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However, for dense crowd tracking, laser points of different objects are often interlaced and ... scene analysis for service robot, crowds' behavior analysis for human ..... The constant C is related to the size of the field of view—in a 720 × 480 ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312

Laser-based detection and tracking of multiple people in crowds Jinshi Cui a


, Hongbin Zha a, Huijing Zhao b, Ryosuke Shibasaki



National Laboratory on Machine Perception, Peking University, Beijing, China b Centre for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Received 5 December 2005; accepted 24 July 2006 Available online 16 December 2006 Communicated by James Davis and Riad Hammoud

Abstract Laser-based people tracking systems have been developed for mobile robotic, and intelligent surveillance areas. Existing systems rely on laser point clustering method to extract object locations. However, for dense crowd tracking, laser points of different objects are often interlaced and undistinguishable due to measurement noise and they can not provide reliable features. It causes current systems quite fragile and unreliable. This paper presents a novel and robust laser-based dense crowd tracking method. Firstly, we introduce a stable feature extraction method based on accumulated distribution of successive laser frames. With this method, the noise that generates split and merged measurements is smoothed away and the pattern of rhythmic swing legs is utilized to extract each leg of persons. And then, a region coherency property is introduced to construct an efficient measurement likelihood model. The final tracker is based on the combination of independent Kalman filter and Rao-Blackwellized Monte Carlo data association filter (RBMC-DAF). In real experiments, we obtain raw data from multiple registered laser scanners, which measure two legs for each people on the height of 16 cm from horizontal ground. Evaluation with real data shows that the proposed method is robust and effective. It achieves a significant improvement compared with existing laser-based trackers. In addition, the proposed method is much faster than previous works, and can overcome tracking errors resulted from mixed data of two closely situated persons.  2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: People detection; People tracking; Laser scanner; Accumulated distribution; RBMC-DAF

1. Introduction The detection and tracking of people in crowds is a problem that arises in a variety of different contexts. Examples include intelligent surveillance for security purposes, scene analysis for service robot, crowds’ behavior analysis for human behavior study, traffic flow analysis, and many others. Over the last several years, an increasing number of laser-based people tracking systems have been developed in both mobile robotics platforms [1–6] and fixed platforms q

This work was supported in part by the NKBRPC (No. 2006CB303100), NSFC Grant (No. 60333010) and NSFC Grant (No. 60605001). * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Cui). 1077-3142/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cviu.2006.07.015

[7–9] using one or multiple laser scanners. It has been proved that processing on laser scanner data makes the tracker much faster and more robust than vision based one in complex situations with varied weather or light condition. However, all these systems are based on a basic assumption that laser points that belong to the same person can easily be clustered or grouped as one feature point. And then data association is used for multiple people tracking. While in real experiments with unknown number of people, especially when dealing with crowded environment, such systems will greatly suffer from poor features provided by a laser scene. Laser points of different objects are often interlaced and undistinguishable and cannot provide reliable features. The same problem aroused in our previous work [8]. The experimental result showed that in some cases, simple

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clustering method will fail in detecting person due to clutters from other objects that move with people, such as nearby people or luggage. And when two people walking across or their legs are too close together, it likely causes tracking error or trajectory broken. To ease the understanding of laser scan data, we show a registered laser scan image (see Fig. 1) with four laser scanners scanning on the height of 16 cm from horizontal ground. In Fig. 1, nearly 30 people are separately distributed in an open area. Red circles denote laser scanners. White points are foreground laser points, mainly humans’ legs. Green points are background laser points, including walls, chairs, and etc. Fig. 2 is one sample of fusion of image frame and laser scan frame. This image is just used to illustrate what the laser points mean. Each cluster of laser points that belong to human leg has been manually circled. In this paper, we propose a robust tracker to detect and track multiple people in a crowded and open area. We first obtain raw data that measures two legs for each people on the height of 16 cm from horizontal ground with multiple registered laser scanners. Then, a kind of stable feature is extracted using accumulated distribution of successive laser frames. In this way, the noise that generates split and

Fig. 1. A laser scan image. Red circles denote laser scanners. White points are foreground laser points, mainly humans’ legs. Green points are background laser points.

Fig. 2. One sample of fusion of image frame and laser scan frame. Each cluster of laser points that belong to human leg has been manually circled.


