Large deviations for one-dimensional random walk in a ... - CiteSeerX

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Nov 24, 1998 - A probability is called annealed if it is taken according to P, ... It was established by Solomon 37] (see also 23] for a particular case) that X is .... obtain sharp tail asymptotics (including constants) in the subexponential regime.
Large deviations for one-dimensional random walk in a random environment a survey Nina Gantert


and Ofer Zeitouni2

24 November 1998

Abstract Suppose that the integers are assigned i.i.d. random variables f!x g (taking values in the unit interval), which serve as an environment. This environment de nes a random walk fXn g (called a RWRE) which, when at x, moves one step to the right with probability !x , and one step to the left with probability 1 ? !x . Solomon (1975) determined the almost-sure asymptotic speed v (=rate of escape) of a RWRE. Subsequent work provided limit theorems for the RWRE fXn g. We review in this article recent results on the asymptotics of the probability of rare events of the form P(Xn =n 2 A) or P! (Xn =n 2 A), in the situation where P(Xn =n 2 A) n?! !1 0. It turns out that the RWRE exhibits a wide range of non-trivial behavior, and di erent regimes are possible.

Random walk in random environment, large deviations. AMS (1991) subject classi cations: 60J15,60F10,82C44,60J80.

Key Words:

1 Dept.

of Mathematics, TU Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, GERMANY. Research partially supported by the Swiss National Science foundation under grant 8220{046518. 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, ISRAEL. Research partially supported by a US-Israel BSF grant.


1 Introduction In this review, we consider large deviations from the law of large numbers for a nearest-neighbor random walk on ZZ with site-dependent transition probabilities. Let  = [0; 1]ZZ , let ! = (!i )i2ZZ 2  be a collection of random variables which serve as an environment, and de ne i = i (!) = 1?!i!i ; i 2 ZZ . Here and throughout, we omit ! from the argument of functions if no confusion occurs. We denote by  :  !  the shift on , given by (!)(i) = !(i + 1). For every xed !, let X = (Xn )n0 be the Markov chain on ZZ starting at X0 = 0, with transition probabilities 8 > < !x if y = x + 1 P! (Xn+1 = y j Xn = x) = > 1 ? !x if y = x ? 1 : (1) : 0 otherwise We will often look at functions of ! which are given in terms of the random walk, e.g. ! ! log E! (e?Xn ). Let now M1 (), M1s () and M1e () be the spaces of probability measures, stationary probability measures and ergodic probability measures, on . All spaces of probability measures in this paper are equipped with the topology induced from weak convergence. Let K  (0; 1) be R some xed compact subset of (0; 1). We denote M1e ()+ := f 2 M1e () : log 0 (!)(d!)  0g, and, for any set M  M1 (), we let M K = M \ f : supp(0 )  K  (0; 1)g. We also denote by !min = !min () := minfz : z 2 supp 0 g where 0 denotes the marginal of , !max = !max () := maxfz : z 2 supp 0 g, and let max = max () := (1 ? !min )=!min . Finally, we write, for any R function f of the environment, hf i = f (!)(d!). Let  2 M1e (). In the particular case that  is a product measure, we denote its marginal by , and write  = ZZ . Throughout this paper, we call a probability quenched if it is taken under P! , i.e. conditional on the environment. A probability is called annealed if it is taken according to P, that is when the environment ! is averaged according to the measure . We will sometimes use the notation P to emphasize the measure  used in taking expectations over !. The RWRE model, which seems to have been rst considered in a particular case by Temkin [41], exhibits a number of phenomena not shared by classical random walk. Assume rst that  is a product measure. It was established by Solomon [37] (see also [23] for a particular case) that X is P! -a.s. transient, for -a.a. !, i hlog i 6= 0. In the transient case, for  ? a:a:!, limn Xn = +1 P! -a.s. if hlog i < 0 (and limn Xn = ?1 P! -a.s. if hlog i > 0). An easy proof of the transience


may be obtained by noting that the function

8  +  +    ; x>0 > 0 1 x?1 < 0 0 ; x =0 f (x) = >  : ? 1 +  1 +    +  1  ; x < 0 ?1 ?1 +1 x

is P! -harmonic. With v = limn Xn =n denoting the (almost sure) speed of the RWRE, there are two speed regimes, namely, (i) v = (1 ? hi)=(1 + hi) when hi < 1 and v = (h?1 i ? 1)=(h?1 i + 1) when h?1 i < 1. (ii) v = 0 when hi?1  1  h?1 i. Similar results hold if  2 M1e (). Assume  2 M1e ()+ : then, the RWRE (Xn ) is (almost surely) either recurrent (if hlog 0 i = 0) or Xn ! +1 (if hlog 0 i < 0), see [26, Chap. IV, Theorem 2.3 and Corollary 2.4] or [2]. Further, let Tk = inf fn : Xn = kg, k = 0; 1; 2;    and

k = Tk ? Tk?1 k = Tk ? Tk+1

k>0 k < 0;

with the convention that 1 ? 1 = 1 in this de nition. Let Zi? := i + i i?1 + i i?1 i?2 + : : :. Note that if the walk is transient to the right, i.e. if hlog i < 0, then Zi? < 1, -a.s.. It can be shown that if Z Z v?1 := (1 + 2Z0? )(d!) = (1 + Z0? + Z??1 )(d!) < 1 ; (2) then the random walk has the positive speed v , i.e. for -a.e. !, we have Xn =n ! v , P! -a.s., cf. [2]. In fact, we will see, cf. the proof of Lemma 1 below, that E! (1 ) = 1 + 2Z0? , and one could use this to rerun the argument of Solomon [37] yielding the speed of the RWRE. In particular, if  is a R product measure, one recovers Solomon's formula for the speed: (1 + 2Z0? )(d!) < 1 if hi < 1, and in this case, ? hi : v = 11 + hi In the i.i.d. case, i.e. when  is a product measure, this law of large numbers is supplemented in [21] by central limit type theorems. For instance, in regime (i) above the classical central limit theorem holds if h2 i < 1. In regime (ii), on the other hand, under some additional hypothesis, n?sXn converges in law where s 2 (0; 1) is the unique solution of hsi = 1. In the recurrent case the motion is extremely slow. Sinai [35] proved that in this case (log n)?2 Xn converges in law, and Kesten [20] identi ed explicitly the limiting law. 3

