Mar 10, 2010 - David Garfinkle. Physics Department ... for geodesic motion, most famously in the Kerr metric where the Killing tensor gives rise to the Carter ...
Killing Tensors and Symmetries David Garfinkle Physics Department, Oakland University, Rochester, MI
E.N. Glass
arXiv:1003.0019v2 [gr-qc] 10 Mar 2010
Physics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (Dated: March 11, 2010) A new method is presented for finding Killing tensors in spacetimes with symmetries. The method is used to find all the Killing tensors of Melvin’s magnetic universe and the Schwarzschild vacuum. We show that they are all trivial. The method requires less computation than solving the full Killing tensor equations directly, and it can be used even when the spacetime is not algebraically special PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Jb
Killing tensors are useful because, like Killing vectors, they provide conserved quantities for geodesic motion, most famously in the Kerr metric where the Killing tensor gives rise to the Carter constant [1]. However, it is much more difficult to find Killing tensors than Killing vectors. In 4 spacetime dimensions, the equation for a Killing tensor becomes 20 partial differential equations for 10 functions of 4 variables. Most of the known results on Killing tensors come from the fact that the Killing tensor equation simplifies in certain classes of algebraically special spacetimes [2, 3]. However, equations in general relativity also often simplify in the presence of symmetry [4]. We will show that the Killing tensor equation simplifies when a spacetime possesses a hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector, and that this simplification provides an effective method for finding Killing tensors. We will apply this method to Melvin’s magnetic universe [5] and the Schwarzschild vacuum solution. It is shown that all of their Killing tensors are trivial in the sense that they are either the metric or the symmetrized product of Killing vectors. The method is presented in section 2. It is applied to Melvin’s magnetic universe in section 3 and the Schwarzschild vacuum in section 4. Conclusions are given in section 5.
Notation: Lower case Latin indices, B a , range over n-dimensions. Greek indices, B µ , range over n–1 dimensions. For Killing vector ξ a an overdot will denote a Lie derivative, A˙ := Lξ A.
A Killing tensor (of order 2) is a symmetric tensor Xab that satisfies ∇(a Xbc) = 0
Now suppose that the spacetime has a hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector ξ a . Define V such that ξ a ξa = ǫV 2
where ǫ = ±1. Then the metric in directions orthogonal to ξ a is given by hab = gab − ǫV −2 ξa ξb
One can use ha b as a projection operator to project any tensor in directions orthogonal to ξ a . In particular, the Killing tensor can be decomposed as Xab = Aξa ξb + 2B(a ξb) + Cab
where Ba and Cab are orthogonal to ξ a . The Killing tensor equation for this decomposition is ∇(a Aξb ξc) + 2∇(a Bb ξc) + ∇(a Cbc) = 0.
Projecting the Killing tensor equation using all combinations of ha b and ξ a yields the following D(a Cbc) = 0, Lξ A = −2V −1 B a Da V,
(6) (7)
1 Lξ Ba = −V −1 Cab D b V − ǫV 2 Da A, 2
Lξ Cab = −2ǫV 2 D(a Bb) .
Here Da is the derivative operator associated with the metric hab and Lξ denotes the Lie derivative with respect to Killing vector ξ a . Solving Eq.(8) for Da A yields Da A = −(2/ǫ) V −2 Lξ Ba + V −3 Cab D b V
3 The left hand side of Eq.(10) is curl-free and thus the curl of the right hand side must vanish. Hence D[a (V −2 Lξ Bb] ) + D[a (V −3 Cb]c D c V ) = 0
Furthermore, since Lξ commutes with Da it follows that Lξ of the right hand side of Eq.(10) equals Da of the right hand side of Eq.(7), and therefore Lξ Lξ Ba + V −1 (D b V )Lξ Cab − ǫV 2 Da (V −1 B b Db V ) = 0.
Equations (11) and (12) provide the integrability conditions for equations (7) and (10). These equations are most easily implemented in a coordinate system adapted to the Killing vector. Choose a coordinate system (y, xµ) such that xµ are coordinates on the surface orthogonal to the Killing vector and Lξ is simply a partial derivative with respect to y. Use ∂µ or a comma to denote a derivative with respect to the xµ coordinates. The Latin indices in this section are n-dimensional, and the method below projects objects and equations down to n-1 dimensions with Greek indices. Equation (9) becomes C˙ µν = −ǫV 2 (B α ∂α hµν + hαν ∂µ B α + hµα ∂ν B α )
while integrability conditions (11) and (12) become ∂[µ (V −2 B˙ ν] ) + ∂[µ (V −3 Cν]α ∂ α V ) = 0
¨µ + V −1 C˙ µν ∂ ν V − ǫV 2 ∂µ (V −1 B ν ∂ν V ) = 0. B
Equations (7) and (10) for A are written as A˙ = −2V −1 B µ ∂µ V ∂µ A = −(2/ǫ)(V −2 B˙ µ + V −3 Cµν ∂ ν V )
(16) (17)
Note that equations (13-17) can be evaluated without ever having to calculate a Christoffel symbol. The complete set of Killing tensors can be found as follows: first solve Eq.(6) for the most general Cµν . Note that this general solution will contain arbitrary “constants” that are really functions of the Killing coordinate. Now using the general Cµν , find the most general Bµ satisfying Eq.(13). Then restrict this general solution by demanding that equations (14) and (15) also be satisfied. Finally, solve equations (16) and (17) for A.
4 III.
Melvin’s magnetic universe is a static, cylindrically symmetric, Petrov type D solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. Its metric is usually written as d˜ s2Mel = a2 (−dt˜2 + dρ2 + d˜ z 2 ) + (ρ2 /a2 )dφ˜2
1 a = 1 + B02 ρ2 . 4
where the function a is
The constant B0 is the value of the magnetic field on the ρ = 0 axis. Define coordinates ˜ In terms of these coordinates we have t = (B0 /2)t˜, r = (B0 /2)ρ, z = (B0 /2)˜ z , φ = φ. a = 1 + r2
while the metric becomes d˜ s2Mel = (4/B02 )ds2Mel with ds2Mel = a2 (−dt2 + dr 2 + dz 2 ) + (r 2 /a2 )dφ2 .
Since d˜ s2Mel and ds2Mel differ only by an overall constant scale, they have the same Killing vectors and Killing tensors. For simplicity, we will work with metric ds2Mel . Since the metric components are independent of t, φ, and z, it follows that there are Killing vectors for each of these coordinate directions. They are denoted by (t, φ, z) → (τ µ , η µ , λµ ) respectively. Each of these Killing vectors is hypersurface orthogonal. In addition, the metric has boost symmetry in the tz plane, with corresponding Killing field tλa + zτ a . We will use the method of the previous section to work out the Killing tensors of Melvin’s magnetic universe. First we will find the Killing tensors of the 2-dimensional rz surface, then use these to find the Killing tensors of the 3-dimensional rzφ surface, and finally find the Killing tensors of the 4-dimensional Melvin metric. We will use c1 , c2 etc. to denote constants, and k1 , k2 etc. to denote quantities that depend only on the coordinate associated with the Killing vector.
An rz surface
The rz 2-surface has a metric of form gab dxa dxb = a2 (dr 2 + dz 2 ).
5 We have a z coordinate Killing vector λµ for which V = a and ǫ = 1, and a 1-dimensional metric hµν = a2 r,µ r,ν orthogonal to the Killing vector.
Since the r-direction is a 1-
dimensional line, it follows that the Killing tensor must take the form Cµν = F hµν for some scalar F . It then follows from Eq.(6) that F is independent of r. We therefore have Cµν = k1 hµν = k 1 a2 r,µ r,ν
for some k1 (z). Equation (13) then becomes, with B µ → B r only 2
da r 2 B + 2a2 ∂r B r ) C˙ rr = k˙ 1 a = −a2 ( dr or
dB r 1 da r + B dr a dr
k˙ 1 = −2a
B r = a−1
k˙ 1 k2 − arctan r 2
The general solution for B r is
Equation (14) is automatically satisfied, while Eq.(15) becomes 1 ... 0 = (− k 1 − 2k˙ 1 )a2 arctan r + 3k˙ 1 a arctan r + (k¨2 + 4k2 )a2 + 3k˙ 1 r − 6k2 a 2
Here we have grouped terms so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r and the functions of r are linearly independent. Thus each coefficient must vanish, which yields k2 = 0 and k˙ 1 = 0, from which it follows that k1 = c1 and B r = 0. It then follows from Eq.(7) that A is independent of z. From Eq.(17) it follows that A(r) = c2 + c1 a−2
Using Eq.(4) we find that the general Killing tensor of the rz surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 λa λb .
