Page 1 ... Tangram, 2010, pp. 261-276. After introducing the historical, socio-cultural and political background of the English language in Malta, the paper ...
“Language Habits, Domains, Competence and Awareness: the Role and Use of English in Malta” in Palusci O. (ed.), English, but not Quite: Locating Linguistic Diversity, Trento, Tangram, 2010, pp. 261-276.
After introducing the historical, socio-cultural and political background of the English language in Malta, the paper addresses the phenomenon of language contact following a socio-linguistic method and illustrates the results of a survey conducted in August 2007 by the author. The exploratory study reveals the complexity of the role and use of English in Malta. Language competence, habits, use, opinion and awareness are here far from simple issues. Plural and heterogeneous language contact phenomena, interwoven with unique political, social, linguistic events, have uniquely moulded the identity of a variety of English which keeps refusing pre-established definitory labels.