Computers & Education 55 (2010) 218–228
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Learning motivation in e-learning facilitated computer programming courses Kris M.Y. Law a,b,*, Victor C.S. Lee c, Y.T. Yu c a
Department of Industrial Systems and Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Hong Kong Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan c Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong b
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history: Received 18 August 2009 Received in revised form 11 December 2009 Accepted 11 January 2010
Keywords: Evaluation of CAL systems Interactive learning environments Pedagogical issues Programming Programming languages
a b s t r a c t Computer programming skills constitute one of the core competencies that graduates from many disciplines, such as engineering and computer science, are expected to possess. Developing good programming skills typically requires students to do a lot of practice, which cannot sustain unless they are adequately motivated. This paper reports a preliminary study that investigates the key motivating factors affecting learning among university undergraduate students taking computer programming courses. These courses are supported by an e-learning system – Programming Assignment aSsessment System (PASS), which aims at providing an infrastructure and facilitation to students learning computer programming. A research model is adopted linking various motivating factors, self-efficacy, as well as the effect due to the e-learning system. Some factors are found to be notably more motivating, namely, ‘individual attitude and expectation’, ‘clear direction’, and ‘reward and recognition’. The results also suggest that a well facilitated e-learning setting can enhance learning motivation and self-efficacy. Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Since the 1990s, the Hong Kong government has embarked on a policy of rapid expansion in higher education to provide the necessary well-trained workforce for economic development. Computer science and information technology graduates have been in high demand. In the era of globalization, rapid technology development and knowledge-based economy, educators face the challenges of nurturing graduates so that they are well equipped with advanced technical know-how and core competencies. The challenge of preparing graduates for a fast-changing work environment calls for the development of an effective learning framework. In this regard, technology is often used to enhance students’ engagement in learning and their academic achievement (Carle, Jaffee, & Miller, 2009; Roth, Ivanchenko, & Record, 2008; Tan, 2006; Yu, Poon, & Choy, 2006). In addition, student’s learning motivation is also a crucial enabler of the success of learning. Sufficient attention must be paid not only to the course design and the learning context (Govender, in press), but also to what are in the mind of individual students that motivate their learning process (Jenkins, 2001; Law, Sandnes, Jian, & Huang, 2009; Yin, Law, & Chuah, 2007). 2. Background Computer programming skills constitute one of the core competencies of a graduate from computer science and, more generally, from the engineering discipline. Computer programming courses are perceived as uniquely demanding, characterized by the large amount of exercises that students are expected to practise intensively in order to develop good programming skills and gain experience in debugging (Lam, Chan, Lee, & Yu, 2008). However, students nowadays will easily lose enthusiasm and interests in learning computer programming, especially when they experience repetitive failure in practising on their own. The need to improve the teaching and learning of computer programming thus calls for special attention to the factors affecting students’ learning motivation (Jenkins, 2001). We believe that the process of learning is dynamic in which knowledge acquisition and sharing are shaped by various factors (Govender, in press; Lau & Yuen, 2009). In addition to individual differences, learning motivation and efficacy of students can be affected by environmental factors, such as the learning approach, infrastructure and social pressure from learning peers (Law et al., 2009). The study presented in this paper was undertaken among students taking computer programming courses offered by the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong. The courses made use of a Web-based facilitative tool, called Programming Assignment * Corresponding author. Address: Department of Industrial Systems and Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Hong Kong. Tel.: +852 2766 6598; fax: +852 2362 5267. E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (K.M.Y. Law),
[email protected] (V.C.S. Lee),
[email protected] (Y.T. Yu). 0360-1315/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.01.007
K.M.Y. Law et al. / Computers & Education 55 (2010) 218–228
aSsessment System (PASS), as an integrated e-learning system to support and monitor the teaching and learning activities (Choy et al., 2008; PASS, 2009; Yu et al., 2006). 2.1. PASS – a facilitative e-learning system Learning to write computer programs is known to be difficult for many beginners. For decades, researchers have been building automated e-learning systems to lower the barriers to programming (Ala-Mutka, 2005; Kelleher & Pausch, 2005). For example, Allen, Cartwright, and Stoler (2002) built DrJava, a customized program development environment for students to write programs so that they will not be distracted by the complexity of features found in common integrated development environments. Some researchers developed algorithm animation systems such as TANGO (Stasko, 1990) and ANIMAL (Röbling & Freisleben, 2002) that guide students to learn the dynamics of program execution by visually demonstrating how the algorithms work. Many of the above systems were originated from prototypes developed for research work. On the other hand, program submission/assessment systems were originally developed to automate the process of student program submissions and assessment (Ala-Mutka, 2005). Once adopted, however, these systems were found to be very useful not only in relieving the administrative burden of instructors, they are also valuable in tracking students’ programming work and providing prompt feedback to students. As such, these systems have gained broad appeal and are now heavily used in many computer programming courses in universities worldwide (Ala-Mutka, 2005; Yu et al., 2006). PASS is a program submission/assessment system first developed in 2004 in City University of Hong Kong, with the primary aim to assisting beginners in learning programming (Chong & Choy, 2004; Yu et al., 2006). It is now regularly used as an integrated part of many undergraduate courses related to computer programming. By the end of July 2009, PASS has served more than 4000 students in a total of 30 courses in computer programming, data structures and data mining (PASS, 2009). PASS is typically used in the following