June 2012

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Charter Information. 5 ... 43961 -Beach Rd, Suite A Soldotna, AK 99611 Phone: 907-262-5824 Fax: ... JUNE 20 and the fina
Kenai Peninsula 4-H Pledger

June 2012 Tuesday, November 02, 2010

December 2010 Dear 4-H Family, Cooperative Extension Service Kenai Peninsula District

43961 -Beach Rd, Suite A Soldotna, AK 99611 Phone: 907-262-5824 Fax: 907-262-3939 www.uaf.edu/ces/4h/kenpen

June 2012

Inside this issue: 4-H’er of the Month


Club News


Catalyst of Change


It’s hard to believe we Service Puppies 4 are entering Moose Pass Summer the ninth month of the Solstice Festival 4 2011-2012 project year, Charter Information 5 and more astonishing to Future Events 6 realize the Kenai Peninsula State Fair is just around the corner! School has concluded and we are already feeling the full swing of summer at the 4-H office. Please be sure to read this month’s Pledger in its entirety and remember to check the calendar on the back page to assure you have noted everything you want to do in your summer schedule. I have briefly outlined below some of the more pressing and notable activities coming up over the next few months. For those leaders who recently received a letter concerning club charters, I have written a brief article on the importance of charters and have clarified why you need to complete this important paperwork and

have it in your file at the district office. Please read this article and schedule a time to complete this important task before the fair. As always, I am available to answer your questions and provide any necessary support. Cloverbud Camp is right around the corner and has been scheduled to take place June 16 and 17 at Jeannette Kimes’ home off Echo Lake Road. Jeannette is looking for Intermediate and Senior Division 4-H’ers who would like to assist with and lead activities at this year’s camp. Activities under consideration include: pony rides, orienteering and geocaching, rocketry, nature trek, tracks and scavenger hunt, singing campfire songs, cooking s‘mores, skits, story-telling and much more. Cloverbud Camp is an overnight camping experience and will conclude at noon on Father’s Day. Jeannette is looking for support from any leaders, parents or other volunteers who wish to help with this exciting event. An enrollment application has been included in the Pledger and online at the district website for your convenience. (continued on page 2)

First JML Contact Check – Wednesday, June 20, 10 a.m. at the CES Office


Published by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.


Final JML Contact Check– Wednesday, June 27, 10 a.m. at the CES Office

Kenai Peninsula 4-H Pledger I would also like to draw your attention to the notice concerning the 91st National 4-H Congress and the related application deadline of July 2. This event is open to 4-H’ers between the ages of 14 and 19, and is considered one of the highest honors a 4-H member can attain. Participants accepted for attendance at this event will travel to Atlanta, Georgia, and represent 4-H for the State of Alaska. A full announcement of this exciting opportunity and a copy of the required application have been provided in this Pledger. If you are interested in attending, let your club leader and me know as soon as possible. Summer Service Camp with the National Parks Service at Kenai Fjords National Park has been scheduled for July 10, 11 and 12. This new collaboration between 4-H, the National Parks Service and the Resurrection Bay Conservation Alliance invites 4-H members 6th grade and up to

June 2012 learn about glaciology and the impact of invasive plant species on the park, to participate in out-door skills competitions, to hike the famous Harding Ice Field Trail and to complete several service-learning activities. Enrollment is $30 per person and the 4-H office is looking for at least two adult females and one adult male to assist with transporting and chaperoning up to 10 youth members. Depending on interest, there may also be a fieldtrip to the Seward Sea Life Center, with an additional related cost. The enrollment deadline is June 25 and a last minute gear-check and briefing will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on July 9. An enrollment application has been included in the Pledger and online at the district website for your convenience. I am really looking forward to a summer of great 4H project success, participation and enthusiasm and the creation of some great memories for the future!

with 4-H fundraising and JML activities. She helped out as the weigh-in clerk this year at weigh-in day and has volunteered to be a clerk at the fair in the sheep and goat barn. She participated in the tree tagging, tree sale and poker shoot last week all while maintaining excellent grades in school and competing in track and field. Chantel is a great example for all 4H’ers to follow. The district office looks forward to watching her achieve her dreams and goals as she continues to “Make the Best Better.” Way to go Chantel!

