Layer-selective half-metallicity in bilayer graphene nanoribbons Gi Wan Jeon, Kyu Won Lee & Cheol Eui Lee
received: 11 December 2014 accepted: 19 March 2015 Published: 07 May 2015
Half-metallicity recently predicted in the zigzag-edge graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) and the hydrogenated carbon nanotubes (CNTs) enables fully spin-polarized electric currents, providing a basis for carbon-based spintronics. In both carbon systems, the half-metallicity arises from the edge-localized electron states under an electric field, lowering the critical electric field Dc for the halfmetallicity being an issue in recent works on ZGNRs. A properly chosen direction of the electric field alone has been predicted to significantly reduce Dc in the hydrogenated CNTs, which in this work turned out to be the case in narrow bilayer ZGNRs (biZGNRs). Here, our simple model based on the electrostatic potential difference between the edges predicts that for wide biZGNRs of width greater than ~2.0 nm (10 zigzag carbon chains), only one layer of the biZGNRs becomes half-metallic leaving the other layer insulating as confirmed by our density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The electric field-induced switching of the spin-polarized current path is believed to open a new route to graphene-based spintronics applications.
BiZGNRs with terminating hydrogen atoms will be referred to as n-biZGNRs, the number of zigzag carbon chains n giving the width of the ribbon1–8. BiZGNRs can be built in three different stacking forms: AA, ABα, and ABβ7. In AA stacking, carbon atoms in a layer locate directly above the carbon atoms in the other layer. In AB stacking (Bernal stacking in graphite), there are two types of carbon atoms, i.e., the carbon atoms in a layer are positioned above the center of the hexagons of the other layer, defining a B-sublattice, and those positioned right on top of the carbon atoms in the other layer, forming an A-sublattice8–11. The ABα and ABβ forms are discerned by their edge alignment patterns7,9–11. The ground state of the AA stacking has been shown to be a non-magnetic metal or an insulator with antiferromagnetic inter- and intra-layer spin alignments6,7,12, while that of the ABα stacking is known to be a non-magnetic insulator9,10,12, or an insulating state with antiferromagnetic inter- and intra-layer spin alignments7. In our DFT calculations without considering van der Waals forces, ABβ stacking has an insulating ground state with antiferromagnetic intralayer and ferromagnetic interlayer spin alignments (see Fig. 1), while both AA and ABα stacking forms prefer non-magnetic states9,10. The spin alignment in the ABβ stacking is similar to that in single-layer ZGNRs13–16. Studies of biZGNRs have mostly aimed at imparting metallic properties by chemical doping and controlling the interlayer distance6,17,18. Because of the opposite spin orientations at opposite edges in the ABβ stacking form of biZGNRs, a transversal electric field causes an electrostatic potential difference between the edge states and thus between the opposite spin channels, which led us to investigate the electric field-induced half-metallicity in the system. A simple model for an electrostatic potential difference between edges can be introduced for the ABβ stacking form of biZGNRs5,6. Due to the interlayer interaction, the electron states localized at the edge carbon atoms in the A-sublattice are expected to have higher energies than those in the B-sublattice6. The energy level shifts of the band edges of the energy bands, occupied by the edge-localized electrons, under an electric field D tilted at an angle θ from the x-axis can be expressed in terms of the electrostatic potential energy (see Fig. 1). For the spin channels for which the band gap closes (red spins in Fig. 2).
U (LB) = E 3 −
w + δx e l e Dcosθ − Dsinθ, 2 Ce 2 Ce
(1 )
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to C.E.L. (email:
[email protected]) Scientific Reports | 5:09825 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09825
Figure 1. Structure and spin density of 12-biZGNR in the ABβ stacking. (a) Upper view of the ABβ stacking of 12-biZGNR. The yellow and cyan balls correspond to carbon and hydrogen, respectively. The red and blue spheres represent the isosurfaces of the spin densities of opposite spin orientations. (b) Side view of 12-biZGNR. The coordinate system used is depicted on the ABβ stacking form of 12-biZGNRs. The origin is at the center of the biZGNR with the z-axis parallel to the ribbon axis. The x-axis is parallel to the line connecting the two opposite edges and the y-axis is normal to the line. The symbols w, l, and δx represent the width of a layer, the interlayer distance, and the lateral shift between two layers. The edge carbon atoms are each labeled as LA, LB, RA, and RB, A and B representing the sublattices.
Figure 2. Projected density of states (PDOS) of the four edge carbon atoms. (a) The PDOS of the edge carbons LA and RB in the upper layer in the absence of an electric field. (b) The PDOS of the edge carbons LB and RA in the lower layer in the absence of electric field. The symbols E1 to E4 correspond to the energy level of the band edges, nearest to the Fermi level. The blue and red arrows indicate the energy level shift directions of the opposite spin orientations in the presence of an electric field applied along the x- or y- axes.
Scientific Reports | 5:09825 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09825
U (RA) = E2 +
w − δx e l e Dcosθ − Dsinθ, 2 Ce 2 Ce
(2 )
U (LA) = E4 −
w − δx e l e Dcosθ + Dsinθ, 2 Ce 2 Ce
(3 )
U (RB) = E1 +
w + δx e l e Dcosθ + Dsinθ, 2 Ce 2 Ce
(4 )
w, l, and δx are the nanoribbon width, the interlayer distance, and the lateral shift between the layers, respectively. The charge density localized at the edge carbon atoms is given as e/Ce. E and U are the energy levels of the band edges in the absence and in the presence of electric fields, respectively, with E1