Zum Druck von Fachwissen und Fachstrukturen auf das Lexikon-GrammatikKontinuum: zum Ausdruck von Aspektualität in Wetterberichten (dt.-frz.) The pressure of specialized knowledge structures on the lexicon-grammar continuum: the expression of aspectuality in weather forecasts (GE-FR) Prof. Dr. Laurent Gautier, Centre Interlangues Texte Image Langage (UBFC, EA 4182)
Structure 1. Aims and research ques2ons 2. Data & Methods 3. Weather forecasts: a tenta2ve text modeliza2on 4. Aspectuality at the lexicon-‐grammar interface 5. Perspec2ves 2
1. Aims and research questions • General context: – Weather considered here as a discursive phenomenon: not only texts, but texts-in-context: situational, enunciative and societal context (Busse/Teubert 1994, 2014) – Highly conventionalized text productions (Spillner 1997, Krycki 2009) on several communication levels: production and reception, including intertextuality & multimodality (written/spoken text + maps + symbols) (Mac 2015) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydW04Q3-7zM
1. Aims and research questions • General context: – Highly specialized content even if a good example of “science popularization/communication” (Bongo/Caliendo 2016, Luginbühl/Schröter 2018)
• Linguistic context: – Weather forecasts as a type of specialized discourse => research object for Specialized Communication Studies (Schubert 2011) – Traditional terminological approaches are not sufficient (Krycki 2006) if one wants to take the discursive dimension in to account
– Need for a multilevel approach combining quantitative & qualitative research and linking prototypical linguistic features with: • Overall intentionality of weather forecasts • Cognitive structure(s) of the specialized field – here climatology and • Discursive routines/ Discourse traditions
• Research questions here: – How to model French and German weather forecasts? – Aspectuality as case study in order to highlight the links btw. lexicon and grammar and btw. cognitive and linguistic levels
2. Data & Methods • 3 main theoretical & methodological positions: – Corpus based LSP research enabling an holistic approach of specialized communication on a bottom-up basis => need for large DIY-corpora – Integrated approach of both lexis and grammar, especially through the notion of patterns as applied to LSP by (Gledhill/Kübler 2016 : 75) « The typical linguistic features of ESP cannot be characterised as a list of discreet items (technical terminology, the passive, hedging, impersonal expressions, etc.), rather the most typical features of ESP texts are chains of meaningful interlocking lexical and grammatical structures, wich we have called lexico-grammatical patterns. » 7
• 3 main theoretical & methodological positions: – Discourse oriented Construction Grammar (Ziem/Lasch 2015, Bücker/Günthner/Imo 2015) as a methodological possibility of bridging the gap btw. cognitive structures of the specialized field, language fossilizations and text/ discourse type: “Die kurzen Ausführungen zu den Konzepten Diskursmuster, Gattung und Textsorte haben gezeigt, dass es durchaus Gründe dafür gibt, sie Suche nach Konstruktionen nicht einfach an der traditionellen Satzgrenze enden zu lassen: Auch auf komplexeren gesprächs- und textlinguistischen Beschreibungsebenen sind verfestigte Konstellationen formaler und bedeutungsbezogener Merkmale zu beobachten, die für den Gebrauch satzgrammatischer Konstruktionen eine wichtige Rolle spielen können. (Bücker et al. 2015: 4)”
• Data: need for authentic materials corresponding to authentic usage in the specialized field – Reference Corpora often too general => DIY-Corpus
• Two comparable data sets (FR, GE): « ’Comparable corpora’ are corpora in two or more languages with the same or similar composition. All copora have an explicit or implicit composition. The texts they contain can be classified according to a variety of intralinguistic or extralinguistic features. » (Teubert 1996 : 245)
• Compiled using WebBootCat and relying on “equivalent” seeds, e.g. Wetterbericht/bulletin météo, Prognose/ prévisions… • POS-tagged 9
• Statistical overview:
3. Weather forecasts: a tentative text modelization • Holistic inductive description of the underlying text type based on the notions of prototypicality/periphery ((Fach)Textmuster, Fix 1999, 2000, Gautier 2008) • 4 intertwined levels, whith various degrees of relevance : – Level of speech acts: • Dominant speech act: prediction “To predict is to assert with the propositional content condition that the propositional content is future with respect to the time of utterance and the additional preparatory condition that the speaker has evidence in support of the proposition. Evidence is a special kind of reason.” (Searle / Vanderveken 1985 : 186)è aspectuality sensitive
• Associated speech acts: assertion and explanation 11
• 4 intertwined levels, with various degrees of relevance : – Level of propositional contents as predicate-argumentstructures (in the sense of von Polenz’ Satzsemantik 1985): • Arguments are mostly occupied by specialized terms belonging to the categories: “atmospheric phenomenons” : Luftmasse, Gewitter... and “values”: Temperatur, Tiefstwerte... • Predicates are mostly processes, e.g. non-agentive predicates: wehen, ziehen, sich verbreiten OR patients in causative constructions (Dalmas/Gautier 2013, 2018) ⇒ Aspectuality sensitive: ⇒ Link btw. the present situation and the excepted evolution (definition of « prediction ») ⇒ Inner duration linked to the predicted evolution 12
– Example: Wordsketch Luftmasse
– Level of intra- and transphrastic linearizations (proposal Gautier 2008), not so relevant for aspectuality • Stylistic component, especially nominal style: - Vor allem im Osten/Südosten einzelne kräftige Schauer/Gewitter• Macrostructural component: chronological organization + thematic progression:
Ce matin à Lausanne (entre 5h et 11h), le ciel affichera un temps partiellement nuageux avec une température moyenne de 22°C (23°C ressenti). Le vent de sud-sudouest pourra atteindre 7km/h. Aucune pluie n'est attendue dans la matinée. L'humidité sera de 70%.
