Jan 12, 2017 - PASS 4:0. Presentation: Andy Clay, St. Vincent de Paul â Update on the Home of Your Own Program. ... Mo
Lowell City Council Meeting Agenda Council Chambers City Hall, 107 East 3rd Street Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. *Please silence your cell phones as a courtesy to everyone* Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge Councilors:
Mayor Bennett ____ Burford ____ Osgood ____ Angelini ____ Harris ____
Approval of Agenda Consent Agenda: Council members may request an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be discussed as the first business item of the meeting. Minutes – City Council Regular Meeting – January 3, 2017 Voucher Directory – January 17, 2017 Public Comments: Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes. The Council may ask questions, but will not engage in discussion or make decisions based on public comment at this time. The Mayor may direct the City Administrator to follow up on comments received. When called, please state your name and address for the record. Direct all comments to the Council through the Mayor. Council Comments (three minutes per speaker) All speakers are expected to be polite, courteous, and respectful when making their comments. Personal attacks, insults, profanity, and inflammatory comments will not be permitted. Reports of the City Administrator: City Administrator Report Quarterly Financial Report Police Report Public Works Report Business Meeting: Items Removed from Consent Agenda Old Business: None New Business: 1. Dexter Lake Farmers Market – Discussion/Possible Action 2. Open Burning Survey Results – Discussion/Possible Action 3. City Engineer Contract – Discussion/Possible Action 4. City Administrator Contract – Discussion/Possible Action 5. City Administrator Objectives – Discussion/Possible Action Other Business Mayor Comments The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Joyce Donnell at 541-937-2157.
Community Comments: Limited to two (2) minutes if prior to 9:30 PM Adjourn Future Meetings / Dates to Remember: 1-16-17 City Hall Closed in Observance of MLK Day 1-17-17 City Council Meeting – 7 PM at City Hall 1-23-17 Lowell School District Board Meeting – 7 PM at PDC 1-24-17 Planning Commission Meeting – 7 PM at City Hall
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Joyce Donnell at 541-937-2157.
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 12, 2017 Consent Agenda
SUMMARY: The Consent Agenda for the January 17, 2017 City Council meeting includes the minutes for the City Council Regular Meeting January 3, 2017 and Voucher Directory for January 17, 2017.
FISCAL IMPACT: 1. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes – January 17, 2017 – No fiscal impact. 2. Voucher Directory –January 17, 2017 – Includes expenditures that were approved during the annual budget process. Items above the purchasing threshold of the City Administrator or Department Head are presented to the City Council for prior approval. COURSES OF ACTION: 1. Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. 2. Motion to remove an item from the consent agenda and place on the Business Meeting for additional review, discussion or amendment.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes – January 3, 2017 2. Voucher Directory – January 17, 2017
City of Lowell, Oregon Minutes of the City Council Meetings January 3, 2017
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Council President Jim Burford. City Administrator Jared Cobb sworn in the following City Councilors: Patricia Angelini, Jim Burford and Gail Harris for a new 4 year term. Members Present: Maggie Osgood, Jim Burford, Gail Harris, Patricia Angelini Member Absent: Mayor Don Bennett Councilor Osgood nominated Don Bennett for Mayor, second by Councilor Harris. PASS 4:0 Councilor Osgood nominated Jim Burford for Council President, second by Councilor Harris. PASS 4:0 Presentation: Andy Clay, St. Vincent de Paul – Update on the Home of Your Own Program. Consent Agenda: Councilor Harris move to approve consent agenda, second by Councilor Angelini. PASS 4:0 Public Comments: Matt Wadlington, Civil West Engineering wanted to meet council. Susan Hardy, 76318 Garden Rd, Oakridge, 90 by 30 Child Abuse Prevention Group, extends open invitation for all community residents to participate in prevention planning meetings. Council Comments: None City Administrators Report: CA Cobb reported on Solid Waste Franchise Agreement, training opportunities for City Council, staff is developing work plans consistent with the 2016-17 Strategic Plan, Fiscal Year 2015-16 Audit extension request submitted. Time frame for submitting a RFP for Engineer of Record has closed, and a recommendation will be made at the next council meeting. More research is being done regarding security camera’s for the parks. Financial Report: November report in packet Police Report: November report in packet Public Works Report: Max Baker, Public Works Director reported that the Park Restrooms have been closed and winterized, the Covered Bridge Gate has remained closed due to vandalism. A large water leak at East Main and West Boundary has been repaired. An update on Code Enforcement was given. Report included in packet. Old Business: None New Business: 8:05 PM • Resolution 665 – City Council Guiding Principles – Councilor Harris moved to approve Resolution 665, as written, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 • Resolution 666 – Employee Handbook Amendment – Adopting Policies of No Retaliation for Reporting Improper or Unlawful Conduct. Councilor Angelini move to
approve Resolution 666, as written, second by Councilor Harris. Discussion followed. PASS 4:0 • Resolution 667 – Authorize a Change of Signatories – Councilor Harris moved to approve Resolution 667, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 • Copier Contract – CA introduced item. Councilor Osgood moved to approve the lease and service agreement with Pacific Office Automation, second by Councilor Angelini. Discussion followed. PASS 4:0 • Committee Appointments – CA introduced item. Budget Committee: 2 Positions Open Position 9 - Gerry Burr: Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Angelini. PASS 4:0 Position 10 - Maureen Weathers: Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Harris. PASS 4:0 Planning Commission: 2 Positions Open Position 4 - Mary Wallace: Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Angelini. PASS 4:0 Position 5 - Don Swain: Nominated by Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 Parks and Recreation Committee: 5 Positions Open Position 1 - Tristian Woodhurst – Youth Representative – Nominated by Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 Position 2 - Hall O’Regan – Nominated Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 Karen Burford – Nominated by Councilor Harris, no second. Ronni Price – Nominated by Councilor Angelini, no second. Position 3 - Pat Woodhurst – Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Angelini. PASS 4:0 Position 4 - Tony Moreci – Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Burford. PASS 4:0 Position 5 - George Wild – Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Harris. PASS 4:0 Economic Development Committee: 5 Positions Open Position 1 - Michael Galvin (nonresident) School District Representative – Nominated by Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 Position 2 - Robert Burr- Fire District Representative – Nominated by Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0 Jerry Valencia – Local Business – Nominated by Councilor Angelini, no second. Position 3 - Jonny Watson (nonresident) Local Business – Nominated by Councilor Osgood, second by Councilor Burford. PASS 4:0 Suzanne Kintzley – Nominated by Councilor Angelini, no second. Position 4 - Jerry Bjornstad – Nominated by Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Burford. PASS 4:0 Position 5 - Bill George – Nominated by Councilor Harris, second by Councilor Osgood. PASS 4:0
Library Committee; 5 Positions Open and 5 Applicants. Position 1 - Gerry Burr Position 2 - Don Swain Position 3 - Virginia Galvin Position 4 - Megan Moerdyk-Shauwecker Position 5 - Barbaranne Ingram All approved by consensus of Council. Blackberry Jam Festival Committee: 5 Positions Open Council agreed to retain the current Executive Committee. Councilor Angelini moved, and Councilor Harris second to approve the following: Positon 1 - Michael Galvin Position 2 - Karen Burford Position 3 - Maureen Weathers Position 4 -Warren Weathers Position 5 - George Wild PASS 4:0 Other Business: None Mayor Comments: None Council Comments: None Public Comments: Hall O’Regan 62 E 3rd St., asked for an update on the open burn survey. CA stated that the survey closed at the end of December, he will collect the information and bring it to the Council for the next meeting. Adjourn: 8:32 PM
Approved: ________________________ Don Bennett, Mayor
___________________ Date
Fund Transaction Summary Transaction Type: Invoice Fiscal: 2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council
Fund Number 010 012 030 040
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Amount $3,214.74 $507.87 $531.60 $1,507.08 $5,761.29
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Voucher Directory January 17, 2017 Vendor
Chemicals & Lab Supplies
010-100-6440 030-100-6440 040-100-6440
Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services
$185.04 $302.70 $72.14 $559.88
Cascade Columbia Century Link
City of Oakridge 14138 010-130-6018 Lane County Public Works 14139 012-100-6028 OCCMA 14140 010-100-6120 Petty Cash 14141 010-100-6126 Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC 14142 010-100-6028 Renewable Resource Group Inc. 14143 030-100-6722 040-100-6722
Police Services
Wetleau Mitigation Monitoring for Nov. 2016
Annual Membership Fee
Postage machine contract
Water/Sewer Analysis Water/Sewer Analysis
$211.00 $604.80 $815.80
SaniPac 14144
010-100-6445 010-120-6445 010-150-6445 030-100-6445 040-100-6445
Refuse Services Refuse Services Refuse Services Refuse Services Refuse Services
010-100-6130 010-150-6130
Office Supplies/Equipment Office Supplies/Equipment
010-140-6524 010-140-6525
Building Permit Costs Electrical Permit Costs
$7.62 $21.43 $7.62 $17.90 $17.90 $72.47
Staples Credit Plan
The Building Dept.,LLC 14146
Grand Total
Execution Time: 43 second(s)
$111.46 $57.89 $169.35 $288.26 $72.00 $360.26 $5,761.29
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Execution Time: 43 second(s)
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Voucher Directory
Account Number
Cascade Columbia 14136
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 684583 040-100-6720 Total Invoice - 684583
Total 14136 Total Cascade Columbia Century Link 14137
Chemicals & Lab Supplies
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - Jan. 2,2017 010-100-6440 030-100-6440 040-100-6440 Total Invoice - Jan. 2,2017
Total 14137 Total Century Link City of Oakridge 14138
Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services
$185.04 $302.70 $72.14 $559.88 $559.88 $559.88
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - Jan 2017-0056 010-130-6018 Total Invoice - Jan 2017-0056
Total 14138 Total City of Oakridge Lane County Public Works 14139
Police Services
$2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - PWA00008450 012-100-6028 Total Invoice - PWA00008450
Total 14139 Total Lane County Public Works OCCMA 14140
Other Contract Services
$507.87 $507.87 $507.87 $507.87
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 2017 Membership 010-100-6120 Total Invoice - 2017 Membership
Publications, Printing & Dues
Total 14140 Total OCCMA
Execution Time: 18 second(s)
$812.24 $812.24 $812.24 $812.24
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$155.28 $155.28 $155.28 $155.28
Page 1 of 3
Account Number
Petty Cash 14141
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 1/12/2017 010-100-6126 Total Invoice - 1/12/2017
Total 14141 Total Petty Cash Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC 14142 2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 3302529220 010-100-6028 Other Contract Services Total Invoice - 3302529220 Total 14142 Total Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC Renewable Resource Group Inc. 14143 2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 86727, 86851, 86675, 86825, 87035 030-100-6722 Water/Sewer Analysis 040-100-6722 Water/Sewer Analysis Total Invoice - 86727, 86851, 86675, 86825, 87035 Total 14143 Total Renewable Resource Group Inc. SaniPac 14144 2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 2436187 010-100-6445 Refuse Services 010-120-6445 Refuse Services 010-150-6445 Refuse Services 030-100-6445 Refuse Services 040-100-6445 Refuse Services Total Invoice - 2436187 Total 14144 Total SaniPac Staples Credit Plan 14145 2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - Jan. 30, 2017 010-100-6130 Office Supplies/Equipment 010-150-6130 Office Supplies/Equipment Total Invoice - Jan. 30, 2017 Total 14145 Total Staples Credit Plan
Execution Time: 19 second(s)
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$42.54 $42.54 $42.54 $42.54
$165.60 $165.60 $165.60 $165.60
$211.00 $604.80 $815.80 $815.80 $815.80
$7.62 $21.43 $7.62 $17.90 $17.90 $72.47 $72.47 $72.47
$111.46 $57.89 $169.35 $169.35 $169.35
Page 2 of 3
Account Number
The Building Dept.,LLC 14146
Execution Time: 19 second(s)
2016-2017 - January 2017 - 2nd Council Invoice - 1/5/2017 010-140-6524 010-140-6525 Total Invoice - 1/5/2017
Total 14146 Total The Building Dept.,LLC Grand Total
Vendor Count
Building Permit Costs Electrical Permit Costs
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/13/2017 10:39:48 AM Voucher Directory
$288.26 $72.00 $360.26 $360.26 $360.26 $5,761.29
Page 3 of 3
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 City Administrator Report
SUMMARY: The attached City Administrator Report is for the period of December 31 – January 13. The report covers the following topics: CIS Best Practices Survey, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) Grant Workshop, Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) Annual Appreciation Dinner, FY 2015-16 Financial Audit, Wetland Monitoring, and Study Session. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A
COURSES OF ACTION: This item is presented for purposes of review and discussion.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Administrator Report
City Administrator’s Office P.O. Box 490 Lowell, OR 97452 Phone: 541-937-2157 Fax: 541-937-2936 Email:
[email protected]
Mayor Bennett and Council
Jared Cobb, City Administrator
January 12, 2017
City Administrator Report
CIS Best Practices Survey On Thursday, January 12, I met with our CIS representative, Dunny Sorenson, to complete their annual 2016-17 Best Practices Survey. The survey addresses recommended risk management practices. There were a few items that were noted for improvements, including the completion of a security assessment, developing a training plan for risk management, and signing up for the DMV Automated Reporting System. Several improvements were also noted from last year, including the implementation of monthly park inspections and financial internal controls. Staff will work on making the recommended improvements. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) Grant Workshop On January 27 I will be attending the OPRD Local Government Grant Workshop in Salem. OPRD gives more than $4 million annually to Oregon communities for outdoor recreation projects, and has awarded nearly $50 million in grants across the state since 1999. The grants are funded from voter-approved Lottery money. The goal of the training is to learn more about the program and how it may apply to future parks projects. Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) Annual Appreciation Dinner LCOG is holding their annual appreciation dinner on Saturday, February 18 at 5:00 p.m. As described in the attached invitation, the event is held to “celebrate civic, economic, and regional accomplishments and formally recognize elected officials, private citizens, public employees, businesses, and intergovernmental teams for their outstanding service, leadership, and commitment to the regional community.” RSVPs are required. Please let me know if you are interested and staff will take care of the registration. FY 2015-16 Financial Audit The draft audit has been completed and is currently being reviewed by the firm’s senior accountant. I anticipate receiving a copy in the next couple weeks. Upon receipt, myself and our contract accountant will review the audit report and prepare the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), which is a narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the City for the fiscal year 2015-16. We will also provide the management response to any audit findings. Both documents will be submitted to the auditor for inclusion in the audit report. Our goal is to have the
City Administrator Report FY 2015-16 Audit Report presented to the City Council at the regular meeting on Tuesday, February 21. Wetland Monitoring As part of the development of the Wetleau Subdivision, the City was required to help establish new wetlands to the south of the development along West Boundary Road. Annual reporting was included in the agreement with the Oregon Division of State Lands and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to ensure the success of the project. The City contracted out the monitoring to Lane County Public Works. On Thursday, January 12, I was informed by Chad Hoffman, Environmental Engineering Specialist, that the final monitoring report was accepted by the Oregon Division of State Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering. They anticipate project close out by this March. Study Session I recommend a Study Session to review and discuss the following topics in more detail. Study Sessions are informal meetings scheduled to discuss specific subjects in depth. No decisions are made and generally there is no forum provided for public comment. Please let me know if Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. will work with your schedule. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Review St. Vincent de Paul Home of Your Own Program Review Annual Strategic Planning and Evaluation Process Review Monthly Meeting Schedule for City Council and Committees Review External Committees and Council Representation Review Financial Management and Procedures Manual
From: To: Subject: Date:
WILSON Brenda S (LCOG) WILSON Brenda S (LCOG) INVITATION - LCOG Annual Appreciation Dinner Wednesday, January 11, 2017 3:04:09 PM
Please join us for the:
LCOG Annual Appreciation Dinner Saturday, February 18, 2017
Lane Community College – Center for Meeting & Learning
Get Acquainted Hour: 5 - 6 pm Dinner and Program: 6 pm
This annual event is held to celebrate civic, economic, and regional accomplishments and formally recognize elected officials, private citizens, public employees, businesses, and intergovernmental teams for their outstanding service, leadership, and commitment to the regional community.