We will concentrate here on one topic, namely, large deviations from the law of large numbers. For more about the history of the model, connections with other elds and various limit laws not mentioned above (and, of course, more references!), we refer to [18] and [34]. Some recent asymptotic results, of a nature di erent from ours, may be found e.g. in [17] or in [1]. We also note that a direct relationship exists between results on RWRE and on certain branching processes in random environments (BPRE), see [23], [24] for an early account of this relationship and [4] for recent results and references. For a product measure  = ZZ , the study of large deviations for the law of Xn =n was initiated in the seminal paper [16], where a large deviation principle for the distributions of Xn =n under P! was derived, for  -a.e. !. The resulting rate function turns out to be deterministic, and in the case where v > 0 and (!0 < 1=2) > 0, it vanishes on the interval [0; v ]. This paper motivated re ned estimates, i.e. estimates in the subexponential region, both in the quenched and in the annealed regime, cf. [9], [14], [33], [32]. Further, a large deviation principle for the distribution of Xn =n under the annealed mesure P was recently derived in [7]. Our goal in this review is to describe the recent results concerning large deviations for the law of Xn =n, in a uni ed framework, starting from the paper [16]. We present at the end of this review several open problems concerning RWRE in one dimension, and the only new result we present here, Theorem 9, is intended to raise the interest of the readers in proving Conjecture 1. Maybe more importantly, we brie y mention at the end of the paper several problems of interest in extending the picture emerging in the one dimensional case to the multi-dimensional situation. The approach of [16] to large deviation statements involves looking at the RWRE as a Markov chain in the space of environments, and the quenched Large Deviation Principle (LDP) is obtained by an appropriate contraction. More precisely, the rate function is the solution of a variational problem and is shown to be the Legendre transform of certain Lyapounov exponents. We follow here a di erent path, initiated in [9] and fully developed in [7]: namely, we derive a large deviation principle for Xn =n by rst considering a large deviation principle for Tn =n. The fact that the walk is one dimensional and only moves to nearest neighbors, allows for recursive decomposition of the hitting times Tn . This leads to rather simple proofs of the LDP's in the exponential regime, of Solomon's speed formulae, and of the annealed tail estimates in the subexponential regime. We will indicate some additional arguments, appearing in [14], for handling the quenched sub-exponential regime, and also brie y describe how the techniques of coarse graining are used in [33], [32] to obtain sharp tail asymptotics (including constants) in the subexponential regime. It turns out that a full description of annealed large deviations, even in the i.i.d. case, forces us to rst handle quenched large deviations for certain ergodic measures. This is why we start 4

with a description of the (quenched) LDP results for a rather general class of ergodic measures , contained in [7]. Specializing to product measures, we derive then annealed LDP's. These results form the content of Section 2. In Section 3, we turn our attention to annealed sub-exponential estimates, while Section 4 contains the corresponding quenched sub-exponential estimates. The following summary shows what is known in terms of subexponential asymptotics for a product measure  = ZZ . Case I: hs i = 1, some s > 1; Case 0: max = 1; (f1=2g) > 0.

v 2 (0; v )

j Case I j


Annealed [9] :

log P( Xnn v) log n


?! j j j j   Case 0 j [9] : n11 3 log P Xn  v j  ? 23 (1 ? v=v )1=3 j 2 log (f1=2g)j2=3 ?!  jj j (Constant identi ed in [33]) =



  [14] : 8 > 0; n1?11s  log P! Xnn  v ( ?! 0

j j j j j j j jj j


(Random uctuations for n1? 1s log P! ( Xnn  v)?) 2

[14] : (lognn) log P! Xnn  v  ? 18 (1 ? v=v )j log (f1=2g)j2 (Constant identi ed in [32])

Section 5 is devoted to extensions, comments and open problems.

Acknowledgments We would like to thank our collaborators Francis Comets, Amir Dembo, Yuval

Peres, Agoston Pisztora and Tobias Povel for their contributions, and Didier Piau for his remarks concerning the proof of Theorem 9. We would also like to thank the organizers of the school, Pal Revesz and Balint Toth, for the stimulating program and very enjoyable meeting.

2 LDP's - the exponential scale 2.1 Quenched LDP's We present rst quenched LDP's for the distribution of Tn =n or T?n =n, respectively. LDP's in the annealed case follow. The LDP's for the distribution of Xn =n follow then by \renewal duality". 5

The linear pieces of the rate function of Xn =n near 0 in the transient case, rst discovered by Greven and den Hollander, can be explained in terms of the linear pieces of the rate function for Tn=n or T?n =n at in nity. A crucial role in our results is played by the function

'(; !) := E! (e1 11 ?1 :

(15) (16)

(ii) There is a deterministic 1 > crit  0, depending only on , such that for  < crit , E! (e1 ) < 1 for  -a.e. !, E! (e1 ) has the form (12) and for  > crit , E! (e1 ) = 1 for  -a.e. !.




(iii) Let ucrit = 1 if E! (1 ecrit 1 ) (d!) = 1 and ucrit := dd log '(; !) = (d!) else. For crit E(1)  u < ucrit , there exists a unique 0 = 0(u; ) such that 0  0 and

Z d u = d log '(; !) =0 (d!) :


(iv) If  2 M1e ()+;K is a product measure and max < 1, then crit =  := ? 21 log(4!min (1 ? !min )) >


0 and '(; !) = E! (e1 ) < 1 i   crit . Further, ucrit := dd log '(; !) = (d!) < 1 crit unless  is degenerate, i.e. unless ! = const -a.s.

(v) If  2 M1e ()+;K is a product measure and max  1, we have crit = 0.

Remarks: 1. Parts (iv) and (v) of Lemma 2 continue to hold true even if  2 M1e()+;K is not a product measure, provided it is locally equivalent to the product of its marginals, i.e. all the nite-dimensional marginals of  have the same zero sets as the corresponding product measures. 2. ucrit can be in nite in the general ergodic case, for instance if the environment is periodic: an example is  = 21 (:::;!1 ;!2 ;!1 ;!2 ;:::) + 21 (:::;!2 ;!1 ;!2 ;!1 ;:::) .

Equipped with Lemma 2, Theorem 1 for  2 M1e ()+;K follows readily by standard large deviations techniques (see [7] for a detailed proof). Proposition 1 allows one to extend the proof to  2 M1e()?;K , and hence to complete the proof of Theorem 1. We note that the key to the proof of Proposition 1, cf. [7], is again a hitting time decomposition. We give here the proof of Proposition 1 for the particular case  < 0. The general case is more involved (one has to care about the integrability which allows us to take expectations in the last step of the present proof) and may be found in [7].