Aujourd'hui, l'après-midi, le temps à Lausanne sera possibles averses de pluie. Concernant les températures, il faudra compter sur un maximum de 27°Cpour 28°C ressenti. Le vent à Lausanne quant à lui sera de ouest avec unevitesse maximale de 10km/h. Côté précipitations, attention aux éventuels risques de pluie avec une pluviométrie de 0.2 mm. L'humidité avoisinera les 53%.
Dans la soirée, après 19h, il faudra s'attendre à un ciel possibles averses de pluie avec des températures moyennes sur Lausanne de 25°C pour 27°Cressenti. Niveau vent, celui-ci sera de 3km/h en provenance du nord-nord-est. Faut-il s'attendre à de la pluie sur Lausanne ? Avec une forte probabilité de 72%, on peut s'attendre à 0.2 mm de pluie. L'humidité de l'air ce soir sera de 69%.
– Level of terminological & phraseological components => kind of micro-grammars/ local grammars => Aspectuality sensitive – Strengths of pattern / construction based approaches: • (Technical) terms are not treated as isolated units to be combined on the basis of general grammar rules; • Explicit links btw. the dominant speech act of prediction, the propositional content and the linguistic forms ⇒ Patterns of aspectual expression associated with categories of terms ⇒ Link btw. aspectual system of the language under consideration and the cognitive constraints of the field 15
4. Aspectuality at the lexicongrammar interface • Global definition, necessary in the specialized field of weather forecasts (besides usual oppositions, especially grammatical vs lexical aspect, ge. Aspekt/Aktionsarten) ”Die notwendige Berücksichtigung des Ko– und Kontextes für die Festlegung des Aspekts der gesamten Äußerung, der, wie schon erwähnt, aus dem Zusammenwirken aller Teilaspekte entsteht, macht es unumgänglich, neben dem generischen Gebrauch des Terminus ‚Aspekt‘, den summierenden Oberbegriff ‚Aspektualität‘ zu verwenden.“ (Baudot 2004/20112: 40) =>Co- & context are cognitively grounded in the field => Levels 1, 2 and 4 (possibly also 3) are intertwined in the expression of aspectuality 16
• Field-based (field specific) cognitive constraints: – Relation to tense (Blondeau/Labeau 2016): prediction in the future based on the present weather situation and taking the past evolution into account – link to deixis Ce matin à Bienne (entre 5h et 11h), le ciel affichera un temps partiellement nuageux avec une température moyenne de 22°C (22°C ressenti). Le vent de sud-ouest pourra atteindre 8km/h. Le ciel sera plutôt incertain avec un risque de pluie annoncé à 51%. L'humidité sera de 78%. Am Abend wird es in Wetterstation zu Gewittern kommen und die Werte gehen auf 8 bis 9°C zurück. In der Nacht ist es neblig und das Thermometer fällt auf 7°C => Actually based on comparison frame btw. several states 17
• 2 basic models regarding aspectuality as internal aspect • 1st model: segmentation of the evolution in three main phases: beginning (inchoative) – evolution itself (durative) – end (terminative) • Alternation of language specific expression btw. verbs and adverbs - [Inchoative] Nach einer frostigen Nacht beginnt der Samstag zunächst mit Sonnenschein, bevor zu den frühen Morgenstunden sich die Bewölkung über dem Nordwesten verdichten und zum Nachmittag Niederschlag einsetzen kann. / Le vent faiblit et les brises de terre se mettent en place progressivement. - [Durative] Les températures continuent à augmenter légèrement dans le Hainaut, on a enregistré 2,2°C à 21h à Charleroi sous une pluie faible. / Die zugehörige Kaltfront zieht dabei rasch auch über die Osthälfte Deutschlands weiter nach Polen und Osttschechien - [Terminative] Ab Mittwoch wird nämlich die sehr heiße Luft geringfügig schneller nach Osten abgedrängt und durch frischere Meeresluft ersetzt /La vague de chaleur se termine et l’imposante remontée d’air saharien se décale progressivement 18 vers le Nord-est.
• 2nd model: repetition of some phenomena (iterative), also based on a comparison, but this time of the phenomena as whole - [Iterative] Dans le courant de la nuit, les précipitations reprendront un caractère hivernal et la t° devrait descendre à -1°C . / Mit der leicht südlichen Windkomponente und unter starker Einstrahlung erwärmt sich die Luftmasse schon wieder überall und am Mittag werden in 850 hPa schon wieder zwischen 10 Grad in Flensburg und 20 Grad in Freiburg erreicht
5. Perspectives • How can research domain specific linguistic resources be built on corpus based LSP research? – Trough the integration of traditional terminology into predicate-argument-strings which reflect the cognitive structure of the field – Through the association of all fossilized “authorized” morphosyntactical structures that can be approached as restrictions/constraints • => On a more abstract level: A kind of domain specific construction? 20
Thank you for your attention!
Prof. Dr. Laurent Gautier (
[email protected])