An rzφ surface
We now consider an rzφ surface with metric gab dxa dxb = a2 (dr 2+dz 2 ) + (r 2 /a2 )dφ2.
6 The Killing field is η a , with ǫ = 1 and V = r/a. Here hµν is the gab of the previous subsection, while Cµν is the Xab of the previous subsection. We have hµν = a2 (r,µ r,ν +z,µ z,ν )
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 λµ λν .
With B µ → (B r , B z ), the rr, zz, and rz components of Eq.(13) are then, respectively 2 ˙k1 a2 = −2 r a da B r + a2 ∂r B r (33) a2 dr 2 da r r 2 z 2 4 (34) k˙ 1 a + k˙ 2 a = −2 2 a B + a ∂z B a dr 0 = ∂r B z + ∂z B r From Eq.(33) we find that B r must take the form " # 5 ˙1 1 1 k r Br = F (z, φ) − − + 3r + r 3 + a 2 r 5
for some function F (z, φ). Then using Eq.(36) and integrating Eq.(35) we find B z = G(z, φ) − (
∂F )arctan r ∂z
for some function G(z, φ). Finally, substituting the expressions in equations (36) and (37) into Eq.(34) we find 1 ˙ 2 ˙ 4 k˙ 1 ∂G ∂2F r r6 2 4 − 2 (k 1 a + k 2 a ) = − ( 2 )arctan r + 2F ( 2 ) − 2 −1 + 3r + r + 2r ∂z ∂z a a 5
The only odd functions of r in this equation are arctan r and r/a2 and these functions are linearly independent, so the coefficient of each must vanish. This implies that F = 0. Furthermore, in order that the left hand side not diverge as r → 0 we must have k˙ 2 = −k˙ 1 . Equation (38) then becomes 2 6 a (1 + a) 1 r ∂G 2 4 = k˙ 1 + 2 −1 + 3r + r + ∂z 2 a 5
It then follows that both k˙ 1 and ∂G/∂z must vanish. Thus, we have found that Cµν and B µ take the form Cµν = c1 hµν + c2 λµ λν B µ = k4 (φ)λµ
(40) (41)
7 for some function k4 (φ). We now impose the integrability condition Eq.(14) which forces k˙ 4 to vanish. This implies k4 = c4 and thus B µ = c4 λµ . It then follows from Eq.(16) that A is independent of φ. Equation (17) then becomes ∂µ A = c1 ∂µ (r/a)−2 for which the solution is A(r) = c3 + c1
a2 r2
Thus the general Killing tensor of the rzφ surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 λa λb + c3 η a η b + 2c4 λ(a ηb) .
The Melvin metric
We are now ready to treat the full Melvin metric by adding the τ a Killing field to the metric of the previous subsection. We have hµν = a2 (r,µ r,ν +z,µ z,ν ) + (r 2 /a2 )φ,µ φ,ν
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 λµ λν + k3 ηµ η ν + 2k4 λ(µ η ν)
The τ a Killing vector has ǫ = −1 and V = a. Equation (13) for C˙ µν becomes the following: da k˙ 1 = 2a2 ∂r B r + 2a B r dr da k˙ 1 + k˙ 2 a2 = 2a B r + 2a2 ∂z B z dr 2 r 1 1 da −2 ˙ φ ˙ a k1 + 4 k3 = 2∂φ B + 2 Br − a r a dr 0 = ∂r B z + ∂z B r 0 = a2 ∂φ B r +
(47) (48) (49) (50)
r ∂r B φ 2 a
a4 k˙ 4 = 2 ∂φ B z + ∂z B φ r
(51) (52)
Solving Eq.(47) we find 1 k˙ 1 B r = [ arctan r + F (z, φ, t)] a 2 for some function F (z, φ, t). Now, using this result in Eq.(50) we find Bz = −
∂F arctan r + G(z, φ, t) ∂z
8 for some function G(z, φ, t). Using equations (53) and (54) in Eq.(48), we obtain ∂2F ∂G ˙ ˙ − k2 a2 + 4F r + 2k˙ 1 r arctan r − 2( 2 )a2 arctan r 0 = −k1 + 2 ∂z ∂z
Here we have grouped terms so that each term consists of a function of r multiplied by a coefficient that is independent of r. Since the functions of r are linearly independent, it follows that each coefficient vanishes. We then find that F = 0, and that k1 = c1 , and that G = k˙ 2 z/2 + h(φ, t) for some function h(φ, t). That is, B r vanishes, and B z takes the form 1 B z = k˙ 2 z + h(φ, t) 2
Equations (49,51,52) then become (
r2 ˙ )k3 = 2∂φ B φ a4 0 = ∂r B φ
(57) (58)
a ∂h + ∂z B φ k˙ 4 = ( 2 ) r ∂φ
Differentiating equations (57) and (59) with respect to r, and using Eq.(58), it follows that k˙ 3 = 0 and ∂h/∂φ = 0. Thus we have k3 = c3 for constant c3 , and h = k5 for some function k5 (t), and B φ = k˙ 4 z + k6 for function k6 (t). B µ takes the form 1˙ µ k2 z + k5 λµ + k˙ 4 z + k6 η µ B = 2
We therefore have a B˙ µ = −2
r2 1¨ ˙ k2 z + k5 ∂µ z + 4 k¨4 z + k˙ 6 ∂µ φ 2 a
Using the expression in Eq.(61), we find that Eq.(14) becomes 0 = k¨4 z + k˙ 6
From Eq.(62) we find that k6 = c6 and k4 = c4 t + c7 for constants c4 , c6 , and c7 . Using the expression for B µ of Eq.(60) in Eq.(15), we find 1 ... 2 −1 da 0=a (63) k 2 z + k¨5 ∂µ z + a ( )k˙ 1 ∂µ r 2 dr ... from which it follows that k˙ 1 and k¨5 and k 2 all vanish. Thus we have k1 = c1 and k5 = c5 t+c8 and k2 = c2 t2 + c9 t + c10 for constants c1 , c2 , c5 , c8 , c9 , and c10 .
9 To summarize, we have found that the general solution for Cµν and Bµ takes the form Cµν = c1 hµν + (c2 t2 + c9 t + c10 )λµ λν + c3 η µ ην + (c4 t + c7 )2λ(µ ην) 1 Bµ = c2 t + c9 z + (c5 t + c8 ) λµ + (c4 z + c6 )η µ 2
(64) (65)
It remains to find A. Since B r = 0, it follows from Eq.(16) that A˙ = 0. Using the expressions of equations (64) and (65) in Eq.(17) for grad A, we find ∂µ A = 2(c2 z + c5 )∂µ z − c1 ∂µ (a−2 ).
The general solution of Eq.(66) is A = c2 z 2 + 2c5 z − c1 a−2 + c11
Finally, using the expressions of equations (64-67) in Eq.(4) we find that the most general Killing tensor of Melvin’s magnetic universe takes the 4-dimensional form Xab = c1 gab + c2 [z 2 τa τ b + ztλ(a τb) + t2 λa λb ] + c3 ηa η b + c4 [2zη (a τ b) + 2tη(a λb) ] + c5 [2zτ a τ b + 2tλ(a τ b) ] + c6 2η (a τ b) + c7 2λ(a ηb) + c8 2λ(a τ b) + c9 [zλ(a τ b) + tλa λb ] + c10 λa λb + c11 τ a τ b
This expression can be simplified by noting that the Melvin boost Killing vector is given by ψ a : = tλa + zτ a . The Killing tensor is then Xab = c1 gab + c2 ψa ψb + c3 η a ηb + 2c4 η (a ψb) + 2c5 ψ(a τ b) + 2c6 η(a τ b) + 2c7 λ(a ηb) + 2c8 λ(a τ b) + c9 ψ(a λb) + c10 λa λb + c11 τ a τ b
Now each term in the sum is either the metric or the symmetrized product of two Killing vectors. Thus all the Killing tensors of Melvin’s magnetic universe are trivial.
The Schwarzschild vacuum solution is given by ds2Sch = −F dt2 + F −1 dr 2 + r 2 (dϑ2 + sin2 ϑdϕ2 ).
10 where the function F is F = 1 − (2m/r).