Our May meeting was held at the Braxling’s house on May 25. We finalized our plans for the clam digging beach trip set for June 7. On the beach trip, we will dig clams, do a little 4-wheeling and roast hot dogs over a driftwood fire. If you are interested, join us! Horse and Livestock Unlimited members have been busy with JML weigh-in day, the 4-H tree tagging and tree sale, and active in shooting sports and raising market animals for the fair. Just a reminder to all the JML kids out there, how are you doing on your record books? Do you have your weigh-in information logged for the rate-of-gain

paperwork? Do you have your vaccination records in your book (remember these are required for fair weighin), are you keeping track of what you have spent on feed and supplies in your feed records? It’s much easier to do now instead of waiting until August and then trying to figure out what you have missed. Have you started on your business contacts yet? Still plenty of time, but get them done early so you’re not rushing at the end. The first business contact check date is on JUNE 20 and the final business contact check date is JUNE 27.


Chantel Warfield has been involved in 4-H since before she was a Cloverbud . She helped her older brother with his projects until she was old enough to start on her own. She has raised swine, turkeys, chickens, ducks and rabbits for her JML and Cloverbud projects. This year she is learning how to raise sheep. She has been active in Horse and Livestock Unlimited for several years and an officer the past three years. She has also been active in the gardening and cooking clubs in Sterling. This year, Chantel is in Shooting Sports and has been very active


Sincerely, Jason Floyd, 4-H Agent

Kenai Peninsula 4-H Pledger The Trail Blazers Cooking Club would like to thank Erin Knox for teaching them how to make and use fondant for creating unique cakes. The cooking club members had so much fun learning how to prepare a cake for fondant, roll out and cover a cake, then decorate their own little cake with colorful fondant flowers and shapes. The results were beautiful and delicious creations. There were 14 participants, including three new members, Hannah Cozzini and Jodi and Jack Kain.

June 2012 We hope to see some creative fondant cakes entered at the fair this year! Cooking club members should watch for e-mails with details on the next cooking workshop on digging, cleaning and cooking razor clams, which will be held on June 5 at 10 a.m. at the Daniels' house in Happy Valley. Please remember to call or e-mail project leader Vicky Daniels ([email protected]/ 567-4434) if you are planning to attend.

On May 19 the Trail Blazers horse project members hosted a great mini-clinic to get ready for horse camp. We had riders of all age ranges and ability levels and even a club mom or two! We practiced groundwork, transitions and general horsemanship and ended the clinic by going on a trail ride together. It was a great way to work our horses before camp and have a little fun too! The Rangers had their second meeting in May. After a short business meeting, we practiced shooting and range commands with Mr. Rankin while Mrs. Heft worked on record books with the kids who were waiting for their turn to shoot. Several of the Rangers were able to participate in the May poker shoot at the Snow Shoe Gun Club. We all went home with good targets to hang on the wall, prizes and a glass full of candy (everybody liked that.) We have a fun group and are all excited for our next meeting in June! Henry Heft

The 2011 Alaska delegation included Mariah McCoy of Chugiak, Cortney Bue of Fairbanks, Trace Braxling of the Kenai District and Marla Lowder, Tanana District 4-H Agent, as chaperone. Delegates are encouraged to apply for leadership opportunities associated with the event. Mariah served on the 2011 National 4-H Congress Youth Leadership Team. This experience provides leadership in behind-the-scenes as well as onstage activities of the event, and delegates gain a whole new appreciation for how national 4-H events operate. Check out http://www.national4-hcongress.com/ for an overview of the event. Submit your application by July 2.


State delegates to National 4-H Congress meet other 4-H members from across the nation as they participate in

educational workshops focusing on diversity, cultural experiences, leadership and team development, along with community service projects.