Proof of Proposition 1 for  < 0: Let

'~(; !) = E! e?1 1?1 0. It is not hard to see that the same type of recursion as in (13) (using the indicators in the de nition of '~!) leads to the formula

'~(; !) = (1 ? !0 )e + !0 e '~(; !)'~(; !) : One obtains from this recursion that, -a.s., ? '~(; !)'~(; !) = e '~!(; !) ? 0 (!) ; 0



and similarly from (14) that, -a.s., ? 0 (!)'(; !)'(; ?1 !) = e '!(; !) ? 1 : 0

Hence, -a.s, ?   0 (!) 1 ? '~(; !)'(; ?1 !) '(; !) = 0 (!)'(; !) ? '~(; !) e '!(; !) + '~(; !) 0


1 ? '(; !)'~(; !) '~(; !) :

Therefore, -a.s, log 0 (!) + log '(; !) ? log '~(; !) = log(1 ? '~(; !)'(; !)) ? log(1 ? '~(; !)'(; ?1 !)) : Integration with  (due to the stationarity of , the integral of the r.h.s. vanishes!) yields the proposition. We conclude this section by noting that given Theorem 1, the proof of the quenched LDP forXn =n in Theorem 2 is standard by renewal duality: we have



P! n  v  P! (Tnv  n) = P! nv hence

 1  v

1 log P  Xn  v  v 1 log P  Tnv  1  ; ! n ! nv n nv v

(20) (21)

leading to Iq (v) = vI;q v1 . This argument can be made precise, we refer to [7].

2.4 Annealed LDP's - sketch of proofs. Introduce the notation f (; !) := log E! (e1 11 u > 1!). Hence, by the Minimax Theorem (see [10, Pg. 151] for Sion's version), using the fact that the expression in the r.h.s. of (24) is convex-concave, the min-max is equal to the max-min in (24). Further, since taking rst the supremum in  in the right hand side of (24) yields a lower semicontinuous function, an achieving  exists, and then, due to compactness, there exists actually an achieving pair  ; . One then checks, using approximations of stationary measures by ergodic ones (such that h(j ZZ ) converges along the approximating sequence), that


sup u ? f (; !)(d!)


2M1s ()K 0


inf e





where we used

2M1 () 0

? 2Minf() sup u ? f (; !)(d!) 1

+ h(j ZZ )

sup u ? f (; !)(d!) + h(j ZZ ) K

Then, the r.h.s. of (23) equals


+ h(j ZZ )



inf e


h ;q i ZZ ) (26) I ( w ) + h (  j inf  K w u

2M1 ()

sup u ? f (; !)(d!) = winf I;q (w) :  u 0



1 0 n h ;q i X ZZ ) = ? inf I ;a (w): (28) inf I ( w ) + h (  j lim sup n1 log P @ n1 j  uA  ? winf  u 2M () wu n!1 e

j =1



This completes the proof of the upper bound for the lower tail (the case u = 1 being handled P directly by noting that n?1 nj=1 j  1 implies that j = 1; j = 1; : : : ; n). A similar argument


holds for the upper tail n1 log P n1 nj=1 j  u , and then, once one checks that I ;a () is convex, the upper bound in Theorem 3 is established. The lower bound in the LDP for Tn =n is proved by a standard change of measure, and we omit it here. Finally, the LDP for the distributions of Xn =n is derived by the standard duality from the hitting time LDP, exactly as in the quenched case.


For simplicity, we have restricted ourselves here to product measures. What we needed in the proof was the process level LDP for the empirical elds and an approximation property used in the proof of (25). In fact, these two requirements lead to mild assumptions on ergodic  under which Theorem 3 holds; we refer to [7] for details. 13

2.5 Properties of the rate functions For a description of the rate functions I;q , I ;a , Iq , I a , and for gures, we refer to [7]. We will limit ourselves here to give some intuitive arguments to explain the shape of the quenched rate functions. The analysis of the annealed rate function is technically more involved. It turns out that the shape of the rate function I;q shares many properties with that of Cramer's rate function for positive, i.i.d. random variables Y1 ; Y2 ; : : :. More precisely, let Y1 ; Y2 ; : : : be positive, i.i.d. random variables, let () := E (exp(Y1 ))  1 and  (y) := sup [y ? ()] 2IR

P Then  , which is the rate function for the LDP of n?1 ni=1 Yi , is convex, and we have the following (cf. [10]):

Case 1

Assume E [Y1 ] = 1. Then  (y) > 0 for all y  0,  is decreasing, and limy!1  (y) = 0.

Case 2

Assume m0 := E [Y1 ] < 1 and E (exp(Y1 )) = 1 for all  > 0. Then  is decreasing for 0  y  m0 and  (y) = 0 for y  m0 .

Case 3

Assume m0 := E [Y1 ] < 1 and, for some crit > 0, E (exp(Y1 )) < 1 i   crit . Then  is decreasing for y  m0 , increasing for y  m0 ,  (m0 ) = 0 and  (y)=y y?! !1 crit . Note that 1 ; 2 ; : : : are independent, but not identically distributed under P! . However, the shape of the rate function I;q is the same as if they were i.i.d. More precisely, we have the following:

Case A hlog 0i = 0, i.e. (Xn ) is recurrent. Then E! (1) = 1 a.s. and I;q has the same shape as  in

Case 1 above.

Case B hlog 0i < 0 and E (1 ) = 1, i.e. (Xn) is transient to the right with zero speed. Again, I;q has

the same shape as  in Case 1 above.

Case C

Let  be a product measure, !min ()  1=2, !max ()  1=2, assume  is not concentrated on one point and hlog 0 i < 0, i.e. (Xn ) is transient to the right with positive speed and "mixed drifts". Then, E(1 ) < 1 and, for -a.a. !, E! (exp(1 )) = 1 for all  > 0, cf. Lemma 2, and I;q has the same shape as  in Case 2 above.

Case D

Let  be a product measure, max () < 1 and assume  is not concentrated on one point, i.e. we 14

have \all drifts to the right". This implies that (Xn ) is transient to the right with positive speed. Then E(1 ) < 1 and there is crit > 0 such that, for -a.a. !, E! (exp(1 )) < 1 i   crit , cf. Lemma 2, and I;q has the same shape as  in Case 3 above. The case where (Xn ) is transient to the left is slightly more complicated (1 can be in nite) and we refer to [7] for details. The rate function Iq is given by Iq (v) = vI;q (1=v). In particular, the at piece of I;q (u) for u large in Case C leads to a at piece of Iq (v) for v between 0 and v and the linear piece of I;q (u) for u large in Case D leads to a linear piece of Iq (v) for v small. In order to get Iq (v) for v < 0, we have to consider I?;q instead of I;q , cf. (8).