way. First, after teaching certain programming skills, the instructor uploads a programming problem, together with a set of test cases. The problem may serve as an exercise for practice of the taught skills, or an assignment for summative assessment. Next, a student reads the problem from the system, writes a program to solve the problem, and submits it to the system. The system automatically assesses the student’s submitted program by executing it with a set of instructor-prepared test cases, and instantly returns the test results to the student. If necessary, the student may revise his/her program and re-submit as many times as needed until it is correct (or until a certain deadline pre-set by the instructor). Through PASS, students receive timely and relevant feedback to facilitate their learning without the need to wait for a human mentor or to work in class (Lam et al., 2007). Thus, PASS serves as an e-learning infrastructure that allows students to learn computer programming through a stepwise-reflective approach and a progressive learning cycle (Chong & Choy, 2004). In particular, for every test case, PASS compares, character by character, the student program output with the instructor-defined expected output, and pinpoints the exact position where the two outputs differ (Choy et al., 2008). The output differences, together with annotations that the instructor may add to the test cases, can serve as useful debugging hints for students, especially for common mistakes associated with common wrong outputs (Lam et al., 2008). Therefore, students can learn from their mistakes. Moreover, PASS provides a variety of online information for instructors to monitor students’ performance (Lam et al., 2007). Since inception, PASS has been generally well received by both instructors and students, as seen from its frequent usage and comments by students (Yu et al., 2006). For example, some students commented that PASS provided encouragement and improved their confidence and learning (PASS, 2009): ‘‘It can help me to check my lab exercises by myself. It can encourage me to do all the lab exercises. So it is very useful.” ‘‘I can work more independently and it gives me confidence when I got all correct. Little by little, I build up my own reliance!” ‘‘We can know the bugs immediately; it increases the rate of learning.” Inspired by the previous qualitative observations and informal feedback, we set out to perform a more systematic and detailed investigation. The present study seeks to investigate a set of key factors of student learning motivation in a PASS-facilitated setting, as well as the effect (which we refer to as e-effect in this work) of such an e-learning setting on computer programming learning (Fig. 1). 2.2. Learning and motivation Learning and motivation are highly complex facets of human behaviour. People do learn from their experiences, while their willingness to learn is affected by a set of determinants. Relationships between motivating factors and learning have been a prominent research topic in the field of higher education (Jenkins, 2001; Lynch, 2006). Motivation is believed to be an enabler for learning and academic success (Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2002; Lynch, 2006). This is more so in the case of learning computer programming, where engagement in frequent practice would not happen without the sustained motivation to succeed (Jenkins, 2001). Motivating factors
Facilitative e-learning infrastructure (PASS)
Computer programming learning
Fig. 1. Computer programming learning facilitated by PASS.
K.M.Y. Law et al. / Computers & Education 55 (2010) 218–228
2.2.1. Factors motivating learning Motivation can be defined as the extent to which persistent effort is directed toward a goal (Johns, 1996), and learning motivation can be understood as the extent to which persistent effort a student pays toward learning. Motivation can be determined intrinsically by individuals and externally by sources due to situational variables and environmental factors (Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, & Tighe, 1994; Deci, 1980; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Intrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors focus on the individuals rather than the environmental setting. The factors generally include individual attitude and expectation, goals and emotions. The determinants of intrinsically motivated behaviour can be broken into three temporally distinct parts: situational contingencies, motivational and performance processes and outcomes. Each factor can affect the individuals’ experience with the activity and influence the subsequent intrinsic motivation (Harackiewicz, Abrahams, & Wageman, 1987). Individual attitude and expectation. Intrinsic motivation stems from the direct relationship between the student and the learning tasks (Dev, 1997). Expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964) suggests that motivation is a multiplicative function of three constructs: expectancy (people have different expectations and levels of confidence about what they are capable of doing), instrumentality (the perceptions of individuals whether they will actually get what they desire) and valence (the emotional orientations people hold with respect to outcomes or rewards). Goals and emotions. Personal goals are important in determining performance (Harackiewicz, Barron, Carter, Lehto, & Elliott, 1997; Harackiewicz, Barron, & Elliott, 1998). Research that focused on several important issues related to the theory of goal setting carried out in the 1990s by Wofford, Goodwin, and Premack (1992) has established the correlation between intrinsic motivation and commitment to goal attainment. On the other hand, emotions of people can vary widely, and particularly when considered throughout a long period (Dweck, Chiu, & Hong, 1995). Achievement goals reflect the purpose of achievement behaviour in a particular setting. When pursuing mastery goals in a learning situation, a student’s purpose is to demonstrate competence relative to others (Harackiewicz, Barron, Tauer, & Elliot, 2002). Our study employs a questionnaire survey methodology that makes it difficult to assess the effect of emotion on the learning of computer programming unless a longitudinal survey throughout at least a semester can be carried out, which is beyond the scope of the present study. As such, we shall not include the emotion factor for investigation in this study. Extrinsic (environmental) factors. In contrast to intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation stems from the environment external to the learning. Clear direction. Effective learning in higher education is associated with student’s perception of clear direction (Hendry, Lyon, Prosser, & Sze, 2006). Given a clear direction, students may be treated more favourably and they may respond in a more positive way (Stipek, 1996). Reward and recognition. Reinforcement theory, which is one of the key theories within the mainstream of the motivation field, emphasizes the relationship between behaviour and its