Jul 29, 1998 - establish the uniform consistency and derive the asymptotic .... We rst minimize Qn with respect to over the parameter space Ax. Rp; ... tive methods are required to nd b(x) and the procedure might be quite ... appears to focus on generalized linear models in which a single parameter can enter any \link".
July 29, 1998
Abstract We introduce a new nonparametric regression estimator that uses prior information on regression shape in the form of a parametric model. In eect, we nonparametrically encompass the parametric model. We obtain estimates of the regression function and its derivatives along with local parameter estimates that can be interpreted from within the parametric model. We establish the uniform consistency and derive the asymptotic distribution of the local parameter estimates and of the corresponding regression and derivative estimates. For estimating the regression function our method has superior performance to the usual kernel estimators at or near the parametric model. It is particularly well motivated for binary data using the probit or logit parametric model as a base. We include an application to the Horowitz (1993) transport choice dataset.
Some key words: Binary Choice; Kernel; Local Regression; Nonparametric Regression; Parametric Regression. Journal of Economic literature classi cation: C4, C5
1 Introduction Methods for estimating nonlinear parametric models such as the generalized method of moments, nonlinear least squares or maximum likelihood are generally easy to apply, the results are easy to interpret, and the estimates converge at the rate n1=2: However, parametric models can often impose too much structure on the data leading to inconsistent estimates and misleading inference. By contrast, methods based on nonparametric smoothing provide valid inference under a much broader class of structures. Unfortunately, the robustness of nonparametric methods is not free. Centered nonparametric smoothing estimators [such as kernels, nearest neighbors, splines, series] converge at rate n1=2s; where s ! 0 is a smoothing parameter, which is slower than the n1=2 rate for parametric estimators. The quantity s must shrink so that the `smoothing' bias will vanish. Although this bias shrinks to zero as the sample size increases, it can be appreciable for moderate samples, and indeed is present in the limiting distribution of the standardized estimator when an optimal amount of smoothing is chosen. It is the presence of this limiting bias, as well as the slow rate of convergence, that distinguishes nonparametric from parametric asymptotic theory. In practice, the bias can seriously distort one's impression of the underlying relationship.1 Therefore, it is important to have control of the bias and to try to minimize its in uence on inference. Some recent developments in the nonparametric smoothing literature have addressed these issues. Fan (1992) derived the statistical properties of the local linear estimator which involves tting a line locally (as opposed to tting a constant locally which is what the Nadaraya-Watson estimator does). Fan showed that local linear is design adaptive: its bias depends on the design to rst order only through the second derivatives of the regression function. This is in contrast with the NadarayaWatson estimator whose bias also depends on the logarithmic derivative of the design density and can thus be quite large for some design densities even when the regression function is linear.2 There are special cases in which smoothing bias is small. For example, the Nadaraya-Watson regression smoother is exactly unbiased when the function being estimated is a constant. We say that Nadaraya-Watson estimators are centred at constants. Local polynomial estimators, see Fan and Gijbels (1992) and references therein, are centred at the corresponding polynomial. In fact, the local q'th order polynomial is centred at a reparameterization p(z) = 0 + 1(z ? x)+ : : : + qq! (z ? x)q Con dence intervals are usually constructed without regard to this bias. This practice is justi ed by undersmoothing, see Bierens and Pott-Buter (1990). The bias eect can be worse in the boundary regions which are often of primary interest, see Muller (1988) and Anand et al. (1993) for some estimators, and in regions where the marginal density of the explanatory variables is changing rapidly. 2 Fan (1993) formalized this further by showing that local linear is superior to Nadaraya-Watson according to a minimax criterion. 1
of the polynomial regression function p(z) = 0 + 1z + : : : + q zq in which the parameters are exactly the regression function and its derivatives. This reparameterization, however, changes with each evaluation point so the parameters are not directly interpretable inside the global parametric model. It is of interest to estimate the parameters which do have an interpretation when the parametric model is true everywhere. We introduce a new kernel nonparametric regression estimator that can be centred at any parametric regression function. Our approach is to nonparametrically encompass the parametric model and to estimate the local parameters using information from a neighborhood of the point of interest. To facilitate the asymptotics we introduce a local reparameterization that separates out the parameters with common convergence rates, speci cally setting one parameter equal to the regression function and others equal to partial derivatives.3 Our regression function estimator is consistent for all possible functional forms, is design adaptive, but has especially good properties (i.e., essentially no bias) at or near the parametric model. This centering approach to nonparametric estimation has been recently considered as well in spline regression and series density estimation, see Ansley, Kohn and Wong (1993) and Fenton and Gallant (1996), but not as yet for kernels. The advantage of working with kernels is that we are able to obtain the asymptotic distribution of our procedure taking account of bias and variance. This important result is not available for these other smoothing methods. We also derive the asymptotic properties of estimates of the identi able original parameters of the parametric model by the delta method. These local parameter estimates are interpretable inside the parametric model and are of interest in their own right. They can be used as a device for evaluating the parametric model. See Staniswalis and Severini (1991) for a formal analysis of a likelihood ratio type test statistic in a similar setting, and Gourieroux, Monfort, and Tenreiro (1994) for an econometric time series application. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we introduce the model and procedure. In section 3 we establish uniform consistency and derive the asymptotic distribution of our estimators. Section 4 contains an application to the transport choice data set of Horowitz (1993) and includes some discussion of bandwidth choice. Section 5 concludes. Two appendices contain the proofs. Our consistency proof follows an approach similar to that found for example in the results of Potscher and Prucha (1991), combined with the empirical process techniques of Pollard (1984) and Andrews (1994). P For any vectors x = (x1; : : :; xd) and a = (a1; : : : ad); de ne jxj = dj=1 xj ; x! = x1! xd!; and xa = (xa1 ; : : :; xadd ) for any integer d; also let for any function g: Rd+c ! R; 1
As is commonly done for the local linear estimator.
Dxa g(x; y) = @xa @ @xad g(x; y); x 2 Rd; y 2 Rc; 1
with Dxa = Da when there is no ambiguity as to the variable being dierentiated. We use kAk = ? T 1=2 tr A A to denote the Euclidean norm of a vector or matrix A. De ne also the Euclidean P distance (x; A) = inf y2A kx ? yk. Finally, ?! denotes convergence in probability and =) signi es weak convergence.
2 The model and procedure The data to be considered are given by the following assumption. Assumption A0: Our sample fZi gni=1 ; where Zi = (Yi ; Xi ); is n realizations drawn from an
i.i.d. random vector Z = (Y; X ) de ned on a probability space ( ; F ; P ); where the response variable Y takes values in Y R ; the covariates X take values on X Rd; for some d, and E [Y 2] < 1:
Assumption 0 guarantees the existence of Borel measurable real valued functions g and 2 with domain X such that E (Y jX = x) = g(x) and var(Y jX = x) = 2(x): Let ui = Yi ? g(Xi ); then
E (uijXi) = 0 a:s:
Our main objective is to estimate the unknown regression function g at an interior point x without making explicit assumptions about its functional form. We do, however, wish to introduce some potentially relevant information taking the form of a parametric function m(X; ): For concreteness, we carry this out using the (nonlinear) least squares loss function, although the idea can be extended to a likelihood, (generalized) method of moments, or M-estimation setup. We therefore introduce the following local nonlinear least squares criterion n
X Qn (x; ) = n?1 fYi ? m(Xi; )g2 i=1
KH (Xi ? x);
where KH () = det(H )?1K (H ?1 ) with H a d d nonsingular bandwidth matrix, while K () is a realvalued kernel function. We rst minimize Qn with respect to over the parameter space Ax Rp; letting Mn (x) be the set of minimizers. Then, for any b(x) 2 Mn(x), let g(x) = mfx; b(x)g b (3) be our estimator of g(x); and let a g (x) = Da m(x; Dd b(x)); (4) x be an estimate of Dag(x) for any vector a = (a1; : : :; ad), where this is well-de ned. In general, iterative methods are required to nd b(x) and the procedure might be quite computationally expensive if one needs to estimate at a large number of points x. However, in our experience only a small number of iterations are required to nd each maximum since the globally optimal parameter values provide good starting points. Our procedure is related to the local likelihood estimator of Tibshirani (1984), although this work appears to focus on generalized linear models in which a single parameter can enter any \link" function [an example of a link function is the normal c.d.f. or its inverse in a probit model]. There are similarities with the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of Staniswalis (1989) in which there is again only one location parameter, but a more general criterion than least squares is allowed for. There has been much recent work in the nonparametric statistics literature, mostly focusing on density and hazard estimation. In particular see: Copas (1994), Hjort (1993), Hjort and Jones (1996) and Loader (1996). Work in other areas includes Robinson (1989) for a time series regression problem and the recent paper by Hastie and Tibshirani (1993) about random coecient models. Work on regression has proceeded less quickly, and we appear to be among the rst to fully exploit this idea in regression, although see the recent discussion of Hjort and Jones (1994). Our procedure nests the local polynomial regression that originated with Stone (1977) and was recently popularized by Fan (1992). These procedures are discussed in Hardle and Linton (1994, see p17 especially).