merged measurements is smoothed away very well. Region coherency property is utilized to construct an efficient measurement likelihood model. And then, a tracker based on the combination of independent Kalman filter and RaoBlackwellized Monte Carlo data association filter (RBMC-DAF) is introduced. Evaluation with real data shows that the proposed method is robust and effective and deals with most well-known difficulties encountered by conventional laser-based trackers very well, e.g. measurement split/merge and temporal occlusion. The remainder of this paper is organized as following. After discussion of related work in the following section, system architecture and data collection will be briefly introduced in Section 3. And then, feature extraction approach and evaluation on the approach are described, respectively, in Sections 4 and 5. In Section 6, we will present the tracking framework. At last, tracking results are presented in Section 7. 2. Related work Research on laser-based people tracking was originated from Prassler’s work [1]. In recent years, laser scanner becomes much cheaper and the scan rate also becomes higher than before (from 3 fps used in [1–4] to 30 fps used in [8]). In the context of robotic technology, a laser-based people tracker [2–6] has been a fundamental part of a mobile robotic system. These trackers mainly focus on how to make correct detection of moving people and distinction of people from static objects with a mobile platform, then tracking one or few moving persons surrounding the mobile robot with the successive laser scan images. On the other hand, in the context of intelligent monitoring and surveillance, multiple laser scanners [7,8] are deployed to cover a wide area. In this case, the task is to effectively extract individual person from cluttered and scattered laser points, and then simultaneously track a large number of people robustly and reliably. Thus, we can see that, for both kind of laser trackers, no matter with static or mobile platform, there are two fundamental aspects: people extraction, i.e. people detection, and data association. Clustering or grouping in each scan image is the most commonly used, and almost the only people extraction strategy for existing laser-based trackers [1–8]. In [1], a grid-map representation is used for detection of moving cells. One group of nearby cells is considered as one person. Then, a trajectory of moving targets is obtained by a nearest neighbor criterion between groups of cells marked moving in consecutive scan samples. In [2], at each time step, the laser scan image is segmented and further split into point sets representing objects. At first the scan is segmented into densely sampled parts. In the second step these parts are split into subsequences describing ‘‘almost convex’’ objects. They used the assumption that there are distance gaps between distinct objects. A threshold value is used to find distinct objects. For


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tracking, they represent the motion of object shapes in successive scan images as flows in bipartite graphs. And then by network optimization techniques in graph theory, they get plausible assignments of objects from successive scans. In [3], they find violation points (that corresponds to moving objects) from each range scan at first. Then view all detected violations as a Gaussian impulse living on the two-dimensional world map. Create new hypotheses at violations points that have a function value over a certain threshold. In fact, this is a continuous version of point clustering process instead of discrete one. Propagate previous hypotheses of moving objects by a gradient ascent method on the function. In essential, this is a local searching method, similar to nearest neighbor searching. In [4], a mobile platform is equipped with two laserrange scanners mounted at a height of 40 cm. Each local minimum in the range profile of the laser range scan is considered as a feature that represents an object. Moving objects such as person is distinguished from static objects by computing local occupancy grid maps. In [5,6], a simple clustering method is used for object extraction similar with the first step described in [3]. For tracking, in [4–6], several novel data association and tracking algorithms are proposed that incorporates particle filters and JPDA filter. This sampling-based approach has the advantage that there are no restrictions for the analytic form of model, although the required number of particles for a given accuracy can be very high. And due to the weakness of the measurement likelihood model, the tracking performance is greatly dependent on the performance of filter. Above works mainly focus on tracking one or few moving persons surrounding the mobile robot, and up to now, only a few works [7,8] aim at tracking a large number of people with fixed laser scanners. In [7], the authors used multiple laser scanners on the height of waist. Subtraction from background model, foreground was obtained. They define a blob as a grouping of adjacent foreground readings that appear to be on a continuous surface. And assume that measurements that are spatially separated by less than 10 cm belong to the same blob. Scanning on the height of waist will suffer greatly from the occlusions by nearby people and the unpredictable range reflections from swinging arms, hand bag, coats, etc., which are difficult to be modeled for an accurate tracking. For tracking, they associate a Kalman filter with each object to alleviate the consequences of occlusions and to reduce the impact of occlusions and model inaccuracies. Compared with other works, the system described in [8] gives the most promising result for tracking a large number of people simultaneously. The laser scanners are on the ground with the height of 20 cm. In this height, one person generates two point clusters, each for one foot. Simple clustering is also used to extract the moving feet. Then a given distance range is used to group two nearby feet as one step. The following conditions are used for data association. Firstly, two step candidates in successive frames overlap

at the position of at least one foot candidate. Secondly, the motion vector decided by the other pair of non-overlapping foot candidates changes smoothly along the frame sequence. The experimental result shows that in some cases, the simple clustering will fail in detecting person due to clutters from other objects that move with people, such as nearby people or luggage. And when two people walking across or their feet are too close together, it likely causes tracking error or trajectory broken. 3. System architecture and data collection Multiple single-row laser-range scanners are exploited in our experiments. For each laser scan, one laser scanner profiles 360 range distances equally in 180 on the scanning plane with the frequency of 30 fps. The range data can be easily converted into rectangular coordinates (laser points) in the sensor’s local coordinate system [8]. Scanners are set doing horizontal scanning at ground level, so that crosssections at the same horizontal level of about 16 cm containing the data of moving (e.g., human legs) as well as still objects (e.g., building walls, desks, chairs, and so on) are obtained in a rectangular coordinate system of real dimension. Those laser points of moving are obtained from background image subtraction. And then moving points from multiple laser scanners are temporally and spatially integrated into a global coordinate system. For registration, laser scans keep a degree of overlay between each others. Relative transformations between the local coordinate system of neighboring laser scanners are calculated by pair-wisely matching their background images using the measurements to common objects. In the case that common features in overlapping area are too few for automated registration, an initial value is first assigned through manual operation, followed by an automated fine-tuning. Assigning an initial value to laser scanners’ relative pose is not a tough task here, as twodimensional laser scans are assumed to coincide in the same horizontal plane, operators can shift and rotate one laser scan on the other one to find the best Matching between them. Specifying one local coordinate system as the global one, transformations from each local coordinate system to the global one are calculated by sequentially aligning the relative transformations, followed by a least-square based adjustment to solve the error accumulation problem. A detailed address on registering multiple laser scanners can be found in [15]. One of the major differences of our system with other research efforts is that we put laser scanners on ground level (about 16 cm above the ground surface), scan pedestrian’s feet and track the pattern of rhythmic swing feet. There are two reasons for us targeting on pedestrian’s feet. The swing feet of a normal pedestrian, no matter a child or an adult, no matter a tall man or a short man, can be scanned on ground level with least occlusion. In addition, the data of swing feet can be modeled as the same pattern and tracked simply and uniformly.