We hope you can join us!
More info and registration here:
Brenda Wilson Executive Director | Lane Council of Governments | 859 Willamette Street, Ste 500 | Eugene, OR 97401 O: 541.682.4395 | F: 541.682.4099 | www.lcog.org |
[email protected]
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 Quarterly Financial Report
SUMMARY: The Quarterly Financial Report for October – December is attached for your review.
FISCAL IMPACT: With the exception of the Sewer Fund, the operating funds currently exceed the minimum unrestricted fund balance of 17% as established by Resolution 644. Revenues for the operating funds are at 55% of budgeted revenues, while expenditures are at 36% of budgeted expenditures (including transfers, excluding contingency and reserves). COURSES OF ACTION: This item is presented for purposes of review and discussion.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Fund Balance Report 2. Revenue and Expenditure Reports 3. Court Report 4. Employee Liabilities Report
Fund Balance Report - FY 2017 through December 31 As of January 12, 2017
Beginning Ending Operating Unrestricted Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Budget Fund Balance Fund Description 10 GENERAL FUND $86,852 $200,925 ($102,261) $185,515 $250,785 74% ($32,579) $127,142 $75,810 168% $36,391 12 STREET FUND $123,330 30 WATER FUND $60,549 $196,939 ($138,521) $118,967 $400,813 30% 40 SEWER FUND $15,746 $172,388 ($162,645) $25,489 $373,296 7% ($8,790) $12,701 $3,438 14 BBJ FESTIVAL FUND $18,054 16 PERSONNEL LIABILITIES FUND $23,968 $0 ($23,968) $0 17 SDC FUND $279,618 $7,763 $0 $287,381 $3,938 $0 $11,814 20 WATER RESERVE FUND $7,876 21 SEWER RESERVE FUND $1,945 $1,575 $0 $3,520 45 UTILITY DEPOSIT FUND $33,151 $0 ($1,891) $31,260 $6,000 $0 $36,188 50 EQUIPMENT FUND $30,188 55 DEBT RESERVE FUND $107,422 $0 ($55,126) $52,296 $788,698 $629,356 ($525,781) $892,273
Revenue Starting Account Number: 010-025-4012 Property Taxes - Current Ending Account Number: 060-025-4930 Transfer from Water Fund Period: 2016-2017 - December 2016 Printing: Full Non Activity Accounts: Hide Balance Records: Hide Investment Records: Hide Operation Totals: Hide
Account Number GENERAL FUND REVENUES 010-025-4012 010-025-4014 010-025-4052 010-025-4132 010-025-4134 010-025-4136 010-025-4152 010-025-4154 010-025-4310 010-025-4312 010-025-4314 010-025-4316 010-025-4352 010-025-4354 010-025-4356 010-025-4358 010-025-4360 010-025-4415 010-025-4417 010-025-4419 010-025-4421 010-025-4511 010-025-4625 010-025-4752 010-025-4820 010-025-4852 010-025-4914 010-025-4916
Property Taxes - Current Property Taxes - Prior Interest Earned State Revenue Sharing Cigarette Tax Liquor Tax Tourism Grant/ Room Tax Library Summer Reading Program Grant Cable Franchise Fees Electric Franchise Fees Garbage Franchise Fees Telecom Franchise Fees Land Use/ Development Permits & Variances Building Permit Fees Electrical Permit Fees Dog Licenses Library Revenue Lien Searches Election Filing Fees SDC/CET Admin Fee Park Reimbursement SDC Municipal Court Revenue Reimbursement Revenue BBJ Fund Payment Miscellaneous Revenue Transfer from BBJ Fund Transfer from Personnel Liabilities Fund
% of Total
$91,818.34 $288.44 $21.30 $0.00 $96.85 $1,143.85 $47.99 $1,000.00
$122,537.64 $1,050.34 $211.92 $6,073.17 $935.50 $7,653.76 $8,397.52 $1,000.00
$129,781.00 $3,500.00 $250.00 $8,662.00 $1,272.00 $14,964.00 $7,700.00 $1,000.00
94.42 % 30.01 % 84.77 % 70.11 % 73.55 % 51.15 % 109.06 % 100.00 %
$7,243.36 $2,449.66 $38.08 $2,588.83 $336.50 $7,310.24 ($697.52) $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $419.63 $107.52 $0.00 $12.60 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $416.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.40 $0.00 $0.00
$995.99 $22,990.95 $0.00 $0.00 $4,964.63 $20.00 $6,217.26 $1,983.52 $178.00 $307.08 $230.00 $100.00 $419.14 $52.00 $1,590.58 $0.00 $0.00 $2,095.22 $500.00 $10,420.55
$1,400.00 71.14 % $42,831.00 53.68 % $600.00 0.00 % $3,000.00 0.00 % $200.00 2,482.32 % $100.00 20.00 % $18,410.00 33.77 % $2,324.00 85.35 % $300.00 59.33 % $500.00 61.42 % $200.00 115.00 % $100.00 100.00 % $1,000.00 41.91 % $364.00 14.29 % $2,400.00 66.27 % $5,000.00 0.00 % $500.00 0.00 % $2,500.00 83.81 % $0.00 $10,421.00 100.00 %
$404.01 $19,840.05 $600.00 $3,000.00 ($4,764.63) $80.00 $12,192.74 $340.48 $122.00 $192.92 ($30.00) $0.00 $580.86 $312.00 $809.42 $5,000.00 $500.00 $404.78 ($500.00) $0.45
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:56 PM Revenue
Page 1 of 13
Account Number Total REVENUES Total GENERAL FUND
Period $95,532.92
Fiscal $200,924.77
Budget $259,279.00
% of Total 77.49 %
Balance $58,354.23
77.49 %
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Page 2 of 13
Account Number STREET FUND REVENUES 012-025-4142 012-025-4513 012-025-4916 Total REVENUES Total STREET FUND
State Distributions Transportation Reimbursement SDC Transfer from Personnel Liabilities Fund
% of Total
$5,443.76 $0.00 $0.00 $5,443.76
$33,155.04 $110.00 $3,126.00 $36,391.04
$60,918.00 $770.00 $3,126.00 $64,814.00
54.43 % 14.29 % 100.00 % 56.15 %
$27,762.96 $660.00 $0.00 $28,422.96
56.15 %
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Account Number BBJ FESTIVAL FUND REVENUES 014-025-4052 014-025-4822 014-025-4852 Total REVENUES Total BBJ FESTIVAL FUND
% of Total
Interest Earned BBJ Festival Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue
$0.00 $15.00 $0.00 $15.00
$0.58 $3,437.00 $0.00 $3,437.58
$0.00 $0.00 $12,650.00 $12,650.00
0.00 % 27.17 %
($0.58) ($3,437.00) $12,650.00 $9,212.42
27.17 %
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Account Number SDC FUND REVENUES 017-025-4052 017-025-4510 017-025-4512 017-025-4530 017-025-4540 017-025-4545 017-025-4997 017-025-4998 Total REVENUES Total SDC FUND
Interest Earned Park SDC Fees Transportation SDC Water SDC Sewer SDC Storm Drainage SDC Do Not Use - Transfer from General Fund Do Not Use - Transfer from General Fund
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $928.00 $558.00 $3,607.00 $2,035.00 $635.00 $0.00
$200.00 $6,496.00 $3,906.00 $25,249.00 $7,063.00 $4,445.00 $472.00
0.00 % 14.29 % 14.29 % 14.29 % 28.81 % 14.29 % 0.00 %
$200.00 $5,568.00 $3,348.00 $21,642.00 $5,028.00 $3,810.00 $472.00
0.00 %
15.29 %
15.29 %
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Transfer from Water Fund
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$3,938.00 $3,938.00
$3,938.00 $3,938.00
100.00 % 100.00 %
$0.00 $0.00
100.00 %
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Page 6 of 13
Transfer from Sewer Fund
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$1,575.00 $1,575.00
$1,575.00 $1,575.00
100.00 % 100.00 %
$0.00 $0.00
100.00 %
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Page 7 of 13
Account Number WATER FUND 030-025-4052 030-025-4370 030-025-4425 030-025-4428 030-025-4435 030-025-4531 030-025-4710 030-025-4852 030-025-4916 030-025-4945 030-025-4955 Total WATER FUND
Title Interest Earned Water/Sewer Connection Permit Fees Water/Sewer Sales Credit Memo Utilities - (Pre-paid) Fire Hydrant Fee Water Reimbursement SDC Principal Payments Recieved Miscellaneous Revenue Transfer from Personnel Liabilities Fund Transfer from Utility Deposit Fund Transfer from Debt Reserve Fund
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $19,578.25 $352.25 $318.38 $0.00 $0.00 $342.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,591.38
$0.00 $250.00 $141,183.10 ($24.21) $1,898.50 $640.00 $0.00 $3,189.44 $10,421.00 $0.00 $39,381.00 $196,938.83
$150.00 $1,000.00 $262,438.00 $0.00 $3,350.00 $4,480.00 $40,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,421.00 $32,810.00 $39,381.00 $399,030.00
0.00 % 25.00 % 53.80 %
$150.00 $750.00 $121,254.90 $24.21 $1,451.50 $3,840.00 $40,000.00 $1,810.56 $0.00 $32,810.00 $0.00 $202,091.17
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56.67 % 14.29 % 0.00 % 63.79 % 100.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 49.35 %
Page 8 of 13
Account Number SEWER FUND REVENUES 040-025-4052 040-025-4370 040-025-4425 040-025-4430 040-025-4541 040-025-4852 040-025-4930 040-025-4955 Total REVENUES Total SEWER FUND
Interest Earned Water/Sewer Connection Permit Fees Water/Sewer Sales Water/Sewer Connection Fees Sewer Reimbursement SDC Miscellaneous Revenue Transfer from Water Fund Transfer from Debt Reserve Fund
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $25,528.30 $0.00 $0.00 $397.50 $0.00 $0.00 $25,925.80
$0.00 $115.00 $150,870.89 $0.00 $1,148.00 $4,509.19 $0.00 $15,745.00 $172,388.08
$50.00 $0.00 $309,616.00 $150.00 $3,913.00 $4,850.00 $40,000.00 $15,745.00 $374,324.00
0.00 % 48.73 % 0.00 % 29.34 % 92.97 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 46.05 %
$50.00 ($115.00) $158,745.11 $150.00 $2,765.00 $340.81 $40,000.00 $0.00 $201,935.92
46.05 %
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Account Number EQUIPMENT FUND REVENUES 050-025-4052 050-025-4849 050-025-4910 050-025-4912 050-025-4930 050-025-4940 Total REVENUES Total EQUIPMENT FUND
Interest Earned Capital Asset Disposal Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Street Fund Transfer from Water Fund Transfer from Sewer Fund
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $6,000.00
$300.00 $15,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $21,300.00
0.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 28.17 %
$300.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,300.00
28.17 %
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Page 10 of 13
Interest Earned
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$300.00 $300.00
0.00 % 0.00 %
$300.00 $300.00
0.00 %
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Account Number Grand Totals
% of Total
52.98 %
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Totals By Fund Fund Number 010-000-0000 012-000-0000 014-000-0000 017-000-0000 020-000-0000 021-000-0000 030-000-0000 040-000-0000 050-000-0000 055-000-0000
Period $95,532.92 $5,443.76 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,591.38 $25,925.80 $0.00 $0.00 $147,508.86
Fiscal $200,924.77 $36,391.04 $3,437.58 $7,763.00 $3,938.00 $1,575.00 $196,938.83 $172,388.08 $6,000.00 $0.00 $629,356.30
Budget $259,279.00 $64,814.00 $12,650.00 $50,787.00 $3,938.00 $1,575.00 $399,030.00 $374,324.00 $21,300.00 $300.00 $1,187,997.00
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:56 PM Revenue
% of Total 77.49 % 56.15 % 27.17 % 15.29 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 49.35 % 46.05 % 28.17 % 0.00 % 52.98 %
Balance $58,354.23 $28,422.96 $9,212.42 $43,024.00 $0.00 $0.00 $202,091.17 $201,935.92 $15,300.00 $300.00 $558,640.70
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Expenditure Starting Account Number: 010-025-4423 Pay Station Revenue Ending Account Number: 060-999-9899 Suspense Period: 2016-2017 - December 2016 Printing: Full Non Activity Accounts: Hide Balance Records: Hide Investment Records: Hide Operation Totals: Hide Account Number GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 010-100-5010 010-100-5012 010-100-5014 010-100-5050 010-100-5052 010-100-5054 010-100-5058 010-100-5220 010-100-5315 010-100-5320 010-100-5350 010-100-5410 010-100-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-100-6010 010-100-6012 010-100-6014 010-100-6022 010-100-6024 010-100-6028 010-100-6090 010-100-6110 010-100-6120 010-100-6122 010-100-6126 010-100-6128 010-100-6130 010-100-6134 010-100-6138
% of Total
City Administrator Finance Clerk City Clerk Public Works Director Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Maintenance Worker I Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
$994.13 $0.00 $436.23 $285.82 $152.60 $168.87 $57.82 $81.00 $215.86 $194.93 $0.00 $909.91 $264.66 $3,761.83
