+LPS (100ng)

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Shanmuga Priyaa Madhukaran. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute for Advanced. Studies (JNIAS), Secunderabad, India [email protected]. Taruna Madan Gupta.
Shanmuga  Priyaa  Madhukaran Jawaharlal  Nehru  Institute  for  Advanced   Studies  (JNIAS),  Secunderabad,    India   [email protected]

Taruna Madan Gupta National  Institute  for  Research  in   Reproductive  Health,  Mumbai,   India [email protected]

Uday  Kishore Brunel  University,   United  Kingdom [email protected]


Antigen Retrieval

Observed  under   the  microscope


Paraffin  embedded

Immunohistochemistry Flow  cytometry

Anti-­‐mouse   TNF-­‐α  FITC

Confocal   DAPI Analyzed  by   Microscopy two-­‐color  FACS

Results SP-­‐A  &  SP-­‐D  mRNA  in  the  murine  decidua 0.06 17.5  dpc   19.5    dpc  


1            2            3              4            5          6          7          8          9   1.

SP-­‐D  (156  bp)

17.5   dpc

1            2            3              4            5          6          7          8          9   SP-­‐A  (225  bp)

Fig. 3. Immunohistochemical localization of SP-­‐ A & SP-­‐D in the decidua at 17.5 dpc (b) & (e) and 19.5 dpc (c) & (f). SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D (brown) were observed in the decidua stroma, and in and around the spiral artery and blood vessels. Intense SP-­‐D (b) & (c) staining was detected at 17.5 and 19.5 dpc when compared to SP-­‐A. Red arrow head indicate trophoblast cells. Hematoxylin counterstained cells appear blue.

SP-­‐D  (156  bp)

19.5   dpc

Fig. 2. Real time RT-­‐PCR amplified products separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Gene expression of SP-­‐A & SP-­‐D in the decidua at (1.)17.5 dpc and (2.)19.5 dpc. One μg total RNA in decidua was used for RT-­‐PCR. Lane 1: Ladder (100bp); Lane 2: 18s; Lane 3: 18s NTC ; Lane 4: SP-­‐A positive control (lung); Lane 5: SP-­‐ A decidua; Lane 6: SP-­‐A NTC; Lane 7: SP-­‐D positive control (lung); Lane 8: SP-­‐D decidua; Lane 9: SP-­‐D NTC.



Fig.4.Confocal images on a Zeiss 510 meta microscope performed by counterstaining the decidual cells with DAPI. a) F4/80 positive cells (red); b) TNF-­‐α expression (green) c) DAPI staining (blue). Effect  of  rhSP-­‐A  &  rhSP-­‐D  in  murine  decidua  at  17.5  dpc 30 F4/80  positive  cells




10 5 0

Conclusion Decidual SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D may be playing a role in parturition by immunomodulation of DMs and are likely to be protective against intrauterine infection/ inflammation during pregnancy.

Acknowledgement We acknowledge the facilities provided by National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Indian Council of Medical Research and Department of Biotechnology, India for international travel support.




LPS  (100ng)+SP-­‐D  (10µg)

SP-­‐A SP-­‐D Collectins

SP-­‐A  (225  bp)

19.5  dpc  SP-­‐A    (20x)

Intracellular  cytokine  assay  by  confocal   microscopy  

Fig. 1. Expression profile of SP-­‐A & SP-­‐D mRNA levels in the decidua at 17.5 & 19.5 dpc determined by real time RT-­‐PCR. SP-­‐A & SP-­‐D mRNA levels were normalized to the level of 18s rRNA present in each sample. SP-­‐A mRNA was not detectable in the decidua at 17.5 & 19.5 dpc. The levels of decidual SP-­‐D mRNA at 17.5 dpc differ significantly from SP-­‐D mRNA levels at 19.5 dpc. The data represent the standard error of the mean, n=3 animals. 18s  (175  bp)

17.5  dpc  SP-­‐A    (20x)

LPS  (100ng)+SP-­‐D  (5µg)


Control  SP-­‐A  (20x)

Blood  vessel

SP-­‐D  (10µg)  +LPS  (100ng)


Real  time  PCR



Trophoblast infiltration

SP-­‐D  (5µg)  +LPS  (100ng)

Isolation of decidua

Permeabilised   0.1%  saponin


Maternal spiral  artery

Fixed  4%  PFA




SP-­‐D  (10µg)

Quantitative   RT-­‐PCR


Pregnant  female  mice

Formalin   fixed

Counter  stained

18s  (175  bp)