The metric admits four Killing vectors
(τ a , αa , β a , γ a ); a timelike Killing vector τ a ∂a = ∂t , and three spacelike vectors which comprise the SO3 rotations αa ∂a = sin ϕ ∂ϑ + cot ϑ cos ϕ ∂ϕ β a ∂a = − cos ϕ ∂ϑ + cot ϑ sin ϕ ∂ϕ γ a ∂a = ∂ϕ 2r 2 = αa αa + β a βa + γ a γa . Each of the four Killing vectors is hypersurface orthogonal. First we will find the Killing tensors of the 2-dimensional rϑ surface. As before, we will use c1 , c2 etc. to denote constants, and k1 , k2 etc. to denote quantities that depend only on the coordinate associated with the Killing vector.
An rϑ surface
The rϑ 2-surface has metric gab dxa dxb = F −1 dr 2 + r 2 dϑ2
We have the ϑ coordinate Killing vector ∂ϑ = ϑa ∂a for which ǫ = 1 and V = r (note that ϑa is a symmetry of the 2-surface but not of the spacetime). The metric on the space orthogonal to the Killing vector is hµν = F −1 r,µ r,ν . Since the r-direction is a 1-dimensional line, it follows as before that the Killing tensor on that 1-dimensional space takes the form Cµν = k1 hµν = k 1 F −1 r,µ r,ν for some k1 (ϑ). Equation (13) then becomes, with B µ → B r only r dB 2m −1 −2 r −1 2 ˙ C˙ rr = k1 F = −r −( 2 )F B + 2F r dr or dB k˙ 1 = 2mF −1 B r − 2r 2 dr
The general solution for B r is B r = −(
k˙ 1 )F + k2 F 1/2 2m
11 Equation (14) is automatically satisfied, while Eq.(15) ... ! ˙1 k 1 k1 + − k¨2 + k2 F −1/2 + 2 m 2m
becomes 1 3 ˙ k2 F 1/2 − k1 F 2 2m
Here we have grouped terms so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r, and the functions of r are linearly independent. Thus each coefficient must vanish, which yields k2 = 0 and k˙ 1 = 0, from which it follows that k1 = c1 and B r = 0. It then follows from Eq.(7) that A is independent of ϑ. From Eq.(17) integration provides A(r) =
c1 + c2 . r2
Using Eq.(4) we find that the general Killing tensor of the rϑ surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 ϑa ϑb .
A trϑ surface
We now consider a trϑ surface with metric gab dxa dxb = −F dt2 + F −1 dr 2 + r 2 dϑ2 .
The Killing field is τ a ∂a = ∂t , with ǫ = −1 and V = F 1/2 . Here hµν is the gab of the previous subsection, while Cµν is the Xab of the previous subsection. We have hµν = F −1 r,µ r,ν +r 2 ϑ,µ ϑ,ν
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 ϑµ ϑν .
With B µ → (B r , B ϑ ), the rr, ϑϑ, and rϑ components of Eq.(13) are then, respectively 2m k˙ 1 F −1 = 2∂r B r − 2 F −1 B r r 2 4 2 ϑ k˙ 1 r + k˙ 2 r = 2r F ∂ϑ B + 2rF B r 0 = r 2 ∂r B ϑ + F −1 ∂ϑ B r
(82) (83) (84)
From Eq.(82) we find that B r must take the form hr io 1 n (1 + F 1/2 ) − 1 B r = F 1/2 H(t, ϑ) + k˙ 1 [r − 6m] + 3mF 1/2 ln 2 m
12 for some function H(t, ϑ). Using the expression of Eq.(85) in Eq.(84) we find ∂r B ϑ = −r −2 F −1/2 ∂ϑ H.
Upon integration, it follows that B ϑ is B ϑ = Q(t, ϑ) −
1 1/2 F ∂ϑ H m
for integration function Q(t, ϑ). Substituting the expressions for B r and B ϑ from equations (85) and (87) into Eq.(83) provides n hr io 2F 1 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 k˙ 1 + k˙ 2 r = F H(t, ϑ) + k˙ 1 [r − 6m] + 3mF ln (1 + F ) − 1 r 2 m 1 1/2 ∂ 2 H . (88) + 2F ∂ϑ Q − F m ∂ϑ2 Note that each term in Eq.(88) is a function of r multiplied by a coefficient that is independent of r. Since the function of r that has the logarithmic term in Eq.(88) is linearly independent of the other functions of r, its coefficient must vanish. This implies that k˙ 1 = 0 and that k1 = c1 for some constant c1 . Equation (88) then simplifies to F 1/2 1 ∂ 2 H 1/2 1 r2 ) + ∂ϑ Q − (F ). 0 = − k˙ 2 ( ) + H( 2 F r m ∂ϑ2
Here terms are grouped so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r, and so that the functions of r are linearly independent. It therefore follows that each of the coefficients vanishes. We have k˙ 2 = 0, H = 0, and ∂ϑ Q = 0. Therefore k2 = c2 for some constant c2 , and the components of vector field B µ are B r = 0, B ϑ = k3 (t)
for some function k3 (t). Equivalently Bµ = k3 r 2 ∂µ ϑ.
Since k1 = c1 and k2 = c2 , it follows from Eq.(81) that tensor Cµν takes the form Cµν = c1 hµν + c2 r 4 ϑ,µ ϑ,ν
Upon using equations (91) and (92) in Eq.(14) we find that ∂[µ (F −1 r 2 k˙ 3 ∂ν] ϑ) = 0
13 from which it follows that k˙ 3 = 0 and therefore that k3 = c3 for some constant c3 . Thus, from Eq.(91) we have Bµ = c3 r 2 ∂µ ϑ.
Equation (15) is identically satisfied by equations (92) and (94). Since B r = 0 it follows from Eq.(16) that A˙ = 0. Using equations (92) and (94) in Eq.(17) we obtain ∂µ A = −c1 ∂µ (F −1 ).
A = c4 − c1 F −1
It then follows that
for some constant c4 . Finally, using the results of equations (92), (94) and (96) in Eq.(4), we find that the general Killing tensor of a trθ surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 ϑa ϑb + 2c3 ϑ(a τb) + c4 τa τb
The Schwarzschild metric
We are now ready to treat the full Schwarzschild metric by adding the axial γ a Killing vector to the metric of the previous subsection. We have hµν = −F t,µ t,ν + F −1 r,µ r,ν + r 2 ϑ,µ ϑ,ν
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 ϑµ ϑν + 2k3 ϑ(µ τν) + k4 τµ τν
The γ a Killing vector has ǫ = 1 and V = r sin ϑ. Equation (13) for C˙ µν then becomes −k˙ 1 F + k˙ 4 F 2 = r 2 sin2 ϑ(B r ∂r F + 2F ∂t B t ) k˙ 1 F −1 = r 2 sin2 ϑ(F −2 B r ∂r F − 2F −1 ∂r B r ) k˙ 1 r 2 + k˙ 2 r 4 = −2r 3 sin2 ϑ(B r + r∂ϑ B ϑ )
(100) (101) (102)
0 = F −1 ∂t B r − F ∂r B t
−k˙ 3 r 2 F = r 2 sin2 ϑ(F ∂ϑ B t − r 2 ∂t B ϑ )
0 = r 2 ∂r B ϑ + F −1 ∂ϑ B r
Equation (101) can be rewritten as ∂r (F −1/2 B r ) = −
k˙ 1 2F 1/2 r 2 sin2 ϑ
14 with integral
k˙ 1 F (107) 2msin2 ϑ for integration function G(t, ϑ, ϕ). Using the result of Eq.(107) in Eq.(105), we find B r = G(t, ϑ, ϕ)F 1/2 −
∂r B ϑ = −
k˙ 1 cos ϑ ∂ϑ G . − r 2 F 1/2 mr 2 sin3 ϑ
Integration provides B ϑ = H(t, ϑ, ϕ) − (∂ϑ G)
1 1/2 k˙ 1 cos ϑ F + m mrsin3 ϑ
with integration function H(t, ϑ, ϕ). Now using equations (107) and (109) in Eq.(102) we obtain k˙ 1 6 2 ∂2G 0 = −3k˙ 1 − (k˙ 2 + ∂ϑ H 2sin2 ϑ)r 2 + ( 2 − 3)r − 2sin2 ϑG(rF 1/2 ) + sin2 ϑ( 2 )r 2 F 1/2 m sin ϑ m ∂ϑ (110) Here we have grouped terms so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r, and so that the functions of r are linearly independent. It therefore follows that each coefficient vanishes. Thus G = k˙ 1 = 0 and ∂ϑ H = −
k˙ 2 . 2sin2 ϑ
From the vanishing of G and k˙ 1 it follows that B r vanishes, and that k1 = c1 for some constant c1 and that B ϑ = H. From Eq.(111) it follows that B ϑ takes the form B ϑ = I(t, ϕ) +
k˙ 2 cot ϑ 2
