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LGC Brookdale College WWII Studies - Fall 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities.doc. Revised: 09/30/12 1:29 PM. LUBETKIN GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS, LLC.


Podcast Sponsorship Opportunities Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution Brookdale Community College 2012 Spring Series We produce a wide range of audio and video podcast content for nonprofit organizations and our own account that do not have a budget to underwrite the cost of podcast productions. Many of these podcasts feature worthwhile presentations or seminars with informative content that would be useful or valuable to audiences that your business may want to reach. One of these program series that may be attractive as a sponsorship opportunity for your firm is the Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution at Brookdale Community College. This program features extraordinary events and speakers with first-hand accounts of important historical milestones in the World War II era. Survivors’ ranks are dwindling and this is a great opportunity to honor World War II veterans by underwriting the preservation of their recollections. This is a wonderful opportunity to position your organization as a supporter of efforts to preserve and study the World War II era in our nation’s history. Underwriting podcast production as a presenting sponsor can be a cost-effective way to link your company or organization in your customers’ minds as a community-minded citizen willing to support the distribution of important, newsworthy content in podcast format, even if it does not directly promote the products and services you sell. You may already purchase advertisements in fundraising programs or brochures. You probably donate money to nonprofit organizations in return for having your corporate logo included on a charity walk or run t-shirt, or included on a poster for a fundraising event. These donations often

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-2miss the target audience because they are “one-off” advertisements for a particular event that are only seen briefly by the people involved in the event, and then they disappear. A podcast is a permanent opportunity to promote your company’s message. Once a podcast is produced and uploaded live to the web and podcast channels, we do not remove it. If you buy commercial time on traditional broadcast media like TV or radio, you pay a fee for every time the commercial is used. Sponsors are given a 15-second availability at the beginning and end of each podcast, for a total of 30 seconds. We will either write and voice the sponsor announcement or can use recorded content provided by sponsors. Presenting sponsors for a series also can have their sponsorship tagline added to the metadata of the podcast file. Presenting sponsors of video podcasts have the option of recording two 15 second interview clips about their products and services to be included in the video. Content Available for Sponsorship: Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution at Brookdale Community College Brookdale Community College Podcasts: The calendar of lectures produced by the Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution for Fall 2012 is below. Programs available for podcast sponsorship include: "70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF GUADALCANAL COMMEMORATION" FEATURING AS GUEST SPEAKERS DR. DAVID ULBRICH, COMMAND HISTORIAN, US ARMY ENGINEER SCHOOL AUTHOR OF “PREPARING FOR VICTORY: THOMAS HOLCOMB AND THE US. MARINES 1936-1943” AND DISTINGUISHED BATTLE VETERANS THOMAS J. MAHONEY AND MEMBERS OF THE 4TH AMPHIBIOUS TRACTOR BATTALION Following the fall of the Philippine Islands to the Japanese in the spring of 1942, the battle of Guadalcanal was the first real test of land strength between the militaries of Japan and the USA in the Pacific Theater of War. The bloody and protracted struggle for this steamy, malariaridden, rain sodden island in the Solomon Islands off of Australia began on August 7, 1942 and lasted until the end of January, 1943. Seven major naval battles combined with the determination of the marines and army units ashore brought eventual victory for the American forces. The

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-3cost was very heavy but Guadalcanal is now seen as a major turning point in the Pacific war from which Japan never recovered. Come and hear all about this historic battle from a noted historian and actual veterans of the conflict. Display, exhibits and information tables will also be available to enhance one’s knowledge about this key “turning point” in World War II that occurred 70 years ago to date. Saturday, Oct. 13, 10:00am to 3pm, Warner Student Life Center Fee: Free to all. Code: XWWTS 263 "THE ATOMIC BOMBINGS OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI: PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER" PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND AUTHOR MICHAEL KOBRAN Each of the major players after the war in the Pacific had their own perspective on why the atomic bombings over Japan. The result is to date an incomplete picture of these historical events that have shaped the history of each nation involved. Michael Kobran who is writing a book on the politics of World War II will present a more complete picture of what really did happen in July and August of 1945 and will leave us all with a better understanding of the motives of the major actors and how they led to a human tragedy whose consequences have followed the world into the 21st Century Thursday, Oct. 18, 7:30pm, Warner Student Life Center Fee: $12 adults, $5 students. Code: XWWTS 265

