sourcing skills to students. Upstart Books, 2010.
PROF 808.042 Ans
Anson, Christopher M., 1954. Writing in context. New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1988.
PROF 808.042 Ful
Fulwiler, Toby, 1942. Teaching with writing. Upper Montclair, N.J. : Boynton/Cook Publishers, c1987.
PROF 808.042 ROM
Romano, Tom. Writing with passion : life stories, multiple genres. Portsmouth, N.H. : Boynton/Cook, c1995. Tom Romano offers advice on how to improve students' writing skills while encouraging them to enjoy telling their stories and writing about their feelings.
Prof 808.042 Seb
Sebranek, Patrick. Basic English revisited : a student handbook. D.C. Heath and Company.
Prof 808.042 Seb
Sebranek, Patrick. Write source 2000 : a guide to writing. D.C. Heath and Company.
PROF 808.042 SHA
Shaughnessy, Mina P. Errors and expectations : a guide for the teacher of basic writing. New York : Oxford University Press, 1979, c1977. Studies the most common errors teachers find when they are reading basic writing papers and explains how those errors can be corrected.
PROF 808.1 POE
Poets' perspectives : reading, writing, and teaching poetry. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook, c1992.
Prof 808.5 Gus
Gustafson, Chris. Acting out: reader's theatre across the curriculum. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., c2002.
Prof 808.6 Col
Colen, Kimberly. A note from your teacher. Teaching & Learning Co., c1995. more than 450 readymade notes to help you communicate effectively with students, parents, and administrators.
Prof 808.82 Big
The Big book of comedies : 25 oneact plays, skits, curtain raisers, and adaptations for young actors. Boston : Plays, Inc., c1989. A collection of twentyfive dramatic pieces, including oneacts, skits, curtain raisers, and adaptations, for ages from the middle grades through high school.
Prof 809 Jwe
Jweid, Rosann. Building character through literature: a guide for middle school readers. Lanham Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2001.
Prof 809 Str
Strouf, Judie L. H. 1932. The literature teacher's book of lists. c1993 : West…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Nyack, NY, Center for Applied Research in Eduction. PROF 809.8 BUC
Bucher, Katherine Toth, 1947. Young adult literature : exploration, evaluation, and appreciation. 3rd ed. Boston : Pearson, [2014].
PROF 809.89 HER
Herz, Sarah K. From Hinton to Hamlet : building bridges between young adult literature and the classics. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1996. Discusses the value of using young adult literature in middle and high school classrooms, and presents a selection of young adult titles that have thematic links to classics such as "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "Hamlet," "To Kill a Mockingbird," and "Great Expectations.".
Prof 812 Big
The big book of largecast plays : 27 oneact plays for young actors. Boston : Plays, Inc., c1994.
Prof 812 Rea
Reader's theater : Level 2. Frank Schaffer Publications, c2001. Ten highinterest plays with differentiated reading levels.
Prof 812 Rea
Readers' theatre : Level 1. Frank Schaffer Publications, c2001. Ten highinterest plays with differentiated rading levels.
Prof 812.54 Ham
Hamlett, Christina. Humorous plays for teenagers. Boston : Plays, Inc., c1987. A collection of oneact comedies, melodramas, and curtainraisers; for use in schools, clubs, drama groups, and libraries; and using reallife situations and dialogue.
Prof 812.54 Ham
Hamlett, Christina. Lively plays for young actors : 12 oneact comedies for stage performance. Boston : Plays, Inc., c1998. The prince's dilemma The ghost of Hemstead House Picture perfect Once upon a fairy tale Wedding bell blues Author! Author! The magic mermaid Secret agents in disguise Where there's a will, there's a play Eat, drink, and be scary Mother Goose gumshoe It's an okiedokie life.
Jago, Carol, 1951. With rigor for all : meeting common core standards for reading literature. 2nd ed. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2011. Offers ideas for creating English classrooms where students can be nourished intellectually, emotionally, and morally by literature, and includes young adult literature pairings with classic texts, tips for motivating reluctant readers, a study guide, and guidelines for curriculum development.
Prof 909.07 Sch
Schraff, Anne E. Choosing your way through the world's medieval past. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch, Publisher, 1992.
Prof 909.0807 Sch
Schraff, Anne E. Choosing your way through the world's modern past. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publishing, c 1991.
Prof 910 Har
Haroz, Pat Rischar. Geographic literacy: maps for memorization. Portland, ME : J. Weston Walch Publisher, 1987, 1994.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Summary: Reproducible student pages for each unit include (1) alphabetized word lists of political and physical features, (2) a labeled poitical map, (3) a blank political map, (4) a labeled physical map, (5) a blank physical map, (6) a map test, and (7) an answer key. PROF 910 Jul
Julio, Susan. The complete geography project and activity book. Scholastic Professional Books, 1993.
Prof 912 Jul
Julio, Susan. Great map games. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c1997. 20 super fun, easy reproducible games that build key map and geography skills, and help kids navigate their world.