Remarks 1. In Cases C and D, we have the same behaviour if  is non-degenerate and locally equivalent to the product of its marginals. This rules out the case of a periodic environment. Our LDP covers the case of a periodic environment, but the shape of the rate function can be di erent, since we may have E! (exp(1 )) < 1 for all  > 0, cf. Lemma 2 and the remarks following it. 2. Returning to the i.i.d. case, since Y1 ; Y2 ; : : : are positive, the probability that the arithmetic mean is smaller than expected decays always exponentially - we have  (y) > 0 for y < m0 . P Intuitively, in order to have 1=n ni=1 Yi < m0 , all the random variables Y1 ; Y2 ; : : : have to be P small, whereas for 1=n ni=1 Yi > m0 , it suces that one of the Yi is very large. This explains, in terms of \extremal events" for the i , why there can only be a at piece of the rate function Iq P between 0 and v : \speeding up" the RWRE (which corresponds to 1=n ni=1 i = Tn =n being small!) has always an exponentially decaying probability, while the probability of \slowing down" (which corresponds to Tn =n being large!) can decay slower than exponentially. Already in the \toy example" of i.i.d random variables Yi , one can see that various normalizations are possible, depending on the tail of the random variables Yi , cf. [31]. This corresponds to the subexponential asymptotics for the RWRE. 3. Considering the rate function I?;q , we see that due to Proposition 1, Iq is symmetric in Case A, i.e. if hlog 0 i = 0, we have Iq (?v) = Iq (v). This symmetry is not at all obvious, since ?1 and 1 do not have, in general, the same distribution!

3 Annealed LDP's - subexponential speed In this section we concentrate on the situation where  = ZZ , i.e. the environment consists of i.i.d. random variables. We further assume that hi < 1, hence the RWRE is transient to +1 with 15

strictly positive speed v . As seen in Section 2, the rate functions Iq ; Ia for the random variables Xn =n, both in the annealed and quenched situations, vanish on the interval [0; v ]. Our goal here is to describe, following [9] and [33], the appropriate large deviation results in this regime. How can the walk deviate signi cantly from its almost-sure limiting speed v ? For ordinary RW, this is exponentially unlikely and given that such a deviation has occurred, it is most likely to arise from movement at an approximately constant di erent speed. For RWRE there are other possibilities- large deviations can arise from relatively short, atypical, segments in the environment (\traps"). The next two theorems characterize the subexponential slow-down probabilities P(n?1 Xn 2 G) in the mixed-drift cases for any non-empty open G  (0; v ) which is separated from v . A polynomial rate of decay is obtained when a negative local drift is possible, whereas for environments which allow only positive and zero drifts, the large-deviation slow-down probabilities decay like exp(?Cn1=3 ). These theorems (without the precise upper bound in Theorem 6) are taken from [9], while the derivation of the precise upper bound of Theorem 6 (and, thereby, the existence of the limit in Theorem 6!) is due to [33].

Theorem 5 (Positive and negative drifts) Suppose that hi < 1 and 1 > max > 1. Then, there exists a unique s > 1 satisfying hs i = 1 such that for any open G  (0; v ) which is separated from v ,

nlim !1 log P(n

?1 Xn 2 G)= log n = 1 ? s :

Theorem 6 (Positive and zero drifts) Suppose that hi < 1, but max = 1 and (f1=2g) > 0. Then, for any open G  (0; v ) which is separated from v , ?1=3 log P(n?1 Xn 2 G) = ? 3 inf (1 ? v=v )1=3 j  log (f1=2g)j2=3 : lim n n!1 2 v2G 2

We sketch now the proof of Theorem 5. Since max > 1, the existence and uniqueness of s are due to the strict convexity and monotonicity of the map  7! h i. Maybe not surprisingly, hitting time decompositions are crucial throughout the proof. We begin by describing the proof of the lower bounds. Essentially, the same proof works for all sub-exponential LDP's, both quenched and annealed, in di erent regimes. The strategy is to nd a \trap", i.e. an interval where the random walk spends a lot of time, so that the probability of being slower than expected will not decay exponentially. In Theorem 6 and Theorem 8 below, this will be simply be an interval I consisting of fair coins, i.e. !i = 1=2 for all i 2 I . The main 16

di erence between the annealed and quenched setups is that the uctuations in the environment are of di erent order. This can be seen by comparing the proofs of the lower bounds in Theorem 6 and Theorem 8 below. While in the annealed case, we have, with probability (1=2)n1=3 , an interval consisting of fair coins of length O(n1=3 ) at the origin, we have to use an almost sure limit law (here, the Erdos-Renyi law for longest runs) in the quenched case, to obtain a \fair" interval whose length is of order log n. In the proof of the lower bound of Theorem 5, the uctuations in the environment are given by the extreme values of the random variables fkRk g below. For y 2 ZZ , let Ty = minfn : Xn = yg. Let X n denote the Markov chain (re ected at 0), initialized at zero, with the same !-dependent transition kernel as in (1) but now with the value of !0 set to be !0 = 1. Let T k = inf fn : X n = kg (29) and

Rk (m) = k?1

mX +k i=m+1

log (i) ; with Rk = Rk (0):


The following tail estimates for T k and for Ly = maxfy ? Xn : n  Ty g, the longest excursion of the RWRE path to the left of y, are straightforward:

Lemma 4. For all n, k  1, and y 2 ZZ k P! (T k  n)  (1 ? e?(k?1)R ?1 )n ; P(Ly  k)  1 h?ihi : k

Since G  (0; v ) is open and separated from v , it suces to establish the lower bound for G = (v ? 2; v) for 0 < 2 < v < v . The event n?1 Xn 2 (v ? 2; v) contains the event

 (v ? 2)n v

< T(v?)n < n; the excursion distance L(v?)n < n; and Tvn > n ;

namely, that the RWRE hits (v ? )n at about the expected time, from which point its longest excursion to the left is less than n, but the RWRE does not arrive at position vn by time n. By Solomon's law of large numbers, P(T(v?)n 2 ((v ? 2)n=v ; n)) ! 1 as n ! 1. Set  = 1 ? (v ? 2)=v > 0. Since T(v?)n is independent of f!x : x  (v ? )ng, it follows by stationarity that P(Tvn > njT(v?)n 2 ((v ? 2)n=v ; n))  P(T n > n) : Hence, by the exponential bound on P(L(v?)n  n) (see Lemma 4), the lower bound holds as soon as we show that lim inf log P(T n > n)= log n  1 ? s : (31) n!1 17

