Jun 25, 2017 - window washing and light duty household repairs. ..... Baptism Class prior to setting a date for the Bapt
St. Mary Immaculate Parish 15629 S. Rt. 59 Plainfield IL 60544-2695 Parish Office 815-436-2651 School Office 815-436-3953 Religious Ed. Office 815-436-4501 Youth Ministry Office 815-436-2350 Website: www.smip.org .com/StMaryImmaculate @SMIPlainfield Regular Mass Times For Holy Day or civic holiday Mass time changes, please check the bulletin or call the Parish Office.
Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday - (Church)
4:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 6:00 PM
Spanish Masses Saturday - (Church) Sunday - (Cana Hall)
5:30 PM 12:15 PM
Polish Masses Sunday - (Cana Hall)
9:00 AM
Weekday Masses Monday - Saturday
7:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation English
4:00PM When a priest is available.
Spanish Polish
Begins at 3:00PM
Or by appointment with the priests.
Chapel Hours Continuous exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament from Sunday 7:00 PM through Friday 9:00 PM except on First Fridays when exposition continues overnight to Saturday 7:00 AM.
The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 25, 2017
What’s Inside The Word from Fr. Pat ................................ 3 Our Family in Faith ............................... 4-11 Recurring Meetings Prayer Cross Prayer Cross Update In Memoriam Newly Baptized Welcome Reception for Fr. Pat Holiday Schedule for July 4th Full and Part Time Positions Available SMI Senior’s Luncheon Theology on Tap Thank You—Knights of Columbus St. Anne’s Sewing Circle Totus Tuus Catholics Returning Home Joliet Slammers Game Brothers in Christ Legion of Mary Word of Life Flocknote SMI Parish App Shop With Scrip Online Giving Quote of the Week Education & Formation ........................ 12-13 SMI School Tuition Transfer Grant First Communion Pictures Become a Catechist School Registration Parish Outreach During Challenging Times Daybreak Update Helping Hearts and Hands Interfaith Food Pantry Needs Journey Forward Nursing Home Ministry Liturgy & Worship ............................... 15-16 First Saturday Devotion Healing Prayer Service Liturgical Minister Schedule Music Schedule Weekly Schedule Around the Diocese .............................. 17-18 Part Time Position Available Joyful Again Prayer Breakfast Diversity & Unity ................................... 18-19 Polish Ministry Hispanic Ministry
Mass Intentions Monday— 7:30a.m.
June 26, 2017 Gigi & Forest Mapes—Living Intention— (Vito & Jean)
Tuesday— 7:30 a.m.
June 27, 2017 Rose Voytas—(Hesch Family)
Wednesday — 7:30 a.m.
June 28, 2017 Eleanor Glowacki—(Ron & Diane Ziemba)
Thursday— 7:30 a.m.
June 29, 2017 Janice Broniarczyk —(Ted Miller)
Friday— 7:30 a.m.
June 30, 2017 Pat Stanford - (SMI CCW)
Saturday— 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
July 1, 2017 Robert Naumann—(Family) Victoria Salamonski—(Ladies Auxilary) Raquel Morales—(Magaly Campos)
Sunday— 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (Polish - Cana) 10:45 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. (Sp-Cana) 6:00 p.m.
July 2, 2017 Shirley Stofko—(Mark & Family) Tim Veverka—(Ken & Maggie Redman) For those who Pray the Rosary—(Fr. Andrew) Noelva Sanchez—(Daughter) Maria Luisa Ortega—(Ortega Family) People of the Parish Margarita Villanueva—(Annette)
Offerings $29,445.00
Weekly Offering June 18
Readings for the Week Sunday
Weekly Calendar ........................................ 20
Jer 20:10-13; Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35; Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33
Contact Information ................................... 21
Gn 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13, 18-20, 22; Mt 7:1-5
Love requires a creative, concrete response. Good intentions are not enough. The other is not a statistic, but a person to take care of.
Gn 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mt 7:15-20
Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 8:1-4
Gn 18:1-15; Lk 1:46-50, 53-55; Mt 8:5-17
2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a; Ps 89:2-3, 16-19; Rom 6:3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42
- Pope Francis Page 2
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
The Word from Fr. Pat Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, When I was leaving my last parish as an associate and going to the parish I just came from, Notre Dame in Clarendon Hills, I said to the principal of the school, “I hope the children there will be as wonderful as the children have been here.” She is a wise veteran of Catholic education and said to me, “Children are the same everywhere. They will love you once they get to know you.” And they did, of course. And they were wonderful.
right for me. So I worked as a youth ministry director at St. Petronille Parish in Glen Ellyn for about six years. I then had a couple of jobs for about five years each at a computer supply business, where I became the sales manager, and then at a printing firm where my grandfather, father and uncle all worked. I loved all of those jobs, but came to know that I wasn’t doing what God wanted me to do, so in 2001, I began my studies at Mundelein Seminary, graduating and being ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ in 2006, the only one ordained that year.
