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Menimbang : a. bahwa dalam rangka mendorong perkembangan industri telekomunikasi di dalam negeri, dipandang perlu memberikan perlakuan sama dengan industri telekomunikasi yang memperoleh fasilitas dalam rangka melaksanakan proyek Pemerintah dengan Loan; b. bahwa Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 474/KMK.01/2002 tentang Pembebasan Bea Masuk atas Impor Bahan Baku/Komponen untuk Pembuatan Peralatan dan Jaringan Telekomunikasi, masa berlakunya berakhir pada tanggal 2 September 2003; c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud huruf a dan b, perlu menetapkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan tentang Pemberian Pembebasan Bea Masuk Atas Impor Bahan Baku/Komponen untuk Pembuatan Peralatan dan Jaringan Telekomunikasi oleh Industri Manufaktur Telekomunikasi. Mengingat : 1. Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1995 tentang Kepabeanan (LN RI Tahun 1995 Nomor 75, TLN RI Nomor 3612); 2. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 228/M Tahun 2001; 3. Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 96/KMK.01/2003 tentang Penetapan Sistem Klasifikasi Barang dan Besarnya Tarif Bea Masuk Atas Barang Impor sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 247/KMK.01/2003. MEMUTUSKAN : Menetapkan : KEPUTUSAN MENTERI KEUANGAN TENTANG PEMBERIAN PEMBEBASAN BEA MASUK ATAS IMPOR BAHAN BAKU/KOMPONEN UNTUK PEMBUATAN PERALATAN DAN JARINGAN TELEKOMUNIKASI OLEH INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR TELEKOMUNIKASI. Pasal 1 Atas impor bahan baku/komponen untuk pembuatan peralatan dan jaringan telekomunikasi oleh industri manufaktur telekomunikasi sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Lampiran Keputusan Menteri Keuangan ini, diberikan pembebasan bea masuk sehingga tarif akhir bea masuknya menjadi 0% (nol persen). Pasal 2 Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai atas nama Menteri Keuangan menerbitkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan tentang pemberian pembebasan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 1, dengan berpedoman pada Daftar dan Spesifikasi barang sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Lampiran Keputusan Menteri Keuangan ini. Pasal 3

Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai diinstruksikan untuk melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Keputusan Menteri Keuangan ini. Pasal 4 Keputusan Menteri Keuangan ini berlaku selama 12 (dua belas bulan) terhitung sejak tanggal 2 September 2003.

Agar setiap orang mengetahuinya, memerintahkan pengumuman Keputusan Menteri Keuangan ini dengan penempatannya dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia.

Ditetapkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 3 September 2003 MENTERI KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA, ttd. BOEDIONO





A/D (Analog to Digital)

2 3

Accessories (Controller, AC) Alarm and Status, alarm (Control unit/terminal modurack unit/relay interface/elect. relay board/handler/intrface/panel/art) AMM AU, Access Module Magazine

4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


16 17 18 19 20 21

Anchor/anchoring rail Antenna (SP 120, XP 90, XP 60, Indoor, Panel, Clamp, Set, Omni, Sector, Parabola, Circulator, Panel, System GSM (1800 MHz, 900MHz)/ Module (High performance)/LNA (Low Noice Amplifier/LNB) Arrester Assembling Tool/Asyn Serial DAS Tool A transmission Control (A-TC) Attenuator (Attenuator Assy) B Channel Aggregation Modul (BCAM) Back (Card/Cover/Housing assy unit/Bone trunk module/Mount frame) Balance LTU Base (Band Interface/Plate/Rack/System/Control unit/Station Controller/Function unit GSM/Station system/Transceiver station/Functionality, Add function unit) Basic (Equipment indoor installation, installation kit outdoor unit, rate module (BRMT BRMN, OBRM, functional featur unit (GSS/SC functionality/unit (WAP, MIA) BAUD (Modem, Dial up) BIT Combiner Board (Master ex unit/line intf/cont/logic/ connection/main/key Booster/boot BTR (Bus Terminator) Cable (Supprt bar/bridge/channel/clamp/fastener/ guide/lug/marker/mounting/rung/runway/strap/ trough/switchboard/for r ewsd/if/key switch/edv/ e:buf/TBU/TA/block/ex/plic/battry/coaxial/ antenna conn tri-ext/OC/end link/f comb/for RTI/

Module/part PCM radio of transmission of mobile communication network of GSM Module/part/accessories of sub system GSM Module/part of sub system GSM

