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Page 1 of 1. Lone Star College - Atascocita Campus. LocaƟon. Atascocita, Texas. Architect. PerspecƟva. 3401 Louisiana,
asakura robinson company LLC

Lone Star College - Atascocita Campus

Asakura Robinson Company provided landscape architectural services for the new Lone Star College campus located in Atascocita. The 13-acre site features a variety of stormwater best management prac ces. Meandering dry streambeds surround the building to direct stormwater runoff through an a rac ve naturalized system rather than tradi onal pipes and inlets. The parking lot features several bioswales located within medians, which u lize plant material and engineered soil media to cleanse stormwater and remove pollutants. The project also features an outdoor pa o with permeable pavers, which allow rainwater to infiltrate into the ground. The project’s total landscape architecture site improvements budget was approximately $300,000.

LocaƟon Atascocita, Texas Architect Perspec va 3401 Louisiana, Suite 270 Houston, Texas 77002 713.520.7580 Owner Lone Star College System