Ladies: It's a Pajama Party!! - City of Lake Forest

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Ladies: It's a Pajama Party!! Special guest: Sande Noble of Sandra Noble Designs. Break away from the usual routine & winter “blahs”. Thursday February 7 3-7 ...
at Dickinson Hall Within the next few weeks, you will notice something new when you arrive at Dickinson Hall. There will be a computer screen in the front lobby. All members will be provided with a small scanning tag like many stores use, and you will be asked to scan your card each time you attend any program or activity. New systems can be helpful, yet at the same time challenging. The staff and members will all be learning this system together. We ask for your patience, your curiosity and your willingness to discover how this new process will work for all of us. Thank you for your continuing support and for being a part of all the great things happening at Dickinson Hall

Ladies: It’s a Pajama Party!! Special guest: Sande Noble of Sandra Noble Designs Break away from the usual routine & winter “blahs”

Thursday February 7 3-7 pm $40/$50 NM Reservations 847-234-2209 Remember the fun of pajama parties? Nights spent with girlfriends where the main focus is on laughter, conversation and a bit of crazy fun. Dickinson Hall will recapture a modified, more mature (not necessarily dignified) version of our younger days. Wear your lounge-wear, pajamas or robe and fuzzy slippers. Prizes will be given for “funniest pj’s” “most elegant” and one for best “warm & cozy”. Join us for an afternoon-evening of fun beginning with a unique story-time with a “twist”, then on to wine, dinner and chocolate fountain dessert. After dinner, create your own unique necklace with the guidance of noted jewelry designer Sande Noble. You may bring a pendant, brooch or pin from home if you would like to incorporate one into your necklace design. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this can be a wonderful gift for you, family or friend.

DICKINSON HALL EXPLORERS--Walking Group Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 am

Do you like to explore many of the nooks and crannies of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff and beyond? Then explore with us-- neighborhoods, beaches, walking trails and even some adventurous field trips! Walks are usually 2 miles long. Our walking venues are emailed to the group on Monday for the upcoming week. To join the Dickinson Hall Explorers, call 847.234.2209 or email [email protected]

Don’t Miss Joe Conroy at Dickinson Hall Friday, February 15 1 pm You will hear about the upcoming American Classic Tour Ideas: April 26-May 2 LA/San Diego: American Classic 25th Anniversary Tour May 9-11 Holland Tulip Fest w/Kenny Rogers in Concert June 9-13 Niagara Fall, Toronto and Shaw Theater Festival July 14-22 Pacific Northwest October 5-12 New England in the Fall October 7-11 New Mexico Balloon Fiesta & Santa Fe And more!!

Donations to the LF-LB Senior Citizen’s Foundation Raymond & Barbara Acopiado Robert & Jane Alfe Warren & Greta Anderson Chris & Jane Arvetis Joseph & Mary Austin John & Irene Bacevicius Geno & Judy Bagatti David & Susan Barkhausen Joan Bent Jim & Betty Benton Marcia Berner Harold Bernthal Lewis Bertos Ernest & Anita Beutel Bruce Birney Betty Bitetti Anne Bolotin Frances Bowers Ann Bowen Jean & Cameron Brown Fdn Wm. & Pat Bruce Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bubala Mrs. Edward Buker Dr. Andrew & Susanna Bunta Joseph & Gail Burns David & Ethelwyn Cain James & Nancy Carey David & Bonnie Lee Carlson Ann S. Carton Anthony & Bernadine Cascarano Lorraine Castro Bruce Cerling Ed & Audrey Clamage Mr & Mrs Robert Parker Coffin Thomas & Constance Colby Daniel & Maria Considine Thomas & Jane Cooper Kathryn Cordell Wm. & Margaret Crane Barbara Crawford Patricia Curren Mary Dalton Anthony Danielak Polly Davis Mary Jo Davis Richard Davidson Laurel Delin Leah DeMartini Donald & Donna Dieball Dr. Anthony Dillon Janice Dittmer Sylvia Dohm Daniel Dolan Family Fdn Richard & Gayle Dompke Robert & Lorraine Doran Donald & Bette Dorge Mirtia Drechsler Stephan Earhart M/M James Ehret Wm & Jane Emerson Victor Filippini Jr. Joseph Glaser Robert & Harriet Glassman Ambrose Glombowski Constance Goetz Sue Golan