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Fig. 3. (a) A picture of the demonstration site in (b) with two laser scanners located in the middle. (b) A map of sensor’s location and measurement coverage in the experiment.

Four laser scanners are located on the floor. Laser scans cover an area of about 30 · 30 m2 around our demonstration corner as showed in Fig. 3(a). On the other hand, a video camera is set on the top of a booth, about 3.0 m high from the floor, monitoring visitors at a slant angle, and covering a floor area of about 5 · 6 m2. A map of sensor’s locations and measurement coverage is shown in Fig. 3(b). In addition, the illustration of the system architecture is shown in Fig. 4. The laser scanners used in the experiment is LMS200 by SICK. Each sensor is controlled by an IBM ThinkPad X30 or X31. They are connected through 10/100 Base LAN to a server PC. Here, camera has two functions. The first one is to be used for demonstration augmented with laser points and estimated trajectories. The second is to be used as data resource that is fused with laser points to improve the tracking performance as presented in our previous work [9].

4. Feature extraction and people detection 4.1. Single-frame clustering People detection from a laser scan frame suffers greatly from its poor feature provided by the laser points. Existing clustering-based people extraction methods use the assumption that there are distance gaps between distinct objects. Then a threshold value is used for clustering to find distinct objects. However, in real scenes with crowded people, the clustering-based detection maps do not reflect real positions of legs. Occlusions make the points that belong to one leg split to multiple point clusters or there is even no points belong to the leg. In addition, mutual interactions make the points belong to two different legs merge into one clustering. In Figs. 5 and 6, raw data of one single laser scan frame and the clustering result from these data are shown, respectively. In the raw image, laser points of each person are manually circled. There are totally four persons in the scene. And in the result, only one person is correctly detected, i.e. both of two legs are extracted correctly with no noise. Only one leg is extracted for two persons, and there is a noisy detection for the rest person. And thus, it is rather difficult to track multiple people in crowds with such a clustering result. 4.2. Accumulated distribution and leg detection

Fig. 4. An illustration of system architecture. Only two laser scanners are figured out. In this paper, we use four laser scanners.

In this section, we propose a novel people extraction method so-called accumulated distribution. Profiting from high data sampling rate, it is reasonable to get successive range scan images with only subtle changes. Time-accumulation means to accumulate the count of laser points at the


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Fig. 5. Raw data of one single-frame (in part).

lish an initial position and velocity of the feet at the beginning half of the swing phase then remain inactive throughout the other half of the swing phase. Actually, from Fig. 7 we can see, the brighter points in the accumulated image are directly related with the inactive feet of persons. If we can accurately locate these points, they can provide us very direct and stable cues to infer the trajectories of walking people. The distribution of laser points in the image is discrete and it is hard to directly locate the points with maximal intensity. Parzen window density estimation [10] is a wellknown non-parametric method to estimate distribution from sample data and we utilize it to convert discrete sample points to a continuous density function. The general form of the density is then: ^pðxÞ ¼

Fig. 6. Single-frame clustering result.

same pixel of successive multiple frames as the intensity of that pixel (Fig. 7 shows a time-accumulation image). If an object stops at a position for a while, the laser points belonging to it will accumulate at the nearby position (considering the measurement noise). And thus in the final time accumulation image, the intensity of pixel corresponding to the object position will be much higher than other pixels and appears to be a maximum in a neighborhood. According to the usual walking model of humans, when a normal walking person steps forward, one of the typical appearances is, at any moment, one foot swings by pivoting on the other one, as shown in Fig. 10. Two feet interchange their duty by landing and moving shifts at a rhythmic pattern. It was reported that [11] muscles act only to estab-

Fig. 7. Accumulated image at frame 364, the data are represented as a set of discrete points.

n 1X /ðx  xi ; hÞ n i¼1


in which, {x1, . . . , xn} is a set of d-dimensional samples (d = 2 in this case), /(Æ) is the window function and h is the window width parameter. Parzen showed that ^pðxÞ converges to the true density if /(Æ) and h are selected properly [10]. The most popular window function is the Gaussian distribution, and we also choose it because of its good features:  T 1  1 z R z /ðz; hÞ ¼ exp  ð2Þ d=2 d 1=2 2h2 ð2pÞ h jRj where R is a covariance and we use the identity matrix simply, considering its property of isotropy in two dimensions. The selection of h here depends on the size of foot region. One result of the accumulated image after Parzen window is shown in Fig. 8. For the search of local maxima in a kernel-based density, mean-shift appears to be a common method and should be able to give promising result. Considering the real-time requirement of tracking and the low dimensionality of laser data, we choose a simple local search strategy, which is proven very effective and fast by our experiments. In summary, we process the laser data with accumulation, Parzen window filter, and local maximum search at

Fig. 8. After Parzen window on Fig. 7, with continuous intensity distribution.

