snacks, starting at 5:30 p.m.. The cash bar opens then, too. ... Facebook page. Sunday, Nov. 8 â Meet at ... family bu
Linganore Alumni News Board meets every fourth Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at Linganore High School, Vol. 19, No. 2 July 2015
Class of ’65 to celebrate 50 years! Dinner/dance being held November 7 The Linganore High School Alumni Association will hold its 22nd annual dinner/dance on Saturday, November 7, at the Mount Airy American Legion, 801 Prospect Road. We will honor the Class of 1965, as its members celebrate their fiftieth reunion. Everyone attending seems to enjoy the experience that includes dinner, a brief program, and dancing, Also celebrating special reunions that evening will be the classes of 1970, 1975, and 1980. All alumni are invited to attend, but each year we highlight the five-year reunion classes, and give them time to speak during the program. The evening begins with mingling around punch and snacks, starting at 5:30 p.m. The cash bar opens then, too. A Charles Studio photographer will attend, ready to take couples photos,
group photos, and class photos, beginning at 6 p.m. For $12, the studio will send you a beautiful 8” x 10” copy of the couple, group, or class photo taken during the social hour. If you are in one of the reunion classes, please be sure to arrive by 6:15, when the class photos are staged. These photographs are memorable keepsakes from the dinner/dance that you will still enjoy years from now. Also on the agenda will be a silent auction, organized by a not-so-silent auctioneer, Curtis Lawson ’78. If you have something to donate to the auction, please contact
[email protected] m or Marty Burdette at 301662-0775. The auction will be open from 5:30 until 9:30. Dinner is served at 6:45 p.m., highlighted by fried chicken and roasted pork loin. Convenience Catering of Mount Airy will again provide the dinners. Our favorite DJ, Darlene Weller McFarland ’70 will host music and dancing from 9 until midnight. Darlene always does a great job of
mixing the music to keep everyone hopping. The cost to attend the dinner/dance is $30 per person. Dance Only admission is available for just $10. Plan now to join us for a special night with your LHS friends! There is a reservation form in this newsletter. This is also the perfect time to contribute to the alumni scholarship fund, as the form also has space for this. Please send your reservation, with payment, to reach Kaye Horr by October 24.
Reunion news 50th Reunion – The Class of 1965 will gather at the Alumni Dinner/dance on November 7. How can it be 50 years? You can contact Ruthie Martin Smith at 301696-2084. The Class of 1970 is celebrating its 45th Reunion at the Alumni Dinner/dance this year also. The class will tour the new LHS at 4 p.m. on Friday, November 5. Contact persons are Karen
2 Linganore Alumni News
Dotterer White,
[email protected], and Darlene Weller McFarland, 410-875-2204 The Class of 1975 celebrated its 40th Reunion Sunday, June 7, at Dutch’s Daughter in Frederick. Classmates are also encouraged to put the Alumni Dinner/dance on their calendars. Contact Sally at 301-662-2246 for full details. The Class of 1980 is planning its 35th Reunion the weekend of November 6 – 8, when they will remember hostages in Iran, the eruption of Mount St. Helens, Ronald Reagan becoming president, and everybody wondering, “Who shot J.R.?” Among
July 2015
1980s noteworthy events, Linganore High School sent forth another group of graduates and now, for them, 35 years have passed! Plan to get together to relive old memories and make new ones at the reunion of the LHS Class of ’80. Activities include: Friday, Nov. 6 – A tour of the rebuilt LHS with Principal Dave Kehne (starting 4 p.m.) followed by Happy Hour at Morgan’s American Grill in New Market , 5-7 p.m. http://www.morgansamerican (Happy Hour specials run 3-6 p.m.) Saturday, Nov. 7 – We’ll have our own table at the LHS Alumni Dinner/Dance at the
Mt. Airy American Legion (beginning at 5:30 p.m. with Social Hour). Cost is $30 per person and class photo $12. Info and registration: umni. Or look for registration information on the Linganore Alumni Association’s Facebook page. Sunday, Nov. 8 – Meet at noon for brunch at the Vintage Restaurant in New Market (formerly Mealey’s). Contact Teresa Martin,
[email protected], 301865-3072, or Diane Rey,
[email protected]; 410757-6874 for information and to RSVP by Nov. 1 for Friday
2015 Alumni Dinner/dance Ticket Order Form Name ____________________________________________________________ LHS Class of __________ Name of Guest_____________________________________________________ LHS Class of __________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP _________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________ Telephone _______________________ Number for dinner/dance_____ @ $30 = ____________ Make checks
payable to LHS Alumni, Inc.