We now give some examples. Example 1. Suppose the parametric regression function is linear in the parameters
m(x; ) = 1r1(x) + : : : + prp(x); where r1; : : :; rp are known functions. Many demand and cost systems fall into this category, see Deaton (1986). In this case, the minimization problem (2) has, for each n; an explicit solution b = (RT KR)+ RT KY; 5
where R is an n p matrix with (i; j ) element rj (Xi), Y = (Y1; : : :; Yn )T ; K =diagfKH (Xi ? x)g; and superscript + denotes a generalized inverse. For example, when m(x; ) = ; then bg(x) is the Nadaraya-Watson estimator. This special case also includes the local polynomial estimators of Fan (1992). Pp
for some function F (): This generalization provides a convenient way to impose inequality restrictions like 0 g(x) 1. For example, with binary data one might take the logit or probit c.d.f.'s; in a sample selection model taking F to be an inverse Mills ratio would be appropriate. This type of structure is used widely; for example in semiparametric models, where F would be of unknown functional form while would be xed parameters. See especially Stoker (1986). In our approach, F is taken to be known, while is allowed to vary with x: Our method is fully nonparametric, while the semiparametric approach adopted in Stoker (1986) entails some restrictions on the modeled distribution. Fan, Heckman and Wand (1995) consider the case where x is scalar and m(x; ) = F (1 + 2x + : : : + pxp?1) for some known link function F . Example 2. (Index structures) Let m(x; ) = F (1 +
j =2 j xj ?1 );
Example 3. (Production functions). A number of common micro production functions can be
used in (2), including: the Cobb-Douglas m(x; ) = 1x1 : : : xd p ; the constant elasticity of substitu tion m(x; ) = 1 + 2x1 p + : : : + p?1xd p 1=p ; and the Leontie m(x; ) = minf1; 2x1; : : :; pxdg: The Leontie function although continuous is not dierentiable. Note that the Cobb-Douglas functional form implicitly imposes the requirement that g(0) = 0: One can also impose, for examP ?1 j and minimizing (2) with respect to ple, constant returns to scale by writing p = 1 ? pj=2 = (1; : : :; p?1): See McManus (1994) for an application of nonparametric production function estimation. 2
3 Asymptotic properties In this section we derive the uniform consistency and pointwise asymptotic normality of the regression and derivative estimators. We rst give some de nitions and outline the argument, and then give the main results in two subsections. On of the main issues that we face here is the (asymptotic) identi cation of the parameters and of the regression function and its derivatives from the criterion function. For notational convenience in the sequel we restrict our attention to scalar bandwidths Q H = hI and product kernels Kh (v) = dj=1 kh(vj ) where kh () = h?1k(=h). 6
We shall show, under only continuity conditions on m and g; that the criterion function Qn(x; ) converges uniformly [in x and ] as n ! 1 to the non-random function
Q(x; ) = fg(x) ? m(x; )g2 fX (x) + 2(x)fX (x); (5) where fX (x) is the marginal density of X: Let 0(x) be the set of parameter values minimizing Q(x; ): When p > 1, 0(x) will in general contain many elements, i.e., there is not a unique parameter vector 0(x) minimizing the limiting criterion function so that the usual consistency theory does not apply. For example, suppose that m(x; ) = 1 + 2x and that g(x) = 0: Then, the criterion function is minimized whenever 1 + 2x = 0; which is true for a continuum of 0s: In eect, only one parameter can be identi ed from (5). To identify more parameters, one needs to exploit higher order approximations to Qn(x; ). Under additional smoothness, i.e., continuous derivatives of order r > 0, one can approximate Qn(x; ) by a deterministic function Qr(x; ); obtained from a Taylor series expansion of E [Qn(x; )] ; with a smaller error. Let r (x) be the set of parameter values minimizing Qr (x; ) with respect to ; this set is de ned inductively, i.e., j (x) = f 2 j?1(x) : = arg min Cj (x; )g ; for j = 0; 1; : : : ; r;4 where Cj (x; ) = R
fDa g(x) ? Dxam(x; )g5 K (v)dv: a ! fa:jaj=j g
For example, C1(x; ) = t2k(t)dt fa:jaj=1g fDag(x) ? Da m(x; )g2 ; while
(x; ) = vec fG(x) ? M (x; )gT
vvT )K (v)dv
vec fG(x) ? M (x; )g ;
m (x; ) where G(x) = @x@j @xg k (x) j;k and M (x; ) = @x@j @x are symmetric matrices of second k j;k derivatives. Now de ne 0(x) = f 2 Ax : g(x) = m(x; )g and j (x) = f 2 j?1 (x) : Da g(x) = Dxa m(x; ); jaj = j g for j = 1; : : : ; r. The sets j (x) bear on the identi cation of the parameters, while j (x) are relevant for the identi cation of the regression function and its derivatives. Note that j (x) j (x) for j = 0; 1; : : : ; r; while, under continuity and compactness assumptions, j (x) 6= ;; these sets are all compact. We shall assume that 0(x) = 0(x) and that Ax is compact. A compact parameter space is frequently assumed in nonlinear problems for technical reasons; it guarantees that Mn(x) 6= ;: Nevertheless, it is not strictly necessary: it can be omitted when the criterion function is convex in the parameters, for example, see Potscher and Prucha (1991). The requirement that 0(x) = 0(x) 6= ; rules out inappropriate functional forms: for example, if m were a cumulative distribution function, but the regression function itself were negative at the point of interest. 4
With the convention that ?1(x) = Ax :
Let 0(x) be a typical element of j (x) for whichever relevant j = 0; : : : ; r: Identi cation of the parameter vector 0 (x) [i.e., whether it is unique] will depend on the model chosen, and in particular on the number of parameters p relative to the number of derivatives of g and m at x; which we ? P assume generically to be r 0. Letting pr = rj=0 tj , where tj = j+d?d?1 1 is the number of distinct j 'th order partial derivatives, we say that 0(x) is underidenti ed when p > pr ; and identi ed when p pr .5 The leading example of an underidenti ed case is when g is only a continuous function but p > 1: In the underidenti ed case, r (x) may have any cardinality and 0(x) cannot be uniquely identi ed. Nevertheless, we establish that Mn(x) is uniformly strongly consistent for the set s (x); with 0 s r; in the sense that for all sequences fbn(x)g with bn (x) 2 Mn (x) we have sup (bn(x); s(x)) ?! 0 a:s:;
for any compact set X0 X : In other words, every element of Mn(x) converges to an element of s (x): This seems like a plausible notion of convergence here. When s(x) is a singleton, this notion corresponds to the usual strong consistency de nition. Even though 0(x) may not be unique, the regression function and its derivatives, which are unique, can be consistently estimated by the following argument. For any sequence of functions b(); 0() with b(x) 2 Mn(x) and 0(x) 2 0(x); we have that with probability one
Q(x; b(x)) = Qn(x; b(x)) + o(1)
Qn(x; 0(x)) + o(1)
= Q(x; 0(x)) + o(1);
where the o(1) errors are uniform in x [this is established in the appendix], while the inequality in (9) follows by de nition of b(x): Since Q(x; b(x)) Q(x; 0(x)) by de nition, we conclude that with probability one Q(x; b(x)) = Q(x; 0(x)) + o(1) and hence
m(x; b(x)) = m(x; 0(x)) + o(1); uniformly in x; where m(x; 0(x)) = g(x) by assumption: In other words, under our conditions, we have that
Of course, these are only necessary conditions. The distinction between exactly identi ed, p = pr ; and overidenti ed, p < pr plays no role in our analysis. 5
sup jbg (x) ? g(x)j ?! 0 a:s:;
regardless of the cardinality of 0(x): When g(x) possesses r continuous partial derivatives and r (x) = 6 ;, a similar argument allows us to conclude that for all vectors a = (a1; : : :; ad) with jaj r;
a g (x) ? Da g (x) ?! 0 a:s: sup Dd
In conclusion, the regression function and derivatives can typically be consistently estimated even when the parameters are not. We now turn to the overidenti ed scenario with p pr , in which case it may be possible to uniquely identify 0(x), i.e., we can expect that r (x) will be a singleton. The `identi cation' of g(x) and its derivatives, however, maybe a dierent story. There are two subcases. First, when p = ps for some s r, then we can expect j (x) 6= ; and in fact j (x) = j (x) for each j s. In this case, Da g(x) for any vector a with jaj s can be consistently estimated via (4). The second case we call `unsaturated' and corresponds to p satisfying ps?1 < p < ps for some s r: In this case, the criterion function Cs (x; ) cannot be set to zero, and although we can identify and estimate 0(x) as well as the partial derivatives through order s ? 1; we are not able to consistently estimate all of the s'th order partial derivatives by this method, i.e., j (x) = j (x) for each j s ? 1 but s(x) = ;:6 The following examples clarify these points. Example 4.
