level meteorology and their impact on surface ozone level

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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 113, D17315, doi:10.1029/2007JD009745, 2008


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An analysis of the vertical structure of the atmosphere and the upperlevel meteorology and their impact on surface ozone levels in Houston, Texas Bernhard Rappenglu¨ck,1 Ryan Perna,1,2 Shiyuan Zhong,3 and Gary A. Morris4 Received 20 December 2007; revised 14 April 2008; accepted 26 June 2008; published 13 September 2008.

[1] Despite emission reductions, Houston continues to be designated as a nonattainment

area for ozone (O3) by the Environmental Protection Agency. Upper-level synoptic maps and information about the vertical structure of the lower troposphere obtained by in situ measurements were analyzed to characterize ozone exceedances in which peak 8-h average concentration exceeded 85 ppb during the Texas Air Quality Study-II in August–September 2006. Cluster analysis of meteorological conditions showed that the highest background surface O3 concentrations occurred under northerly or easterly flow regimes at 850 hPa, coinciding with the advection of dry continental air. Exceedance days in September 2006 occurred almost exclusively in postfrontal environments. These frontal passages are associated with shifts in wind direction and may lead to increases in background O3 from 30 ppbv (marine) to 60–70 ppbv (continental) throughout the lower troposphere. Several factors are identified to be important for 8-h average ozone peaks in Houston under well-developed land-sea-bay breeze conditions, including (1) the presence of easterly winds advecting industrial emissions from the Ship Channel, and (2) the presence of persistent large-scale northerly flows aloft advecting elevated continental background ozone levels that are eventually entrained into lower layers through the growth of the convective planetary boundary layer. Citation: Rappenglu¨ck, B., R. Perna, S. Zhong, and G. A. Morris (2008), An analysis of the vertical structure of the atmosphere and the upper-level meteorology and their impact on surface ozone levels in Houston, Texas, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D17315, doi:10.1029/ 2007JD009745.

1. Introduction [2] The Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) region, located close to the Gulf of Mexico, is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States located in a subtropical region with extended hot and humid periods and intense solar radiation. The HGB is well-known for enhanced ozone levels under proper meteorological or upset emissions conditions [Kleinman et al., 2002; Reiss, 2006]. An abundance of highly reactive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are produced in the HGB, leading to rapid ozone production [e.g., Kleinman et al., 2002; Ryerson et al., 2003; Daum et al., 2004]. [3] The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) produces a daily air quality forecasts to warn the general public, and especially those who are sensitive to 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA. 2 Now at Regional Office, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Houston, Texas, USA. 3 Department of Geography, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, USA.

Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. 0148-0227/08/2007JD009745$09.00

such ozone pollution, when an ozone exceedance is expected. In 2006 the 8-h ozone standard as specified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was effectively 84 ppbv (http://www.epa.gov/air/ozonepollution/pdfs/2008_03_factsheet.pdf). In this paper an ‘‘ozone exceedance’’ day is defined as by TCEQ (www.tceq.state. tx.us/compliance/monitoring/air/monops/sigevents06.html), i.e., when the measured 8-h average ozone mixing ratio at any given station in the HGB was greater than or equal to 85 ppbv. [4] Many of Houston’s ozone exceedances result from emissions originating from the petrochemical industrial region of Houston in and around the Ship Channel to the east of the downtown area, including intense sporadic upset emissions. However, these emissions are not the sole determining factor of Houston’s ozone exceedances. Meteorological conditions also play an important role. Although Houston is known to experience ozone exceedances nearly year-round, most of these exceedances occur within the months of August and September [Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2005b]. With high temperatures, abundant sunshine, weak winds, and a higher frequency of winds from the north in September [Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2005a], background ozone in Houston tends to increase this time of year. In addition, the frequent dominance of an anticyclonic regime helps to inhibit cloud formation and limit shower develop-


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(Texas Air Quality Study-II) field campaign during the months of August and September 2006.

