prizes, free snow cones and popcorn, games, arts and crafts, free bottled water,
clowns ..... Ukes are provided, also music stands and sheet music. Hula dance ...
August 2009 January 2011 June/July 2013 The Lion Volume 23, Issue 12
Volume Issue 1 7 Volume 26,24, Issue 6&
Downer Classic Event Saturday, June 29th—Make a day of it!
If you haven’t been to the Downer Classic event lately, you are really missing out! Even if you aren’t into cycling, this is an event you won’t want to miss. It has evolved a lot over the years, and as it has expanded, St. Mark’s role has grown. Imagine a big block party with your favorite neighbors, music, great food and lots of fun events for kids. There is a little something for everyone, and we encourage you to invite your friends and family and join us for a great day. For everyone: The full day of bike racing features a Belgian Beer Festival, great food, and family fun. It complements the twilight pro race that promises to bring pro teams and riders from around the world. Not into the racing? Come and enjoy the company of other St. Mark’s members and relax away from the crowds while listening to great music (support our very own musicians: Steve Wolff, Todd Domenget, and Mark Diliberti), or support St. Mark’s Outreach Ministry and enjoy delicious corn on the cob with proceeds going to various organizations throughout Milwaukee and the world. For the Kids: St. Mark’s and Church in the City have teamed up again and we have an afternoon of fun ready for you! Jump/bounce houses, face painting, a Downer Avenue merchant sponsored scavenger hunt with cool prizes, free snow cones and popcorn, games, arts and crafts, free bottled water, clowns, and much more! All of these great activities start at 2pm so get there early to make sure you get a chance at everything! We even have a special area for your best furry friend: Bring your dog over to relax and refresh while you take a break from the races. Blessing of the Bikes and Children’s Races Before the Kid’s Sprints at 6pm, St. Mark’s will be hosting the Blessing of the Bikes. Kids 2-12 years are invited to participate in the neighborhood bike sprint. Registration begins at 2pm till 5pm. You can register at the booth in the St. Mark’s Family Zone, but get there early to make sure you register before the heats fill up. Be sure to bring your helmet; it is mandatory! Continued on page 2
Downer Classic Volunteers needed Come and listen to great music! St. Mark’s very own duo: Steve Wolf and Todd Domenget, will start the day off on a jazzy note. The Straightaways (Acoustic alt-country Americana), The Riverwest Aces (unvarnished roots meets country), and The Great Lake Drifters (Southern rock Americana) will also be featured. Check out this St. Mark’s webpage in the next few weeks for more information about the music line up in the St. Mark’s Family Zone. Many of our members share their time and talents to ensure the success of the Downer Classic. If you haven’t already signed up, please consider helping out for a few hours during the event. This is the perfect opportunity for those who want to help, but are limited due to other obligations that prohibit them from volunteering on a larger scale. This is a minimal commitment. One day. A few hours. Great rewards! No additional meetings to commit to—just fun to be had on the day of the event. Harry Moseley is looking for people to help roast and sell corn on the cob for the Outreach ministry. You can read more about it on page 5. Kay West is coordinating the distribution of free popcorn. Please contact Kay if you can help pop and hand out bags of popcorn to hungry spectators and kids. And we are still looking for volunteers to help supervise the Family Zone. This is a perfect opportunity for families with children. Bring the kids and volunteer--they are within reach, can partake in the fun, and help volunteer, too! This is a great way to instill the importance of sharing Christ’s love with our neighbors and the resources that God has entrusted to us. We need individuals to register kids for the neighborhood bike race and people to distribute scavenger hunt maps and prizes. We need creative people with great ideas! Do you know of any honor students that are looking for community volunteer credits? Send them our way! Do you have any extra bubble wands and soap solution lying around the house? Contact the church office and we will get them into little hands that will appreciate them. Come and explore the Downer Classic. It is one of the Eastside community’s best secrets. Come and make a day of it!
