Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Prospectus .... One Time Use of Attendee
mailing list. (xls. File). ✓. Your sponsorship dollars will help support NWA's 2014
Looking Back, Moving Forward WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years The Wyndham Grand Hotel Pittsburgh, PA May 18 - 21, 2014
WIC 40th Anniversary Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Prospectus NWA 2014 Annual Education and Networking Conference & Exhibits
Table of Contents National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
Exhibit Schedule……………………….............
Customized Sponsorship………………..........
Additional Sponsorship…………….…............ (Specific WIC 40th Anniversary
Celebration sponsorship opportunities)...
Program Advertisement………………………..
Exhibit Area Floor Plan………………..………..
Sponsor/Exhibitor Contract/Registration……
9 – 11
Tradeshow Exhibit Regulations……….……….
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Introduction National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
The National WIC Association (NWA) invites you to participate as an exhibitor and/or sponsor at our 31st Annual Education and Networking Conference & Exhibits – Looking Back, Moving Forward! The conference will be held at the Wyndham Grand Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Who is NWA? A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) on national, state, and local levels. NWA members are on the front line of nutrition and health care services for the nation’s most vulnerable families.
What is the NWA Annual Education and Networking Conference & Exhibits? It is an opportunity for you to meet and build relationships with potential new clients and to reacquaint yourself with existing clients who use your products and services. Among the over 1,000 WIC community members who are expected to attend this conference are key decision makers representing the US Department of Agriculture, the 90 state and ITO WIC agencies and over 2,200 local WIC agencies from across the nation.
Why Exhibit? If you are seeking to introduce your products and services or an alternative promotional strategy to a new or existing audience, this conference offers several affordable options to meet your marketing needs. By exhibiting and/or sponsoring at this conference, you will: Create new customer and client relationships with WIC decision makers from across the nation; Strengthen and build upon existing customer and client relationships; Increase visibility for your company/organization in a targeted market Promote and market your products and services; Reach prime target market segments for your products and services, and Demonstrate your commitment to promoting quality preventative public health nutrition for women, infants and children.
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Exhibitor Schedule National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
Conference Location:
Wyndham Grand Hotel 600 Commonwealth Place Pittsburgh, PA Phone: 1-877-999-3223
Housing Location:
Wyndham Grand Hotel 600 Commonwealth Place Pittsburgh, PA Phone: 1-877-999-3223
The negotiated room rate at the Wyndham Grand Hotel is $119 plus a nightly room occupancy tax currently set at 14%. Room reservations deadline is Thursday, April 24, 2014.
Exhibit Dates and Hours Sunday, May 18 6:00 am - 1:00 pm
Exhibitor Move-in and Set-up
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Exhibit Show Opens
(NOTE: All exhibitor set-ups must be completed by 1:00pm)
Monday, May 19 7:30 am – 9:00 am
Breakfast / Networking & Exhibits
10:00 am – 10:30 am
AM Break / Networking & Exhibits
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
PM Break / Networking & Exhibits
Tuesday, May 20 7:30 am – 9:30 am
Breakfast / Networking & Exhibits
10:30 am – 11:00 am
AM Break / Networking & Exhibits
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Exhibitor Teardown / Move out
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Customized Sponsorship Opportunities National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014 Your sponsorship dollars will help support NWA’s 2014 Annual Education and Networking Conference & Exhibits.
Standard Exhibit Booth Prices: (8’X10’) Commercial/For-Profit Exhibit space $2,500 Non-Profit Organization Exhibit space $1,250
Standard Exhibit Booth Includes: One 6’ skirted table Two side chairs One wastebasket General area security and fire guard service NOTE: The protection of special valuable items are at the exhibitor’s own expense Two (2) complimentary exhibit floor badges for general exhibit space purchases and up to six (6) depending on the sponsorship level Listing in the Conference Program Daily aisle maintenance
Please send a copy of your non-profit status with your application. Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze Sponsors have first choice to all available exhibitor spaces.
Not Included: Electrical, Internet and Telephone. They are available at cost.