One of the things of which I’m acutely aware is that My first parish was Saint Raphael in Naperville, where whenever there is change, there is tension. And so as I served as Parochial Vicar for three years. I then went you have been assigned a new pastor for the first time back to Saint Petronille in Glen Ellyn, where I served in a dozen years, I know there is a lot of concern about as Parochial Vicar for a mere year and a half before whether “the new guy” will come in and change being called to be the Pastor at Notre Dame in everything, or have such a different Clarendon Hills. I was there for six point of view that he’ll throw out Are not two sparrows sold and a half years when Bishop everything you’ve worked so hard Conlon asked me to come to Saint for a small coin? to put into place as a parish Mary Immaculate. I am delighted community. I’m acutely aware of it Yet not one of them falls to that as a Pastor, I have been because I have some tensions too. the ground without your privileged to serve at two parishes Will the new community appreciate named in honor of our Blessed my style of leadership? Will I have Father's knowledge. Mother! the time to get to know them before Even all the hairs of your I am here to be part of this we have to do major projects together? wonderful community, and I look head are counted. forward to working with all the But you know what? We’re all So do not be afraid; you various groups and getting to know going to be fine. Yes, you will miss all of you. I’m terrible with names Father David, and yes, I will miss are worth more than many though, so please know that I won’t sparrows. Notre Dame. But we’re still going be offended if you introduce to be fine. We’re going to be fine - Matthew 10:29-30 yourselves to me a few times; please because as Jesus says in our Gospel be patient with me! Since this reading this weekend, “Even all the hairs of your head parish is five times bigger than my last parish, I’m sure have been counted.” We’re going to be fine because it will take some time to get to know you, but I’m also our Lord walks with us as we transition, and he is looking forward to that. I consider it one of the present in every change, if we open ourselves up to greatest joys of my life that I have been called to be him. And because of that, we will come to love each your pastor. other with that love God has given us first. And I don’t know about you, but I’m really looking forward Please also know that you have all been in my prayers to that! since the moment I knew I was coming here, and you will be in my prayers every day. I hope that you will So a little about me: I’m the oldest of three children, also pray for me. It is always my prayer, every day, and I have two sisters. The oldest of them, Sharon, that we would all grow in holiness together. If we do lives with my mother, Julie, in the house I grew up in that, there’s nothing that can’t be accomplished. in Glen Ellyn. The younger of them, Peggy, lives in Winfield with her husband John and her children Julia, So as we enter into transition together, I think that last Danny, Molly and Katie. You’ll probably see all of line from the Gospel quote above says what we need to them from time to time. I know they are looking hear: “So do not be afraid; you are worth more than forward to getting to know you. many sparrows.” God is working in all of our lives. Won’t it be great to find out what he wants us to do I was a “later” vocation. I graduated in 1986 from together? Illinois Benedictine College in Lisle, which is now Benedictine University. I discerned a call to priesthood Yours in Christ and His Blessed Mother, at that time, but ultimately decided the time was not Father Pat Mulcahy, Pastor
June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
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Our Family in Faith Recurring Meetings* Liturgy & Worship: First Saturday Devotion - 1st Saturday of every month after the 7:30 am Mass Choirs Adult Choir - Wednesdays at 7:00 pm from the weekend after Labor Day through Pentecost Youth Choir - Tuesdays at 6:45 pm from the week after labor day through Pentecost Handbell Choir - Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. from the weekend after Labor Day through Pentecost Spanish Adult Choir - Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Spanish Teen Choir - Saturdays at 1:00 pm Parish Outreach in Challenging Times: Employment Ministry - every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Journey Forward - 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Fellowship & Social Events: New Parishioner Welcoming/Registration - every Sunday at 10:15 am W.O.W.S. (Widows/Widowers/Singles) - 4th Saturday of every month at 2:00 pm; Nov. is 3rd Saturday; No meeting in December. SMI Catholic Moms’ Group - 2nd Thursday of every month from 9:30 am - 11:00 am Sacredness of Life: Reverence for Life - 4th Wednesday of every month, Sep. through May, at 7:00 pm Men & Women: Brothers in Christ - every Saturday at 7:00 am Council of Catholic Women (CCW) - 1st Thursday of the month, Sep-Dec & Feb-May from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Knights of Columbus Business Meeting - 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Social Meeting - 4th Thursday of the month, Jan. through May & Sep through Oct., at 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Meeting 2nd Thursday of every month, Jan. through May & Sep to Oct., at 7:00 pm Christian Service, Pastoral Care & Social Justice: Blood Pressure Screening - 3rd Sunday of every month, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, Sept. to May St. Anne’s Sewing Circle - 2nd Saturday of every month, 9:00 am to 1:30 pm St. Vincent DePaul - 3rd Wednesday of every month, 7:00 pm Education & Formation: Charismatic Prayer Group - every Tuesday at 7:00 pm Lay Apostles Prayer Group - 2nd Tuesday of every month at 12:30 pm or 2nd Saturday at 9:00 am LIFETEEN High School Youth Ministry - every Sunday at 7:00 pm
Please remember the sick and the confined of our parish community, especially…
Lois Alcamo, Pat Anderson, Margaret Birmingham, Frank Carino Jr., Frank Cesario, Luz Contreras, Lois Costablile, Patrick Croy, Concordia Dela Cruz, Lynette Dattomo, Delphine Dombroski, Sue Flynn, Alex Freund, Dana Freund, Paul Gadomski, Janice Gregoire, Josephine Hayes, Ken Hood, Pat Hood, Chris Jalove, Carmella Justice, Grant Justice, Derek Khan, Colleen Kowalke, Bernie Lepacek, Russell Lewis, Rita Maksimik, Jack McBride, Shirley McBride, Frank Mellen, Benjamin Mollandin, Erik Mollandin, Kevin Moore, Michael Moravec, Christine Moskwa, Delores Novak, Rhonda Price, Hayley Schwartz, Tim Slayman, Roseanne Smith, John Szklarski, Bruce Trevillian II, Catherine Zivec
Prayer Cross Update In the interest in keeping our Prayer Cross current, we have removed all names put on the prayer cross prior to April 1, 2017. If you would like your name, or a family member's name to be added onto the Prayer Cross, please contact Pat Mander, Parish Nurse at 815-436-2651 ext 893.