(a) Suppose that m(x; ) = 1+2x; i.e., d = 1 and p = 2: Then, 0(x) = f 2 Ax : g(x) = 1 + 2xg = 0(x) is a line segment in -space. When r 1; dg 1(x) = 1(x) = 2 Ax : g(x) = 1 + 2x and dx (x) = 2 ; which is a singleton with 01(x) = g(x) ? x dg(x) /dx and 02(x) = dg(x) /dx . (b) Now suppose that m(x; ) = 1x1 + 2x2; i.e., d = 2 and p = 2: Then, 0(x) = 0(x) = f 2 Ax : g(x) = 1x1 + 2x2g is a line segment in -space, while, when r 1; 1(x) is the orthogonal projection in R2 of the point (@g(x) /@x1 ; @g(x) /@x2 ) onto the ane subspace 0(x); this gives a unique element of When K is suciently smooth, it is possible to estimate the remaining partial derivatives by direct dierentiation of b(x) with respect to x: 6
-space both components of which are, in fact, linear combinations of g(x); @g(x) /@x1 ; and @g(x) /@x2 . However, these parameter values do not set (6) identically zero, i.e., 1(x) = ;; so that although g(x) = 01(x) x1 + 02 (x) x2; neither @g(x) /@x1 = 01(x) nor @g(x) /@x2 = 02(x) unless x1 @g(x) /@x1 + x2 @g(x) /@x2 = g(x): In the identi ed case, p pr , one can use a standard Taylor series expansion about the single point 0(x) to establish asymptotic normality for b(x): In the underidenti ed case consistency of the function and derivative estimates is established; however, the fact that the smallest set r (x) need not be a singleton makes proving the asymptotic distribution theory more complicated and is not attempted here.
3.1 Uniform Consistency Let X0 be a compact set with X0 X for some > 0; and let A be the closure of [x2X Ax: De ne a;b) the class Fr;s;(X0 A) of functions q: X0 A ! R for which D((x; )q (x; ) exists and is continuous in x and for all vectors a; b with jaj r and jbj s; and, furthermore, there exists a non-negative bounded function and a positive constant such that for all x 2 X0 and ; 0 2 Ax; 0
(a;b) D(x;)q (x; )
a;b) q (x; 0) (x) k ? 0 k ? D((x; )
for all vectors a; b with jaj r and jbj s: Functions smooth in x that do not explicitly depend on can be embedded in a suitable Fj;0;0(X0 A) in an obvious manner. Assumption A
(1) The marginal density of X; fX ; is bounded away from zero for all x 2 X0: Furthermore, fX ; 2 2 F0;0;0(X0 A); while g 2 Fr;0;0(X0 A) and m2 Fr;r;(X0 A) for some > 0: (2) For an s r speci ed in the theorem, we suppose that for all t = 0; 1; : : : ; s we have the following condition. For any open -neighborhood t (x) of t (x), > 0, there is an " > 0 such that for all (x) 2 t?1 (x) t (x) \ t?1 (x) ; we have inf x2X Ct(x; (x)) ". 0
(3) The kernel weighting function k is symmetric about zero, continuous, of bounded variation, R R and satis es k(t)dt = 1; jk(t)jdt K^ < 1; and for some s r speci ed in the theorem R k(t)t2sdt < 1: (4) fh(n) : n 1g is a sequence of nonrandom bounded positive constants satisfying h ! 0 and nhd+2s = log n ! 1 for some s r speci ed in the theorem: Assumption A2 is a form of identi able uniqueness necessary for the identi cation of s (x): It is a generalization of the typical identi cation condition in parametric models where t(x) is a singleton to the case where it can consist of a continuum of elements, see for example Gallant and White (1988, De nition 3.2) for comparison. Consider example 4(a) at the single point x = 1 and suppose that g is continuous with g(1) = 0. Then, 0(1) = f 2 Ax : 1 + 2 = 0g and there is no unique parameter. Nevertheless, Assumption A2 is clearly satis ed here because for any a distance from 0(1) we have 1 + 2 = for some with jj > 0: Therefore, C0(x; ) = (1 + 2)2 which is bounded away from zero as required. As usual in nonlinear models assumption A2 can be hard to establish in general, see the discussion in Newey and McFadden (1994, p 2127). The bandwidth condition A4 is the same as in Silverman (1978), when s = 0; and is essentially the weakest possible. Specializing the assumptions and the theorem to X0 = fxg we obtain a pointwise consistency result. In this case, the bandwidth condition can be weakened to requiring only h ! 0 and nhd+2s ! 1; see Hardle (1990) for similar conditions and discussion of the literature. Schuster and Yakowitz (1979) show uniform consistency for the Nadaraya-Watson regression estimator by direct methods. See Andrews (1994) for a review of the theoretical literature and results for more general sampling schemes using empirical process techniques. Theorem 1. Suppose that assumptions A0-A4 hold for some 0
s r; and let Mn(x); x 2
X0 be the sequence of local nonlinear least squares estimators. (i) Then, (7) holds; (ii) Also, taking s = 0; (11) holds; and (iii) Taking s such that p ps, (12) holds for all vectors a with jaj s r; provided that for all x 2 X0; s(x) = 6 ; ; (iv) Suppose in addition: that p pr ; that s in A2-A4 is such that ps?1 < p ps ; and that for this s, s(x) = s(x) = f0 (x)g for all x 2 X0. Then,
sup b(x) ? 0(x) ?! 0 a:s:
Note how in the underidenti ed case where p > pr , r (x) is not a singleton, and although (7), (11) and (12) will hold, (13) will not. In the next section we nd the pointwise rate of convergence.
3.2 Asymptotic Normality In this section we derive the pointwise asymptotic distributions of the local parameter estimates a g (x): We restrict our b(x); the regression function estimate bg(x); and the derivative estimates Dd attention to the identi ed case, and in particular take p = p1 = d + 1 and r 2 so that 0(x) and g(x) and its rst partial derivatives can be uniquely identi ed. Our results are thus comparable with those of Ruppert and Wand (1994) for multivariate local linear estimators. This specialization is primarily for notational convenience, and we remark on the general case following the theorem. Our approach is as follows. We rst work with a convenient reparameterization of m; for which we use the original notation (x); and derive the asymptotic properties of the local parameter estimates b(x) in this case. In fact, we work with a parameterization for which 01(x) = g(x) and 0j+1(x) = @g(x)=@xj ; j = 1; : : : ; d; so that b(x) actually estimates the regression function and its derivatives. The original parameters, which we now denote by ; are smooth functions of (x) and x: We then derive the properties of b (x) = (b(x); x) by the delta method. The reason for our approach is as follows. The asymptotic properties of extremum estimators depend crucially on the behaviour of the Hessian matrix and its appropriate normalization. We can generally nd a sequence of p p scaling matrices H (n) with the property that
@ 2Qn (x; 0(x))H ?1 ?! P H ?1 @@ I(x; 0(x)); T where the limit matrix is positive de nite. The ideal case is when the scaling matrices and the local information matrix I(x; 0(x)) are diagonal (or block diagonal), which we call an orthogonal parameterization, following Cox and Reid (1987). In this case the diagonal elements of H (n) measure the relative rates of convergence of the asymptotically mutually orthogonal parameter estimates. For any given parametric function m(x; ), the components of each generally contains information about both the regression function g(x) and its partial derivatives @g(x)=@xj ; j = 1; 2; : : : ; d; which are themselves known to be estimable at dierent rates, see Stone (1982). A consequence of this is that the corresponding information matrix may be singular or the scaling matrices may have a complicated structure that can even depend on g itself. 12
The parameterization itself is not unique, and can be changed without aecting the resulting estimate of g(x): We therefore reparameterize to an orthogonal parameterization for which H is diagonal and I is block diagonal. In fact, we work with the particular orthogonal parameterization for which 01(x) = g(x) and 0j+1(x) = @g(x)=@xj ; j = 1; : : :; d; which we call canonical, in which the score for the parameter 01(x) is orthogonal to the scores for each 0j+1(x); j = 1; : : : ; d: This separates out the parameters with dierent convergence rates. Given m(z; ), a general method for nding its reparameterization is to solve the system of partial dierential equations:
@m (x; ) = (x); j = 1; : : : ; d; m(x; ) = 1(x) ; @x j +1 j for ((x); x): Then write m(z; 0(x)) = m(z; (0(x); x)): That is, m(z; 0(x)) and its partial derivatives will equal 01(x) = g(x) and 0j+1(x) = @g(x)=@xj ; j = 1; : : :; d; respectively, when evaluated at z = x: Frequently, the canonical orthogonal parameterization is given by replacing m(z; ) by m(z ? x; (x)); as in the local linear estimator of Fan (1992).7 To illustrate the general method consider the Cobb-Douglas model m(z; ) = 1z1 zd p : We have to solve 2
1x 1 x dp = 1(x) ; j+1 x?j 1 1x 1 x dp = j+1 (x); j = 1; : : :; d; 2
which yields
j+1((x); x) = xj j+1(x(x) ) ; j = 1; : : : ; d ; 1((x); x) = 1
1(x) x1 2 (x)=1(x) x1 xxddp(x)=1(x)
x (x)= (x) xd p (x)= (x) m(z; (x)) = 1(x) xz1 xzd : 1 d We use some convenient notation. Derivatives are denoted by subscripts so that m(x; ) is the p 1 vector of partial derivatives of m with respect to ; while mx(x; ) and mxx(x; ) are d 1 and d d rst and second derivative arrays of m, and mx(x; ) is the p d matrix of cross partials. Finally, let xx = gxx(x) ? mxx(x; 0(x)); and note that x = gx(x) ? mx(x; 0(x)) = 0: We make the following additional assumptions: 1
Assumption B P 7 A similar transformation works for index models, thus an orthogonal reparameterization of F( 1 + dj=1 j +1 zj ) is P P provided by F[1 + dj=1 j +1(zj ? xj )]; the canonical reparameterization is in fact F[F ?1(1)+ dj=1 F 0 fF?+1 1 (1 )g (zj ? xj )]: j
(1) Assumption A2 is satis ed for 1(x) = 1(x) = f0(x)g with 0(x) = (g(x); gxT (x))T in the interior of Ax and x in the interior of X : (2) There is some neighborhood U of (x; 0(x)) in X Ax for which m 2 F3;2;0(U ) and g 2 Fr;0;0(U ) for some integer r; while f 2 F1;0;0(U ): (3) The functions mmT (X; ) fY ? m(X; )g ; m(X; ) fY ? m(X; )g and mxx(X; ) are elementwise dominated for all 2 Ax by s1x (Y; X ), s2x(Y; X ) and s3x(X ) respectively, where E fsjx g Sjx < 1 for j = 1; 2; 3: R
(4) Let j (k) = tj k2(t)dt and j (k) = tj k(t)dt for any integer j: The kernel k is symmetric about zero and 0 < 0 (k); 2 (k); 2 (k) < 1: We require only two moments for u [see A0]; which is less than the 2+ commonly used ? Bierens (1987) and Hardle (1990) ? see Lemma CLT in Appendix A. The other conditions are strengthenings of the dierentiability and boundedness conditions of Assumption A and are fairly standard to the nonparametric literature. The requirement that 0(x) be an interior point of Ax in Assumption B1 is trivially satis ed: given the boundedness of g and its rst order derivatives, we can always nd a compact Ax with 0(x) in the interior. Our theorem gives the properties of both a regression function estimator and a derivative estimator. Usually, these results are stated separately because (a) if one is only interested in the function itself one can get away with weaker smoothness conditions (twice not thrice continuous dierentiability) and (b) the optimal bandwidth for these two problems is of dierent magnitude. The latter reason means that there are really two separate procedures: one optimized for the regression function and one for its derivatives. Theorem 2. Let A0-A1, with X0 = fxg; A3 and B1-B4 hold. Then,
(a) If also limn!1 h2(nhd)1=2 = c; with 0 c < 1; and B2 holds with r = 2; the regression estimate b1(x) satis es
(nhd )1=2 b1(x) ? 01 (x) =)N
where b1 (x) = 12 2(k)tr(xx).