Platinum $8,000
Gold $6,000
Silver $4,500
Bronze $3,500
Number of complimentary registrations to the full conference
Number of complimentary exhibit floor badges
Conference bag insertion (limited to no more than 4 oz)
Complimentary 8’ X 10’ exhibit booth in exhibitor’s preferred location
Complimentary advertisement in the conference program
Full page
½ page
¼ page
Acknowledgement in the conference program
Special recognition at the Opening Plenary
One Time Use of Attendee mailing list (xls. File)
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014 Maximize exposure for your company by sponsoring one of the activities listed below.
Sponsor a Conference Speaker Conference Opening Plenary $5,000
Conference Closing Plenary $3,500
Concurrent Session $2,500
Sponsor Benefits Company representative to introduce speaker (optional) Short 1 minute presentation via PPT at the beginning of each session (muse be approved by NWA) Signage outside session room
Sponsor the Conference Program Printing—Full Color Provide $15,000 to assist with the printing costs of the conference programs books Sponsor Benefits Standard Exhibit Booth Back cover Ad of conference program book Special recognition during the conference Opening Plenary Acknowledgement in the conference program One time use of attendee mailing list
Sponsor the Conference Bags Provide $10,000 to assist with the purchase and imprint costs of the conference bags Sponsor Benefits Company logo appropriately placed on the conference bag Complimentary bag insert (1) Special recognition during the conference Opening Plenary Acknowledgement in the conference program book
Conference Lanyards Provide $3,000 to assist with the purchase of the conference name badge lanyards Sponsor Benefits Company logo imprinted on name badge lanyards Acknowledgement in the conference program book
To Negotiate Additional Sponsorship Arrangements, Contact Dale Greenberg, Conference Manager Email:
[email protected], Phone: 410-491-2654, Fax: 410-727-8418
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
Meal Event Sponsorship:
All donated products must be accompanied by a sponsorship. Benefits
Sponsorship Item
CompliExclusive CompliStandard mentary signage at mentary Exhibit Ad in sponsored Conference Booth conference Registration event program
Conference bag insert
Acknowledgement in
Attendee Mailing Listing
Board Chair’s Reception
Full page
NWA Awards Luncheon
Full page
Continental Breakfast Monday
½ page
Continental Breakfast Tuesday
½ page
Continental Breakfast Wednesday
½ page
Morning Beverage Break Monday
Afternoon Beverage Break Monday
Morning Beverage Break Tuesday
Afternoon Beverage Break Tuesday
Morning Beverage Break Wednesday
Short 2 minute presentation
via PP prior to event
Audio/Visual (A/V) Sponsorship Sponsor Conference A/V Requirements at all general and Concurrent Sessions throughout the Conference – Total value $35,000 Sponsor Benefits Platinum Booth Sponsorship (see page 3) Short 3 minute presentation via PPT prior to each session (must be approved by NWA) Company logo projected on the left & right sides of the ballroom during all general sessions Company logo on screen prior to each concurrent session VIP reserved seating at the Tuesday Awards Luncheon
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
WIC 40th Anniversary Sponsorship Opportunities National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
Specific WIC 40th Anniversary Celebration sponsorship opportunities 3k Walk/Run at the NWA 2014 Annual Conference—WIC: Let’s Move! Contact Robert Lee at
[email protected] or 202-232-5492 for details. T-Shirts
Shirt numbers
Water/ Refreshments
Giveaways (water bottle)
Sponsor Benefits Acknowledgement in the Conference Program Additional notes: Order number determined by final conference registration totals.
Anniversary Marketing Campaign Materials—Deadline January 10, 2014 Contact Samantha Lee at
[email protected] or 202-232-5492 for details. Infographic videos focusing on WIC services to be posted on NWA Website, YouTube, and shared with community and partners for usage
Sponsor all 5 videos: $10,000
Sponsor 1 short video: $1,500 4 videos focused on aspects of WIC services: 1) Healthy Foods 2) Nutrition Education 3) Breastfeeding Support 4) Healthcare Needs
Sponsor long video: $5,000 Video encompasses the 4 shorter video messages
Sponsor Benefits Company logo features as sponsor at the end of all or one of the 5 short videos (4 videos: 30-45 seconds; 1 video: 2-2:30 minutes)
Webinar Toll Charges—Ongoing through 2014 Contact Robert Lee at
[email protected] or 202-232-5492 for details. Sponsorship for one Webinar’s Toll Phone Charges $2,000 Sponsor Benefits One minute at start of webinar to introduce company and explain your relationship with WIC & NWA. Company logo shown at end of webinar.