consequences (Skinner, 1969). The promise of competence feedback and recognition implies some degree of external performance evaluation. The anticipation of performance evaluation can affect students’ motivational orientation and task involvement during task performance and these motivational processes may influence subsequent interest in the task. The evaluations leading to corresponding rewards and recognitions may therefore influence intrinsic motivation (Harackiewicz et al., 1987). Thus, it is believed that proper reward and recognition can be a key motivator of learning (Jenkins, 2001), though there have also been studies on the negative effects of rewards on intrinsic motivation (Cameron, Banko, & Pierce, 2001). Punishment. Student motivation concerns the reasons or goals that underlie students’ engagement in or disengagement from academic activities. Skinner’s belief in the use of rewards and punishments to motivate people has become deeply entrenched (Skinner, 1969). While positive motivation like incentives seems to make sense, people respond to the expectation of punishments, too. Students can be positively motivated by a proper amount of punishment, yet they may also be de-motivated if too much punishment is applied as the instrument of motivation. Social pressure and competition. Not surprisingly, social forces such as peer pressure and competition also affect learning (Chan, Pearson, & Entrekin, 2003; Rassuli & Manzer, 2005; Wellins, Byham, & Wilson, 1991). It has been well documented (Kotnour, 2000; Lee & Ertmer, 2006; Poell & Van der Krogt, 2003) and extensively studied (Cavaluzzo, 1996; Katzenbach & Smith, 1993; Meyer, 1994; Roberts, 1997; Senge, 1990). Peer-learning among students in higher education is increasingly a meaningful and important topic for research. 2.2.2. Efficacy Learning efficacy, also called self-efficacy or simply efficacy, refers to what a person believes he or she can do in a particular learning task (in this study, the learning of computer programming). A large body of literature indicates that self-efficacy is related to academic performance (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2005). People with a high level of self-efficacy are likely to set high goals and to perform well (Locke & Latham, 1990). Conceptually, self-efficacy is an important motivational element for successful cross-cultural adjustment. The broad application of self-efficacy across various domains of behaviour accounts for its popularity in contemporary motivation research (Graham & Weiner, 1996). Researchers have reported that students’ self-efficacy beliefs are correlated with other motivation constructs and with students’ academic performances and achievement. Constructs in these studies have included attributions, goal setting, modelling, problem solving, test and domain-specific anxiety, reward contingencies, self-regulation, social comparisons, strategy training, other self-beliefs and expectancy constructs, and varied academic performances across domains.
K.M.Y. Law et al. / Computers & Education 55 (2010) 218–228
Longitudinal studies on the relationships between goals and efficacy and performance on learning had been carried out (Harackiewicz et al., 2002). The positive relationship between efficacy and performance has previously been demonstrated (Prussia & Kinicki, 1996). Further, the mediating roles of efficacy of students towards academic achievements have been established (Bong, 2004; Margolis & McCabe, 2004; Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2005). Furthermore, the influence of task orientation and importance of competence evaluation on learning efficacy and motivation has been verified by previous research works (Covington & Omelich, 1979; Harlow & Cantor, 1995). The effects of rewards and achievement orientation on performance have been justified (Harackiewicz et al., 1987; Nicholls, 1984; Thrash & Elliot, 2002). 3. Research framework Motivation is an abstract concept that is difficult to measure (Ball, 1977). Some general categories of motivation, such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors, however, can still be identified and measured (Entwisle, 1998). As outlined in the previous section, many such factors may have motivated people to learn as individuals. Our research focus here is to study a set of motivating factors that may influence the process and effectiveness of learning among undergraduate students studying computer programming courses in an e-learning setting. Specifically, we intend to find answers to the following three research questions (RQs) in this study. The first research question of this study is: RQ1: What are the factors that motivate the process of computer programming learning? We ground on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to identify a set of motivating factors in each category to be investigated in this study (Fig. 2). Recall in Section 2 that intrinsic factors refer to those focusing on the individual dimension, including ‘individual attitude and expectation’ of outcomes, and setting of ‘challenging goals’. Extrinsic factors refer to those focusing on the environmental setting, including ‘clear direction’, ‘reward and recognition’, ‘punishment’, and ‘social pressure and competition’. This exploratory study seeks to provide empirical evidence to show which of them are key motivating factors of students taking computer programming courses in an e-learning setting. We further seek to characterize the possible links between the key motivating factors and efficacy of students in learning computer programming. As mentioned above, previous works have undoubtedly demonstrated a positive relationship between efficacy and performance. Therefore, we presume that a student with a high level of efficacy can perform well in learning computer programming. Thus the second research question is: RQ2: How strongly do the motivating factors affect computer programming learning? To answer RQ2, we refine the question and propose that the motivating factors (intrinsic and extrinsic factors) are correlated with students’ efficacy. Consequently, we pose the following hypotheses: H1: Students who value intrinsic factors more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. Since intrinsic factors include ‘individual attitudes and expectation’, together with the setting of ‘challenging goals’, H1 is further elaborated as follows: H1a: Students who value ‘individual attitudes and expectation’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. H1b: Students who value ‘challenging goals’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. H2: Students who value extrinsic factors more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. In a way similar to H1, the hypothesis H2 is further elaborated as follows: H2a: Students who value ‘clear direction’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. H2b: Students who value ‘reward and recognition’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. H2c: Students who value ‘punishment’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy.
