KAIZEN as a Strategy. Continous Improvent revaluates every part of an
Organization. From Masaaki Imai. Successful Toyota Production System was built
up ...
Global Edition 01 / 2008
KAIZEN as a Strategy
Continous Improvent revaluates every part of an Organization
KAIZEN as a Strategy
From Masaaki Imai
Global Markets: KAIZEN as a world language
Cutting Changeover Time with SPEED
Successful Toyota Production System was built up using KAIZEN Philosophie lasting for decades until today. Reason for sustaining success is that everybody in the company, starting from top management down to worker, is committed. In this article I wish to advise that KAIZEN, when applied under firm top management commitment, can be turned into a corporate strategy to make an organization far
KAIZEN World News KAIZEN-Tours: worldwide benchmarking Schedule: KAIZEN Events with Masaaki Imai 2008
more competitive and profitable, given today's global business environment.
In my first book ‘KAIZEN, The Key to Japan's Competitive Success’, which introduced the Kaizen concept to the world for the first time, I wrote Masaaki Imai, Founder "The essence of Kaizen and CEO of KAIZEN is simple and straight Institute Consulting forward: Kaizen means Group Ltd. improvement involving everyone, including both managers and workers.The Kaizen philosophy assumes that our way of life - be it our working life, our social life, or our home life deserves to be constantly improved." The book also compared Japanese and Western approaches and pointed out "Kaizen signifies small improvements made in the status quo as a result of ongoing efforts while innovation involves drastic improvements in the status quo as a result of a large investment in new technology and/or equipment". In hindsight, I am afraid that these statements imprinted in the mind of
strategy with a minimum of three years many readers that Kaizen deals with to start with and to be repeated over small improvements while innovation is a time. big and dramatic change. The strength of Toyota Motor CorporaOne of the most urgent and important tion is that it has been carrying out tasks for organizations including public KAIZEN strategy to this day since it was offices and private organizations (both started in the middle of the 20th manufaturing and service sectors) is a strategy to make a radical transformation Century. In the following series of this articles I and meet the challenges of globalization will be witing about the reasons why and IT revolution. introduction of KAIZEN strategy is one Kaizen applied as a strategy involves of the most urgent and important tasks every one, every function and every level for management and how to succeed of management and on the long-term in building a world-class organization. basis. It is not a flavor of the month, It is not a collection of various small patches KAIZEN Original Definition of improvements Change carried out without KAI focus. Kaizen does not mean improvement for Good ZEN (for the better) improvement's sake. It means improvement to meet the organizational target. KAIZEN®® = Continual Improvement Kaizen is a long-term
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Velocity for Competitive Edge
Continous improvement in changover processes
Cutting Changeover time with SPEED Nowadays a company has to be rapid, flexible and customer oriented. Clients expect perfect quality, short time of delivery and a reasonable price. Time consuming changeover of machines often forms an obstacle and it is not possible to react flexible on customer’s demands. Lothar Bildhäuser, a German KAIZEN Consultant developed the SPEED Method to reduce changeover time 50 percent or more. A good possibility to put you into a competitive edge. Many companies accept the handicap caused by long changeover times. They deal with high batch sizes, low flexibility and a poor availability of machines as an inescapable fact. Thereby it is possible to reduce changeover times signifacant with KAIZEN methods. The tool SPEED with ist five steps is approved in numerous companies. The steps are: S = standardisation P = process optimization E = eliminiation of waste E = evolution in people and technics D = durable training
KAIZEN Expert Lothar Bildhäuser (foto above): “It is possible to reduce changeover processes from some hours to a time less than 10 minutes. Key to sucess is sustaining analysis and continous improvement on every step. SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) empoweres companies to build up a flow, to decrease inventory and to serve their customers flexible and fast.” Lothar Bildhäuser, expert in shortening changeover time developed the SPEED concept and Seven steps to succeed in reducing set-up time: Step1: Form a team and allocate responsibilities. You need the machine setters, teams of documentation for writing down time, distances and an observation team to find problems, waste and room for improvement. Step2: First changeover with registration of actual state. Team members do their jobs. It can last some hours and it may bei heavy going. Step 3: Analysis and improvement. The timeline shows the complete changeover
process with registered times and steps. The team creates a new rod map for a better process. Step 4: First improvements will be applied. Solutions for avoiding waste and problems, e.g. better tool kits for easier handling. Step 5: Repeating of the first changeover process with the new scenario. Step 6: Analysis and improvement. Intoduction of a procedure instruction. Training of people. Step 7: set-up board for visualisation and monitoring.
