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menawarkan beasiswa S2 untuk program Strategic Management dan Hak Kekayaan. Intelektual ... Kandidat program ini harus cakap dalam berbahasa Inggris .... Suitable level of proficiency in English to be able to write a thesis is required.

Nomor Sifat Hal


: : :

S- 1113 /BC.1/UP.6/2011 Segera Penawaran Beasiswa WCO untuk program S2 Strategic Management dan HAKI

1. Pejabat Eselon II pada Kantor Pusat DJBC 2. Kepala Kantor Wilayah DJBC 3. Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Utama BC

15 Juli 2011

4. Kepala BPIB 5. Kepala Pangsarops BC 6. Kepala Bagian pada Sekretariat DJBC

Sehubungan dengan Nota Dinas dari Direktur Kepabeanan Internasional Nomor ND 462/BC.7/2011 tanggal 31 Mei 2011 hal Penawaran Beasiswa dari WCO untuk program S2 Strategic Management dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI), dengan hormat kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1.

WCO, melalui program the Japan-WCO Human Resource Development Programme, menawarkan beasiswa S2 untuk program Strategic Management dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) di Universitas Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Jepang. Program S2 yang didanai oleh Japan Customs ini akan berlangsung dari bulan April 2012 s.d. Maret 2013.


Program beasiswa ini ditujukan bagi calon manajer muda dari Administrasi Pabean Negara Berkembang anggota WCO. Kandidat program ini harus cakap dalam berbahasa Inggris dan telah menunjukkan potensi dan komitmen kepada Administrasinya.


Program S2 ini terdiri atas dua segmen, yaitu segmen akademik dan segmen praktek. Segmen akademik berupa pembelajaran dasar-dasar keahlian dalam strategic management dan HAKI, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan topik-topik yang membantu peserta memahami bagaimana cara mendesain, mengimplementasikan, dan mengevaluasi kebijakan publik, khususnya kebijakan Kepabeanan, begitu pula dengan strategi pengembangan untuk organisasi. Segmen praktek akan diajarkan dalam kerja sama dengan Japan Customs, termasuk the Japan Customs Training Institute.


Adapun persyaratan dan penjelasan mengenai program tersebut serta formulir nominasi tersedia dalam bentuk softcopy yang dapat didownload melalui website


Pihak Universitas Aoyama Gakuin meminta agar pendaftaran dilakukan secara online serta mendownload formulir aplikasi pendaftaran dan mengirimkannya. Untuk itu, calon peserta diminta untuk melakukan pendaftaran secara online dengan mengunjungi laman Universitas Aoyama Gakuin (


Berkenaan dengan hal-hal tersebut di atas, dimohon bantuan Saudara untuk menyampaikan kepada unit-unit yang berada di bawah pengawasan Saudara untuk diteruskan kepada para pegawai yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan untuk menyampaikan berkas pendaftaran kepada Bagian Kepegawaian paling lambat tanggal 18 Agustus 2011.

Demikian disampaikan dan atas perhatian serta kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Tembusan: Direktur Jenderal;

WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DES DOUANES Established in 1952 as the Customs Co-operation Council Créée en 1952 sous le nom de Conseil de coopération douanière The Secretary General 11.HL-0117E/T.N.

Brussels, 25 May 2011.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am pleased to inform you that the World Customs Organization (WCO) will award a number of scholarships for the Master Degree programme in Strategic Management and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at the Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU), Tokyo, Japan. Funds for these scholarships will be provided by Japan Customs under the Japan-WCO Human Resource Development Programme (Scholarship Programme). The scholarship programme is aimed at promising young managers from the Customs administrations of developing-country WCO Members. Candidates should be fully proficient in English and should have demonstrated potential for growth and commitment to the service of their Administration. Conditions of candidacy and selection are specified in the attachment. This degree programme will start in April 2012 and finish in March 2013. The Master Degree programme comprises two segments: an academic segment and a practical segment. The academic segment starts with focused teaching of foundational skills in strategic management and IPR. It then moves to a range of applied topics which help students understand how to design, implement, and evaluate public policies, in particular Customs policy, in accordance with development strategies for organizations. The practical segment is taught in co-operation with Japan Customs, including the Japan Customs Training Institute. Attached to this letter you will find a set of documents which set out the administrative provisions governing the programme, and the application procedures, and provide information for applicants from the University. If you would like to nominate a candidate from your Administration for this new scholarship programme, please complete the nomination form and arrange for the application form with all supporting documents to be completed and returned to the AGU admissions office at the indicated address, by 1 September 2011. …/…

To : WCO Developing Members cc. Master’s Programme Admissions Office, Graduate School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University Mr. Kaoru OMOTO, Director for International Cooperation, Customs and Tariff Bureau, MOF Japan

Rue du Marché, 30, B-1210 Bruxelles, Belgique  Téléphone +32 2 209 92 11 Fax +32 2 209 92 92  Account-compte Fortis banque : 210-0475126-72 

2. …/… The AGU requests that applications be submitted online and, in this regard, the applicant is invited to visit the AGU Web site ( by 25 August 2011 at the latest. Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered. If you have any questions regarding this programme, a member of your staff may contact Mr. Takashi NAKAO of the Capacity Building Directorate (Tel : +32 2 209 96 47; Fax : +32 2 209 94 96; or e-mail : [email protected]), or the Master’s Programme Admissions Office at the AGU Graduate School of Business (Tel : + 81 3 3409 7932 ; Fax : + 81 3 3409 9423; e-mail : [email protected]).