Intrinsic E-effect Individual attitude and expectation Challenging goals
H1 H3
Extrinsic Clear direction Reward and recognition Punishment Social pressure and competition
Fig. 2. Research framework.
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Table 1 Summary of the mean scores of the measured items. Constructs and the corresponding measured items
Mean (l)
Std. dev.
Individual attitude and expectation I will perform better if I know that good performance in writing programs will benefit me with good grades My positive attitude towards learning programming helps me do better When I expect to get a high grade, I will be motivated to do better The more I expect for a good program, the harder I will work
LM1 F1 F2 F3 F4
4.47 4.47 4.37 4.54 4.47
0.89 4.05 1.04 1.10 1.00
Challenging goals When I need to write a program to solve a problem that I have never met, I will be motivated to complete it and gain new learning experience through the process When a programming exercise looks difficult, I will be motivated to perform better Challenging programming exercise motivates me to work harder
LM2 F5
4.00 4.17
1.04 1.08
F6 F7
3.89 3.94
1.16 1.21
Clear direction When I am clear about the aims of a programming exercise, I will be motivated to perform better I will perform better when I know specifically what I am going to achieve in a programming exercise If I target to get the highest grade in the course, I will be motivated to learn and absorb new knowledge
LM3 F8 F9 F10
4.42 4.37 4.48 4.41
0.88 1.03 0.98 1.05
Reward and recognition My performance will be further improved when my good performance is appraised positively by others (my classmates or teachers) I will be motivated to do better in a programming exercise when appropriate reward (e.g., bonus points and higher marks) is given The instructor’s encouragement and good comment on me motivate me to learn
LM4 F12 F13 F14
4.38 4.26 4.44 4.44
0.85 0.96 1.08 1.04
Punishmenta If proper punishment (e.g., mark deduction) is applied when I made mistakes in my programs, I will be motivated to learn better I will make fewer mistakes in writing programs if I know marks may be deducted
LM5 F16 F17
3.74 3.53 3.97
1.09 1.32 1.25
Social pressure and competition Competition with my classmates pushes me to perform better The pressure from teacher forces me to learn better and work harder When my classmates do better, I will be motivated to learn better to catch up The pressure from my classmates pushes me to learn better
LM6 F11 F18 F19 F20
4.00 3.97 3.75 4.32 3.98
0.88 1.17 1.14 1.03 1.13
e-Effect (effect due to the e-learning system, PASS)
The use of PASS encourages me to learn actively I am motivated by using PASS because I can learn more effectively I find PASS facilitates my learning in programming effectively
EEFF F21 F22 F23
3.99 3.97 4.03
1.22 1.18 1.15
Efficacy I am confident about my programming knowledge I am confident that I can apply the programming skills in solving problems
3.80 3.74 3.87
1.22 1.27 1.27
a The first item was excluded from the calculation of the mean and standard deviation of Punishment as well as all subsequent analysis after the item’s factor loading value was found to be low. See Table 3 for the factor loadings.
H2d: Students who value ‘social pressure and competition’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. As mentioned previously, efficacy refers to what a person believes he or she can do in a particular task. It may be interesting to know whether an e-learning setting can strengthen such a belief and therefore help students achieve better performance in learning computer programming. So, the third research question is: RQ3: Does the e-learning setting facilitate computer programming learning? In answering RQ3, we further hypothesize a positive linkage between efficacy and the perceived effect of the facilitative e-learning system (e-effect). H3: Students at a higher level of efficacy score a higher level of perceived e-effect.
4. Methodology We conducted a questionnaire survey to collect data from students taking two computer programming courses in a PASS-facilitated setting. Validated data were then analyzed quantitatively to confirm or disprove the hypotheses and answer the research questions raised in Section 3. 4.1. Questionnaire design The questionnaire was evolved from the previous work of Law et al. (2009), which explored the learning motivating factors of engineering students. In the present study, the questionnaire was further developed in two stages. First, a pilot study was carried out to evaluate the appropriateness of the questions. These results provided a basis for refinement. It was then reviewed and proof-read by three academic staff from City University of Hong Kong. The finalized questionnaire comprises two parts. The first part asks for demographic information such as age and gender. The second part, shown in Table 1, consists of 20 questions (items) which enable the identification of factors that have positive motivating effect on learning, and five items for ascertaining students’ perceived e-effect and efficacy.