2. Methods and Data Used

Figure 1. Location of rawinsonde and ozonesonde site on University of Houston main campus and Continuous Ambient Monitoring Site stations used to determine 8-h background ozone: (1) Conroe, (2) northwest Harris County, (3) Westhollow, (4) Croquet, (5) University of Houston main campus, (6) Galveston, and (7) Crosby. In addition the location of the Ship Channel is indicated. Color coding reflect some major land use types: water bodies (blue), forests (green), urbanized area (light red), and densely urbanized area (red). No color indicates rural areas with shrub-like vegetation.

ment; the former leading to increased radiation for ozone production and the latter decreasing the ability of the atmosphere to wash out the pollution. Both factors increase the probability of an ozone exceedance. [5] Another meteorological factor that may be important in air quality forecasting is the height of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Berman et al. [1999] and Angevine et al. [2002] found that a lower PBL height in the morning hours can be responsible for concentrating ozone precursors closer to the surface, increasing the probability that an exceedance will be reached. In addition, Alonso et al. [2000] suggested that a subsidence inversion may have an indirect effect on raising ozone levels: ozone can become trapped underneath this elevated inversion and can mix downward into the boundary layer. Subsidence can also result in a downward mixing of ozone from the residual layer left over from the previous day [Zhang and Rao, 1999]. [6] The influence of the Gulf of Mexico on Houston’s ozone exceedances also must be considered. Southerly winds typically bring in marine air with lower precursor and ozone background levels [Banta et al., 2005]. However, there are situations in which the sea breeze circulation can recirculate pollutants into the HGB after having been advected out to sea by the land breeze [Banta et al., 2005]. [7] The purpose of this study is to better characterize the meteorological conditions that favor high ozone levels in the HGB through analyses of data from the TexAQS-II

[8] Synoptic weather patterns play a significant role in determining surface ozone concentrations [Yu and Pielke, 1986; Banta et al., 2005; Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2005a]. In order to address the common patterns for ozone exceedances in August and September 2006, composite maps were created for all exceedance days and all nonexceedance days using the Web interface (http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/Composites/ Day/) hosted by the Climate Analysis Branch of the Physical Sciences Division of NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory. Such maps may allow us to classify synoptic weather conditions for past ozone exceedances and therefore better forecast future ones. Several pressure levels were explored, but the 850 hPa pressure level turned out to be the most relevant in our study. It is sufficiently far aloft from surface friction impacts and still low enough to provide spatially resolved synoptic patterns for the study region. The 850 hPa maps were placed in ‘‘clusters’’ based upon the classifications of Ngan and Byun [2007]. These clusters were then related to background ozone levels, i.e., 8-h peak ozone levels as determined using surface ozone data from the Continuous Ambient Monitoring Site (CAMS) network. Previous cluster analysis studies in the HGB either related the synoptic conditions at the 850 hPa pressure level with 1-h maximum ozone values [Davis et al., 1998] or examined the impact of surface winds on maximum hourly ozone levels in Houston and addressed diurnal cycles of surface wind clusters [Darby, 2005]. August 2006 saw no frontal passages through the HGB before 29 August. However, September 2006 was a month of regular frontal passages. These frontal passages will be investigated in more detail in order to identify the conditions that may raise Houston’s background ozone levels. [9] The second part of the study addresses the local meteorological conditions associated with Houston’s ozone exceedances based on frequent rawinsonde soundings from the University of Houston main campus (29.74°N; 95.34°W; 11 m AGL) approximately 5 km to the southeast of downtown Houston (location shown in Figure 1). The atmospheric sounding profiles obtained during August and September 2006 provide insights into the PBL height and its evolution as well as the effects of the surface-based radiation inversion and the elevated subsidence inversions on Houston’s ozone concentration. [10] Remote sensing instruments such as lidars and radar wind profilers which permit continuous observations throughout the day have been used in previous studies to measure the characteristics of the boundary layer, both within and outside of the HGB [Angevine et al., 1998; Banta et al., 2005; Eresmaa et al., 2006; Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2008]. Under meteorological conditions favorable for high ozone events, the wind profiler and lidar data compare well with rawinsonde data [Marsik et al., 1995; NielsenGammon et al., 2008]. Many boundary layer studies that use remote sensing techniques to determine the PBL height use rawinsonde data as a standard for comparison [Marsik et al., 1995; Grimsdell and Angevine, 1998; Berman et al., 1999; Eresmaa et al., 2006; Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2008].

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Table 1. Cluster Frequency During Ozone Exceedances and Nonexceedance Days for All 61 Days in August and September 2006a Exceedance days Nonexceedance days Average background ozone (ppb)

Cluster I

Cluster II

Cluster III

Cluster IV

Cluster V

Cluster VI

5 10 52.4

6 6 41.6

0 9 31.0

1 12 20.6

0 12 28.0

0 0 n/a


Last row indicates the background ozone mixing ratios associated with the different clusters. For definitions of Cluster I – VI, see text.

