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University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. 3. .... donkeys. Participatory Rural Appraisals. Participatory rural appraisals (PRAs) were.
Egyptian Journal of Sheep and Goat Sciences, Vol. 8 (1), P: 17-27, 2013 (Proceedings Book of 4th International Scientific Conference on Small Ruminant Development) (3-7 Sept., 2012, Sharm El Shiekh)

LIVESTOCK KEEPERS’ PERCEPTION OF INDIGENOUS GOAT BREEDS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO LIVELIHOODS IN PAKISTAN M. S. Khan1, M. S. Muhammad2, M. Abdullah2, F. Hassan1, A. Waheed1, M. Ashfaq1, R.C. Bett3, I. Baltenweck3, J. Poole3, M.N.M. Ibrahim3 and A.M. Okeyo3 1. University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. 2. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. 3. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya. SUMMARY The objective of this study was to determine the objectives of goat production, related management practices and their role in the live of rural poor through Participatory Rural Appraisal at two experimental sites including Bahawalpur (Site I) and Faisalabad (Site II) in Pakistan. Three villages were randomly selected from each site for appraisals. The data were collected through discussions with the livestock keepers about the goat production systems, contribution to livelihood, role in livelihood, breeding and selection, key constraints and sale of animals. The data were analysed using Chi square test. It was found that contribution of livestock to livelihood was significantly (P

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