K.M.Y. Law et al. / Computers & Education 55 (2010) 218–228 Table 2 Demographic information of the respondents. Class
Students’ major Number of responses (male) Number of responses (female) Total number of responses
Computer science (CS) 99 34 133
Engineering (non-CS) 155 77 232
254 111 365
Table 3 Factor loadings of the motivating factors. Motivating factors and the corresponding questions (items) Individual attitude and expectation 1. I will perform better if I know that good performance in writing programs will benefit me with good grades 2. My positive attitude towards learning programming helps me do better 3. When I expect to get a high grade, I will be motivated to do better 4. The more I expect for a good program, the harder I will work
F1 F2 F3 F4
0.70 0.65 0.73 0.70
F6 F7
0.81 0.73
Clear direction 8. When I am clear about the aims of a programming exercise, I will be motivated to perform better 9. I will perform better when I know specifically what I am going to achieve in a programming exercise 10. If I target to get the highest grade in the course, I will be motivated to learn and absorb new knowledge
F8 F9 F10
0.63 0.65 0.70
Reward and recognition 11. My performance will be further improved when my good performance is appraised positively by others (my classmates or teachers) 12. I will be motivated to do better in a programming exercise when appropriate reward (e.g., bonus points and higher marks) is given 13. The instructor’s encouragement and good comment on me motivate me to learn
F12 F13 F14
0.60 0.59 0.61
Punishmenta 14. If proper punishment (e.g., mark deduction) is applied when I made mistakes in my programs, I will be motivated to learn better 15. I will make fewer mistakes in writing programs if I know marks may be deducted
F16 F17
0.64 0.54
Social pressure and competition 16. Competition with my classmates pushes me to perform better 17. The pressure from teacher forces me to learn better and work harder 18. When my classmates do better, I will be motivated to learn better to catch up 19. The pressure from my classmates pushes me to learn better
F11 F18 F19 F20
0.57 0.50 0.63 0.70
Challenging goals 5. When I need to write a program to solve a problem that I have never met, I will be motivated to complete it and gain new learning experience through the process 6. When a programming exercise looks difficult, I will be motivated to perform better 7. Challenging programming exercise motivates me to work harder
Factor loadings
The factor loading value of Item 14 was found to be low. Hence our subsequent analysis has excluded this item.
Individual attitude and expectation – the motivating effect of this factor was measured by four items concerning the student’s attitude and expectation towards learning. Challenging goals – the motivating effect of this factor was measured by three items concerning the challenging goals in learning. Clear direction – the motivating effect of this factor was measured by three items concerning the specified direction in learning. Reward and recognition – the motivating effect of this factor was measured by three items concerning positive reinforcements such as reward, appreciation and encouragement. Punishment – the motivating effect of this factor was measured by three items1 concerning the negative reinforcement due to punishment. Social pressure and competition – the motivating effect of this factor was measured by four items concerning the forces of pressure and competition from peers. e-Effect – the perceived effect of the e-learning setting was measured by three items concerning the student’s learning motivation attributed to PASS. Efficacy – efficacy was measured by two items concerning the student’s confidence on knowledge acquisition and application. A 6-point Likert scale was adopted, from ‘disagree very much’ to ‘agree very much’. The discerning point was set at 3.5, the middle of the scale, such that a score higher than 3.5 represents a positive motivating effect on learning. 4.2. Data collection and validation Table 2 lists the demographic information of the participating students and the number of students in each group. Undergraduate students from two classes (namely, CS-ProgA and CS-ProgB) were invited to participate in this study. CS-ProgA was offered to computer science (CS) students whereas CS-ProgB was offered to engineering (non-CS) students. 1 One of the three items on ‘Punishment’ was later excluded from our subsequently analysis due to its statistically low factor loading value that threatens its validity. See Section 4.2.2 for details.
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Table 4 Multi-traits matrix.a Constructs
Individual attitude and expectation
Challenging goals
Clear direction
Reward and Recognition
Social pressure and Competition
Individual attitude and expectation Challenging goals Clear direction Reward and recognition Punishment Social pressure and competition e-Effect Efficacy
0.87 0.68** 0.80** 0.72** 0.50** 0.59** 0.52** 0.57**
– 0.88 0.67** 0.58** 0.45** 0.56** 0.50** 0.66**
– – 0.81 0.72** 0.41** 0.55** 0.49** 0.52**
– – – 0.78 0.36** 0.59** 0.54** 0.52**
– – – – 0.66 0.51** 0.42** 0.42**
– – – – – 0.80 0.55** 0.57**
– – – – – – 0.89 0.51**
– – – – – – – 0.89
a Pearson correlation, listwise, n = 365, 1-tailed. The diagonal figures (in bold italics) are the reliability coefficients of individual constructs. Other figures are the correlation coefficients of pairs of constructs. * p < 0.05. ** p < 0.01.