To this end, let y = hs? log i=hs? i for   0, and note that for every  > 0 small enough y is nite and positive. Applying Cramer's theorem to the i.i.d. real-valued random variables flog (x)gx2ZZ gives P(Rk?1  y )  e?(s y +o(1))k as k ! 1 (32) where s := s ?  ? (y )?1 loghs? i. Choose

k = k(n) = 1 + logy n ; 

so that e?(s y +o(1))k = n?s +o(1) as n and k tend to 1 , and consider the event

An = f! : m=0;1;:::; max R (mk; !)  y g : [n=k]?1 k?1 Since fRk?1 (mk)gm0 are i.i.d. variables, we obtain from (32) that

1 log P(A )  lim inf 1 log  n n?s  = 1 ? s : lim inf n  n!1 log n n!1 log n k(n)


Decomposing the event An according to m = minfm  0 : Rk?1 (mk)  yg and ignoring the time which the chain Xn spends outside [m k; m k + k), we get by stationarity that

P(T n > n j An)  !:R inf(!)y P! (T k > n) : k


By Lemma 4, inf P (T > n)  zinf (1 ? e?(k?1)z )(n+1)  (1 ? n?1 )(n+1) : y !:Rk?1 (!)y ! k


Combining (33) and (34) and taking  # 0 (for which s ! s), we establish (31), thus completing the proof of the lower bound. The upper bound on P(n?1 Xn 2 G) hinges upon moment estimates on the hitting times Tk . To P derive these observe that Tk = ki=1 i is the sum of the identically distributed, (dependent) random variables i , the law of each of which is identical to the law of 1 . Let C = E(1 ) and note that by Minkowski's inequality for all k  1

E(Tk )  C k :


The crucial observation is that C < 1 for all < s. Once this is established, standard estimates, due to Nagaev in [31], allow one to obtain the correct tail estimates for Tn =n, and the usual duality transfers these to tail estimates on Xn =n. We thus concentrate in the remainder of this sketch on the derivation of the bounds on E(1 ). These bounds apply more generally in the context of Branching Processes in a Random Environment, and may be found in [9]. For the purpose of this review, we will prove a weaker result: 18

Lemma 5. Assume s > 2. Then E(1) < 1 and E(12) < 1. Proof of Lemma 5: Let N0 denote the number of excursions of the RWRE to the left of 0 before 1 , and let, for i = 1; 2; : : : ; N0 , 0?1 (i) denote the length of the i-th excursion from ?1

to 0. Note that given the environment, the random variables 0?1 (i) are i.i.d., and that their law depends on f!j g?j =1?1 while, because the RWRE is transient to +1, the law of N0 depends on !0 only and is geometric with parameter !0 , more precisely, we have P! (N0 = k) = !0(1 ? !0 )k , k = 0; 1; 2; : : :. In particular, N0 and 0?1 (i) are independent, i = 1; 2; : : : ; N0 . Use now the hitting time decomposition

1 = 1 +

N0 X i=1

(1 + 0?1 (i))


to conclude that, whenever E(1 ) < 1,

E(1 ) = 1 + E(N0)(1 + E(0?1(1))) = 1 + hi(1 + E(1)) ; establishing that E(1 ) = (1 + hi)=(1 ?hi). One concludes that a necessary condition for E(1 ) < 1 is s > 1, while the suciency is established by a truncation argument: clearly, for any 1 < M < 1, N0 X 1 ^ M  1 + (1 + 0?1 (i) ^ M ) ; i=1

and hence

E(1 ^ M )  1 + E(N0 )(1 + E(1 ^ M )) ; implying that E(1 ^ M )  (1 + hi)(1 ? hi). Monotone convergence then yields that E(1 ) < 1. To see the second moment bound, let 1 ; 10 denote two independent (given the environment) copies of 1 . Using the decomposition (36) and N00

X 10 = 1 + (1 + 0?1 (i)0 ) ; i=1

one sees that if E(1 10 ) < 1 then

E(110 ) = 1 + 2E(N0 )(1 + E(1 )) + E(N0 N00 )(1 + 2E(1) + E(110 )) : Since E(N0 N00 ) = h2 i, this establishes the necessity of s > 2, and, truncating and using monotone convergence, it also establishes that E(1 10 ) < 1 as soon as s > 2. Using now (36) once more, one checks that whenever E(12 ) < 1 then

E(12) = 1 + E(N0 )(3 + 4E(1 ) + E(12 )) + E(N02 ? N0)(E(1 10 ) + 2E(1 ) + 1) ; 19

and again, one concludes that for s > 2, E(12 ) < 1 with a truncation argument, using the fact that E(N0 ) < 1 and E(1 10 ) < 1 in this case. It is easy to check that one may generalize Lemma 5 by induction to other integer moments i < s. A somewhat more elegant argument, which also handles non integer moments of 1 , can be found in [9, Lemma 2.4]. We conclude this section with comments on the proof of Theorem 6. As mentioned above, the proof of the lower bound follows the same track as in Theorem 5, this time with the contribution to large Rk coming essentially from blocks of \fair coins" of length n1=3 . The argument in [9] for the upper bound is a rather crude bootstrapping argument based on the upper bound in Theorem 5, and misses the correct constant in the exponent. The proof given in [33] which captures the correct constant in the upper bound is too technical to present it here. Very roughly, it involves a coarse graining of the environment into blocks of size n1=3+ , some small , and classifying them as \biased" blocks (if the empirical measure of !i -s in the block has a signi cant proportion of !i > 1=2) and \fair" blocks (if not). The biased blocks serve as e ective barriers, in the sense that the random walk only rarely crosses such a block from right to left. Handling stretches of fair blocks is done by Chebyche 's inequality, and most of the e ort is invested in proving that long stretches of fair blocks which are shorter than the maximal stretch do not contribute much to the tail asymptotics.

4 Quenched LDP's - subexponential speed In this section we turn our attention to the quenched sub-exponential regime. Maybe surprisingly, it turns out that the annealed estimates are key to understanding the quenched asymptotics. The next theorems are the main results known. They quantify the fact that the annealed probabilities of large deviations are of bigger order than their quenched counterparts, due to the possibility of rare uctuations in the environment which may slow down the RWRE.