Yours faithfully,

Kunio Mikuriya.

Japan-WCO Human Resource Development Programme (Scholarship Programme)

【Strategic Management and Intellectual Property Rights】 2012/13 ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

Introduction 1.

The Japan-WCO Human Resource Development Programme (Scholarship Programme) provides a grant covering travel, subsistence, admission, tuition and other approved expenses to enable promising young Customs managers from developing countries to undertake Master’s level studies at the Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU) in Tokyo, Japan.


The following administrative provisions govern this Scholarship Programme. If a nominee or a concerned person in the nominating administrations has any questions, he/she should address them to the Capacity Building Directorate of the WCO Secretariat before the Scholarship is accepted. Capacity Building Directorate, World Customs Organization, Rue du Marché 30, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel : + 32 2 209 96 47 Fax : + 32 2 209 94 96 e-mail : [email protected]

Conditions of candidacy and selection 3.

The candidates should be in good health, preferably below 40 years of age as of 1 April, 2012.


The recipients of Scholarships under this Programme will enrol for the Master’s Degree programme in Strategic Management and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) programme at the AGU.


This Scholarship is for one academic year starting from April 2012. The Scholarship period cannot be extended.


The candidates should be Customs officers fully proficient in English. (a minimum TOEFL score of internet Based Test (iBT) 79 / Computer-Based Test (CBT) 213 / Paper Based Test (PBT) 550, IELTS 6.0, or its equivalent qualification to prove their language proficiency). They should have a university degree or equivalent qualification.


The candidates should have at least 3 years of work experience in Customs and should have assessed potential for advancement. In the selection, preference will be given to candidates who have experience in IPR border enforcement, and who are expected to work in the IPR-related section of their Customs administration after this scholarship programme.



After the completion of the Programme, the candidates should continue the job in home Customs administration for 3 years at least and, after 3 years, they should also report to the university the job title and how they have been utilizing the experience they acquired in Japan.


The candidates will be selected by the WCO in consultation with the AGU. The AGU shall inform the candidates about their selection or otherwise. The WCO will send a congratulatory letter to the administrations whose candidates have been selected.

10. In accepting a Scholarship, the candidate undertakes to: •

Work full time on the assigned Programme. It will not be possible to undertake other activities not related to the Programme.

Comply with the laws and show due respect for the culture and way of life of the host country.

11. The AGU requests online applications for admissions for the 2012-2013 Scholarship Programme. ID and Password for the online application will be obtained by submitting the Entry Form on the web site by 25 August 2011 ( 12. The original set of Application Forms with all supporting materials should be completed and returned to: Master’s Program Admissions Office at Graduate School of Business Aoyama Gakuin University 4-4-25 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-8366 Japan Telephone : + 81 3 3409 7932 Fax : + 81 3 3409 9423 e-mail : [email protected] Website : with the envelope marked, “Application for the WCO Scholarship”. For more detailed information, please see the “Application Procedures” of the AGU, as enclosed herewith. 13. A duplicate set will be made and sent to the WCO Secretariat by the AGU Admissions Office. Therefore, it is not necessary to send a duplicate set to the WCO Secretariat. 14. The last date for receipt of these forms at the above address is 1 September 2011.

FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Accommodation and living allowance 15. An all-inclusive allowance of about 155,000 Japanese yen per month will be granted to cover the cost of accommodation, meals and incidental expenses for the study period. (The allowance will be paid in Japanese Yen.) 16. The Scholars will be offered assistance by the AGU to find residential accommodation at a reasonable rent.


17. The candidates should note that the allowance will not be sufficient to cover the expenses of any accompanying dependants. No family-related expenses will be paid or added to the monthly living allowance.

Health Certificate 18. The Scholars selected will have to submit a certificate from a licensed physician certifying that they are in good health and do not suffer from any debilitating chronic ailments.

TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Travel costs 19. The cost of travel (return trip) between the Scholar’s place of residence and Tokyo will be borne by the Programme budget. For this purpose, an economy class pre-paid air ticket by the most direct route will be arranged by the AGU through a local travel or airline office or by courier in the country of the selected candidate.

Insurance 20. No insurance coverage is provided by the WCO/Japan in respect of personal accidents or damage to or loss of personal effects during transport to or from Tokyo.

