Smell: Teacher will have 6 pictures of different items that can be sorted by smell: .... another chance and have them se
Kindergarten Science: Our Bodies and the World Around Us
Unit Name: Dates of Unit Implementation:
Kindergarten- Science
Our Bodies and the World Around Us
August 5th- August 30th
UNIT STANDARD(S) S4C1 PO 2. Name the following human body parts: head, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, and toes
Arizona Science Standard(s)
S4C1 PO 3. Identify the five senses and their related body parts: sight – eyes hearing – ears smell – nose taste – tongue touch – skin
S1C1 PO 1. Observe common objects using multiple senses S1C3 PO 1. Organize (e.g., compare, classify, and sequence) objects, organisms, and events according to various characteristics.
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AZ Early Learning Standards: Science Standard: Strand 1: Inquiry and Application: Concept 1: Exploration, Observations and Hypotheses • • • •
Exhibits curiosity about objects, living things and other natural events in the environment by using one or more senses. Identifies attributes of objects, living things and natural events in the environment. Begins to describe the similarities, differences, and relationships between objects, living things, and natural events. Asks and responds to questions about relationships of objects, living things, and events in the natural environment.
Language and Literacy Standard: Strand 1: Language: Concept 1: Receptive Language Understanding •
(c) Demonstrates understanding and follows directions that involve: one step, two steps, and a series of unrelated sequences of action
Remedial Standards Language and Literacy Standard: Strand 1: Language: Concept 2: Receptive Language Understanding • • • •
Communicates needs, wants, ideas, and feelings through three to five word sentences. Speaks clearly and understandably to express ideas, feelings, and needs. Makes relevant responses to questions and comments from others Initiates, sustains, and expands conversations with peers and adults.
Language and Literacy Standard: Strand 1: Language: Concept 3: Vocabulary •
(a) With modeling and support, uses age-appropriate vocabulary across many topic areas and demonstrates a wide variety of words and their meanings with each area; e.g., world knowledge, names of body parts, feelings, colors, shapes, jobs, plants, animals and their habitats, and foods; words that describe: adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. (c) With modeling and support, uses category labels and names objects within a category; e.g., fruit, vegetable, animal, transportation, etc.
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Science Grade 1: S1C1PO1. Compare common objects using multiple senses. S5C1PO1. Classify objects by the following observable properties: shape texture size color weight Enrichment Standards S4C1PO2. Compare the following observable features of living things: movement – legs, wings protection – skin, feathers, tree bark respiration – lungs, gills support – plant stems, tree trunks S4C1PO3. Identify observable similarities and differences (e.g., number of legs, body coverings, size) between/among different groups of animals. Informational Text My Five Senses by Aliki From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
Curricular Resources
The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald and M. Tingley What I Like About Me! Allia Zobel Nolan My Five Senses by Margaret Miller Head, Shoulders, Knees, Tasting by Rebecca Rissman The Five Senses books – Rebecca Rissman • Smelling • Seeing • Hearing • Touching
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BIG GOAL Quantitative: •
100% of students will successfully accomplish all five science skills related to the human body and our senses.
Qualitative: •
100% of students will describe at least 2 things they like about their own body.
(This particular goal is not directly derived from the Kindergarten standards but stems from our big, year-long classroom goals focusing on student mindsets. This goal is linked to a Big Classroom Goal: All students will appreciate diversity by acknowledging and valuing our similarities and differences.
FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS How will I measure PROGRESS towards the Unit Goal? •
Each standard has one or more checklists that are used to measure whether or not students have successfully accomplished the skill. Students will be asked to perform a task in front of the teacher or teacher’s assistant. The checklists are used to keep track of which students have been “tested”, who has demonstrated the skill and who is still struggling or needed assistance. This information is then utilized in centers and small group instruction. Students who initially did not “master” the skill will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge again and for however times necessary. These checklists will be used to track individual and class progress towards the goals. See “Investment Plan Summary” for more information on how specifically it will be visually tracked for students.
How will I measure ACHIEVEMENT of the Unit Goal? • •
Achievement of the goal will be measured by the same checklists that are used to measure progress towards. All students should be able to demonstrate the skills described in the standards regardless how many times they needed to be assessed in order to do it. The Qualitative goal will be measured by the final product that students make on the last day of the unit. The class will have read these 2 books: The Best Part of me and What I like about me! On the last day students will color in an outline of their own body in a way so it looks like them and then either tell the teacher two things they like about themselves so it can be written down below the picture or fill in a sentence frame at the bottom of the picture themselves if possible.