Sunday School Recognition Picnic Sunday, June 2nd following worship St. Mark’s Sunday School finishes its school year with our Recognition Day and picnic after worship on June 2nd. We hope the whole parish will turn out to celebrate the children and their teachers during the service. After church we’ll enjoy a delicious picnic. All are invited, rain or shine! We’ve had a wonderful year with many lessons, including our most recent project learning about God’s blessings of water, soil and seeds. Many thanks to all the parents and parishioners who have supported and helped out the Sunday School in many ways. Your are a blessing to our church!
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Deacon’s Corner I just had a cataract removed from my left eye. No matter how many times I was told by others about what a transformation it would be, I was not prepared. I woke up the next day after surgery to see a world so sharp and colorful that I felt like I was in some sort of fantasy land. It was so beautiful. I just couldn’t believe the change. I wish I could have instant spiritual insights that equaled that wondrous morning when I awoke! But alas, that doesn’t seem in the cards—at least for me. Looking for spiritual insight seems to be a much longer and less quick process for me. I have found it mostly in Bible study, in formation education classes, in reading, and experiencing God out in the world. For me, it is a slow and steady crawl towards new truths and new beginnings. I think we all look for quick fixes and answers. And perhaps they are there for some. For me, it is the old “tortoise and the hare” metaphor that seems to be operating in my life. As we take our summer breaks and enjoy nature and a little slower pace, it might be good to start thinking about how we can begin to discern God working in our life. Maybe we also can begin to plan how we and our families might take advantage of the many ways that our parish offers opportunities for discernment and growth. Come autumn there will surely be something new that you might sample. Could it be singing in the choir, being an acolyte, serving on a ministry committee, attending adult formation, getting your children to Sunday school regularly, volunteering in the community, or attending Bible study? Think about it. There is a dazzling creation out there. We only have to open our eyes and hearts to its offerings. Enjoy.
Deacon Michelle
Kids! Don’t miss out on the "Summer Experience" Just because Sunday School is on hiatus, doesn’t mean there isn’t any special activities for the St. Mark’s children. Kids, come to church for the opening procession, then join Deacon Michelle and other teaching assistants for a special children's activity outside on the playground just for you. It could be a Bible story, or a crafts project, or just coloring and playing on the play ground. Children will return to the service in time for communion.
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Common Ground at St. Mark’s Fair Play Common Ground is beginning a new campaign in Milwaukee County to advocate for all outdoor school sport facilities that are substandard, to be made at least acceptable and safe. This new initiative came about when members began to hear about the possible public funding, through sales tax dollars, of a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks basketball. It appears to have early support from the business sector and studies are already underway for that purpose. Common Ground believes that if we are going to ask the people of Milwaukee County to pay for a new “state of the art” site for the Bucks, the children in our schools should also have access to at least adequate playing fields for their activities. To drive aspiration to action, kids need a place to play, a place for their dreams to take root, a place that will encourage them to live healthy lives. Common Ground wants to provide Milwaukee County with an opportunity to foster greatness and healthier lifestyles-for our kids and our community. We believe that by dedicating a minimum of $150 million of publicly acquired dollars (collected to fund the new Bradley Center arena if that is presented to the public), to update Milwaukee County public school athletic facilities and recreational spaces, we will give the people of our county access to the kind of public spaces they deserve. Several St. Mark’s members are already involved in this new campaign entitled, “Fair Play.” If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact Andy or Janet Martin, Harry or Ellie Moseley, or Michelle Mooney. Many hands and various skills are needed. There will be a press conference given in front of the present Bradley Center on June 24th at 10am, to kickoff this new campaign. There will be a sign up sheet in the Guild Hall in June for the event and rides will be given. Children are encouraged to come with their parents as well.
The Adult Formation Planning Committee Monday, June 3rd at 5 pm in the St. Mark's Library We will begin to plan the 2013-2014 St. Mark's Bistro series, and we would love to have your ideas for sessions or your participation as a presenter or facilitator. If you have some thoughts to share, please join us on June 3rd. As always, thank you for all your support!