Indoor equipment for digital microwave radio GSM Accessories/part of GSM Sub System Mobile Communication Network

Accessories/Part rack GSM Tool/part for system GSM Sub system transmission Module/Part of sub system GSM Sub system ISDN Part/Module of sub system GSM Module sub system GSM Module sub system GSM

Module/part/accessories/tool of sub system GSM

Module/part/accessories/tool of sub system GSM Module/part radio of sub system GSM Part rack of sub system GSM Module/part/accessories/tool of sub system GSM Module/part/accessories/tool of sub system GSM Part/accessories/tool of sub system GSM

22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

magg/kit/RTX-1/-2/-3/-4/U-link/PGM/set/ connect/jumper ant & tx/rx/CPU/power/wave guide/fiber optic/voice/tri-PCM/2m/redundant, duct, runway, lacing, lug/CSR/fastener/sheated/ extension lib/optical plate/set/HE-12/right/W2/ CCA-CCC/radio/racc/dba-oxa/starnd/spacer/ suport/ cord/assembly/snap/terminal/comb/ unit/cover/duct/adlm/solm/odlm/dtm/fsm/sam Cage nut Call (Forwarding/waiting/hold) Card (switch/comm/elect mux/oo2/depord rtc/cla/ cltv alx/cmd/mpa/alm line telex/caf/atx/ccc/cca/ c12/cld/cmp2g-2/cjo-2/cao-2/dxc/d2m/rcj/jrc/cuf/ memory/ilc/lcc/cxc/ucm-3/cav/cox/cmd/cjxr20/ cjd2/csx/relaying/lcd/csr/rapl, dba, cav, cts/ld/fcu/ readers/smart card) CD (P, rom for switching system) Ceiling hanger Cell (Site/channel signaling/control-cscysite scip/station (csy circuit module/line interface) Central unit (processor) CES (Control extension and switch) CGC (Channel group concentrator) Channel Unit Module Circuit (Line Interface) Clamp Kit Clock (A-CLK-HG/Distributor and PartyCDP/CD Rom) CNU;HCP (Connection Unit; Hand Copy Printer) Color Video Display Unit Combiner Common Power Supply Unit Communication Unit/Type2 Conference Cards Connection (Box/DF/DDF/Cable/Cord/Jack House/Mini Board/Random Acces/Cable Kit/Pin Com/Jumper/Plic/Plug in Cable) Converter Cover (Covering/Connector/Plates/Strip) CP (Coordination Processor) CPU (Control Processing Unit) Cradle (Board/Case) CRB (Clock Recover Board) Cross Conn PNL CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Breaker DC; Distribution Demodulator Derivation Box/Plug Digital (Group interface (DGI/Processing Unit (TX-RX/Sync Subscriber Line Circuit/DSLCY

Part 3 of digital microwave radio Feature system GSM Module Mobile Communication Network

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Installation Material for Digital Microwave Radio Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Part sub system of GSM Part sub system of GSM Part sub system of GSM Part/Accessories of sub system of GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM


55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Message/Writere/Color Code/Modem Module (DMM) Trunk Module (DTM/Cellular System (DCS) 1300 MHz/Scope Wave Form Check/ Voltage Meter) Digital Microwave Radio 2 GHZ s/d 25 GHZ (Cabinet, Rack, Equipment, System, Link (Paso, Mini) DIP-FLX DIR (Differential Interface Receiver) Directional Coupler Disk (Drive Assy/Control PG (DKC PG)/unit (DKU) Display/Display Protection Distribution Unit Distributor/CLK Dist/A-CLK-H PC/Board) DMA (Direct Memory Access) DMX (Software/OPT/STO Frame) DOC Admin CD Documentation/Instruction Manual : CD Rom Pasolink, Minilink, Radio link system GSM Docware Domed Cap Nuts DSX Circuit Front Conn Dual (Tone Multi Frequency Tone Generator (DTG)/Multi Frequency Tone Receiver (DTR) Dual Port (Digital Line Module (ADLM & SDLM)/Interface (Card/Differential Board) Dummy Load (Card (DLC)/L-Dummy Package (DMY PKG-L) Duplexer DXX (Communication Server Copy/Manager User Manual) Earphone/Earthing Kit Earthing Kit ECLK (External Synchronizing Clock) Electrical (Mux) Emergency HO/Fastsoan Enhanced Vocoder Interface Assembly Eprom Eraser Equip. Radio Cabinet, Eq Rack BLTD, Magazine Tri 3/3 ETB Board Executive Control Register Extractor F : Frame (TSCP/LT/DLT/OMP/M/CCSP) FAJL SHRT Gas Fan Kit Mini Link Feeder (Clamp/Marking) Ferrite Filter (Cavity/Unit)

