Jul 10, 2017 - process, as well as hosting three community meetings in February, March, ... considered in October 2017 a
CITYOFBOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: July 10, 2017 AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and TAB consideration of recommendation regarding the City of Boulder Neighborhood Speed Management Program guidelines
PRESENTER/S: Michael Gardner-Sweeney, Director of Public Works for Transportation Bill Cowern, Principal Traffic Engineer Noreen Walsh, Senior Transportation Planner Andrew Iltis, Transportation Planner
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Following Council direction in October 2016, the City began a process to redesign the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP). Staff has followed a robust redesign process with an expedited timeline, beginning in February 2017 that included several community engagement strategies. The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) has provided input on the redesign process in several ways including, providing feedback on revised program goals and a communications plan to engage the community in the process, as well as hosting three community meetings in February, March, and April. In June, through a public hearing, the TAB and public provided comments on the staffproposed draft guidelines for the new “Neighborhood Speed Management Program” (NSMP). Staff has taken all comments into consideration, and has provided a revised version of the NSMP guidelines (Attachment A) and a comment tracking spreadsheet, which includes comments from the TAB and the public regarding the guidelines (Attachment B). Staff requests that the Board review and consider a recommendation on the revised guidelines. These will be forwarded to City Council on August 15, 2017 when they consider acceptance of the program guidelines. Funding for a restored program will be subsequently considered in October 2017 as part of the 2018 budget process. Fiscal Impacts:
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Budgetary: Staff has submitted a 2018 Budget request of $300,000 per year. This funding will be used to fund staffing, data collection, public engagement and project implementation. Staff Time: As part of the aforementioned budget request, staff is proposing that the one-year fixed-term position for 2017 be converted to a standard position. Staff time from Transportation, Police and Fire Departments will be required through the ongoing public engagement and project design phases of program implementation. II. BACKGROUND The city’s original traffic calming program, the NTMP, provided education, enforcement and engineering treatments to community members and neighborhoods concerned about speeding traffic on residential streets. Funding for the engineering treatments component of the NTMP, as well as funding for the program’s staff position, was eliminated in 2003 due to a budget shortfall and has not been restored to date. In October 2016, City Council gave city staff direction to develop a new program that would, once again, fund the installation of physical engineering treatments. In February 2017, City staff provided TAB with a process for completing the redesign of the NTMP and received Board input for the program development. In the June 12 TAB memo, staff provided the Board with information summarizing the development of the new traffic calming program. This revised program, entitled the “Neighborhood Speed Management Program,” reflects the steps of the program development process, including case study research, community input, and TAB recommendations. III. COMMENTS RECEIVED ON THE DRAFT NSMP GUIDELINES During the June TAB meeting, staff received comments from the public, through a public hearing, and from the Board. Staff has used a comment tracking spreadsheet to manage all comments received and to document how staff is responding to each comment. The comment tracking spreadsheet is included as Attachment B. IV. REVISED DRAFT NSMP GUIDELINES Based on comments, staff has revised the original draft of the NSMP guidelines, provided in June, and has created a revised draft for consideration. This draft is Attachment A of this memo. These guidelines are available to the public on the project website, and notification of this revised draft has been presented via the project email group, NextDoor, and social media per the project communication plan. V. BOARD FEEDBACK Staff requests that TAB consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding the draft NSMP guidelines. The recommendation and draft NSMP guidelines will be forwarded to City Council on August 15, 2017 for acceptance. Funding for a restored AGENDA ITEM #___V___ PAGE ___2___
program will be subsequently considered in October 2017 as part of the 2018 budget process. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Revised Draft Neighborhood Speed Management Program Guidelines Attachment B – TAB and public comments and responses regarding NSMP program guidelines
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