2 cb1(x); 0(k) f ((xx)) ; X
(b) If also limn!1 h2(nhd+2)1=2 = c; with 0 c < 1; and B2 holds with r = 3; the partial derivative estimates bj (x) satisfy
(nhd+2 )1=2 b
0 j (x) ? j (x) =)N
2 cbj (x); 22((kk))f ((xx)) ; j = 2; : : : ; p; X 2
where bj (x) is de ned in (31) in Appendix A.
(c) Let V (x)denote the asymptotic variance matrix of f(nhd)1=2H b(x)g; with H = diag(1; h; : : : ; h) a p p diagonal matrix. That is, v11(x) is the asymptotic variance of f(nhd )1=2b11(x)g, vj1(x) = v1j (x) is the asymptotic covariance of f(nhd)1=2b1(x); (nhd+2 )1=2bj (x)g, j = 2; : : :; p;, and vij (x) is the asymptotic covariance of f(nhd+2 )1=2bi(x); (nhd+2 )1=2bj (x)g; i; j = 2; : : : ; p: Then, for h satisfying the conditions of either part (a) or (b), vij (x) = 0; i = 6 j; i; j = 1; : : : ; p: (d) Let Vb = Ab?1BbAb?1; where Ab = H ?1 n?1 Pni=1 mmT (Xi ; b(x))Kh(Xi ? x)H ?1 and P Bb = hdH ?1 n?1 ni=1 ub2i mmT (Xi ; b(x))Kh2(Xi ? x)H ?1, with ubi = Yi ? m(Xi; b(x)): Then, for h satisfying the conditions of part (a), v11(x) is consistently estimated by the (1; 1) element of Vb : For h satisfying the conditions of part (b), vjj (x) is consistently estimated by the (j; j ) element of Vb :
1. The asymptotic variance of bg(x) [= b1(x)] is independent of the parametric model m(x; ) used to generate the estimate.8 Furthermore, the bias of bg(x) does not depend on fX (x) to rst order, i.e., the procedure is design adaptive in the sense of Fan (1992). Our work demonstrates that this is not due to the speci c functional form chosen by Fan but solely to the number of parameters [p = d + 1] chosen in the approximating parametric model. 2. The extension to the case p = ps for any integer s = 0; 1; 2; : : : is relatively straightforward and parallels closely the theory for local polynomial estimators described in Masry (1996). Namely, under corresponding smoothness conditions and bandwidth rates, the asymptotic variance of the reparameterized b1(x) [= bg (x)] is the same as that for the corresponding local polynomial [i.e., the local polynomial of order s] estimator of g(x), while the bias is the same as the corresponding local polynomial estimator except that derivatives of g(x) ? m(x; 0(x)) replace derivatives of g(x); the results for general local polynomials are stated in Theorem 5 of Masry (1996): 3. The extension to the unsaturated case with ps?1 < p < ps can also be brie y described. Suppose that we reparameterize the rst ps?1 parameters to correspond to the rst s ? 1 partial derivatives, and then reparameterize the remaining parameters to match up with an arbitrary list of order s partial derivatives of length p ? ps?1: Then, the asymptotics parallel that for local polynomial estimators in which only some of the partial derivative parameters are included in the polynomial. It is already known that the variances of the Nadaraya-Watson and the local linear estimators are the same; our general class of models m includes the local linear (with p = d + 1) and the Nadaraya-Watson (with p = 1). 8
In particular, the asymptotic variance of the reparameterized b1(x) [= bg(x)] is the same as in remark 2 except for the kernel constant, which is now the rst element of the matrix Mp?1 ?pMp?1 ; where Mp and ?p are the p p matrices of kernel moments [each are submatrices of the kernel moment matrices appearing in Theorem 5 of Masry (1996)]. Finally, the bias contains only the derivatives of g(x) ? m(x; 0(x)) corresponding to the unmatched derivatives and has kernel constants similarly modi ed as in the variance. A major advantage of our method arises when the parametric model is true or approximately true. If for some xed 0; g(x) = m(x; 0) for all x, then bg(x) is essentially unbiased as the derivatives of all orders of g(x) ? m(x; 0) with respect to x equal zero for all x. In this case, there is no upper bound on feasible bandwidth and one could widen h to achieve faster convergence. In fact, parametric asymptotic theory applies to b(x) on substituting nhd for n; since Qn is then just a subsample weighted least squares criterion. More generally, the performance of our procedure is directly related to the value of the information contained in the parametric model m; speci cally, the bias of bg(x) is proportional to the distance of m from g as measured by xx: If g(x) is close to m(x; 0) in the sense that
jtr (xx)j jtr (gxx)j; then the bias of bg(x) will be smaller than that of the comparable local linear estimators. For the local linear estimator, mxx 0; and so this procedure has reduced bias only when jtr (gxx)j is small. If the regression function were closer to the Cobb-Douglas functional form than to a linear function, then the procedure with Cobb-Douglas m would have better performance as measured by smaller bias. The performance gain is directly proportional to the value of the information used in the construction of gb(x); unlike for conventional bias reduction techniques.9 The choice of parametric model is clearly important here. In some situations, there are many alternative plausible models such as logit or probit for binary data. We examine whether the sensible, Fan (1993) establishes the minimax superiority of the local linear estimator over the Nadaraya-Watson estimator in the one-dimensional case; this result was established over essentially the following class of joint distributions D; 9
C = D(; ): jgxx(x)j C; fX (x) a; (x) b; f is Lipschitz 2
for positive nite constants C; a; and b: In fact, the local linear procedure is minimax superior to any other given parametric pilot procedure over this class. However, consider the modi ed class C 0 that replaces the bound on gxx by gxx(x) ? mxx (x; 0(x)) C: Then, one has the symmetric conclusion that the pilot m(x; ) generates a regression estimator with better minimax performance over C 0 than the local linear estimator.
but misspeci ed, choice of a logit regression function works better than plain local linear tting, when the true regression is probit. The comparison is made with respect to the theoretical bias of the local linear and local logit procedures for the probit regression function (1 + 0:5x); where () is the standard normal c.d.f., while x is a standard normal covariate. These parameter values are taken (approximately) from a real dataset, see section 4 below. Figure 1 shows jgxxj and jgxx ? mxxj as a function of x: Local logit would appear to be considerably better. *** Figure 1 here ***
Often there is interest in the original parameters . We can derive the asymptotic distribution of b(x) by an application of the delta method. Recalling the relationship = (; x); (so that
j (x) = j (b(x); x); and j0(x) = j (0(x); x); j = 1; : : :; p;) we obtain b
j (x) b
? j0(x) = ?Tj (x)fb(x) ? 0(x)g + op (fnhd+2g?1);
where ?j (x) denotes the p 1 vector @ j (; x)=@ evaluated at 0(x). An important consequence of this is that b nj (x) inherits the slow convergence rates of the derivatives estimates b2(x); : : :; bp(x), unless all elements of ?j (x) except the rst one equal zero. The following corollary summarizes the results. Corollary. Suppose that the conditions of Theorem 2 hold and that (; x) is continuously
dierentiable in . Then,
(a) If ?j (x) = (?j1(x); 0; : : :; 0)T ; ?j1(x) 6= 0, then (nhd)1=2 b j (x) ? j0(x) =)N fc?j1 (x)b1(x); ?2j1(x)v11(x)g; j = 1; : : : ; p; where h satis es the conditions of Theorem 2(a), and b1(x) and v11(x) are as de ned in Theorem 2.