J. Cui et al. / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312


every time step. A number of measurements will be obtained, each of which represents one foot that maintains static for a while in a small region so that its intensity is one local maximum in the current accumulated image. Since one local maxima might appear in several successive frames, only newly appeared ones are considered as measurements at current time (Fig. 9). Fig. 10. Walking model.

5. Evaluations on detection algorithm

T1 E1 T2 E2



Count of persons

We evaluated our detection algorithm through a sequence of 1000 frames (about 3 s). The detection performance is evaluated by comparing the true count and the estimated count of persons in the scene. And two different situations are considered separately. One is considering the whole laser coverage of the sensors (situation I). Laser coverage here means the area that is measured by at least one laser scanner, considering only the occlusions from the physical layout of the environment, and the area is about 30 m · 30 m large. The other situation (situation II) is considering the central area of laser coverage that is measured by at least two laser scanners and not too far away from the locations of the laser scanners, considering occlusions from moving people and the physical layout, and the area is about 20 m · 18 m large (see Fig. 3(b)). As a result of difficulty and hard workload in obtaining ground-truth count of multiple people, we evaluated our detection algorithm with sampling results at an interval of 50 frames. In Fig. 11, the count of correctly detected persons is compared with the true count at every 50 frames. In Table 1, the detection ratios are listed out. The detection ratio in situation I is much lower than situation II. The reason is that in situation I, persons with few points are also included, as shown in Fig. 12. In some remote corners, persons are almost occluded by the environment, and thus only two or three points of one leg are visible. In situation II, only central area is considered, and these areas have been taken out. Consequently, the detection ratios greatly increase. The errors come from two reasons: occlusion and noise. And most of the detection failures from occlusions can be recovered with time accumulation computation within the following 1–10 frames. Noisy measurements mainly come




0 0






Laser scan frame

Fig. 11. Evaluation of the detection results in two situations. T1: true count of persons in the whole area (situation I). E1: detection result in the whole area. T2: true count of persons in the central area (situation II). E2: detection result in the central area.

Table 1 Detection ratios

Situation I Situation II

Highest ratio (%)

Lowest ratio (%)

Average ratio (%)

97.67 100

85 90.48

91.41 96.41

Fig. 12. Difficulty in people detection for situation I. Only three points are measured for one leg.

Fig. 9. Leg extraction result on Fig. 8, each circle denotes an inactive leg.

from luggage dragged by the persons or measurement split by partial occlusion. In Fig. 11 and Table 1, only detection result at one frame is considered. Another evaluation can be done considering the detection ratio of persons through the whole


J. Cui et al. / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312

sequence of 1000 frames. There appeared totally 96 persons. And only 1 person is missed in the whole sequences, because of severe occlusion. 93 persons are successfully detected within 5 frames, and 95 persons are detected within 10 frames after their first appearance in the scene. In addition, there are 6 noisy measurements.

terior distribution P(Xk|Y1:k) over the joint state Xk of all present targets given all observations Y1:k = {Y1, . . . , Yk} up to and including time k is updated according to the recursive formula X P ðX k jY 1:k Þ ¼ c P ðX k ; hk jY 1:k Þ hk


6. Bayesian tracking and data association


P ðY k jX k ; hk ÞP ðhk Þ


After the inactive legs are detected, they are stored as measurements at current time. As there are multiple targets and multiple measurements, the direct estimation of the target states is difficult due to the unknown data associations. So called data association is to associate these measurements to the trajectories in previous frames. To address the problem, the target states can be augmented with the unknown associations, and the joint distribution of states and associations are estimated sequentially. In the following, the probabilistic tracking model will be introduced firstly, and then sequential inference process using Bayes’ rule is described, which is difficult to compute analytically. Finally, two strategies are presented to simplify the computation, respectively for the case of independent tracking and the case of joint tracking of multiple targets. 6.1. Probabilistic tracking model Here, we describe a probabilistic model for tracking that addresses the problem of multiple measurements and multiple targets. We assume that there are T targets, where T is fixed, and write their joint state as Xk. At each time step we have M measurements Yk, where M can change at each time step. Data-association set is denoted as hk. In this paper, we assume one target can generate up to one measurement, and one measurement can be generated from up to one target. First, we specify the joint distribution P(X0:k, Y1:k, h1:k) over the actual measurements Y1:k, data associations h1:k, and states X0:k of the targets between time steps 0 to k, P ðX 0:K ; Y 1:K ; h1:K Þ ¼ P ðX 0 Þ