$6,060.89 $0.00 $2,396.20 $1,579.41 $845.84 $918.90 $452.02 $342.39 $1,172.27 $1,200.73 $0.00 $2,076.21 $1,147.25 $18,192.11
$10,710.00 $4,742.00 $4,150.00 $2,975.00 $1,718.00 $1,558.00 $766.00 $847.00 $2,307.00 $1,185.00 $2,148.00 $6,159.00 $2,576.00 $41,841.00
56.59 % 0.00 % 57.74 % 53.09 % 49.23 % 58.98 % 59.01 % 40.42 % 50.81 % 101.33 % 0.00 % 33.71 % 44.54 % 43.48 %
$4,649.11 $4,742.00 $1,753.80 $1,395.59 $872.16 $639.10 $313.98 $504.61 $1,134.73 ($15.73) $2,148.00 $4,082.79 $1,428.75 $23,648.89
Auditing Legal Services Financial Services IT Services Copier Contract Other Contract Services Computer Serv/Warr/Contracts Insurance And Bonds Publications, Printing & Dues Newsletter Expenditure Postage Public Notices Office Supplies/Equipment General Supplies Bank Service Charges
$0.00 $600.00 $1,019.70 $1,536.92 $402.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $547.00 $0.00 $120.90 $9.60 $32.25 $163.48 $5.03
$356.41 $2,000.00 $1,019.70 $2,052.64 $1,161.46 $0.00 $0.00 $7,786.19 $1,389.42 $915.90 $332.70 $58.60 $406.60 $705.27 $47.36
$3,190.00 $3,000.00 $1,376.00 $5,472.00 $4,500.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $7,668.00 $3,700.00 $1,350.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $1,750.00
11.17 % 66.67 % 74.11 % 37.51 % 25.81 % 0.00 %
$2,833.59 $1,000.00 $356.30 $3,419.36 $3,338.54 $2,000.00 $0.00 ($118.19) $2,310.58 $434.10 $667.30 $341.40 $93.40 $1,294.73 $1,702.64
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101.54 % 37.55 % 67.84 % 33.27 % 14.65 % 81.32 % 35.26 % 2.71 %
Page 1 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number 010-100-6140 010-100-6190 010-100-6220 010-100-6234 010-100-6420 010-100-6425 010-100-6430 010-100-6435 010-100-6440 010-100-6445 010-100-6510 010-100-6512 010-100-6514 010-100-6792 010-100-6906 010-100-6920 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY 010-100-8012 Total CAPITAL OUTLAY
Title Travel & Training Miscellaneous Expenditures Building Repair & Maintenance Non-Capitalized Assets Water Services Sewer Services Electricity Services Internet Services Telephone Services Refuse Services Council Expenditure State Ethics Commission League of Oregon Cities(LOC) Reimbursable Expenditure Water/Sewer Expenditure Do Not Use - Postage
Period $0.00 $289.11 $0.00 $0.00 $19.60 $36.24 $160.37 $152.94 $426.36 $7.14 $0.00 $316.88 $0.00 $37.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,882.78
Fiscal $549.38 $366.57 $0.00 $695.30 $138.46 $240.67 $831.69 $353.86 $1,646.72 $21.42 $899.91 $316.88 $0.00 $37.00 $0.00 $9.00 $24,339.11
Budget $1,500.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $500.00 $750.00 $525.00 $2,063.00 $375.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $600.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $56,719.00
% of Total 36.63 % 73.31 % 0.00 % 139.06 % 18.46 % 45.84 % 40.31 % 94.36 % 54.89 %
42.91 %
Balance $950.62 $133.43 $2,000.00 ($195.30) $611.54 $284.33 $1,231.31 $21.14 $1,353.28 ($21.42) $1,100.09 $283.12 $0.00 $4,963.00 $0.00 ($9.00) $32,379.89
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$10,000.00 $10,000.00
0.00 % 0.00 %
$10,000.00 $10,000.00
39.18 %
Capital Outlay - Buildings & Facilities
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45.00 % 52.81 % 0.74 %
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Account Number PARKS & RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 010-120-5010 010-120-5050 010-120-5052 010-120-5054 010-120-5058 010-120-5220 010-120-5315 010-120-5320 010-120-5350 010-120-5410 010-120-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-120-6028 010-120-6134 010-120-6190 010-120-6220 010-120-6224 010-120-6228 010-120-6230 010-120-6234 010-120-6420 010-120-6425 010-120-6430 010-120-6445 010-120-6610 010-120-6906 010-120-6915 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-120-8020 Total PARKS & RECREATION
City Administrator Public Works Director Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Maintenance Worker I Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemmployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
% of Total
$331.36 $285.82 $152.60 $168.87 $520.33 $80.04 $157.26 $603.86 $0.00 $340.66 $192.83 $2,833.63
$1,604.01 $1,411.06 $743.06 $829.80 $2,908.24 $323.60 $521.33 $1,210.32 $0.00 $851.65 $568.46 $10,971.53
$3,569.00 $2,975.00 $1,718.00 $1,558.00 $6,891.00 $808.00 $1,466.00 $399.00 $1,406.00 $2,597.00 $1,636.00 $25,023.00
44.94 % 47.43 % 43.25 % 53.26 % 42.20 % 40.05 % 35.56 % 303.34 % 0.00 % 32.79 % 34.75 % 43.85 %
$1,964.99 $1,563.94 $974.94 $728.20 $3,982.76 $484.40 $944.67 ($811.32) $1,406.00 $1,745.35 $1,067.54 $14,051.47
$0.00 $31.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $52.91 $108.20 $42.50 $21.42 $73.77 $0.00 $0.00 $330.31
$1,176.54 $575.35 $0.00 $14.38 $118.15 $0.00 $868.00 $3,477.83 $354.85 $639.36 $237.05 $64.26 $271.23 $0.00 $0.00 $7,797.00
$2,500.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,600.00 $2,200.00 $1,080.00 $1,301.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,931.00
47.06 % 57.54 % 0.00 % 1.44 % 11.82 % 0.00 % 54.25 % 158.08 % 32.86 % 49.14 % 9.48 %
48.94 %
$1,323.46 $424.65 $250.00 $985.62 $881.85 $500.00 $732.00 ($1,277.83) $725.15 $661.64 $2,262.95 ($64.26) $728.77 $0.00 $0.00 $8,134.00
$0.00 $3,163.94
$0.00 $18,768.53
$16,000.00 $56,954.00
0.00 % 32.95 %
$16,000.00 $38,185.47
Other Contract Services General Supplies Miscellaneous Expenses Building Repair & Maintenance Equipment Repair & Maintenance Property Maintenance Other Repair & Maintenance Non-Capitalized Assets Water Services Sewer Services Electricity Services Refuse Services Gas & Oil Water/Sewer Expenditure Maintenance & Supplies Capital Outlay - Parks Improvements
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27.12 %
Page 3 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Title POLICE MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-130-6018 Police Services 010-130-6912 Contracted Services/Police Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
% of Total
$4,200.00 $0.00 $4,200.00
$10,500.00 $0.00 $10,500.00
$26,400.00 $0.00 $26,400.00
39.77 % 39.77 %
$15,900.00 $0.00 $15,900.00
39.77 %
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Account Number COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 010-140-5010 010-140-5014 010-140-5220 010-140-5315 010-140-5320 010-140-5350 010-140-5410 010-140-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-140-6028 010-140-6120 010-140-6126 010-140-6140 010-140-6190 010-140-6522 010-140-6524 010-140-6525 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
City Administrator City Clerk Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
% of Total
$662.77 $218.12 $0.47 $87.00 $0.56 $0.00 $273.68 $106.65 $1,349.25
$3,208.25 $1,086.02 $9.39 $290.23 $2.15 $0.00 $684.19 $314.14 $5,594.37
$7,140.00 $2,075.00 $78.00 $777.00 $714.00 $601.00 $6,159.00 $868.00 $18,412.00
44.93 % 52.34 % 12.04 % 37.35 % 0.30 % 0.00 % 11.11 % 36.19 % 30.38 %
$3,931.75 $988.98 $68.61 $486.77 $711.85 $601.00 $5,474.81 $553.86 $12,817.63
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,501.79 $7,129.58 $1,805.04 $11,436.41
$500.00 $100.00 $250.00 $100.00 $250.00 $3,500.00 $14,882.00 $1,896.00 $21,478.00
0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 71.48 % 47.91 % 95.20 % 53.25 %
$500.00 $100.00 $250.00 $100.00 $250.00 $998.21 $7,752.42 $90.96 $10,041.59
42.69 %
Other Contract Services Publications, Printing & Dues Postage Travel & Training Miscellaneous Expenses Land Use/Development Costs Building Permit Costs Electrical Permit Costs
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Account Number LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICES 010-150-5320 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-150-6022 010-150-6126 010-150-6134 010-150-6190 010-150-6220 010-150-6234 010-150-6420 010-150-6425 010-150-6430 010-150-6435 010-150-6445 010-150-6530 010-150-6910 010-150-6911 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
Worker's Comp
IT Services Postage General Supplies Miscellaneous Expenses Building Repair & Maintenance Non-Capitalized Assets Water Services Sewer Services Electricity Services Internet Services Refuse Services Summer Reading Program Library Operation Expenditures Library Summer Reading Program
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% of Total
$9.08 $9.08
$18.16 $18.16
$42.00 $42.00
43.24 % 43.24 %
$23.84 $23.84
$0.00 $0.00 $158.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.66 $17.86 $53.46 $152.94 $7.14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $399.30
$63.75 $6.45 $635.27 $60.00 $0.00 $359.99 $45.53 $79.01 $254.35 $353.85 $21.42 $990.66 $0.00 $0.00 $2,870.28
$272.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $200.00 $0.00 $250.00 $175.00 $688.00 $625.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,310.00
23.44 %
66.60 %
$208.25 ($6.45) $364.73 $40.00 $200.00 ($359.99) $204.47 $95.99 $433.65 $271.15 ($21.42) $9.34 $0.00 $0.00 $1,439.72
66.37 %
63.53 % 60.00 % 0.00 % 18.21 % 45.15 % 36.97 % 56.62 % 99.07 %
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Account Number CODE ENFORCEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 010-160-5010 010-160-5050 010-160-5220 010-160-5315 010-160-5320 010-160-5350 010-160-5410 010-160-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES
City Administrator Public Works Director Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-160-6028 Other Contract Services 010-160-6134 General Supplies 010-160-6190 Miscellaneous Expenses Total MATERIALS & SERVICES Total CODE ENFORCEMENT
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
% of Total
$331.36 $285.82 $23.59 $62.76 $0.40 $0.00 $170.04 $76.97 $950.94
$1,604.01 $1,411.06 $100.90 $209.66 $1.44 $0.00 $425.10 $229.04 $3,981.21
$3,569.00 $2,975.00 $112.00 $557.00 $281.00 $433.00 $1,297.00 $622.00 $9,846.00
44.94 % 47.43 % 90.09 % 37.64 % 0.51 % 0.00 % 32.78 % 36.82 % 40.43 %
$1,964.99 $1,563.94 $11.10 $347.34 $279.56 $433.00 $871.90 $392.96 $5,864.79
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$1,200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,400.00
0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
$1,200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,400.00
35.40 %
Page 7 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number TOURISM MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-170-6028 010-170-6124 010-170-6126 010-170-6190 010-170-6226 010-170-6550 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
Other Contract Services Marketing Postage Miscellaneous Expenses Covered Bridge Maintenance Tourism Funded Projects
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% of Total
$0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $205.56 $0.00 $225.56
$0.00 $240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,155.62 $0.00 $1,395.62
$10,500.00 $3,000.00 $250.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $16,500.00
0.00 % 8.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 46.22 % 8.46 %
$10,500.00 $2,760.00 $250.00 $250.00 $1,344.38 $0.00 $15,104.38
8.46 %
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Account Number MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONAL SERVICES 010-180-5010 010-180-5014 010-180-5220 010-180-5315 010-180-5320 010-180-5350 010-180-5410 010-180-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 010-180-6020 010-180-6028 010-180-6120 010-180-6126 010-180-6190 010-180-6560 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
City Administrator City Clerk Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
