together wilh some adhering organic material such as cuticle and ll1i:lcroselac on the appendages and well sclerotized rart, of the body such as book-lung ...
N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh.
2003 (3)
175- 192
Stuttgart , Marz 2003
Lower Cretaceous spiders (Arthropoda: Arachnida: Araneae) from Spain Paul A. Selden and David Penney, Manchester, UK With 5 figures
SE I.DEN. P. A. & PENNEY, D. (2003): Lower Cretal:eous sp ide rs (A rth ropoda: Arac hn ida: Araneae ) frolll Spai n. - N. .lb. (ico l. Pa lao nl. Mh .. 2003 : 175 - 192: Stllllgart. Abstract : The first spec imens of sp ide rs in the ea rl y Cretal:eoll s (Barrclll ia n ) Konscrvat-Lagcrstiitte o f Las Hoyas. Spa in , are desc ribed. One is re lerred to MCIC' / Tp hanles ('0 I rden i SEL DE N. 1990. prev iously desc ribed fro m Montseeh. another Spanish loca lity in ea rl y Cretaceous st rata. The other is new. and is named as IIl1 crgil/a tlia:.rulllem/i n.g. n.sp. Both sp ide rs are placed in thl: modern fa mily Tetntgnathidae . In a reassessment or the Mo ntsech ~p ide rs. P(/ /af!oll/obo/'/l s lac(/,I'af! SEU)FN. 1990 and e rela m l/ ells l'i/lI lw(' SEL.D EN. 1990 are placed in Uloboridae and Tl'l ragna lh idae: Nephilinae, respec ti ve ly. Z usa mme nfass ung: AlIS cler frii hkrctaz isc hen (Ba rrclllian) Konse rvall age rstatte Las Hoyas we rden di e crsten Spi nncn bcschriebe n. Ein Exem pl ar wird MaC/yp/wnl es cOIn/en! SELDEN, 1990 zugcw icsen. ciner Art, di e bisher nul' all s Montsec h. einer anderen spani sc hen frLihkrelaz ischen Lagerstatte bekan nt wa r. Das zwci tc Exe mplar gehort ZlI einer neuen Art : sie wird l-I/wrginG mem!i n. g. n. sp. gcnannL Beide Spinncn ge hi)ren ZlI del'. allc h rezent ve nretene n, Fa mil ic Tetragnath idae . Eine Nell bewert ung de l' Spinncn ails Montsec h ze igl. daf3 Pa/aeo lllobol'lIs la casae SELDEN. 1990 Zll de n Uloboridae lIn cl C rela/'(/lIells I'i/a l lae SELDEN, 1990 Zll dc n TeLragnath idae: Nephili nac gchorcn.
Introduction Foss il spide rs are re lati ve ly rare eve n in those Fossi l Ko nse rvat- Lagersta tte n w hi c h y ie ld e no rmo us numbe rs of in sec t foss il s. At the Las Hoyas foss il s ite, C ue nca, S pain, the rocks of ea rl y C retaceo us (B arre mi a n ) age have prod uced
0028-3630/03/2003-0175 $ 4 .50 © 2003 E. Schweizerbarl'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 0 -70176 Stu ttgart
P. A. Selden and O. Penney
only two spider specimens, among hundreds of insects, and these are described berein. There are few records of Cretaceous sp iders: indetenninate Araneae from the ?Barremian-A ptian of Koonwarra, South Australia (JELL & DU NcAN 1986), mygalomorphs from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia and MOlJgolia (ESKOV & ZONSHTEIN 1990); orbicularian araneomorphs from the BerriasiaJ1-Valanginian of the Sierra de Montsech, Spain (S ELDEN 1989, 1990, 1991); an unnamed lycosoid from Ompa, Botswana (' early Upper Cretaceous' , RAy ER & DIPP E AAR-SCHO EMA 1995), a poorly preserved specimen from the Albian of Mexico (F ELDMA N et al. 1998), and many new spider specimens reported frOI11 the Aptian Crato Formation of Brazil (but on ly one has so far been described by MESQUITA 1996). Spiders are known frolll Cretaceous amber from Canada (Campanian, McALPIN E & MARTIN 1969), Siberia (Albian-Santonian , ESKOV & WUNDERLlCH 1994; ZII ER IKill I & ESKOV 1999), France (Cenol11anian, SCHLOTER 1978), Lebanon (Aprian, possibly re\ovorked Hauterivian, SCHLEE & DI ETRICH 1970; AZAR 1998; PEN NEY & SELDE 2002), Burma (re\vorked Cretaceolls in Eocene sedilllents, COCKERELL 1920; RAs ITSYN & Ross 2000; ZH ERIKI-IIN & Ross 2000), Caucasus (Cenomani an, Co niacian, ESKOV & WUN DBRLlCH 1994), cw Jersey (Turonian, GRIMALDI et al. 2000; PENNE Y 2002), Alava, Spain (Albian-Aptian, ALONSO el a!. 2000), Astmias, Spain (AR.BIZU et a!. 1999) and the Isle of Wight, England (S ELD EN 2002). Few of these have been fOl1l1a lly described and named. The new specimens desc ribed here resemble most closely those From the Sierra de Montsech, Huesca. Spain , locality in lightly older (Berri