Theorem 7 (Positive and negative drifts) Suppose that hi < 1, max > 1, and let v 2 (0; v ). Then, for -a.a. !, the following statements hold:

1. For any  > 0,

lim sup n!1

1 n1?1=s? log P! (Xn < nv) = ?1 :



2. For any  > 0,

lim inf n!1 Furthermore,

lim sup


n1?1=s+ 1

n!1 n1?1=s

log P! (Xn < nv) = 0 :

log P! (Xn < nv) = 0 :



One should compare the rate of decay obtained in Theorem 7 with the annealed polynomial rate of decay (see Theorem 5) P(Xn < nv) ' n1?s . As in Theorem 6, tail estimates are di erent when the drift cannot be negative:

Theorem 8 (Positive and zero drifts) Suppose that hi < 1, max = 1, and (f1=2g) > 0. Then, for -a.a. !, and for v 2 (0; v ), (log n) v 2 nlim !1 n log P! (Xn < nv) = ?j log (f1=2g)j =8(1 ? v ) : 2


Again, the rate in Theorem 8 should be compared with the annealed rate (c.f. Theorem 6) P(Xn < nv) ' exp(?Cn1=3 ). Theorem 7 is contained in [14], as well as the order of decay in Theorem 8 without the sharp value of the r.h.s. The exact value of the r.h.s. in (40) (and, thereby, the existence of the limit in (40)!) are due to [32], where the authors sharpen the coarse graining approach described in the last section for the annealed case. We concentrate in the rest of this section on Theorem 7, and try to give a rough sketch of its proof as well as some intriguing questions and challenges that it poses. We begin by noting that the lower bound in (38) follows the same outline as in the annealed case, and was actually predicted in [9]: The maximal value of all possible kRk 's (with di erent initial and nal points) in the block [0; nv] is kRk = log n=s + Zn , where Zn is a random variable whose length is of order 1 (but on appropriate subsequences may be arbitrarily large or small). Taking a (random) subsequence with Zn large yields the improved lower bound (39). The proof of the upper bound is based on dividing the interval [0; nv] into blocks of size n1=s+ . A typical such block is transient to the right, and the RWRE only rarely crosses such a block from right to left. The annealed estimates, together with the Borel-Cantelli lemma, can be used to give uniform estimates for the time needed to cross a block from left to right. They also allow one to estimate how rarely a \backtrack", i.e. a crossing from the right to the left, occurs. Then, each


such \backtrack" can be treated as increasing by one the number of blocks that the RWRE has to cross. Taking that into account yields the quenched estimates. Intuitively, since the random variables Zn can be made arbitrarily small on appropriate subsequences, one expects the following conjecture to hold true:

Conjecture 1. In the setting of Theorem 7, we have for -a.a. ! lim inf n!1



log P! (Xn < nv) = ?1 :

Together with (39), this conjecture says that there does not exist a re ned LDP in the subexponential regime: the random variables an := log P! (Xn < nv) oscillate according to random subsequences given by the random environment. The diculty in verifying Conjecture 1 is that, unlike in the lower bound, it is not enough to establish that all \fair stretches" are shorter than usual: one has to show that even when all \fair stretches" are short, a combination of several such stretches does not contribute to the tail asymptotics. A case which we can analyze explicitly is the \two-coins case" where 1 := (1) > 0 and (p) = 1 ? 1 for some p < 1=2. The RWRE in this environment is a simple random walk with drift to the left with randomly placed nodes, i.e. locations where the random walk is forced to go right. In this case, s = ? log(1 ? 1 )= log , where  := (1 ? p)=p. Here, hi = (1 ? 1 ) and we will assume that (1 ? 1 ) < 1, implying that the RWRE has the positive speed v = (1 ?hi)=(1+ hi). While the measure does not satisfy our standard assumption that its support is included in the open interval (0; 1), subexponential asymptotics still occur in this case. Since Theorem 9 below has not appeared elsewhere, we present its proof with all details.

Theorem 9. Assume we are in the two-coins case with (1 ? 1 ) < 1. Let u > 1=v . Then, for -a.a. !,

1 log P (T  nu) = ?1 ; lim inf ! n 1 ? n!1 n 1=s


lim sup 1?11=s log P! (Tn  nu) = 0 : n!1 n


As a consequence, for v < v , we have for -a.a. !

1 log P (X  nv) = ?1 ; lim inf ! n 1 ? n!1 n 1=s


lim sup 1?11=s log P! (Xn  nv) = 0 : n!1 n



(In fact, statements slightly stronger than (41), (42) hold, see (53), (79)).

Proof 1. Proof of (42) (see also [14]) Since `0 (!) = inf fi  0 : !i = 1g < 1 a.s., we may and will assume w.l.o.g. that !0 = 1, i.e. that

we have a node at 0. Let `1 (!); `2 (!); : : : be the lengths of the successive intervals without nodes, i.e. `1 (!) := inf fi  1 : !i = 1g (45)

`k (!) := inf fi  1 : !`1+:::+`k?1 +i = 1g; k  1 :


Let Nl (n) := maxfj : `1 + : : : + `j  ng and

`max(n) := 1jmax ` (!) : N (n) j



Explicit calculation gives the following estimate for the exit time of an interval without node. Let !0 = 1, !1 = !2 = : : : = !` = p, T `+1 := inf fj : Xj = ` + 1g. Then

P (T `+1  n)  1 ? 1`



We give a lower bound by simply picking the largest intervals without nodes:

nu  P! (Tn  nu)  P (T `max(n)+1  nu)  1 ? `max1 (n)


Theorem 2 in [8] implies that

 log n log n 2 P `max(n)  ? log(1 ? ) + ? log(1 ? ) for in nitely many n = 1 1 1


 log n log n 3 P `max(n)  ? log(1 ? ) ? ? log(1 ? ) for in nitely many n = 1 : 1 1



We now choose a (random) subsequence (nk ) such that log nk + log2 nk = log nk + log2 nk `max(nk )  ? log(1 ? 1 ) ? log(1 ? 1) s log  s log  for all k. Then, due to (48),

 nk u log P! (Tnk  nk u)  log 1 ? `max1 (nk )  23




= nk u `max (nk ) 1 ? `max(nk )    log nk 1   n u exp ? ? log n (?1 ? ") k

`max(nk ) log s


2 k


for k large enough. Hence, for -a.a. !, lim


k!1 n1?1=s k

log P! (Tnk  nk u) = 0

and (42) follows.


More precisely, we have seen that, for -a.a. !, on the random subsequence nk ! 1 introduced in (51), 1=s lim sup (log nk ) log P (T  n u)  ?u : (53) k!1

! nk



2. Proof of (41)

We again may and will assume that !0 = 1. Let N (n) := minfj : `1 + : : : + `j  ng. With a slight abuse of notation, denote `max(n) := max `j (!) : (54) 1j N (n)

and note that (49) and (50) still hold true. We rst prove the following formula for the exit time of a random walk with a re ection at 0.