(b) If ?j (x) = (?j1(x); : : : ; ?jp(x))T ; with ?j` (x) 6= 0; for some ` = 2; : : : ; p; then (nhd+2)1=2 bj (x)
? j0(x) =)N c
p X `=2
?j` (x)b`(x);
p X `=2
?2j` (x)v``(x) ; j = 1; : : : ; p;
where h satis es the conditions of Theorem 2(b), and b`(x) and v``(x) are as de ned in Theorem 2.
(c1) If ?i(x) = (?i1(x); 0; : : :; 0)T and ?j (x) = (?j1 (x); 0; : : :; 0)T with ?i1 (x) 6= 0 and ?j1(x) 6= 0, then the asymptotic covariance of f(nhd )1=2b i (x); (nhd )1=2b j (x)g is ?i1 (x)?j1 (x)v11(x); i; j = 1; : : : ; p, with h satisfying the conditions of Theorem 2(a).
(c2) If ?i(x) = (?i1(x); : : :; ?ip(x))T and ?j (x) = (?j1(x); : : :; ?jp(x))T ; with ?i` (x) 6= 0; for some ` = 2; : : : ; p; and ?j` (x) = 6 0; for some ` = 2; : : : ; p; then, the asymptotic covariance of f(nhd+2)1=2b i (x); (nhd+2 )1=2b j (x)g is Pp`=2 ?i` (x)?j` (x)v``(x); i; j = 1; : : : ; p. (c3) If ?i (x) = (?i1(x); 0; : : :; 0)T ; ?i1(x) =6 0; and ?j (x) = (?j1(x); : : :; ?jp (x))T with ?j` (x) 6= 0; for some ` = 2; : : :; p; then, the asymptotic covariance of f(nhd )1=2b i (x); (nhd+2 )1=2b j (x)g; i; j = 1; : : : ; p; is zero, where h satis es the conditions of Theorem 2(a) for b i(x) and Theorem 2(b) for b j (x).
(d1) Let Vb (b ) be de ned in identical way to Vb after replacing b(x) by b (x).
Then, for ?i (x), ?j (x) and h satisfying the conditions of part (c1), the (i; j ) element of Vb (b ) is a consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance{covariance ?i1 (x)?j1 (x)v11(x); i; j = 1; : : : ; p; of part (c1).
(d2) For ?i(x), ?j (x) and h satisfying the conditions of part (c2), the (i; j ) element of Vb (b ) is a consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance{covariance 1; : : : ; p; of part (c2).
`=2 ?i` (x)?j` (x)v`` (x);
i; j =
4 Empirical Illustration We implemented our procedures on the transport choice dataset described in Horowitz (1993). There are 842 observations on transport mode choice for travel to work sampled randomly from the Washington D.C. area transportation study. The purpose of our exercise (and Horowitz's) is to model individuals choice of transportation method (DEP, which is 0 for transit and 1 for automobile) as it relates to the covariates: number of cars owned by the traveler's household (AUTOS), transit out-of-vehicle travel time minus automobile out-of-vehicle travel time in minutes (DOVTT), transit in-vehicle travel time minus automobile in-vehicle travel time in minutes (DIVTT), and transit fare minus automobile travel cost in 1968 cents (DCOST). Horowitz compared several parametric and semiparametric procedures suggested by the following models: 18
H1: Pr(Y = 1jX = x) = ( T x) H2: Pr(Y = 1jX = x) = F ( T x) H3: Pr(Y = 1jX = x) =
T x V (x)1=2
H4: Y = 1( T X + u > 0); where in the single index model (H2) the scalar function F () is of unknown form, while in the random coecient probit model (H3) V (x) = x0x in which is the covariance matrix of the random coecients, and in (H4) the distribution FujX () of u given X is of unknown form with median(ujX ) = 0.10 To estimate H2 he used the Klein and Spady (1993) procedure, while to estimate H4 he used both the Manski (1975) maximum score and the Horowitz (1992) smoothed maximum score methods. We t a local probit to the dataset; thus our local model can be written as
E (Y jX = x) = ( (x)T x); where () is of arbitrary unknown form. This can be interpreted as a random coecient probit, except that the variation in parameters is driven by the conditioning information rather than by some arbitrary distribution unrelated to the covariates. Note that if H1 were true, then we should nd that our estimated 0s are constant with respect to x; while if either H2 or H3 were true, we should nd that ratios of slope parameters are constant, i.e., j (x) / ` (x) ; j; ` = 2; : : : ; p; does not depend on x:11 For each point x; we found b (x); and hence gb(x) = (b T x); by minimizing n X i=1
Yi ? ( T Xi) 2 KH (Xi ? x)
For notational consistency with the rest of the paper we let the rst element of x be a constant and call its parameter the intercept and the remaining parameters slopes. 11 Note that in our model, j (x) / ` (x) = j (x) /` (x) ; for j; ` = 2; : : :; p: The comparison between H4 and our nonparametric regression is less clear as H4 is based on conditional median restrictions rather than conditional mean restrictions. If the data were generated by H4, then is hard to see what the regression function might be since the distribution of (ujX) is arbitrary. What can be said here is that the H4 model provides interpretable parameters for this particular latent model, while the nonparametric regression formulation is better geared to evaluating eects in the observed data. 10
with respect to : The parametric probit values provided starting points and a BHHH algorithm was used to locate the maximum. Convergence was typically rapid. The kernel was a product of univariate Gaussian densities and the bandwidth was of the form H = bhb 1=2, where b was the sample covariance matrix of the regressors. The constant bh was chosen to minimize
CV (h) =
n X j =1
fYj ? bg?j (Xj )g2 (Xj );
where () is a trimming function and bg?j is the leave-one-out estimate of g; see Hardle and Linton (1994). Figure 2 shows the cross-validation curve plotted against the logarithm of bandwidth for three dierent trimming rates. In each case, approximately the same bandwidth, bh = 0:917, was chosen.12 In Figure 3 we plot the tted function against the tted parametric regression (e T Xi): We present dierent curves for households with zero autos, one auto and two or more autos. The dierences between these subsamples are quite pronounced. Figures 4 show the estimated local parameters (together with the corresponding parametric e j shown as the horizontal line) versus their own regressors along with a smooth of these points and 99% symmetric pointwise con dence intervals. *** Figures 2-4 here ***
That these parameters are widely dispersed is consistent with Horowitz's ndings against the xed coecient probit. There appears in some cases, notably in-vehicle time, to be a pronounced trend in the parameters. Finally, we investigated the ratios bj (x) /b ` (x) and found many to exhibit non-constancy. Four of these plots are shown in Figures 5 where the dependence of the local slope parameter ratios on the regressors is clear.13 This dependence suggests the presence of interactions (lack of separability) among the regressors in the utility function of these individuals, a feature not captured by the other models. *** Figure 5 Here ***
5 Concluding Remarks Our procedure provides a link between parametric and nonparametric methods. It allows one to shrink towards a favorite nonlinear shape, rather than towards only constants or polynomials as was We chose the bandwidth from the least trimmed dataset because it is most representative of the data itself. In any event, the results are not greatly aected. 13 As in Figures 4, the corresponding parametric probit ratio is shown as the horizontal line for comparison. 12
previously the only available options. This is particularly relevant for binary data, where polynomials violate data restrictions, and in nonlinear time series estimation and prediction problems where parametric information is useful. As with any smoothing procedure, an important practical issue that needs further attention is the bandwidth choice. In section 4 we used cross-validation. An alternative is to use the expression for the optimal bandwidth implied by the bias and variance expressions of Theorem 2 and its corollary to construct plug-in bandwidth selection methods. To implement these procedures, one must obtain estimates of gxx using in place of m a model that includes m as a special case. Proper study of this issue goes beyond the scope of this paper. Interested readers can consult Fan and Gijbels (1992) for further insights into this problem.