National WIC Association reserves the right to reject applications for sponsorships, or to exhibit products and services at the NWA 2014 Annual Education and Networking Conference for any or no reason, including in the event National WIC Association believes, in its sole discretion, that an applicant’s sponsorship, products or services contradict, conflict with or otherwise are not aligned with National WIC Association’s or the WIC Program’s purpose or mission.
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Contact Robert Lee at
[email protected] or 202-232-5492 for details.
Program Advertisement National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
Advertise in the NWA conference program to expand your company’s exposure by reaching a “take-home” market in addition to your exhibit space marketing. All ads must be received by Monday, April 28, 2014 to be included in the program. Please send all ADs in camera-ready format (Colors are limited) to: The Conference Manager Dale Greenberg Email:
[email protected] Phone: 410-491-2654 Fax: 410-727-8418
Advertising Fees Inside front cover ............ Inside back cover ……..... Back cover……….............. Full page ........................... Half page .......................... Quarter page.................... Bag inserts………….... Attendee mailing list…..… (Excel file)
$1,200 $1,000 Reserved $ 750 $ 450 $ 275 $1.00 per item $250
NOTE: Bag inserts are limited to a single item weighing no more than 4oz. NWA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement on any grounds, to the extent permissible by law.
Key Dates to Remember April 24, 2014 April 18, 2014 April 30, 2014 April 28, 2014 May 18, 2014 May 20, 2014
: : : : : :
Hotel Reservations cut-off date Exhibit Cancellation date with penalty Exhibit Fee Due Date Exhibitor Advertisement Due Exhibit Move-in & Set-up Exhibitor Tear-down & Move Out
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Exhibit Area Floor Plan National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Exhibit and Sponsorship Contract/Registration National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014 In accordance with the Exhibit Tradeshow Regulations governing rental of exhibit space on the last page of this Exhibitor Prospectus, the undersign hereby applies for exhibit space at the NWA 31st Annual Education and Networking Conference & Exhibits in Pittsburgh, PA, May 18-21, 2014, Exhibitor has read and agrees to the exhibit regulations. Exhibitor also understands that these regulations are incorporated into this contract by reference and that this application becomes a contract when accepted by NWA. We understand that a 25% non-refundable deposit is due with applications made before April 30, 2014 and that the balance is due on or before April 30, 2014. If you are submitting this application after April 30, 2014, the full exhibit fee is to accompany this application.
NOTE: Priority exhibit space assignments will be offered to NWA’s Business Council Partner members, Sponsorship levels, dates of receipt of contracts and deposits, and proximity to conflicting company or competitor.
SECTION 1: Company Information as it should be listed in the conference program: Organization Name: ____________________________________________ Tel. #: ____________________ Primary Contact (Director/Manager, etc.): ___________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ Web-site: ____________________________
SECTION 2: Official Exhibit Representative: (Name of the person in your organization who is the primary contact to receive all relevant exhibit material, updates and service information) Name:______________________________________________________ Tel. #: _________________________ Title:________________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________
SECTION 3: Name(s) of on-site Exhibitor(s): (if different from official exhibit representative listed in section 2 above. Note: Only two (2) exhibit floor badges are included with each general exhibit fee, except for exhibit sponsors who have up to six (6), depending on sponsorship level. A $75 fee will be charged for each additional exhibitor upon registration. First Exhibitor to be Registered: Name:______________________________________________________ Tel. #: _________________________ Title:________________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________ Address (if different from Section 1): _________________________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Exhibit and Sponsorship Contract/Registration National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014 Second Exhibitor to be Registered: Name:______________________________________________________ Tel. #: _________________________ Title:________________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________ Address (if different from Section 1): _________________________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ Third Exhibitor to be Registered (Free with sponsorship): Name:______________________________________________________ Tel. #: _________________________ Title:________________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________ Address (if different from Section 1): _________________________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ Fourth Exhibitor to be Registered (Free with sponsorship): Name:______________________________________________________ Tel. #: _________________________ Title:________________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________ Address (if different from Section 1): _________________________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________