[11] Rawinsondes were launched twice per day at 0700 and 1900 CDT (central daylight time) from 01 August to 30 September 2006, corresponding to the standard launches completed across the country by the National Weather Service (1200 GMT and 2400 GMT, respectively). Intensive observational periods (IOPs) were conducted on 10 days with high ozone forecasts (8-h averages greater than 85 ppbv) during the 2-month field campaign. For these IOPs, additional rawinsondes were launched at 0500, 1000, 1300, 1600, and 2200 CDT in order to capture the detailed evolution of the PBL growth. The soundings used RS-92 GPS sondes (available at http://www.vaisala.com) and 100 g balloons with an average ascent rate of 5 m s 1 and burst altitudes of 14 – 18 km. Data used in this study comprised the original data set at 1 Hz sampling rate. [12] Wiegner et al. [2006] showed that temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profiles can be used to help identify the top of the boundary layer. For the morning soundings, the height of the inversion was used to determine the boundary layer height [Eresmaa et al., 2006]. The PBL height in the mornings was defined (through visual inspection) as the first level where temperature began to decrease with height. For the remaining soundings, the PBL height was determined in a subjective manner by finding the point at which a sharp increase in potential temperature [Senff et al., 2002; Yi et al., 2001], and a sharp decrease in water vapor mixing ratio is observed [Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2008]. [13] On 31 days in August and September 2006, ozonesondes were launched at 1300 CDT in order to capture the vertical distribution of ozone when the boundary layer is fully developed. Ozonesondes were also launched at 0700 CDT on 8 days with high ozone forecasts to examine the vertical ozone profile before mixing took place and to capture the preexisting residual layer(s). [14] Ozonesondes consisted of GPS enabled En-Sci Model 2Z electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) [EN-SCI Corporation, 1997, 2003a, 2003b] coupled with an RS 80– 15N rawinsonde (available at http://www.vaisala.com). Ozonesondes typically reached 20 – 30 km before burst, ascending at a rate of 5 m s 1. The ozonesonde program in Houston is described by Morris et al. [2006]. [15] The ECC-type ozonesondes have been characterized thoroughly over the last decade [Russell et al., 1998; Smit et al., 2007] and intercomparison studies, among them the Ju¨lich Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE), showed that ECC-type ozonesondes had better accuracy and precision than the Brewer Mast and KC79 sondes [Smit and Kley, 1996]. Intercomparisons with other ozone measuring instruments have demonstrated the ECC sonde precision to

be ±6% near the ground and – 7% to +17% in the upper troposphere [Kerr et al., 1994; Komhyr et al., 1995, Reid et al., 1996].

3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Classification of Synoptic Patterns for Ozone Exceedances [16] To better define the weather conditions that create elevated ozone levels in the HGB, 850 hPa maps were visually inspected, analyzed, and placed in clusters based upon a classification scheme developed by Ngan and Byun [2007] using data from the May – August periods of 2005 and 2006. The classifications are as follows: Cluster I is characterized by northerly flow with a high-pressure system to the west of Houston (the ‘‘postfrontal’’ category); Cluster II is characterized by easterly flow with a high-pressure system to the north; Cluster III is characterized by southeasterly flow with a high-pressure system to the northeast; Cluster IV is characterized by southerly flow from the Gulf with a high-pressure system to the east of Houston; Cluster V is characterized by southwesterly flow with a highpressure system in the Gulf; and Cluster VI occurs when Houston is under the direct influence of a tropical storm (which did not happen in 2006). [17] Table 1 illustrates the frequency of the clusters for ozone exceedance and nonexceedance days. The data in Table 1 demonstrate that Clusters I and II are the most common scenarios for ozone exceedances in August and September 2006. The majority of Cluster I days are postfrontal and often precede an ozone exceedance. In fact, many ozone exceedances in September 2006 occurred in a postfrontal environment with a light northerly flow that opposes the inland propagation of clean marine air with the sea breeze and/or brings with it elevated continental background levels. The nonexceedance days in this cluster were related to cold fronts with strong northerly winds (about 8 m s 1) that suppress ozone concentrations by blowing pollutants away from the HGB. The precipitation that frequently accompanies such frontal passages cleans out pollutants, further decreasing ozone levels. [18] While an equal number of exceedance and nonexceedance days can be found in Cluster II, 50% of all exceedance days are found in Cluster II and only 12% of all nonexceedance days are in Cluster II. [19] In September, Cluster II was common after a frontal passage as high pressure developed to the north of the HGB. Cluster II conditions can result in elevated ozone levels due to winds carrying precursors from the Ship Channel region mixed with elevated background ozone (see below) from upwind of the Ship Channel region.