for some function I(t, ϕ). Using Eq.(112), along with B r = 0 and k˙ 1 = 0, reduces equations (100-105) to the following: ∂t B t =
k˙ 4 F 2r 2 sin2 ϑ
∂r B t = 0
∂ϑ B t = r 2 F −1 ∂t I −
k˙ 3 sin2 ϑ
Applying ∂r to Eq.(113) and using Eq.(114) yields k˙ 4 = 0. Therefore B t is independent of t and k4 = c2 for some constant c2 . Now applying ∂r to Eq.(115) and using Eq.(114) it follows that ∂t I = 0 and I = k5 for some function k5 (ϕ). Thus B ϑ becomes B ϑ = k5 +
k˙ 2 cot ϑ. 2
15 Integrating Eq.(115) yields B t = k6 + k˙ 3 cot ϑ
for some function k6 (ϕ). In summary, we have found that Bµ and Cµν take the form k˙ 2 Bµ = (k6 + k˙ 3 cot ϑ)τµ + (k5 + cot ϑ)ϑµ 2
Cµν = c1 hµν + k2 ϑµ ϑν + 2k3 ϑ(µ τν) + c2 τµ τν
We now impose the integrability conditions of equations (14) and (15) on the expressions above for Bµ and Cµν . From equations (118) and (119), with ǫ = 1 and V = r sin ϑ, we find h i F V −2 B˙ µ + V −3 Cµν ∂ ν V = c1 V −3 ∂µ V − 2 2 k˙ 6 + (k¨3 + k3 ) cot ϑ ∂µ t r sin ϑ # " ¨ k2 1 (120) k˙ 5 + ( + k2 ) cot ϑ ∂µ ϑ + 2 2 sin ϑ The integrability condition given in Eq.(14) is the statement that the right hand side of Eq.(120) is curl-free. From this it follows that, for the term in Eq.(120) multiplying ∂µ t, the quantity in square brackets vanishes. That is, we have k˙ 6 = 0 and k¨3 + k3 = 0. Thus k 6 = c3
k3 = c4 cos ϕ + c5 sin ϕ
for constants c3 , c4 , and c5 . From equations (118), (120), (121), and (122) it follows that ... k 2 −1 ν 2 −1 ν ¨µ + V C˙ µν ∂ V − ǫV ∂µ (V B ∂ν V ) = k¨5 + k5 + ( B + 2k˙ 2 ) cot ϑ r 2 ∂µ ϑ 2
The integrability condition of Eq.(15) states that the right hand side of Eq.(123) vanishes. ... Therefore k¨5 + k5 = 0 and k 2 + 4k˙ 2 = 0, and thus k5 = c6 cos ϕ + c7 sin ϕ
k2 = c8 cos 2ϕ + c9 sin 2ϕ + c10
for constants c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , and c10 . We find that the general solution for Bµ and Cµν is Bµ = [c3 + (−c4 sin ϕ + c5 cos ϕ) cot ϑ]τµ + [c6 cos ϕ + c7 sin ϕ + (−c8 sin 2ϕ + c9 cos 2ϕ) cot ϑ]ϑµ
Cµν = c1 hµν + (c8 cos 2ϕ + c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 )ϑµ ϑν + 2(c4 cos ϕ + c5 sin ϕ)ϑ(µ τν) + c2 τµ τν
16 It remains to find A. Using equations (126) and (127) in Eq.(17) we obtain ∂µ A = −2c1 V −3 ∂µ V 2 [−c6 sin ϕ + c7 cos ϕ + (−c8 cos 2ϕ − c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 ) cot ϑ]∂µ ϑ, − sin2 ϑ
with general solution A = c1 V −2 + 2(−c6 sin ϕ + c7 cos ϕ) cot ϑ + (−c8 cos 2ϕ − c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 )cot2 ϑ + k7 (129) for some function k7 (ϕ). Imposing Eq.(16) on Eq.(129) we find that k˙ 7 = 0 and therefore that k7 = c11 for some constant c11 . The solution for A becomes A = c1 V −2 + 2(−c6 sin ϕ + c7 cos ϕ) cot ϑ + (−c8 cos 2ϕ − c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 )cot2 ϑ + c11 (130) Using equations (126), (127), and (130) in Eq.(4), and grouping terms according to their constant coefficient, we find that the general Schwarzschild Killing tensor is Xab = c1 (hab + V −2 γa γb ) + c2 τa τb + c3 2τ(a γb) + c4 [2 cos ϕϑ(a τb) − 2 sin ϕ cot ϑγ(a τb) ] + c5 [2 sin ϕϑ(a τb) + 2 cos ϕ cot ϑγ(a τb) ] + c6 [2 cos ϕϑ(a γb) − 2 sin ϕ cot ϑγa γb ] + c7 [2 sin ϕϑ(a γb) + 2 cos ϕ cot ϑγa γb ] + c8 [ cos 2ϕϑa ϑb − 2 sin 2ϕ cot ϑϑ(a γb) − cos 2ϕcot2 ϑγa γb ] + c9 [ sin 2ϕϑa ϑb + 2 cos 2ϕ cot ϑϑ(a γb) − sin 2ϕcot2 ϑγa γb ] + c10 [ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb ] + c11 γa γb
We now rewrite this expression for the Killing tensor in terms of Killing vectors and the metric. We have gab = hab + V −2 γa γb ,
αa = sin ϕ ϑa + (cot ϑ cos ϕ)γa ,
βa = − cos ϕ ϑa + (cot ϑ sin ϕ)γa ,
which yields αa αb + βa βb = ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb
αa αb − βa βb = cos 2ϕ(−ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb ) + 2 cot ϑ sin 2ϕϑ(a γb)
2α(a βb) = sin 2ϕ(−ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb ) − 2 cot ϑ cos 2ϕϑ(a γb)
17 Using the three equations above, we can rewrite Xab as Xab = c1 gab + c2 τa τb + c3 2τ(a γb) − 2c4 β(a τb) + 2c5 α(a τb) − 2c6 β(a γb) + 2c7 α(a γb) − c8 (αa αb − βa βb ) − 2c9 α(a βb) + c10 (αa αb + βa βb ) + c11 γa γb .
Finally, regrouping terms we have Xab = c1 gab + c2 τa τb + c3 2τ(a γb) − 2c4 β(a τb) + 2c5 α(a τb) − 2c6 β(a γb) + 2c7 α(a γb) + (c10 − c8 )αa αb + (c10 + c8 )βa βb − 2c9 α(a βb) + c11 γa γb .
Thus, we have written the general Schwarzschild Killing tensor as a sum of terms where each term is either the metric or a product of Killing vectors. Therefore all Killing tensors of the Schwarzschild spacetime are trivial.
The method used above consists of applying equations (13-17) to find the Killing tensor in n-dimensions, using the equations in n-1 dimensions. For the Melvin metric and the Schwarzschild metric this is done three times, going from a 1-dimensional space to the 4dimensional spacetime. The method developed here for finding Killing tensors could be used on a wide variety of spacetimes where there are symmetries. It requires less computation than an attack on the full Killing tensor equations, and it can be used even when the spacetime is not algebraically special. The method could also be generalized in various ways. The equations for a Killing-Yano tensor [6] could be treated in an analogous way and should result in a method simpler than a straightforward attempt to solve the Killing-Yano equations. Finally the method might have a useful generalization to the case where the Killing vector is not hypersurface orthogonal. In that case one would expect to get more complicated equations that involve not only the norm of the Killing field but also the twist. However, it is in just such spacetimes (i.e. Kerr) that known examples of nontrivial Killing tensors exist. So an investigation along those lines might be useful.
[1] B. Carter, Hamilton-Jacobi and Schr˝ odinger separable solutions of Einstein’s equations, Commun. Math. Phys. 10, 280 (1968).
18 [2] P. Sommers, On Killing tensors and constants of motion, J. Math. Phys. 14, 787 (1973). [3] Exact Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations, Eds. D. Kramer, H. Stephani, E. Herlt, M. MacCallum and E. Schmutzer, 2nd Ed. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 2003). [4] R. Geroch, J. Math. Phys. A Method for Generating New Solutions of Einstein’s Equation. II, 13, 394 (1972). [5] M.A. Melvin, Pure Magnetic and Electric Geons, Phys. Lett. 8, 65 (1964). [6] C.D. Collinson, On the Relationship between Killing Tensors and Killing-Yano Tensors, Int. Jour. Theor. Phys. 15, 311 (1976).