P ðX k jX k1 ÞP ðY k jhk ; X k ÞP ðhk Þ


where we assumed that the target motion is Markov, each measurement set Yk is conditionally independent given the current state Xk, and Xk depends only on the previous time step. Since the actual state Xk of the targets does not provide us with any information on the data association. Consequently, we also assume that the prior over data associations P(hk) does not depend on the target state P ðY k ; hk jX k Þ ¼ P ðY k jhk ; X k ÞP ðhk Þ


It is convenient to write inference in this model recursively via the Bayes filter. The objective is to infer the current position Xk of the targets given all of the measurements Y1:k observed so far. In particular, the pos-


P ðX k jX k1 ÞP ðX k1 jY k1 Þ


X k1

where c is a normalizing constant. In usual, this expression of sequential update equation cannot be solved analytically. Further assumptions are required to simplify this model, which will be introduced in Sections 6.2 and 6.3. In the sections below we concentrate on deriving an expression for the posterior P(Xk|Y1:k) on both Xk and the data association hk, by providing further details on the motion model P(Xk|Xk1) and the measurement model P(Yk|Xk, hk). 6.1.1. State space and observation space The state space for each target included both position and velocity Xk,i = [xk,i, yk,i, vxk,i, vyk,i]T, i = 1, . . . , T at time step k. Measurements were simply 2-d positions Yk,j = [uk,j, vk,j]T, j = 1, . . . , M. 6.1.2. The motion model For the motion model, we assume a standard linearGaussian model. That is, we assume that the initial joint state is Gaussian P ðX 0 Þ ¼ N ðX 0 ; m0 ; V 0 Þ m0 ¼ fm0;1 ; . . . ; m0;T g; V 0 ¼ fV 0;1 ; . . . ; V 0;T g


where m0 is the mean and V0 is the corresponding covariance matrix. In addition, we assume that targets move according to a linear model with additive Gaussian noise, P ðX k jX k1 Þ ¼ N ðX k ; AX k1 ; Qk1 Þ


where Qk1 is the prediction covariance and A is a linear prediction matrix. We model the motion of each target independently with a constant velocity model, i.e.   I 22 I 22 A ¼ diagfA1 ; . . . ; AT g; Ai ¼ ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; T 0 I 22 ð7Þ where I2·2 denotes 2-by-2 identity matrix. 6.1.3. The measurement model We represent a data association set hk by a hk ¼ fði; jÞjhk;j ¼ ig;

ði; jÞ

2 f0; . . . ; T g  f1; . . . ; Mg


where hk,j = i denotes that the jth measurement is generated by ith, and i = 0 implies that the measurement is a clutter.

J. Cui et al. / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312


Given the data association hk we can divide the measurements into clutter and observations, respectively [13],

Assume the initial prior distributions of the target states are Gaussian.

P ðY k jX k ; hk Þ ¼ P ðY c;k jhk ÞP ðY o;k jX k ; hk Þ

P ðxj;0 Þ ¼ N ðxj;0 ; mj;0 V j;0 Þ:


Then, we assume that each clutter measurement, i.e., an unassigned measurement is independently and uniformly generated over the field of view. Consequently, the clutter model is a constant C proportional to the number of clutter measurements. |Yc,k|: P ðY c;k jhk Þ ¼ jY c;k j=C


The constant C is related to the size of the field of view—in a 720 · 480 image C = 720 Æ 480. To model the observations, we map the data association in a Gaussian observation model P ðY o;k jhk ; X k Þ ¼ N ðY o;k ; HX k ; Rk Þ


where Rk is the measurement covariance. We assume that each measurement is generated independently, and we once again obtain a block-diagonal structure: H ¼ diagfH 1 ; . . . ; H M g; H j ¼ ½ I 22 022 ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; M ð12Þ 6.2. Independent tracking using Kalman filters Once the models are specified, the joint distribution of data association and state can be estimated recursively using Eq. (4). In usual, this expression of sequential update equation cannot be solved analytically. Further assumptions are required to simplify this equation. In this section, we will introduce the first simplification. Now we assume that all the targets move independently, and the targets’ states are not correlated or mutually independent. The possible measurement to target data associations are determined by a simple strategy of gating [4]. That is targets are only assigned to measurements within standard deviations of the predicted position of the target. Then we can construct their measurement likelihood independently and compute the MAP (maximum a posterior probability) estimation for each target, respectively: P ðxj;k ; hj;k Þ ¼ P ðhj;k ÞP ðY k jxj;k ; hj;k Þ Z  P ðxj;k jxj;k1 ÞP ðxj;k1 jY 1:k1 Þdxj;k1


The assignment that provides maximum a posterior probability is chosen as the potential association for each target. The dynamic model for each target is one component of Eq. (6), i.e. linear with constant velocity. P ðxj;k jxj;k1 Þ ¼ N ðxj;k jAxj;k1 ; Qj;k1 Þ X P ðxj;k1 jY 1:k1 Þ ¼ P ðxj;k1 ; hj;k1 jY 1:k1 Þ hj;k1

