Dec 1, 2010 - An Insider's Experience, February 3-6: Explore the vibrant contemporary art scene in Los Angeles as an exa
December 2010 Peace out, 2010!
Look back at a great year This year marked many milestones for L3. We had four Giveback Opportunities, two member retreats, two purposeful travel trips, one new website, countless member gatherings and weekenders, and a fantastic crop of new members and new leaders (and a partridge in a pear tree). With great enthusiasm, L3 members participated in the following events and accomplishments: L3 give back • Hoover High School Marching Band, San Diego Retreat • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Hope in Human Rights • TESSA Women’s Shelter, Colorado Springs Women’s Getaway • Angling for Recovery for Cancer Research, Colorado Springs Women’s Getaway January: Brought professional staff in-house in Austin, Texas March: 105 L3 members gathered in San Diego for the second member retreat chaired byNed and Diane Powell. It included: 'The Cat's in the Cradle - What did our own parents teach us that we can pass on to others?'; 'Beyond the Edge, Love and Loss - How do we cope with death? Who can we lean on in our time of sorrow?'; 'Time Capsule - What would you leave behind for future generations to learn about you? What would you leave out?'; 'Heroes and Heroines - What makes a hero? Who are your Heroes?' May: Re-launch of the website with new user-friendly member dashboard and online registration for events thanks to Robert
Kulhawy and Commerx June: 27 L3 Members went to Washington D.C. to educate themselves and discuss 'The Hope in Human Rights,' an event chaired by Ron and Deborah Feinstein. July: L3 has reached a total of 176 new members since January 2009 September: 23 L3 ladies attended the first Women's Getaway, 'Awareness & Prevention: Principles for Inner Peace,' in Colorado Springs, chaired by Linda Galston and Joan Litle October: 66 members attended the first Fall Retreat in Asheville, NC, chaired by Jim and Vicky Anthony, and participated in the launch of the L3 Wellness Project
A New Year
What's Coming in 2011 Pack your travel bags, because next year will keep L3 members busy. Already on the slate are: • An Insider’s Experience, February 3-6: Explore the vibrant contemporary art scene in Los Angeles as an example of how the contemporary art ecosystem plays a role in the community, the economy and the lives of its key players – the artists, dealers, museums, collectors, curators and critics. Event chaired bySusan Goodman and Rod Lubeznik. • L3 Spring Retreat, April 27 - May 1: We will explore every aspect of getting well, staying well, and keeping control of your own well-being. We will engage in conversations about how to not only keep our bodies healthy, but the world around us. Event chairs Tom and LynnMeredith. • Men's retreat, June: The inaugural Men's Getaway, held in Napa Valley, will focus on physical health and on military veterans' needs. Event chair is John Hunt. • Women's retreat, September: While no location has been finalized yet, the second annual Women's Getaway will be just as invigorating and educational as the first. For the second year, Linda Galston and Joan Litle chair this event. • Africa’s Promise and Majesty, October 9-21: We will explore what L3 members are doing to make a sustainable difference on the ground in Ethiopia and Kenya and witness the wonders of nature on a safari in the Masai Mara. Chaired by Dick and Nora Lewis, Sally andScott Harrison, and Donna and Philip Berber.
Gateway Councils
Plans and Hopes for 2011 Purposeful Travel: 2011 will offer four opportunities to join your fellow members for invaluable experiences, including a response to member interest to include culture as a purpose, which will take us to Los Angeles early in February to discover the Contemporary Art Ecosystem with exciting ‘insider’ opportunities. Early June will find our men members in Napa Valley understanding the devastating effects of Post Traumatic Stress on our young returning soldiers at The Pathway Home, along with enjoying the scenic wine country with golf, biking, kayaking and the like. September brings a 2nd Women’s Getaway, currently in the works, and October will take L3 on an international experience – a phenomenal purposeful adventure in Ethiopia and Kenya. We’re very excited about the positive reception Purposeful Travel has received from L3 members and the enthusiasm about traveling together on meaningful off-the-beaten-track journeys developed by our own members. Enthusiasm has only been topped by the memories and close friendships developed through sharing experiences together. Taking the time to learn about each other’s passions in life while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow members over great meals and explorations has been a most rewarding experience for all. -Vicki Sebastiani [email] Wisdom: The Wisdom Council plans to reach out to the Membership to bring their wisdom to a “forum” where everyone can benefit from the collective wisdom of all. Also, we will reach outside for new wisdom and knowledge of importance for L3. Our goals for 2011 are to bring to the Membership: • Webinars of interest and value to the Members • Thought-provoking book roundtables in four areas of interest • Catalog of reading recommendations from the Members (We will attempt to create a catalog reading list recommended by L3 Members along with their brief review of the material to be available to be shared on L3’s website.) • Capturing and sharing discerning writings of our Members such as is the “Croak Book” by Jim Steinback. • Create communication and bridges among members through discussion forums and other activities sponsored/led by Members or Groups of Members. • Continue with the topic of interest such as tolerance which was so powerfully and artfully raised at the L3 Purposeful Travel June trip to Washington D.C. • Wisdom Mentor Council—groups of a few Members sharing their knowledge and experience with a Member in need
dealing with issues and transitions of deep concern. - Jerry McNabb [email] Health: The Health Council plans to expand its current services, particularly L3 Health/GlobalAccess. We are pursuing strategic alliances with additional healthcare providers that will be unique to L3. The council will continue its focus in three major areas: • Wellness - Nutrition, exercise, weight management, stress reduction and integrative medicine • Disease management: Increase awareness of major disease, with an intial focus in cardiovascular disease • Emergency Response At the Spring Retreat in Austin, members will have their six-month check-in for the Wellness Project launched in Asheville. The Wellness Project will continue with wellness e-News, the website, learning exchanges, and updates to the Wellness Journal (available in hardcopy and on the website) as members continue to improve their health and well-being. - Ron Feinstein [email] Foundation: After establishing four principal tracks for member engagement, the Foundation Council has reached its fourth phase, projects. The trustees have identified four areas for the Leadership Legacy Life Foundation: • The Multiplier Effect - Providing L3 members an opportunity to meet and work together to support various member nonprofit organizations • Donor-Advised Funds - Open to L3 members and their families, donor-advised funds offer the opportunity to create an easy-to-establish, low cost, flexible vehicle for charitable giving • Partnership Grant Program - Will work with like-missioned member nonprofit organizations. Leadership Legacy Life Foundation will coordinate collaborative partnership grant solicitations to major foundations • Operational Support Funding - Ken Gladish [email] Family: The Family Council's current initiatives include the Family Resource Line and regional Family Seminars. The Resource Line will not be a Crisis Hotline, but rather a source for non-crisis assistance in finding the highest level of
guidance for addressing specific issues faced by L3 members or their families. Regional Family Seminars will focus on issues raised in the family survey as influenced and supported by philanthropic activities. - Paul Comstock [email]