Lyme disease - OIE

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Connecticut, USA, reported to Dr David Snydman at the. Connecticut State ...... Gray J.S., Kahl O., Janetzki-Mittman C., Stein J. & Guy E. (1994). - Acquisition of ...
Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 2000,19 (1), 121-135

Lyme disease L. Gern


R.C. Falco ( '


(1)Institut de Zoologie, Département de Parasitology, Université de Neuchâtel, Emile Argand 11, Case postale 2,2007 Neuchâtel 7, Switzerland (2) Vector Ecology Laboratory, Louis Calder Center, Fordham University, 53 Whippoorwill Road, P.O. Box K, Armonk, N e w York 10504, United States of America |3) Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, N e w York Medical College, Macy Pavilion, Valhalla, N e w York 10595, United States of America

Summary Lyme borreliosis, the most common vector-bome disease in the northern hemisphere, is caused by bacteria belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi complex. The disease is multisystemic, affecting mainly the skin, nervous system, heart and joints. In Europe, the vector of the disease is the tick Ixodes ricinus, whereas in the United States of America, two primary tick vectors exist, namely: I. scapularis in the north-eastern and mid-western regions and I. pacificus on the west coast. Several species of small and medium-sized mammals and ground-feeding birds serve as reservoirs for the bacteria in endemic areas. The prognosis for patients with Lyme borreliosis is excellent, particularly w h e n diagnosed and treated early in the course of infection. Prevention of Lyme borreliosis can be achieved using two approaches, either prevention of infection by immunisation, or prevention of tick bites through avoidance, personal protection and tick control. Keywords Borrelia burgdorferi - Clinical manifestations - Ecology - Epidemiology - Ixodes - Lyme disease - Prevention - Public health - Ticks - Zoonoses.

Introduction Lyme borreliosis is a multisystemic disease caused b y spirochaete bacteria belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (si) c o m p l e x . T h e s e spirochaetes are transmitted b y ticks of the genus Ixodes. L y m e disease is a z o o n o s i s w h i c h is maintained in nature in enzootic cycles involving various tick species and s o m e of the hosts of these ticks. T h e distribution of B. burgdorferi si is w o r l d - w i d e but covers mainly the Northern h e m i s p h e r e , w h e r e well-defined clinical cases have been reported. Clinical manifestations of L y m e borreliosis h a v e b e e n described in E u r o p e for m a n y years. However, the aetiology of the disease r e m a i n e d u n k n o w n until W. Burgdorfer discovered the causative bacteria in North America less than twenty years ago (19). In fact, the first description of L y m e borreliosis was m a d e in 1883 b y a G e r m a n physician, A. Buchwald, w h o d e s c r i b e d a n inflammatory skin lesion, Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans (ACA) (18). Several years later, in 1909, at the Swedish Dermatological Society, A. Afzelius demonstrated a migrating annular skin lesion that

h a d d e v e l o p e d at the site of an I. ricinus tick bite (2). He called this lesion Erythema Chronicum Migrans (ECM). In 1922, Garin and Bujadoux (44) described neurological disorders, such as facial palsy, w h i c h d e v e l o p e d after ECM, and in 1 9 4 1 , Bannwarth reported m a n y cases of chronic lymphocytic meningitis (6). Various aetiologies for skin manifestations, neurological disorders and joint p r o b l e m s o b s e r v e d in countries of Europe w e r e suspected. T h e infective nature of ECM and ACA was p r o v e n in 1955 b y Binder et al. and Götz (16, 51). Successful treatment b y antibiotics was also reported b y Hollström for ECM (55), and b y Thyresson for ACA (131). However, the real aetiology of these clinical manifestations remained u n k n o w n until arthritis and ECM w e r e reported in the United States of America (USA) and investigated further. W e b e r and Pfister provide a m o r e detailed review of the history of L y m e borreliosis in Europe (133). In 1975, Polly Murray and J u d i t h Mensch f r o m L y m e , in Connecticut, USA, reported to Dr David Snydman at the Connecticut State Health Department that their children, as well as other children living in Lyme, w e r e thought to have juvenile arthritis. This e p i d e m i c of arthritis was recognised as