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Table 2. Dates of Cold Frontal Passages in Relation to Ozone Exceedances in 2006 Frontal Passage


29 Aug 5 Sep 12 Sep 18 Sep 24 Sep 28 Sep

31 Aug, 1 Sep, 3 Sep 7 Sep 13 Sep, 14 Sep 20 Sep 26 Sep, 27 Sep none

[20] The cluster analysis is applied to classify synoptic patterns associated with high background ozone concentrations as determined using surface ozone data from the CAMS network. Several CAMS stations on the perimeter of the network far from power plants or chemical refineries and with limited effects of NO titration were chosen as representative sites following Nielsen-Gammon et al. [2005a] (shown in Figure 1). One additional station was added on the northeast side of Houston (CAMS site ‘‘Crosby’’). The background ozone was defined as the minimum of the daily maximum 8-h mean ozone values among all background stations following Nielsen-Gammon et al. [2005a]. This value usually occurs in the CAMS station that is upwind of the HGB [Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2005a]. The same six cluster classifications previously discussed were also applied in the postfrontal environment to determine the effect of the background concentration on Houston. [21] As indicated in Table 1, Cluster I has the highest background values and is associated with a high-pressure system to the west of Houston, bringing in northerly flow from the continental United States. This cluster is very common in the wake of a cold front. Cluster II also has high background values typical of easterly flow coming into the HGB. Being associated with anticyclonic flows this cluster often exhibited a northerly flow component at an earlier stage that would have brought continental air to Houston and thus increased the background ozone level. Back trajectory analyses for the ozone exceedances of September 2006 indicated that all trajectories on Cluster I and II days came from either northern Texas or northeast Louisiana. On Cluster I and II days, therefore, Houston was under the influence of a continental air mass. 3.2. Role of Frontal Passages [22] In September 2006 nearly every ozone exceedance occurred in the wake of a frontal passage. This is quite different from the preceding year 2005. Because of a very active tropical season, the first cold front in 2005 did not pass through Houston until late September. The tropical activity in 2006 was far less than that of the 2005 season [Lau and Kim, 2007], with the first major frontal passage on 29 August 2006, 2 days before the days with the poorest air quality index of the year (www.tceq.state.tx.us/compliance/ monitoring/air/monops/sigevents06.html). The dates of each cold frontal passage in 2006 are shown in Table 2, along with the dates of the ozone exceedances. [23] It is well known that high pressure favors the buildup of ozone in the PBL over a timescale of a couple of days due to stagnant air that is repeatedly exposed to solar


radiation under clear sky conditions. However, the Houston case is unique since frontal passages that precede these high-pressure systems are associated with a significant change in background ozone levels (as seen in Table 1), providing elevated ozone levels which local and regional photochemistry further enhance. Elevated background ozone results from the transport of continental air and/or subsidence occurring behind the front. A detailed example will be provided in the discussion of the 28 August to 1 September case study below. [24] The one exception found in Table 2 is for the frontal passage of 28 September, which was not followed by an ozone exceedance. On the day following this frontal passage, there was a quick return to southeasterly flow due to the relatively high speed with which this high pressure system advanced, unlike the previous frontal passages that did lead to exceedances. 3.3. Effect of the PBL Height [25] Twice daily rawinsonde launches were performed for the purposes of determining the relation between the PBL heights and the ozone peak. The strength of the morning inversion was captured well from the 0700 CDT soundings. The daytime development of the PBL height was captured well on IOP days when five additional soundings were launched (see above). [26] Berman et al. [1999] hypothesized that the morning inversion height and strength has an effect on ozone precursor concentrations and may affect hourly ozone peaks during the day. This process occurs during a typical morning rush hour, when mixing layer heights are low and ozone precursors are being emitted rapidly. Stronger early morning inversions can slow the subsequent development of the mixed layer in the midmorning hours and lead to higher observed ozone levels in the afternoon [Berman et al., 1999]. Higher ozone concentrations can also occur by a downward mixing of the air from the residual layer in the midmorning hours as the morning inversion breaks up and the mixed layer grows into the residual layer [Zhang and Rao, 1999]. However, statistical analysis of the TexAQS II rawinsonde data set reveals very little correlation between morning inversion strength (i.e., the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the inversion level). [27] Figure 2 shows the average rate of PBL development on exceedance versus nonexceedance days. The results closely match those found in the work of Berman et al. [1999]. The development of the PBL in the morning may be slower on ozone exceedance days due to the fact that most of the exceedance days occurred in a postfrontal environment with relatively cool morning temperatures that delayed boundary layer development. However, this explanation remains speculative, since differences in PBL height between exceedance and nonexceedance days are not significant, and the temporal resolutions of the rawinsonde measurements are usually too coarse to capture the mixed layer growth. Other meteorological factors also influence ozone concentrations, including the degree of stagnation, the intensity of solar radiation, the wind direction, the presence/absence of precipitation, the air temperature, and the photochemical history, and the rate of freshly entrained precursor emissions. Variations of the PBL height may only play a minor role.

