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R1200C w/BMW 71602318472 or 19472 shield ........ B1261. R1200C Montana ... ..................... all ............ B1266. R1200C Montauk ........................ all ............ B1271.
laminar Application List Each product is designed to fit a specific factory windshield.
␣ lamii nar lips Aprilia Caponord ................................ 2002-04 .... # A1136 Falco ....................................... 2000-on ....... A1126 Futura ...................................... 2000-on ....... A1131 Mille ......................................... 2000-03 ....... A1141 Mille ......................................... 2004-on ....... A1146 Tuono ...................................... 2003-on ....... A1151 BMW F650 - Funduro ....................... 1997-00 ....... B1111 F650CS ....................................... all ............ B1116 F650GS Painted Std. .............. 2001-03 ....... B1141 F650GS Clear Acc. ................. 2001-03 ....... B1126 F650GS Clear ........................... 2005 .......... B1121 F650GS Dakar ........................ 2000-03 ....... B1131 F650GS Dakar .......................... 2005 .......... B1136 K100RS thru K1100RS ........... 1985-97 ....... B1146 K100RT ....................................... all ............ B1151 K1100LT ...................................... all ............ B1156 K1200LT ...................................... all ............ B1161 K1200LT Euro Shield .................. all ............ B1166 K1200RS Comfort Shield ........ 1997-01 ....... B1176 K1200RS Comfort & GT ......... 2002-on ....... B1171 K1200RS Standard Shield ...... 1997-01 ....... B1181 K1200RS Standard Shield ...... 2002-on ....... B1186 K1200S ..................................... 2005 .......... B1191 K75 Std. Touring Shield .............. all ............ B1196 K75C ........................................... all ............ B1201 K75S ........................................... all ............ B1206 R850/1100R BMW shield ....... 1995-01 ....... B1296 R90S, R100S .............................. all ............ B1301 R100GS ...................................... all ............ B1211 R100R ......................................... all ............ B1214 R100RS ...................................... all ............ B1216 R100RT ....................................... all ............ B1221 R1100/1150RT ............................ all ............ B1226 R1100GS Standard ..................... all ............ B1231 R1100RS ..................................... all ............ B1233 R1100S Comfort Shield .............. all ............ B1236 R1100S Standard Shield ............. all ............ B1241 R1150GS Std/Adv/Givi ................ all ............ B1246 R1150R Sport Bubble ................. all ............ B1251 R1150R Touring Shield ............... all ............ B1253 R1150RS ..................................... all ............ B1256 R1200C w/BMW 71602318472 or 19472 shield ........ B1261 R1200C Montana ........................ all ............ B1266 R1200C Montauk ........................ all ............ B1271 R1200CL (dip in center) .............. all ............ B1276 R1200GS .................................. 2005 .......... B1281 R1200RT ................................... 2005 .......... B1286 R1200ST ................................... 2005 .......... B1291 Buell S2, S3 ......................................... all .............H1131 Ducati 748, 916, 996, 998 ...................... all ............ D1111 749, 999 ...................................... all ............ D1116 750/800/900/1000 Supersport 1998-on ....... D1121 750/900 Supersport ................ 1991-97 ....... D1126 E900 Elefant ........................... 1994-on ....... D1131 Monster .................................. thru 1998 ...... D1136 Multistrada .............................. 2003-04 ....... D1141 Multistrada w/Comfort Shield .. 2003-04 ....... D1151 Multistrada ................................ 2005 .......... D1151 ST2, ST4 ................................. 1998-03 ....... D1156 ST3, ST4s ............................... 2004-on ....... D1161
Call Toll Free 866.540.5679
Part numbers indicate clear. Add “S” to any number for smoke. Smoke not legal in some states. Harley Davidson Electra Glide ........................... 2000-on .... # H1121 Road Glide .............................. 1996-on ....... H1126 Road King ............................... 2000-on ....... H1111 Soft Tail Classic ........................... all ............ H1116 Super "T" Sport ........................... all ............ H1136 V-Rod Super Sport ...................... all ............ H1146 V-Rod Touring ............................. all ............ H1141 Honda CBR600F4/4i .............................. all ........... H2181 CBR600F2 .................................. all ........... H2176 CBR600RR ............................. 2004-on ...... H2186 CBR900RR ................................. all ........... H2191 CBR929RR ................................. all ........... H2196 CBR954RR ............................. 2002-on ...... H2201 CBR1000RR ........................... 2004-on ...... H2206 CBR1100XX ............................ 1997-01 ....... H2116 CBR1100XX ............................ 2002-on ...... H2121 Goldwing 1800 ............................ all ........... H2241 Hurricane 600 ............................. all ........... H2166 Hurricane CB1000 .................. 1993-97 ...... H2171 Magna 750 Deluxe .................. 1994-03 ...... H2246 Pacific Coast ........................... 1989-on ...... H2216 RC 51 ...................................... 2000-on ....... H2111 ST1100 ........................................ all ........... H2126 ST1100 w/Rifle ............................ all ........... H2131 ST1300 ................................... 2003-on ...... H2236 Super Hawk 1000 ....................... all ............ H2211 VFR750 ................................... 