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a n e w disease and was n a m e d L y m e arthritis b y Steere et al. (120). Epidemiological studies a m o n g populations living in this area s h o w e d that this form of arthritis was associated with skin lesions and neurological and cardiac manifestations (119). In 1978, studies incriminated the tick I. scapularìs in the e p i d e m i o l o g y of L y m e disease (121). Later, links were m a d e with clinical manifestations described in Europe and treatment of patients from Lyme with antibiotics was successful (123). In 1 9 8 2 , the infectious origin of L y m e borreliosis was demonstrated b y Burgdorfer, w h o identified spirochaetes in I. scapularis ticks w h i c h reacted with i m m u n e sera from patients (19), and b y Barbour w h o isolated and cultured spirochaetes from ticks (8). Several m o n t h s later, spirochaetes w e r e also isolated from ticks collected in Europe (10, 2 0 ) . T h e s e spirochaetes w e r e n a m e d B. burgdorferi in h o n o u r of the discoverer, W. Burgdorfer (68). Based o n the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), DNA/DNA hybridisation of a small n u m b e r of strains, a single species was initially thought to b e responsible for L y m e disease (also called L y m e borreliosis) in the USA and Europe. Later, DNA/DNA hybridisation, ribotyping and 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) sequencing of isolates obtained from different geographic origins in North America and Europe s h o w e d that at least three different species were responsible for Lyme disease, namely: B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (ss), B. afzelii and B. garinii (7, 2 2 , 8 2 , 101). Additional Borrelia species have b e e n described in the USA and Eurasia, but the role of these species in the pathogenicity of L y m e borreliosis is still uncertain, as discussed b e l o w .

to eleven flagella at e a c h end) and overlap in the centre of the spirochaete (57). T h e protoplasmic cylinder contains the genomic material. Spirochaetes can b e o b s e r v e d b y dark-field m i c r o s c o p y or p h a s e contrast m i c r o s c o p y . Cells can b e visualised after staining with Gram, Giemsa or carbofuchsine (104) stains, as well as b y immunological reactions using anti-Borrelia antibodies labelled with fluorescein, for example. Borrelia burgdorferi can b e cultivated in vitro in Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly (BSK) m e d i u m (10), in m o d i f i e d Kelly m e d i u m (MKP) (103), or in a m e d i u m d e s c r i b e d b y Sinsky and Piesman (116). All these m e d i a are c o m p l e x , containing amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, N-acetyl glucosamine, s e r u m albumin and rabbit serum. T h e optimal temperature for growth is b e t w e e n 33°C and 34°C. T h e generation time is b e t w e e n 7 hours and 20 hours, and a concentration of 1 0 - 1 0 borreliae/ml can b e reached. 6


Borrelia burgdorferi, the aetiological agent of L y m e borreliosis, is a motile, long, slender, helix-shaped bacterium. Borrelia spirochaetes are Eubacteria in the order Spirochaetales (56). Analysis of 16S rRNA s e q u e n c e s has s h o w n that the phylogeny of the spirochaetes consists of the following six major groups: Treponema, Spirochaeta, Borrelia, Serpulina, Leptospira and an undefined strain (99). T h e DNA of Borrelia has a l o w guanine-cytosine content, ranging from 2 7 . 1 % to 30.5%. Other genera, such as Leptospira and Treponema, contain b e t w e e n 3 5 % and 5 3 % of guanine-cytosine in the genomic DNA ( 1 2 , 6 5 ) . Borreliae are agents of relapsing fevers and L y m e borreliosis and are transmitted b y ticks, with the exception of B. recurrentis, the agent of louse-borne relapsing fever, w h i c h is transmitted b y lice.

I m m u n o c h e m i c a l analysis of B. burgdorferi isolates has revealed m o r e than thirty polypeptides in protein profiles (12). One of the most important proteins is flagellin, a major constituent of flagella (13). Other proteins h a v e b e e n identified w h i c h are located o n the surface of B. burgdorferi and n a m e d outer surface proteins (Osp), all of these proteins are lipoproteins (17). OspA (30 kDa-33.5 kDa), OspB (34 kDa-35 kDa) and OspC (20 kDa-23 kDa) of the different genospecies are variable in size. T h e expression of these proteins varies during subcultures. W i l s k e et al. o b s e r v e d that quantitative expression of OspA and OspB in culture is inversely proportional to that of OspC (136). Schwan et al. also observed the variation in the expression of these proteins in ticks (109). In unfed ticks, spirochaetes express OspA and not OspC. During the feeding of ticks, expression of OspA is switched off and OspC is expressed (109). However, in s o m e cases, OspC is already expressed in the midgut of unfed I. ricinus ticks (39, 79). T h e variation in expression of OspA and OspC in the tick midgut during feeding is probably related to the temperature increase and the presence of m a m m a l i a n b l o o d (109). Interestingly, antibodies to OspA are rarely detected in h u m a n s or animals infected b y tick bites, whereas animals infected b y syringe inoculation of cultured spirochaetes d e v e l o p high levels of anti-OspA antibodies ( 4 6 , 1 0 5 ) . Other Osp proteins have b e e n described in the outer m e m b r a n e , such as p 3 9 , OspD (28 kDa) (94), OspE (19 kDa) and OspF (26 kDa) (75).