A Appendix Proof of Theorem 1. We present the main argument for the case that s = 0. The proof follows
the main steps of similar results in the literature (see for example Potscher and Prucha (1991, Lemmas 3.1 and 4.2) or Andrews (1993, Lemma A1)). It relies on the use of the identi cation assumption A2 and a uniform strong law of large numbers (Lemma USLLN) which is proved in Appendix B. Lemma USLLN in particular guarantees that sup jQn(x; ) ? Qn (x; )j ?! 0 a:s:;
Qn (x; ) = E fY ? m(X; )g2 Kh (X ? x)
= E fg(X ) ? m(X; )g2 Kh (X ? x) + E f2(X )Kh (X ? x)g : Now rewrite
Qn(x; ) =
fg(x ? vh) ? m(x ? vh; )g2 f
X (x ? vh)K (v )dv +
2(x ? vh)fX (x ? vh)K (v)dv
by a change of variables. Then, by dominated convergence and continuity (assumption A1), sup jQn (x; ) ? Q(x; )j ?! 0;
x2X0 ;2A
where convergence is uniform in by virtue of the uniform continuity of m over A. Assumption A2 now guarantees that: for any -neighborhood 0(x) of 0(x), > 0, there is an " > 0; such that for any (x) 2 Ax 0(x), inf Q(x; (x)) ? Q(x; 0(x)) ":
But this implies that for any b(x) 2 Mn(x) there exist an , 0 < "; such that Pr ((b(x); 0(x)) ; for some x 2 X0) Pr (Q(x; b(x)) ? Q(x; 0(x)) ; for some x 2 X0)
?! 0 a:s:;
where Q(x; 0(x)) denotes Q(x; 0(x)) for any 0(x) 2 0(x), and (17) holds provided supx2X jQ(x; b(x))? Q(x; 0(x))j ?! 0 a:s: Using (14), (15) and (16), the latter follows from 0
0 inf x2X [Q(x; b(x)) ? Q(x; 0(x))] supx2X [Q(x; b(x)) ? Q(x; 0(x))] 0
supx2X [Q(x; b(x)) ? Qn(x; bn (x))] + supx2X [Qn(x; b(x)) ? Q(x; 0(x))] 0
supx2X [Q(x; b(x)) ? Qn(x; b(x))] + supx2X [Qn(x; 0(x)) ? Q(x; 0(x))] 0
2 supx2X ;2A jQn(x; ) ? Q(x; )j ?! 0 a:s:; 0
where 0(x) is any member of 0(x): Therefore, (17) follows. This, together with the uniform continuity of m(; ) and Qn(; ) in imply that for any b(x) 2 Mn; m(x; b(x)) ?! g(x) a:s:; and Qn(x; b(x)) ?! 2(x)fX (x) a:s: Assuming now a general s 0, we modify the above argument as follows. First apply an sth order Taylor theorem to g(x ? vh) ? m(x ? vh; ) and write Qn(x; ) as
Qn(x; ) =
2 4 Z
s X j =0
X va
fa:jaj=j g
a g (x) ? Da m(x; )g + hs R (x; )5 f (x ? vh)K (v )dv f D n X x a!
+ 2(x ? vh)fX (x ? vh)K (v)dv; 22
Rn(x; ) =
va [fDa g(x(v; h)) ? Da m(x(v; h); )g ? fDa g(x) ? Da m(x; )g] ; x x fa:jaj=sg a! X
where x(v; h) are intermediate between x and x ? vh: Note that Rn (x; ) = o(1) uniformly in x and : Let Qsn (x; ) be the same as Qn(x; ) but without Rn (x; ): Then, sup
x2X0 ;2A
s s n (x; ) ? Qn (x; ) = o(h )
by our continuity and compactness assumptions. Furthermore, by our uniform convergence result, the ? rate in (14) is log n=nhd 1=2 ; which is smaller order than hs under the stated bandwidth conditions. To minimize Qsn(x; ) one proceeds recursively, rst minimizing C0(x; ) with respect to ; then C1(x; ) with respect to 2 0(x) etc. This is because the cross-product terms are zero and for each j; fX (x ? vh) only enters proportionately and is independent of v to rst order. Under our conditions in part (iv), there is a unique minimum 0 (x) to this higher order. In any case, condition A2 ensures that the set s (x) is identi ed in this generalized sense. Proof of Theorem 2. We deal with bias and variance terms separately. Let H = diag(1; h; : : :; h)
be a p p, p = d + 1; diagonal scaling matrix, and let e1 and E2 denote the following p 1 and p d arrays e1 = (1; 0Td )T ; E2 = (0d ; Id)T ; where 0d is a d 1 vector of zeros and Id is the d d identity matrix. Our assumptions guarantee the following Given Assumptions A0-A1, A3, B1-B2, and our bandwidth conditions, b(x) ?! 0(x) a.s., 0(x) a unique interior point of Ax; x interior to X : Therefore, there exists a sequence fn(x)g such that n (x) = b(x) a.s. for n suciently large, and each n(x) takes its values in a convex compact neighborhood of 0(x) interior to Ax: In what follows we eliminate the dependence on x of the coecients to simplify notation. Given Assumption B2, an element-by-element mean value expansion of @Qn(x; n )=@ about 0 gives (Jennrich (1969, Lemma 3)): @Qn (x; ) = @Qn (x; 0) + @ 2Qn (x; )( ? 0); n n n @ @ @@T where n is a random variable such that nj lies on the line segment joining nj and 0j ; j = 1; : : : ; p; and hence, n ?! 0; a.s. Since n = b a.s. for n suciently large, and since @Qn(x; b)=@x = 0 whenever b is interior to Ax; it follows that the left-hand side of the expansion vanishes a.s. for n suciently large. Premultiplying by (nhd )1=2H ?1; inserting the identity matrix H ?1H and rearranging gives 23
@ Qn (x; )H ?1 g?1 (nhd )1=2H ?1 @Qn (x; 0 ) (nhd )1=2H (n ? 0 ) = ?fH ?1 @@ T n @ 2
= An (x; n)?1 (nhd)1=2Sn (x; 0); where An(x; n) = H ?1 @ 2Qn(x; n)=@@T H ?1; and Sn(x; 0) = ?H ?1 @Qn(x; 0)=@: The two main steps of the proof consist in showing that [1] An(x; ) converges to a positive de nite limit matrix, and [2] (nhd )1=2Sn(x; 0) satis es a multivariate central limit theorem. Proof of [1] Write An (x; n ) as
An(x; n) = H ?1Rn1 (x; 0)H ?1 + fRn1(x; n) ? Rn1(x; 0)gH ?1 + H ?1Rn2 (x; n)H ?1; P
where Rn1(x; ) = 2n?1 ni=1 m(Xi; )mT (Xi; )Kh (Xi ? x); and Rn2(x; ) = 2n?1 m(Xi; )gm(Xi ; )Kh (Xi ? x): We will show below that
i=1 fYi
jjH ?1Rn1 (x; 0)H ?1 ? An(x; 0)jj = op(h);
jjH ?1fRn1(x; n) ? Rn1(x; 0)gH ?1jj = op(1); and jjH ?1Rn2 (x; n)H ?1jj = op (1);
2 6
An(x; 0) = 2 64
a11(x; 0) ha12(x; 0) 7
7; 5
ha21(x; 0) A22(x; 0) with a11(x; 0) = fX (x); A22(x; 0) = fX (x)2(k)Id; where Id is the d d identity matrix, and a12(x; 0) = aT21(x; 0) = 2 (k)fDT fX (x)+ 21 fX (x)[trfD2mxx(x; 0)g; : : :; trfDpmxx(x; 0)g]g; where DfX (x) = @fX (x)=@x. Here, D` mxx(x; ); ` = 1; : : :; p; denotes a d d matrix with (i; j ) element @ 3m(x; )=@`@xi@xj : Note that An(x; 0) is a positive de nite matrix as n ! 1 given Assumptions A1 and B4. Proof of [2] Write Sn (x; 0 ) as
Sn(x; 0) = Sn1(x; 0) + Sn2(x; 0) + Sn3(x; 0);
(x; 0)
Sn2(x; 0) = Sn3(x; 0) = We will show below that
X 2H ?1 n?1 uife1 + E2(Xi ? x)gKh(Xi ? x); i=1 n X 2H ?1 n?1 uifm(Xi; 0) ? e1 ? E2(Xi ? x)gKh (Xi ? x); i=1 n X ? 1 ? 1 2H n [g(Xi) ? m(Xi; 0)]m(Xi ; 0)Kh(Xi ? x): i=1
(nhd )1=2Sn1(x; 0)=)N (0; B );
(23) (24) (25) (26)
where B = 42(x)fX (x)diag(0(k); 2(k); : : : ; 2(k)): Furthermore,
jj(nhd )1=2Sn2(x; 0)jj = Op (h); and
jjSn3(x; 0) ? h2Hc(x; 0)jj = Op(h4);
c(x; 0) = (c1(x; 0); : : : ; cp(x; 0))T ;
c1(x; 0) = 2(k)fX (x)tr(xx); cj
(x; 0)
d d X X 1 1 = 4(k)fDj fX (x)jj + fX (x)[ 2 mjrr rr + 3 jjr ]g r=1 r=1
+ 22(k)fDj fX (x) +
mjrsrs +
rr +
XX Ds fX (x)[js + sj ] + fX (x)[ 21 ( mjrrss
mjrssr ) + 13
d XX r6=j s=1
for j = 2; : : : ; p; where Dj fX (x) = @fX (x)=@xj ; ij = @ 2[g(x) ? m(x; 0)]=@xi@xj is the (i; j ) element P P PP Pd Pd 3 0 of xx; r6=j denotes dr=1;r6=j , r6=s denotes s=1 r=1;r6=s , mijr = @ m(x; )=@xi @xj @xr ; and ijr = @ 3[g(x) ? m(x; 0)]=@xi@xj @xr: Using these results, we can now calculate the bias and variance of the regression and rst derivative estimates :
[BIAS]: From (18)-(29), and the equivalence between b and n for n suciently large, it follows that the (asymptotic )bias is
E (b ? 0) = H ?1An(x; 0)?1h2Hc(x; 0)g + O(h4); 2 6
= h2 21 64
?h?2 1(k)fX?2 (x)a12 7 6 c1(x; 0) 7
??2 1 (k)fX?2(x)aT12 h?1 ?2 1(k)fX?1 (x)Id
76 54