Table 5 Summary of results of comparison between sample groups. Constructs
Individual attitude and expectation Challenging goals Clear direction Reward and recognition Punishment Social pressure and competition e-Effect Efficacy
Overall (n = 365)
CS-ProgA (n = 132)
CS-ProgB (n = 233)
Male (n = 254)
Female (n = 111)
4.47 4.00 4.42 4.38 3.74 4.00 4.00 3.80
0.89 1.04 0.88 0.85 1.09 0.88 1.07 1.22
4.57 4.10 4.55 4.50 3.78 4.02 4.23 3.70
4.42 3.94 4.35 4.32 3.71 3.98 3.87 3.85
4.47 4.09 4.44 4.38 3.81 4.02 4.04 3.92
4.47 3.78 4.36 4.38 3.59 3.96 3.89 3.52
Students were asked to complete the questionnaire during the class time to secure a high response rate. The data were manually entered to the computer for statistical analysis. Among 386 questionnaires returned, 365 are valid samples, and the rest are invalid samples not included in our subsequent analysis. Since data obtained from the survey were derived from interval measurements (Likert scale on continuous basis), arithmetic operations such as taking averages can be used while observations are independent. 4.2.1. Non-response bias To detect non-response bias, the t-test was conducted to see if there were differences between early respondents and late respondents in terms of variables relevant to the research hypotheses (Armstrong & Overton, 1977). The mean values of the measured items in the questionnaires of the first 10% respondents and the last 10% respondents were compared. The results of the t-test show no statistically significant difference between the values across the two groups of (early versus late) respondents, indicating that non-response bias might not be a problem in this study. 4.2.2. Reliability and validity The accuracy of the survey study was verified in terms of validity and reliability. Firstly, the validity of constructs (which include the six motivating factors as well as e-effect and efficacy) is verified through the oblique rotation exploratory factor analysis. The results are shown in Table 3. The value of factor loadings verifies the validity of all the constructs, except that one of the items of ‘Punishment’ has to be dropped out due to low factor loading value. In view of this, our subsequent analysis has excluded the dropped item. Secondly, to warrant the reliability of the questionnaire, the set of items measuring the same construct should be highly correlated. We based on the average inter-item correlation (that is, Cronbach Alpha) to test the reliability. SPSS was used to obtain the reliability coefficient (a) of the survey questions. Alpha values greater than 0.70 are considered statistically significant (Johnson & Wichern, 1998). Since the value of a (0.95) is close to 1, we believe that a high level of internal reliability of the questionnaire has been obtained. Lastly, the discriminant validity of each construct is checked using a multi-trait matrix presented in Table 4. The figures (in bold italics) in the diagonal of the matrix are the reliability coefficients of individual constructs. Other figures are the correlation coefficients of pairs of constructs. We observe that, in each column, the reliability coefficient of each construct is larger than the correlation coefficients of all pairs of this construct with others. This observation indicates that the internal reliability of an individual construct is higher than the inter-construct reliability (Churchill, 1979), which, in turn, shows strong empirical support for discriminant validity. 5. Results and findings A summary of results containing the overall mean scores of individual constructs and the mean scores in different groupings are presented in Table 5. 5.1. Motivating effect of factors Recall that our first research question RQ1 is: What are the factors that motivate the process of computer programming learning?
K.M.Y. Law et al. / Computers & Education 55 (2010) 218–228 Table 6 Results from the t-testa.
t-Value (df = 364)
Significance value
Individual attitude and expectation Challenging goals Clear direction Reward and recognition Punishment Social pressure and competition
21.29 9.48 20.63 20.14 4.51 11.12
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Score Mean
Std. dev.
4.47 4.00 4.42 4.38 3.74 4.00
0.89 1.04 0.88 0.85 1.09 0.88
Discerning point (test value) for mean score = 3.5. Critical value for t-value = 1.96.
Table 7 Summary of the stepwise regression model.a,b Model
1 a b
R square
Standard error of the estimate
Change statistics significance value
R square change
Dependent variable: efficacy. Entering variables: individual attitude and expectation, challenging goals, social pressure and competition.
Table 8 Coefficients of the independent variables.a Un-standardized coefficients B Constant Individual attitude and expectation Challenging goals Social pressure and competition a
Standardized coefficients (b)
Significance value
Std. error 0.381 0.166 0.504 0.357
0.238 0.071 0.060 0.063
0.122 0.429 0.262
1.60 2.345 8.433 5.672
0.110 0.020 0.000 0.000
Dependent variable: efficacy.