Borrelia burgdorferi measures b e t w e e n 4 µm and 3 0 µm in length, 0.18 µm to 0.25 µm in diameter and presents from three to ten irregular coils (67). T h e cell is surrounded b y a fluid outer envelope w h i c h contains outer surface proteins (66). Between the protoplasmic cylinder and the outer m e m b r a n e is the periplasmic space. In this periplasmic space, B. burgdorferi has several flagella w h i c h are inserted subterminally at e a c h e n d of the protoplasmic cylinder (seven

T h e g e n o m i c structure of B. burgdorferi is unique a m o n g prokaryotes. T h e g e n o m e consists of a single linear c h r o m o s o m e of approximately 1,000 kilobases ( k b ) in size with b o t h linear and circular plasmids of various sizes ( 1 4 , 1 5 , 3 8 , 1 0 7 ) . Four to nine plasmids are present and range in size from 8 k b to 140 k b (9). T h e peculiarity of the g e n o m e of B. burgdorfèri resides in the small size and the linearity of the c h r o m o s o m e and s o m e of the plasmids. Recently, the

Aetiological agent

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s e q u e n c e of t h e entire g e n o m e of B. burgdorferi h a s b e e n determined (41). T h e arrangement and the organisation of the rRNA genes in B. burgdorferi is unusual b e c a u s e two c o p i e s of rrl (23S) a n d rrf (5S) are present, but only o n e c o p y of rrs (16S) (29, 4 2 , 110). T h e Osp g e n e s e n c o d i n g t h e different Osp proteins are situated o n linear or circular plasmids. T h e OspA and OspB genes of B. burgdorferi ss are carried, as an o p e r o n , o n a 4 9 - k b linear plasmid (14), w h e r e a s the o p e r o n is located o n a 5 5 - k b a n d 5 6 - k b linear plasmid in B. garinii and B. afzelii, respectively ( 1 0 8 ) . T h e OspE a n d OspF g e n e s are also organised in an o p e r o n o n a 4 5 - k b linear plasmid (75). The OspD gene is present o n a 3 8 - k b linear plasmid (94). In contrast, the OspC gene is localised in a 2 7 - k b circular plasmid ( 8 3 , 1 0 6 ) . Borrelia burgdorferi h a s b e e n isolated from various vertebrates, including m a n , a n d from ticks a n d insects. Isolates of B. burgdorferi s h o w considerable p h e n o t y p i c diversity, first d e s c r i b e d a m o n g European isolates ( 1 1 , 1 3 5 ) . Later, o n the basis of analysis of rRNA gene restriction patterns, protein electrophoresis patterns, and m o n o c l o n a l antibody reactivity, B. burgdorferi was separated into ten species, all identified under t h e b r o a d e r n a m e B. burgdorferi sl: B. burgdorferi ss, B. andersonii (84), B. bissettii (102), B. gannii, B. afzelii (22), B. valaisiana (132), B. lusitaniae (78), B. japonica (70), B. tanukii (43) a n d B. turdae (43). In the USA, three Borrelia s p e c i e s h a v e b e e n reported, as follows: B. burgdorferi ss, B. andersonii and B. bissettii. In E u r o p e , five species, namely: B. burgdorferi ss, B. gannii, B. afzelii, B. valaisiana and B. lusitaniae, h a v e b e e n identified. Borrelia burgdorferi ss s e e m s to b e absent in Asia, w h e r e B. garinii, B. afzelii, B. japonica, B. tanukii a n d B. turdae h a v e b e e n isolated. T h e last three species h a v e never b e e n isolated outside J a p a n . S o m e of these Borrelia s p e c i e s appear to h a v e a very specific association with their tick vectors, implicating a well-defined geographic distribution. Borrelia andersonii is associated with I. dentatus in North America, B. lusitaniae with I. ricinus in Europe a n d N o r t h Africa, a n d three species, B. japonica, B. tanukii and B. turdae, h a v e b e e n isolated i n J a p a n from I. ovatus, I. tanuki and I. turdi, respectively. T h e remaining Borrelia species, B. burgdorferi ss, B. garinii, B. afzelii, B. bissettii a n d B. valaisiana, are transmitted b y a larger n u m b e r of tick species, d e p e n d i n g o n their geographic distribution, namely: I. scapularis, I. pacificus and I. spinipalpis in the USA, I. ricinus and I. hexagonus in Europe and I. persulcatus in Eurasia. T h e distribution of B. garinii h a s b e e n reported w o r l d - w i d e a n d is l i n k e d to that of a tick associated with sea birds, I. uriae, from w h i c h the species h a s b e e n isolated. The division into g e n o m i c groups appears to h a v e s o m e clinical relevance. Until n o w , only B. burgdorferi ss, B . afzelii and B. garinii have b e e n clearly associated with clinical manifestations of L y m e borreliosis. T h e pathogenic potential of the other Borrelia species remains u n k n o w n .