Elmer & Ann Gottschalk Ken & Carol Gould Irwin & Marilyn Gould Tom & Ann Grant Donna Greene Gwendolyn Griffen Dennis & Katy Gross Chuck & Peggy Gudbrandsen Les & Margrit Hammar Phil & Pat Hannon Randall Harkins John & Pamela Harper Philip & Patricia Hartung John Harty Esmeralda Hernandez Gertrude Hill Foundation George & Michele Hinchcliff Dean Holm Joyce Holson Esther Homeck Lloyd & Susan Hood Linda Hopper Louise Hough Mary Dale Houston Roger Hurd James & Dorothy Iacubino James Jacobson Helen Jahnke Bobette Janus Hal & Joan Jones George Kaiser Wanda Kalin Robert & Karol Karlbom Sally Kelly John Kennedy Richard & Donna Kissel Dirk Kitzmiller Fred Klein Lake Forest Knights of Columbus John & Elizabeth Kozak Charles & Lynda Kraemer Richard & Diane Kucera Robert & Sarah Kuchar Patricia Kurschner M/M Desmond La Place Wendell & Shirley Larimer Miriam Lazar Paul & Cathy Lemieux Eleanor Liguori Richard & Margaret Lindman Patricia Locke Raymond & Joyce Loman Wm Lorenz MACFUND Bruce & Barbara Macfarlane Maggies Health Care Providers Catherine Mariella Leo & Sue Martin David Mattoon Angeline Mazza Geoffrey & Deborah McConnell Dave & Rosemary McDonough Madeleine McMullan Michael McMurray Wendell & Marlene Miller Roger and Pauline Mohr

Richard & Loretta Molokie Deborah Moore John & Judith Moore Anne Morgan-DeAcetis Naomi Morris John Morrison Sue Mullane Patricia Murphy Pricilla Murphy Wm. & Patricia Murray Benita Myles Adona Nainis Erma Nehls Sue Nelson Bruce O'Brien Michael O’Connell Robert & Mary Kay O'Meara Helen O'Neill Gerald Palmer Jolene Pappas Harriette Partin Ellie Persons Paula Berghorn Polito Lisa Pommer Kenneth & Kathleen Rakowski Retirement Research Fdn Mary Reusche Mac Reynolds Patricia Richard Florence Roadcap Kathleen Romberg Robert & Susan Ross George & Pamela Russell Jane Ryan Lynn & Gabriella Schade Ruth Schnell Carl & Jan Schons John & Kathleen Schreiber Fdn Sue Scislowicz Eileen Serafine Robert Shaw Family Fdn Mr. & Mrs. John Shields Jim Short Richard and Donna Slayton Barbara Sloan John & JoAnn Smith Lucia Sorokin Joan Sparrow Donald & Mia Spooner June Steele Alfred & Carole Stroh Bruce & Kris Stromberg Irene Taubmann Elizabeth Teich John Templeman John & Diane Tiffany Dorothy Till Irv Tondi Jerome Tunney Alice Valentine Laverne Valonis Joyce Ventura Dr. Gerald Ver Meulen Cynthia Wait Frank Waldeck Allison Walker

Margie Ward Frank & Barbara Westover Jay Whipple Jr Richard & Betty Lou Wilbur Carl & Ida Wilk Dave Williams Ralph & Elinor Winters Roycealee Wood Jane Wood Eugene & Anna Jean Woroch Barbara Wyatt Richard & Antoinette Zott Mary Redmond In Memory of Len Baness Mike & Carolyn Ashley In Memory of Sophie Poltrack Mrs. Ernest Ford In Memory of Frances Buonafede Sophie Poltrack Ida Standley Leonard Baness Mrs. Ernest Ford In Honor of Janet Fryer Evelyn Hadrick In Honor of Hal Jones Caroline Lyczko In Honor of Janet Fryer YWCA In Honor of Senior Advocate Janice Engle In Honor of DH Staff -who make it the “Place to Be”

In Memorium-Kenneth Burns Judy Sauder Dave Boss Christa Donnelly Dema Volino Leonard Baness Joyce Butterfield Lady Linda Neumann