Prof 920 Fam
Famous faces of Time. Time School Publishing, c2000. 52 historic Time covers reflecting the people who shaped the 20th century. Includes reading, writing and research activities, plus an 8 page teaching guide.
Prof 930 Sch
Schraff, Anne E. Choosing your way through the world's ancient past. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publishing, 1992. Summary: A series of adventure stories.
Prof 932 Ste
Sterling, Mary Ellen. Ancient Egypt. Huntington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, Inc., 1992. Includes Reproducible and bibliography.
PROF 938 Bak
Baker, Charles F., III. The classical companion : The indispensable guide to the study of classical civilization, complete with stories, puzzles, projects, classroom activities, and an orginal play. Cobblestone Publishing, Inc., 1988.
PROF 938 Bak
Baker, Charles F., III. Classical ingenuity : The lagacy of greek and roman architects, artists, and inventors. Cobblestone Publishing, Inc., 1993.
Prof 940.5318 Ste
Stephens, Elaine. Learning about the Holocaust : literature and other resources for young people.
Prof 958.1 Mar
Marsh, Carole. The here & now reproducible book of Afghanistan: a country at the crossroads of war and peace. Gallopade International, c2002.
Prof 962 Tod
Todaro, Joe. Egypt. Foster City, CA : Classroom Connect, 1999. Summary: After students have visited various locals within Egypt, via the internet, students have the chance to pull everything together and reflect on how their learning about Egypt might apply to their own lives.
PROF 968.06 TUT
Tutu, Desmond. No future without forgiveness. 1st Image Books ed. New York : Image/Doubleday, 2000, c1999. Archbishop Desmond Tutu shares the lessons he learned while serve as Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, an organization formed to help South Africa move forward from despotism to democracy; and argues that true reconciliation cannot be achieved with acknowledging the atrocities committed in the past.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
Prof 970.004 Bro
A broken flute : the Native experience in books for children. Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press, c2005.
Prof 970.004 Hir
Hirschfelder, Arlene. Native Americans today: resources and activities for educators, grades 48 : Arlene Hirschfelder. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 2000.
Prof 970.004 Hir
Hirschfelder, Arlene B. American Indian stereotypes in the world of children: A reader and bibliography. 2nd edition. Lanham, Maryland : Scarecrow Press, Inc., c1999.
Prof 970.3 Eri
Erickson, Sue. A guide to understanding Ojibwe treaty rights. Odanah, WI : Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlive Commission, c1998.
Prof 973 Chu
Churchill, E. Richard and Linda R. Churchill. American history jeopardy. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publishing, 1978, 1988, 1997. Summary: A quiz game that will help your students recall important items in American history, and it is fun for them!.
Prof 973 Fin
Findlay, Diane. Pages of the past: exploring U. S. history through children's literature. Upstart Books, c2002. Presents discussion starters, annotated bibliographies, activities, and reproducible work sheets for grades 48 on American history, including the Revolutionary War, westward expansion, the Civil War, World War II, and other related topics.
Prof 973 Sou V. 1
Soul of America; documenting our past. Goldon, Colo. : North American Press, c. 1994. Volume 1: 14921870 Volume 2: 18581993.
Prof 973.07 O'Ha
O'Halloran, Kate. 61 Cooperative learning activities in U.S. History. Portland, Maine : J. Weston Walch Publishing, c 1996.
Prof 973.0971 Ger
Gerwin, David. Teaching U.S. history as mystery. Heinemann, 2003.
Prof 973.7 Her
Herbert, Janis 1956. The Civil War for Kids: a history with 21 activities. Chicago, Ill : Chicago Review Press, Inc., 2001. Teaches about the Civil War from the secession debates to Appomattox, by means of activities like making butternut dye, decoding wigwag, and baking hardtack. Includes a resource section with a glossary and pertinent web sites.
Prof 973.7 Kin
King, David C. Civil War days: discover the past with exciting projects, games activities, and recipes. 1999. Discusses what life was like for Americans during the Civil War; follows a year in the lives of two fictional families: a white family from the South and a black family from the North; and presents projects and activities from that timeperiod.…
Job summary for "Bibliography"
PROF 977.5 MAL
Malone, Bobbie, 1944. Working with water : Wisconsin waterways: Teacher's guide and student materials./. Madison, WI : Wisconsin Historical Society Press, c2001. Examines a wide range of topics related to Wisconsin's lakes and rivers and explores the many ways water has influenced the state's history and geography.
PROF 977.5 ROS
Rosebrough, Amy, 1969. Water panthers, bears, and thunderbirds : exploring Wisconsin's effigy mounds. Madison, WI : Wisconsin Historical Society Press, c2003. Introduces effigy mound sites, manmade hills shaped like animals usually used to bury the dead, that are found in five southern Wisconsin counties, and provides exercises in comparing, contrasting, and analyzing different mound groups.
PROF 977.6 Lur
Lurie, Nancy Oestreich. Wisconsin Indians. Madison, Wis. : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1980.
Prof 978 San
Sanderson, Jeannette. American history writing prompts. Scholastic, 2000.…