Evangelization and Communication Legion of Mary - every Thursday at 7:00 pm
* Occasionally meeting days or times may change. Please watch the bulletin for special announcements. If you do not see your regular weekly or monthly ministry meeting listed here, please contact the bulletin editor at bulletin@smip.org with the day, time and frequency of meeting. Thank you.
Please keep Eleanor Allen and her family in your prayers.
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One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Our Family in Faith Congratulations to the Newly Baptized… COLLIN RAY NICKEL GWENYTH LYNN NICKEL LANDON CRAIG NICKEL & QUINN JOSEPH NICKEL Children of Kevin & Stephanie (Harmon) Nickel
Welcome Cake Reception for Father Pat Mulcahy This Weekend Please join us for cake and fellowship as we welcome Father Pat Mulcahy to St. Mary Immaculate Parish as Pastor. The reception will take place in the Gym after all the evening Masses on Saturday, June 24 and all day time Masses on Sunday, June 25.
Holiday Schedule for July 4th
Parish Offices will be closed Monday, July 3rd–Tuesday, July 4th for the Independence Day holiday.
Adoration will begin Sunday, July 2nd immediately following 6:00 pm Mass until 4:00pm Monday, July 3rd and will be exposed again following the holiday on Wednesday, July 5th after 7:30am Mass.
Shop with Scrip Sales will end on Friday, June 30th at 4:15pm and remain closed until Wednesday, July 5th.
Shop with Scrip will resume on Wednesday, July 5th at 8:15am as usual.
Full and Part-Time Positions Available St Mary Immaculate currently has one full time and one part time position within Maintenance/Custodial staff available. The full time position is from 3pm to 11pm on weekdays. The part time position is from 11am to 7pm on weekends as needed. Candidates for both positions must be able to lift 50lbs and work both inside and outside of the facility in all weather conditions. Candidates must also pass a background check and complete a Protecting God’s Children course as required for all parish staff. For more information, please contact Steve Perez, Building Services Supervisor, at (815)-436-2651 ext. 820 or send cover letter and resume to sperez@smip.org. June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
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Our Family in Faith SMI Seniors Monthly Luncheonth & Meeting Wednesday, June 28 Please join us for Mass at 11:00 a.m. Following mass there will be a brief business meeting and lunch at noon. Beef sandwiches will be served, along with potato salad, coleslaw and ice cream sandwiches for dessert. No food donation will be necessary at the check-in table. This month everybody gets a free ride. Fifty/50, Split the Pot, and Door Prize raffle tickets will be available to those who wish to participate, and, we may play a game or two of BINGO after lunch if everyone’s up for it. $2 per person will be collected for prize money. We will be taking reservations for our Passion of Christ day trip on August 23rd to St. John, IN. We have about twenty reserved so far. If you are planning to join us, please fill out a reservation slip from the bottom of the flyer we distributed last month and bring it to the June meeting. The cost is $65 per person; $5 additional for those unable to walk the way of the cross. Cost includes round-trip motor coach transportation, visit to the Shrine, plated lunch at a local restaurant and all taxes & gratuities. Cash or checks will be accepted at this month’s check-in table. Copies of the flyer will be available in case you don’t have one.
Also save the following important dates: th for our Annual Drury Lane lunch/theatre outing Wednesday, November 29 Wednesday, December 13th for our Christmas party at Al’s Steakhouse in Joliet. If you have not paid your 2017 Membership dues of $10 per person, please do so at the meeting or ASAP. If you are a new member or have not filled out an index card with your name and address, etc., please see John or Marlene at any luncheon meeting for details. Names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses help us keep in touch with our members.
Guests and newly registered parish members are always welcome! If you have questions about our organization, please call John at 815-782-5206 or Marlene at 815-254-6301.
Knights of Columbus Good Shepherd Council
PRE-FIREWORKS Family Cookout and Party Monday, July 3 6:00 PM — Fireworks (food served from 6:00—8:00 PM) Knights of Columbus Gray House at St. Mary Immaculate Parish Menu: Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, baked beans and desserts by Fr. John Cost: Free will offering for food and beverage Activities: Bags, Presidential Bingo, Children’s Games and Water Balloon Toss
Knights and Auxiliary Members and their children and grandchildren are invited. Please RSVP for all who are attending so we have numbers to prepare for this family party. RSVP by following the link on the Council Website www.kofc5573.org or by calling Grace at 815-254-7078. Page 6
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Our Family in Faith FIAT Young Adult Ministry Hosts
Theology on Tap
at Fox’s Restaurant and Pub — July 2017
Speaker Line Up 7/6 Deacon Ryan Adorjan “Unquenchable Me: On Human Desire and Fulfillment” 7/13 Melissa Novak “Lost in Translation?: Unlocking the Secret of the 5 Love Languages” 7/20 Moises and Sarah Barraza “And You Welcomed Me: Immigration & Catholic Social Teaching” 7/27 Fr. David Mowry “God Is Not a Divine Vending Machine: Relearning How to Pray in 2017”
Join us Thursday evenings in July from 7:00—8:30 PM at Fox’s Restaurant and Pub (14206 Rt. 30, Plainfield, IL 60544 )
from the Knights of Columbus and the Ladies Auxiliary Good Shepherd Council and the Ladies Auxiliary wish to thank our fellow parishioners who support us throughout the year. Because you come to our fish fry, donate to the Tootsie Roll Drive, and partake of our sponsored breakfast, we have been able to give financial support to many organizations. These include St. Mary Immaculate Parish, School, Religious Education and Confirmation programs, the deaf ministry, the special needs ministry, Daybreak shelter and Morningstar mission, Plainfield Food Pantry, Joliet Hospice and many more. We also award a scholarship to a graduating student from our parish school. Your continued support of our blood drive is life-giving. We are able to continue to practice charity—one of the core principles of the Knights—through your support. You, the parishioners, are always in our prayers. God bless YOU!!! For more information about the Knights of Columbus, contact Grand Knight Rich Blaszak (815)-2547078 or rblaszak@sbcglobal.net. To learn more about the Ladies Auxiliary, contact President Annemarie Burns (815)-254-9878 or annemariejb@gmail.com.