SECTION 4: Brief description of products/services to be displayed. (Attach additional page if necessary): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
SECTION 5: Preferred Exhibit Booth Location: Please refer to exhibit booth locations and numbers from the Exhibit Area Floor Plan (also available on-line @ www.nwica.org under EVENTS) or by contacting the Conference Manager on 410-491-2654 or by e-mail
[email protected]. Please note that primary booth locations are reserved for sponsorship levels and NWA Business Council Partners. All other exhibit booths are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. All opportunities remain available until completed applications and payments are received by The Conference Manager/NWA. 1st Choice # _______
2nd Choice # _______ 3rd Choice #_______
We do not wish to be next to or across from the following company(ies). Please note that purchased exhibit locations prior to your request will not be relocated. You may discuss possible options with the Conference Manager. Name of Company #1: ___________________________________________________________________ Name of Company #2: ___________________________________________________________________ Name of Company #3: ___________________________________________________________________
WIC: Strengthening Families for 40 Years
Exhibit and Sponsorship Contract/Registration National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014 SECTION 6: Please check the appropriate box(es) below to indicate what you wish to sign up for: Exhibit Customized Sponsorships
General Exhibit Booths
Commercial/For-profit Non-profit Org.
Platinum Sponsorship Gold Sponsorship Silver Sponsorship Bronze Sponsorship
$8,000 $6,000 $4,500 $3,500
$2,500 $1,250
Advertisement Choices
Inside front cover
Inside back cover
Full Page AD
1/2 Page AD
1/4 Page AD Bag Inserts (per item) Attendee Listing File
$275 $1.00 $250
Other Sponsorship Opportunities Meals Sponsorships (Price Negotiable)
Mon. Continental Breakfasts
Conference Opening Plenary Conference Closing Plenary Concurrent Session
Tue. Continental Breakfasts
Other Items
Wed. Continental Breakfasts
Tue. AM Break
Tue. PM Break
WIC 40th Anniversary-Specific
Board Chair’s Reception NWA Awards Luncheon
Mon. AM Break Mon. PM Break
$5,000 $3,500 $2,500
Conference Program Books
Conference Bags
Conference Lanyards
Webinar Toll Charges (1 webinar) $2,000 3k Walk-Run at Ann Conf. t-shirts TBD Notes______________________________ 3k Walk-Run at Ann Conf. Wristbands TBD ___________________________________ 3k Walk-Run at Ann Conf. Shirt #s TBD ___________________________________ 3k Walk-Run at Ann Conf. Water TBD 3k Walk-Run at Ann Conf. Giveaways TBD Exhibitor Fee: $______________ Campaign Videos: all 5 $10,000 Sponsorship Fee(s): $______________ Campaign Video: Program overview $5,000 Advertising Fee(s): $______________ Campaign Video: Healthy foods focus $1,500 Miscellaneous Fees: $______________ Campaign Video: Nutrition education $1,500 Total Amount Due: $______________ Campaign Video: Breastfeeding support $1,500 Campaign Video: Healthcare referrals $1,500 SECTION 7: Method of payment: Check or Money Order #: ____________ Make Payments to: National WIC Association Charge my: Master Card Visa American Express Discover Card Wed. AM Break
Credit Card #:_____________________________________ Exp. Date: _________ CVC: ________ Name as it appears on Card: _________________________________________________________ Authorized by: _______________________________________________________________________ Please send this application & method of payment directly to the Conference Manager Dale Greenberg via email at
[email protected] or mail to Dale Greenberg, Global Project Manager, 1631 South Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21230
Tradeshow Exhibit Regulations National WIC Association Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA May 18 – 21, 2014 Purpose Exhibits at this NWA conference are for education and informational purposes only. Direct sales may not be made in or from exhibit space or on the exhibit hall floor. Exhibitors are permitted to take orders.
Shipping & Storage All shipping and storage arrangements will be managed by the Exhibit Show Decorator. Information will be provided in the Exhibitor Kit. Note: NWA will not be responsible for exhibitor shipping costs and needs.