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Inddor Equipment for Digital Microwave Radio Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Document/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Document of sub system GSM Document/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Sub System Radio of System GSM Sub System Radio of System GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Parts of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

Flate Brush Framing Angle Frequency (Counter/Meter) G703V-35 Converter (DSU:Digital Supply Unit) Generator for GSM GI (Group Interface) Ground (Bar/Window) GSM (Global System Mobile) 900 MHZ, 1800 MHZ GTB (Ground Terminator Board) Hand (Book/Held/Phone Tester/Off/Strap) Hanger Kit Hardware PMS 150 Harmonic Filter HIC (Highway Interface Control) ICLK (International Clock) Input Lug Kit/Output Processor (IOP) Installation Material Insulator PAD Integrated Router Module (IRM)/System Interconnect Cable IPM Upgrades IPTG (International Progress Generator) IRT (Interupt Respond Task) ISDN Primary Rate Modules (IPMT & IPMN) ITC (Protection PNL/Modem Cage/Modem RK) Iter & Switch Network Controller Ink ITSTR (International Test Tone Receiver) Jam (Jack and Alarm Maintenance) Kit for Separate Mounting KP (Keyboard Printer) LAN Modules LAN (Local Area Network Interface) Layer (Two Controller (LSCTL)/Proc, DCH Package Module) LBT (Line Busy Tone) Left/Right Drawer Lightning (Protection Transformer Arrester) LM (Line Module) LPB (Lighting Protection Board) LPU Bay (LAN Peripheral Unit Bay) LSB (Least Significant Bit) Board LSI (Large Scale Integration) LUG M : Module (DCCCL/DEC/DIU30D/GCG: LTGY/CLK/GSC/LIU/MVAA/MUXS/Pmub/SV T/Supervisory and Information for Local and Remote Area/SPA TC-OH/PSC/RM:CTC/SRTC/ Toga/LST/DTVDCC/A-LCP/DLA2P-D/A-DTS/

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module System ISDN of Mobile Communication Network Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

141 142 143

BI/TL/HDT/CMI/CM/DCCS/MTC/LP/RDL/RDT ST/Modem/Frame/Case/DCCXF/DCCXJ/CP101E ) SILD/SMXC Cage/Rack/Upgrade Maint (EXPN/Bay/Modem/Prog) Maintenance (Comman Interface/Frame) Master Console Interface Mause/Memory (LCD, CTX, ATX, A-5) MDF (Main Distribution Frame) MDMP (Modem Power) Mini Station Chair Mex, Manual (Technical Telex) Misc/DTR/ASIR) MMU (Memory Mapping Unit) MMU (Modem Unit/RF/PSTN)

144 145

MNL (Nulti Node Loader) Mobile (Call Simulator, Subscriber Line Test)

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

146 147 148 149 150 151 152

Mobile Communication Interface Model/Release Upgrades Modulator Mount Kit, Power Spliter Mounted Piezo-Electrical Cristal MPC (Multi Coupler prog. Controller) MSC (Mobile Services Switching Center)/MSC GSM (Gateway, Central Processor) MSN (11/12) MTI (Multi Terminal Interface) Multi (Meter Processor Controller (PCM)/ Controller Multi Function Compression Modules (MFCM) Mux Unit Mux (Multi Flexer)

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM


Neax01 (Remote System & Switching Equipment for PHS Cover) Netman (Client License, Server License, Start Up Package) Network (Expansion Bay/Signaling Unit/Management System (NMS) NMS (Network Management System) for ANS

163 164

Node Manager, Original NPT (Net Protocol)

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

165 166 167 168 169

O & M Tools (Operation & Maintenance) OMNI (Base Station Spares/Vision) OP:DCC/OS SCO-ODT/Unix Optical (OSM ANG Telex) Order Wire Board

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

134 135 136 137 138 139 140

153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Modem Indoor Equipment for Digital Microwave Radio Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment