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INVESTMENT PLAN SUMMARY Class wide Tracking: •
Up on the wall there will be the outline of a body. We will add features to the body (the head, shoulders, elbows, hands etc.) that were colored in from an exact replica of the outline. The features will only be added when ALL of the students have demonstrated the skill for standard S4C1 PO 2 (Name the following human body parts: head, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, and toes).
When students accomplish the skill for S4C1 PO 3 (Identify the five senses and their related body parts), there will be a special glittering, shiny add on that will be added onto the body outline where the senses body parts are.
When all students have demonstrated their skill described in S1C1 PO 1 (Observe common objects using multiple senses), a drawing of a Sensory Box (the object used to practice this standard) will be added to the body outline.
When students have shown the skill in S1C3PO 1 (Organize (e.g., compare, classify, and sequence) objects, organisms, and events according to various characteristics), a drawing of a thinking bubble where some things have been classified will be attached to the body outline at the head.
Individual Tracking: •
The individual tracking will be the same image but on a smaller scale and kept in the students Goal Folders. Instead of cutouts being pasted, students will get to add or color in features of what skills they’ve demonstrated. Students will get to use glitter glue for the sensory matching and draw in the box and thinking bubble. There will also be a row of the skills they have successfully demonstrated but those are really for Teacher records and communication between parents and/or Teacher Assistant.
Communication: •
Weekly the students’ goal folders are sent home so parents can see what progress they are making and sign off that they have seen all of the goals. I also send home weekly “Home School Connections” Newsletters that help advise the parents on what activities would help reinforce or enrich their students learning experiences. I will suggest they do Listening Walks, Sensory Box games, or Simon Says or even sing the Sense song depending on where we are in the unit.
As I have a classroom website, I usually have links under each subject area that then could help teach the songs to the parents or help them understand how to make and use a Sensory Box.
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Aligned to item #’s
Points Possible
S4C1 PO 2.
Name the following human body parts: head, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, and toes
Rubric 1, 2, 3, and 4
No points. Will be for accomplishment of the skill or not.
S4C1 PO 3.
Identify the five senses and their related body parts: sight – eyes hearing – ears smell – nose taste – tongue touch – skin
Rubric 5
No points. Will be for accomplishment of the skill or not.
S1C1 PO 1.
Observe common objects using multiple senses
Rubric 6
No points. Will be for accomplishment of the skill or not.
S1C3PO 1.
Organize (e.g., compare, classify, and sequence) objects, organisms, and events according to various characteristics.
Rubric 7
No points. Will be for accomplishment of the skill or not.
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RUBRIC 1 Teacher will first show the picture of a body part (ex. Hands). The teacher will then ask the student to show on their own body where that body part is (S4C1 PO 2). “Show me on your body where this body part is?” = skill shown Name
H =answered with HELP Head
O= missed Wrists
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RUBRIC 2 First, the teacher will name a body part (shoulder). Then the teacher will ask the student to please show him/her where that body part is on their own body (S4C1 PO 2). Example: “Shoulders. Can you please point to your shoulders?” = skill shown Name
H =answered with HELP Head
O= missed Wrists
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RUBRIC 3 Student will be asked name the body part that is indicated on a drawing/ other person (S4C1 PO 2). Example: “What is the name of this body part?” = skill shown Name
H =answered with HELP Head
O= missed Wrists
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RUBRIC 4 Student will point to a body part on their body and name it (S4C1 PO 2). Example: “Starting from the top of our body and working your way down, can you point to the body parts you know and say their name?” = skill shown Name
H =answered with HELP Head
O= missed Wrists
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RUBRIC 5 Student will first name the five senses and then be asked to name the body part related to each sense. S4C1 PO 3. Example: “Please name the five senses?” Example: “What body part is associated with the sense of = skill shown Name
H =answered with HELP Name the 5 senses
O= missed Sight
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RUBRIC 6 Students will describe an object using appropriate vocabulary from all 5 senses. The object will be in a sense box and only revealed upon the taste and sight senses (S1C1 PO 1). Example: “Using your sense of ___, please describe the object in the box.” = skill shown Name
H =answered with HELP Sight
O= missed Touch