C57BL/6 male mice

Anti-­‐F4/80  PE


19.  5  dpc  SP-­‐D    (20x)

SP-­‐D  (5µg)

CDNA  synthesis Invitrogen  Kit

17.5  dpc  SP-­‐D    (20x)

Control  SP-­‐D  (20x)

LPS  (100ng)+SP-­‐A  (10µg)


Secondary antibody

Trophoblast   infiltration

Maternal   decidua

LPS  (100ng)+SP-­‐A  (5µg)

SYBR  Green

SP-­‐A         (5  or  10  μg)   or  SP-­‐D         (5  or  10  μg)   or  LPS      (1  μg)


Fetal  maternal  interface

Stimulated,1  hr

Primary  antibody SP-­‐A  at  1:10000 SP-­‐D  at  1:2000  



Fetal  side-­‐placenta

SP-­‐A  (10µg)  +LPS  (100ng)

C57BL/6  female  mice



SP-­‐A  (5µg)  +LPS  (100ng)


Fig. 5. Effects of SP-­‐A & SP-­‐D on the production of TNF-­‐α, pro-­‐inflammatory cytokine at 17.5 dpc by intracellular cytokine assay. At 17.5 dpc decidual cell were isolated, purified and then stimulated with rhSP-­‐A or rhSP-­‐D (5 and 10μg) or LPS (100ng, derived E. coli strain 011:B4) for 1 hour. Percentage of F4/80 positive cells and TNF-­‐α cytokine was measured by two color flow cytometry. LPS mediated down regulation of F4/80 positive cells was seen at 17.5 dpc (9%) while TNF-­‐α was highly up regulated (2 fold) in the presence of LPS. Low dose of rhSP-­‐ A (5μg) &high dose of rhSP-­‐D (10μg) more significantly down regulates (more than 3 fold) TNF-­‐α production by macrophages. Similar down regulatory effect was also seen when decidual cells were pretreated with LPS followed by low-­‐dose rhSP-­‐A /rhSP-­‐D ((5μg).

SP-­‐A  (10µg)


Cells  counted Haemocytometer  

Localization  of  SP-­‐A  &  SP-­‐D  in  the  decidua

SP-­‐A  (5µg)

ü Determine levels of SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D transcripts in C57BL/6 murine decidua at 17.5 and 19.5 dpc. ü Localize SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D in C57BL/6 murine decidua at 17.5 and 19.5 dpc. ü Evaluate the in vitro immunological effects of SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D on decidual macrophages.

Enzyme digestion







LPS  (100ng)

Homogenized In  Trizol

Aim  of  the  study To investigate the expression and immunomodulatory effects of SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D on decidual macrophages in the murine decidua at 17.5 and 19.5 dpc .





Relative  amount  of   SP-­‐A    &  SP-­‐D  mRNA

•Decidua that connects the maternal tissue and blood with fetal membrane is thought to play a central role in parturition via ‘’decidual activation’’1. • There are three major leukocyte populations present in the decidua: natural killer cells, macrophages and T cells2,3. • Surfactant protein A and D, members of the collectin family were initially described as major components of lung surfactant4. • Recently SP-­‐A and SP-­‐D expression was shown in several extra-­‐pulmonary tissues, including salivary gland, pancreas, kidney, intestine, reproductive tissues5. • Amniotic fluid SP-­‐A is implicated in parturition (mice and humans)6. • Neither the expression nor localization of SP-­‐ A and SP-­‐D has been examined in murine decidua at near-­‐term (17.5) and term (19.5 dpc).


Percentage  of  F4/80  positive  cells &  TNF-­‐α  


1. Casey ML, MacDonald PC 1988 Biomolecular processes in the initiation of parturition: decidual activation. Clin Obstet Gynecol 31:533-­‐552. 2. Bulmer JN Lash GE 2005 Human uterine natural killer cells: reappraisal. Mol. Immunol. 42, 511–521. 3. Moffett-­‐King A 2002 Natural killer cells and pregnancy. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 2, 656–663. 4. Hawgood S, Poulain FR 2001 The pulmonary collectins and surfactant metabolism. Annu Rev Physiol 63:495–519. 5. Madsen, J., I. Tornoe, O. Nielsen, C. Koch, W. Steinhilber, and U. Holmskov. 2003. Expression and localization of lung surfactant protein A in human tissues. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 29: 591– 597. 6. Condon JC Jeyasuria P Faust JM Mendelson CR 2004 Surfactant protein secreted by the maturing mouse fetal lung acts as a hormone that signals the initiation of parturition. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:4978 – 4983 .