Jul 15, 2014 - Triple I Joint Conference Friday,. November 21 -нâ Sunday, ... Plumbers are currently working their wa
Welcome to the Lindop Board of Education Meeting July 15, 2014
Roll Call
Policy Number Section: 2:220
Our mission is to provide a high quality education that inspires each student to become a self-‐disciplined, passionate life long-‐learner who is equipped to flourish in an ever changing global society. This is achieved through partnerships based on mutual respect and shared accountability.
Communications Policy Number Section: 2:220
Correspondence, Mrs. Williams-‐ Wolford Upcoming Events, Dr. Spaulding
Upcoming Events Registration for 2014-‐2015 July 17th 8am – 8pm August 11th 1pm – 8pm th August 12 1pm – 8pm
Upcoming Events Board of Education Retreat Friday, July 18, 2014 at 6 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, July 19, 2014 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m.
Upcoming Events Finance Meeting August 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM
Upcoming Events New Teacher Training Wednesday August 13 to Friday August 15
Upcoming Events Teacher Institute Monday August 18 and Tuesday August 19
Upcoming Events Board of Education Meeting August 19, 2014 at 7 PM
Upcoming Events st 1 Day of School
Wednesday August 20 9:15-‐10:15 am Parade 1:30pm Dismissal
Upcoming Events Saturday August 23rd Back To School BBQ Time: TBD
Public Participation
Policy Number Section: 2:230 We now open the Public Participation section of our agenda. At this time, members of the community are invited to address the Board. We ask that you state your name and town and that you limit your remarks to three minutes. In addition, if your comments are of a critical nature about specific people, the Board requests that you present your comments during the personnel portion of the “Executive Session”.
Policy 2:150 -‐ Committees The Board of Education may establish committees to assist with the Boards governance function and, in some situations, to comply with State law requirements. These committees are known as Board committees and report directly to the Board. Committee members may include both Board members and non-Board members depending on the committees purpose. The Board President makes all Board committee appointments subject to Board approval. Board committee meetings shall comply with the Open Meetings Act. A Board committee may not take final action on behalf of the Board; it may only make recommendations to the Board.
COMMITTEE REPORTS IASB Representatives Triple I Joint Conference Friday, November 21 -‐ Sunday, November 23, 2014
Mrs. Joiner Herrod Mrs. Joiner Herrod/Mr. Muhammad
Curriculum Committee/PERA Committee
Ms. Josefek/Ms. Whitfield
Finance Committee
Mr. Muhammad/Mrs. Joiner-‐Herrod, Alternate Mrs. Taylor
Negotiations Committee
Mrs. Joiner Herrod/Ms. Whitfield
PAEC Committee
Mrs. Williams-‐Wolford/Ms. Rebecca Josefek
Policy Committee
Mrs. Williams-‐Wolford/Mrs. Tonya Taylor
Safety/Social Emotional Committee Town Hall Meeting
Mr. Muhammad/ Ms. Josefek
Strategic Planning Committee
Ms. Dempsey
Technology Committee
Ms. Dempsey
FOIA REQUEST Policy Number Section: 2:110 None
CONSENT AGENDA Policy Number Section: 4:50 A) Recommended Approval of Minutes: 1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes for June 17, 2014 2. Approval of Lindop District 92 Accounts Payable and Payrolls B) Recommended Approval of Activity Account Reconciliation C) Personnel: Leave of Absence (0) Resignations (2) a. Approval of Resignation and Separation Agreement for 1234 b. Approval of Resignation and Reassignment of Assistant Principal Employment (2) a. Approval of Reemployment for Gladys Evans b. Approval of the Appointment of Philip Bazile ($75,900.00)
OLD BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 4:80
Update on Construction Project Mr. Gress
Summer Work Update July 15, 2014
Bleacher Replacement
Domestic Water Piping Replacement
Bathroom Fixture Replacement
Occupancy Sensors (Electrical)
v $50,000 dollar for dollar matching grant v June 10th – projected to take two days to remove the old bleachers v July 1st – projected to take two days to install new bleachers v Work will begin after June 10th v Work should be complete by August 5th v Bathrooms in 1st through 3rd grade rooms will be redone with exposed water piping coming from ceiling v Performed in conjunction with water piping replacement v $50,000 dollar for dollar matching grant v Work to begin June 10th
Repairs to classrooms damaged due to winter weather
v Two classrooms in B section of building will need repairs due to winter weather v Total dollar amount of repairs not expected to exceed $10,000. Work will be performed by a local contractor.