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Figure 2. The average growth of the boundary layer on ozone exceedance days and nonexceedance days. Times given in central daylight time (CDT). Nonexceedance day data points are offset 1/2 h for clarity of presentation. 3.4. Role of Elevated Inversions [28] In a postfrontal environment, the soundings on ozone exceedance days had several features in common. One of these features was a strong elevated inversion, significantly limiting the growth of the mixed layer. Since an elevated inversion was present during most of the high ozone days (especially in September), an attempt was made to analyze the different characteristics of the air masses associated with these inversions. [29] Elevated inversions for each sounding at 0700 CDT and 1900 CDT were categorized by the strength of inversion (i.e., the amount of temperature increase), moisture, and height to find the possible role that elevated inversions play on Houston’s 8 h ozone peak. Inversions less than 0.3°C were ignored. The results of the 0700 CDT analysis are shown in Figure 3. The strongest elevated inversions are not correlated with the highest ozone values. However, the dry air masses aloft (low relative humidity) are associated with frontal passages that occurred in the days preceding ozone exceedances. Figure 3 indicates that the highest ozone averages occurred when the relative humidity of the air mass was low and the inversion itself may not have been very strong. Although the inversion still exists, it is getting weaker as instability gradually increases in the postfrontal environment. Figure 3 also shows that moist inversions typically do not occur on exceedance days. Moist inversions are usually associated with cloud layers that inhibit the photochemical production of ozone. 3.5. Case Study of 28 August to 1 September 2006 [30] This section describes a case study of a 5-day period, 28 August to 1 September 2006, that includes the days with the poorest air quality index (31 August to 1 September) in 2006 (www.tceq.state.tx.us/compliance/monitoring/air/ monops/sigevents06.html), using rawinsonde and ozonesonde observations. On 31 August, ozone levels measured

‘‘Very Unhealthy,’’ based upon the EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI) scale, with a peak 8-h average of 126 ppbv measured at the Westhollow site. On 1 September ozone levels were also ‘‘Very Unhealthy’’ with a peak 8-h average of 129 ppbv at the LaPorte site. [31] Figure 4 depicts a sequence of rawinsonde and ozonesonde profiles at about 1300 CDT for the 5-day period. This sequence provides a picture of the free troposphere and the boundary layer on the days prior to the ozone exceedance (28 and 29 August). Figures 5 and 6 show the two ozone exceedance days, 31 August and 1 September, in greater detail using highly temporally resolved rawinsondes. The days 28 and 29 August were prefrontal days. The frontal passage occurred on the evening of 29 August. [32] On 28 August, low ozone values (30 ppbv, typical of marine background levels) are found from the surface up

Figure 3. Eight-hour average ozone peak compared with elevated inversion strength (°C) and relative humidity (RH, %) at the top of the inversion.

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Figure 4. Boundary layer development from 28 August to 1 September 2006 (for description, see text). to 3000 m AGL. Between 3000 and 4500 m AGL ozone increases steadily to 50 ppbv. It remains 50 ppbv up to 5200 m AGL, above which ozone steadily increases to 70 ppbv (not shown here). On 29 August before the frontal passage, the ozone profile remains almost unchanged in the layers above 3500 m AGL. However, below 3500 m AGL background levels rise to 35– 45 ppbv. Below 1000 m AGL additional photochemical ozone production in the PBL leads to 45 ppbv of ozone. Back trajectory analyses suggest that the peak ozone values of around 45 ppbv passed through southwestern and western Texas. [33] After the frontal passage, the 30 August data show a strong increase in background ozone of 30 ppbv up to

