Languages: English, Marathi, Bengali and Hindi - ITC Project

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Languages: English, Marathi, Bengali and Hindi. Mode: Face to Face Interview ... than smoked tobacco products. Administer Mixed Tobacco User Survey (IN1-M).
India W1 Screener Survey Code: IN1-sc Languages: English, Marathi, Bengali and Hindi Mode: Face to Face Interview

India W1 Screener, Generated on 23Feb2015


India W1 Screener

Q# 001



TF61214 (Prev. TF64714) TF61714





IN1-Sc Do you smoke tobacco at least once a month? 1 Yes 2 No Do you use smokeless tobacco at least once a month? 1 Yes 2 No If 001/TF214=1 or Yes and 002/TF714=2 or No, administer the Smoked Tobacco User Survey (IN1-T). If 001/TF214=2 or No and 002/TF714=1 or Yes, administer the Smokeless Tobacco User Survey (IN1-L). If 001/TF214=2 or No and 002/TF714=2 or No, administer the Non-Tobacco User Survey (IN1-N). If 001/TF214=1 or Yes and 002/TF714=1 or Yes, ask the following question. Interviewer Note: Ask if 001/TF214=1 and 002/TF714=1. Which best describes your use of smoked and smokeless tobacco products? 1 You use smoked tobacco products much more often than using smokeless tobacco products 2 You use smoked tobacco products somewhat more often than using smokeless tobacco products 3 You use smoked and smokeless tobacco products about the same 4 You use smokeless tobacco products somewhat more often than smoked tobacco products 5 You use smokeless tobacco products much more often than smoked tobacco products Administer Mixed Tobacco User Survey (IN1-M).

India W1 Screener, Generated on 23Feb2015


Appendix VarName Changes New Name Old Name Date Survey Changed By Authorization Reasoning Source TF61214 TF64714 IN1-sc Undocumented Undocumented

India W1 Screener, Generated on 23Feb2015