JUST Approved Synergy_Redacted.pdf - Google Drive

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Intention. Can you tell us about any social and environmental goals and how you plan to track and achieve them? WE ... J
From: Subject: Date: To: Cc:

Re: JUST Approved 1 September 2016 at 6:40 AM Megan [email protected] [email protected], Natalie Grillon [email protected]

Alright, I just got the questions back from the owner, the phone to answer any more questions you may have!

He didn’t go very deep into the answers but said that he is willing to talk on

Let me know what else you need from me.

Size / Business Model: Would you prefer to be called Synergy or Synergy Organic Clothing? SYNERGY ORGANIC CLOTHING Do you know how many people are employed throughout your entire supply chain? HUNDREDS Are you able to tell us what the lead times are for your garments? 4 TO 6 MONTHS. IF YOU INCLUDE THE FULL DESIGN TIME IT WOULD BE 12 MONTHS Are you able to tell us how many garments you make annually? IN 2017 IT WILL BE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS How many collections/styles do you release annually? 150 SKU'S Transparency: Do you report on your sustainability progress and practices annually? WE ARE G.O.T.S CERTIFIED Social: Can you tell us which fair labor organizations’ you work with, and which principles you follow? WE FOLLOW ALL FAIR TRADE GUIDELINES AND ARE TRYING TO GET CERTIFIED WITH THE FAIR TRADE FEDERATION. Can you tell us if / how you monitor the social practices throughout your supply chain? WE HIRE PEOPLE TO WATCH AND HELP WITH THE ENTIRE PROCESS FROM SEED TO SHELF AND WE ALSO WORK WITH CONTROL UNION WHICH RUNS THE G.O.T.S. PROGRAM. Does Synergy Organic Clothing have a supplier code of conduct? YES, TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED. Does you have a policy that addresses subcontracting in your supply chain? WE DO NOT SUB CONTRACT AT THIS TIME Do you have any policies in place to ensure reasonable lead times and reasonable and sustainable order placement? WE WORK VERY FAR IN ADVANCE. Is Synergy Organic Clothing directly involved in any training initiatives within its supply chain, or do you plan to be in the future? WE HAVE DISCUSSED THIS BUT HAVE RECENTLY MOVED A LOT OF OUR PRODUCTION TO A NEW FACTORY. Environment Do you have any information you can share with us on your raw material suppliers? G.O.T.S.CERTIFIED ORGANIC COTTON FROM INDIA. Can you track your entire supply chain? YES Have you measured or do you intend to measure your greenhouse gas emissions? EVERYTHING WE DO IS TO HELP KEEP OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT AS LOW AS POSSIBLE BUT WE HAVE NOT PAID A COMPANY TO MEASURE IT FOR US. Have you measured or do you intend to measure your water footprint? NO, BUT A LOT OF WATER IS USED TO GROW ORGANIC COTTON. Do you have any strategies in place to reduce your energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and water use? WE DO THE BEST WE CAN AND CONTINUE TO LOOK FOR BETTER RAW MATERIALS AND COMPANIES THAT CAN MANUFACTURE GOODS FOR US USING SUSTAINABLE ENERGY. THE RECENT FACTORY WE USE HAS SOLAR POLICY. THE RECENT BAGS THAT WE USED TO HOLD OUR CLOTHING ARE


. WE COLLECT RECYCLED CARD BOARD BOXS TO SHIP OUR CLOTHING, ETC... What policies and strategies do you have to manage waste and recycling during production? Eg. upcycling, use of scraps, etc. How do you monitor the environmental impacts of your supply chain? Intention Can you tell us about any social and environmental goals and how you plan to track and achieve them? WE DONATE TO 100 NON PROFIT ORGANICATIONS A YEAR WITH A FOCUS ON SCHOOLS AND WOMEN’S PROGRAMS.

Thank you!

| Marketing Director @synergyclothing

On Aug 31, 2016, at 9:21 AM,


Okay got it! I will have the answers to you by the end of the day! Thanks,

| Marketing Director @synergyclothing

On Aug 31, 2016, at 6:35 AM, Megan wrote:

Size / Business Model: Would you prefer to be called Synergy or Synergy Organic Clothing? Do you know how many people are employed throughout your entire supply chain? Are you able to tell us what the lead times are for your garments? Are you able to tell us how many garments you make annually? How many collections/styles do you release annually? Transparency: Do you report on your sustainability progress and practices annually? Social: Can you tell us which fair labor organisations’ you work with, and which principles you follow? Can you tell us if / how you monitor the social practices throughout your supply chain? Does Synergy Organic Clothing have a supplier code of conduct?

Does Synergy Organic Clothing have a supplier code of conduct? Does you have a policy that addresses subcontracting in your supply chain? Do you have any policies in place to ensure reasonable lead times and reasonable and sustainable order placement? Is Synergy Organic Clothing directly involved in any training initiatives within its supply chain, or do you plan to be in the future? Environment Do you have any information you can share with us on your raw material suppliers? Can you track your entire supply chain? Have you measured or do you intend to measure your greenhouse gas emissions? Have you measured or do you intend to measure your water footprint? Do you have any strategies in place to reduce your energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and water use? What policies and strategies do you have to manage waste and recycling during production? Eg. upcycling, use of scraps, etc. How do you monitor the environmental impacts of your supply chain? Intention Can you tell us about any social and environmental goals and how you plan to track and achieve them?