3500 m AGL and of 20 ppbv between 3500 and 5000 m AGL. This increase is also present in the surface ozone data. According to the TCEQ Web site (www.tceq.state.tx.us/ compliance/monitoring/air/monops/sigevents06.html), the approximate peak regional background levels were about 68 ppbv on 31 August and about 66 ppbv on 1 September, and thus close to the ozone values observed on top of the PBL around 1300 CDT (Figure 4). Without the increase of the background ozone levels, ozone exceedances would not have occurred. Back trajectory analyses suggest increasing inflow of continental air masses from the north. [34] Note that the vertical ozone profile changed drastically from 28 to 30 August. On 28 August, ozone values

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Figure 5. Boundary layer development on 31 August 2006 based on rawinsonde launches at 0500, 0700, 1000, 13000, 1600, 1900, and 2200 CDT (if not otherwise noted). (top left) Time series of boundary layer height and (top right) ozone profiles obtained at 0700 and 1329 CDT. (middle left) Profiles of potential temperature and (middle right) wind direction. (bottom left) Wind speed and (bottom right) relative humidity.

were constant with altitude up to 3000 m AGL. Above 3000 m AGL ozone increased steadily from around 25 ppbv up to 45 ppbv at 5000 m AGL. On 29 August ozone values were between 35 and 45 ppbv throughout the troposphere up to 5000 m AGL, and thus already 10 –20 ppbv higher up to 3000 m AGL than on the preceding day. On 30 August

ozone values decreased with altitude, a negative gradient which persisted on 31 August and 1 September as well. [35] Furthermore, the PBL height increased each day from 29 August until 1 September (Figure 4). With increasing convective processes, more of the air aloft with enhanced continental background ozone levels was likely

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Figure 6. Same as Figure 5, but for 1 September 2006. mixed down into the photochemically active PBL over the HGB. As shown in Figure 5, 31 August was characterized by (1) a high PBL height of almost 2000 m AGL, (2) a residual layer with background ozone levels of 60 ppbv, and (3) an additional local photochemical production of ozone of 40 ppbv. [36] Figure 4 reveals a significant increase in ozone in the boundary layer and within a portion of the lower free troposphere. The large increase of ozone values above the boundary layer from 35 ppb on 29 August to 55– 60 ppb

on 30 August can be attributed to air masses with different origins, as indicated by changes in the wind directions (see Figure 4). While Houston was under the influence of a maritime air mass from the Gulf of Mexico on 28 August, the ozone levels in the troposphere up to 2500 m AGL were rather low. After the frontal passage on 29 August, the background levels increased substantially. [37] Figure 4 also suggests significant local ozone production in the PBL. Apart from high solar radiation and stagnant conditions, the first two postfrontal days of 30 and

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31 August both were characterized by dry conditions aloft and strong elevated inversions, indicating an extremely stable atmosphere (see Figure 4), thereby reinforcing the previous discussion of postfrontal environments associated with the analysis of Figure 3. On 31 August, an anticyclone located to the west of Houston at 850 hPa, resulted in north/ northeasterly upper-level winds over the HGB throughout the day. On 1 September the high at 850 hPa had intensified and moved closer to southeast Texas. The days 31 August and 1 September were characterized by a combination of constant inflow of continental ozone and the development of the local land-sea-bay breeze system leading to the ozone exceedances within the PBL. [38] The morning inversion height on 31 August at 0700 CDT was 150 m AGL, and the mean wind in this inversion layer was from 82° at 4.9° m s 1 (Figure 5). The ozone sounding at this same time revealed an increase in ozone mixing ratio with altitude from the surface to the top of the inversion layer (Figure 5). In the residual layer above the inversion, ozone concentrations rapidly increased to 63 ppbv at 800 m AGL, before rapidly decreasing to 31 ppbv at an altitude of 1000 m AGL. As ozone decreased near 1000 m, the relative humidity rapidly increased from 46% to 67%, in association with a cloud layer. Such features have been observed on three of the 12 morning ozone soundings and appear to be chemical in origin. A detailed discussion of such features is beyond the scope of this paper that is focused instead upon meteorological influences on ozone. However, one possible explanation is provided below. [39] SO2 can be a major ingredient of industrial plumes in Houston. SO2 in liquid phase may deplete ozone (H. G. J. Smit, personal communication, 2006). While Wang and Sassen [2000] report an ozone depletion event in clouds depending on the liquid water content, they do not address an SO2 mechanism. Enhanced values of SO2 were observed on 31 August. In particular, it is striking that the increase of the boundary layer height around 1000 – 1100 CDT, when the boundary layer height reached levels above 1000 m AGL, was accompanied by a strong increase in ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate by almost 50 ppbv/h and 1.7 ppbv/h, respectively, as measured by instruments at the Moody Tower on the University of Houston campus. The CAMS site C81 (TCEQ Houston Regional Office) near the University of Houston also reported an increase in SO2 from 2 ppbv to almost 70 ppbv at the same time. It is likely that the increasing boundary layer height led to downward mixing of pollutants from the residual layer possibly including lamina of SO2. One possible explanation of the ozonesonde data, therefore, is that preexisting SO2 and clouds in the residual layer may have led to O3 depletion. [40] In the same morning sounding, a strong temperature inversion was observed at 3500 m AGL, with dry continental air coming from the north and a dew point depression of about 42°C (2– 3% relative humidity). This inversion also corresponded with a sharp increase in ozone mixing ratio, which is seen in the 0700 CDT ozone profile. [41] The 1329 CDT vertical ozone profile (Figure 5) shows a well-mixed layer, with ozone concentrations up to 104 ppbv between the ground and an inversion at approximately 1600 m AGL. This same inversion can also be seen clearly on the 1300 CDT rawinsonde profile (Figure 5).