Killing Tensors and Symmetries David Garfinkle Physics Department, Oakland University, Rochester, MI
E.N. Glass
arXiv:1003.0019v2 [gr-qc] 10 Mar 2010
Physics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (Dated: March 11, 2010) A new method is presented for finding Killing tensors in spacetimes with symmetries. The method is used to find all the Killing tensors of Melvin’s magnetic universe and the Schwarzschild vacuum. We show that they are all trivial. The method requires less computation than solving the full Killing tensor equations directly, and it can be used even when the spacetime is not algebraically special PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Jb
Killing tensors are useful because, like Killing vectors, they provide conserved quantities for geodesic motion, most famously in the Kerr metric where the Killing tensor gives rise to the Carter constant [1]. However, it is much more difficult to find Killing tensors than Killing vectors. In 4 spacetime dimensions, the equation for a Killing tensor becomes 20 partial differential equations for 10 functions of 4 variables. Most of the known results on Killing tensors come from the fact that the Killing tensor equation simplifies in certain classes of algebraically special spacetimes [2, 3]. However, equations in general relativity also often simplify in the presence of symmetry [4]. We will show that the Killing tensor equation simplifies when a spacetime possesses a hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector, and that this simplification provides an effective method for finding Killing tensors. We will apply this method to Melvin’s magnetic universe [5] and the Schwarzschild vacuum solution. It is shown that all of their Killing tensors are trivial in the sense that they are either the metric or the symmetrized product of Killing vectors. The method is presented in section 2. It is applied to Melvin’s magnetic universe in section 3 and the Schwarzschild vacuum in section 4. Conclusions are given in section 5.
Notation: Lower case Latin indices, B a , range over n-dimensions. Greek indices, B µ , range over n–1 dimensions. For Killing vector ξ a an overdot will denote a Lie derivative, A˙ := Lξ A.
A Killing tensor (of order 2) is a symmetric tensor Xab that satisfies ∇(a Xbc) = 0
Now suppose that the spacetime has a hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector ξ a . Define V such that ξ a ξa = ǫV 2
where ǫ = ±1. Then the metric in directions orthogonal to ξ a is given by hab = gab − ǫV −2 ξa ξb
One can use ha b as a projection operator to project any tensor in directions orthogonal to ξ a . In particular, the Killing tensor can be decomposed as Xab = Aξa ξb + 2B(a ξb) + Cab
where Ba and Cab are orthogonal to ξ a . The Killing tensor equation for this decomposition is ∇(a Aξb ξc) + 2∇(a Bb ξc) + ∇(a Cbc) = 0.
Projecting the Killing tensor equation using all combinations of ha b and ξ a yields the following D(a Cbc) = 0, Lξ A = −2V −1 B a Da V,
(6) (7)
1 Lξ Ba = −V −1 Cab D b V − ǫV 2 Da A, 2
Lξ Cab = −2ǫV 2 D(a Bb) .
Here Da is the derivative operator associated with the metric hab and Lξ denotes the Lie derivative with respect to Killing vector ξ a . Solving Eq.(8) for Da A yields Da A = −(2/ǫ) V −2 Lξ Ba + V −3 Cab D b V
3 The left hand side of Eq.(10) is curl-free and thus the curl of the right hand side must vanish. Hence D[a (V −2 Lξ Bb] ) + D[a (V −3 Cb]c D c V ) = 0
Furthermore, since Lξ commutes with Da it follows that Lξ of the right hand side of Eq.(10) equals Da of the right hand side of Eq.(7), and therefore Lξ Lξ Ba + V −1 (D b V )Lξ Cab − ǫV 2 Da (V −1 B b Db V ) = 0.
Equations (11) and (12) provide the integrability conditions for equations (7) and (10). These equations are most easily implemented in a coordinate system adapted to the Killing vector. Choose a coordinate system (y, xµ) such that xµ are coordinates on the surface orthogonal to the Killing vector and Lξ is simply a partial derivative with respect to y. Use ∂µ or a comma to denote a derivative with respect to the xµ coordinates. The Latin indices in this section are n-dimensional, and the method below projects objects and equations down to n-1 dimensions with Greek indices. Equation (9) becomes C˙ µν = −ǫV 2 (B α ∂α hµν + hαν ∂µ B α + hµα ∂ν B α )
while integrability conditions (11) and (12) become ∂[µ (V −2 B˙ ν] ) + ∂[µ (V −3 Cν]α ∂ α V ) = 0
¨µ + V −1 C˙ µν ∂ ν V − ǫV 2 ∂µ (V −1 B ν ∂ν V ) = 0. B
Equations (7) and (10) for A are written as A˙ = −2V −1 B µ ∂µ V ∂µ A = −(2/ǫ)(V −2 B˙ µ + V −3 Cµν ∂ ν V )
(16) (17)
Note that equations (13-17) can be evaluated without ever having to calculate a Christoffel symbol. The complete set of Killing tensors can be found as follows: first solve Eq.(6) for the most general Cµν . Note that this general solution will contain arbitrary “constants” that are really functions of the Killing coordinate. Now using the general Cµν , find the most general Bµ satisfying Eq.(13). Then restrict this general solution by demanding that equations (14) and (15) also be satisfied. Finally, solve equations (16) and (17) for A.
4 III.
Melvin’s magnetic universe is a static, cylindrically symmetric, Petrov type D solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. Its metric is usually written as d˜ s2Mel = a2 (−dt˜2 + dρ2 + d˜ z 2 ) + (ρ2 /a2 )dφ˜2
1 a = 1 + B02 ρ2 . 4
where the function a is
The constant B0 is the value of the magnetic field on the ρ = 0 axis. Define coordinates ˜ In terms of these coordinates we have t = (B0 /2)t˜, r = (B0 /2)ρ, z = (B0 /2)˜ z , φ = φ. a = 1 + r2
while the metric becomes d˜ s2Mel = (4/B02 )ds2Mel with ds2Mel = a2 (−dt2 + dr 2 + dz 2 ) + (r 2 /a2 )dφ2 .
Since d˜ s2Mel and ds2Mel differ only by an overall constant scale, they have the same Killing vectors and Killing tensors. For simplicity, we will work with metric ds2Mel . Since the metric components are independent of t, φ, and z, it follows that there are Killing vectors for each of these coordinate directions. They are denoted by (t, φ, z) → (τ µ , η µ , λµ ) respectively. Each of these Killing vectors is hypersurface orthogonal. In addition, the metric has boost symmetry in the tz plane, with corresponding Killing field tλa + zτ a . We will use the method of the previous section to work out the Killing tensors of Melvin’s magnetic universe. First we will find the Killing tensors of the 2-dimensional rz surface, then use these to find the Killing tensors of the 3-dimensional rzφ surface, and finally find the Killing tensors of the 4-dimensional Melvin metric. We will use c1 , c2 etc. to denote constants, and k1 , k2 etc. to denote quantities that depend only on the coordinate associated with the Killing vector.
An rz surface
The rz 2-surface has a metric of form gab dxa dxb = a2 (dr 2 + dz 2 ).
5 We have a z coordinate Killing vector λµ for which V = a and ǫ = 1, and a 1-dimensional metric hµν = a2 r,µ r,ν orthogonal to the Killing vector.
Since the r-direction is a 1-
dimensional line, it follows that the Killing tensor must take the form Cµν = F hµν for some scalar F . It then follows from Eq.(6) that F is independent of r. We therefore have Cµν = k1 hµν = k 1 a2 r,µ r,ν
for some k1 (z). Equation (13) then becomes, with B µ → B r only 2
da r 2 B + 2a2 ∂r B r ) C˙ rr = k˙ 1 a = −a2 ( dr or
dB r 1 da r + B dr a dr
k˙ 1 = −2a
B r = a−1
k˙ 1 k2 − arctan r 2
The general solution for B r is
Equation (14) is automatically satisfied, while Eq.(15) becomes 1 ... 0 = (− k 1 − 2k˙ 1 )a2 arctan r + 3k˙ 1 a arctan r + (k¨2 + 4k2 )a2 + 3k˙ 1 r − 6k2 a 2
Here we have grouped terms so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r and the functions of r are linearly independent. Thus each coefficient must vanish, which yields k2 = 0 and k˙ 1 = 0, from which it follows that k1 = c1 and B r = 0. It then follows from Eq.(7) that A is independent of z. From Eq.(17) it follows that A(r) = c2 + c1 a−2
Using Eq.(4) we find that the general Killing tensor of the rz surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 λa λb .