Judge Contract Other Contract Services Publications, Printing & Dues Postage Miscellaneous Expenses State Assessments
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
% of Total
$331.36 $218.12 $0.47 $54.45 $0.37 $0.00 $218.36 $66.78 $889.91
$1,604.01 $1,086.02 $9.39 $181.73 $1.37 $0.00 $545.89 $195.61 $3,624.02
$0.00 $2,075.00 $78.00 $479.00 $255.00 $475.00 $1,594.00 $534.00 $5,490.00
52.34 % 12.04 % 37.94 % 0.54 % 0.00 % 34.25 % 36.63 % 66.01 %
($1,604.01) $988.98 $68.61 $297.27 $253.63 $475.00 $1,048.11 $338.39 $1,865.98
$0.00 $14.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.94
$406.25 $90.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45.00 $541.28
$900.00 $660.00 $50.00 $25.00 $250.00 $1,080.00 $2,965.00
45.14 % 13.64 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 4.17 % 18.26 %
$493.75 $569.97 $50.00 $25.00 $250.00 $1,035.00 $2,423.72
49.26 %
Page 9 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEBT SERVICE 010-800-7120 010-800-7121 Total DEBT SERVICE
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$2,956.00 $472.00 $3,428.00
0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
$2,956.00 $472.00 $3,428.00
OTHER REQUIREMENTS 010-800-9050 Transfer to Equipment Fund 010-800-9990 Contingency 010-800-9995 Reserved for future use - Parks Total OTHER REQUIREMENTS
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00
$1,000.00 $37,232.00 $9,000.00 $47,232.00
100.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 2.12 %
$0.00 $37,232.00 $9,000.00 $46,232.00
1.97 %
Loan Principal - SDC Fund Loan Loan Interest - SDC Fund Loan
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Account Number Total GENERAL FUND
Period $20,847.53
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Fiscal $102,261.10
Budget $323,017.00
% of Total 31.66 %
Balance $220,755.90
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Account Number STREET FUND ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 012-100-5010 012-100-5012 012-100-5050 012-100-5052 012-100-5054 012-100-5058 012-100-5220 012-100-5315 012-100-5320 012-100-5350 012-100-5410 012-100-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 012-100-6010 012-100-6014 012-100-6016 012-100-6022 012-100-6028 012-100-6110 012-100-6190 012-100-6224 012-100-6230 012-100-6234 012-100-6430 012-100-6620 012-100-6624 012-100-6626 012-100-6915 Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
% of Total
City Administrator Finance Clerk Public Works Director Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Maintenance Worker I Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
$662.77 $0.00 $857.35 $305.27 $337.72 $115.66 $183.80 $244.03 $394.76 $0.00 $796.03 $299.25 $4,196.64
$3,304.29 $0.00 $4,317.01 $1,529.44 $1,704.18 $697.90 $748.32 $888.71 $1,186.16 $0.00 $1,990.08 $945.38 $17,311.47
$7,140.00 $1,581.00 $8,926.00 $3,435.00 $3,116.00 $1,531.00 $0.00 $2,297.00 $1,508.00 $2,355.00 $6,149.00 $2,565.00 $40,603.00
46.28 % 0.00 % 48.36 % 44.53 % 54.69 % 45.58 %
$3,835.71 $1,581.00 $4,608.99 $1,905.56 $1,411.82 $833.10 ($748.32) $1,408.29 $321.84 $2,355.00 $4,158.92 $1,619.62 $23,291.53
Auditing Financial Services Engineering Services IT Services Other Contract Services Insurance And Bonds Miscellaneous Expenses Equipment Repair & Maintenance Other Repair & Maintenance Non-Capitalized Assets Electricity Services Storm Drain Maintenance Street Signs Street Lights Maintenance & Supplies
$0.00 $142.24 $0.00 $214.39 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $180.40 $0.00 $1,285.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,822.61
$49.72 $142.24 $0.00 $230.71 $2,108.65 $1,946.55 $67.56 $154.99 $215.40 $13.02 $4,926.87 $0.00 $0.00 $2,411.47 $0.00 $12,267.18
$403.00 $192.00 $500.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $1,917.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $15,070.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $32,182.00
12.34 % 74.08 % 0.00 %
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
38.69 % 78.66 % 0.00 % 32.36 % 36.86 % 42.64 %
38.12 %
$353.28 $49.76 $500.00 ($230.71) $2,891.35 ($29.55) $432.44 $845.01 $1,384.60 ($13.02) $10,143.13 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $88.53 $0.00 $19,914.82
40.64 %
42.17 % 101.54 % 13.51 % 15.50 % 13.46 % 32.69 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 96.46 %
Page 12 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number NON-DEPARTMENTAL 012-800-8030 012-800-8032 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 012-800-9050 012-800-9990 Total OTHER REQUIREMENTS
% of Total
Capital Outlay - Street Improvements Capital Outlay - Signage
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$79,057.00 $15,000.00
0.00 % 0.00 %
$79,057.00 $15,000.00
Transfer to Equipment Fund Contingency
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00
$3,000.00 $12,883.00 $15,883.00
100.00 % 0.00 % 18.89 %
$0.00 $12,883.00 $12,883.00
2.73 %
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Account Number Total STREET FUND
Period $6,019.25
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Fiscal $32,578.65
Budget $182,725.00
% of Total 17.83 %
Balance $150,146.35
Page 14 of 38 Expenditure
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$8,290.25 $8,290.25
$13,324.00 $13,324.00
62.22 % 62.22 %
$5,033.75 $5,033.75
62.22 %
NON-DEPARTMENTAL OTHER REQUIREMENTS 014-800-9010 Transfer to General Fund 014-800-9990 Contingency Total OTHER REQUIREMENTS
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$500.00 $0.00 $500.00
$500.00 $7,232.00 $7,732.00
100.00 % 0.00 % 6.47 %
$0.00 $7,232.00 $7,232.00
6.47 %
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Account Number Total BBJ FESTIVAL FUND
Period $0.00
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
Fiscal $8,790.25
Budget $21,056.00
% of Total 41.75 %
Balance $12,265.75
Page 16 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Title PERSONNEL LIABILITIES FUND 016-800-9010 Transfer to General Fund 016-800-9012 Transfer to Street Fund 016-800-9030 Transfer to Water Fund Total PERSONNEL LIABILITIES FUND
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$10,420.55 $3,126.00 $10,421.00 $23,967.55
$10,421.00 $3,126.00 $10,421.00 $23,968.00
100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 %
$0.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.45
Page 17 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number SDC FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL 017-800-8020 017-800-8030 017-800-8040 017-800-8050 017-800-8060
Capital Outlay - Parks Improvements Capital Outlay - Street Improvements Capital Outlay - Water Systems Improvements Capital Outlay - Sewer Systems Improvements Capital Outlay - Stormwater Improvements
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$38,128.00 $16,239.00 $192,623.00
0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
$38,128.00 $16,239.00 $192,623.00
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
Page 18 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Total SDC FUND
Period $0.00
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Fiscal $0.00
Budget $332,682.00
% of Total 0.00 %
Balance $332,682.00
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% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$11,814.00 $11,814.00
0.00 % 0.00 %
$11,814.00 $11,814.00
0.00 %
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Account Number Total WATER RESERVE FUND
Period $0.00
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Fiscal $0.00
Budget $11,814.00
% of Total 0.00 %
Balance $11,814.00
Page 21 of 38 Expenditure
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% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$5,095.00 $5,095.00
0.00 % 0.00 %
$5,095.00 $5,095.00
0.00 %
Page 22 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Total SEWER RESERVE FUND
Period $0.00
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Fiscal $0.00
Budget $5,095.00
% of Total 0.00 %
Balance $5,095.00
Page 23 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number WATER FUND ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 030-100-5010 030-100-5012 030-100-5014 030-100-5050 030-100-5052 030-100-5054 030-100-5058 030-100-5220 030-100-5315 030-100-5320 030-100-5350 030-100-5410 030-100-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 030-100-6010 030-100-6012 030-100-6014 030-100-6016 030-100-6022 030-100-6028 030-100-6110 030-100-6120 030-100-6126 030-100-6130 030-100-6134 030-100-6138 030-100-6140 030-100-6190 030-100-6220 030-100-6224 030-100-6230 030-100-6234 030-100-6420 030-100-6425 030-100-6430 030-100-6435 030-100-6440 030-100-6445 030-100-6610 030-100-6612 030-100-6720 030-100-6722
City Administrator Finance Clerk City Clerk Public Works Director Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Maintenance Worker I Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
Auditing Legal Services Financial Services Engineering Services IT Services Other Contract Services Insurance And Bonds Publications, Printing & Dues Postage Office Supplies/Equipment General Supplies Bank Service Charges Travel & Training Miscellaneous Expenditures Building Repair & Maintenance Equipment Repair & Maintenance Other Repair & Maintenance Non-Capitalized Assets Water Services Sewer Services Electricity Services Internet Services Telephone Services Refuse Services Gas & Oil Operations & Supplies Chemicals & Lab Supplies Water/Sewer Analysis
% of Total
$1,657.05 $0.00 $1,744.69 $2,000.40 $1,221.11 $1,350.85 $231.29 $620.97 $877.83 $1,055.77 $0.00 $3,748.82 $1,076.26 $15,585.04
$8,309.06 $0.00 $9,135.54 $10,591.85 $6,311.57 $7,016.98 $1,331.20 $2,563.61 $3,460.07 $3,175.82 $0.00 $9,372.05 $3,581.95 $64,849.70
$17,849.00 $12,646.00 $16,598.00 $20,828.00 $13,742.00 $12,463.00 $3,063.00 $6,976.00 $8,713.00 $6,150.00 $8,178.00 $28,569.00 $9,729.00 $165,504.00
46.55 % 0.00 % 55.04 % 50.85 % 45.93 % 56.30 % 43.46 % 36.75 % 39.71 % 51.64 % 0.00 % 32.80 % 36.82 % 39.18 %
$9,539.94 $12,646.00 $7,462.46 $10,236.15 $7,430.43 $5,446.02 $1,731.80 $4,412.39 $5,252.93 $2,974.18 $8,178.00 $19,196.95 $6,147.05 $100,654.30
$0.00 $0.00 $1,127.58 $0.00 $1,699.53 $300.00 $0.00 $125.00 $311.80 $169.82 $13.88 $5.66 $140.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33.98 $1,044.91 $409.97 $38.70 $54.10 $1,232.07 $0.00 $598.36 $17.85 $93.77 $0.00 $2,206.63 $2,032.00
$394.12 $0.00 $1,127.58 $0.00 $1,828.87 $1,800.00 $4,866.38 $353.27 $717.00 $169.82 $561.31 $157.10 $454.60 $0.00 $0.00 $578.15 $1,387.86 $2,455.90 $147.96 $351.54 $7,211.49 $0.00 $2,252.23 $89.25 $331.32 $0.00 $13,772.25 $3,004.00
$3,196.00 $500.00 $1,522.00 $1,000.00 $2,757.00 $4,000.00 $4,791.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,835.00 $200.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 $25,000.00 $2,000.00 $636.00 $620.00 $14,840.00 $600.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $18,500.00 $3,000.00
12.33 % 0.00 % 74.09 % 0.00 % 66.34 % 45.00 % 101.57 % 70.65 % 35.85 % 67.93 % 11.23 % 15.71 % 16.04 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 115.63 % 5.55 % 122.80 % 23.26 % 56.70 % 48.59 % 0.00 % 56.31 %
$2,801.88 $500.00 $394.42 $1,000.00 $928.13 $2,200.00 ($75.38) $146.73 $1,283.00 $80.18 $4,438.69 $842.90 $2,380.40 $200.00 $1,500.00 ($78.15) $23,612.14 ($455.90) $488.04 $268.46 $7,628.51 $600.00 $1,747.77 ($89.25) $668.68 $0.00 $4,727.75 ($4.00)
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33.13 % 74.44 % 100.13 %
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Account Number Title 030-100-6917 Repair & Maintenance Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
Period $0.00 $11,655.61
Fiscal $21.36 $44,033.36
Budget $0.00 $101,747.00
% of Total 43.28 %
Balance ($21.36) $57,713.64
40.74 %