Ozone concentrations decreased above the inversion due to its ‘‘capping’’ effect, and the wind speeds increased and shifted to northerly. At 3500 m AGL, an increase in ozone is observed underneath the higher inversion. In the midafternoon, the atmosphere was well-mixed with easterly winds from the surface to 150 m AGL. The sea breeze from distinct SE-S wind directions was evident in the 1900 CDT rawinsonde sounding, with a height of approximately 700 m AGL. The 2200 CDT sounding revealed stronger southerly winds up to 1000 m AGL. The strong inversion aloft was still present but had fallen to 2800 m AGL. [42] The morning inversion on 1 September began with a height of 125 m AGL at 0100 CDT and increased to 140 m AGL by 0500 CDT (see Figure 6). While the surface temperatures of the two soundings were similar (26.5°C and 26.7°C, respectively), the wind patterns revealed some differences. The mean wind in the morning inversion layer at 0100 CDT was from 203° at a speed of 3.4 m s 1, while at 0500 CDT it was from 239° at a speed of 3.0 m s 1. While no ozone data were collected for the 0700 CDT launch, the afternoon ozone sounding at 1354 CDT showed a well-mixed layer up to approximately 1800 m AGL, the height at which an inversion is also seen in the rawinsonde profile (Figure 6). High ozone concentrations of 100 – 117 ppbv were observed in this layer. Above this layer, ozone levels decreased significantly, possibly due to a cloud layer (evident on the rawinsonde profile where the relative humidity is close to 100%; see Figure 6), and the presence of the strong elevated inversion that limited the upward mixing of high ozone levels from below. The cloud layer was approximately 200 m thick at 1800 – 2000 m AGL. The remainder of the ozone decrease seems to occur at a ‘‘normal’’/slower pace above 2000 m AGL. At 3800 – 4000 m AGL, a sharp increase in ozone to 84 ppbv occurred in the vicinity of the strong inversion that remained in place from 31 August. A weak sea breeze (2 m s 1) from the southeast (136°) became evident in the lowest 700 m AGL in the 1600 CDT sounding. [43] In a layer between 2700 m and 3500 m AGL background ozone levels 60 ppbv persisted for the entire 3 day period (30 August to 01 September) (see Figure 4). Above this layer the ozone profile showed more variability, possibly due to long range transport events that did not penetrate into the lower troposphere. The layer between 2700 AGL and 3500 m AGL altitude was always associated with northerly wind directions. [44] As can be seen from Figures 5 and 6, land-sea breeze conditions clearly occurred on 31 August and 1 September and were confined to the PBL. These 2 days are both characterized by strong wind shear at the top of the PBL. Usually the land-sea breeze system can be identified best by examining the wind pattern at the coastal Galveston site that allows for the characterization of the marine background conditions under onshore wind conditions. On 31 August the Galveston site reported 60 ppbv of ozone during daytime under onshore wind conditions, an ozone level that coincides with the tropospheric background conditions between 2700 and 3500 m AGL altitude. The corresponding values on 1 September are 20 ppbv higher, indicating the impact of recirculating air masses which under the land-sea breeze condition likely will lead to higher regional background ozone levels. These higher background levels are