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RUBRIC 7 The teacher will provide students with a group of objects or pictures. Then the teacher will ask them to organize the objects or pictures utilizing a sense. The teacher will then ask the student to describe how they categorized them (S1C3 PO 1). Sight: Teacher will have 6 colored 3D shapes — can be sorted by shape or color Touch: Teacher will have 6 objects that can be sorted by texture— smooth rock, pine cone, pine needles, flower petal, sand paper and rough stone Smell: Teacher will have 6 pictures of different items that can be sorted by smell: stinky sock, flower, garbage can, dirty diaper, and perfume--we will categorize these simply into 2 categories of stinky and pleasant Hearing: Teacher will have 6 pictures of different items that can be sorted by sound: library, baby sleeping, empty meadow, stereo playing music, students at recess, and crowd at a sporting event Example: “Here are 6 objects. Using your sense of touch, can you please sort these items into different groups? How did you sort them?” = skill shown
H =answered with HELP
O= missed
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Daily Lesson Objective(s)
SWBAT identify where each body part is located when presented with a picture. S4C1 PO 2. Name the following human body parts: head, shoulders, SWBAT identify where each body part is located when presented with its name. arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, SWBAT name the body part that is indicated on a drawing/or other person. and toes SWBAT name the body part they are pointing to on their own body.
30 min. x 4 days
SWBAT name the five senses as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. S4C1 PO 3. Identify the five senses and their related body parts: sight – eyes hearing – ears smell – nose taste – tongue touch – skin
SWBAT verbally name the eyes as the body part that helps us have sight. SWBAT verbally name the ears as the body part that helps us have hearing. 30 min. x 6 days SWBAT verbally name the nose as the body part that helps us have smell. SWBAT verbally name the tongue as the body part that helps us have taste. SWBAT verbally name the skin as the body part that helps us have touch. SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. smooth, rough, soft, hard, prickly, and bumpy) to describe textures for the sense of touch. SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. colors, bright, dark, messy, shiny, and etc.) to describe for the sense of sight.
S1C1 PO 1. Observe common objects using multiple senses
SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. flowery, citrusy, rotten, sweet, minty, fresh, and etc.) to describe for the sense of smell. SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. bitter, salty, sweet, spicy, and etc.) to describe for the sense of taste. SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. loud, quiet, shriek, rumble, whisper, and etc.) to describe for the sense of hearing. SWBAT to describe an object utilizing all the appropriate senses.
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30 min. x 6 days
S1C3PO 1. Organize (e.g., compare, SWBAT describe objects based on a given sense. classify, and sequence) objects, organisms, and events according to SWBAT categorize objects by similar characteristics when given a particular sense to use. various characteristics.
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30 min. x 1 day
Real-Time Calendar Monday
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
SWBAT identify where the head, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, and hands are located when presented with its name. (S4C1PO2)
SWBAT identify where the legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, and toes are located when presented with its name. (S4C1PO2)
SWBAT identify where the head, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, and hands are located when presented with a picture (S4C1PO2).
SWBAT identify where the legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, and toes are located when presented with a picture (S4C1PO2).
SWBAT name the body part that is indicated on a drawing/or other person (S4C1PO2).
-Teacher will open the unit and introduce the Investment Tracker.
-Teacher will model where the legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels, and toes are located with a large poster diagram and their own body.
-Day 1 of Centers
-Day 2 of Centers
(See below)
(See below)
Agenda: -Day 3 of Centers
-Teacher will model where the head, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, and hands are located with a large poster diagram and their own body.
(See below)
-Teacher will have students do the activity “Stand Up, Hand Up, and Pair Up” to practice showing where -Teacher will have students do the these parts are on their own body. activity “Stand Up, Hand Up, and Pair Up” to practice showing where - Teacher Assistant will play Simon these parts are on their own body. Says with whole class for more practice and utilize some of the - Teacher Assistant will play Simon body parts from the previous day Says with whole class for more practice -While students are playing Simon Says, Teacher will pull students to -While students are playing Simon measure Rubric 1 and update Says, Teacher will pull students to information on individual trackers. measure Rubric 1 and update information on individual trackers.
