Louisiana Scenic - Louisiana Travel

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Website: www.campmoore.com. Site 21: Sandy Hollow Wildlife Management Area. Address: 98004 Oilfield Rd., Kentwood, LA 70
Site 16: Port Hudson State Historic Site

Limitations: Roadways can be problematic in wet weather GPS Coordinates: N 30.80786; W 91.37597 Contact: West Feliciana Parish Recreational and Sports Park,

Access: Daily 9am-5pm; Fee


GPS Coordinates: N 30.69255; W 91.26922

Website: www.stfrancisville.us

Contact: Port Hudson State Historic Site, 888-677-3400 Website: www.lastateparks.com

LOOP 3 Site 17: Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site Address: 12501 Hwy. 10, St. Francisville, LA 70775 Access: Daily 9am-5pm except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day; Admission Fee

Louisiana Scenic Bayou Byway

GPS Coordinates: N 30.79081; W 91.37270 Contact: Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site, 225-635-3332 Website: www.lastateparks.com

Site 18: Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge

Site 20: Camp Moore Confederate Museum & Cemetery museum, gift shop

Address: 70640 Camp Moore Rd., Tangipahoa, LA 70465 Access: Tues-Sat 10am-3pm; Admission Fee GPS Coordinates: N 30.88487; W 90.51073

Address: 76 Pintail Ln., Natchez, MS 39120

Contact: Camp Moore Confederate Museum & Cemetery,

Access: Daily; Free


GPS Coordinates: N 30.79324; W 91.43641

Website: www.campmoore.com

Contact: Refuge Manager, 225-635-4753 Website: www.southeast.fws.gov/CatIsland

Site 19: West Feliciana Parish ball fields, tennis courts, playgrounds

Address: 10226 West Feliciana Pkwy., St. Francisville, LA 70775 Access: Mon-Fri 7am-dark, Sat-Sun 8am-dark; Free

Site 21: Sandy Hollow Wildlife Management Area Address: 98004 Oilfield Rd., Kentwood, LA 70444 Access: Daily; Free; Valid LA hunting or fishing license or Wild LA Stamp required, unless exempt by law GPS Coordinates: N 30.83960; W 90.41423 Contact: LA Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Region 7 Office, 225-765-2360 Website: www.wlf.louisiana.gov

Site 22: Ben’s Creek Wildlife Management Area

Site 25: Pearl River Wildlife Management Area

Address: No physical address Access: Daily; Free; Valid LA hunting or fishing license or

Address: 603 Willis,

Wild LA Stamp required, unless exempt by law, self-clearing

Bogalusa, LA 70427

permit required

Access: Daily; Free; Valid LA

GPS Coordinates: N 30.86248; W 89.97522

hunting or fishing license or

Contact: LA Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Region 7

Wild LA Stamp required, unless exempt by law

Office, 225-765-2360

GPS Coordinates: N 30.39107; W 89.72894

Website: www.wlf.louisiana.gov

Contact: Pearl River WMA Headquarters, 985-646-6440 Website: www.wlf.state.la.us

Site 23: Cassidy Park tennis courts, barnyard display, playground

Address: No physical address

Site 26: Abita Creek Flatwoods Preserve boardwalk, benches, interpretive stations

Access: Daily; Free

Address: No physical address

GPS Coordinates: N 30.78281; W 89.87261

Access: Daily; Free

Contact: City of Bogalusa, 985-732-6211

GPS Coordinates: N 30.50608; W 89.96597 Contact: The Nature Conservancy (Florida Parishes), 985-809-1414

Site 24: Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge

Website: www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/ states/louisiana/preserves

Address: No physical address Access: Daily; Free Limitations: The area

Site 27: Lake Ramsay Preserve interpretive displays

is closed when the river

Address: No physical address

gauge at Pearl River

Access: Daily; Free (The adjacent Lake Ramsay WMA

reaches 15.5 feet.

requires a valid hunting or fishing or Wild LA Stamp and

GPS Coordinates:

self-clearing permit.)

N 30.45115; W 89.70822

GPS Coordinates: N 30.51024; W 89.16423

Contact: U.S. Fish and

Contact: The Nature Conservancy (Florida Parishes),

Wildlife Service, Southeast


LA Refuges Headquarters, 985-882-2000 Website: www.fws.gov/boguechitto