Clinical manifestations and diagnosis The clinical manifestations of L y m e borreliosis are diverse, d u e to the fact that infection with B. burgdorferi m a y affect a variety of organs, including t h e skin, heart, nerves a n d joints. In c o m m o n with syphilis, another spirochetal disease, the progression of s y m p t o m s is often discussed in terms of stages (5), with the late stages of L y m e borreliosis b e i n g generally m o r e severe a n d m o r e difficult to treat than early stage infection (111). However, classification of L y m e borreliosis b y stages c a n present p r o b l e m s , as s y m p t o m s m a y overlap a n d all stages d o not necessarily occur in every patient (90). Another factor w h i c h complicates the clinical presentation of L y m e borreliosis is that differences in disease manifestation a n d severity occur throughout the world, with a wider range of disease presentations reported from Europe than from North America (118). This p r o b a b l y reflects the w i d e r variety of B. burgdorferi genotypes found in Europe.

Early localised infection One of the hallmark s y m p t o m s of early L y m e borreliosis is an expanding skin rash, erythema migrans (EM, formally ECM), w h i c h occurs i n approximately 9 0 % of patients w i t h objective findings of B. burgdorferi infection (45, 137). This rash typically c o m m e n c e s a few days to several w e e k s after the bite of an infected tick. T h e initial presentation of EM is usually as an erythematous m a c u l e or papule at the site of a tick bite, w h i c h e x p a n d s over days to w e e k s in a circular or oval pattern as the spirochaetes migrate along the leading e d g e . T h e erythema m a y contain b a n d s of skin w h i c h appear n o r m a l within its b o r d e r (91) (Fig. l a ) . Although early descriptions of this rash stressed the appearance of annular b a n d s w i t h central clearing (124), recent studies in the USA demonstrate that the appearance m a y vary, including irregularity in s h a p e , central vesiculation and localised pruritus ( 9 1 , 92) (Fig. l b ) . However, central clearing appears to b e m o r e c o m m o n in E u r o p e than in North America (93). Although EM is often asymptomatic, s o m e patients experience localised itching, irritation, burning or heat (4). T h e EM will eventually fade, e v e n without treatment. Secondary lesions m a y also d e v e l o p , located anywhere o n the b o d y except the palms and soles, and these are a s y m p t o m of disseminated infection (124).

Early disseminated infection If early infection spreads b e y o n d the primary s k i n lesion, a variety of systemic s y m p t o m s can occur. Such s y m p t o m s m a y include fatigue, arthralgia, myalgia, h e a d a c h e , fever, stiff n e c k and, less c o m m o n l y , dizziness and nausea (92). In the USA, u p to 8 0 % of patients presenting with EM h a v e associated systemic complaints, and these m a y occur b e f o r e , during, or after resolution of the rash (91). Systemic s y m p t o m s associated w i t h EM appear to b e m o r e c o m m o n in the USA than in Europe, with patients in Europe generally having a milder early course of disease (93, 128).



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Fig. 1 a) Culture-confirmed erythema migrans showing typical banding pattern b) Atypical culture-confirmed erythema migrans showing vesiculation Photographs: courtesy of Dr G.P. Wormser, New York Medical College

In untreated patients, more severe systemic manifestations may occur weeks to months after disease onset and may involve the neurological, cardiac and rheumatological systems. Neurological manifestations usually include cranial nerve palsy, meningitis and radiculoneuritis, alone or in combination. Cardiac involvement may occur in 4% to 8% of cases, with atrioventricular block being the most commonly described abnormality (122). Acute arthritis may succeed arthralgia in cases of disseminated infection, with 60% of patients in the USA reporting asymmetric oligoarticular arthritis in large joints, especially the knee (126).

Late infection Late, persistent infection may begin months to years after the onset of disease and may follow a period of intermittent symptoms (124). Manifestations of late Lyme disease include chronic neurological and rheumatological abnormalities. Neurological manifestations include progressive encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy and a variety of central nervous system (CNS) disorders (72). Rheumatological abnormalities are seen primarily in the form of chronic arthritis, affecting only one or a few large joints, such as the knee. Although historically it has been suggested that joint manifestations were more common in North America and neurological involvement more prevalent in Europe, studies suggest that the neurological and arthritic manifestations in both regions are remarkably similar (53, 54). The chronic and progressive skin disorder known as ACA is the most common chronic manifestation of late Lyme borreliosis in Europe and may occur many years after the initial infection (4). This condition is characterised by red or bluish-red lesions, usually on the extremities, which may become permanently atrophic or indurated (118). This disorder is not common in North America.

Diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis in endemic areas is based largely on the clinical presentation, depending heavily on recognition of EM or, less commonly, a 'flu-like' illness during the summer months (112). However, diagnosis can be more difficult in the absence of a recognised EM lesion or in the case of later-stage infection. In such cases, appropriate laboratory tests may be helpful. Culture of B. burgdorferi from infected patients can be difficult. Consequently, diagnostic tests for Lyme borreliosis rely primarily on the measurement of antiborrelial antibodies present in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or synovial fluid. In the USA, the recommended serological testing is a two-step process. A positive or equivocal result to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is followed by an immunoblot on the same sample, which can detect immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG antibodies against individual B. burgdorferi antigens that have been separated by electrophoresis (93). If the immunoblot is positive, the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis is supported. Generally, serological testing is less effective during early, localised infection and becomes more sensitive in disseminated and chronic disease. Strategies for the use of serology to assist in the diagnosis of the disease in Europe are under investigation (118).

Epidemiology and surveillance Lyme borreliosis has been reported from the USA, Canada, large areas of Europe and northern Asia. Although a Lyme borreliosis-like illness has been reported in Australia, Africa and South America, B. burgdorferi has not yet been isolated from patients in these regions and, therefore, the disease should not be considered endemic in these areas (93).


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Lyme borreliosis is the m o s t c o m m o n v e c t o r - b o m e disease in the USA, with the n u m b e r of cases increasing annually from a low of approximately 500 cases in 1 9 8 2 to an average of almost 15,000 cases per year in recent years (24; K. Orloski, unpublished findings) (Fig. 2).

as m e n t i o n e d a b o v e , in addition to overdiagnosis, m a y confound efforts to determine the true incidence of L y m e borreliosis or assess risk in an area (114). For this reason, alternative m e t h o d s of assessing environmental risk m a y b e preferable to case reporting in m a n y circumstances. In the USA, a strong correlation exists b e t w e e n the seasonal distribution of n y m p h a l I. scapularis and the seasonal onset of EM, suggesting that the p e a k risk p e r i o d for L y m e borreliosis is the time w h e n n y m p h a l I. scapularis are m o s t active (37). For this reason, sampling for n y m p h s is a reliable m e t h o d of evaluating the risk of L y m e borreliosis and h a s b e e n used as an alternative to h u m a n case surveillance (28, 3 2 ) . One sampling m e t h o d , k n o w n as 'drag sampling', involves pulling a 1 m p i e c e of heavy, white cloth (flannel or corduroy) over vegetation; this is the m o s t effective m e t h o d of collecting host-seeking I. scapularis in forested areas (33). This sampling m e t h o d allows the investigator to determine the density of host-seeking n y m p h s in an area. Collected n y m p h s m a y then b e tested using a variety of m e t h o d s (e.g. p o l y m e r a s e chain reaction [PCR]), to determine the rate of B. burgdorferi infection. In Europe, the correlation b e t w e e n n y m p h a l I. ricinus activity and the risk of acquiring L y m e borreliosis is not as great, since the host-seeking activities of n y m p h s and adults are almost simultaneous and, therefore, b o t h stages must b e c o n s i d e r e d w h e n evaluating the risk of infection in an area. 2

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Year

Fig. 2 Cases of Lyme borreliosis reported in the United States of America between 1982 and 1998 Source. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

Most cases in the USA are reported from the mid-Atlantic, nonh-east, and north central regions, with s o m e Counties in these areas reporting incidence rates greater than 100 cases per 100,000 population (24). Furthermore, recent studies have s h o w n that the disease m a y b e significantly under-reported b y physicians in these e n d e m i c areas, and that the actual n u m b e r of cases m a y b e several-fold higher than suggested b y the current passive reporting system (21). Demographic data from the USA indicate that females account for 5 1 % of reported L y m e borreliosis cases, a n d that incidence rates are highest for children u n d e r fifteen years of age and for people b e t w e e n twenty-five and forty-four years of age (89). In Europe, early manifestations of L y m e borreliosis are distributed nearly equally a m o n g all age groups (117). Epidemiological data for L y m e borreliosis are typically derived from case information reported to health officials b y local physicians. For surveillance p u r p o s e s , L y m e borreliosis in the USA is defined as the p r e s e n c e of an EM rash of m o r e than 5 c m in diameter, or laboratory confirmation of infection with B. burgdorferi and at least o n e objective sign of musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiovascular disease (23). In Europe, a general case surveillance system c o m p a r a b l e to that in the USA has not b e e n established and, at present, e a c h country evaluates the prevalence of L y m e borreliosis using individual m e t h o d s . However, a standardised case definition suitable for epidemiological use throughout Europe is currently being d e v e l o p e d (118). Reliance o n reporting b y physicians can nevertheless b e problematic. Under-reporting,

Another effective surveillance m e t h o d is the study of ticks w h i c h parasitise h u m a n s . Such studies, w h i c h rely o n the identification of ticks found attached to p e o p l e , can provide valuable information o n the nature a n d frequency of tick bites and the risk for L y m e borreliosis in a region. For e x a m p l e , studies o n tick bites in the north-eastern USA h a v e demonstrated that almost 7 0 % of victims of tick bites w e r e e x p o s e d near the h o m e , that children of 10 years of age and younger receive m o r e tick bites than any other age class, and that n y m p h a l ticks remain attached to victims longer than adult ticks (30, 3 6 ) . In Europe, such studies have s h o w n that the proportion of tick bite victims w h o b e c o m e ill after a k n o w n bite is b e l o w 1% (1). Health officials can use data from these studies to supplement h u m a n case report data to determine the nature of risk and identify areas of h i g h risk for L y m e borreliosis. The goal of L y m e borreliosis surveillance s h o u l d b e to obtain epidemiological data and to assess environmental risk s o that prevention and control measures can b e targeted effectively. S u c h a p r o g r a m m e s h o u l d therefore include b o t h h u m a n case reporting and the use of tick surveillance m e t h o d s . T h e use of sentinel animals, such as dogs, has also b e e n demonstrated to accurately assess risk for L y m e borreliosis and m a y b e incorporated into a c o m p r e h e n s i v e surveillance p r o g r a m m e (27, 35). L y m e borreliosis risk, in c o m m o n with other tick-borne diseases, is closely linked to the ecology of an area.


Inclusion of a component to measure environmental risk, is therefore strongly recommended for any surveillance programme.

Ecology The endemic status of Lyme borreliosis is maintained through complex interactions among different tick species, a variety of strains of Borrelia and a large number of vertebrate hosts. The tick Í. ricinus is the classic vector of Lyme borreliosis in Europe (Fig. 3). Two additional tick vectors, Í. hexagonus, a species which frequently infests carnivores, and I. uriae, which is associated with sea birds, are implicated in Borrelia transmission in endemic areas, but both species only rarely bite humans. Spirochaetes have also been detected or isolated from insects (mosquitoes and fleas), but B. burgdorferi transmission by non-tick vectors has never been demonstrated and the role of insects in the maintenance of a focus remains unknown.

Fig. 3 Ixodes ricinus: female (top left) and male (bottom left) and nymph and larva on the right Source: Institut de Zoologie, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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In the USA, the two primary tick vectors of Lyme borreliosis are Í. scapularis (formerly I. dammini [96]) in the north-eastern and mid-western regions, and I. pacificus on the west coast. As is the case in Europe, other Ixodes species (e.g. I. dentatus), may have the ability to transmit B. burgdorferi to wildlife, and to maintain enzootic cycles in nature (3), but these ticks rarely bite humans (31). The ecology of vector ticks is an important factor in determining the risk for Lyme borreliosis in an area. For example, in the north-eastern USA, where the incidence of Lyme borreliosis is high, Í. scapularis is abundant in wooded areas which support suitable wildlife hosts. However, this tick can also be found in the proximity of homes that are located near woodlands, increasing the risk for residents (30). The peridomestic nature of the tick, as well as the increasing annual tick numbers, are factors that contribute to the increase in incidence of Lyme borreliosis (37). Studies of the ecology of Lyme borreliosis have demonstrated that the persistence of Borrelia pathogens in endemic areas requires the involvement of various reservoir hosts. Although I. ricinus feeds on a large number of hosts, little information is available on the real significance of most host animals as sources for B. burgdorferi si infection of the vectors. The presence of Borrelia in a host does not mean that this host is infective to ticks and acts as a reservoir. The reservoir role of a vertebrate is determined by the success of the transmission of spirochaetes from host to ticks and the persistence of the infection in the tick and in the host. Tick xenodiagnosis is the most effective method to assess the reservoir status of a vertebrate species. Xenodiagnosis consists of allowing naive ticks, derived from a laboratory colony free of infection, to engorge on the host in question. These ticks are then analysed after the meal or after the moult, to detect the pathogen. This method is applicable to animals which can easily be kept in captivity such as small rodents. Among tick hosts, small mammals are the vertebrate group which has been studied the most extensively. As a result, several species of mice, voles, rats, shrews and the edible dormice (50), have been shown to be competent reservoirs of B. burgdorferi in Europe. Hosts acting as reservoirs must maintain the infection for a long period of time, even during non-transmission periods, which has been demonstrated for Clethrionomys voles and Apodemus mice (64). However, these rodents seem to have developed different strategies towards tick infestation and Borrelia infection. Clethrionomys voles develop high levels of Borrelia infection which results in a more elevated transmission rate to the ticks (64). In contrast, Apodemus mice control spirochaetes more effectively by specific immune responses which maintain the Borrelia infection at a low level (64). In fact, spirochaetes are more easily detectable in ear biopsies of Clethrionomys voles than of Apodemus mice (64). However, vole-fed ticks do not readily engorge or moult successfully because of the acquired