For the targets originated measurement likelihood, we use an additional coherency cue. Then, with the independent assumption, the measurement likelihood is: P ðY k jxj;1:k ; hj;k Þ ¼ Z position  Z coherency j;k j;k


Z position j;k

is the cue derived from the distance between measured position and predicted position as shown in (13): Z position ¼ P ðy position jX k ; hjk ¼ sÞ ¼ N ðy s;k jHxj;k ; Rj;k Þ j;k s;k


where hj,k = s means sth measurement ys,k is from target j, and y position ¼ Hxj;k þ rj;k , rj,k  N(0, Rj,k), s;k H ¼ ½ I 22 022 . Z coherency is the cue derived from the region membership j;k of measured position belonging to an target trajectory (see Fig. 9). It is formulated based on the observation that two successive measurements of the same person belong to the same coherent region in accumulated image. Some advanced region segmentation and analysis methods should be effective, but also slow. We choose a quite practical and effective approach that measures the intensity of points on the line linking the measured position and the last position of target trajectory: 0 1 ffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi Y Y Z coherency ¼ jEj intensityðpÞ ¼ exp @ln jEj intensityðpÞA j;k p2E

¼ exp


1 X lnðintensityðpÞÞ jEj p2E

¼ exp 


! ð16Þ !

histðiÞ lnð1=iÞ

i2 histðEÞ

where E is the line linking measured position and last trajectory position, p is the pixel on the line, hist(E) is the histogram of line pixels, and hist(i) 2 [0,1] is the histogram value of a specific intensity value i 2 (0,1]. This coherency likelihood is demonstrated with great robustness and effectiveness in our experiments and could uniquely make data associations correctly in most cases. Even in case of a trajectory is built newly and thus position is difficult to predict, or people changes walking direction and predicted position is wrong, the coherency likelihood could also assign measurement to correct trajectory (see Fig. 13). 6.3. Joint tracking of multiple targets using RBMC-DAF While using independent filters is computationally tractable, the result is prone to failures. In a typical failure mode, illustrated in Fig. 14, two targets walk closely, and the measurement of one target ‘‘hijacks’’ the filter of another nearby target with a high likelihood score.


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n oS ðsÞ P ðX k1 jY 1:k1 Þ  X k1


Given this representation, we obtain the following Monte Carlo approximation of the Bayes filter P ðX k jY 1:k Þ  c


P ðY k jX k ; hk ÞP ðhk Þ


Fig. 13. Illustration for region coherency likelihood on accumulated image. The top point is a new detected measurement. The points linked with this new measurement are locations of two trajectories in the previous frame. The lines denote possible data associations.



P ðX k jX k1 Þ



A straightforward implementation of this equation is intractable due to the large summation over the space of data associations hk combined with the summation over the indicator s. To address this problem, a second Monte Carlo approximation can be introduced. P ðX k jY 1:k Þ  c




P ðY k jX k ; hk ÞP ðhk Þ




P ðX k jX k1 Þ



Fig. 14. (Left) A failure. (Right) Correct trajectories. Frame 1546.

Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter [2,3] can address these situations. However, the JPDAF represents the belief over the state of the targets as a Gaussian, and may not accurately capture the multi-modal distribution over the target states. On the other hand, in [13,14], the Rao-Blackweillized Monte Carlo data association filter (RBMC-DAF) algorithm is introduced to estimate data associations with a SIR filter and the other parts with a Kalman filter. This idea is originated from Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering (RBPF) [12]. That is, sometimes it is possible to evaluate a part of the filtering equations analytically and the other part by Monte Carlo sampling instead of computing everything by pure sampling. In this way multi-modal distribution of the target state can be considered with limited computation. In [14], only one measurement is processed at each time step. In this paper, we extend the RBMC-DAF to the case of data associations for multiple measurements. In the following, we first provide a Monte Carlo strategy sampling on the data association, and then Rao-Blackwellized data association algorithm will be presented as a practical strategy to improve the computation.

6.3.1. Monte Carlo sampling on data association A Monte Carlo sampling method approximates a probability distribution by a set of samples drawn from the distribution. In a typical Monte Carlo sampling method, one starts by inductively assuming that the posterior distribution over the joint state of the targets at the previous time step is approximated by a set of S samples

And then, the evaluation of this equation can be achieved with Gaussian assumption of state distribution in a Rao-Blackwellized Monte Carlo Data Association framework. 6.3.2. Rao-Blackwellized Monte Carlo data association At each time step, we run the tracking and data association process as following. Initialization: We assume that we can approximate the posterior P(Xk1|Y1:k1) by the following mixture of Gaussians: P ðX k1 jY 1:k1 Þ 

S 1X ðsÞ ðsÞ N ðX k1 ; mk1 ; V k1 Þ S s¼1

Prediction: Because the target motion model is linearGaussian, the predictive density over Xk for each value of the mixture indicator s can be calculated analytically Z ðsÞ ðsÞ P ðX k jX k1 ÞN ðX k1 ; mk1 ; V k1 Þ X k1 ðsÞ


¼ N ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ


Hence, the predictive prior P(Xk|Y1:k1) on the current state is also a mixture of Gaussians P ðX k jY 1:k1 Þ 