Sub System of GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment

Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment

170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193

194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204

205 206 207 208 209 210 211

Oscillator Oscilloscope Outdoor Material/Cabinet Overhead Muldex Palm (Parity Alarm) PCM (Pulse Code Modulation/Jitter Mod/OSC) Peripheral (Switching Unit (PSU) 230 Volt AC/Unit (PU)/Interface Adapter (PIA) Phase Demodulator Pico-BSC Back Plane Board Pigtail Plate (Screening, Distributor, Insulating) Prepayment Meter Presue Piece Printed Circuit Board Printer/Display for Tester Proc (Processor) Prom (Prog. Read Only Memory) Protectip BEQ Protocal (Analyzer, Tester) Protocol Analysis Package (PAP) PTG (Progress Tone Generator) PTM (Programable Timer Module) Quad Digital Line Module (QDLM) Radio (Unit/Link/Dispatcher/Channel InterfaceRCI/RCI Power/Tne Receiver-RCVR/Base Station (RBS)/Network Termination (RNT) Radio Module (High Power) High Index Receiver Rectifier Unit with SVE 40 Compact RG Unit SCP (Switch Control Processor) SCP (Switch Control Processor)/(OMNI Platform SW)/(SMP Standard Package, In Platform SW) Sealed Lead Acid Battery SMU (Switch Multiplexer Unit) Splitter (3 way, 4 way, 8 way) Subrack (Umux 1200/Umux 1500/TRXD, Duct) System Transmisi Backbone: PDH (Plesycronous Digital Hierarchy, SDH (Syncronous Digital Hierarchy), ATM Test Funstions, Original, Codr, Mobil Tigris (3-Slot Chassis, Blanking panel, CC, Quad UWAN, Dual Ethernet) Timing Module TRAU (Base Rack, Expa Self) TTS (Transmiter Test Set) UMS (Unified Messaging System) Unit (TX/RX/RX DPU/TX DPU/TX SWO/FLX SWO/Mobil

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Set of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Parts of Digital Microwave Radio Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

System Radio GSM

Radio Equipment in Digital Microwave Radio Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio DC Power Supply for Digital Microwave Radio Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Function/Feture/Part/Tool of Sub System of GSM

Sub System of Digital Microwave Radio Set of Digital Microwave Radio Equipment Function/Feture/Part/Tool of Sub System of GSM Function/Feture/Part/Tool of Sub System of GSM

Sub System of Mobile Communication Network

Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of Sub System of GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Function/Feture/Part/Tool of Sub System of GSM

Sub System of Mobile Communication Network

212 213 214 215 216

217 218 219 220 221 222

Mux/RCV/XMT/Power/Cont/Trough/Alarm/Porta ble PS/PA/Logical/Local/Hard Disk/MT/OMTSet/Neax-41Syst, D 1400 (Sys, DSC, TRAU, Spare Part Sys, GPRS, Antenna System, Transmision System, PSU-250V) Unit Power (CSUP) Universal (Tone Receiver/Tone Generator) Universal (Tone Receiver/Tone Generator) User Protocol : V 5.2 SL/ML Voice (Trans, Channel/CBL/Compression Modules (VCM) Group Interface (VGI)/Channel Controller Card) Voltage Regulator Wave (Guide Cable/Guide Entry/Guide Custion) Winnt Server H/W: Winnt 4.05 (Joint with ANS) Wire, Wired Rack KALM (External ALM Input) Z5+SMSU for Auxilary Unit

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Tester/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM

Indoor Equipment for Digital Microwave Radio Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM Module/Part/Accessories/Tool of sub system GSM


224 225 226

227 228 229 230 231 232

233 234

AAA (Authorization, Authentication and Accounting) - S/W, DCN Oracle DBMS/WorkST, Enterprise AGM (Analog Group Modules) ACA 5-A (Analog Conversion Board Assembly 5A) ACCA (ATM Cell Switch Clock Generation/Distribution Assembly) Accessories for GSM/CDMA/Switching Air Baffle ALA-C/R (Air Link Analyzer), Optimalization Test ALT (Autonomous Line Termoination) ANS RSC (HW + SW) AMU, Analogue Measuring Unit ANS (RSC (Remote Subscriber Controller) System, Basic System, Standard Funcionally, Core, Precabled Basic System) ASBB1 (ATM Switch Back Board)


ASPA (ATM Switch Control Processor Assembly) ATLA (ATM Trunk Link Assembly)


ATM Trunk Interface Assembly

237 238

AWGN, RX Sensitivity Test BAJA (B-Link ATM Interface Board Assembly)

Software for Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN)