An rzφ surface
We now consider an rzφ surface with metric gab dxa dxb = a2 (dr 2+dz 2 ) + (r 2 /a2 )dφ2.
6 The Killing field is η a , with ǫ = 1 and V = r/a. Here hµν is the gab of the previous subsection, while Cµν is the Xab of the previous subsection. We have hµν = a2 (r,µ r,ν +z,µ z,ν )
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 λµ λν .
With B µ → (B r , B z ), the rr, zz, and rz components of Eq.(13) are then, respectively 2 ˙k1 a2 = −2 r a da B r + a2 ∂r B r (33) a2 dr 2 da r r 2 z 2 4 (34) k˙ 1 a + k˙ 2 a = −2 2 a B + a ∂z B a dr 0 = ∂r B z + ∂z B r From Eq.(33) we find that B r must take the form " # 5 ˙1 1 1 k r Br = F (z, φ) − − + 3r + r 3 + a 2 r 5
for some function F (z, φ). Then using Eq.(36) and integrating Eq.(35) we find B z = G(z, φ) − (
∂F )arctan r ∂z
for some function G(z, φ). Finally, substituting the expressions in equations (36) and (37) into Eq.(34) we find 1 ˙ 2 ˙ 4 k˙ 1 ∂G ∂2F r r6 2 4 − 2 (k 1 a + k 2 a ) = − ( 2 )arctan r + 2F ( 2 ) − 2 −1 + 3r + r + 2r ∂z ∂z a a 5
The only odd functions of r in this equation are arctan r and r/a2 and these functions are linearly independent, so the coefficient of each must vanish. This implies that F = 0. Furthermore, in order that the left hand side not diverge as r → 0 we must have k˙ 2 = −k˙ 1 . Equation (38) then becomes 2 6 a (1 + a) 1 r ∂G 2 4 = k˙ 1 + 2 −1 + 3r + r + ∂z 2 a 5
It then follows that both k˙ 1 and ∂G/∂z must vanish. Thus, we have found that Cµν and B µ take the form Cµν = c1 hµν + c2 λµ λν B µ = k4 (φ)λµ
(40) (41)
7 for some function k4 (φ). We now impose the integrability condition Eq.(14) which forces k˙ 4 to vanish. This implies k4 = c4 and thus B µ = c4 λµ . It then follows from Eq.(16) that A is independent of φ. Equation (17) then becomes ∂µ A = c1 ∂µ (r/a)−2 for which the solution is A(r) = c3 + c1
a2 r2
Thus the general Killing tensor of the rzφ surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 λa λb + c3 η a η b + 2c4 λ(a ηb) .
The Melvin metric
We are now ready to treat the full Melvin metric by adding the τ a Killing field to the metric of the previous subsection. We have hµν = a2 (r,µ r,ν +z,µ z,ν ) + (r 2 /a2 )φ,µ φ,ν
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 λµ λν + k3 ηµ η ν + 2k4 λ(µ η ν)
The τ a Killing vector has ǫ = −1 and V = a. Equation (13) for C˙ µν becomes the following: da k˙ 1 = 2a2 ∂r B r + 2a B r dr da k˙ 1 + k˙ 2 a2 = 2a B r + 2a2 ∂z B z dr 2 r 1 1 da −2 ˙ φ ˙ a k1 + 4 k3 = 2∂φ B + 2 Br − a r a dr 0 = ∂r B z + ∂z B r 0 = a2 ∂φ B r +
(47) (48) (49) (50)
r ∂r B φ 2 a
a4 k˙ 4 = 2 ∂φ B z + ∂z B φ r
(51) (52)
Solving Eq.(47) we find 1 k˙ 1 B r = [ arctan r + F (z, φ, t)] a 2 for some function F (z, φ, t). Now, using this result in Eq.(50) we find Bz = −
∂F arctan r + G(z, φ, t) ∂z
8 for some function G(z, φ, t). Using equations (53) and (54) in Eq.(48), we obtain ∂2F ∂G ˙ ˙ − k2 a2 + 4F r + 2k˙ 1 r arctan r − 2( 2 )a2 arctan r 0 = −k1 + 2 ∂z ∂z
Here we have grouped terms so that each term consists of a function of r multiplied by a coefficient that is independent of r. Since the functions of r are linearly independent, it follows that each coefficient vanishes. We then find that F = 0, and that k1 = c1 , and that G = k˙ 2 z/2 + h(φ, t) for some function h(φ, t). That is, B r vanishes, and B z takes the form 1 B z = k˙ 2 z + h(φ, t) 2
Equations (49,51,52) then become (
r2 ˙ )k3 = 2∂φ B φ a4 0 = ∂r B φ
(57) (58)
a ∂h + ∂z B φ k˙ 4 = ( 2 ) r ∂φ
Differentiating equations (57) and (59) with respect to r, and using Eq.(58), it follows that k˙ 3 = 0 and ∂h/∂φ = 0. Thus we have k3 = c3 for constant c3 , and h = k5 for some function k5 (t), and B φ = k˙ 4 z + k6 for function k6 (t). B µ takes the form 1˙ µ k2 z + k5 λµ + k˙ 4 z + k6 η µ B = 2
We therefore have a B˙ µ = −2
r2 1¨ ˙ k2 z + k5 ∂µ z + 4 k¨4 z + k˙ 6 ∂µ φ 2 a
Using the expression in Eq.(61), we find that Eq.(14) becomes 0 = k¨4 z + k˙ 6
From Eq.(62) we find that k6 = c6 and k4 = c4 t + c7 for constants c4 , c6 , and c7 . Using the expression for B µ of Eq.(60) in Eq.(15), we find 1 ... 2 −1 da 0=a (63) k 2 z + k¨5 ∂µ z + a ( )k˙ 1 ∂µ r 2 dr ... from which it follows that k˙ 1 and k¨5 and k 2 all vanish. Thus we have k1 = c1 and k5 = c5 t+c8 and k2 = c2 t2 + c9 t + c10 for constants c1 , c2 , c5 , c8 , c9 , and c10 .
9 To summarize, we have found that the general solution for Cµν and Bµ takes the form Cµν = c1 hµν + (c2 t2 + c9 t + c10 )λµ λν + c3 η µ ην + (c4 t + c7 )2λ(µ ην) 1 Bµ = c2 t + c9 z + (c5 t + c8 ) λµ + (c4 z + c6 )η µ 2
(64) (65)
It remains to find A. Since B r = 0, it follows from Eq.(16) that A˙ = 0. Using the expressions of equations (64) and (65) in Eq.(17) for grad A, we find ∂µ A = 2(c2 z + c5 )∂µ z − c1 ∂µ (a−2 ).
The general solution of Eq.(66) is A = c2 z 2 + 2c5 z − c1 a−2 + c11
Finally, using the expressions of equations (64-67) in Eq.(4) we find that the most general Killing tensor of Melvin’s magnetic universe takes the 4-dimensional form Xab = c1 gab + c2 [z 2 τa τ b + ztλ(a τb) + t2 λa λb ] + c3 ηa η b + c4 [2zη (a τ b) + 2tη(a λb) ] + c5 [2zτ a τ b + 2tλ(a τ b) ] + c6 2η (a τ b) + c7 2λ(a ηb) + c8 2λ(a τ b) + c9 [zλ(a τ b) + tλa λb ] + c10 λa λb + c11 τ a τ b
This expression can be simplified by noting that the Melvin boost Killing vector is given by ψ a : = tλa + zτ a . The Killing tensor is then Xab = c1 gab + c2 ψa ψb + c3 η a ηb + 2c4 η (a ψb) + 2c5 ψ(a τ b) + 2c6 η(a τ b) + 2c7 λ(a ηb) + 2c8 λ(a τ b) + c9 ψ(a λb) + c10 λa λb + c11 τ a τ b
Now each term in the sum is either the metric or the symmetrized product of two Killing vectors. Thus all the Killing tensors of Melvin’s magnetic universe are trivial.
The Schwarzschild vacuum solution is given by ds2Sch = −F dt2 + F −1 dr 2 + r 2 (dϑ2 + sin2 ϑdϕ2 ).
10 where the function F is F = 1 − (2m/r).