To answer RQ1, a t-test is carried out to evaluate the strength of each factor’s (positive) motivating effect on learning. Parametric techniques are used to test the hypotheses (Cooper & Schindler, 2003). We postulate the null hypothesis for each identified factor as follows: H0: The identified factor is not a significant motivating factor on computer programming learning. As the discerning point was set apriori at the middle of the 6-point Likert scale (that is, the test value is 3.5), the above null hypothesis is equivalent to H0: l 6 3.5, where l is the mean score of the responses. The significance level is set at a = 0.05. The degree of freedom, df, of this data set is n 1 = 364, where n is the number of samples. From the t-table, the critical value at 95% confidence interval and df = 364 is 1.96. The t-value of each factor provides indication of its motivating effect on learning. If the t-value is greater than the critical value 1.96, we reject H0. Otherwise, we do not reject H0. The results of the t-test are summarized in Table 6. It can be seen that all of the identified factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic, have strong positive motivating effect on learning. In particular, ‘individual attitude and expectation’, ‘clear direction’ and ‘reward and recognition’ have the greatest motivating effect, while ‘punishment’ has the least. Among the three key motivating factors, the intrinsic factor ‘individual attitude and expectation’ is the most recognized. 5.2. Linkage between efficacy and students’ values on motivating factors Tables 7 and 8 show the summary of the stepwise regression model. The significant value of F at 0.001 level and the value R square (0.503) in Table 7 show that the variation in this model accounts for a significant variance in efficacy. The results show that, among the six motivating factors, only ‘individual attitude and expectation’, ‘challenging goals’ and ‘social pressure and competition’ are significantly correlated with efficacy at 0.01 levels, as shown in Table 8. This implies that a change in these factors will almost certainly influence efficacy, and vice versa. It can also be observed that the results agree with the fairly large (that is, between 0.52 and 0.66) correlation coefficients of efficacy with these three factors shown in the last row of Table 4. On the whole, the results have painted a clearer picture for RQ2: How strongly do the motivating factors affect computer programming learning? The significant and positive relationships between the two intrinsic factors (‘individual attitude and expectation’ and ‘challenging goals’) and efficacy verify H1, that is, students who value intrinsic factors more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. On the other hand, not all the extrinsic factors exhibit such a relationship. So, H2 can only be partially verified. Specifically, only students who value ‘social pressure and competition’ more importantly show a higher level of efficacy. 5.3. Effect of study under the e-learning setting To assess the e-effect, that is, the effectiveness of the e-learning system we have put in use, students were asked to rate if they agree that PASS encourages, motivates, and facilitates their learning. The mean scores (l) of each item are presented in Appendix C. Students
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Table 9 Comparing the mean scores between the two classes by independent sample t-test. Constructs Individual attitude and expectation Challenging goals Clear direction Reward and recognition Punishment Social pressure and competition e-Effect Efficacy
t-Value 1.60 1.33 2.11 1.96 0.44 0.55 3.18 1.14
Significance value
Significant difference between the two classes (CS-ProgA and CS-ProgB)?
0.11 0.18 0.04 0.05 0.65 0.58 0.00 0.25
No No Yes Yes No No Yes No
Table 10 Comparing the mean scores between male and female students by independent sample t-test. Constructs Individual attitude and expectation challenging goals Clear direction Reward and recognition Punishment Social pressure and competition e-Effect Efficacy
t-Value 0.00 2.66 0.79 0.01 1.76 0.61 1.21 2.94
Significance value
Significant difference between male and female respondents?
0.99 0.01 0.43 0.99 0.08 0.54 0.23 0.00
No Yes No No No No No Yes
generally agreed that PASS did encourage (l = 3.99) and motivate (l = 3.97) them to learn, and they also found PASS did facilitate their learning effectively (l = 4.03). Since all the mean scores are greater than the discerning point (3.5), the items on e-effect are significantly positive. Therefore, an affirmative answer is obtained for RQ3: Does the e-learning setting facilitate computer programming learning? Furthermore, a significant and fair correlation is observed between efficacy and perceived e-effect, with the Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.51 and the corresponding p-value < 0.01 (see the e-effect column of the last row in Table 4). Hence the hypothesis H3 is confirmed, that is, students at a higher level of efficacy score a higher level of perceived effect on their learning. 5.4. Differences between sample groups Apart from the three research questions about all the participating students, we also tried to observe any differences between the sample groups. An independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean scores, X; of constructs between sample groups from different classes (CS-ProgA and CS-ProgB). The results of the t-test are presented in Table 9. In Table 9, the small significance values (60.05) of ‘clear direction’, ‘reward and recognition’ and ‘e-effect’ suggest that there is significant difference in these aspects between the two classes (CS-ProgA and CS-ProgB), that is, between CS students and non-CS students. It is interesting to note that the e-effect rated by CS students is significantly higher than that by non-CS students (significance value = 0.00). The mean scores, X, of e-effect rated by CS students and non-CS students are 4.23 and 3.87, respectively (Table 5). The significant difference between the two groups is probably attributed to the difference in background of the students. A similar t-test was used to compare the mean scores of constructs between male and female students, and the results are shown in Table 10. It is interesting to note that there are significant differences between the two groups of students regarding ‘challenging goals’ and efficacy. Male students are apparently more motivated by challenges, and they also show a higher level of efficacy than female students. 6. Discussions 6.1. Summary and pedagogical insights Let us summarize the important observations we have made from the results of this study. Firstly, among the six identified factors, ‘individual attitude and expectation’, ‘clear direction’, and ‘reward and recognition’ have the greatest motivating effect on learning. Secondly, three motivating factors, namely, ‘individual attitude and expectation’, ‘challenging goals’, and ‘social pressure and competition’ have a significant and positive relationship with efficacy. Thirdly, we observe that our facilitated e-learning setting, PASS, is instrumental in enhancing students’ efficacy. The results agree well with the previous study by Law et al. (2009), which suggested that a supportive setting should involve pulling forces like reward, expectation and clear goals where social pressure is expected. The intrinsic factor ‘individual attitude and expectation’ seems to stand out as both strongly motivating and highly correlated with efficacy. Moreover, both the intrinsic factors under study, namely, ‘individual attitude and expectation’ and ‘challenging goals’, are visibly correlated with efficacy, whereas for extrinsic factors, only ‘social pressure and competition’ is seen to be significantly so. With this knowledge, a challenge to the educator is how the teaching and learning activities can be organized to effectively reinforce these motivating factors for the benefit of enhancing students’ learning efficacy. As regards to the effect of PASS, our third observation confirms, to our gratification, that it is performing well in its facilitative role of encouraging and motivating students to learn effectively. Besides, our first two observations have provided plausible explanations and insights of how PASS could be (and, in retrospect, have actually been) employed by course instructors to strengthen the key motivating factors.