Lemma 6. Let !0 = 1, !1 = !2 = : : : = !`?1 = p < 21 , T ` := inf fj : Xj = `g and g(`) := E (exp(T `)). With q := 1 ? p, de ne   q 1 := 1 () = 21p e? + e?2 ? 4pq ; (55)   q 1 ?  ? 2  2 := 2 () = 2p e ? e ? 4pq :



0 := 0 (`) = supf > 0 : e?2 > 4pq; 2` (e 1 ? 1) > 1` (e 2 ? 1)g :

Then, for  < 0 , we have

 (1 ? 2 ) g(`) = ` (e  ?e 1) ? 1` (e 2 ? 1) : 1 2



Proof Let gx(`) := Ex(exp(T `)), 0  x  `. We have g(`) = g0 (`) = e g1 (`), g`(`) = 1 and gx (`) = e pgx+1 (`) + e qgx?1 (`), 1  x  ` ? 1. For 0  x  `, gx (`) has the form gx(`) = A1x + B2x


 x?1 where 1 and 2 satisfy, for 1  x  ` ? 1, 1x;2 = e p1x;+1 2 + e q1;2 ; and are, therefore, given by (55) and (56). Substituting in (58) the boundary condition g` (`) = 1 yields B = (1 ? A1` )=2` ; hence

 ` gx (`) = A1x + 2x?` ? A2x 1 : 2


Now, using the second boundary condition g0 (`) = e g1 (`), we compute


e  2 ? 1 : 2` ? 1` ? e1 2` + e 1` 2

Finally, setting x = 0 in (59) gives

g0 (`) = A + ?` ? A 2

 1 ` 2

and a little arithmetic yields (57), as long as  < 0 . As usual, we start the proof of the upper bound (41) with Chebyshev's inequality. Fix C > 0 and let n = Cn?1=s. We will specify a subsequence (~nk ) such that

P! (Tn~  n~ k u)  E! (e~


~k nk n


)e?n~ k n~ k u 

NY (~nk ) j =1

g(`j (!))e?n~k n~ k u


De ne the (random) subsequence (~nk ) such that ~k 3n `max(~nk )  sloglogn~ k ? log s log 


along this subsequence, which is possible due to (50). We show rst that, for all k large enough, n~ k < 0 (`i ) is satis ed for i = 1; : : : ; n~ k . Because (e 1 ? 1)  1 ? 1 > 0, it suces to show that

 1 `max(~n )  k


en~ k 2 ? 1 k?! !1 0


Note that, since 2 (0) = 1,

en 2 ? 1 ?! 1 + 0 (0) = 1 + 1 : 2 n n!1 1 ? 2p 25


Since 1 is decreasing and 2 is increasing, we have

1 (n )  1 (0) = q =  2 (n ) 2 (0) p


Using (61) and (64), we have for some C1 independent of k,

 1 `max(~n )  k


n~ k  en~ k 2 ? 1  n~ 1k=s n~ k e 2 ? 1 e?C1 log3 n~k k?! !1 0 ; n~ k


proving (62). Taking logarithms in (60) yields log P! (Tn~ k  n~ k u) 

NX (~nk ) j =1

log g(`j (!)) ? n~ k n~ k u


Next we analyze the rst term on the r.h.s. of (66). Note that, on the subsequence fn~ k g,


`  1 ? 1) ` (e 2 ? 1) log g(`) = ? log e2((e ? ? e1 ( ?  ) 1 2 ) 1 2 ` (e 2 ? 1) ! ` (e 1 ? 1)   1 2 = ? log e ( ?  ) ? log 1 ? `  2 (e 1 ? 1) 1 2


We consider, for n on the subsequence fn~ k g, 1

n1?1=s 1

= 1?1=s n

NX (n) j =1

log g(`j (!))


NX (n)

NX (n) `j (en  ? 1) `j (en  ? 1) 1   1 2 1 ? log en ( ?  ) + n1?1=s ? log 1 ? `j n 2 1 2 2 (e 1 ? 1) j =1 j =1

The rst term in (68) can be splitted again: 1


NX (n) j =1

? log



! (n) 2`j (en 1 ? 1) = @ 1 NX A en (1 ? 2 ) n1?1=s j=1 ?`j log 2 ?

Note that, for -a.a. !,



N (n) log (en 1 ? 1) (69) n1?1=s en (1 ? 2 )

(n) 1 NX `j (!) n?! !1 1 n


N (n) ?! n n!1 1


j =1




due to the ergodic theorem. Using the mean value theorem, there is n 2 (0; n ) such that 0 log 2 (n ) = n 2 ((n )) 2 n

Since 2 (0) = 1 and 20 (0) = (q ? p)?1 , we see that 0 0 C n1=s log 2 (n) = n1=s n 2 ((n )) = C 2 ((n)) n?! !1 q?p 2 n 2 n

which shows, together with (70), that the rst term on the r.h.s. of (69) converges, for -a.a. !, to ?C q?p . For the second term on the r.h.s. of (69), we proceed similarly: Let  '() := ee(1 ??1 ) : 1


There is n 2 (0; n ) such that 0 0 log '(n ) = log '(0) + n ''((n)) = n ''((n)) : n

We have

'0 () =

e 1 + e 10 e (1 ? 2 )


  (e 1 ? 1) e (1 ? 2 ) + e (10 ? 20 ? e2 (1 ? 2 )2

Using 1 (0) = q=p = , 2 (0) = 1, 20 (0) = (q ? p)?1 , a little calculation yields 0 () = 2qp : lim ' !0 (q ? p)2

Therefore, the second term on the r.h.s. of (69) equals 0

2qp ? Nn(n) n1=sn ''((n)) n?! !1 ? 1 C (q ? p)2  ? a:a:! n

Going back to (68), we have proved that 1


NX (n)

`j  n ? log e2(ne( ?1 ? 1)) 1 2 j =1


n?! !1

? q ?C p ? 1C (q 2?qpp)2 ;  ? a:a:! :


Considering the second term in (68), note that, for n on the subsequence fn~ k g,


NX (n) `j n `j (en  ? 1)  2 1  1`j (en 2 ? 1) ( n ) ? log 1 ? `j n 2 (e 1 ? 1) j =1 2 (e 1 ? 1) j =1