The metric admits four Killing vectors
(τ a , αa , β a , γ a ); a timelike Killing vector τ a ∂a = ∂t , and three spacelike vectors which comprise the SO3 rotations αa ∂a = sin ϕ ∂ϑ + cot ϑ cos ϕ ∂ϕ β a ∂a = − cos ϕ ∂ϑ + cot ϑ sin ϕ ∂ϕ γ a ∂a = ∂ϕ 2r 2 = αa αa + β a βa + γ a γa . Each of the four Killing vectors is hypersurface orthogonal. First we will find the Killing tensors of the 2-dimensional rϑ surface. As before, we will use c1 , c2 etc. to denote constants, and k1 , k2 etc. to denote quantities that depend only on the coordinate associated with the Killing vector.
An rϑ surface
The rϑ 2-surface has metric gab dxa dxb = F −1 dr 2 + r 2 dϑ2
We have the ϑ coordinate Killing vector ∂ϑ = ϑa ∂a for which ǫ = 1 and V = r (note that ϑa is a symmetry of the 2-surface but not of the spacetime). The metric on the space orthogonal to the Killing vector is hµν = F −1 r,µ r,ν . Since the r-direction is a 1-dimensional line, it follows as before that the Killing tensor on that 1-dimensional space takes the form Cµν = k1 hµν = k 1 F −1 r,µ r,ν for some k1 (ϑ). Equation (13) then becomes, with B µ → B r only r dB 2m −1 −2 r −1 2 ˙ C˙ rr = k1 F = −r −( 2 )F B + 2F r dr or dB k˙ 1 = 2mF −1 B r − 2r 2 dr
The general solution for B r is B r = −(
k˙ 1 )F + k2 F 1/2 2m
11 Equation (14) is automatically satisfied, while Eq.(15) ... ! ˙1 k 1 k1 + − k¨2 + k2 F −1/2 + 2 m 2m
becomes 1 3 ˙ k2 F 1/2 − k1 F 2 2m
Here we have grouped terms so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r, and the functions of r are linearly independent. Thus each coefficient must vanish, which yields k2 = 0 and k˙ 1 = 0, from which it follows that k1 = c1 and B r = 0. It then follows from Eq.(7) that A is independent of ϑ. From Eq.(17) integration provides A(r) =
c1 + c2 . r2
Using Eq.(4) we find that the general Killing tensor of the rϑ surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 ϑa ϑb .
A trϑ surface
We now consider a trϑ surface with metric gab dxa dxb = −F dt2 + F −1 dr 2 + r 2 dϑ2 .
The Killing field is τ a ∂a = ∂t , with ǫ = −1 and V = F 1/2 . Here hµν is the gab of the previous subsection, while Cµν is the Xab of the previous subsection. We have hµν = F −1 r,µ r,ν +r 2 ϑ,µ ϑ,ν
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 ϑµ ϑν .
With B µ → (B r , B ϑ ), the rr, ϑϑ, and rϑ components of Eq.(13) are then, respectively 2m k˙ 1 F −1 = 2∂r B r − 2 F −1 B r r 2 4 2 ϑ k˙ 1 r + k˙ 2 r = 2r F ∂ϑ B + 2rF B r 0 = r 2 ∂r B ϑ + F −1 ∂ϑ B r
(82) (83) (84)
From Eq.(82) we find that B r must take the form hr io 1 n (1 + F 1/2 ) − 1 B r = F 1/2 H(t, ϑ) + k˙ 1 [r − 6m] + 3mF 1/2 ln 2 m
12 for some function H(t, ϑ). Using the expression of Eq.(85) in Eq.(84) we find ∂r B ϑ = −r −2 F −1/2 ∂ϑ H.
Upon integration, it follows that B ϑ is B ϑ = Q(t, ϑ) −
1 1/2 F ∂ϑ H m
for integration function Q(t, ϑ). Substituting the expressions for B r and B ϑ from equations (85) and (87) into Eq.(83) provides n hr io 2F 1 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 k˙ 1 + k˙ 2 r = F H(t, ϑ) + k˙ 1 [r − 6m] + 3mF ln (1 + F ) − 1 r 2 m 1 1/2 ∂ 2 H . (88) + 2F ∂ϑ Q − F m ∂ϑ2 Note that each term in Eq.(88) is a function of r multiplied by a coefficient that is independent of r. Since the function of r that has the logarithmic term in Eq.(88) is linearly independent of the other functions of r, its coefficient must vanish. This implies that k˙ 1 = 0 and that k1 = c1 for some constant c1 . Equation (88) then simplifies to F 1/2 1 ∂ 2 H 1/2 1 r2 ) + ∂ϑ Q − (F ). 0 = − k˙ 2 ( ) + H( 2 F r m ∂ϑ2
Here terms are grouped so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r, and so that the functions of r are linearly independent. It therefore follows that each of the coefficients vanishes. We have k˙ 2 = 0, H = 0, and ∂ϑ Q = 0. Therefore k2 = c2 for some constant c2 , and the components of vector field B µ are B r = 0, B ϑ = k3 (t)
for some function k3 (t). Equivalently Bµ = k3 r 2 ∂µ ϑ.
Since k1 = c1 and k2 = c2 , it follows from Eq.(81) that tensor Cµν takes the form Cµν = c1 hµν + c2 r 4 ϑ,µ ϑ,ν
Upon using equations (91) and (92) in Eq.(14) we find that ∂[µ (F −1 r 2 k˙ 3 ∂ν] ϑ) = 0
13 from which it follows that k˙ 3 = 0 and therefore that k3 = c3 for some constant c3 . Thus, from Eq.(91) we have Bµ = c3 r 2 ∂µ ϑ.
Equation (15) is identically satisfied by equations (92) and (94). Since B r = 0 it follows from Eq.(16) that A˙ = 0. Using equations (92) and (94) in Eq.(17) we obtain ∂µ A = −c1 ∂µ (F −1 ).
A = c4 − c1 F −1
It then follows that
for some constant c4 . Finally, using the results of equations (92), (94) and (96) in Eq.(4), we find that the general Killing tensor of a trθ surface is Xab = c1 gab + c2 ϑa ϑb + 2c3 ϑ(a τb) + c4 τa τb
The Schwarzschild metric
We are now ready to treat the full Schwarzschild metric by adding the axial γ a Killing vector to the metric of the previous subsection. We have hµν = −F t,µ t,ν + F −1 r,µ r,ν + r 2 ϑ,µ ϑ,ν
Cµν = k1 hµν + k2 ϑµ ϑν + 2k3 ϑ(µ τν) + k4 τµ τν
The γ a Killing vector has ǫ = 1 and V = r sin ϑ. Equation (13) for C˙ µν then becomes −k˙ 1 F + k˙ 4 F 2 = r 2 sin2 ϑ(B r ∂r F + 2F ∂t B t ) k˙ 1 F −1 = r 2 sin2 ϑ(F −2 B r ∂r F − 2F −1 ∂r B r ) k˙ 1 r 2 + k˙ 2 r 4 = −2r 3 sin2 ϑ(B r + r∂ϑ B ϑ )
(100) (101) (102)
0 = F −1 ∂t B r − F ∂r B t
−k˙ 3 r 2 F = r 2 sin2 ϑ(F ∂ϑ B t − r 2 ∂t B ϑ )
0 = r 2 ∂r B ϑ + F −1 ∂ϑ B r
Equation (101) can be rewritten as ∂r (F −1/2 B r ) = −
k˙ 1 2F 1/2 r 2 sin2 ϑ
14 with integral
k˙ 1 F (107) 2msin2 ϑ for integration function G(t, ϑ, ϕ). Using the result of Eq.(107) in Eq.(105), we find B r = G(t, ϑ, ϕ)F 1/2 −
∂r B ϑ = −
k˙ 1 cos ϑ ∂ϑ G . − r 2 F 1/2 mr 2 sin3 ϑ
Integration provides B ϑ = H(t, ϑ, ϕ) − (∂ϑ G)
1 1/2 k˙ 1 cos ϑ F + m mrsin3 ϑ
with integration function H(t, ϑ, ϕ). Now using equations (107) and (109) in Eq.(102) we obtain k˙ 1 6 2 ∂2G 0 = −3k˙ 1 − (k˙ 2 + ∂ϑ H 2sin2 ϑ)r 2 + ( 2 − 3)r − 2sin2 ϑG(rF 1/2 ) + sin2 ϑ( 2 )r 2 F 1/2 m sin ϑ m ∂ϑ (110) Here we have grouped terms so that each term is a coefficient independent of r multiplied by a function of r, and so that the functions of r are linearly independent. It therefore follows that each coefficient vanishes. Thus G = k˙ 1 = 0 and ∂ϑ H = −
k˙ 2 . 2sin2 ϑ