hc2(x; 0) 75 + O(h4) hcp(x; 0)
where the last equality follows from the inversion of the block matrix An(x; 0): Therefore, the bias of b is given by h2b(x) + O(h4 ) = h2(b1(x); : : :; bp(x))T + O(h4 ); where b1(x) = 21 2(k)tr(xx) (30) is the constant of the regression estimate bias at x, while the constant of the bias E (bj ? 0j ) at x of the rst derivative estimate with respect to xj?1; j = 2; : : : ; p; is given by 1 c ( k )tr( 1 j (x; 0 ) 2 xx ) 0 bj (x) = 2 (k)f (x) ? f (x) [Dj fX (x) + 2 fX (x)trfDj mxx(x; )g] 2 X X = 21
4 (k) ? 22(k) 2(k)
d d X 1 Dj fX (x) + 1 X ( k ) 4 fX (x) jj 2 r=1 mjrrrr + 3 2 (k) r=1 jjr
X Ds fX (x)
1 ( js + sj ) + ( fX (x) 2
mjrs rs +
mjrssr )
d XX 1 +3 jrs] : r6=j s=1
[VARIANCE]: From (18)-(29), we have (asymptotically)
Var (nhd)1=2H (n ? 0) = An(x; 0)?1BAn(x; 0)?1 = V (x); where
V (x) = [2(x)=fX (x)]diag(0(k); 2(k)=22 (k); : : :; 2(k)=22(k)) + O(h): (32) It now follows easily from the above results, and the equivalence between b and n for n suciently large, that (nhd)1=2H (b ? 0 ? h2b(x))=)N f0; V (x)g : The scaling (nhd )1=2H shows the dierent rate of convergence for the regression estimator, (nhd)1=2, and for the partial derivatives, (nhd+2)1=2. This implies we must choose a dierent rate for h, see 26
parts (a) and (b) of the theorem, depending on whether we are interested in estimating the regression function or the partial derivatives. Note that the fastest rate of convergence in distribution in parts (a) and (b) of the theorem is given by 0 < c < 1 (i.e., no undersmoothing.) It remains to show (19)-(21) and (26)-(28): Proof of [(19)]: An element-by-element second order mean value expansion of m(Xi ; 0 ) about x gives:
m(Xi; 0) = e1 + E2(Xi ? x) + 21 (Ip (Xi ? x)T )mxx(Xi; 0)(Xi ? x) "
(Xi ? x)
+ 21 (Ip (Xi ? x)T )mxx(Xi; 0)(Xi ? x)
= ai + bi ; where the rst equality follows from the reparameterization chosen, and mxx(x; ) is a pd d matrix consisting of p d d blocks D` mxx(x; ); ` = 1; : : : ; p; with D` mxx(x; ) as de ned after equation (22). Thus, P Rn1(x; 0) = 2n?1 ni=1(ai + bi)(ai + bi)T Kh (Xi ? x) (34) P = 2n?1 ni=1[aiaTi + aibTi + biaTi + bibTi ]Kh(Xi ? x): Now,
n X i=1
aiaTi Kh (Xi ? x)
= n?1 2
6 6 4
n X i=1
(Xi ? x)T Kh (Xi ? x) (Xi ? x) (Xi ? x)(Xi ? x)T
fX (x)
h22(k)DT fX (x) 7
h22(k)DfX (x) h22(k)fX (x)Id
O p (h2 ) op (h2 ) 7 6
7+6 5 4
op (h2) op(h2)
7; 5
by standard results from kernel density estimation, see Wand and Jones (1995, Chapter 4). Similar calculations with the other terms in (34) yield n
X n?1 aibTi Kh (Xi ? x) i=1
X n?1 biaTi Kh (Xi ? x) i=1 2
1 h2 2 (k )fX (x)trfD1 mxx (x; 0)g 2 6 6 4
1 2 0 2 h 2 (k )fX (x)trfDp mxx (x; )g 7
Op(h4) n
X n?1 bibTi Kh (Xi ? x) = Op(h4): i=1
7 5
Equation (19) now follows easily from (34){(37). Proof of [(20)]: Equation (20) follows directly by dominated convergence given n ?! 0 a.s. and the boundedness of m(x; ) uniformly in implied by Assumption A1. Proof of [(21)]: Write
Rn2(x; ) = 2n?1
n X i=1
uim(Xi ; )Kh (Xi ? x) n
X + 2n?1 [g(Xi) ? m(Xi; )]m(Xi ; )Kh (Xi ? x) i=1 Tn1(x; ) + Tn2(x; ): Z
E [Tn1(x; )] = 2 E (ujX )m(X; )Kh (X ? x)fX (X )dX = 0; by (1), while R
E [Tn2(x; )] = 2 [g(X ) ? m(X; )]m(X; )Kh (X ? x)fX (X )dX
?! 2[g(x) ? m(x; )]m(X; )fX (x) uniformly in by dominated convergence and continuity (Assumptions A1 and B2-B3). In particular, jjETn2(x; n)jj ?! 0 for any n ?! 0 since g(x) ? m(x; 0) = 0: Then, Assumptions A0-A1, A3, B1-B4, and our bandwidth conditions provide enough regularity conditions to apply Lemma USLLN (with qn(Z; ) replaced by um(X; )K fh?1 (X ?x)g and [g(X )?m(X; )]m(X; )K fh?1 (X ?x)g, respectively, with X0 = fxg) to show that supf; (x)g"0n1=2hd=2 g]; i=1 where T = cT H ?1fe1 + E2(X ? x)gK fh?1(X ? x)g and s20 =
for some "0 > 0; Here, I fAg denotes the indicator function of the event A. Since E [T u2h?dI fj j>"0n = hd= g] E [T u2h?d ] < 1; 1 2
we can apply Fubini's theorem to show that
nhds2n =4 = O(1):
E [T u2h?d I
T ?d fj j>" n = hd= g] = h Jn(X )dPX ; 0
1 2
where for some "00;
Jn (X ) = E
fjuj>" n = hd= gjX ?! 0 a:s: X
1 2
by dominated convergence. Therefore, the Lindeberg condition is satis ed. Since c was arbitrary, the asymptotic normality of Sn1 follows by the Cramer-Wold device.
B Appendix R
Here, we use linear functional notation and write P = dP for any probability measure P and random variable (Z ): We use Pn to denote the empirical probability measure of the observations fZ1; : : :; Zn g sampled randomly from the distribution P; in which case Pn = n?1 Pni=1 (Zi ): Similarly, let PX be the marginal distribution of X under P , and let PXn be the corresponding empirical measure. For a class of functions F , the envelope F is de ned as F = supf 2F jf j. For 1 s < 1, and G some probability measure on Rq , we denote by Ls (G) the space of measurable real functions R on Rq with ( jf js dG)1=s < 1: In what follows, G will usually be the population measure P or the empirical measure Pn : Moreover, for F Ls (G), we de ne the covering number Ns (; G; F ) as the smallest value of N for which there exist functions g1; : : :; gN (not necessarily in F ) such that minjN (G(f ? gj )s )1=s for each f in F . Furthermore, the -entropy of F with respect to the Ls(G) metric is de ned as log Ns (; G; F ): Finally, the notation xn yn means xn=yn ! 0 as n ! 1. By virtue of our assumptions we have the following facts: sup2A supz2X Cj (z; ) < 1 for all relevant j; supz2X 2(z) 2 < 1; and supz2X fX (z) f < 1; for some > 0: Jennrich (1969) proves consistency of the parametric nonlinear least squares estimator for the parametric regression functions m(; ): 2 , under the assumptions that is compact, and R that the envelope condition sup2 jm(x; )j2dPX (x) < 1 holds. For the uniform consistency of our estimator we require a similar envelope condition, and we need to show that the covering P P numbers do not grow exponentially fast, namely that n?1 log N1(; G; F ) ?! 0, where ?! denotes 0
convergence in outer probability.14 This entropy condition is satis ed by many classes of functions. For example, if the functions in F form a nite-dimensional vector space, then F satis es the entropy condition (see Pollard (1984, Lemmas II.28 and II.25). In the proof of our next lemma we will use the entropy lemma of Pakes and Pollard (1989, Lemma 2.13) which establishes the equivalence between the entropy condition N1(GF; G; F ) A?W of a class of functions F indexed by a parameter satisfying a Lipschitz condition on that parameter (Assumption A1), and the compactness of the parameter space. Lemma (Entropy). Let GX denote an arbitrary probability measure on X ; and F = ff (; ) :
2 g be a class of real-valued functions on X indexed by a bounded subset of Rp: Suppose that f (; ) is Lipschitz in ; that is, there exists a > 0 and non-negative bounded function (); such
jf (x; ) ? f (x; )j (x) k ? k for all x 2 X and ; 2 : Then, for the envelope F () = jf (; 0)j + M(); where M = (2pp sup2 k ? 0 k) with 0 an arbitrary point of ; and for any 0 < 1; we have N1(GF; G; F ) A?W ; where A and W are positive constants not depending on n. Proof. Pakes and Pollard (1989, Lemma 2.13).