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Center Stations: Station 1: Play Bingo with students in one center showing a picture of the body part. Station 2: Listening Center: Students will listen to the story From Head to Toe. Station 3: Students will be able to watch the two video songs Sense Song and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and Sing/Dance Along 2-3 times each. Station 4: Teacher Assistant will read The Best Part of Me! And have students start thinking what they think is the best part of a partner is. Station 5: Video station—Students will be watching 2 different Brainpop Jr. videos about the body and senses. Station 6: Parent Volunteer will help students participate in their first Sensory Box…to show them how to use one and talk about what they are feeling, smelling, hearing, seeing and tasting. ***On each centers day the Teacher will be assessing students who need another chance and have them set up and fill in their Individual Trackers).
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Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
SWBAT name the body part they are pointing to on their own body (S4C1PO2).
SWBAT verbally name the ears as the body part that helps us have hearing (S4C1 PO 3).
SWBAT verbally name the nose as the body part that helps us have smell (S4C1 PO 3).
SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. loud, quiet, shriek, rumble, whisper, and etc.) to describe for the sense of hearing (S4C1 PO 3).
SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. flowery, citrusy, rotten, sweet, minty, fresh, and etc.) to describe for the sense of smell (S4C1 PO 3).
-Teacher updates the Class Tracker and demonstrates what the class has accomplished -Teacher and Teacher assistant help students update their own Individual Trackers -Whole class reads “ From Head to Toe” and every time a body part is mentioned the class has to touch that part of their own body -Sing and Play Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes as a class normal 2 times, slow 1 time, and superfast 1 time -Teacher reassess students who need it
-Teacher updates the Class Tracker and shows the whole class -Introduces the sense of Hearing and asks students to think of things that they Hear and what body part they use to hear or listen with…Creates list and shows the HEARING SENSE tracker image. -Entire class goes on a Listening Walk and comes back and adds things to their list of things they hear -Teacher reads the book My Five Senses
Agenda: -Teacher Assistant leads the class in singing the Sense Song 2xs -Teacher Assistant reads the book Hearing while teacher is assessing/reassessing students -Teacher will lead class in brainstorming words that describe sounds.
Agenda: Agenda: -Teacher introduces the sense of Smell and asks students to think of things that they Smell and what body part they use to smell with…Creates list and shows the SMELLING SENSE tracker image.
-Parent Volunteers, Teacher Assistant, and Teacher walk -Teacher will show ppt that has students through a Smelling a mix of pictures and videos of Gallery (lemon, lavender, things that have a variety of mint, dirt, fresh bread, tennis noise types and levels and ball, linen scented candle have students within groups (unlit), coffee grinds, cotton and partners say sentences balls sprayed with perfume, that use hearing words from the brainstorm (or add more to cinnamon, and pencil the brainstorm). shavings). -Teacher updates the Class Tracker and shows the whole class their progress -Teacher Assistant, Parent Volunteer, and Teacher all assist students in tracking their own progress on individual trackers
-Teacher Assistant reads the Smelling book -Teacher assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers.
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- Teacher Assistant and Parent Volunteers go on a Listening and Smelling walk -Students come back and make group posters about what they heard and smelled -Teacher assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers. -Teacher updates the Class Tracker and shows the whole class
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
SWBAT verbally name the eyes as the body part that helps us have sight. (S4C1 PO 3)
SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. colors, bright, dark, messy, shiny, and etc.) to describe for the sense of sight. (S4C1 PO 3)
SWBAT verbally name the tongue as the body part that helps us have taste. (S4C1 PO 3)
-Students go through Seeing Gallery and have to try and describe the object as much as possible.
--Introduces the sense of Tasting and reads the book Tasting
Agenda: -Introduces the sense of Seeing and reads the book Seeing -Student go on walk to School Garden and teacher asks that they try to remember of all the things they saw in the garden -Students come back and create a list and teacher has students not just say pumpkin but consider size, color, stem etc. -Teacher introduces vocabulary words (colors, bright, dark, messy, shiny, etc.) and helps student categorize or connect their brainstorm to the new vocabulary -Teacher Assistant leads students in Sense Song, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and Simon Says --Teacher assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers.