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Hunger Book Sale The Annual Hunger Book Sale Please consider gathering the books you have finished reading this winter and those you no longer want to keep and donating them to a great cause: the Hunger Book Sale, which has taken place each summer for 31 years at All Saints' Cathedral. The Hunger Book Sale raises funds for mostly local and some national and international hunger causes such as the Gathering, Interchange Food Pantry, Our Next Generation (snacks at Homework Club), food for Sojourner Family Peace Center, the Open Door Cafe at St. John's Cathedral and St. Ben's Community meals among others. Starting Monday, June 17th, you may drop off your books, CD's or DVD's (no magazines, ex-library or text books over five years old, please) at All Saints' Cathedral, 818 E. Juneau: Monday-Thursday: 9am to 1pm at the back door (there will be a sign) or call the Cathedral at 271-7719 for a pick-up any time now — or leave your books in the box provided on the bench opposite the St. Mark's office door. The 2013 Hunger Book Sale will open Thursday night, August 1st from 6-9pm for a preview and run Friday, August 2nd through Tuesday, August 6th from 11am to 6pm. The 2013 deadline for donating is the week of July 22nd.
Volunteer at the Corn Roast Saturday, June 29th St. Mark’s is participating in an exciting annual community activity while raising money for its outreach projects. It is great fun to roast corn and follow the Downer Classic bike race on June 29th. Volunteer helpers are needed from about noon to the end of the races (about 8pm) to setup tables, roast the corn, and sell wonderful, tasty hot roasted corn to spectators and people in the neighborhood. The Downer Classic draws thousands of people and we begin selling corn at 1pm with the amateur races and continuing right through dinner time and into the evening, so there are loads of hungry families who appreciate us being there. Contact Harry Moseley or a member of the Outreach Ministry Committee if you can work for an hour or more on that Saturday afternoon. Come and enjoy the excitement of the Downer Classic and help raise needed support for our Outreach projects!
Page 5
St. Mark's Outreach Spotlight: Meta House
The Outreach Committee recently made its first donation to Meta House, Inc., and hopes to continue supporting this local non-profit social service agency. Located in Riverwest, Meta House has been providing residential drug and alcohol treatment for women since 1963. Children have been included in the residential treatment setting since 1988. By including children, Meta House can provide comprehensive family services to address the collateral damage of substance abuse and break the cycle of addiction. The Meta House model has received national and international recognition. The services Meta House provides include: (1) residential treatment, housing up to 43 women and 17 children and providing care seven days a week; (2) outpatient day treatment for up to 100 women weekly; and (3) -- 27 transitional and permanent housing units for recovering women (and their children) that are safe and affordable. The gender-specific focus, the inclusion of children, and a lengthy continuity of care are some of the keys to the success of the women at Meta House. In 2012, 472 women and 405 children were served. Fifty-two of the women were pregnant. Six months after admittance, 90% were free of drugs and alcohol, and 100% had not been arrested. For those women involved in the residential treatment program, upon discharge 73% were employed, were enrolled in a training program, or had another legal source of income. Meta House is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, beginning with a series of discussions and agency tours that are open to the public. The celebration will culminate with a unique on-line auction for dinner packages the evening following a gala mocktail reception at the Grain Exchange on September 13. Mark your calendars, and stay tuned for more details. The Outreach Committee decided to support Meta House because of its proven record of offering a successful program for 50 years. Some committee members made a site visit and were impressed with what they observed. In addition, St. Mark's member Jan Rhodes has been deeply involved with Meta House for many years and is Secretary of its Board of Directors. If you would like further information about Meta House, please talk to Jan Rhodes or other members of the Outreach Committee.
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Ke Ali’l David La’Amea Kalakaua presents:
Living Hula, Living Ukulele Weekend at St. Mark’s Friday, June 7th through Sunday, June 9th Join us and learn Uke and Hula taught by Malia Chow, president of the Milwaukee Hawaiian Civic Club. Lessons are $25 per session and there will be a combined student performance on Sunday, June 9th at 3:15pm. Ukes are provided, also music stands and sheet music. Hula dance attire is provided for the performance, very comfortable street clothes are acceptable for lessons, no shoes, no socks. Hawaiian Civic Club Rehearsal, Friday, June 7th at 5pm Hawaiian Civic Club Rehearsal, Saturday, June 8th at 9am Hawaiian Civic Club Performance, Sunday, June 9th at 2pm For more information, contact Kay Kona West.