4-H’ers between the ages of 14 and 19 who are interested in representing Alaska are invited to attend the 2012 National 4-H Congress. The 2012 National 4-H Congress is Thursday, November 29, through Tuesday, December 4, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, Georgia. Application deadline is July 2. Application is based on 4-H member accomplishments as evidenced through sections of the 4-H Record Book. The application form is included in this newsletter or can be accessed at our website, www.uaf.edu/ces/4h/kenpen. National 4-H Congress is one of the premiere experiences for 4-H members in this age group. 2012 marks the 91st congress in which 4-H’ers have been gathering to celebrate successes and accomplishments.

Kenai Peninsula 4-H Pledger

June 2012

Almost two years ago, when my family applied to raise a service dog for Canine Companions for Independence, we knew she would be recalled to the school for training in May of 2012. Before we knew it, 18 months of puppyhood had zoomed by and May 18 had arrived. I was fortunate enough to be able to fly “Kiri” back to California myself, where I had the chance to tour the school, meet other puppy raisers and school staff at a luncheon, and attend a graduation. A very meaningful part of CCI’s graduations is what they call the matriculation ceremony, where all the puppies going into formal training are called to the stage with their raisers and honored for their efforts. Each raiser is invited to submit photos of their dog’s puppy days for a special slideshow during the ceremony. So many sweet and funny pictures

had the whole place both laughing and crying! Saying goodbye to Kiri was a very bittersweet time for our family. We were able to look back over the last 18 months of raising her with such joy and look ahead to her future with such hope, but still, the actual parting was sad for all of us. Yet, as is the way of so many puppy raisers who find themselves hooked after such an amazing project, we decided to do it again! When I left the school, neither my arms nor my heart were empty—they were filled with ”Belle,” an eight-week-old yellow lab, who is our newest project and family member for the next year and a half. So, good luck, Kiri, and welcome to Alaska, Belle!

The Moose Landing Club is inviting clubs and members from around the Kenai Peninsula District to join them in Moose Pass on Saturday, June 20 and Sunday, June 21 for the Annual Moose Pass Summer Solstice Festival. The Moose Landing Club will be hosting a 4-H petting zoo and will be spreading the “Head, Heart, Hands and Health” message to families and community members from the North Peninsula. This is an area in our district we would like to see grow in membership, so your club’s participation is greatly encouraged. For clubs operating on the North and South Peninsula, frequent travel to the Central Peninsula is often required in order to participate in district events. Very few district events are ever held on the North or South Peninsula. If you

are looking for a great social event in which to involve your club, make a road trip out of this opportunity, go to Moose Pass, show your 4-H spirit and solidarity and have a great time. If you have an animal you would like

Amorette Payment & Family

to bring to the petting zoo, call the CES office and we will put you in contact with Lisa Correa or Kendra Leaders for more information. I look forward to “hanging-out” with everyone, including folks from the Central and South Peninsula, in Moose Pass on the June 20 and 21. Sincerely,