St. Anne’s Sewing Circle Please make a note that our members will NOT be available on the second Saturday in July, July 8th. Mark your calendars for our next availability on August 12th. Thank you for your support of our ministry. If you have any questions or would like to join our ministry, please contact Pat Arendt at (815)-609-8033 or Diane Ziemba at (815)-609-9224 or raz5733@aol.com. June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
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Our Family in Faith
Welcome to our Totus Tuus 2017 Team Hello! We are Steven, Claire, Christian and Kacey and we are summer missionaries with the Totus Tuus program. We are excited to share our faith while having tons of fun this week. Our focus is to teach the youth about making a sincere gift of self to Jesus through the Blessed Mother. We hope you will join us! Steven Widlowski is a seminarian for the Diocese of Joliet studying at St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN. Christian Sinclair is a recent graduate of Plainfield Central High School AND a St. Mary Immaculate parishioner. He will begin seminary formation at St. John Vianney College Seminary in the fall. Claire Simeo is a college senior studying at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH, where she is majoring in Theology and Catechetics. Kacey Short is a senior at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, IL, where she is majoring in English.
Registration for Totus Tuus remains open: Stop by the Commons Desk for a registration form! High School students – if you plan on volunteering for the daytime program for Gr. 1-6, please contact Ruth Campbell for details & paperwork or turn in your completed forms.
Requests from our Totus Tuus program:
We ask for your help for the following: Sign up to provide a lunch for our 4 Totus Tuus Team leaders for any day Monday, July 10 through Friday, July 14. Lunches are easy meals and can be as simple as sandwich trays, chips and drinks. Lunch needs to be delivered to the parish by 11:45 am each day. Sign up to treat our 4 Totus Tuus Team leaders to dinner one of the evenings Sunday,
July 9 through Thursday, July 13. Time for dinner is limited – the Team will be available at 5:15 pm and must be back at the parish by 6:45 pm to prepare for the evening program for Gr. 7-12. Dinners can be cookouts at your home or the park or at your favorite local restaurant.
2 Adult volunteers are needed during the Gr. 1-6 daytime program.
You must have completed the Protecting God’s Children certification program. Please contact Ruth for details and paperwork. Please contact Ruth Campbell at rcampbell@smip.org or (815)-436-2651 ext. 877 to sign up to provide a meal and learn about any food allergies, to volunteer, or for more information about Totus Tuus.
Join the Fun with the Totus Tuus Team! Page 8
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Our Family in Faith Reconnect with your Faith through Catholics Returning Home Catholics Returning Home is a program to help Catholics reconnect with their faith and renew their relationship with Christ. There is no obligation or cost. Join us and you will find a: Supportive, non-judgmental group where you can freely explore your concerns and questions Small community with others thinking about returning, recently returned Catholics, and clergy Safe haven in which private issues are identified and dealt with privately, with compassion Warm environment where you will be welcomed This 6-week series begins Monday, July 10, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the North Wing Room A at St. Mary Immaculate Parish. July 10 Welcome, Overview of Series July 17 Presentation on Inactive Catholics July 24 The Church Today: Changes Since Vatican II July 31 The Mass August 7 Explanation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation August 14 T he Creed: What Catholics Believe Program is open to all. Pre-registration is requested but not required. For more information, please call the group’s facilitator, Deacon Tom O’Connell, at 815-230-2241 or visit www.smip.org.
Join Us for Our Annual Family & Friends Night at Silver Cross Field St. Mary Immaculate Parish is sponsoring an “Evening at the Ball Field with Family and Friends”. Mark your calendars for Friday, July 21. The game starts at 7:05 p.m. versus the Southern Illinois Miners. There’s plenty of free parking close to the stadium, lots of tasty “Ball Park” food at family friendly prices and fireworks after the game. Tickets are now available in the Commons for only $5.00 per person (half-price) for this fun and exciting night out. We need you to help make our night at the park memorable! Join us and wear a red or blue shirt to show your SMI pride. For more information, contact Laura Van Ham at 815-436-2651, x887 or lvanham@smip.org.
Brothers In Christ We are men seeking to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through fellowship with other men and by the application of sacred scripture to our daily lives. We meet every Saturday from 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. in rooms B and C in the North Wing, across from the Adoration Chapel. For more information and a copy of our Brothers in Christ pamphlet which has our meeting format, please contact Dutch McCann at 815-436-8072 or dutchmccann@comcast.net or Joe Basar at 630-333-7590 or gbasar@comcast.net June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
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Our Family in Faith Legion of Mary The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members. We are a group of parishioners who deeply love our Blessed Mother Mary and her Divine Son, Jesus. We help each other on our journey to become saints. How do we do this? We do this by praying, working and evangelizing together for our Blessed Mother Mary. It is our mission as Legionaries to assist our Blessed Mother Mary to spread the Word of her Son and to have a true devotion to our Holy Mother. We meet on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the Small Meeting Room. Please join us, all are welcome. Please pray for our mission and may our Holy Mother Mary and her Divine Son Jesus bless you always.