The Women's Book Group Monday, June 3rd at 7pm The Women's Book Group will not be meeting in May but will be gathering on Monday, June 3rd at 7 pm at the home of Carolyn Davies. We will be discussing The Swerve by Stephen Greenblatt. If you need directions to Carolyn's home, please call the church office. In July we will meet on Monday, July 15th at 7 pm at the home of Sandi Tunis. We will be reading and discussing The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes. Please call Sandi if you need directions to her home. Books can be purchased at Boswell Bookstore for a ten-percent discount. All women of the church are invited. Guest are also very welcome.
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June 2013 Calendar Sunday 26 9:30AM Holy Eucharist
27 28 6PM - 7:15PM 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga SWEATnDANCE 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild
30 31 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
4PM Bible Study
3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
7PM - 9PM Choir
7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm.
2 3 Rohde-Terrien Baptism 1PM Staff Mtg. Sunday School 5PM Adult Form. Recognition & Picnic Planning 9:30AM Committee Holy Eucharist 6PM - 7:15PM SWEATnDANCE
16 9:30AM Holy Eucharist
Saturday 1 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
3PM - 5PM Violin and Piano Recital Cancelled
2PM Hawaiian Civic Club Performance
1PM Staff Meeting
3PM No Sunday School
9 9:30AM Holy Eucharist
4 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 8:15AM Breakfast Fellowship @ Hollander
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Yoga 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild 7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm.
11 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
4PM Bible Study
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Yoga 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild 6PM - 7:15PM SWEATnDANCE 7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics 4PM Bible Study Anonymous-Gathering Rm. 6:15PM Finance Committee 17
1PM Staff Mtg.
3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
18 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 8:15AM Breakfast Fellowship @ Hollander
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous 7:30PM - 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
12 9:30AM - 12PM Lost Playground Art Classes
19 9:30AM - 12PM Lost Playground Art Classes
7:30PM8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
6 7 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
7PM Women's Book Group
1PM Staff Mtg.
5 9:30AM - 12PM Lost Playground Art Classes
7:30PM - 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
5PM - 9PM 9AM - 3PM Hawaiian Civic Hawaiian Civic Club Club Rehearsal Rehearsal 7:30PM8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
13 14 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga 6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous 7:30PM - 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
8 9AM - 10:30 M Common Ground Gathering Room
10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop 15 9AM Men's Fellowship Breakfast 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
7:30PM8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
20 21 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
22 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Yoga
4PM Bible Study 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild 4:30PM - 5:30PM 6:30PM - 8:30PM Vestry Mtg ESS Board Mtg. 6PM - 7:15PM Library SWEATnDANCE 7PM Outreach Meeting 7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm. 23 9:30AM Holy Eucharist
25 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
1PM Staff Mtg.
26 9:30AM - 12PM Lost Playground Art Classes
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Yoga 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Common Ground Core Team 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild 4PM Bible Study
7PM - 8PM Common Ground 6PM - 7:15PM SWEATnDANCE Healthcare Coop 7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm.
Page 8
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous 7:30PM - 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
7:30PM8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
27 28 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga 9AM - 9PM Downer Classic
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous 7:30PM - 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
7:30PM8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
9AM Men's Breakfast 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop CLOSED
July 2013 Calendar Monday
30 1 9:30AM 1PM Staff Mtg. Holy Eucharist
2 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
8:15 AM Breakfast Fellowship @ Hollander
Saturday 6
10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
6PM - 7:15 PM 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop SWEATnDANCE 4PM Bible Study 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild
7:30PM - 8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm. 7
8 1PM Staff Mtg.