NX (n)



where we set

? x) ; :=  1 `max(n) en 2 ? 1 (x) := ? log(1 n x 2 en 1 ? 1


Note that (x) # 1 for x ! 0, and n ! 0 due to (65). Let B be the shift up to the next node, nP ?1

i.e. (B !)(i) = !(i + `1 ). Denote by RnB (!) := n1 (B )j ! the corresponding empirical eld. j =0 Note that due to our assumption !0 = 1, B is an ergodic transformation. The r.h.s. of (73) is dominated by  1 `1 ! e 2 ? 1 N (n)E B ( n ) (75) RN (n) (!) e 1 ? 1 2 Since `1 possesses a geometric distribution, 1   X E `1 = 1(1 ? 1 )j?1j = 1 1 ? (1 1? ) : 1

j =1

Therefore, due to (64) and the -almost sure convergence of the empirical elds, we have for -a.a. !,  1 `1 !   (76)  E `1 = 1  1 ? (1 1? ) : lim sup ERBN (n) (!)  n!1 2 1 Taking into account (71), (73), (63), (76), the de nition of n , the convergence of en 1 to  and the convergence of ( n~ k ) ! 1, we see that for -a.a. !, NX (~nk ) `j n~ ? log 1 ? 1`j (en~k 2 ? 1) lim sup 1?11=s k!1 n~ k 2 (e k 1 ? 1) j =1


 1 `1 ! n~ k  ? 1 N (~ n ) e 1 2 1 =s k  lim sup n~ n~ k n~k  ( n~ k ) EB en~k 1 ? 1 RN (~nk )(!) 2 n~ k k!1 k   2 2  1 C (q 2?pqp)2 E `1  (q ? p)22(1q ? 1(1C ? )) :



Putting together (66), (68), (72) and (77), we have proved that, for -a.a. !, lim sup 1?11=s log P! (Tn~ k  n~ k u) k!1 n~ k

 ? q ?C p ? 1 C (q 2?qpp)2 + 21 C (q 2?q p)2 1 ? (1 1? ) ? Cu 2




A straightforward calculation shows that the last term equals (1 ? 1 )q=p ? Cu = C (1=v ? u) = ?C (u ? 1=v ) : C 11 + ? (1 ? )q=p 1

(41) now follows since C > 0 was arbitrary. The proof of the statements involving Xn =n is straightforward from (41) and (42), we refer to [14].

Remark We have in fact shown that, for -a.a. !, on the random subsequence n~ k ! 1 introduced in (61),

lim k!1

1 log P (T  n~ u) = ?1 : ! n~ k k (~nk )1?1=s


5 Concluding remarks 1. A setting which was not covered in the subexponential regime is that of max = 1 while (f1=2g) = 0. It can be checked that in this case, the quenched large deviation probabilities can decay like exp(?Cn ) for any 2 (1=3; 1), with the value of determined by the behavior of the measure () in the neighborhood of 1=2. The same proof as in Theorem 8 then shows that the upper quenched estimates in Theorem 8 become exp(?dn=(log n) ), with

= 1= ? 1. 2. The assumption that the closed support of is contained in the open interval (0; 1) can often be dispensed if the support does not include both f0g and f1g. For example, in the context of Theorems 5 and 7, it can be replaced by the weaker assumption of hs i = 1 for some s > 1. One place where this assumption seems essential is in the derivation of the annealed exponential LDP's. 3. In general, one does not know how to solve the variational problem in (11), and hence we do not have explicit expressions for I a (except in certain special cases, cf. [7]) or a precise understanding of the atypical environments leading to large deviations. Similarly, except when the results of [33] and [32] apply, it has not been proved what is the local environment which causes large

uctuations in the sub-exponential regime. The solution of this problem requires a more re ned understanding of the upper bound than is currently available. 4. It is speculated in [7], but not proved, that I ;a (u) 6= I ;q (u) for any u such that I ;q is strictly convex at u. 5. As in the i.i.d. environment case described in Sections 3 and 4, one may look, in the general ergodic case, for re ned asymptotics in the at pieces of I;q or Iq . When  is locally equivalent 29

to the product of its marginals, it is believed to exhibit the same qualitative behavior as in the i.i.d. case, that is polynomial decay in the case !min < 1=2 < !max and sub-exponential decay when !min = 1=2. Some explicit computations are possible in the Markov environment case, or in the \two-coins" case described before Theorem 9, cf. [15]. 6. The multi-dimensional case presents many challenges. Because a precise hitting time decomposition is not available, explicit criteria for transience and recurrence, as well as formulae for the speed in the transient case, are not known. Notable exceptions are situations where some symmetry is present, in which case one can prove CLT statements, cf. [25], [3]. The general case remains open. As far as large deviations are concerned, some recent results have been obtained by [43] and [36]. Indeed, when the environment is i.i.d. and the convex hull of the support of includes the origin, Zerner [43] has used a subadditive hitting time decomposition to show that a quenched LDP (in the exponential scale) holds true. Unfortunately, his results do not allow for the explicit evaluation of the rate function, nor for the evaluation of its zero set. Many questions still remain open, most notably what happens when 0 62 conv supp 0 , what is the annealed rate function, and what is the relation of the latter to the quenched rate function. In a di erent direction, Sznitman [36] has obtained, in the multidimensional case, some analogues of the results of Sections 3 and 4. Applications of RWRE models to model long range correlation in time series have been suggested by Marinari et al. in [29] and further discussed by Durrett in [11]. 7. An analogous model for continuous time was described by Brox [5] and further developed by Tanaka [40], and, in the multidimensional case, by Mathieu [30]. Some results concerning large deviations for the continuous model were recently obtained by Taleb [39]. 8. The RWRE model we have discussed here is a nearest neighbor model. There exists some work on non nearest neighbor models, which are much harder and exhibit some of the diculties present in the multi-dimensional case. Speci cally, let L; R  1 be integers, and assume that P! (Xn+1 = x + ijXn = x) = px(i), with px(i) = 0 for i 62 [?L; R], and px() a sequence of i.i.d. random vectors. Key [22] (c.f. also [26]) provided a transience or recurrence criterion based on the evaluation of certain Lyapounov exponents. Other limit results are also available, see [27], [28] and the references therein. It should be noted that if R = 1 and Xn ! 1 P-a.s., the rate of growth of Xn =n can be evaluated by mimicking the argument used in the proof of Lemma 5. Indeed, with 1 = minfn : Xn = 1g, the same recursion reveals that, whenever E(1 ) < 1,

E(1) =

 0 (1)  1 + E 1?p0p(1)




ip0 (?i) p0 (1)

L i=1



and further E(1 ) = 1 as soon as the r.h.s. in (80) is not strictly positive. As in the nearest neighbor case, one concludes that if Xn ! 1, P-a.s., it holds that Xn =n ! 1=E(1 ), P-a.s.

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