Knights of Columbus Good Shepherd Council #5573 For those afraid to welcome life: May the Lord fill their hearts with confidence in His loving care and provide for every need; We pray to the Lord
Por quienes temen acoger la vida: Para que el Señor colme sus corazones con confianza en su cuidado amoroso y satisfaga cada necesidad; roguemos al Señor
Knights of Columbus Good Shepherd Council #5573 Palabra de Vida
Word of Life “If someone we know has received a prenatal diagnosis, let us ask the Holy Spirit to work through us. May the families of these little children be strengthened and comforted by our affirmation of the truth that their child's life—however long or short—is worth living.”
“Si alguien que conocemos ha recibido un diagnóstico prenatal, pidamos al Espíritu Santo que obre por medio de nosotros. Que las familias de estos pequeños niños sean fortalecidas y reconfortadas por nuestra afirmación de la verdad de que la vida de su hijo, ya sea corta o larga, merece ser vivida.”
Are you Connected?
If you haven’t signed up for Flocknote, our new parish communication tool, please go to the parish website at www.smip.org, and click on the “Flocknote” link, and follow the instructions to sign up. You can also just type smip.org/flocknote into your browser.
SMI Parish App SMI is excited to announce that we have released our brand new Parish App. It has a number of wonderful features to help keep you connected and up-todate as well as plenty of resources to deepen your journey of faith. It is available for download today in the Apple, Google, Windows, and Amazon App Store. Just search for St. Mary Immaculate or SMIP in your App Store and download it today! Page 10
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Our Family in Faith SMI’s new way to fundraise while you shop has arrived! Purchase Gift Cards at Face Value for Retailers That You Already Frequent Over 700 Retailers to Choose From SMIP Receives a Rebate for Every Purchase Choose to Apply a Rebate Percentage to SMI School Tuition for Your Family or Another Order Online with ScripNow: ~ Pick up physical gift cards at the parish office ~ Print a “card” for use like a physical card or for online purchases ~ Reload - Add funds to previously purchased and registered cards ~ Order and redeem from Apple and Android devices with MyScrip Wallet Purchases can also be made in person in the parish office, Monday through Friday, with cash or check. Go to www.smip.com/scrip to Learn More
Sign Up in the Parish Office!
St. Mary Immaculate Parish now offers Online Giving! Convenient. Easy. Secure.
Simply go to our parish website, www.smip.org, and click the “Online Giving” logo as shown here. With our new Online Giving website, your donations can be made automatically from your checking, savings, or credit card account(s) into the parish bank account. This new program offers significant improvements and greater flexibility over our original ACH/ Credit Card program. You can choose your donation dates, types and frequencies, as well as enter multiple payment methods. When you access the online giving website the first time, you will need to create a personal account. At the SMI Online Giving home page, you can use the “Create New Account” option on top, or the “Sign up for a New Account” option on the right side. There is a “Watch Help Video” link which shows a brief tutorial on creating a new account, as well as a FAQs link and other useful information. After you create your User ID and Password, and enter your basic contact info, you will receive a confirmation email with another link you’ll need to click to confirm your account. Once confirmed, you can enter your payment methods and make new gifts, either one-time or recurring, to our weekly, monthly, and special collections throughout the year. You can also manage your active giving and view your giving history. Again there are Help Videos available for each of these options. If you are using our original ACH/Credit Card program through the Authorization Form in the bulletin, and you start giving in Online Giving, please call the Parish Office to discontinue your donations in the original system. Failure to do so could result in duplicate donations being processed. Please contact the Parish Office at 815-436-2651 if you have any questions.
Quote of the Week A family is holy not because it is perfect but because God's grace is at work in it, helping it to set out anew every day on the way of love. U.S. Catholic Bishops, Follow the Way of Love June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
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Education and Formation
St. Mary Immaculate Offers $1,000 off of Tuition to Transfer Students St. Mary’s is pleased to offer a Tuition Transfer Grant to any parishioner who transfers their child into Grades K-7 from any private*, public, charter or home school. This grant will be applied to offset the current school tuition. St. Mary’s rigorous curriculum exceeds state and diocesan standards and our students consistently perform in the top of their high school classes. Our new state of the art STEM lab and 1:1 program sets our school apart from many others. With our smaller class sizes and many extracurricular activities, your child will have a greater opportunity to excel. We take pride in providing an outstanding Catholic education that has the foundation for our students’ future and their character. We also seek to help them understand themselves and their life in the context of their identity as a son or daughter of the Living God and as a member of the universal Catholic family. For more information, please call our principal, Mr. John Garvey at 815-436-3953. *Students transferring from another Catholic school within the Dioceses of Joliet, Peoria, Rockford, Springfield and the Archdiocese of Chicago are not eligible.
First Communion Pictures are in! If your child made First Communion on April 29th or May 6th the pictures have arrived and are in the RE office. You can pick them up Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. DVD’s are mailed directly to your home.
Have you ever thought about being a Catechist? The Religious Ed department is still looking for energetic, faith-filled adults to pass on their faith to our children. This is a wonderful way to share your love of the Lord with others.
We are looking for teachers for Grades 1 & 2 and Special Ed If you are interested please call the Religious Education office at 815-436-4501.
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One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Education and Formation (continued) Confirmation Families Explore the Sacredness of Human Life During the 2016-17 school year, families in the Confirmation Program learned about different ways our faith guides us in honoring God’s precious gift of life. Topics included refugees, euthanasia, and the spiritual adoption of an unborn baby. At their final meeting of the year, they celebrated life by generously donating baby items to the Waterleaf Women’s Center, as pictured here. Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. 1 John 4:7 Registration is open - www.smip.org/265 Strengthened by the Spirit, Called to Action
Register Now for the 2017-2018 School Year! It’s time to register your student for 2017 -2018 school year at St. Mary Immaculate Parish School. We offer a quality faith-centered education for children from Pre-School (age 3 by September 1 of the school year) to Grade Eight. A family must be registered parishioners at St. Mary Immaculate in order to register for our school. We ask that you bring your child’s birth certificate and baptismal certificate along with a $125 registration fee per family with you when you register in the Main office (Entrance A, south of the Commons Doors). Registration is open each school day from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. until openings are filled. Families wishing to tour the school during the school day may call the school for an appointment. Please direct all inquiries to Kris at 815-436-3953. Thank you for your interest in St. Mary Immaculate Parish School. June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
Page 13
Parish Outreach in Challenging Times Daybreak Update What is Daybreak?
