Local Hire Benefits 2017-2018.pdf - Google Drive

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the annual salary for each working day taken. Revised: Aug 2016. Page 3 of 4. Local Hire Benefits 2017-2018.pdf. Local H

T +971.2.681.5115 | P.O. BOX 42114. ABU DHABI, U.A.E.

Local Hire Benefits 2017-2018 Salary Incentive Bonus

Basic Teacher Scale 17.5% of base salary (first two years) 18.13% of base salary in the third and subsequent years – paid in September of the following year.

Retirement (End of Service) EOS payments in accordance with the UAE law and an additional retirement supplement will be paid as follows: The total EOS and retirement benefits will be 2 months of the employee’s annual base salary for the first two years of service. This amount is increased to 2.5 months in the third consecutive year of employment and maintained at that level for all subsequent years of continuous employment. Work Days

Sunday to Thursday.

Pay Periods

Beginning in August there will be twelve pay periods. Payment will be made on the last working day of the month, except for June and July which is paid in June at the conclusion of the school year.

Method of Payment

All salaries will be paid by direct transfer only, in Dirhams, into a UAE bank (3.67 UAE Dirhams = $1.00)


There are no UAE income taxes.

Medical/Dental Insurance

The employee will be eligible for medical and dental insurance coverage in accordance with the terms of policies issued by the insurance provider selected by the school up to the percent of employment. The employee will not be eligible if already covered by another insurance policy. Note: the employee must provide written proof of non-coverage by the spouse’s employer to be eligible.

Disability Insurance

School designated plan paid by school.

Staff Development

Is Provided according to annual budget provision and Superintendent’s approval.



T +971.2.681.5115 | P.O. BOX 42114. ABU DHABI, U.A.E.

Holiday Leave Sick Leave

The EMPLOYEE is entitled to all scheduled school holidays and vacations. There are 3 categories of sick leave at ACS. Full Pay, Half Pay and Leave Without Pay. The maximum total number of sick leave days across the three categories is 90 working days. When a teacher is first employed at ACS, they are allotted the following number of days in each category: Full Pay- 15 working days Half Pay (granted by Superintendent)- 30 working days Leave Without Pay (granted by Superintendent)- 45 working days. Each year, teachers will receive an additional 15 working days in the Full Pay category to be added to the total number of unused days in that category. Should a teacher require additional sick leave beyond the number of days accumulated in the Full Pay category, the Superintendent may grant up to an additional 30 days of sick leave at Half Pay. Should a teacher require additional sick leave beyond their accumulated days of unused sick leave at Full Pay and the granted 30 days of leave at Half Pay, the Superintendent may then grant up to an additional 45 working days of Leave Without Pay. The total number of sick days cannot exceed 90 working days.


Disability Insurance

It is a school designated plan, fully paid by the school.

Business/Emergency Leave

The EMPLOYEE is entitled to 3 days per year with pay when authorized by the Superintendent. Business/emergency leave cannot be used for vacation or adjacent to scheduled holidays. Educator may accumulate unused business/emergency leave up to a maximum of seven (7) working days that may be used for a business/emergency business trip if approved by the Superintendent.

Maternity Leave

After one year of service, the EMPLOYEE is entitled to 60 calendar days with 100% pay. Half pay will be


T +971.2.681.5115 | P.O. BOX 42114. ABU DHABI, U.A.E.

granted to employees having less than one year’s service. Further leave without pay for up to one hundred (100) consecutive or non-consecutive days will be granted upon a physician’s recommendation.

Paternity Leave

Paternity leave will be granted to the educator for up to five (5) working days at full pay in the case of birth or adoption.

Compassionate Leave

The EMPLOYEE is entitled to ten (10) paid working days in cases of serious illness, injury or death of an immediate family member (parent, spouse, brother, sister or child). Leave and allowance will be granted only once per immediate family member.

Unpaid Leave

Unpaid leave is granted only for compelling reasons at the discretion of the Superintendent. The school board must approve any unpaid leave beyond forty-five (45) calendar days. When unpaid leave is granted, salary deductions will be made based on a prorated amount of the annual salary for each working day taken.

Revised: Aug 2016



T +971.2.681.5115 | P.O. BOX 42114. ABU DHABI, U.A.E.