Learning by doing: GEMBA workshop
The workshop ‘GembaKAIZEN set-up’ is a unique opportunity to expirience live and in realtime the reduction of set-up time. This special training makes participants familiar with methods to eliminate waste of time, material and human resources from the set-up process. After a short introduction the attandees go to gemba (place where things happen). They watch a changeover process and register time, walking distance and equipment of the involved employees. Then they discuss about long winded and unnecessary steps and improvement. Another set-up process will be startet. The timeline will show significant economizations. The team will discuss further measures. After a 3rd set-up process time should be reduced minimum 50 percent.
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Global Markets
Do you speak KAIZEN? A great number of companies and organizations is busy with global activies. Therefore it is necessary that people from different countries all over the world, who are working for one company, speak one language to exchange informations. It is not only a language like English to understand each other. There is also a language of standards and philosophy required. KAIZEN Institute Consulting Group Ltd. with ist worldwide activities offers support to every company or organization to learn how to organize work and informations, how to build up standards and a flow and how to avoid muda (Japanes word for waste). The portfolio coveres consulting and education of management and employees. KAIZEN College will be built-up worldwide in the next years. It offers
KAIZEN College Rumania: how to improve working environment?
eduction in theory and practice. There is a large range of subjects like KAIZEN basics, kanban, flow, just in time, total service management etc. people have an opportunity for qualification as KAIZEN coach or KAIZEN manager. These experts will be responsible to spread KAIZEN philosophy within an organization. Workshops and inhouse education with the highly qualified experts from KAIZEN Institute is also possible.
Headline EC Picture E.C.
Euclides Coimbra, Managing Director KAIZEN Institute Global
Short Introduction from E.C. may be about development and goals of KAIZEN Institute Consulting group world wide
Successful start for KAIZEN College in India KAIZEN College startet in Central Europe ten years ago. Newcomers last year were India and Rumania with their college ecucation programs. Carsten Otto, Operations Director Global, and his collegue Vijay Rai from India teached KAIZEN Basics to future KAIZEN practitioners in India. Enthusiastically people exercised hunting for muda and building-up good standards. KAIZEN knowledge is a good fundament for global business relations.
Headline RC and BC
KAIZEN World News
KAIZEN Partner’s activities Sucessful congresses in Poland and ... Africa offers KAIZEN newsletter to customers Crewing KAIZEN community latest news ...
Picture (one or two) of BC and RC and/or photo from Russia
BC and RC greetings from US and may be introduction of one of our important clients, RUSAL with photo from Russia.
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Foto: Schulz für managementCircle
KAIZEN Philosophy for better understanding
We train your employees in KAIZEN, TPM, JIT, total service management, value stream design, total flow management.
Travelling around the world Masaaki Imai shares his KAIZEN know how and experiences with people. He spread the KAIZEN Philosophy to every continent and he is still working on it. His advice is adressed to everybody - from top mangement to office people and workers. Please find below his 2008 schedule or look for latest informations under www.kaizen.com.
Chance for benchmarking worldwide Did you ever travel to gemba? Gemba is the japanese word for ‘the place where things happen'. Gemba is the destination of KAIZEN tours. It is the only place where you will be able to experience live how world class companies improve their performance to survive worldwide competition. You can breath KAIZEN on
shop floor and in the offices and you will see how successful companies work. Tour guides are experienced KAIZEN experts. They will give you an initial overview an explain what you see. You can discuss with other tour guests and exchange experiences. Hosts for the guests fromKAIZEN Tours are successful, international operating Companies, often distinguished with Awards. Please find further informations under www.kaizen.com.
Qualifications available: KAIZEN Practicioner, KAIZEN Coach and KAIZEN Manager. We offer Benchmarking with world class companies More information, schedule and price list available from our service hotline: ( +41 (0)41 725 42 84 www.kaizen.com
Destination: GEMBA
2008: KAIZEN-Events with Masaaki Imai When?
when ?????????
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Nov. 17th and 18th
KAIZEN Congress
Vienna (Austria)
More information: www.kaizen.com
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KAIZEN tours: unique opportunity to experience kaizen live.
IMPRESSUM Publisher:
KAIZEN Institute Consulting Group Ltd. Bahnhofplatz CH-6300 Zug Tel. +41 (0)41 725 42 80 Fax +41 (0)41 725 42 89 info@kaizen.com Editing: Sabine Leikep