1990-92 ...... H2146 VFR750 ................................... 1993-97 ...... H2151 VFR800 ................................... 1998-01 ...... H2156 VFR800 ................................... 2002-on ...... H2161 VTX1800C w/cowl fairing ........ 2002-on ...... H2231 Kawasaki Concours/GTR1000 ................ 1986-on ....... K1196 EX500 ..................................... 1986-92 ....... K1131 EX500 ..................................... 1993-on ....... K1136 GPZ1100 (ZX11E) ................... 1995-96 ....... K1206 Ninja 250 ................................. 1988-on ....... K1126 Voyager XII ............................. 1989-on ....... K1201 Z750 .......................................... 2005 .......... K1171 ZR7S ....................................... 2001-on ....... K1161 ZRX1100, ZRX1200 ................ 1999-on ....... K1191 ZX6(E) std, ZZ600R ................ 1993-on ....... K1141 ZX6R ....................................... 2001-02 ....... K1146 ZX6R, 636 ............................... 2003-04 ....... K1151 ZX6R, ZX6RR ........................... 2005 .......... K1156 ZX7R ....................................... 1997-on ....... K1166 ZX9R ....................................... 1995-98 ....... K1176 ZX9R ....................................... 1999-on ....... K1181 ZX10R ..................................... 2004-on ....... K1186 ZX11C/D ................................. 1990-on ....... K1112 ZX12R ..................................... 2000-on ....... K1116 ZZR1200 ................................. 2002-on ....... K1121 KTM Duke II ......................................... all ............ K2116 950/Adventure ............................. all ............ K2111 Laverda RGS ............................................ all ............. L1111 Moto Guzzi Breva 750 .................................... all ........ # M3121 Cafe Spt, Coppa Italia, Ballabio .. all ........... M3131 California EV w/fiberglass ........... all ........... M3126 California Stone Touring .............. all ........... M3116 LeMans V11 ................................ all ............ M3111 Scura ........................................... all ........... M3136
Suzuki Bandit 600S ............................ 1996-99 ....... S4121 Bandit 600S ............................ 2000-on ....... S4126 Bandit 1200S .......................... 1997-00 ....... S4131 Bandit 1200S .......................... 2001-on ....... S4136 DL1000 ................................... 2002-03 ....... S4111 DL650, DL1000 ....................... 2004-on ....... S4116 GS500F ................................... 2004-on ....... S4141 GSX-R1000 ............................. 2001-02 ....... S4161 GSX-R1000 ............................. 2003-04 ....... S4166 GSX-R1000 ............................... 2005 .......... S4171 GSX-R600, GSX-R750 ........... 2004-on ....... S4151 GSX-R600 ............................... 2001-03 ....... S4146 GSX-R750 ............................... 2000-03 ....... S4156 Hayabusa ................................ 2000-on ....... S4196 Katana 600/750 ....................... 1999-on ....... S4191 SV650 Cowl Fairing .................. 2005 .......... S4186 SV650S ................................... 2001-02 ....... S4176 SV650S, SV1000S .................. 2003-on ....... S4181 VL1500 Intruder w/Volusia ..... 2004-on ....... S4211 Triumph Daytona 600 ............................ 2004-on ....... T5146 Daytona 955i ........................... 1997-01 ....... T5151 Daytona 955i ........................... 2002-03 ....... T5156 Daytona 955i ........................... 2004-on ....... T5161 Rocket III, Roadster ................ 2004-on ....... T5166 Sprint RS ................................. 2000-on ....... T5112 Sprint ST ................................. 1996-98 ....... T5116 Sprint ST ................................. 1999-on ....... T5121 Tiger ........................................ 1999-on ....... T5141 Trophy ....................................... 1996 .......... T5126 Trophy ..................................... 1997-98 ....... T5131 Trophy ..................................... 1999-on ....... T5136 Cruiser Universal 10“ ............................................... all ............ U1110 14” ............................................... all ............ U1114 17 1/2” ......................................... all ............ U1117 21 1/2 .......................................... all ............ U1121 Victory Profiler Shield (light tint) .............. all ............ V1126 Touring Cruiser ........................ 2004-05 ....... V1116 V92C DLX w/#2872938 .......... 2003-on ....... V1111 Vegas MID w/#2874284 .............. all ............ V1121 Yamaha FJ1100 ........................................ all ............ Y6151 FJ1200 .................................... 1986-88 ....... Y6156 FJ1200 .................................... 1989-90 ....... Y6161 FJ1200 .................................... 1991-93 ....... Y6166 FJR1300 ................................. 2003-on ....... Y6171 FZ1 .......................................... 2001-on ....... Y6111 FZ6 .......................................... 2004-on ....... Y6116 GTS1000 ..................................... all ............ Y6176 R1 ........................................... 1998-99 ....... Y6121 R1 ........................................... 2000-03 ....... Y6126 R1 ........................................... 2004-on ....... Y6131 R6 ........................................... 1999-02 ....... Y6136 Road Star Silverado ................ 1999-on ....... Y6141 Road Star Wide Silverado ....... 2004-on ....... Y6146 Royal Star Tour Deluxe ............. 2005 .......... Y6196 Royal Star Venture ...................... all ............ Y6191 Venture .................................... 1983-92 ....... Y6181 Warrior Upper Cowl ................. 2004-on ....... Y6186 YZF600, YZF600R .................. 1996-05 ....... Y6201
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