S 1X ðsÞ ðsÞ N ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ S s¼1


Evaluation: The sequential Monte Carlo approximation (17) to the target posterior using Bayes filter becomes P ðX k jY 1:k Þ S X 1X ðsÞ ðsÞ P ðY k jX k ; hk ÞP ðhk Þ N ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ c S s¼1 h k


W X w¼1





ðs0 Þ

ðs0 Þ

P ðY k jX k ; hk ÞP ðhk ÞN ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ


J. Cui et al. / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312

using a set of sampled states, data associations, and mixðwÞ ðwÞ W ture indicators fX k ; hk ; sðwÞ gw¼1 where s 0 = s(w) is the wth sampled mixture indicator drawn from the following target density ~ðX k ; hk ; sÞ ¼ p

ðsÞ ðsÞ P ðY k jX k ; hk ÞP ðhk ÞN ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ


Now, we can analytically marginalize out the current state Xk based on Eq. (22), and obtain a Rao-Blackwellized target density pðhk ; sÞ ¼ P ðY c;k jhk ÞP ðhk Þ Z ðsÞ ðsÞ  N ðY o;k ; HX k ; Rk ÞN ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ



The key observation here is that the product of the likelihood and the predictive prior ðsÞ


N ðY o;k ; HX k ; Rk ÞN ðX k ; Amk1 ; Qk1 Þ proportional to a Gaussian. P(hk) is assumed to be uniformly distributed. As a result, the integral over Xk is analytically tractable and is also Gaussian. ðwÞ Sampling: Finally, samples fhk ; sðwÞ gWw¼1 drawn from the Rao-Blackwellized target density p(hk,s) based on Eq. (23) are used to construct a new mixture of Gaussians over the current state P ðX k jY 1:k Þ ¼ ðwÞ

W 1 X ðwÞ ðwÞ N ðX k ; mk ; V k Þ W w¼1



where mk is the mean and V k is the covariance of the target state at the current time step. Practical heuristics: We apply two heuristics to obtain some additional gains in efficiency. First, we gate the measurements based on a covariance ellipse around each target. Targets are only assigned to measurements within standard deviations of the predicted position of the target. Second, the components of the association set are sampled sequentially conditional on the components sampled earlier in the sequence. We make use of this property to ensure that measurements associated with targets earlier in the sequence are not considered as candidates to be associated with the current target. In this way, the algorithm is guaranteed to generate only valid association hypotheses. In addition, sampling is done using Roulette-wheel selection. That is, states with high density would be selected with high probability. 6.3.3. Mutual correlation detection and modeling For detection of mutual correlation between multiple targets, a graph is used, with the nodes representing the targets and the edges representing that there is a correlation or interaction between corresponding nodes. Targets within a certain distance (e.g. 20 cm, 15 pixels) of one another are linked by an edge. The absence of edges between two targets provides the intuition that targets far away will not influence each other’s motion. At each time step, the correlation graph is updated. The targets with no edge are tracked with independent filters and targets with edges


are tracked with RBMC-DAF. In this work, up to two targets are considered and jointly tracked using RB-MCDAF. 7. Evaluations on tracking results Four single-row laser-range scanners are exploited in our experiments and cover a corner of an exhibition hall as shown in Fig. 3(b). Each laser scanner profiles 360 range distances equally in 180 on the scanning plane with the frequency of 30 fps. Scanners are set doing horizontal scanning on the height of 16 cm from horizontal ground. We use a sequence with 9035 frames as the experimental data. Fig. 15 is a screen copy of generated trajectories, where red circles denote the location of laser scanners; green points represent background image; white points represent moving legs. Colour lines are trajectories. Extreme points of trajectories are locations of inactive leg of people at current time. Laser points of one person are manually circled to ease observing. Two close persons (rectangle in the right of the figure) are tracked with RB-MCDAF, and other persons are tracked with independent KFs. With conventional laser-based tracking method, tracking often fails in three kinds of situations: (1) in the case that people walk too close; (2) in the case that people walk cross and their feet are too close together at intersection point; (3) in the case that there is temporal occlusion. Our method could handle all these cases well. Case I: people walk closely together This is a case that occurs very often, especially in a crowded environment. Due to the nearly distributed laser

Fig. 15. A screen copy of tracking result.

Fig. 16. Results when there are several closely walking people. Simple clustering will fail in these cases. (Left) Frame 2845; (Right) frame 3425. Green points are expected positions obtained by Kalman prediction.


J. Cui et al. / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312

Fig. 17. Tracking of two correlated targets. From left to right: frame 1590, 1594, 1603 and 1650.