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Page 25 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEBT SERVICE 030-800-7020 030-800-7021 030-800-7122 030-800-7123 030-800-7124 030-800-7125 030-800-7911 Total DEBT SERVICE OTHER REQUIREMENTS 030-800-9020 030-800-9040 030-800-9050 030-800-9990 030-800-9993 Total OTHER REQUIREMENTS
Loan Principal Loan Interest Loan Principal - SPWF Loan Interest - SPWF Loan Principal - RD Loan Interest - RD Interim Loan RD Financing Interest
% of Total
$13,804.66 $3,472.67 $3,666.70 $3,755.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,699.84
$13,804.66 $3,472.67 $3,666.70 $3,755.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,699.84
$13,805.00 $3,473.00 $3,667.00 $3,756.00 $14,835.00 $24,544.00 $24,544.00 $88,624.00
100.00 % 99.99 % 99.99 % 99.99 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 27.87 %
$0.34 $0.33 $0.30 $0.19 $14,835.00 $24,544.00 $24,544.00 $63,924.16
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$3,938.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,938.00
$3,938.00 $40,000.00 $1,000.00 $34,502.00 $32,810.00 $112,250.00
100.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 4.40 %
$0.00 $40,000.00 $0.00 $34,502.00 $32,810.00 $107,312.00
14.75 %
Transfer to water Reserve Fund Transfer to Sewer Fund Transfer to Equipment Fund Contingency Reserved for future use - Water
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Account Number Total WATER FUND
Period $51,940.49
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Fiscal $138,520.90
Budget $468,125.00
% of Total 29.59 %
Balance $329,604.10
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Account Number SEWER FUND ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 040-100-5010 040-100-5012 040-100-5014 040-100-5050 040-100-5052 040-100-5054 040-100-5058 040-100-5220 040-100-5315 040-100-5320 040-100-5350 040-100-5410 040-100-5450 Total PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SERVICES 040-100-6010 040-100-6012 040-100-6014 040-100-6016 040-100-6022 040-100-6028 040-100-6110 040-100-6120 040-100-6126 040-100-6130 040-100-6134 040-100-6138 040-100-6140 040-100-6190 040-100-6220 040-100-6224 040-100-6230 040-100-6234 040-100-6420 040-100-6425 040-100-6430 040-100-6440 040-100-6445 040-100-6520 040-100-6610 040-100-6612 040-100-6720 040-100-6722
City Administrator Finance Clerk City Clerk Public Works Director Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Maintenance Worker I Overtime Social Security/Medicare(FICA) Worker's Comp Unemployment Insurance Health Insurance Public Employees Retirement
Auditing Legal Services Financial Services Engineering Services IT Services Other Contract Services Insurance And Bonds Publications, Printing & Dues Postage Office Supplies/Equipment General Supplies Bank Service Charges Travel & Training Miscellaneous Expenses Building Repair & Maintenance Equipment Repair & Maintenance Other Repair & Maintenance Non-Capitalized Assets Water Services Sewer Services Electricity Services Telephone Services Refuse Services Permits Gas & Oil Operations & Supplies Chemicals & Lab Supplies Water/Sewer Analysis
% of Total
$1,656.93 $0.00 $1,744.75 $2,000.47 $1,221.06 $1,350.90 $231.24 $620.94 $877.77 $912.28 $0.00 $3,748.84 $1,076.30 $15,441.48
$8,308.68 $0.00 $9,135.86 $10,592.13 $6,311.45 $7,017.16 $1,331.15 $2,563.55 $3,459.82 $2,745.32 $0.00 $9,372.10 $3,581.98 $64,419.20
$17,849.00 $12,646.00 $16,598.00 $20,828.00 $13,742.00 $12,463.00 $3,063.00 $6,976.00 $8,713.00 $5,318.00 $7,771.00 $28,569.00 $9,729.00 $164,265.00
46.55 % 0.00 % 55.04 % 50.86 % 45.93 % 56.30 % 43.46 % 36.75 % 39.71 % 51.62 % 0.00 % 32.81 % 36.82 % 39.22 %
$9,540.32 $12,646.00 $7,462.14 $10,235.87 $7,430.55 $5,445.84 $1,731.85 $4,412.45 $5,253.18 $2,572.68 $7,771.00 $19,196.90 $6,147.02 $99,845.80
$0.00 $0.00 $1,415.48 $0.00 $2,133.47 $300.00 $0.00 $50.00 $311.80 $11.66 $27.21 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.48 $3,200.92 $7,937.72 $0.00 $253.95 $486.90 $2,490.93 $215.79 $17.85 $0.00 $219.50 $0.00 $1,606.41 $1,209.60
$494.75 $0.00 $1,415.48 $0.00 $2,295.84 $1,800.00 $4,866.38 $278.28 $717.00 $47.36 $328.90 $151.43 $260.00 $0.00 $116.49 $3,945.09 $11,664.43 $712.99 $1,753.53 $1,947.60 $12,195.43 $873.28 $89.25 $0.00 $447.70 $0.00 $6,349.18 $5,443.20
$4,011.00 $500.00 $1,910.00 $500.00 $2,051.00 $4,000.00 $4,792.00 $250.00 $1,950.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,383.00 $5,193.00 $27,344.00 $2,520.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $17,500.00 $12,500.00
12.33 % 0.00 % 74.11 % 0.00 % 111.94 % 45.00 % 101.55 % 111.31 % 36.77 % 18.94 % 16.45 % 12.62 % 17.33 % 0.00 % 11.65 % 131.50 % 116.64 % 71.30 % 51.83 % 37.50 % 44.60 % 34.65 %
$3,516.25 $500.00 $494.52 $500.00 ($244.84) $2,200.00 ($74.38) ($28.28) $1,233.00 $202.64 $1,671.10 $1,048.57 $1,240.00 $300.00 $883.51 ($945.09) ($1,664.43) $287.01 $1,629.47 $3,245.40 $15,148.57 $1,646.72 ($89.25) $3,500.00 $552.30 $0.00 $11,150.82 $7,056.80
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0.00 % 44.77 % 36.28 % 43.55 %
Page 28 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Title 040-100-6724 Water/Sewer Connection Expenditures 040-100-6917 Repair & Maintenance Total MATERIALS & SERVICES
Period $0.00 $0.00 $21,902.67
Fiscal $0.00 $0.00 $58,193.59
Budget $100.00 $0.00 $113,254.00
% of Total 0.00 % 51.38 %
Balance $100.00 $0.00 $55,060.41
44.18 %
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Account Number NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEBT SERVICE 040-800-7020 040-800-7021 040-800-7122 040-800-7123 040-800-7124 040-800-7125 040-800-7126 Total DEBT SERVICE
Loan Principal Loan Interest Loan Principal - SPWF Loan Interest - SPWF Loan Principal - RD Loan Interest - RD Loan Principal - Interfund Loan
% of Total
$17,914.00 $12,121.11 $3,666.69 $3,755.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,457.60
$17,914.00 $12,121.11 $3,666.69 $3,755.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,457.60
$17,914.00 $12,121.00 $3,667.00 $3,756.00 $9,813.00 $5,931.00 $40,000.00 $93,202.00
100.00 % 100.00 % 99.99 % 99.99 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 40.19 %
$0.00 ($0.11) $0.31 $0.20 $9,813.00 $5,931.00 $40,000.00 $55,744.40
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$1,575.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $2,575.00
$1,000.00 $1,575.00 $2,953.00 $5,528.00
157.50 % 63.49 % 0.00 % 46.58 %
($575.00) $575.00 $2,953.00 $2,953.00
40.55 %
OTHER REQUIREMENTS 040-800-9021 Transfer to Sewer Reserve Fund 040-800-9050 Transfer to Equipment Fund 040-800-9990 Contingency Total OTHER REQUIREMENTS Total NON-DEPARTMENTAL
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Account Number Total SEWER FUND
Period $74,801.75
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Fiscal $162,645.39
Budget $376,249.00
% of Total 43.23 %
Balance $213,603.61
Page 31 of 38 Expenditure
Transfer to Water Fund
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$0.00 $0.00
$1,891.02 $1,891.02
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $1,891.02
$32,810.00 $32,810.00
% of Total
($1,891.02) ($1,891.02) ($1,891.02) 0.00 % 5.76 %
$32,810.00 $30,918.98
Page 32 of 38 Expenditure
Capital Outlay - Vehicles & Equipment
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% of Total
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$51,488.00 $51,488.00
0.00 % 0.00 %
$51,488.00 $51,488.00
0.00 %
Page 33 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Total EQUIPMENT FUND
Period $0.00
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Fiscal $0.00
Budget $51,488.00
% of Total 0.00 %
Balance $51,488.00
Page 34 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number DEBT RESERVE FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL OTHER REQUIREMENTS 055-800-9030 055-800-9040 055-800-9993 055-800-9997 Total OTHER REQUIREMENTS
Transfer to Water Fund Transfer to Sewer Fund Reserved for future use - Water Reserved for future use - Sewer
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% of Total
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$39,381.00 $15,745.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55,126.00
$39,381.00 $15,745.00 $7,847.00 $44,896.00 $107,869.00
100.00 % 100.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 51.10 %
$0.00 $0.00 $7,847.00 $44,896.00 $52,743.00
51.10 %
Page 35 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number Total DEBT RESERVE FUND
Period $0.00
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Fiscal $55,126.00
Budget $107,869.00
% of Total 51.10 %
Balance $52,743.00
Page 36 of 38 Expenditure
Account Number
Grand Totals
% of Total
27.15 %
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Totals By Fund Fund Number 010-000-0000 012-000-0000 014-000-0000 016-000-0000 017-000-0000 020-000-0000 021-000-0000 030-000-0000 040-000-0000 045-000-0000 050-000-0000 055-000-0000
Period $20,847.53 $6,019.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51,940.49 $74,801.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $153,609.02
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\User on 1/12/2017 6:22:13 PM
Fiscal $102,261.10 $32,578.65 $8,790.25 $23,967.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $138,520.90 $162,645.39 $1,891.02 $0.00 $55,126.00 $525,780.86
Budget $323,017.00 $182,725.00 $21,056.00 $23,968.00 $332,682.00 $11,814.00 $5,095.00 $468,125.00 $376,249.00 $32,810.00 $51,488.00 $107,869.00 $1,936,898.00
% of Total 31.66 % 17.83 % 41.75 % 100.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 29.59 % 43.23 % 5.76 % 0.00 % 51.10 % 27.15 %
Balance $220,755.90 $150,146.35 $12,265.75 $0.45 $332,682.00 $11,814.00 $5,095.00 $329,604.10 $213,603.61 $30,918.98 $51,488.00 $52,743.00 $1,411,117.14
Page 38 of 38 Expenditure
Lowell Municipal Court Revenues 2nd Qtr FY 16-17 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16
Total Revenues
Revenue $ 275.00 $ 170.00 $ 376.00 $
Expenses 2nd Qtr FY 16-17
Total Expenses Revenue Distribution 2nd Qtr Revenue Less 10% Admin Fee Less Court Expenses Net Revenue
$ $ $ $
821.00 82.10 342.37 396.53
City of Oakridge 50% Net Revenue Bailiff Total
$ $ $
198.27 47.67 245.94
City of Lowell 50% Net Revenue Judge 10% Admin Fee Total
$ $ $ $
198.27 130.00 82.10 410.37 Amount to be paid to City of Lowell
Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16
CC Bank Charges
Assessments none $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ 90.00
Amount to be paid to City of Oakridge
Collection Expenses $ 44.82 $ 14.94 $ 14.94 $ 74.70
Citation Refunds
Employee Accruals Pay period: 2016 - December 2016 - 2nd Pay Period Component Baker, Max Sick Vacation Cobb, Jared B Sick Vacation Daigneault, Robert G. Sick Vacation Donnell, Joyce Comp Sick Vacation Rowell, Bradley E. Comp Sick Vacation Von Flatern, Thomas J Sick Vacation Grand Total:
Printed by BONNIECOMPUTER\\User on 1/12/2017 4:58:04 PM
Starting Balance
202.00 45.45 247.45
4.00 3.35 7.35
0.00 0.00 0.00
206.00 48.80 254.80
120.00 79.00 199.00
4.00 5.00 9.00
0.00 8.00 8.00
124.00 76.00 200.00
42.50 35.50 78.00
2.50 2.10 4.60
0.00 0.00 0.00
45.00 37.60 82.60
0.00 361.00 171.35 532.35
0.00 4.00 5.00 9.00
0.00 0.00 32.00 32.00
0.00 365.00 144.35 509.35
0.00 128.00 33.50 161.50
0.00 4.00 3.35 7.35
0.00 16.00 0.00 16.00
0.00 116.00 36.85 152.85
162.75 34.65 197.40 1,415.70
4.00 3.35 7.35 44.65
0.00 0.00 0.00 56.00
166.75 38.00 204.75 1,404.35
Employee Accruals
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Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 Monthly Police Report
SUMMARY: The Monthly Police Report for December is presented for your review and discussion.