Number for dance only ______ @ $10 = ____________ Contribution to the Alumni Scholarship Fund $________ Total enclosed $_________________________________ Deadline:
October 24
Mail this reservation form with your check to Kaye G. Horr, 2250 John Selby Road, New Windsor, MD 21776
3 Linganore Alumni News
and Sunday events. Send a separate check with your dinner/dance registration payable to the Union Bridge Church of the Brethren with Joanne Grossnickle Scholarship on the memo line to donate to the fund that has awarded more than $130,000 in scholarship money to promising students in memory of our classmate. Or you can bring a check with you to the reunion events. The Class of 1985 plans its 30th Reunion for August 1 at Linganore Winecellars, 7 – 11 p.m. If you missed the June 1 deadline for this event, join Friday evening, July 31, at Brewer’s Alley, 7 – 11 p.m. for an Informal Meet and Greet. Contact LHS Class of 1985, P.O. Box 865, Mt. Airy, MD 21771 The Class of 1995 reunion event planned to be held October 10 at The Faux School has been canceled. Watch for a new date and place.
Three awarded scholarships This year the Linganore High School Alumni Association awarded three scholarships, each for $1,158. Winners were Jensen Riley, Thomas James, and Kaitlyn Anne Byrnes. Jensen Riley, of Queen Anne Court, New Market, will be attending Frostburg State University in the fall as a freshman. Hoping to be an
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illustrator, she currently intends to get a master’s degree in arts. Treasurer of her junior class, she was also a member of the LHS marching band, the National Honor Society, and actively participates in an annual Vacation Bible School, while working regularly in the family business. Thomas James, of Ridgeline Drive, Mt. Airy, is a senior at Elizabethtown College, majoring in mechanical engineering. An Eagle Scout, he plays for the college basketball team, mentors freshmen, and works with the elderly of Elizabethtown, Pa., at the Masonic Home and through In the Streets. He has been a coach or counselor at the high school basketball camp since 2009. His summer work includes “house sitting” for a farm and being a lifeguard. Kaitlyn Anne Byrnes, of Catoctin Ridge Drive, Mt. Airy, plans to attend Frederick Community College this year. She hopes to become a speech pathologist. She played varsity soccer since she was a sophomore, remains a club player, and has coached basketball and been a referee for LOUYA several years. A member of the National Honor Society and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, she had perfect attendance for three years in school. Active in Montgomery United Methodist Youth Group for five years, she was also a Vacation Bible School
teacher. The Alumni Association now has well over $50,000 invested with the Community Foundation of Frederick County, and makes awards from investment profits. In the last 17 years, we have given more than $25,500 to help deserving alumni further their education.
Golf tournament set financial record donation On April 24 we held the ninth Liberty Open, although our first at West Winds Golf Club near New Market. While the weather was brisk, the sun was shining and the rain held off until late in the afternoon. Top score of the day was turned in by the foursome of Jeff Roche, Daryll Rippeon, Brooks Yetter, and Mark Overcash. Seventy-one golfers enjoyed a day that started with doughnuts and coffee and ended with lunch of grilled chicken, hot dogs, sausages, and pulled pork. CarterQue (Chris Carter ’89) provided the lunch sides, and was a Birdie sponsor. The Johnsville 4-H Club provided cookies. We continue to partner with the LibertytownUnionville Lions Club in sponsoring the Liberty Open. Marty Burdette and Anita Kent chaired the golf committee again this year. With many alumni contributing hard work and support, we were able to raise
4 Linganore Alumni News
over $7,300 that will be shared by the two organizations for their scholarship funds. This was our best year, financially. Forty-seven sponsors for the event contributed $6,385. We recognize our Eagle Sponsors ($250 or more) Frederick Equipment Co., Grindstone Construction (Nick Pollatos ’00), Hendershot Financial, in Memory of Tim Baldwin, Lawson’s of Woodbine (Curtis Lawson ’78), PBLS Enterprises, Inc., Roche Automotive, Inc., SKS Equipment & Diesel (Steve Kent ’74), Spirits of Liberty, Van Mar Associates, Inc., and Willow Grove Farm (John ’79 and Kathy ’78 Lyons). Alumni Birdie sponsors ($150) included Coppermine Applicators (Bob Pare ’87), Dotterer Farms (Paul ’74 and Karen ’75 Dotterer), Gorsuch, LLC (Dwight Gorsuch ‘66, Susan ’69, Doug ‘75, and Steve ’77), Musselman Excavating, Inc. (Jeff ’81), New London Precision Instruments, Inc. (Rosalie ’64 and Matt ’93), Kaye ’64 and Steve Horr, and Tipton’s (Clarence and Phyllis ’65). Alumni Par sponsors ($50 or $100) were Carole Flynn ’63, Dark Valley Farms (Mike ’66 and Donna ’66 Grossnickle), Dennis ’64 and Roxie Mullinix, Joyce Grossnickle ’78, and Skip ’66 and Donna Isaacs. Alumni Cart sponsors ($25) this year were Barbara Ferguson ’69, Jim Ferguson
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’68, Gary ’69 and Karen ’70 White, and Tulip Pond Farm (Carole Doody ’81). We are grateful and appreciative of all these businesses and individuals for their support of the Linganore High Alumni Association. This event is the major way we raise money for our scholarship fund, managed by the Community Foundation of Frederick County. We plan to return to West Winds next year and have a tentative date set of May 6, 2016.