v Pre-K
v $14,000 estimated cost v Will require 10 members of the community to assist in assembly of the playground v Two quotes have been received. Currently working with Arcon to obtain third quote.
v VeeBox
v VeeBox is a simple box that sits on top of current univents and redirect airflow throughout the classroom
v Bleacher
v Installation began on 6/28/14 and went through 7/4/14 v Stage bleacher expected to be installed around August 15th
v Domestic
Water Piping Replacement
v Pre-K and Kindergarten rooms have had piping installed. To date no asbestos noted in this section of the building. Plumbers are currently working their way down the 1st through 3rd grade hallway (most challenging section)
v Bathroom
Fixture Replacement
v Is being performed in conjunction with water piping. Fixtures are expected to arrive on 7/18/14.
v Occupancy
Sensors (Electrical)
v Electrical company has installed many of the sensors throughout the building. 2004 Addition is remaining. Approximately 55% complete
v Repairs
to classrooms damaged due to winter
v Called a local Broadview Handyman to obtain quote on classroom repairs. Plan to begin work once quote is received.
v Pre-K
v Waiting on one more quote. Plan to bring to the August Finance Committee for recommendation.
v VeeBox
v Grant was submitted and we are awaiting approval. Total cost for project w/o grant is $13,220 with a 2.8 year payback period. Total cost for project w/ grant is $1,983 with a .42 payback period.
v Landscaping,
Mulch, and Tree Trimming
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10
Recommended Approval of the Lindop Teachers Association (LTA) Contract for 2014-‐2017, Mr. Gress
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10 Notified by Co President Mrs. Schoenheider that the LTA Union approved 2014-‐2017 LTA Contract. District Negotion Team consisted of Mrs. Joiner-‐Herrod, Ms. Whitfield, Dr. Spaulding, Mr. Gress and Mrs. Crumley. LTA Negotion Team consisted of Mrs. Schoenheider, Mrs. Christensen, Mr. Nickles, Mr. Hanser Thank You To Both Negotiation Teams for their Professionalism through out the negotiation process.
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10 Key Points • • • •
Elimination of the Salary Schedule New formula raises based on CPI. 30 Minute of instructional time added to the school day. Several language issues were revised to be in accordance with applicable law for clairity and readability. Includes: Teacher leaves, tution reimburstment and sick bank leave.
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10
Recommended Approval of new Energy Contract, Mr. Gress
Electrical Rates Presentation Lindop School District 92 July 15, 2014
Illinois Energy Consortium (IEC) The Illinois Energy Consortium is a joint energy purchasing
pool sponsored by Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Association of School Administrators and Illinois Association of School Business Officials. It is designed to lower utility costs for Illinois school districts or community colleges and make funds available for technology, staff development and educational goals. NextEra Energy Services Illinois, LLC is the new program provider for the IEC. Prices change daily but on average are $0.046-$0.048 per kWh.
Historical Cost Analysis Electrical Per kWh Cost 0.05430 0.05420 0.05410 0.05400 0.05390 0.05380 0.05370 0.05360 0.05350 0.05340 0.05330 Jul-13
Quotes Received: 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months Price for 1M kWh Energy.Me 0.07249 0.07171 0.06982 72,490.00 MC2 0.06985 0.06952 0.06765 69,850.00 Hudson 0.0727 0.0721 0.06992 72,700.00 IEC Fixed Pool 0.04624 0.04594 0.04629 46,240.00 ComEd 0.085 85,000.00 Per kWh
Recommendation Illinois Energy Consortium NextEra Energy Services Illinois, LLC New contract would begin November 1, 2014 NextEra prices would be received through October 31, 2014
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10
Recommended Approval of High Definition Cameras (HD), Mr. Gress and Mr. Eliscu
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10 • Quotes Ranged from $14,371-‐$55,000 • HD provides better quality for outside in recognizing people. • 16 HD Cameras would be on the outside parameters. • Installation would be done in the evening.
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10
NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:10
(Section 5 ILCS 120/2© (1) of the Open Meetings Act.) Student Discipline The Lindop Board of Education will enter into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against and employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Pending Litigation -‐ Personnel