COURSES OF ACTION: This item is presented for purposes of review and discussion.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. December Police Report
LOWELL PATROL LOG DECEMBER 2016 DATE OFFICERS 1-Dec 407 2-Dec 407 7-Dec 407 10-Dec 429 11-Dec 408 12-Dec 401 12-Dec 425 12-Dec 407 14-Dec 407 16-Dec 407 19-Dec 407 20-Dec 425 20-Dec 407 21-Dec 407 24-Dec 408 25-Dec 408 26-Dec 406 27-Dec 406 27-Dec 406 28-Dec 406 28-Dec 406 29-Dec 406 29-Dec 406 30-Dec 406 30-Dec 406 31-Dec 406 31-Dec 401 31-Dec 425 31-Dec 4200 TOTAL HOURS
START TIME END TIME 21:30 23:00 2:30 1:00 21:30 20:00 15:15 16:45 0:00 1:30 15:30 17:00 15:30 17:00 21:00 22:30 20:30 22:00 23:00 0:30 21:30 23:00 18:00 20:00 21:30 23:00 22:30 0:00 12:30 14:30 13:30 14:30 17:45 18:15 3:00 4:00 17:45 18:15 3:00 4:00 17:45 18:15 3:00 4:00 17:45 18:15 3:00 4:00 17:45 18:15 3:00 4:00 19:30 20:30 19:00 20:30 10:30 17:00
# HOURS 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 1.5 2 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 1 6.5 40.5
DATE 31-Dec
TIME 11:40 13:45
DESCRIPTION Traffic Stop Traffic Stop
Mayor Bennett and Council Max Baker, Public Works Director January 12, 2017 Public Works Report
SUMMARY: The attached Public Works Report is for the period of December 30 – January 12. The report covers the following topics: Streets and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water Treatment Plant, Staff Training and Certification, and Code Enforcement.
COURSES OF ACTION: This item is presented for purposes of review and discussion.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Public Works Report
Public Works Department P.O. Box 490 Lowell, OR 97452 Phone: 541-937-2157 Fax: 541-937-2936 Email:
[email protected]
Mayor Bennett and Council
Max Baker, Public Works Director
January 12, 2017
Public Works Report
Streets and Parks Monthly Park inspections are complete for January. The Covered Bridge decorations have been taken down and opening of the bridge to the public daily has been resumed. New signs for Parks and Streets are complete and will need to be installed by Staff. Staff met with TAG to discuss and request a quote for security cameras at the Covered Bridge, Paul Fisher, and Rolling Rock Park. Wastewater Treatment Plant All permit parameters are being met or exceeded. Staff is working on annual maintenance projects. Staff completed the 5 year TMDL matrix required by DEQ. This report had not been updated or changed since the end of 2012. Staff has provided a brief description of what TMDL is. More information is available if needed. Water Treatment Plant Staff collected and submitted all non-routine testing for 2016, for a total of 123 samples, that does not include the 8 daily and 2 weekly samples also required. Staff is now making a schedule for testing in 2017. Staff has ordered a new block heater for the generator at the Water Treatment Plant. Staff Training and Certification Staff is working on a training and certification schedule for 2017. Code Enforcement Staff has completed 2016 code enforcement and will begin Q1 of 2017 at the end of January. Any outstanding code violations from 2016 will be carried forward.
Now that Staff is more familiar with how the Code Enforcement process works, staff has included Code Enforcement as part of their Daily/Weekly routine. Quarterly scheduled City wide code enforcement will still continue.
Impaired Waters and Stormwater Throughout the United States there are thousands of waters listed for impairments from stormwater sources. The most common pollutants coming from stormwater sources include sediment, pathogens, nutrients and metals. These impaired waters need a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), which identifies the total pollutant loading that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and specifies a pollutant allocation to specific point and nonpoint sources. The TMDL is implemented in part via the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permitting system. States and EPA Regions have used a variety of methods to develop stormwater-source TMDLs during the past decade. With the expansion of NDPES stormwater regulations to smaller municipalities and smaller construction activities, there has been increasing demand for more detailed quantification of stormwater allocations in TMDLs that are more useful for implementation in NPDES permits.
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 Dexter Lake Farmers Market
SUMMARY: Representatives of the Dexter Lake Farmers Market presented a request to the Parks and Recreation Committee on December 1 and January 5 to relocate the market to Rolling Rock Park. The market is held on Sundays from June through September and averages 7-12 vendors offering fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and prepared foods. The Committee unanimously recommended approval, contingent on legal review and adequate liability insurance. FISCAL IMPACT: The Dexter Lake Farmers Market has not submitted a formal request for financial assistance. However, they may submit a request for assistance using RTMP program funds.
COURSES OF ACTION: 1. Motion to approve the use of Rolling Rock Park for the Dexter Lake Farmers Market upon furnishing adequate insurance with the City of Lowell as an additional insured, and completion of a Park Use Permit. 2. No action. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the use of Rolling Rock Park for the Dexter Lake Farmers Market upon furnishing adequate insurance with the City of Lowell as an additional insured and completion of a Park Use Permit.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from the Dexter Lake Farmers Market 2. Rolling Rock Park Facility Use Policy 3. Park Use Permit
City of Lowell Park Use Permit
Permission to use any City of Lowell Park is allowed only when compliance with the following is agreed to in advance: 1. All activities and uses will be consistent with, and will abide by, the Park Rules. 2. Before the start of any day’s use, and periodically during use of the Park, the responsible party will inspect the area of use to identify any visible signs of hazard for the users and guests. The responsible party will mark any such hazard locations to guard against harm, and will notify the City of Lowell Parks Department as soon as possible of the existence of the hazard. 3. No alcohol may be sold or consumed within the Park. 4. At the end of each use of the Park, the responsible party shall return the Park to the condition that it was prior to the start of use that day. This includes removing all material and properly disposing of all trash. 5. Any organization or individual using the City Park for any organized activity agrees, by signing this permit, to hold the City harmless and to indemnify the City for all claims against the City or any elected or appointed official of the City. arising from any permitted activity or use of the Park. 6. Any organization or individual using the Park for any organized activity agrees to add the City as an additional named insured to all liability coverage obtained for the activities planned in the Park and covered by this permit. Proof of such action shall be required before this permit becomes valid.
Issued this _____ day of ____________, 20_____.
By ____________________________ Jared Cobb, City Administrator
Having read the permit and being fully informed of the requirements of the permit, I hereby accept all the terms and conditions of this permit. Organization: ___________________________ Responsible Party: _______________________
Date: ________________
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 Open Burning Survey Results and Correspondence
SUMMARY: The City Council solicited feedback from residents on open burning through an online survey, email, letters, phone calls, and through the public comment period at regular City Council meetings on December 6, January 3, and tonight’s meeting. A summary of the feedback is provided for your review. FISCAL IMPACT: None.
COURSES OF ACTION: 1. Motion to schedule a Study Session to review open burning and develop a draft ordinance. 2. Motion to direct the City Administrator to research and provide a report on the development of a voluntary leaf and woody debris drop off or pickup program. 3. No action. RECOMMENDATION: N/A
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Summary of survey results, emails, phone calls, and public comments.
City Administrator’s Office P.O. Box 490 Lowell, OR 97452 Phone: 541-937-2157 Fax: 541-937-2936 Email:
[email protected]
Mayor Bennett and Council
Jared Cobb, City Administrator
January 12, 2017
Open Burning Survey Results and Correspondence
Summary In December and January, the City received solicited feedback from stakeholders on the topic of open burning. Stakeholders submitted their comments through an online survey, email, phone and during the public comment periods on December 6 and January 3. In total, the City received 23 responses: 14 opposed additional open burning restrictions, while 9 supported some additional restrictions on open burning. The detailed survey results and other responses are provided below. Online Survey There were 16 responses to the online survey, with the following results: 1. Should the City of Lowell restrict open burning? o (8) Yes o (8) No 2. If any, what type of restrictions do you support? o (1) Prohibition o (2) Prohibition with exceptions for recreational fires, firefighting training, and approved ceremonial fires o (1) Shortened burn season o (6) No Restrictions o (6) Other I am voting against any burning because my neighbor burns anything anytime and the smoke blows right to my house. I do not want to breathe their smoke. I believe we should not burn in the heat of the summer, but we should be able to in the rain, as long as we use common sense. If I could be guaranteed that my neighbors would only burn yard debris I would vote for a shortened season, but i just cannot deal with the toxic smells that continuously blow our direction! On larger lots it's probably fine but within city limits it's too toxic! Burning should only consist of yard debris. All other debris should go to dump.
Restrictions for trash, construction waste, field burning. Burning allowed for garden/forest debris which would result in a fire hazard. Call LRAPA for the rules we burn under. The number is 541-726-3976.
3. Which of the following most closely describes the size of your residential lot (owner or renter occupied)? o (10) 0.10-0.50 Acre o (2) 0.50-1.00 Acre o (4) More than 1 Acre 4. Do you currently burn your leaves or other yard debris? o (8) Yes o (8) No 5. Please provide any additional comments. o I have asthma and cannot tolerate open burning and the smoke it produces. It sends my asthma into a mass fit gasping for breath and coughing like crazy! o No burning in town. We live too close together in town to allow burning. o If you prohibit burning you will need to provide a way to get rid of yard waste for free. Otherwise the city will look very unattractive very quickly. Burning is still the best way to dispose of yard derbies if the current LRAPA rules are followed. o I am concerned that without an easy, inexpensive alternative to yard waste disposal, which to my knowledge does not exist, people will just leave yard waste lying around which is both an eye sore and a fire hazard. And yes, the city could prohibit people from accumulating yard waste but since they don't seem to enforce their current yard maintenance rules, I don't see that actually happening. o when I have too much I take it to lane forest products o Have a community compost pile o We live on North Alder St. which borders the lake so we get continual breezes blowing our direction along with the neighbors smoke from their chimney & another neighbors yard burning. I have called LRAPA and they can only expect during regular business hours Monday-Friday, 9-5pm. You can see & smell that my neighbors do not burn clean in their fireplace & neighbors burn trash in their yard from the toxic smells. Its hazardous to breath & we are unable to open our windows most days! o Restricting burning greater than presently allowed under the control of LRAPA severely restricts owners' abilities to keep their properties in a safe condition consistent with city code requirements. o burning happens only during the short burn window. If the city makes the home owner haul their yard debris off, then the city should pay the cost. We are NOT Eugene or Springfield. o We do not burn leaves/green waste, but currently do burn yard debris that if left untended might cause a fire hazard. Usually only 1-2 times a year. o Burning is regulated to be safe and is cost effective for our residences. It has been going on for a long time and we enjoy it as part of our lifestyle. It is less polluting than everyone with a car/truck starting their vehicles every time they go somewhere. I do not tolerate Hippocratic echo-snobs claims of how polluting it is and we should change while they don't. o Open burning is helpful when extra yard debris piles up. Please do not limit this critical resource. 2
o Open burning of yard debris negatively affects air quality and quality of life. Sensible alternatives can be employed, such as Sani-Pac pick-up or composting sites. Please take action. o Let's have a clean air and prohibit open burning. Emails Staff received four (4) emails on open burning. Three (3) were not in favor of additional restrictions on open burning, while one (1) was in favor of additional restrictions. Copies of the emails are attached for your reference. Phone Calls Staff received two (2) phone calls on open burning. Both were opposed to additional restrictions on open burning. Public Comment One (1) stakeholder voiced opposition to additional restrictions on open burning at the December 6 City Council meeting.