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resistance to ticks d e v e l o p e d b y v o l e s (64). Considering the moulting success of ticks, the relative contribution of Apodemus m i c e can b e greater than that of Clethrionomys voles, despite the h i g h infection rate of the voles. This indicates that the reservoir c o m p e t e n c e of hosts is m o d u l a t e d b y the i m m u n e response towards the vector and towards the pathogen. In contrast to small m a m m a l s , the involvement of birds in the ecology of L y m e borreliosis i n E u r o p e w a s controversial for many years, mainly b e c a u s e a study h a d demonstrated that the b l a c k b i r d (Turdus menda) failed to transmit spirochaetes to the ticks w h i c h feed o n these birds (87). Blackbirds w e r e also o b s e r v e d to h a v e a zooprophylactic role, since infected ticks lost their infection w h e n feeding o n blackbirds. T h e s e findings contrast with those of field studies showing that infected ticks c a n b e collected f r o m various b i r d species, especially ground foraging birds, such as thrushes, blackbirds, robins, wrens and pheasants (60, 6 1 , 97, 98). More recently, B. burgdorferi sl h a s b e e n isolated f r o m t h e s k i n of birds a n d from ticks collected from birds (63). Xenodiagnosis performed o n b l a c k b i r d s and pheasants clearly demonstrated that these species of b i r d transmit- Borrelia infection to ticks (63, 73). In addition to small m a m m a l s and birds, c o m p e t e n t reservoirs w e r e also found a m o n g m e d i u m - s i z e d m a m m a l s . Talleklint and J a e n s o n o b s e r v e d that hares (Lepus timidus and L. europaeus) c a n maintain B . burgdorferi in e n d e m i c areas i n Sweden (129, 130). Hares are a m o n g the only hosts of Í. ricinus w h i c h are k n o w n to b e b o t h reservoirs for B. burgdorferi a n d a source of b l o o d m e a l for all stages of I. ricinus. Grey and red squirrels also contribute to Borrelia infection in ticks, as s h o w n b y Craine et al. in England and b y Humair and Gern i n Switzerland (25, 6 2 ) . H e d g e h o g s h a v e also b e e n demonstrated to serve as reservoirs (49, 5 2 , 8 0 ) . Among large-sized m a m m a l s , foxes h a v e b e e n s h o w n to transmit spirochaetes to ticks b u t only at a l o w rate (69, 81). In contrast, large-sized m a m m a l s , such as ungulates, are apparently incompetent as reservoirs. Both small and large m a m m a l s , as well as birds, are involved in the e c o l o g y of I. scapularis and B. burgdorferi in the USA. Immature larval and n y m p h a l ticks feed o n a w i d e variety of m a m m a l i a n hosts, including white-footed m i c e (Peromyscus leucopus), c h i p m u n k s , racoons and s k u n k s . T h e s e m a m m a l s may also serve as reservoirs for B. burgdorferi (40, 85), as m a y several s p e c i e s of ground-feeding birds. In contrast, adult I. scapularis feed primarily on deer, w h i c h are necessary to maintain high tick populations. However, as in Europe, d e e r s e e m to b e incompetent reservoirs for B. burgdorferi (85). In the western USA, rodents and lizards serve as important hosts for immature I. pacificus (76). The presence of various Borrelia species in ticks has o p e n e d up an entire n e w field of research in the e c o l o g y of L y m e borreliosis. For instance, defining w h i c h Borrelia species infects w h i c h host species and the ticks feeding o n those hosts


