Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

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Years ago, I was an Operations and IT Manager for a small manufacturing ... KPI help change the way people do their jobs, approach their day, and deal with.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Years ago, I was an Operations and IT Manager for a small manufacturing company. We had a management mandate to improve and I was tasked with finding a consultant to assist us with the project. I had been involved with a professional certification group (APICS –the Association for Operations Management) and was familiar with what we needed to do. I also understood the obstacles we faced; change management would be the area I dreaded most. Our company operated under the text book exampl eof“ s i l osofi nf or mat i on” .Ithought that our project was going to take several years to accomplish; because to be a success, every department in the company had to share information in a way we had never been able to do. The improvement took less than a year. One thing that I found surprising and entirely counterintuitive was how easy it was to change the corporate culture. The consultant implemented a process to measure individual performance within the company. The process was a deceptively simple, inexpensive, and powerful tool called Key Performance Indicators (KPI). KPI help change the way people do their jobs, approach their day, and deal with daily roadblocks. KPI help people focus on the BIG PICTURE. KPI help people distinguish the i mpor t antf r om t het r i vi al ,t he“ mustbedone”f r om t he“ coul dbedone”andal l owempl oyeest oset their own priorities. When the boss passes and sees performance charts, questions follow. People begin to learn the importance of those measures. When people focus on activities and apply what they learn from the KPI, good things happen. KPI are not a new concept. Henry Ford had a few defined before he sold the first car for Ford Motor Company on July 15, 1903. He used them to help streamline the production process. He continued to establish new KPI while he managed the company. KPI helped him to convert iron ore into an automobile in only 81 hours in 1926. KPI helped Shigeo Shingo focus efforts to speed the change over process on industrial presses. Because he kept score on those die exchange efforts, today Toyota has been able to exchange dies in less than 3 minutes. That may not seem impressive except that his original benchmarks exceeded 4 hours. Why are any of these activities important? Well, Henry Ford was able to drastically reduce the pr i ceofaut omobi l esby50%.Att hes amet i me,wagesf orhi swor ker sdoubl ed.Shi geoShi ngo’ s efforts started a revolution and revitalized manufacturing companies to focus their efforts to reducing inventories. His inventory reduction efforts became known as Just-in-Time. (He did credit Henry Ford with the outline of the process improvement activities though!) KPI differ by industry; and KPI are best employed at the lowest level, for an individual.  Inventory Turns is a very important KPI for Manufacturing and Distribution Companies.  Inventory Accuracy is an important KPI for companies that carry inventory.  For Telemarketers, the number of phones calls made is an important KPI.  For Retail, the average dollars per sale is a good KPI.  For Accounts Payable departments, the number of AP Days outstanding is important  For Accounts Receivable departments, the number of AR Days outstanding is important.  For Managers, employee turnover is an important KPI. The goal of KPI lies in focusing the business scorecard activities of Revenue, Costs, and Cash. When the company focuses Revenue, Costs and Cash properly, the difference appears on the bottom line in the form of PROFITS! Displaying KPI performance is a vital part of the process that produces tangible results. For example, Manufacturing and Distribution companies post Inventory accuracy results. Posting Inventory Accuracy accomplishes several things: 1. People understand that Inventory Record accuracy is an important company function.

Copyright 2005 Manufacturing Practices, Inc * All rights reserved

2. Inventory Control personnel take pride in their work, because they know they are being measured. 3. KPI provide a level of control that is not apparent by not measuring those values. Here is an example. When Inventory Accuracy falls, everyone knows that corrective measures ar er equi r ed.Ever yonebecomesawar et hat“ Ont i me”and“ Compl et e”Cust omerShi pment sar e in jeopardy. Everyone understands that because the inventory records may not be correct in the computer, Customer Service may not be able to trust the computer to produce a valid Promise Date. Everyone knows what happens when Promise Dates to customers are missed. The simple act of posting the results of Inventory accuracy has a cascading affect on the entire business. Inventory accuracy is only one example of the company wide impact of KPI. When the consultant helped us implement and develop KPI, everyone, including the President (the company owner) had KPI. We posted our own performance to the KPI and saw how they impacted the KPI above us. It helped us realize our impact on the rest of the business. When we understood that the owner also had KPI independent of our own, we saw things in a different light. Thef actt hatt he“ per sonatt het op”wasal sobei ngmeasured had a unifying effect on the company. We all understood that everyone had a role to play, what the role was and how we were being measured –ever yone.Wef el tt hatsi ncet he“ BI G GUY”showedushi s,wewoul d show him ours. We accepted the fact that things were changing. We wanted to join the crowd; as a consequence, the corporate culture changed. One more time –“ Thecor por at ecul t ur echanged! ”Ever yonebecameawar eoft hei mpactt hei r work had on others in the company. The silos of information (that was used to manage the company) broke down and were replaced by information sharing. The person who received our data or product became our customer. One of the KPI that we all shared was having a satisfied customer. Before the KPI activities started we could not measure our effect on others in the company. Now, we could. What KPI fit your business can usually be found through professional organization in your industry group. Sometimes, they can be located ont heweb.I fyouc an’ tf i ndKPIfor your industry let me know, maybe we can find them together. I can be reached by email at [email protected], by phone at: (770) 7726894 or by fax at: (678) 528-7459.

Copyright 2005 Manufacturing Practices, Inc * All rights reserved