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also reflected in the overall increase of the afternoon ozone levels that rise from 100 ppbv in the PBL up to 1500 m AGL on 31 August to 120 ppbv on 1 September (as indicated by the ozonesonde data). Strong increases in ozone levels at individual sites in the HGB are usually associated with winds that shift through easterly directions, coinciding with bay breezes at this time [University of Houston, 2007]. The strong increases in ozone levels around 1000 CDT (as indicated by CAMS surface data, not shown) on 31 August are closely related to these conditions, whereas on 1 September, corresponding increases in ozone levels occur slightly later, consistent with the later wind shifts on that day.

4. Conclusions [45] This study investigated meteorological conditions leading to ozone exceedances in the HGB during TexAQS-II in August and September of 2006. This study included a classification of synoptic patterns and a characterization of the planetary boundary layer and the free troposphere above up to about 5000 m AGL based on rawinsonde and ozonesonde launchings from the University of Houston’s main campus approximately 5 km to the southeast of downtown Houston. [46] Cluster analysis of synoptic patterns and surface background ozone levels showed that Houston experienced high background surface O3 values under northerly or easterly flow regimes at 850 hPa, coinciding with the advection of dry continental air. Observations showed that many exceedance days were accompanied by the presence of strong elevated inversions, which are typical of postfrontal soundings. In fact all O3 exceedances in the month of September occurred in a postfrontal environment. Higher afternoon ozone peaks occurred when there was an extremely dry air mass aloft, although they were not always associated with the strongest observed inversion. Because these latter conditions were usually found right after a frontal passage, the northerly flow was still strong enough to eliminate any chance for stagnation. However, in all postfrontal environments, background ozone was elevated, and analysis of ozonesonde data revealed that regional-scale transport may have an impact on local O3 levels. Depending on the air mass origin, background ozone levels may range from 30 ppbv (marine) to nearly 60– 70 ppbv (continental) throughout the lower troposphere. These different background ozone patterns are also present in the surface O3 data, i.e., increased background ozone levels may help to raise ozone values to the 8-h ozone exceedance level. These changes often occurred after frontal passages that result in shifts in wind direction from marine to continental advection. [47] A previous hypothesis that a stronger morning inversion could lead to higher daytime ozone peaks was not supported by the August – September 2006 Houston data. Rather, the important factors for the case study 28 August to 1 September 2006 seem to be that (1) under well-developed land-sea-bay breeze conditions easterly wind conditions occur which bring Ship Channel emissions into the HGB and that (2) these conditions occur during late morning hours at relatively low PBL heights at a time when fast photochemistry occurs. Low PBL heights at this time will also likely produce a volume effect leading to higher


concentrations that also can enhance the overall probability for an 8-h ozone exceedance but not necessarily lead to higher peak ozone values in the afternoon. [48] The overall results for the HGB indicate that largescale northerly flows, often initiated by frontal passages, will lead to a rapid and significant change in background ozone levels due to the shift in wind direction and associated change of source areas for air masses (continental versus marine). Postfrontal subsidence will most likely lead to an additional O3 increase. As the front departs the area and high pressure settles in, local and regional photochemistry will produce ozone on top of the already enhanced background levels, which may lead to an ozone exceedance. Increased convective processes will also lead to increased PBL heights, and the enhanced continental ozone background levels aloft are likely mixed into the photochemically active PBL over the HGB. While the upper layers frequently show winds from the north and continue to advect continental air masses into the region, winds in the HGB are dominated by the land-sea-bay breeze system. As this land-sea-bay breeze system frequently includes recirculation processes, air masses confined to this system will repeatedly entrain emissions that when exposed to solar radiation lead to high ozone concentrations. [49] Acknowledgments. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for supporting and funding this research under grants 582-5-64594 and 582-5-708070016 and for providing us with the CAMS data sets. Also, thanks to the many graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Houston for making the rawinsonde campaign possible. In particular, thanks to Bridget McEvoy-Day and Rennee Boudreaux for helping on the ozonesonde launches and Ashley Mefferd for valuable discussions. Special thanks to Fong Ngan for helping compile the synoptic maps and providing the category classifications. Additional support for the ozonesonde program came from NASA’s Office of Earth Science and from the Rice University Shell Center for Sustainability.

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