Jared Cobb From: Sent: To: Subject:
[email protected] Monday, December 5, 2016 12:08 PM Jared Cobb Open Burning Restrictions
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Flagged
Hello Jared, We weren’t aware that we could burn anything other than yard debris and only during the burn season authorized by LRAPA. We feel people should not be allowed to burn their garbage. Backyard burning (as LRAPA calls it) should be restricted to natural items (branches, leaves, grasses etc.) and untreated/unpainted lumber only. Burning should continue to follow LRAPA guidelines. Recreational (controlled fire pit) burning and heat sources (wood burning stoves, etc.) should be allowed anytime unless a severe air quality issue calls for restriction. Brad
Jared Cobb From: Sent: To: Subject:
Jared Cobb Saturday, December 31, 2016 6:43 PM Ava Litton Re: Burning in Lowell
Hi Ava, I apologize for the survey glitch. Our provider was supposed to keep it up through the end of December. Thank you for the feedback on open burning. I will submit it to the Council at our meeting on January 17. Happy New Year, Jared Cobb City Administrator City of Lowell Get Outlook for Android
On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 6:02 PM -0800, "Ava Litton" wrote: Mr. Cobb, I tried to take the survey yesterday but couldn't due to some computer glitch.. Please note that I am against the burning of yard debris in Lowell. I believe it's a health hazard and I personally suffer headaches from the smoke and cannot go out on days that people burn their debris. I am hopeful that we can find an alternative that is helpful for people to recycle their yard waste and am willing to be part of a committee to explore this.. Thank you for your helping us improve the air quality for us in Lowell. Sincerely, Ava Litton
Sent from my iPad
Jared Cobb From: Sent: To: Subject:
David White Sunday, December 4, 2016 10:58 AM Don Bennett; Steve Paulson; Jim Burford; Maggie Osgood; Gail Harris; Jared Cobb Open Burning
Dear Lowell Mayor, City Councilors, and City Administrator: My name is David White. My wife, Terry, and I live at 130 N. Hyland Lane in Lowell. I moved to Lowell in 1974 and have lived at my current address since 1979. Over the course of the last 25 years, my wife and I have planted over 300 trees on our one and one half acre lot in an attempt to beautify not only our property but the city of Lowell as well. Of the 300 trees that we planted, over 100 have survived. Each year we have down branches from wind storms or snow storms. There are branches that need pruning every year and, unfortunately, trees which are dead and need taken down. Our property is landlocked; it is 100 feet by 650 feet. Most of our property is only accessible by foot. Every year it is necessary to burn limbs and branches. We always cover our piles to ensure that the wood which we burn is dry. We only burn after checking with LRAPA to verify that it is a legal burn day. If open burning is prohibited, our options for our debris become severely limited. We are both in our mid-sixties and are on a fixed income. Without the ability to burn our debris, we would be reduced to either piling and not burning (leaving the piles on our back property) and to leaving dead trees standing. When I first moved to Lowell, there were about 570 residents. Now there are somewhere around 1087 residents. Our house sits on a hill so we can see most of the burning that occurs in Lowell. The amount of burning has not significantly increased in our years here. LRAPA already has rules in place for allowable dates and hours in which burning is allowed. There are also restrictions in place for prohibited materials, such as, plastics, rubber, asbestos containing items and treated wood, etc. Examining LRAPA's website, we have found that the City of Springfield prohibits burning on lots smaller than 1/2 acre. Inside the Eugene Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, burning is allowed on lots of 1/2 acre or more with a shortened burning season. My wife and I would prefer to see no prohibition of burning, but we could understand shortening the burn season in Lowell. Thank you very much for taking into account our concerns and for your service to our city. We hope that some middle ground can be reached on this issue. Sincerely, David White
From: To: Subject: Date:
Robert Young Jared Cobb Yard burning Wednesday, November 30, 2016 3:07:57 PM
Jared, I was unable to find the survey on the city website regarding yard burning, so I'll make my comments directly to you. I strongly support restricting yard burning throughout the year. While burning is a convenience to those relatively few who do it, it negatively affects everyone who breathes our air. Over the past few years, I have witnessed the smoke from burning yard debris drift through town and, on many occasions, have had to close my windows to keep it out of my house. While the smoke, to me, is an irritant, to others in our community it poses a serious health hazard. People with respiratory issues should not be subjected to this unnecessary hazard. Some may see any restriction as excessive governmental interference, but I see it as a reasonable measure to ensure that all in our community have the right to breathe clean air. It's my hope that Lowell will stand with other communities in protecting that right. As for the yard waste, Sani-Pac offers yard debris removal, or the city could provide a composting area. Thank you for considering this important issue. Robert Young 172 Wetleau Drive
From: To: Subject: Date:
Pam Purple Rose Jared Cobb Open Burning Saturday, December 31, 2016 1:28:12 PM
We are 1st St. residents that use wood for a primary fuel heat source. While I realize this is NOT concerning wood stove use, I feel it needs to be added to the equation since it will likely be added later on; as it is in Oakridge. We use a clean burning modern stove, professionally installed, insured. Older grandfathered in residents have terrible smoking older stoves. Do we eventually want to have the Oakridge problems- even though we aren't in a bowl as they are? If you consider rules/regulations for future, please make sure residents are installing efficient stoves and NOT burning trash in them as we get whiffs of over here at bottom of 1st Street. Smells like short mountain refuse site is afire sometimes. The open burning policies as they stand suit us well; we do not do a lot of brush and yard waste burns but we do 2 a year at least. My husband is asthmatic and it does affect him on open burn days so I know there is a need to regulate it- perhaps not when there is burning i Eugene (fields) or slash burns?
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 City Engineer Contract
SUMMARY: The RFP for Engineering Services closed on December 29. One proposal was received from Civil West Engineering Services Inc. Staff reviewed the proposal for the minimum requirements and scored it based on the evaluation criteria. Reference checks were sent to five of their existing clients; of 4 received, 3 were very positive. Staff also requested rate schedules for engineering services from several communities; the rate schedule was determined to be competitive for an Engineer of Record. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for engineering services required for private development are covered by land use application and permit fees. Services for City projects are covered through the general, water, street or sewer funds. All contract work is subject to the appropriations included in the annual budget. COURSES OF ACTION: 1. Motion to award the engineering services contract with Civil West Engineering Services Inc., as written. 2. Motion to award the engineering services contract with Civil West Engineering Services Inc., as amended. 3. Motion to re-advertise the Request for Proposals. 4. No action. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the contract for engineering services with Civil West Engineering Services Inc., as written.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract for Engineering Services with Civil West Engineering Services Inc. -Exhibit A -Exhibit B -Exhibit C 2. Proposal submitted by Civil West Engineering Inc. (hard copy, electronic unavailable)
This contract is entered into between the City of Lowell, Oregon, P.O. Box 490, Lowell, OR, 97452, an Oregon Municipal Corporation hereafter referred to as “City” and Civil West Engineering Services, Inc., 945 Geary Street SE, Albany, OR 97322 hereafter referred to as “Contractor”.
RECITALS A. Contractor is engaged in the business of providing licensed professional engineering services and has significant experience providing engineering services to Oregon local governments for public works projects, including sewer, water and transportation services. B. City desires to engage Contractor as the City’s Engineer of Record, to provide the services described in this contract, and Contractor is willing to provide such services on the terms and conditions set forth herein. C. The following are attached and incorporated as part of this Contract: Exhibit A. City of Lowell Standard Contract Conditions. Exhibit B. City Engineer Schedule of Expectations and Assumptions Exhibit C. Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. – 2017 Class C Rate Schedule
AGREEMENT 1. Services to be provided. Contractor agrees to serve as City Engineer for City and to perform the following services: 1.1. Advise City staff and the City Council on engineering issues, including but not limited to, sewer, water, transportation, subdivision and partition plans, standards, policies, budgeting, operations and permits. 1.2. Review subdivision and partition plans and requests as to compliance with City ordinances and City, State and Federal standards, and the City’s plans and infrastructure capabilities. 1.3. Coordinate as necessary with the City’s Building Inspector, Planner and Attorney, Lowell Rural Fire Protection District, Lowell School District, other permitting/granting agencies, and project engineers. 1.4. Conduct the inspection of public infrastructure installations and such other activities occurring within City easements and rights-of-way that may be assigned, including verification or preparation of as-built drawings. 1.5. Develop plans, specifications and bid documents for construction of public infrastructure. Engineering Services Contract
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1.6. Assist with grant writing and contract administration. 1.7. Use its best efforts to meet the City’s Expectations and Assumptions described in Exhibit B. 2. Consideration. 2.1. Contractor shall utilize its best effort to submit to City, on or before the 10th day of each month, a statement for Contractor Services for the previous month, billed in accordance with the Compensation Schedule attached as Exhibit C hereto. Said statement shall clearly itemize work done by project, hours expended and billing category performing the work. In no event will the City accept a statement for services which occurred more than 90 days previous to the billing date unless agreed upon in advance. The Compensation Schedule may be amended annually on the anniversary of this Contract upon mutual agreement of both parties to a written amendment to Exhibit C. 2.2. City will utilize its best efforts to remit payment to Contractor in the amount billed within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. 3. Authorized Service Requests. Only the City Administrator and Public Works Director are authorized to request services from Contractor unless indicated otherwise in writing. 4. Term of Contract. This contract shall be effective from the date signed by both parties for a period of three years unless terminated earlier as provided in Section 5 of this contract. 5. Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof to the contrary, this contract may be terminated as follows: 5.1. The parties, by mutual written agreement may terminate this contract at any time. 5.2. Either party may terminate this contract in the event of a breach of the contract by the other party, after the first party provides written notice of breach and other party fails to remedy the breach within seven calendar days. 5.3. Either party may terminate this contract for any reason upon sixty days’ written notice to the other party. 5.4. City may terminate this contract immediately upon Contractor’s failure to have in force any insurance required by this Contract. 5.5. Except as provided in Section 6 below, in the event of termination, City shall pay Contractor for work performed to the date of termination. 6. Remedies. 6.1. In the event of a termination of this contract by City because of a breach by Contractor, City may complete work by contract with other persons. Contractor shall be liable to City for any costs or losses actually incurred by City as a result of the breach. City may withhold payment of sums due Engineering Services Contract
Page 2 of 5
Contractor for work performed prior to and on the date of termination until City’s costs and losses have been determined, at which time City may offset any such amount due Contractor against costs and losses incurred by City. 6.2. The foregoing remedies provided to City for breach of this contract by Contractor shall not be exclusive. City shall be entitled to exercise any one or more legal or equitable remedies available because of Contractor’s breach. 6.3. In the event of breach of this contract by City, Contractor’s remedy shall be limited to termination of this contract, payment for work performed to the date of termination, and compensation for any direct loss actually incurred by Contractor as a result of the City’s breach. 6.4. Waiver by either party of any violation of this contract shall not prevent that party from invoking remedies of this section for any succeeding violations of the contract. 7. Indemnification. Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees from any claims, actions, liability or cost, including attorney fees and other costs of defense, arising out of Contractor’s negligence or non-performance of the terms of this contract. 8. Insurance. Contractor shall maintain in force for the duration of this contract, the insurance coverage specified below. A copy of each policy or certificate satisfactory to City shall be delivered to City prior to commencement of work hereunder. The certificates of insurance shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will be primary over any other available insurance, including insurance by City, and must contain endorsements entitling the City to not less than thirty (30) days’ prior notice before suspension, cancellation or reduction in coverage. Policies shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Oregon and approved by the City. Policies must identify the City as an additional insured entity. Failure to maintain any insurance coverage required by this contract shall be cause for immediate termination of this contract by City. 8.1. Commercial General Liability. Contractor shall maintain a broad form of commercial liability insurance policy with coverage of not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence, with aggregate of $1 million, for bodily injury, personal injury or property damage. Such policy shall contain contractual liability endorsement to cover Contractor’s indemnification obligations under this contract, and shall expressly provide that the interest of City shall not be affected by Contractor’s breach of policy provisions. 8.2. Professional Liability. Contractor shall maintain a professional liability insurance policy with coverage of not less than $1 million, with a deductible of not more than $50,000, to protect Contractor from claims for professional acts, errors or omissions arising from the work hereunder. The policy shall contain an endorsement entitling City to not less than 60 days’ prior written notice of any material change, non-renewal or cancellation of such policy. This policy may be written on a “claims made” form, provided that, Contractor shall maintain the claims made policy for at least five (5) years after the date of termination of this contract. Contractor’s obligation under this Subsection 8.2 shall survive termination of this contract. 9. Non-discrimination. Contractor shall not discriminate against employees, or discriminate against or deny service to any person, on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, age or duration of residence. Engineering Services Contract
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10. Subcontracting. Contractor shall not subcontract the work, in whole or in part, without City’s prior written approval. Contractor shall require any approved subcontractor to agree, as to the portion subcontracted, to comply with all obligations of Contractor specified in this contract. Notwithstanding City’s approval of a subcontractor, Contractor shall remain obligated for full performance of this contract and City shall incur no obligation to any subcontractor. Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless from all claims of subcontractors. 11. Assignment. Contractor shall not assign this contract, in whole or in part, or any right or obligation hereunder, without City’s prior written approval. 12. Independent Contractor. Whether Contractor is a corporation, partnership, or other legal entity or an individual, Contractor is an independent contractor. If Contractor is an individual, Contractor’s duties will be performed with the understanding that the Contractor is a self-employed person, has special expertise as to the services which Contractor is to perform and is customarily engaged in the independent performance of the same or similar services for others. The manner in which the services are performed shall be controlled by Contractor, however, the nature of the services and the results to be achieved shall be specified by City, consistent with Exhibit B hereto. Contractor is not to be deemed an employee or agent of the City and has no authority to make any binding commitments or obligations on behalf of City, except to the extent expressly provided herein within the scope of the work specified. 13. Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, ordinances and regulations at all times and in the performance of the work, including all applicable provisions of City’s standard contract conditions set forth in Exhibit A. 14. Notices. Any notices permitted or required by this contract shall be deemed given when personally delivered or upon deposit in the United States mail, postage fully prepaid, certified, return receipt requested, addressed to the parties at the address designated at the beginning of this contract, or other address as either party may provide to the other by notice given in accordance with this provision. 15. Survival. Any obligation of a party to perform an act or liability for indemnification or payment which arises from or under the provision of this contract prior to its termination or expiration shall survive such termination or expiration until satisfied by performance or payment. 16. Attorney Fees. In the event of any action to enforce or interpret this contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party reasonable attorney fees incurred in the proceeding, as set by the court, at trial, and on appeal. 17. Integration. This contract embodies the entire agreement of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. This contract shall supersede all prior communications, representations or agreements, either oral or written, between the parties. This contract shall not be amended except in writing, signed by both parties. 18. Governing Law. This contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.
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19. Jurisdiction and Venue. All actions relating to this contract shall be tried before the courts of the State of Oregon to the exclusion of all other courts which might have jurisdiction apart from this provision. Venue in any action shall be the Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon.
For the City of Lowell
For Civil West Engineering Services, Inc.