include (but are not limited to) horseshoes, corn hole, pavilion volleyball and lots of reminiscing. There is a huge playground near the pavilion for the “little people.” The picnic is intended to be fun for families. Bring your own lunch and drinks, and plan on having a great time. Charcoal grills are available. For more information, email LinganoreHSAlumni@gmail. com or call or text Marty at 301-662-0775.
Alumni picnic tradition builds
Many seniors appreciate Breakfast 2015
The fourth annual LHS Alumni picnic will be held Sunday, August 9, 2015, starting at 11 a.m. We will meet at the No. 2 Pavilion at the Old National Pike Park, on Md. 144, between New Market and Mount Airy. Past picnics have been attended by alumni of all ages, and many have brought their families. Planned activities
Alumni provided the 23rd annual Senior Breakfast on May 29th in the LHS
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cafeteria. This year’s all LHS alumni breakfast team was headed by the cafeteria manager, Frances Wimmer, class of ‘64. Those serving included: Skip Isaacs (‘66); Curtis Lawson (‘77); Pam Grossnickle Tressler (‘74); Donna Grossnickle Ernst (‘75) and Karen Dotterer White (‘70). It is always a pleasure to welcome new graduates into the ranks of the alumni. The class of 2015 seemed especially grateful for the event. The Journalism teacher intends to feature a story about the Senior Breakfast in the school newspaper. The student reporter expressed interest in the history of the annual event. Those participating always find it a great opportunity to further student awareness of the alumni association. We are grateful for a cooperative cafeteria staff. Staff work enthusiastically to help us make this project successful each year.
2015 Alumni scholarship deadline Alumni of any age can apply for one of our alumni scholarships at The deadline is February 15, 2016. We suggest that you visit the Web site early to become familiar with the requirements, and spend some time presenting yourself
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accurately, while emphasizing your experience and abilities.
Nominate distinguished graduates If you know a deserving graduate for the 2016 awards, you’ll find a nomination form on the alumni Web page. Alternatively, send a nominating letter to Natalie Evans, Distinguished Graduate Organization, 12013 Old Annapolis Road, Frederick, MD 21701. The group bestows awards in six categories: Academics, Arts, Athletics, Business, Humanities, and Public Service. All nominees get an application and must agree to speak to freshmen at the November awards ceremony.
Change in Alumni officers President: Marty Burdette ’87 Vice President: Curtis Lawson ’75 Secretary: Kaye Horr ’64 Treasurer: Sue Ensor ’74 Since April 2003, Scott Burall, ’75, had served as vice president of the alumni association, contributing in countless ways to the success of the organization. We appreciate his twelve years as an officer. Our new vice president, Curtis Lawson has been involved in a variety of alumni activities, ranging from running the dinner/dance silent auction to providing
vehicles for alumni in the LHS Homecoming Parade, manning our booth at the Libertytown carnival, and providing good business sense at board meetings. You can always contact the alumni officers using our email address: LinganoreHS
[email protected].
Alumni calendar of events August 9 Alumni Picnic at Old National Pike Park, beginning at 11 a.m. August 17 – 22 Libertytown Carnival October 10 Homecoming Parade – New Market, 10 a.m. November 7 Annual Dinner/dance, 5:30 – midnight, Mt. Airy American Legion November 24 Distinguished Graduate Ceremony, 9 a.m., LHS Auditorium
In Memory Jamie Barnes ‘68 Jesse Burall, Jr., ‘64 Eddie Shelton, Sr. ‘68
Send names for this entry to LinganoreHSAlumni
New Web site Frederick County Public Schools have provided us a new Web site, and the old one no longer works. To learn what’s happening on the Alumni Web page, check