9:30AM Holy Eucharist
9 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga 6PM - 7:15 PM SWEATnDANCE 5:30PM - 6:30PM Pastoral 6:15 PM Finance Meeting Committee
4PM Bible Study
9:30AM Holy Eucharist
16 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 8:15AM Breakfast Fellowship @ Hollander
7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm. 23 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
28 29 9:30AM Holy Eucharist
30 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga 8:15AM Breakfast Fellowship @ Hollander
7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous 25 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga
7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous 26
8:15AM Breakfast Fellowship @ Hollander
31 1 2 9:30AM - 12PM 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga Lost Playground Art Classes 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Yoga 6PM - 7:15 PM SWEATnDANCE 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild 4PM Bible Study 7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm.
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous 7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
20 9AM Men's Fellowship Breakfast 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous
9:30AM - 12PM Lost Playground Art 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga Classes 6PM - 7:15PM 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop Eating Disorders 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga Anonymous 6PM - 7:15 PM SWEATnDANCE 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild 4PM Bible Study 7:30PM-8:30PM 7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics 7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Alcoholics Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous-Gathering Rm.
Page 9
10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
17 18 19 9:30AM - 12PM 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga Lost Playground Art Classes 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
6PM - 7:15 PM 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop SWEATnDANCE 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga 7:00 PM Women's Book 4PM Bible Study Group 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild
21 22 9:30AM Holy Eucharist
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous
7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
7:30PM - 9PM Alcoholics Anonymous-Gathering Rm. 15
7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
10 11 12 9:30AM - 12PM 7:30AM - 9AM Yoga Lost Playground Art Classes 3:30PM - 4:30PM Yoga
5:30PM Shepherd 6PM - 7:30PM Garden Guild Meeting
6PM - 7:15PM Eating Disorders Anonymous
27 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
3 10AM - 12PM Thrift Shop
7:30PM-8:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous
Important Dates JUNE BIRTHDAYS 6/01 6/04 6/05 6/05 6/08 6/11 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/22 6/23 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/29
Alice Nelson Susan Rohde Bjorn Ackerman Catherine Lacy Stephen Wolff Brooke Bennett Chris Berg Virginia Chappell Barb Franczyk Greta Holt Mary Huntington Lauren O’Hear William Stotts Jane Lacy David Platcow Todd Domenget
JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 6/08 April Berends & Drew Bunting 6/14 Mark & Amy Diliberti 6/15 Richard & Karen Mollenhauer 6/17 Andrew & Janet Martin 6/23 Jane Shero and Michael Weinert 6/27 Rhonda & Richard Goldie 6/28 William & Eleanor Wainwright 6/29 John & Georgia Cain 6/30 Harry & Eleanor Moseley
JULY ANNIVERSARIES 7/17 Mary Ross and Bill Davies 7/21 Patty and Jim Buckley 7/25 David and Joan Kuehl
JULY BIRTHDAYS 7/03 7/05 7/06 7/07 7/08 7/09 7/11 7/15 7/15 7/18 7/21 7/21 7/30 7/30 7/30
Page 10
Michael Williams, Sr. Sophie Parker Demetria Cain Jamie Zingler Frank West Bruce Jacobs David Franczyk Joseph Slocum Leslie Luetscher Marie Arndorfer Elizabeth Jacobs Marj Bjornstad Richard Aster Jim Buckley Richard Aster
Sign Up for Coffee Hour Looking to try your hand at hosting Coffee Hour, but afraid it's "too big a deal?" Summer is a great time to host! Coffee hour is as simple as iced tea and some cookies (store bought!). And I can find you a partner if you want. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Guild Hall, or online at this address: Many thanks!
Jane Shero THE LION
St. Mark’s Art Gallery Jim Foskett presents “Not a Rhinocerous” July 7th through August 29th “I seldom am happier than when I am working in my studio. For me, painting in the realm of the abstract is more dynamic, unpredictable and fun than when painting the objective. Doing an abstract or nonobjective painting feels like being on an adventure. Although I usually set out with a notion or feeling of what I'd like it to become, it almost always leads me down a series of delightful and surprising turns as it emerges on the canvas. Sometimes it leads me, and sometimes I lead it. Sometimes it feels like a dance. On the other hand, sometimes it begins feeling like a stubborn mule or like trying to herd cats. Regardless, nine times out of ten, it seems to eventually end up at a destination that turns out to be both worthwhile and esthetically pleasing to me and to a lot of my friends. “ - Jim Foskett On Sunday, August 11th during coffee hour, St. Mark’s will host a special reception/demo about how music influences the way Jim creates and how Jim's painting influences Steve Wolff’s music improvisation. More information will be available in the August Lion. The Gallery is open Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 9am - 1pm, Wednesday from 9am - 5pm, Saturday from 10am - noon, Sunday from 9am - noon and by appointment by calling (414) 962-0500. We are still hoping to recruit two curators for the Gallery once Susan Willets steps down at the end of this year. If you are interested, please contact Susan or the church office.