Thursday Day 14 SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. bitter, salty, sweet, spicy, and etc.) to describe for the sense of taste. (S4C1 PO 3)
Friday Day 15 SWBAT verbally name the skin as the body part that helps us have touch. (S4C1 PO 3)
-Teacher introduces tasting -Teacher then goes through the words (bitter, salty, sweet, Gallery and students provide words spicy, etc.) and the body to help describe the objects part that is associated with tasting -Teacher Assistant assesses and reassesses students and has them -Parent Volunteers and update their trackers. Teacher Assistant guide students through Tasting Gallery Day 1and have to try and describe the taste of the object and what body part they are using to taste it.
Agenda: -Teacher leads class through the Senses Song -Parent Volunteers and Teacher Assistant continue through Tasting Gallery Day 2 -Teacher assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers. -Teacher updates the Class Tracker and shows the whole class
-Teacher assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers.
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-Introduces the sense of Touching and reads the book Touching -Parent Volunteers, TA, and teacher go with students on a Touching Walk (students go on a predesigned tour through the campus where they must touch and try to describe various textures and objects). -Teacher and Parent Volunteers guide students through listing and describing the things they touched on a Graffiti gallery walk. -TA assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers.
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
SWBAT use appropriate vocabulary (i.e. smooth, rough, soft, hard, prickly, and bumpy) to describe textures for the sense of touch. (S4C1 PO 3)
SWBAT name the five senses as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch and what body parts relate to each sense. (S4C1 PO 3)
SWBAT to describe an object utilizing all the appropriate senses. (S1C1 PO 1)
SWBAT categorize objects by similar characteristics when given a particular sense to use. (S1C3PO 1)
SWBAT describe what they like most about their own body and why (mostly extension but some S4C1PO2).
Agenda: Day 2 of Centers
Agenda: -Day 1 of Centers
- Station 1: Teacher will play a sorting game with students— based on the sense they say, students need to start sorting the objects based on that sense and assess their skill
-Day 3 of Centers
-TA sings through Head Shoulders Knees and toes and the Senses Song
- At each group, there will be a Parent Volunteer or Teacher Assistant that will help students think through the senses to try and guess what object is in the Sensory Box by describing it using their senses.
-Teacher assesses and reassesses students and has them update their trackers. -Teacher starts off lesson uses the things they touched yesterday. Teacher introduces touch vocabulary (smooth, rough, soft, hard, prickly and bumpy) and has student associate the things they touch yesterday to those words and any new touch words. -Students create a hand that has the different textures on the finger and the word that describes it…like a piece of scotch tape for smooth, etc.
- Station 1: Parent Volunteer will play a sorting game with students— based on the sense they say, students need to start sorting the objects based on that sense -Station 2: Listening Center: Students will listen to the story From Head to Toe - Station 3: Parent Volunteer will help with a Sensory Box #1 Station 4: Teacher will Assess students on the senses and the body parts…if everyone has already passed then they will sing Senses Song and play Simon Says Station 5: Teacher Assistant will help students begin start coloring their little drawings of themselves and thinking about 2 things they like about themselves. Station 6: Sensory Box #2
(Objects will be: tennis ball, lemon that has been peeled with the peel, metal spoon, cotton ball, cotton candy, pretzel stick, ground up Oreos, toasted bread, cooked honey comb, uncooked noodles).
(For example: teacher will provide students with 4+ objects from the “Sight” bag. These objects will have some commonalities when it comes to shape, size or color. Students will be asked to use their sense of sight to sort the objects.)
***Teacher will be assessing students who need another chance and have them
-Station 2: Listening Center: Students will listen to the story What I Like About Me!
-At the end of class, teacher updates the Class Tracker and shows the whole class
- Station 3: Parent Volunteer will help with a Sensory Box #1 Station 4: Parent Volunteer will play Bingo with students (this game incorporates senses and body parts). Station 5: Teacher Assistant will help students begin start coloring their little drawings of themselves and thinking about 2 things they like about themselves. Station 6: Sensory Box #2
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- Station 1: Teacher will play a sorting game with students— based on the sense they say, students need to start sorting the objects based on that sense and assess their skill (same activity as previous day). -Station 2: Listening Center: Students will listen to the story What I Like About Me! - Station 3: Parent Volunteer will help with a Sensory Box #1 Station 4: Parent Volunteer will play Bingo with students (this game incorporates senses and body parts). Station 5: Teacher Assistant will help students begin start coloring their little drawings of themselves and thinking about 2 things they like about themselves. Station 6: Sensory Box #2