Jason Floyd, 4-H Agent

Tagging 4-H Trees at Connie’s Flowers

Kenai Peninsula 4-H Pledger

June 2012 By Jason Floyd, 4-H Agent

Q: What is the function of the 4-H club charter and do we have to charter our club? A: To answer this common question look no further than 4-H National Headquarters. According to National Headquarters a 4-H charter is required for any 4-H club that uses the 4-H name or emblem, regardless of the club’s fundraising status. Specifically the club charter serves as: An agreement by the “4-H club with 4-H National Headquarters-USDA to maintain proper use of the 4-H name and emblem.“* An agreement by the “club with the Land Grant Institution’s state or local 4-H Extension office to follow and abide by all state and local 4-H policies, procedures and other requirements.”* Club charters are an agreement “within the context of the overall 4-H program” and “do not qualify a 4-H club as a legal entity, or to share their rights and privileges, like use of the 4-H name or emblem, with any other person group or business.”* All operating clubs identifying themselves as a 4-H club, using the 4-H clover emblem or name must complete a charter. Q: Is there an expiration date on the charters? A: No. Once issued, 4-H club charters are valid for as long as the club receiving the charter exists. If the 4-H club, “disbanded, separated into multiple entities, or changed its name, a new charter would need to be issued.”* Q: Can a 4-H club charter be revoked? A: Yes. “4-H charters may be revoked at any time by the Land Grant Institution’s state or local 4-H Extension office for failure by the club to meet any aspect of the agreement,” as implied and stated above.* A recent review of Kenai Peninsula District club files shows many clubs have yet to fully complete the charter process. It has also become clear some clubs were told they did not need to charter if they did not intent to fundraise or maintain a bank account; this information is incorrect. Letters have already been sent to clubs with no charter paperwork started, and another round of letters will be sent to all clubs lacking necessary paperwork in their charter file. Please take time to read these letters, let me know if you have any questions or require assistance with any related detail and complete the requested paperwork at your earliest convenience. This process has been designed to be as painless as possible and is a primary reason 4-H has withstood the test of time and continues to be universally recognized as the premier positive youth development organization we all admire, respect and love. Also, don’t forget to include your youth leaders in this important paperwork. It will not only provide an important life experience, but will also give the members true ownership and responsibility over their clubs.


*4-H National Headquarters Fact Sheet—Charters: The Key to Official Recognition http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/res/pdfs/Fact_sheet_charter_01_2011.pdf **4-H National Headquarters Fact Sheet—Using the 4-H Name and Emblem http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/res/pdfs/using_the_4h_name.pdf


Did You Know? The 4-H name and emblem is a highly valued mark within our country’s history. As such, it was granted a very unique and special status; it is in a category similar to the presidential seal and the Olympic emblem! This federal protection makes it a mark into and of itself with protection that supersedes the limited authorities of both a trademark and a copyright. As a result, responsibility and stewardship for the 4-H name and emblem were not given to the U.S. patent office but were given to a higher level of the federal government, a member of the Cabinet, the Secretary of Agriculture. The Secretary has responsibility for the 4-H name and emblem, at the direct request of Congress. The “18 USC 707” is the statement in the United States Code that outlines the protection of the 4-H name and emblem.**

Kenai Peninsula 4-H Pledger

June 2012

Cooperative Extension Service 43961 K-Beach Rd, Suite A Soldotna, AK 99669-9728

RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Editor: [email protected] (Jason) Production, Layout & Design: [email protected] (Vicki)

I would like to thank all of the parents and members of Shooting Sports for showing up and participating in our second Poker Shoot of the year. With the help from all, it was a great success. Thank you, Patty. P.S. Do not forget that the district shooting match will be held Sunday, August 19, at the fair.


June 2: All-Ages Horse Show June 3 – 5: Basic Horse Camp June 15: Duck possession date June 15: 4-H enrollment deadline for fair entries June 16 – 17: Cloverbud Camp June 18: District 4-H council meeting June 20: JML contacts due June 27: Final JML contact due date July 1: Rabbit and chicken possession date July 4: Parade in Kenai July 8: District 4-H council meeting July 10 – 12: Kenai Fjords National Park Camp July 24: Records check at the CES office July 27: Records check at the CES office August 16-19: Kenai Peninsula State Fair August 23 – September 3: Palmer State Fair


Dates of Future Events:

JUNE 2012 4-H Activities Calendar Sun








2 Last day of Horse Camp


4 5 Jason in Ninilchik




Cloverbud Camp Sportsman Warehouse Shooting Sports Community Service 24








District Council meeting 6:30 p.m.



North Road Rangers Club meeting 9 Tentative Safari Club International Banquet

Basic Horse Camp 10

All$ges Horse Show

Duck Possession date

Cloverbud Camp Sportsman Warehouse Shooting Sports Community Service







4-H Enrollment Deadline

JML Contacts check


27 Final JML Contacts check

Eli Butler with her third service dog puppy, Kyla

Kenai Peninsula State Fair Dates August 17—19