Rules The rules and regulations governing the exhibits under the auspices of the National WIC Association (NWA) Conference are part of the agreement for space.
Use of Space Exhibitors shall arrange their exhibits so that they do not obstruct other exhibits. Aisles must be kept clear, and exhibits should be arranged so attendees will be inside assigned space.
Exhibit Space Location Some booth spaces are reserved exclusively for organizations that sponsor the conference at the Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze levels. Preference for booth space location will be based upon a first paid/received, firstassigned basis within the exhibit hall. Application must be returned with payment and first, second and third choices of booth space locations indicated. Exhibitor Registration The purchase of an exhibit booth includes up to two (2) exhibitor floor badges (Sponsors will receive up to 4). Registration for NWA Conference sessions must be purchased separately, except when included as part of a sponsorship package. Additional exhibitor badges are available for $75/person. Admission NWA shall have sole control over all admission policies at all times. Badges must be worn at all times; badge swapping among personnel is prohibited. Additional exhibitor badges are available for $75/person/day. Exhibit Show Decorator The official show decorator is Pacific Exposition. Space furnishings, electrical and internet needs and labor to set up and dismantle are to be ordered on the forms provided in the exhibitors’ kit (also available as *.pdf download). Electrical needs will be handled by the conference facility. A request form will be provided to confirmed exhibitors. Electrical installation must conform to all rules and regulations and to all national, state and local codes, as well as facility regulations.
Exhibitors planning to provide sample giveaways or premium gifts to attendees must offer giveaway samples or premium gifts to all attendees of the conference. Exhibitors are responsible for delivering contest prizes to winners. Neither conference officials nor NWA staff will mail or distribute prizes.
Rights of Exhibitor Show Management Should any emergency arise, of any nature, prior to the opening show date which would prevent its scheduled opening, cause destruction or damage to the exhibit area by fire, windstorm, strikes, acts of God, etc., or a Display materials or equipment at the sides of declaration of any emergency by the Governthe exhibit booth shall not exceed the heights ment, it is expressly agreed that NWA may of the booth of the exhibit space. Display ma- retain as much of the payment for exhibit terial may not be higher than 42” above the space as necessary to cover the expenses sidewalls (if present) and in the back 5’ of the incurred by the Association up to the time of exhibit space. All materials used for decorathe emergency. tion, i.e., paper, cardboard, cloth, etc., shall be All points not covered by these rules are flame-retardant. Safety and fire exits and subject to the judgment of the Exhibit Show equipment must be left accessible and in full Management. view at all times. Display materials or equipment of significant size must be pre-approved Cancellations by NWA. All special requests must be In the event an exhibitor finds it necessary to submitted in writing prior to the Exhibitor Show. Dismantling or removing an exhibit or cancel participation in the NWA 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibits, refunds will be made materials, including packing of literature or product before the official closing of the exhibit as follows: A cancellation prior to or on April 30, 2014 is eligible for a refund less the hall is prohibited. non-refundable deposit. After April 30, 2014, there will be no refunds. All cancellations must Security be confirmed in writing. Postmarks or e-mail The exhibitor is solely responsible for his or her own exhibit material and should insure his dates will be used to determine eligibility. No refunds will be given for cancellation of or her exhibit against loss or damage. advertisement. Liability It is mutually agreed that NWA, The Sheraton Failure to Occupy Space Denver hotel and the Exhibit Show Decorator Any space not occupied by 4:00 PM Sunday, May 18, 2014 will be forfeited by exhibitor shall not be liable to any exhibitor for any damage to or for the loss or destruction of an without refund. exhibit or the property of exhibitor or injuries Compliance with Laws to his/her representative resulting from any Exhibitor shall bear the responsibility for comcause. All claims for any such loss, damage pliance with all local, city, state, and federal or injury are expressly waived by the exhibisafety, fire and health laws, statutes, tor. ordinances, and regulation which are in force or applicable during the conference, including Restrictions NWA reserves the right to prohibit any display The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, regarding the installation and operation of the or exhibit or any part of a proposed exhibit, exhibit. which it judges unsuitable or in conflict with acceptable professional ethics of NWA. All exhibit materials must conform to national, state, and local fire and safety codes. 12