Daybreak is a homeless shelter run by Catholic Charities located in downtown Joliet. The evening meals for the residents are provided solely by contributions prepared and served from the congregations of local churches and community organizations. This ministry at St. Mary’s has committed to supplying the dinner six times per year along with the provisions for breakfast the following day.
We need you!
Since this is meant to be a parish ministry, we ask that you please consider donating a portion of the meal. Please sign up to donate to the hungry. It truly is a way to help those in need. Being that this date is so close to the holiday please remember to mark your calendar of the date and drop off time.
4th of July meal
Our next meal is Tuesday, July 4, 2017. The drop off time will be slightly different this month. Due to the fact that our meal is on the holiday we will be collecting all donations on Sunday, July 2nd in the commons area before or after all the masses. We will need donations of pasta salad, potato chips, fresh fruit, ice cream toppings, brownies, and 2 liter bottles of soda. A complete list of the necessary items will be included on the poster that will be displayed in the commons beginning Friday, June 16th until Sunday July 2nd.
Thank you!
We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to everyone who has cooked, served or donated food. The generosity of the parishioners of St. Mary’s is always overwhelming and we are grateful.
Feel free to contact Donna Giancarlo 815-436-7166 or Linda Polnik 815-436-5069.
Helping Hearts and Hands Have you ever thought of volunteering your time but afraid to because the commitment might be more that you want? Well here is your opportunity to get your hands dirty one day a month for two or three hours. Helping Hearts and Hands is a group of St Mary’s parishioners that help primarily our senior population or anyone that needs help accomplishing household tasks. These tasks may include: mowing, trimming, raking, weeding, mulching, painting, power washing, window washing and light duty household repairs. Many projects can be family friendly. Please contact Paul King if you are interested at 815735-2911 or paul@northweststeel.com. INTERFAITH FOOD PANTRY is in need of the following items: CANNED VEGETABLES, TUNA, CANNED MEATS, JELLO and PUDDING
Thank you for your continued support. Page 14
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Parish Outreach in Challenging Times (continued) Journey Forward ~ Grief Support Group This program is open to adults of St. Mary Immaculate Parish and the surrounding communities who have experienced a loss of a spouse, family member or friend. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm at St. Mary’s in meeting room North Wing A across from the Adoration Chapel. Registration is encouraged, but not required. For more information or to register, please contact Tom Barkauskas, LCSW at 630-209-0073.
NURSING HOME MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." (Matthew 25:35-36) There is a great need for volunteers to join our Nursing Home Ministry. Our ministers currently visit three facilities: Lakewood, Rosewood and Harbor Chase Nursing Homes. Each Sunday we distribute the Eucharist to residents between the hours of 9:00-10:30am. As a minister, you would be scheduled approximately every 4-5 weeks. Training is provided. Thank you for prayerfully considering joining our ministry and providing those who cannot attend Mass an opportunity to receive the Blessed Sacrament. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact Theresa Vanek at 630-292-2633 or tmvanek@sbcglobal.net.
Liturgy and Worship First Saturday Devotion on July 1 after 7:30 a.m. Mass The devotion of First Saturdays, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, carries with it the assurance of the graces necessary for salvation at the hour of death. However, to derive profit from such a great promise of Our Lady, the devotion must be properly understood and duly performed. The requirements as stipulated by Our Lady are, on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months: Confession, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, and to do all these things in the spirit of reparation to my Immaculate Heart. Please join us for 7:30 a.m. Mass. The recitation of the Rosary will immediately follow in the Church.