__________________________ Jared Cobb
Title: City Administrator
Title: __________________________
Date: __________________________
Date: __________________________
Engineering Services Contract
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Exhibit A Standard Contract Provisions The following standard public contract clauses shall be included expressly or by reference where appropriate in every contract of the City. These terms are intended to supplement, and not replace, any provisions in the contract. (1) Contractor shall make payment promptly, as due, to all persons supplying to such contractor labor or material for the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract, and shall be responsible for payment to such persons supplying labor or material to any subcontractor. (2) Contractor shall pay promptly all contributions or amounts due to the State Industrial Accident Fund and the State Unemployment Compensation Fund from contractor or any subcontractor in connection with the performance of the contract. (3) Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or material furnished, shall assume responsibility for satisfaction of any lien so filed or prosecuted and shall defend against, indemnify and hold City harmless from any such lien or claim. (4) Contractor and any subcontractor shall pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees pursuant to ORS 316.167. (5) For public improvement and construction contracts only, if contractor fails, neglects or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or services furnished to the contractor or a subcontractor by any person in connection with the public contract as such claim becomes due, the City may pay such claim to the person furnishing the labor or services and charge the amount of the payment against funds due or to become due the contractor by reason of the contract. The payment of a claim in the manner authorized hereby shall not relieve the contractor or its surety from the obligation with respect to any unpaid claim. If the City is unable to determine the validity of any claim for labor or services furnished, the City may withhold from any current payment due contractor an amount equal to said claim until its validity is determined, and the claim, if valid, is paid by the contractor or the City. There shall be no final acceptance of the work under the contract until all such claims have been resolved. (6) Contractor shall make payment promptly, as due, to any person, co-partnership, association or corporation furnishing medical, surgical, hospital or other needed care and attention, incident to sickness or injury, to the employees of contractor, of all sums which the contractor agreed to pay or collected or deducted from the wages of employees pursuant to any law, contract or agreement for the purpose of providing payment for such service. (7) With certain exceptions listed below, contractor shall not require or permit any person to work more than 10 hours in any one day, or 40 hours in any one week except in case of necessity, emergency, or where public policy absolutely requires it, and in such cases the person shall be paid at least time and a half for: (a) All overtime in excess of eight hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is five consecutive days, Monday through Friday, or (b) All overtime in excess of 10 hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is four consecutive days, Monday through Friday, and (c) All work performed on the days specified in ORS 279B.020(1) for non-public improvement contracts or ORS 279C.540(1) for public improvement contracts. (d) For personal/professional service contracts as designated under ORS 279A.055, instead of (a) and (b) above, a laborer shall be paid at least time and a half for all overtime worked in excess of 40 hours in any one week, except for individuals under these contracts who are excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under 29 U.S.C. Sections 201 to 209, from receiving overtime. (e) Contractor shall follow all other exceptions, pursuant to ORS 279B.235 (for non-public improvement contracts) and ORS 279C.540 (for public improvement contracts), including contracts involving a collective bargaining agreement, contracts for services, and contracts for fire prevention or suppression. For contracts other than construction or public improvements, this subsection (7) does not apply to contracts for purchase of goods or personal property. (f) Contractor must give notice to employees who work on a public contract in writing, either at the time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract, or by posting a notice in a
(14) (15)
location frequented by employees, of the number of hours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. The hourly rate of wage to be paid by any contractor or subcontractor to workers upon all public works with a contract value greater than $49,999 shall be not less than the applicable prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality where such labor is performed, in accordance with ORS 279C.800 to ORS 279C.850. For projects covered by the federal Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 276a), contractors and subcontractors shall pay workers the higher of the state or federal prevailing rate of wage. The contractor, its subcontractors, if any, and all employers working under the contract are subject employers under the Oregon Workers' Compensation Law and shall comply with ORS 656.017, or otherwise be exempt under ORS 656.126. As to public improvement and construction contracts, Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to those dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of natural resources that affect the performance of the contract. A list of entities who have enacted such laws or regulations is found in the Oregon Attorney General's Model Public Contract Rules Manual, OAR 137-030-0010, Commentary 4. If new or amended statutes, ordinances, or regulations are adopted, or the contractor encounters a condition not referred to in the bid document not caused by the contractor and not discoverable by reasonable site inspection which requires compliance with federal, state, or local laws or regulations dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution or the preservation of natural resources, both the City and the contractor shall have all the rights and obligations specified in ORS 279C.525 to handle the situation. In addition to any other provisions regarding termination, the contract may be canceled at the election of City for any substantial breach, willful failure or refusal on the part of contractor to faithfully perform the contract according to its terms. The City may terminate the contract by written order or upon request of the contractor, if the work cannot be completed for reasons beyond the control of either the contractor or the City, or for any reason considered to be in the public interest other than a labor dispute, or by reason of any third party judicial proceeding relating to the work other than one filed in regards to a labor dispute, and when circumstances or conditions are such that it is impracticable within a reasonable time to proceed with a substantial portion of the work. In either case, for public improvement contracts, if the work is suspended but the contract not terminated, the contractor is entitled to a reasonable time extension, costs and overhead per ORS 279C.655. Unless otherwise stated in the contract, if the contract is terminated, the contractor shall be paid per ORS 279C.660 for a public improvement contract. If the City does not appropriate funds for the next succeeding fiscal year to continue payments otherwise required by the contract, the contract will terminate at the end of the last fiscal year for which payments have been appropriated. The City will notify the contractor of such nonappropriation not later than 30 days before the beginning of the year within which funds are not appropriated. Upon termination pursuant to this clause, the City shall have no further obligation to the contractor for payments beyond the termination date. This provision does not permit the City to terminate the contract in order to provide similar services or goods from a different contractor. By execution of this contract, contractor certifies, under penalty of perjury that: (a) To the best of contractor's knowledge, contractor is not in violation of any tax laws described in ORS 305.380(4), and (b) Contractor has not discriminated against minority, women or small business enterprises in obtaining any required subcontracts. (c) Contractor has a public works bond filed with the Construction Contractors Board that is valid at the time of initiation of construction and all times thereafter during construction. (d) Contractor will include in every subcontract a provision requiring the subcontractor to have a public works bond filed with the Construction Contractor’s Board before starting work on the project. Contractor agrees to prefer goods or services that have been manufactured or produced in this State if price, fitness, availability or quality are otherwise equal. Contractor agrees to not assign this contract or any payments due hereunder without the proposed assignee being first approved and accepted in writing by City.
(16) (17)
(18) (19)
Contractor agrees to make all provisions of the contract with the City applicable to any subcontractor performing work under the contract. The City will not be responsible for any losses or unanticipated costs suffered by contractor as a result of the contractor's failure to obtain full information in advance in regard to all conditions pertaining to the work. Except as provided in the contract, all modifications and amendments to the contract shall be effective only if in writing and executed by both parties. The contractor certifies he or she has all necessary licenses, permits, or certificates of registration (including Construction Contractors Board registration or Landscape Contractors Board license, if applicable), necessary to perform the contract and further certifies that all subcontractors shall likewise have all necessary licenses, permits or certificates before performing any work. The failure of contractor to have or maintain such licenses, permits, or certificates is grounds for rejection of a bid or immediate termination of the contract. Unless otherwise provided, data which originates from this contract shall be "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by the City. Data shall include, but not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to copyright, patent, register and the ability to transfer these rights. Data which is delivered under the contract, but which does not originate therefrom shall be transferred to the City with a nonexclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish, translate, reproduce, deliver, perform, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so; provided that such license shall be limited to the extent which the contractor has a right to grant such a license. The contractor shall exert all reasonable effort to advise the City, at the time of delivery of data furnished under this contract, of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document which was not produced in the performance of this contract. The City shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of copyright infringement received by the contractor with respect to any data delivered under this contract. The City shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data by the contractor. If as a result of this contract,
the Contractor produces a report, paper, publication, brochure, pamphlet or other document on paper which uses more than a total 500 pages of 8 1/2" by 11" paper, the Contractor shall use recycled paper with at least 25% post-consumer content which meets printing specifications and availability requirements. (21)
(22) (23) (24)
The Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction adopted by the State of Oregon, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, each as is currently in effect, shall be applicable to all road construction projects except as modified by the bid documents. As to contracts for lawn and landscape maintenance, the contractor shall salvage, recycle, compost or mulch yard waste material in an approved site, if feasible and cost-effective. As to public improvement contracts for demolition, the contractor shall salvage or recycle construction and demolition debris, if feasible and cost-effective. When a public contract is awarded to a nonresident bidder and the contract price exceeds $10,000, the contractor shall promptly report to the Department of Revenue on forms to be provided by the department the total contract price, terms of payment, length of contract and such other information as the department may require before the City will make final payment on the contract. If a contractor does not submit certified payroll reports each month, In addition to the specified amount of retainage, the City will withhold twenty five (25) percent of any amount earned during the time when no certified reports are submitted. City will release the additional withholding within 14 days to the submission of a certified payroll report that complies with applicable state and federal standards. A fee is required to be paid to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) for every public works contract. This fee will be paid pursuant to the administrative rules of BOLI. Every contractor and subcontractor must have a public works bond filed with the Commissioner of BOLI prior to starting work on this contract, unless the contractor is exempt under ORS 279C.836. Within ten days of the execution of a public improvement contract, or at any time prior to that date, Contractor shall demonstrate that an employee drug testing program is in place.
Exhibit C
Mayor Bennett and Council Jared Cobb, City Administrator January 13, 2017 City Administrator Objectives
SUMMARY: Each year, I provide a copy of my proposed objectives to the City Council for review, discussion, and approval. The objectives are to be used as one criterion for which to evaluate my leadership and effectiveness. A copy of my proposed 2017 City Administrator Objectives are attached for your review. FISCAL IMPACT: None.
COURSES OF ACTION: 1. Motion to approve the 2017 City Administrator Objectives, as written. 2. Motion to approve the 2017 City Administrator Objectives, as amended. 3. No action.
RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the 2017 City Administrator Objectives, as written.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2017 City Administrator Objectives
City of Lowell City Administrator Objectives Jared Cobb, City Administrator Objectives for 2017 Criteria for the City Council to evaluate the effectiveness of the City Administrator's leadership of the City of Lowell. Section A – Relationship with the City Council City Council Development: The Administrator will successfully facilitate the training of Council members by providing opportunities for Council members to attend appropriate workshops and conferences. `
Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator shall submit to the Council, not later than November of 2017, a list of professional development opportunities provided to the Council. ➢ Not later than April of 2017, the Council and Administrator will participate in the development of a Governance Handbook, which results in accountability and defines the roles, relationships and expectations of the Administrator. ➢ The Administrator will provide a calendar of 4 visitations to other City Council meetings for the Council and Administrator to attend and observe. The objective of said visits is to create connections and also to see models of effectiveness, no decisions or discussions of decisions will take place during these visits.
Council and Administrator Relationships: The Administrator and each Council member will meet on a quarterly basis to discuss philosophical points of view regarding the future of the City. Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator will present a list of the meetings held with each Council member.
Council Policy Development: The Administrator will successfully facilitate the updating and/or revision of the Policies of the Council. Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator will engage the Planning Commission and solicit a recommendation for updating the land development code by October of 2017.
Section B – Administration of the City Improve Support Services: The Administrator will ensure that the support services of finance, human resources, and information technology are performing at the level expected by the Council. Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator will provide recommendations to the Council to address any material weaknesses or significant deficiencies identified in the FY 2016 Audit within 30 days of receiving the report.
Section C – City Leadership Improve City Services: The Administrator will ensure that the quality and scope of services provided to residents continues to improve. Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ By July of 2017, the Administrator shall conduct a review of the major public services (i.e. public safety, water and sewer) and program budgets offered by comparable cities and submit a report to the City Council. ➢ The Administrator, not later than November 2017, shall present a progress report on the improvements made to services provided within each department.
Building Collaboration with Other Governmental Organizations The Administrator will ensure that the quality and scope of services provided to residents continues to improve as the result of maximizing governmental collaborations. ➢ The Administrator, not later than November 2017, shall present a list of activities and outreach opportunities focused on building collaboration with other governmental organizations.
Section D - Personnel Improve the Human Resource Capacity of the City: The Administrator shall ensure that the human resource capacity of the City improves each and every year. Examples of Board Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator will foster an organizational culture of continual training and development. During the 2017/2018 budget process, the administrator will present a department by department training program, with associated budgeted funds to address the needs of each department. ➢ The Administrator shall develop individual staff and department objectives and shall review the objectives with the City Council, not later than April 1, 2017. ➢ The Administrator will insure that each staff member is annually evaluated, with meaningful recommendations and appropriate plans for remediation included within the evaluation. ➢ The Administrator will review the City’s personnel policies and recommend revisions to the Personnel Handbook by September of 2017.
Section E – Business and Financial Management Financial Management: The Administrator shall ensure that the City is fiscally sound. Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator will report quarterly on the status of the budget as it applies to the evaluation criteria established by Resolution 644, used to assess that the City has a fiscally sound budget and the necessary reserves to meet the expectations defined by the Council. ➢ By not later than May of 2017, the Administrator will present to the Budget Committee a draft balanced budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year.
Facility and Equipment Management The Administrator shall ensure that the facilities are properly maintained. Example of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ By not later than December of 2017, the City Administrator shall submit an annual maintenance inspection report of facilities to the City Council. ➢ The Administrator shall facilitate an annual Facility Site visit of the Council to review the facilities of the City and other community facilities (i.e. Grange, Schools, Fire Department, Lowell State Park).
Section F – Community Relationships Outreach to Staff, Residents, and the Community In an effort to improve relationships, the Administrator shall implement an outreach program to staff, residents, and community. Examples of Council Evaluation Criteria ➢ The Administrator shall present an annual report of official city communications using the website and other social media to the City Council by November of 2017. ➢ The Administrator will provide an annual report to the Budget Committee that reflects the growth in the City, in terms of population, property values and/or utility connections. ➢ The Administrator will ensure the proper functioning of the approved advisory or independent committees of the City and shall provide a quarterly report on the work of each committee.
Section G – Individual Characteristics No objectives were developed for this section Section H – Job Related Characteristics No objectives were developed for this section Section I – Annual Objectives This section does not require objectives Approved: