Journal of Solution Chemistry. Editors-in-Chief: J.A. Rard; E. Waghorne. ▷ 93%
of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or ...
Journal of Solution Chemistry Editors-in-Chief: J.A. Rard; E. Waghorne
▶ 93% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again Journal of Solution Chemistry offers a forum for research on the physical chemistry of liquid solutions in such fields as physical chemistry, chemical physics, molecular biology, statistical mechanics, biochemistry, and biophysics. The emphasis is on papers in which the solvent plays a dominant rather than incidental role. Featured topics include experimental investigations of the dielectric, spectroscopic, thermodynamic, transport, or relaxation properties of both electrolytes and nonelectrolytes in liquid solutions. Impact Factor: 1.342 (2016), Journal Citation Reports® On the homepage of Journal of Solution Chemistry at you can ▶ Sign up for our Table of Contents Alerts ▶ Get to know the complete Editorial Board ▶ Find submission information
12 issues/year
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