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Consider, for instance, the way that PASS has been used in lab sessions, in which students were required to work on programming problems in class. PASS allows the course instructor to monitor, in real time, the testing/submissions of each student’s program (Lam et al., 2007). Once the instructor found that a student has submitted a good solution to the programming problem, he/she would demonstrate to the whole class how the submitted solution worked, what features the program possessed to qualify it as a high quality solution, and that such a program would achieve high grades in assessment. Students were thus led to expect that good programs from themselves, as well as the subsequent high grades, were actually achievable. (Note that it makes a subtle difference that the programs were actually written by some students on the spot and not by the instructor nor prepared in advance.) According to the present study, this kind of expectation and self-improvement attitude of the student is a strong motivator of learning, and is highly correlated to students’ efficacy. The teaching activity also somewhat promoted a light atmosphere of ‘peer pressure and competition’ among students to perform well so that their own programs would be showcased in class as a tangible way of recognition of their efforts. We consider that this kind of teaching activity would be difficult, if not impossible, to carry out in class without the facilitation of PASS. Furthermore, this study has illuminated several exciting opportunities for possible enhancement to PASS so as to further capitalize on its capability to strengthen the learning motivators. One way we have conceived is to build in an element of ‘peer pressure and competition’ to the system by providing real-time information to students of not only their own progress (which they currently can view in PASS), but also their peers’. The information could be the number of test cases that other students’ programs have already passed, or the number of students who have already completed the programming exercise. In this way, students may be more enthused to compete with one another in achieving better performance. This kind of informal ‘contest’ can be made even more tangible by properly awarding students’ effort and outcome, such as bonus scores for the earliest or best quality solution, or to students who made significant improvement from their previous solution, and so on. Further work is needed to fine tune the ‘definitions’ and ‘rules’ of the ‘game’ to the best effect. Another way is to enhance PASS so that students may submit the test cases they themselves construct to test their own programs. These test cases may in turn be used by PASS to test other students’ programs. This would provide ‘challenging goals’ to the more capable students who would like to pass not only the test cases provided by the instructor, but also those by their peers. Although the idea of requiring students to submit test cases along with their programs is not new, yet it was originally adopted not explicitly as a means to enhancing students’ learning motivation, but had been inspired by the desire to provide concrete feedback to students for improvement and the need to teach software testing skills (Edwards, 2003). Incidentally, this study provides further ground and explanations to why the approach did result in better learning efficacy, in terms of students’ increased confidence, as well as quantitative evidence of improvement, in their programming ability, as reported in Edwards (2003). Furthermore, the instructor can provide optional programming exercises in the repository of PASS, rated with difficulty level (Lam et al., 2007), so that students can set their own ‘challenging goals’ in addition to the required practice work. For instance, Astrachan (2004) has reported his successful attempt in motivating students’ interest by requiring them to work on some programming problems that were originally designed for programming contests. In summary, there are plentiful ways to provide more ‘reward and recognition’ as the results of ‘social pressure and competition’ or achievement of ‘challenging goals’. Again, such opportunities are hardly possible without an automated system. Indeed, as one reflects further on the implications of this study, one could come up with an even longer list of possibilities for improving the current teaching and learning practice and enhancing the facilitative e-learning system, with opportunities constrained only by our creativity and resources. 6.2. Limitations This study represents a step forward in investigating the key factors affecting learning among our undergraduate students taking computer programming courses, supported by a facilitative e-learning system. As discussed above, the results of the study have already been very informative and insightful to the teaching practices of our classes under study. However, to establish more generalized results, a larger scale study would be needed. For instance, it remains unclear to what extent these findings can be generalized to other classes, other cohort of students, or other universities. Future efforts to replicate these findings in different settings can address this concern. 7. Conclusions There are few accounts of pedagogical frameworks that incorporate active use of e-learning setting in computer programming courses. Due to the uniquely demanding requirement for learning computer programming, we believe that it is important for educators teaching these courses to empirically and systematically identify the set of factors that motivate the learning of their students. In particular, it is useful to find out whether and how an e-learning setting is helpful to students in enhancing their efficacy. Notwithstanding its limitations, our work represents an important initiative to understand the key factors affecting student learning motivation in computer programming courses. Moreover, our study provides evidence that a well facilitated e-learning setting can indeed enhance learning motivation and student efficacy. 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