Healing Prayer Service Sunday, July 2, 1:30 pm Join us in the Church for a scripture reading & prayer followed by the opportunity to receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick which conveys special graces and strength of the Holy Spirit. June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
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Liturgy and Worship (continued)
Music Schedule Saturday, July 1
Sunday, July 2
4:00 pm
M. Maksimik A. Waldron
5:30 pm
7:30 am
V. Lamlech P. Bertino
9:00 am
Sunday, July 2
P. Calma T. Henderson K. Frost
9:00 am Cana
10:45 am
H. Oreta M. Holman J. Cilione M. Korzenecki
12:15 pm
S. Kocher K. Frost
12:15 pm Cana Spanish 6:00 pm
Weekly Schedules Fellowship—Sunday, July 2 NO Hospitality Fourth of July Weekend Page 16
NO Welcome Gathering Event Fourth of July Weekend
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
Laundry— Monday, July 3 Altar Linens Pat Flynn / Arlene Kauzlarich June 25, 2017
Around the Diocese Job Opening Part-time School Secretary All Saints Catholic Academy—Naperville, IL All Saints Catholic Academy in Naperville, IL is looking to fill a part-time (25 hours per week) school secretary position starting August 1st. This position will be under the direct supervision of the principal or other office administrators, the School Secretary will provide clerical, secretarial and administrative assistance to school administrators; convey information regarding school functions and procedures; and will enthusiastically support the broad array of services provided to students, parents, instructional and support employees. The ideal candidate will: Exhibit proficiency in using Microsoft Office Suite. (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) Demonstrate proficiency in learning and using School Speak, the school's parent communication platform. Maintain strict confidentiality in all matters related to administrators, students, staff, and parents. Prepare, copy and distribute notices, memoranda or other correspondence for the purpose of informing school employees and parents regarding activities or events. Answer the phone and door and warmly greet and assist visitors to the office; including students, parents, substitute teachers, CSIO staff, and others. Distribute incoming mail as appropriate and manage outgoing mail and deliveries. Evaluate situations for the purpose of taking appropriate action and/or of directing appropriate personnel to achieve conflict resolution. Respond to inquiries from students, parents and employees by providing accurate information, facilitating communication among parties and/or providing direction. Please apply by sending a resume to: Mrs. Melissa K. Santos, School Principal All Saints Catholic Academy 1155 Aurora Avenue, Naperville, IL 60540 Or email at: msantos@asacademy.org
Joyful Again For widowed men & women who want to find hope & joy again after the loss of a spouse. Attend a retreat/workshop this summer at the following parishes: July 1 & 2: St. Julie’s Parish, Tinley Park July 22 & 23: Holy Family Parish, Inverness August 12 & 13: Mary Queen of Heaven Parish, Elmhurst For more information or to register, contact the Joyful Again Widowed Ministry at 1-708354-7211 or joyfulagain7211@gmail.com. To view a short video on our website, go to www.joyfulagain.org. June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
Page 17
Around the Diocese (continued) Join us as we begin our day in prayerful reflection on relevant topics to our lives
Prayer Breakfast (Continental)
Thursday, July 6 from 9:00 to 10:30 am One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center 2041 W. State Route 113, Kankakee, IL 60901 Sponsored by the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary Topic: “Tapping into your Religious Imagination through Painting” Anyone who appreciates beauty and nature can be an artist. Along with prayer to calm us down, we can, with brush and watercolor, create objects in color. We can be surprised to recognize that we do have some talent to express ourselves—if we only take time. Come join us for a few hours and begin a new hobby. No experience necessary!! Presenter: Sister Mary Stella Schellenberger, SSCM Sister Mary Stella is an educator, musician, and artist and is involved in RCIA. She was a Director of Religious Education for 25 years. Cost: Free will donation To register or for more information please call Sister Mary Stella at 815-935-0800
Diversity and Unity Polish Ministry Msza Święta w Języku Polskim Polska Msza ma miejsce w Cana Hall w każdą niedzielę o 9:00 rano. _________________________________________________________________________________
Różaniec Polskie Kółko Różancowe gromadzi sie w każdy Wtorek o 7:15 wieczorem w Prayer Room. Zbiórka przy recepcji. _________________________________________________________________________________
Posługa do mszy Zapraszamy chętnych to posługi na polskiej mszy. Przygotowania do posługi w języku polskim. _________________________________________________________________________________
Zapisy do parafii Zapisy do parafii odbywają sie również w języku polskim. W recepcji prosze zgłosić chęc rejestracji po polsku. _________________________________________________________________________________
Intencje Intencje na polską mszę należy zamawiać u ks. Andrzeja. Poniżej forma zamówienia. Poniżej forma zamówienia. Date of Mass (data mszy):__________________ Time of Mass (godzina):_____________________ For (intencja): ________________________________________________________________________________ By (zamówiona przez):______________________________________________________________ Page 18
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Diversity and Unity (continued) Hispanic Ministry Events _______________________________________________________________________________________
Imagen Virgen de Guadalupe
Si gusta llevarse a casa la Imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe y rezarle el Rosario por una semana, por favor llame a Carolina Ortega para registrarse 708-925-7769.
Cómo Rezar el Rosario ¿Le gustaría aprender a rezar el Rosario? Acompáñenos los jueves a las 7pm. En el salón “Upper Room.”
Círculo de Oración Carismático Todos los viernes a las 6:30 p.m. en Cana Hall, comenzamos con el Santo Rosario.
Adoración Nocturna al Santísimo en la Iglesia Cada primer viernes del mes, de 9:00 p.m. a 5:00 a.m. en nuestra iglesia. Iniciando con la Santa Misa a las 9:00 p.m. Los esperamos. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Bautizos en Español Después de haberse registrado en la parroquia puede inscribirse a la clase de preparación para bautizos. Una vez tomada la clase se puede registrar para un bautizo. Llamar a la parroquia para fechas de clases y bautizos 815-436-2651 ext. 800.
Atención Niños y Niñas Que Ya Hicieron Su 1 Comunión a
Necesitamos de tu ayuda. ¿Te gustaría ayudarle al Sacerdote durante la Santa Misa? ¿Te gustaría ser un Monaguillo o Acolito? Inscríbete con: Angélica Hernández llamándola al 630-962-0982
Comunicación entre Feligrés y Parroquia Santa María Inmaculada En caso de una emergencia, necesitamos tener sus datos correctos, si usted cambio de dirección o de número telefónico por favor avísennos lo antes posible. 815-436-2651.
Horario de Misas en Español Sábados 5:30 p.m., en la Iglesia. Domingos 12:15 p.m., en Cana Hall. La misa de los sábados cuenta como la del domingo. Confesiones sábados de 4:00 a 5:00 p.m. en el salón que está frente a la capilla de adoración.
Ofrecimiento De Una Misa Si gusta ofrecer una misa o necesita oración por un enfermo llame con anticipación a la parroquia para apartar su misa. 815-436-2651 ext. 800.
Ministros Voluntarios Si gusta participar en algún ministerio pregunte, al final de la misa en español, a cualquiera de los voluntarios, ellos le orientaran.