Summer is here ...and the gardening continues Tuesdays at 6pm Learn the secrets behind why our gardens always look so spectacular. Join the Gardening Guild. Every Tuesday evenings (weather permitting) throughout the summer months, we meet from 6pm to 7:30pm for fun and fellowship in the church gardens. Gardeners with all skill sets are bound to learn a few new tricks. Email or call Jane for more information.
Page 11
A Note from the Treasurer The chart below shows our progress to date against budget as of March 31st. While we are clearly ahead of budget in Pledges and Offerings for 2013, it is important to note that we received $17,300 in prepaid pledges and an additional $10,550 in pledges paid in full for 2013 in the first quarter. Thus, if we only consider ¼ of the total (or $6963) we would essentially be at break-even at the end of the first quarter for Total Income. Expenses overall are well within range. By now you should have received your giving statements for the first quarter – please check them carefully and notify me or the church office if you find any discrepancies. If you have any questions about the information below, please contact me. Sandi Tunis
2013 Budget to Actuals Comparison 2013
3 Month
Jan. - Mar.
INCOME Pledges and Offerings
Other Income Total Income EXPENSES Personnel
Total Expenses NET GAIN/-LOSS LEGEND: 2013 Budget 3 Month Budget 3 Month Actual Deviations Page 12
The full amount for 2013 approved by the Vestry and presented at the Annual Meeting The proportional amount of the budget for the period reported The actual amount of income and expense for the period reported Difference between budget and actual. THE
Men’s Fellowship Retreat The Men’s Fellowship Group held its annual retreat the last weekend of April at the Mosley’s cabin on Dutch Hollow Lake north of Madison. The weather was perfect; the food was tasty; and a wonderful time of study, prayer, and spiritual camaraderie was had by all. There were Compline Friday and Saturday night and Morning Prayer with Communion on Sunday morning. The theme of the weekend was the Gospel of Mark. On Saturday morning, we watched a DVD of a Christian actor, Max McLean, performing from memory the entire Gospel as a solo dramatic reading. His performance was, to my mind, nothing short of amazing-- every word was inflected and turned with precise and effective weight, as if the gospel writer were there himself with the fervor of an original and intense experience of Jesus. Afterward we discussed the historical background of the Gospel and the scholarship on the synoptics--Mark in particular. In the afternoon, Todd Domenget presented the story of the Native-American sweat lodge and explained its religious and spiritual significance. Of course, there were excursions into the countryside: to the lake, around the woods, off to see the hooping cranes and the ritual visit to the Carr Valley Cheese Factory for purchases and gifts. This annual retreat with good men of stout heart and faith has become for me a very important part of my spiritual life; and every year on my return home, I seem to bask for many days afterward in a glow of renewed energy and faith. What exciting things can happen to us when we earnestly study in the camaraderie of the Spirit, and when we share our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, in sincerity and truth! I’m already looking forward to next year.
Steve Wolff
A special thank you to the choir! They have worked extremely hard and have put in many hours of preparation of beautiful music for our services. We are grateful for their dedication and for their offering of talent and time. A heartfelt thanks to all choir members! Choir practice will be on hiatus until fall. Enjoy your summer and keep your pipes in working condition.