From the vanishing of G and k˙ 1 it follows that B r vanishes, and that k1 = c1 for some constant c1 and that B ϑ = H. From Eq.(111) it follows that B ϑ takes the form B ϑ = I(t, ϕ) +
k˙ 2 cot ϑ 2
for some function I(t, ϕ). Using Eq.(112), along with B r = 0 and k˙ 1 = 0, reduces equations (100-105) to the following: ∂t B t =
k˙ 4 F 2r 2 sin2 ϑ
∂r B t = 0
∂ϑ B t = r 2 F −1 ∂t I −
k˙ 3 sin2 ϑ
Applying ∂r to Eq.(113) and using Eq.(114) yields k˙ 4 = 0. Therefore B t is independent of t and k4 = c2 for some constant c2 . Now applying ∂r to Eq.(115) and using Eq.(114) it follows that ∂t I = 0 and I = k5 for some function k5 (ϕ). Thus B ϑ becomes B ϑ = k5 +
k˙ 2 cot ϑ. 2
15 Integrating Eq.(115) yields B t = k6 + k˙ 3 cot ϑ
for some function k6 (ϕ). In summary, we have found that Bµ and Cµν take the form k˙ 2 Bµ = (k6 + k˙ 3 cot ϑ)τµ + (k5 + cot ϑ)ϑµ 2
Cµν = c1 hµν + k2 ϑµ ϑν + 2k3 ϑ(µ τν) + c2 τµ τν
We now impose the integrability conditions of equations (14) and (15) on the expressions above for Bµ and Cµν . From equations (118) and (119), with ǫ = 1 and V = r sin ϑ, we find h i F V −2 B˙ µ + V −3 Cµν ∂ ν V = c1 V −3 ∂µ V − 2 2 k˙ 6 + (k¨3 + k3 ) cot ϑ ∂µ t r sin ϑ # " ¨ k2 1 (120) k˙ 5 + ( + k2 ) cot ϑ ∂µ ϑ + 2 2 sin ϑ The integrability condition given in Eq.(14) is the statement that the right hand side of Eq.(120) is curl-free. From this it follows that, for the term in Eq.(120) multiplying ∂µ t, the quantity in square brackets vanishes. That is, we have k˙ 6 = 0 and k¨3 + k3 = 0. Thus k 6 = c3
k3 = c4 cos ϕ + c5 sin ϕ
for constants c3 , c4 , and c5 . From equations (118), (120), (121), and (122) it follows that ... k 2 −1 ν 2 −1 ν ¨µ + V C˙ µν ∂ V − ǫV ∂µ (V B ∂ν V ) = k¨5 + k5 + ( B + 2k˙ 2 ) cot ϑ r 2 ∂µ ϑ 2
The integrability condition of Eq.(15) states that the right hand side of Eq.(123) vanishes. ... Therefore k¨5 + k5 = 0 and k 2 + 4k˙ 2 = 0, and thus k5 = c6 cos ϕ + c7 sin ϕ
k2 = c8 cos 2ϕ + c9 sin 2ϕ + c10
for constants c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , and c10 . We find that the general solution for Bµ and Cµν is Bµ = [c3 + (−c4 sin ϕ + c5 cos ϕ) cot ϑ]τµ + [c6 cos ϕ + c7 sin ϕ + (−c8 sin 2ϕ + c9 cos 2ϕ) cot ϑ]ϑµ
Cµν = c1 hµν + (c8 cos 2ϕ + c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 )ϑµ ϑν + 2(c4 cos ϕ + c5 sin ϕ)ϑ(µ τν) + c2 τµ τν
16 It remains to find A. Using equations (126) and (127) in Eq.(17) we obtain ∂µ A = −2c1 V −3 ∂µ V 2 [−c6 sin ϕ + c7 cos ϕ + (−c8 cos 2ϕ − c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 ) cot ϑ]∂µ ϑ, − sin2 ϑ
with general solution A = c1 V −2 + 2(−c6 sin ϕ + c7 cos ϕ) cot ϑ + (−c8 cos 2ϕ − c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 )cot2 ϑ + k7 (129) for some function k7 (ϕ). Imposing Eq.(16) on Eq.(129) we find that k˙ 7 = 0 and therefore that k7 = c11 for some constant c11 . The solution for A becomes A = c1 V −2 + 2(−c6 sin ϕ + c7 cos ϕ) cot ϑ + (−c8 cos 2ϕ − c9 sin 2ϕ + c10 )cot2 ϑ + c11 (130) Using equations (126), (127), and (130) in Eq.(4), and grouping terms according to their constant coefficient, we find that the general Schwarzschild Killing tensor is Xab = c1 (hab + V −2 γa γb ) + c2 τa τb + c3 2τ(a γb) + c4 [2 cos ϕϑ(a τb) − 2 sin ϕ cot ϑγ(a τb) ] + c5 [2 sin ϕϑ(a τb) + 2 cos ϕ cot ϑγ(a τb) ] + c6 [2 cos ϕϑ(a γb) − 2 sin ϕ cot ϑγa γb ] + c7 [2 sin ϕϑ(a γb) + 2 cos ϕ cot ϑγa γb ] + c8 [ cos 2ϕϑa ϑb − 2 sin 2ϕ cot ϑϑ(a γb) − cos 2ϕcot2 ϑγa γb ] + c9 [ sin 2ϕϑa ϑb + 2 cos 2ϕ cot ϑϑ(a γb) − sin 2ϕcot2 ϑγa γb ] + c10 [ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb ] + c11 γa γb
We now rewrite this expression for the Killing tensor in terms of Killing vectors and the metric. We have gab = hab + V −2 γa γb ,
αa = sin ϕ ϑa + (cot ϑ cos ϕ)γa ,
βa = − cos ϕ ϑa + (cot ϑ sin ϕ)γa ,
which yields αa αb + βa βb = ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb
αa αb − βa βb = cos 2ϕ(−ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb ) + 2 cot ϑ sin 2ϕϑ(a γb)
2α(a βb) = sin 2ϕ(−ϑa ϑb + cot2 ϑγa γb ) − 2 cot ϑ cos 2ϕϑ(a γb)
17 Using the three equations above, we can rewrite Xab as Xab = c1 gab + c2 τa τb + c3 2τ(a γb) − 2c4 β(a τb) + 2c5 α(a τb) − 2c6 β(a γb) + 2c7 α(a γb) − c8 (αa αb − βa βb ) − 2c9 α(a βb) + c10 (αa αb + βa βb ) + c11 γa γb .
Finally, regrouping terms we have Xab = c1 gab + c2 τa τb + c3 2τ(a γb) − 2c4 β(a τb) + 2c5 α(a τb) − 2c6 β(a γb) + 2c7 α(a γb) + (c10 − c8 )αa αb + (c10 + c8 )βa βb − 2c9 α(a βb) + c11 γa γb .
Thus, we have written the general Schwarzschild Killing tensor as a sum of terms where each term is either the metric or a product of Killing vectors. Therefore all Killing tensors of the Schwarzschild spacetime are trivial.
The method used above consists of applying equations (13-17) to find the Killing tensor in n-dimensions, using the equations in n-1 dimensions. For the Melvin metric and the Schwarzschild metric this is done three times, going from a 1-dimensional space to the 4dimensional spacetime. Professor G. Valent has noted that his recent paper [6] uses a similar method for studying geodesic flows. His method differs from ours. Valent assumes the Killing tensor is Lie derived by the Killing field. We make no such assumption. Here, we assume the Killing field is hypersurface orthogonal. The method developed here for finding Killing tensors could be used on a wide variety of spacetimes where there are symmetries. It requires less computation than an attack on the full Killing tensor equations, and it can be used even when the spacetime is not algebraically special. The method could also be generalized in various ways. The equations for a Killing-Yano tensor [7] could be treated in an analogous way and should result in a method simpler than a straightforward attempt to solve the Killing-Yano equations. Finally the method might have a useful generalization to the case where the Killing vector is not hypersurface orthogonal. In that case one would expect to get more complicated equations that involve not only the norm of the Killing field but also the twist. However, it is in just
18 such spacetimes (i.e. Kerr) that known examples of nontrivial Killing tensors exist. So an investigation along those lines might be useful.
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