Main Modules for Switching System Coverting IF Signal Into RF Signal and Vise Versa Generating Clock and Distributing the General Clock in Global Router for BSC (Base Station Controller) Installation Material Material for BTS (Base Transceiver) Optimization Test for BSC Set of Main Equipment for ANS (Access Node Switch) for Switching System Measuring Equipment for ANS (Access Node Switch Standard Functionality for ANS (Access Node Switch) R Providing Communication Path Between Boards in Global Router for BSC System Operation Management and Maintenance in Global Router The Type Conversion from ATM Adaption Layer Set of Main Equipment for ANS (Access Node Switch for Switching System) RF Test (Measuring Equipment for BSC) Interconnecting with ATIA for BSC ATB Block


BCPA (BTS Control Processor Board Assembly)

240 241 242 243

BDCA (Base Band Digital & Conversion Card Assembly) Basic System SW BP (Ban of Ass) Filter BCDBB (BCP + DU Back Board)


Call Control Processor Board Assembly


CBBB (Pico-BSC Back Plane Board)


CCDA (DU Control & Clock Distribution Board Assembly)

247 248

Coil Common Power Supply Unit (CPSU-C)

249 250 251 252

260 261

CDMA Cellular Adapter HP8320JB Counter Sunk Crimp Header/Pin Header/Strip Header CAT (Catode Ray Tube) Terminal of Line Monitor CBT (Cell Bite Test Set), Code Domain Power Test CTGD (Cell-Bus Clock & Termination Power Generation Daughter Board Assembly Current Tranducer DBP (Decible Planner) DCNM (Data Core Network Manager), S/W, DCN Oracle DBMS, DCN HP Oven View DLU (Digital Line Unit)/DLC (Digital Line Consetrator) DSU (Data Service Unit) for Performance/ Redundancy DU (Digital Unit)Shelf DUIA 1 (Digital Unit Interface Board Assembly)

262 263

Dummy Front Cover (MHU) NL Enhanced Vocoder Interface Assembly

264 265 266

FAN (Kit, Unit (PANU) FC (Frequency Counter) FSU/FEU 2-A (Front End unit Shelf/2-A)


Finger Guard

253 254 255 256 257 258 259

Through E1/T1 Transmiting/Receiving ATM Cell The Highes Main Control Units That Operates and Manages BTS Up Conversion of Digital Chanels Signal into IF Signal for BTS Software for BSC Measuring Equipment for BSC Providing Communication Path Between Board in BTS Control Processor & Digital Unit Call Control Processing Such as a Call Set Up, Release and Hand Off in BSC Providing Communication Path Between Board in High Capacity Transcoder & Selector Bank in BSC Controlling MCCA (Multirate Channel Card Assembly) & BDCA and Distributing Clock Receiving from GPSR (Global Positioning System Receiver) to MCCA & BDCA in BTS Equipment of Network Planing Tool for BTS Supplying the Necessary Power to each Board of BSC Measuring Equipment for BTS Equipment for BTS (Base Transceiver System) Equipment of Network Planning Tool for BTS Set of Network Planning Tool for BTS RF Test (Measuring Equipment for BTS) Providing Cell-Bus Clock in BCDU Equipment for Switching System Set of Network Planning Tool for BTS Data Management, Node Monitoring for PDSN Set of Main Equipment for ANS (Access Node Switch for Switching System) Spare Parts for ANS Set of DTS Equipment Provide a Communication Path Transmits the Information of Type of AAL from MCCA & CCDA to BSC Accessories for Cabinet Converting Data into PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) and Vice Versa Fan for All Equipment Measuring Equipment for BST TX/RX Signal Filtering and Low Noice Amplifier for BTS Parts of BTS

268 269 270 271


Fuse (Panel) FW Work-ST (Fire Wall) FW-SW (Secure Works Fire Wall Enterprise Solrais) GPS/R/BB (Global Positioning System? Receiver/Back Board, with Antenna

276 277

HA (PDSN-Rack/PDSN-Router/ATM-C/ATM Card/Ethernet Card FEC/FEC-HA) HPA/HPA I-A (High Power Amplifier Shelf/I-A) HUB-1G/2G (Summit 48-Basic LS-XW1G/GA/2G/GA) Indoor (Cabinet, Rack Total Assembly, Cable of 30 Traps) KIT for Separate Mounting Land Subscriber Line Test


