Page 1 of 2. February 2013 Newsletter. Little Tots News. 2385 W. Cheltenham
Ave. Cheltenham Square Mall. Philadelphia, PA 19150. T: 215-885-3900.
February 2013 Newsletter
Little Tots News 2385 W. Cheltenham Ave. Cheltenham Square Mall Philadelphia, PA 19150 T: 215-885-3900
Upcoming Events School Closed
February is Black History Month!
February 18
“Black History Month was established in 1926. Although there is an international aspect to Black History month, it is mainly an American holiday. In 1926, Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson and other African American and white scholars launched "Negro History Week" so that Americans could reflect on the history and contributions of African Americans. In the 1970s, the celebration of African American history was expanded to include the entire month of February.”
Presidents’ Day
During Black History Month, North Wales Academy will be incorporating “Dream Sheets” into our curriculum. We’ll be asking our students to tell us about their dreams, and to write them down so they can share them with others.
Kid Zone. How “Cool” is school? At North Wales Academy we want our children to embrace the learning process. In February we will continue our efforts to highlight happy and upbeat activities in which our students have expressed an interest. In February, we will be putting an emphasis on our students respecting themselves, their family and their friends.
North Wales Academy Policies North Wales Academy policies will remain the same in 2013 and parents can obtain a copy by asking the director. We appreciate your continued adherence to these polices as they have been established for the safety of your children and to enhance their learning experience. Special Note: We ask our Parents/Guardians to inform us when our van students are absent either for the morning or afternoon pickup or drop off. This will help us to maintain an efficient schedule. Thank-you!
Health News Did You Know? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Page 1 of 2
Here are just a few reasons why your child should eat breakfast: • Studies show that eating breakfast every day is important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Starting your child’s day with a healthy breakfast will also make them less likely to eat high-calorie snacks during the morning.
Happy Birthday Matthew Wilkinson 2/5 Tony Hicks 2/7
• Eating a well-balanced breakfast improves their intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially iron and vitamin C; these nutrients are essential in a balanced diet. In fact, a good breakfast provides one-fourth to one-third of the day’s energy and nutrient needs. • Children who eat a healthy breakfast tend to show improved academic performance, longer attention span, better attendance and decreased hyperactivity in school. • Skipping breakfast will often make your child feel tired, restless or irritable by mid-morning. By eating breakfast, your child will have energy throughout the morning and help him/her concentrate better in class. February School News Preschool begins promptly at 9:30 A.M. January topics will include: Curriculum Corner! We Are Ready To Learn! Infant-The month of February is the theme of “Love” Ms. Keda will talk about love of family and friends. Valentine arts-n-crafts are in the works! Toddler-The theme for the month is ‘Earth” also students will learn about famous African-Americans to celebrate Black History Month. Valentines arts-n-crafts using the heart shape and students will make homemade rice crispy treats. Students will learn about the letter “M”.
FYI… Dance class updates will be posted in the school. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook. We will be posting Black History Month projects that our children have created. In the event of inclement weather, please tune to NBC 10 WCAU-TV for important school closings or delays. School closings air as early as 5:00 am and continue through the Today Show.
Pre-K-Pre-K students will celebrate Black History Month by learning about inventions by African-Americans like the traffic light. Students will also make Valentines for arts-n-crafts, and learn about the letters: “Q, R and, S, and the numbers 10 -14. Show and tell is always every Friday and we are expecting a visit from the Cheltenham Library. Toddler and Pre-K students will also have a Valentine’s Day Party. Your child’s teacher will inform you of the details and contributions to make the party fun!
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