Passports - Visas - Health regulations 21. Persons entering Japan must hold a valid passport and visa. Vaccination requirements depend upon nationality, and the Scholar is personally responsible for complying with them. The AGU will provide the selected candidates with a letter certifying enrolment in the Japan-WCO Scholarship in order that he/she may apply to the Japanese Embassy in his/her home country for a college student visa, authorizing temporary residence in Japan for the duration of the Programme.

COMPLETION OF PROGRAMME 22. Scholars are expected to complete the Programme as scheduled. Early repatriation may be authorized only on medical grounds or for other similarly important reasons. If a Scholar withdraws from the Programme before its scheduled completion, he/she shall not be entitled to any benefits from the date of the decision. 23. On completion of the Programme, the WCO/Japan will pay travel costs, as described above, for the Scholar’s return journey from Tokyo to the point of first departure. Entitlement to return travel expenses shall cease if the Scholar does not leave Tokyo within two weeks of completion of the Programme, unless he/she has any compelling reason for extending his/her stay. 24. In the event of a Scholar failing to complete the Programme, a request for partial refund may be sent to the Scholar. ------------


Strategic Management and Intellectual Property Rights Program (SMIPRP) The Graduate School of Business at AGU welcomes potential students who have a strong interest in conducting rigorous empirical and/or theoretical research integrated with their own practical work experiences. The entire application process, from entry to interview, is done online (except for the mailing of application materials). When you apply to the SMIPRP at AGU, please visit our website (, carefully read and strictly follow the admission guidelines and instructions. 1. Program Strategic Management and Intellectual Property Right Program (SMIPRP) 2. Number to be admitted The maximum number of students for SMIPRP course is approximately 10. 3. Application Requirements -

Bachelor's Degree or Higher


Proficiency in English: Suitable level of proficiency in English to be able to write a thesis is required. If your undergraduate/graduate education was not conducted in English, please submit a score report or certificate of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or any other equivalent qualification to prove your English proficiency. The score must meet the following requirements: TOEFL iBT (internet based test) 79, TOEFL CBT (computer based test) 213, TOEFL PBT (paper based test) 550, IELTS 6.0.(in each component) The score report should be issued within the past two years of submission, however, its submission can be delayed until the final pass decision if the score is not currently available.


Online PC Environment: Applicants must have online PC environment in which you can run Skype( for an interview. To make a free online












microphone/headset, both of which must be prepared by applicants themselves before the date of the interview.

Application Procedure Step 1

Online Entry: To create a login account, please fill in the Online Entry

Form first. Your ID and password will be sent to your e-mail address for the subsequent application procedure. Step 2 Mailing Materials: Please send, by mail, all required materials (including downloaded materials) to the Master’s Program Admissions Office at AGU’s Graduate School of Business. Step 3

Online Interviews: Please note that interviews will be conducted only for

applicants who have passed the initial screening based on the mailing materials. Interviews are conducted via Skype. 4. Mailing Materials Downloaded Materials -

Application Form (Form 1) One(1) passport sized photo must be attached to the application form.


Two Letters of Recommendation (Form 2) Preferably, one from your current supervisor at your work place.


Certificate of Employment Status and Acceptance for Leave of Absence (Form 3)


An Assignment Paper (Form 4)


Research Proposal at the SMIPRP (Form 5)


WCO Nomination Form (Form 6)


Application Checklist

Other Required Documents -

Copy of diplomas from all colleges/universities attended


Transcript(s) from all colleges/universities attended


Standardized test information – TOEFL or IELTS score


Either a paper, report, thesis, or book written in English (if any of these are available)


A copy of your passport

Mailing Address: (send all mailing materials by registered express or other carrier service) Master’s Program Admissions Office Graduate School of Business Aoyama Gakuin University 4-4-25 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku

Tokyo 150-8366 JAPAN 5. Admission Calendar - Online Entry

up to August 25th, 2011

- Mailing Materials

up to September 1st, 2011

- Notification of Invitation to Interview

September 16th, 2011

- Online Interview

September 28th through 30th, 2011

※Interview schedule will be assigned from one of these days - Notification of enrollment acceptance

November 17th, 2011

- Submission of enrollment documents

December 7th, 2011

6. WCO Scholarship Full tuition scholarship is awarded to full-time candidates who have been accepted for study at AGU and approved by the WCO. You may apply for the scholarship when you submit the application for admission. Requirement to apply for the Scholarship -

Government officials of developing countries with at least three years' experience in customs-related fields.


Preferably under 40 years of age as at April 1, 2012.

What the Scholarship covers -

A monthly stipend is granted to cover living expenses and insurance during your studies at AGU. This stipend cannot be increased to cover family members. The amount of your stipend is subject to change.*


Your admission and tuition fees will be paid directly to AGU by the scholarship sponsors.


Round-trip economy-class air tickets between your home country and Japan are also included.


total amount of the scholarship is 155,000 yen per month.