LAU001, LAN Access

279 280


Local (Call, Craft Terminal) Loop Back BER (BIT Error Rate) Tester, Fire Bird-4000 LSA (Disconnection Module/Plus Connection Module) Monitor Computer for CDMA/EWSD/Switching OMP Work-ST Ultra 10 PA (Power Attenuator) RF Equipment Test PAL (Performance Analyzer, Line Tester) PM/Power (Meter, Transmit Power, Attenuator, Splitter) PSA 1/10 (Programmable Step Attenuator) RF Equipment Test PSU (Power Supply Unit) Add DC/DC Unit, MD XGM Subrack PWRDIS (Power Distributor)

290 291

Rack of Metal Remote Controller


RFCA (RF Controller Card Assembly)

293 294 295 296 297 298 299

SA (Spectrum Analyzer), Spurious Emission SDH (System Digital Hierarki Controller) SG (Signal Generator, Local Oscillator Source) SM (Site Master), VSWR Spare (Module, Parts) Standard Accessories STM (Syncronous Transverse Mode Interface)/One Link Assembly Switch

273 274 275

281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288


Parts of BTS Operation and Maintenance for PDSN Ultra A Operation and Maintenance for PDSN Receiving the Information on Reference Time from GPS Satelite and Generating Reference Clock Rack for PDSN Open Amplifying Transmission Signal Output Fast Ethernet Interface for PDSN Cabinet for All Systems Sub System of BTS Equipment Measuring Equipment for ANS Switching System LAN Access Unit (Set of ANS Switching System) Simulator Test Equipment Measuring Equipment for ANS Switching System Fire Bird-400 Parts/Sub System of Switching System Parts of Operating System Operation and Maintenance for PDSN Test Equipment Tection for BTS Test Equipment Tection for ANS Measuring Equipment for BTS Factory Test Automation for Measuring Equipment in BTS Supplying the Necessary Power to Each Board of BSC Supplying the Necessary Power to Each Board of Terminal Equipment Part of Sub System of CDMA 2001/EWSD Sub System of ANS Switching System Operation Performing (Transceiver Unit) Control and Alarm Collection for BTS RF Test (Measuring Equipment for BTS) Main Control for Terminal Equipment RF Test (Measuring Equipment for BTS) Set of Measuring Equipment for BTS Dpare of All Module and Parts of All Equipment Syb System of BTS Equipment Sub System of Terminal Equipment Parts of ANS Switching System


System Clock Interface Board Assembly

302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314

System Inspection Procedure TCU (Transceiver Unit)Shelf Termination panel Test Data/Vehicle Transformer/Transformator TSB Diagnostic Monitor TSW (Time Switch) Tuner TV (Test Vehicle) Optimization Test TV Modulator Unequipped Cabinet User Protocol : V5.2 SL/ML VAU 220, Voice Announcement, for XGM Subrack Vocoder/Data Block Trunk/ATM/LAN Interface Assembly) Voltage Tranducer Wall Gland Vor Several Cables XVBB (TCU Backboard)

315 316 317 318

Splitting, Signaling and Distributing BPLIT Clock Sub System of Terminal Equipment Sub System of BTS Equipment Set of RSC (Route Subscriber Concentrator) Set of BTS Equipment Sub System of Terminal Equipment Set of BTS Equipment Sub System of BTS Equipment Sub System of BTS Equipment Sub System of BTS Equipment Sub System of BTS Equipment Cabinet in BTS Equipment Software for BSC System Main Equipment Switching System Interfacing and Providing one STN-Port, Providing Ethernet Link Interface with MSC Sub System of BTS Equipment Outdoor Installation Material for DMR Providing Communication Path Between Board in TCU (Transceiver Unit)

C. PRODUK-PRODUK TRMINAL 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337

Adapter Battery Pack Buzzer/Piezzo Ringer Cable Data Dynamic Receiver/Mic Ethernet to Serial Evaluation Board Handset (Telephone/CDMA) Handset Cord Hook Switch Housing Set (Telephone/CDMA) In Circuit Emulator Keyboard Assembly Keypad Set (Keyboard) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) COG (Chip on Glass) Moulding Satellite Decoder/Receiver Transceiver Assembly (Transmiter, Receiver) VBI (Vertical Blanking Interval)/Tuner Card (TV Tuner/Box, Inserter)


Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Islim Part of CDMA Terminal Part of Telephone/CDMA Terminal Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part of Telephone/CDMA Terminal Part of CDMA Terminal Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part of Telephone Part of Telecommunication Equipment Receiver Equipment of TV Via Datellite Broadcast Part/Accessories/Component of Telephone Part of VBI Net