Fig. 18. Tracking of two targets walking across. (Left) Before cross in frame 3716. (Right) After cross in frame 3753.

points, clustering based on just one frame cannot correctly extract the targets. In the experiment, we found that for most of these cases, independent Kalman filter is sufficient for correct tracking as shown in Fig. 16. However, there are still few times that independent filter failed. This is because the regions of two close targets are strongly correlated. Once the correlation is detected, RBMC-DAF with 100 particles is used to track these two

targets jointly (Fig. 17). In this experiment, we only considered the case of two mutually correlated targets. It is equivalent to remain 100 most probable data associations at each time step, while the space of all data associations grows exponentially with time. Case II: two persons walk cross generating mixed data In the case that visitors cross and their feet are too close together at intersection point, the data of which are mixed and one foot is lost in extraction. In conventional tracking method, first in clustering process, system will fail to obtain correct observation. And this will increase the difficulty of data association and tracking. In Fig. 18, we show an example of tracking two people walking across. The trajectories are correctly obtained. Case III: occlusions In conventional laser-based tracking system, occlusions result in the difficulty in object extraction at some particular time steps. Complex filters were used for inference. In this paper, instead of complex filter, we use accumulated distribution to overcome the data missing problem of temporal occlusion. The reason is that our feature extraction is based on statistical computation on accumulated data. So, temporal data missing within a reasonable while does not influence the correctness of feature extraction. Some additional images of tracking results are shown in Fig. 19. To make quantitative analysis on the tracking performance, we compared the count of correctly tracked trajec-

Fig. 19. Tracking results. (a) Frame 700. (b) Frame 715. (c) Frame 730. (d) Frame 745.

J. Cui et al. / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106 (2007) 300–312 T1 E1 T2 E2


Count of trajectories





0 0






Laser scan frame

Fig. 20. Evaluation of the tracking results in two situations. T1: true count of trajectories in the whole area (situation I). E1: correctly tracked trajectories in the whole area. T2: true count of trajectories in the central area (situation II). E2: correctly tracked trajectories in the central area.

Table 2 Reasons for tracking failures Reason for failures in frame 0–1000

Count of failures

Non-detection results in non-trajectory Few laser points with low detection ratio of one person through the sequence results in a broken trajectory Walking too fast makes data association within nearby range fail Noisy measurement generates a nonexistent trajectory Noisy measurement disturbs an existing trajectory nearby, and results in a broken trajectory Noisy measurement attracts an existing trajectory, and results in a tracking error, but then the tracker can recover from this error When a new object is detected, an existing trajectory is attracted by the new measurement, which results in errors in both trackers of two persons Tracking error caused from mixed data of two closely situated persons

1 3 3 2 1 2



tories and the true number of trajectories in Fig. 20. Again, we sampled the results at the interval of 50 frames. There are totally 96 trajectories in the whole area and 14 of them have one or several failures through 200 time steps (1000 frames). And thus, the success ratio of the tracker is 85.42%. The reasons and corresponding number of the failures are listed in Table 2. To sum up, in this experiment, tens of people are tracked simultaneously in real-time. At the peak time, about fifty people are tracked simultaneously with near real-time performance. The experiments demonstrate the stability of the feature extraction method, the effectiveness of the measurement likelihood method and Bayesian data association method, and achieve a very promising tracking result.


8. Conclusions and discussions There are two main issues for laser-based multiple people tracking. One is the difficulty in effective feature extraction. The other one is joint estimation of targets states and data associations. In this paper, a novel method is proposed of tracking multiple people in a wide and open area, such as a shopping mall and an exhibition hall, by scanning the feet of pedestrians using a number of single-row laserrange scanners. In our experiment, four laser scanners are set on an exhibition hall, monitoring visitors’ flow during a whole exhibition day. About 50 visitors are tracked simultaneously during a peak hour with near real-time performance, which is much faster than our previous work [8]. Compared with existing laser-based trackers, our method has two significant advantages: the extracted feature is very stable and deals with the measurement noise very well; the measurement likelihood is very strong that could uniquely make data associations correctly in most cases. Additional RBMC-DAF is used for tracking correlated two targets. The experimental results showed that our proposed method is very effective and robust. There are still several problems that not yet solved well. If one people moves very fast (jogs for example), the accumulated image might not provide a significant local maximum for some static foot positions. We might miss that position and get a broken trajectory there sometimes. This could be improved by a finer search strategy of local maximum or using a slide window to consider simultaneously several successive scan images. For people carrying luggage, we can correctly track the person in most cases. But in some time, the person and luggage together will generate two trajectories that mutually cross because we do not use a specific model for luggage. This problem could be tackled by learning patterns, respectively, for human and luggage in our future work. In addition, a tracking algorithm will be developed for monitoring not only pedestrians, but also shopping carts, baby cars, bicycles, motor cars, and so on. Fusion of laser data and vision data will be another powerful approach for high-level tracking and motion analysis. References [1] E. Prassler, J. Scholz, M. Schuster, D. Schwammkrug, Tracking a large number of moving objects in a crowded environment, in: IEEE Workshop on Perception for Mobile Agents, Santa Barbara, June 1998. [2] B. Kluge, C. Koehler, E. Prassler, Fast and robust tracking of multiple moving objects with a laser range finder, in: Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), 2001, pp. 1683–1688. [3] M. Lindstro¨m, J.-O. Eklundh, Detecting and tracking moving objects from a mobile platform using a laser range scanner, in: Proc. IEEE/ RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2001, pp. 1364–1369. [4] D. Schulz, W. Burgard, D. Fox, A. Cremers, Tracking multiple moving targets with a mobile robot, in: Proc. of the IEEE Computer







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