Kate Burrill IAIN Sunan Ampel kate.burrill@gmail ... - Mengajar English

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Introduction to American Life.  Friendship with Americans.  Classroom Culture.  Managing Money.  Health and Wellness ...
Kate Burrill IAIN Sunan Ampel [email protected]

  Introduction

to American Life   Friendship with Americans   Classroom Culture   Managing Money   Health and Wellness

  Time

◦  “Time is money” ◦  Time is valuable—achievement-oriented society ◦  Be on time ◦  Deadlines must be met

  Communication

◦  Direct and clear ◦  “Get to the point” ◦  Ask a lot of questions ◦  Just say “no” if you don’t know ◦  Eye contact is a must

  Safe

topics to discuss with anyone:

◦  The weather ◦  Classes and jobs ◦  Sports ◦  Entertainment (movies, music) ◦  Fashion, shopping, clothes   Topics

you only discuss with close friends:

◦  Money, how much one earns ◦  Family ◦  Religion

  Status

and Hierarchy

◦  “All [people] are created equal.” –Declaration of Independence ◦  Individualistic culture, more value on accomplishments than age, race, family background


Status and Hierarchy  

Students and professors sometimes use first names with each other

  Friendliness


Openness ◦  Friendly at first, but value privacy and independence ◦  Need to go over higher walls before reaching the stage of a good friendship.


Other Countries

  Americans

prefer independence and

privacy ◦  Prefer to do something themselves rather than ask a friend to do it   To

make friends:

◦  Don’t be afraid to start a conversation ◦  Get involved in campus activities and clubs ◦  Be aware of differences that may cause misunderstandings

  Of

course: being on time is important!   Mix of teacher-centered and learnercentered ◦  Depends on the professor ◦  In general, U.S. classrooms are more learnercentered than the rest of the world

  Classes

are taught by a professor, instructor, or graduate assistant   Value of student perspective ◦  Students are expected to ask questions ◦  Students are allowed to openly disagree with teacher ◦  Participation is very important

  More

than 4,900 accredited colleges and universities in the U.S. ◦  They have a wide range in price. ◦  2-year institution or 4-year institution?

  Ways

of getting enough money:

◦  Undergraduate Program Scholarships   Academic Merit   Financial Need   Special skills (sports, music, leadership)

◦  Graduate program   Research assistantship   Teaching assistantship   Scholarships

  Budget/Spending


◦  Get one and stick to it! ◦  Use cash instead of debit card, less likely to spend.   Try keeping a spending journal for one month.   Envelope System ◦  Put monthly amount in an envelope – when gone – no more.

  Culture

Shock   Ways to De-stress: ◦  Talk to family and friends ◦  Daily physical activity ◦  Remember to laugh   Nutrition

◦  Eat a mix of the right foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) ◦  Americans eat too much. Don’t be like them! 

  EducationUSA.or.id office in Surabaya!   Aminef.or.id   http://jmuiscblog.com/

◦  James Madison University international students blog

Of course, it’s different for everyone. But there are some general similarities for all Americans starting university. First of all: Most students move away from home for the first time.

The University of California, Davis

  This

is where I lived:

Student Activities

Some activities in the dorm

that’s me!

! t c e r r o c you’re

  Do

you have any questions?