Kinetic Approach to microscopic-macroscopic

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Stability of the explicit scheme dxp dt. = vp dvp dt. = q m. Ep. 1+ e. 2 ε0mk. 2 k ⋅∇f0 ω − k ⋅v dv = 0. ∫ xp n+1 − xp n. Δt. = vp n+1/2 vp n+1/2 −vp n−1/2. Δt. = q.
Kinetic Approach to microscopic-macroscopic coupling in fusion plasmas Giovanni Lapenta Plasma Theory Group, Theoretical Division, LANL, USA

Collaborators: J.U Brackbill (Particle Solutions), P. Ricci, K. Noguchi

Motivation: simulation of burning plasmas

Lavender Field, Provence, near ITER


1. Multiscale processes in plasmas, the case of ITER 2. The implicit moment PIC method 3. Benchmarks 4. Applications: – 3D reconnection – Reconnection in low beta plasmas

1 – Multiple scales Fusion Devices Space Role of micro-macro coupling

ITER: Multiscale - Multiphysics

Ions: D @ 10keV α: fusion generated Source: ITER web site

Gyrokinetic PIC •

Reduces the velocity space to 2D

Focuses on larger scales

ρ p /Leq