"THE KRUPPS – CANNON KINGS OF NAZI GERMANY" DAVID STROEBEL, AUTHOR AND KRUPP FAMILY HISTORIAN David G. Stroebel, author of The Cannon King's Daughter discovers through revelations and documents passed down through five generations of the Krupp family that his great-grandmother was banished to America and disinherited from the Krupp 400-year-old steel and munitions dynasty of Essen, Germany--the same munitions firm that armed Germany through two world wars. The author reveals that his great-grandmother was Engelbertha Krupp, the banished and disinherited daughter of Alfred and Bertha (Eichhoff) Krupp. Come to understand how the Krupp Works worked with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party prior to World War II and then gave Hitler and his military immense firepower that allowed the Third Reich's war machine to reach as far across the globe as it did. The Cannon King's Daughter is truly one of the greatest stories

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-4ever told of a young heiress who chose the love of a poor shoemaker over a dynasty and was banished. Her choice ultimately altered the history of Germany, the course of World War II and the lives of 11 million souls. Listen to an amazing story and what might have been if Engelbertha Krupp had remained heiress. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7:00pm, Warner Student Life Center Fee: $12 adults, $5 students. Code: XWWTS 266

"THE STORY OF THE MONUMENTS MEN" JACK NEEDLE, HISTORIAN AND PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF HISTORY The Monuments Men were a group of men and women from thirteen nations, most of whom were volunteers and had expertise as museum directors, curators, art scholars and educators, artists, architects, and archivists. The Monuments Men job description was simple: to save as much of the culture of Europe as they could during World War II. They not only had the vision to understand the grave threat to the greatest cultural and artistic achievements of civilization, but then joined the front lines to do something about it. As Hitler was attempting to conquer the western world, his armies were methodically pillaging the finest art in Europe. The Monuments Men had a mandate from President Roosevelt and the support of General Eisenhower, but no vehicles, gasoline, typewriters, or authority was authorized. It was a race against time to save the world’s greatest cultural treasures from destruction at the hands of Nazi fanatics. Listen to the story of these unlikely heroes whose courageous spirit and actions actually enabled the best of humanity to defeat the worst.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7:30pm, Warner Student Life Center Fee: $12 adults, $5 students. Code: XWWTS 267

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-575th ANNIVERSARY OF THE “NANKING MASSACRE” COMMEMORATION CO-SPONSORED BY THE NEW JERSEY ALLIANCE FOR LEARNING AND PRESERVING THE HISTORY OF WW II IN ASIA In December of 1937, the Japanese military during the course of its invasion of mainland China seized Nanking, the capital of the Chinese Nationalist Government and engaged in an endorsed six- week long orgy of killing, rape, pillage and looting during which nearly 300,000 thousand lost their livs. Now known as the “Nanking Massacre,” the incident caught the world’s attention and spurred support for China in its effort to resist further Japanese aggression. The commemoration program will feature a survivor of the massacre, guest speakers, panel discussions, films exhibits and displays. Refreshments to be served. Come and learn about what “caught the world’s attention” 75 years ago. Friday, Dec. 7, 6pm to 9:30pm and Saturday, Dec. 8, 10am to 9:30pm, Warner Student Life Center. Free to all. Code: XWWTS 268

Podcast Sponsorship Rate Card Presenting sponsor for a series: Presenting sponsor for a series is the exclusive sponsor featured in all of the podcasts of a particular series for a fixed amount of time. Sponsor payments are due and payable in advance. Audio 3 months (minimum of 3 monthly programs): 6 months (minimum of 6 programs): 12 months (12 programs):

$3,000 $5,000 $8,000

Video 3 months (minimum of 3 monthly programs): 6 months (minimum of 6 programs): 12 months (12 programs):

$5,000 $10,000 $15,000

Presenting sponsor for individual podcasts: Any of these can be sponsored individually if no presenting sponsor has purchased the series. Individual episodes can also be sponsored if a series has not been bought out by a presenting series sponsor.

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-6Audio Podcast, Individual


Video Podcast, Individual


LGC Brookdale College WWII Studies - Fall 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities.doc Revised: 09/30/12 1:29 PM