Page 13
Sunday School News Thanks be to God for a wonderful Sunday School year. Thank you to all the families that shared their beautiful children with me. The Sunday School has some really great traditions that can give children a deeper connection to the church and God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. This fall we had a planting project to illustrate God’s incredible creation, so thank you, Jane Shero for leading it. The Eastside Senior Services holiday giving project links the children to the church’s efforts to help others. We gathered over 75 gifts this year, so thanks to everyone who participated. St. Mark’s Nativity play is another tradition that teaches kids what is truly the important aspect of the Christmas season, the birth of Jesus Christ. The kids really enjoy it! So thank you to Jane Lacy, Susanna Mortara, and Amy Diliberti for their generosity and everyone who participated. To teach the kids the Church calendar and the importance of Lent, every year the kids create an Alleluia banner to remind us that we do not say Alleluia during the service. Lent is a quiet, contemplative time. So thanks to Ruth Corddry, artist and Sunday School teacher extraordinaire, for her creative leadership on the project. Also thanks to everyone who made Easter Sunday a special day for the kids in our church life. Another important Sunday School project is our bake sale to support the diocese Haiti project. This project gives the kids a connection with the greater church and what we our doing in the world. We sponsor a child’s, Jeslin Zephir, school fees. This year we raised over $300 which is more than the scholarship requires. So thanks again to everyone who participated, especially Jane Shero, again, as the best pretzel maker ever, and Jamie Zeigler for her help. Our last Sunday School class day was Pentecost this year. The kids helped with the first reading in the service. Thanks to Richard Runkel and Deacon Michelle for their calling on working with the kids on this important Church calendar day. There are so many people to thank at the end of the year, please forgive me if I missed you. I’m truly thankful for everyone at St. Mark’s, but I do have to mention a few special people. First, the Sunday School teachers this year: Paula Wheeler, Ruth Corrdry, and Kirsten Guidero. Thank you for your calling to work with our youth. They are the future of the church. Their experience in Sunday School gives them a connection to the church that hopefully will last their entire lives.
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Have a safe summer!
I also would like to thank our clergy, Pastor April and Deacon Michelle for keeping the young of our church an important priority and for keeping them involved in the Sunday worship service. Stacy Roller, our church administrator, how perfect can you be? Thanks for keeping me on track, writing the announcements, scheduling, posting, face painting, being nice to my kids and everyone else, the list goes on. Thank you to the Michael and Jennifer O’Hear, Aims McGuinness, Meg Edwards, Jyoti Bratz, and Amy Diliberti, and Nicholas Corddry for your help in the classrooms. To Frank West and Ginny Schrag, thanks for listening to me complain and offering advice. I also want to thank all the beautiful kids at St. Mark’s for shining their light on the church and the world. Last but not least, I want to thank my incredible daughters, Melinda and Tricia Davies for all their ideas, help, and sometimes just being there, which often is the most important thing of all. God bless everyone and have a wonderful summer. Mary Ross
The children made pretzels to sell at the Bake Sale on April 28. A total of $318.50 was collected and sent to the Diocese for the Haiti Project.
Congratulations, Graduates! Congratulations to Greta Holt, daughter of Ginny Schragg and Steve Holt, who received her MSW on Sunday, May 23rd from UW-Madison and will be pursuing clinical licensure. Page 15
Milwaukee, WI 53211 2618 N. Hackett Ave St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St Mark’s Welcomes All Guests and Visitors! Sunday Service 9:30 am Childcare is provided from 9:00 - 11:30am Table Grace 5:30 am During the academic year Office Hours Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Right Reverend Steven A. Miller, Bishop of Milwaukee The Rev. April Berends, Rector The Reverend Michelle P. Mooney, Deacon Stephen Wolff, Director of Music Vince Katter, Senior Warden Frank West, Junior Warden Sandi Tunis, Treasurer Stacy Roller, Parish Administrator Bill Davies, Bookkeeper Jyoti Bratz, Housekeeper Skrauss, Sexton Vestry Members
St. Mark’s Office phone number: 414-962-0500
Nikki Domenget Jane Shero Marj Bjornstad
Virginia Chappell Mark Diliberti Richard Runkel
Patty Buckley Randy Miller
Eastside Senior Services: 414-961-0661
Transforming lives through meaningful relationships with God in Jesus Christ.