The class of functions F satisfying Assumption A1 is what Andrews (1994) calls a type II class. Classes of functions satisfying N1(GF; G; F ) A?W are said to be Euclidean classes (c.f. Nolan and Pollard (1987, p.789)). We will also use Pollard (1984, Theorem II.37) (with his n2 replaced with hd ) in order to derive the rate of the uniform convergence of our estimator. Given an underlying probability space ( ; G ; P ); the outer probability for A is de ned as P (A) = inf fP (B) : A B; B 2 Gg: The reason for needing outer probability is due to the fact that the random covering numbers need not be measurable with respect to P , even if the class of functions is permissible in the sense of Pollard (1984). 14
For each n, let Fn be a permissible class of functions whose covering numbers satisfy N1(; G; F ) A?W for 0 < 1; where G is an arbitrary probability measure, and A and W are positive constants not depending on n: If nhd2n log n; jfnj 1; and (Pfn2)1=2 hd=2 for each fn in Fn ; then sup jPn fn ? Pfnj hdn a:s: Lemma (Pollard).
fn 2Fn
Proof. Pollard (1984, Theorem II.37) with his n2 replaced with hd .
The following lemma provides a uniform strong law of large numbers for our criterion function which is needed in the consistency proof of the estimator. Lemma (USLLN). Let = (x; ) be an element of = X0 A, where X0 is a bounded subset of
Rd: Let Qn = fqn(; ) : 2 g be a class of functions with qn(Z; ) = fY ? m(X; )g2 K fh?1 (X ? x)g. Moreover, let Qn() = h?d Pn qn(Z; ) and Qn () = h?d Pqn(Z; ): Under assumptions A0-A4, sup jQn() ? Qn ()j = Op 2
log n nhd
Proof. Without loss of generality we replace qn (; ) by
qn(Z; ) = fg(X ) ? m(X; )g2 + u2 K fh?1 (X ? x)g; where equation (1) was used to eliminate the cross product term. Observe that the functions qn(; ) depend on n through h , and that they are not necessarily uniformly bounded. In order to facilitate comparison with similar arguments in the literature, we break the proof into several steps. Permissibility. The boundedness of the index set = X0 A and the measurability of the
relevant expressions are sucient conditions to guarantee that the class of functions Qn = fqn(; ) : 2 g is permissible in the sense of Pollard (1984, Appendix C) for each n, which suces to ensure that Qn is permissible. Permissibility imposes enough regularity to ensure measurability of 34
the supremum (and other functions needed in the uniform consistency proof) when taken over an uncountable class of measurable functions. Envelope integrability. Let qn = fsup2A jg (X ) ? m(X; )j2 + juj2gjK fh?1 (X ? x)gj be
the envelope of the class of functions Qn : Assumptions A1 and A3 are sucient to guarantee that
Pqn < 1:
To see this note that
Pqn < PX R(X )jK fh?1 (X ? x)gj + Pu2jK fh?1(X ? x)gj Z
R(x + hv)fX X (x)
(x + hv)jK (v)jdv + hd
jK (v)jdv + hdf2(x)f
X (x)
2(x ? vh)fX (x + hv)jK (v)jdv Z
jK (v)jdv + o(1)g
hdK^ d f (R + 2)f1 + o(1)g = O(hd ); where the rst line follows by assumption A1, and the second line follows by a change of variables and noting that Pu2jK fh?1(X ? x)gj = PX 2(X )jK fh?1(X ? x)gj by iterated expectations. The third line follows by dominated convergence and A4 (h ! 0), and the last line by assumptions A1 and A3. This establishes (40). Given the permissibility and envelope integrability of Qn, a.s. convergence to zero of the random variable supQn jQn() ? Qn()j is equivalent to their convergence in probability to zero. See Gine and Zinn (1984, Remark 8.2(1)) or Pollard (1984, Proof of Theorem II.24) and references therein. Truncation. The envelope integrability (40) allows us to truncate the functions to a nite
range. Let n be a sequence of constants such that n 1, n ?! 1. Note that sup jPn qn ? Pqnj sup jPn qn I fqn ng ? PqnI fqn n gj Qn
+ sup Pn jqnjI fqn> n g + sup P jqjI fqn > ng: Qn
Since jqnj qn for all qn 2 Qn, the last two terms sum to less than Pn qn I fqn> n g + Pqn I fqn> ng. This converges almost surely to 2Pqn I fqn> n g. Since qnI fqn> n g are dominated by qn and qnI fqn> n g ?! 35
0 as n ?! 1, it follows that PqnI fqn > ng = o(1) by dominated convergence.15 Thus we can concentrate on the truncated class
Q (n) q (n) = qnI fqn ng : qn 2 Qn : Scaling. Given that the class
Q n is uniformly bounded, that is jqnI fqn n gj n for all
functions in Q , we can consider, without oloss of generality, the scaled class n n Q (n) = q (n) = q (n)= n : q (n) 2 Q (n) , where jq (n)j < 1 for all q (n) 2 Q (n): Note that PqnI fqn> n g= n = o(1= n ); so that the truncation step is not aected by the scaling. It then follows from Pollard (1984, Theorem II.37) applied to the class Q (n) and A4 that
jPn q (n) ? Pq (n)j hd n a:s:; sup
Q (n)
sup Pq 2(n)
Q (n)
< hd=2
sup N1("; H; Q (n)) A"?W for 0 < " 1;
where the supremum is taken over all probability measures H , and A and W are constants independent of n. Consider condition (42). Since jq (n)j 1 uniformly over Q (n), it follows that
Pq 2(n) P jq (n)j = = =
n?1j fg(X ) ? m(X; )g2 + u2 K fh?1 (X ? x)gjI fqn ngdP n?1j fg(t) ? m(t; )g2 + 2(t) K (h?1(t ? x))jfX (t)IIfqn ngdt Z
n?1j fg(x + hv) ? m(x + hv; )g2 + 2(x + hv) K (v)jfX (x + hv)IIfqn ngdt
hd ; 15
Note that PQn = O(hd ) implies that any n would suce for large enough n:
since the integral is an average of functions uniformly bounded by 1. Consider now the covering number condition (43) that require Q (n)ito be a Euclidean class. Note h that the functions in Q (n), q (n) = n?1 fm(X; 0) ? m(X; )g2 + u2 K fh?1 (X ? x)gI fqn n g, are composed from the classes of functions M = fm(; ) : 2 A; 2 R g, U = f u2 : 2 R g, K = fK (xT + ) : 2 Rd; 2 R g with K a measurable real valued function of bounded variation on R , and the class of indicator functions of the envelope I = fI (qn 1): 2 R g. The Euclidean property of Q (n) will follow if each of the functions used to construct q (n) themselves form Euclidean classes, as sums and products of Euclidean classes preserve the Euclidean property. See Nolan and Pollard (1987, Section 5) and Pakes and Pollard (1989, Lemmas 2.14 and 2.15) among others (see also the stability results of Pollard (1984) and Andrews (1994, Theorems 3 and 6)). The Euclidean property of the class M follows directly from Pakes and Pollard (1989, Lemma 2.13) and A1. The class U forms a VC (Vapnik-C ervonenkis){graph class16 by Pollard (1984, Lemma II.28), and it follows from Pollard's (1984, Lemma II.25) Approximation Lemma that U is a Euclidean class. The Euclidean property of K follows directly from Nolan and Pollard (1987, Lemma 22(ii)) (see also Pakes and Pollard (1989, Example 2.10)). Finally, the Euclidean property of M, U , and K imply that the half-spaces de ned by the inequalities qn n form a VC class and therefore the class of indicator functions I with envelope 1 is a VC{graph class, so that another application of Pollard's (1984, Lemma II.25) ensures its Euclidean property. In view of the de nition of Qn () = hdPn q( ; ); and Qn () = hdPq( ; ), of (41), and of the truncation argument, it follows that sup jQn() ? Qn()j = op (n ) a:s:
Pollard'ss Lemma imposes the constraint n flog n=(nhd )g1=2: Choosing n = flog n=(nhd )g1=2 gives the nal result of the lemma sup jQn() ? Qn()j = Op (n ) = Op 2
log n nhd
We would like to thank Don Andrews, Nils Hjort, Chris Jones, and David Pollard for helpful discussions. The comments of a referee corrected several lacunae in our argument and greatly improved 16
VC classes are also known as classes with polynomial discrimination.
this paper. We thank Joel Horowitz for providing the dataset used in section 4. Financial support from the National Science Foundation and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is gratefully acknowledged.
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Figure 4abcd. Local bj (x) against xj with local linear smooth of points and 99 con dence
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