June 25, 2017
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
Page 19
Events This Week SUNDAY June 25
MONDAY June 26
FRIDAY June 30
7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 6:00 PM Mass (CH)
7:30 AM Mass (CH)
7:30 AM Mass (CH)
7:30 AM Mass (CH)
7:30 AM Mass (CH)
7:30 AM Mass (CH)
8:15 AM – 4:15 PM Scrip Sales (PO)
8:15 AM – 4:15 PM Scrip Sales (PO)
7:30 AM 4:00 PM Mass (CH)
5:00 - 6:30 PM Spanish Cenacles (NWA)
8:30 - 10:30 AM Spanish Cenacles (NWA)
8:30 - 10:30 AM English Cenacles (NWA)
6:00 - 7:00 PM AA Meeting (NW B&C)
6:30 - 9:30 PM Hispanic Charismatic Group (CANA W)
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Seniors Mass (CANA)
9:00 AM Polish Mass (CANA) 12:15 PM Spanish Mass (CANA) 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Fr Pat’s Welcome Reception (G) 8:00AM - 12:00 PM Sunday Hospitality (G) 8:00AM - 1:00 PM Music (MR) 8:30 - 9:00 AM Polish Confessions (FS) 10:15 - 11:15 AM Welcoming Registration (SLIB)
7:00 - 9:00 PM Music (MR)
6:30– 9:00 PM Employment Ministry Meeting (FS/HR) 7:00 - 8:30 PM VBS Core Team Wrap up Meeting (UR) 7:00 - 9:00 PM Hearts on Fire Charismatic (NW B&C)
8:15 AM – 4:15 PM 8:15 AM – 4:15 PM 8:15 AM – 4:15 PM Scrip Sales (PO) Scrip Sales (PO) Scrip Sales (PO)
6:30 - 9:00 PM FIAT Summer Alpha (ST/UN) 7:00 - 9:00 PM Spanish Choir (MR)
7:00 - 9:00 PM Legion of Mary Meeting (SMR)
6:00 - 9:30 PM Hispanic Charismatic (CANA)
7:00 - 9:00 PM Spanish Charismatic Choir (MR)
7:00 - 8:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal (CH)
7:00 - 8:30 PM Spanish Rosary (UR)
5:30 PM Spanish Mass (CH) 7:00 - 9:30 PM Brothers in Christ Meeting (NW B&C) 8:00 - 8:30 AM First Saturday Devotion (CH) 1:00 - 2:00 PM Wedding (CH) 3:00 - 7:30 PM Totus Tuus Registration (COM)
7:00 - 9:00 PM Reverence for Life Meeting (NW B&C)
3:00 - 4:00 PM Confessions (CH)
7:15 - 8:00 PM Polish Rosary Prayer Service (SPR)
4:00 - 5:00 PM Spanish Choir (MR) 4:00 - 5:00 PM Spanish Confessions (NW A)
12:00 - 1:30 PM Faithful Friends Meeting (SMR) 2:00 - 3:00 PM Baptisms (CH) 3:30 - 6:30 PM Boy Scouts Troop 19 (CANA) 4:00 - 6:00 PM Music (MR)
Go Green!
7:30 - 8:30 PM AA Meeting (NWB&C) Please recycle this paper when done.
Page 20
One Family in Faith Making Christ Known
June 25, 2017
Contact and General Information PARISH GENERAL NUMBER: 815-436-2651 815-436-5017—FAX WEB SITE WWW.SMIP.ORG E-mail: webmaster@smip.org RELIGIOUS ED. Pre-K through Confirmation 815-436-4501 PARISH SCHOOL OFFICE 815-436-3953
Spiritual Director: Laura Lies, MS—896
WEEKEND SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Mass: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:15 PM & 6:00 PM Spanish Mass: Saturdays 5:30 PM (Church) & Sundays 12:15 PM (Cana Hall) Polish Mass: Sundays 9:00 AM (Cana Hall) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Saturday: 7:30 AM HOLY DAY & CIVIC HOLIDAY MASS TIMES Please consult the bulletin or call the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION English: Saturdays 3:00-4:00 PM (Church Confessionals) Polish: Sundays 10:00 AM (FSH) Or by appointment with the priests. CHAPEL HOURS: Continuous exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament from Sunday 7:00 PM through Friday 9:00 PM except on First Fridays when exposition continues overnight to Saturday 7:00 AM. Contact Connie Sanfilippo at 815-6032350 or conniesanfilippo@sbcglobal.net for questions. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Contact Parish Office or priests when sickness occurs.
R.C.I.A.: Anyone seeking information about joining the Catholic Faith should contact the Parish Office. Classes begin in the fall. MARRIAGES: Please contact the Parish Office when planning a marriage. Weddings should be scheduled at least six months in advance according to Diocesan norm. (Weddings are not scheduled on Sundays unless during a regular Sunday Mass.) BAPTISMS: Parents of children are required to attend a Baptism Class prior to setting a date for the Baptism of their child. Parents can attend the class before your child is born. Baptisms are held on Sundays at 2:00 PM or during a weekend Liturgy. Please call the Parish Office at 815-4362651 to register for a Baptism Class Session. REGISTRATION: WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS AND NEW MEMBERS! Please introduce yourself to one of the priests and to those around you. If you are interested in registering as a parishioner, you are invited to attend our Welcome Gathering Event. This is held almost every Sunday at 10:15 AM and usually meets in the Media Center of the Parish School. Registration for membership generally is not done through the Parish Office but only at the Sunday Gatherings. For information, or if you have questions about becoming a parishioner, please call the Parish Office. ST. MARY IMMACULATE CEMETERY is located at 14313 S.. Naperville/Plainfield Road, Plainfield, IL 60544
American Legion Marne Post 13 Renwick at River Rd. - Plainfield 1 Mile West of Rt. 59 • (815) 436-9231
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