the high mortality of pompano was due to the infection of branchial parasites, the protozoa ,Amyloodinium ocellatum and the trematode. Bicotylophora trachinoti.
by the
Louisiana State University Division of Continuing Education Through
the academic
of the
Louisiana State University School of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
J. World Maricul.
Soco 13:146-153
Alfredo C~mez and ~~rcelo A. Scelzol Centro de nvestigaciones Científicas Universidad de Oriente Boca de Rio (Is a de Margarita), Venezuela
Since 1978, polyculture experiments of pompa no (Trachínotus carolinus) and shrimp have been conducted in the Centro de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. Experiments are carried out in circular concrete ponds (28 m2) with running seawater (salinity 37-39 ppt and temperature 26.4-30.9°C) and constant aeration. In the first experiment (September-Oecember 1978) pompano and shrimp were stocked at a density of 10/m2 and were fed with Tívela mactroides (Mollusca, Pelecipodal "guacuco" pellet of 60% crude protein. Pompano 0.22± 0.1 9 reached after 75 days 40.6±25.6 9 with focd conversion of 6.59 and 17.14% survival; shrimp 1.3±0.4 9 reached a weight of 5.7±0.9 9 and 2.68% survival during 75 days. The common food conversion was 7.57. The second experiment (June-August 1981) was carried out in tanks with a false bottom. Pompano and shrimp were stocked at densities of 5/ and 10/m2 respectively, and were fed with a pellet named GSCA (42.8\ / crude protein). Pompano 4.0±1.1 9 reached 62.1±10.3 9 after 75 days of culture, the food conversion and survival being 3.1 and 64.29\, respectively. Shrimp stocked at 3.6±0.6 9 reached 8.9±1.8 9 after 75 days, and feed conversion was 10.7 with 54% survival. The cornmon feed conversion for pompano and shrimp was 6.6. After 75 days·.of culture the high mortality of pompano was due to the infection of branchial parasites, the protozoa ,Amyloodinium ocellatum and the trematode Bicotylophora trachinoti.
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Weight qrowt.h of pompa no (T. caIolinus) in polyculture ·,.¡i· shrimp (P. brasiliensis) at the Centro de Investigaciones Científicas (Margarita Island, Venezuela). ----GSCA diet --"guacuco" diet 149
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Weight growth of spotted red shrimp (P. brasiliensis) in ~Lyculture with pompano (T. carolinus) at the Centro de Inves'tigaciones Científicas (Margarita Island, Venezuela). ----GSCA diet --"guacuco" diet
DISCUSSION Since '~977 at the Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas (Margarita Island) experiments have be en conducted with dry ~eeds for the culture of pompano (T. carolinus and T. goodei) and shrimp (P. brasiliensis). The initial results suggested that diets with 40-50\ crude protein enhance the growth of shrimp (Scelzo et al'., in press a) and pompa no (Millan and Gomez, in press); other experiments have shown poor results with diets prepared with vegetable protein components (Gomez and Millan, in press a¡ Millan et al., in press) as well as trout chow meal (made in Venezuela) like food for pompano (Gomez and Mil1an, in press b) and shrimp due to low growth and cramped conditions observed in some shrimp (Scelzo, personal communication). Recent experiments permitted selection of some marine animal ingredients 1ike "guacuco" for use in diets of pompano (Gomez and Millan, in press b) and shrimp (Scelzo et al., in press b) but we have to remember that "guacuco" is an expensive component 150
of the actual rudimentary
(manually) of the meato
In our experiments, pompa no fed on "guacuco" pellets during 75 day reaehed 40.6 g weight, 17.14\ survival and 6.6 conversion. And with tr. GSCA diet they reached óver the same period a weight of 62.1 g (pompanc stocked at 4.02 g) and a conversion rate of 3.1, close to that obtaineé in the USA of 2.5 to 3.5 (Tatum and Trimble 1978) and 0.9-3.0 (Trimble 1980) . In regard to di seas es of T. carolinus it should be pointed out that in Margarita Island pompano cultured inside floating cages were aé fected by bacteria (Vibrio spp.), while in concrete tanks the protozoa~ A. ocellatum and the monogenetie trematode B. trachinoti were common .(Go ez, in press e). We believe the mortality of pompano due to the branehial parasites must be eontrolled with ehemical means and/or a bet ter handling of the environmental eonditions sueh as a lower salinity e the water as utilized in the present work. The spotted red shrimp (P. brasiliensis) with initial weights of 3.6 g fed "guacuco" and GSCA diets respeetively reached we i qhr.s of 5.6 and 8.2 g. Taking into aeeount that the potential sueeess of polyeulturing shrimp and pompano seems to depend on the stocking size e shrimp (Rossberg and Strawn 1980), we believe that P. brasiliensis gre··· well considering a stocking density oE 101m2 in our experiments, while other polyculture experiments with penaeids in the USA were earried out at densities of 3.1/m2 with P. aztecus (Tatum and Trimble 1978), 2.8/m; with P. vannamei (Tatum and Trimble 1978), and 8.3/m2 with P. stylirostris (Trimble 1980). Our results in shrimp growth were also better th~ polyeulture of P. brasiliensis with other fishes like mullet (Mugil curema) and using fresh sardines as fcod (Scelzo 1981), and similar growt as obtained at Natal (Brasil) in monoeulture at densities of 0.3/m2 (Shrimp Project 1974). The su rví.vaL of shrimp fed on "guaeueo" pellet was 2.86\ while those fed the GSCA diet had 54\ survival. Nevertheles~ with GSCA pellet we have produeed shrimps of 14.6 g weight and 35.7\ survival during 180 days of eulture (Seelzo and Gomez 1982). Those results will indieate good possibilities for the culture of pompano and native penaeid shrimp in Venezuela, utilizing appropriate diets like GSCA whieh eontain only 40\ of "guacueo" whieh still is not a eheap fce Consequently it will be neeessary to increase studies on nutrition ano bioehemistry, allowing us to prepare diets with similar results in te~ of growth and better survival but with a lower costo 1. 3 a nd
ACKNO\~LEDGMENTS The authors gratefully aeknowledge the assistanee Larez, Enrique Hernandez and Luisa Vasquez, teehnieian the Seeretary, Carlota Vasquez Perez.
of Mr. Fidel of the CIC, a nc'
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