r e m a i n e d enigmatic for a long time, since very few isolates w e r e obtained from hosts and from host-feeding ticks until recently. However, specific associations h a v e b e e n o b s e r v e d b e t w e e n hosts, ticks and Borrelia species, w h i c h h e l p s to explain w h y s o m e tick hosts h a v e b e e n described as incompetent reservoir h o s t s for Borrelia or as having a zooprophylactic role. In Europe, the first Borrelia isolate from rodents w a s obtained b y H o v m a r k et al. in S w e d e n and was characterised as B. afzelii (58). Later, Borrelia isolates obtained from ear biopsies of infected rodents captured in Switzerland and f r o m xenodiagnostic ticks fed o n these rodents w e r e s h o w n to b e l o n g to B. afzelii ( 5 9 , 6 4 ) . T h e s e results strongly suggest that a specific association exists b e t w e e n the rodents and B. afzelii. T h e p r e s e n c e of B. garinii in bird-feeding ticks d e s c r i b e d b y Olsén et al. in S w e d e n and H u b á l e k et al. in the C z e c h Republic suggested that B. garinii might b e associated with birds (60, 9 8 ) . Recently, Humair et al. s h o w e d that B. garinii and B. valaisiana infected the skin of five blackbirds and o n e song thrush (Turdus philomelos) (63). Xenodiagnosis using b l a c k b i r d s s h o w e d that t h e s e birds transmitted B. garinii and B. valaisiana to the ticks feeding o n t h e m . In England, Kurtenbach et al. reported that pheasants w e r e also infected b y these two species of Borrelia (73). Recently, the genotypic identification b y restriction fragment length p o l y m o r p h i s m (RFLP) of isolates obtained from s k i n samples from red squirrels in Switzerland s h o w e d that the isolates b e l o n g e d to B. burgdorferi ss and B. afzelii (62). T h e s e two genospecies also d o m i n a t e d a m o n g isolates from ticks feeding o n squirrels. This observation suggests that these two genospecies are transmitted from squirrels to feeding ticks. Interestingly, this is in accordance with results obtained b y Craine et al. with grey squirrels in the United K i n g d o m (UK) w h e r e B. afzelii was o b s e r v e d in the skin of this animal and w h e r e successful infection of grey squirrels with B. burgdorferi ss was obtained experimentally (25). Vertebrate reservoirs for B. lusitaniae h a v e n o t yet b e e n detected. Thus, i n s o m e e n d e m i c areas of Europe, genospecies are associated with particular groups of vertebrate hosts, for instance, B. valaisiana and B. garinii are associated with birds, B . afzelii with small m a m m a l s and B. burgdorferi ss and B. afzelii with red squirrels.

T h e identification of host species that are not reservoir c o m p e t e n t is also extremely important, although difficult to achieve. In fact, negative results can b e obtained for a variety of reasons, thereby obscuring the true situation and requiring repeated investigations in different locations. Interestingly, most attempts to determine the ability of a vertebrate species to support B. burgdorferi infection, and to transmit the infection to feeding ticks, have b e e n designed to detect disseminated infection. However, it was demonstrated that co-feeding transmission of spirochaetes c a n occur b e t w e e n


infected and uninfected ticks feeding together o n a host presenting n o generalised infection (47). As m e n t i o n e d earlier, the role of s o m e tick hosts, such as d e e r and other ungulates, although intensively investigated, remains controversial. Recently Kimura et al. in J a p a n and O g d e n et al. in England reported that sika d e e r (Cervus nippon yesoensis) and s h e e p , respectively, are capable of supporting localised transmission and that these hosts can serve as support for infection w h e n b o t h infected and uninfected ticks are feeding in clusters ( 7 1 , 9 5 ) . In fact, uninfected ticks m a y acquire infection from a localised site at w h i c h they feed simultaneously with infected ticks and m a y continue to acquire infection after the infected ticks h a v e d r o p p e d from the host. In this case, the infection s e e m s to remain confined to specific parts of the b o d y to w h i c h infected ticks have attached.

T h e preferential association observed b e t w e e n Borrelia species and s o m e vertebrate hosts raises the question of the fate of spirochaetes transmitted to inappropriate hosts. For e x a m p l e , birds w h i c h are associated with B. garnii and B. valaisiana infection, might b e inappropriate hosts for B. afzelii and w o u l d b e unable to maintain and transmit B. afzelii to feeding ticks. Such a p h e n o m e n o n m a y also occur in nature. In England, Kurtenbach et al observed that B. afzelii was absent in an area and that small m a m m a l s in this focus transmitted B. burgdorferi ss to xenodiagnostic ticks b u t only at an extremely l o w rate (73). T h e l a c k of B. afzelii in these foci might b e related to a large and dense pheasant population, w h i c h substantially reduces the n u m b e r of B. afzelii, since this species is an inappropriate host for B. afzelii. A significant n u m b e r of pheasants h a d b e e n artificially introduced into this area. Kurtenbach et al. suggested that birds in this e c o s y s t e m h a d a zooprophylactic role for B. afzelii and that B. afzelii h a d b e e n eradicated from the area. Other tick hosts, such as the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in Europe and the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) in the USA, have b e e n suspected of having a zooprophylactic effect o n infected ticks feeding o n t h e m b y destroying spirochaetes present in the feeding ticks (77, 86).

An explanation of the specific association o b s e r v e d b e t w e e n hosts and Borrelia species, and of the zooprophylactic role of s o m e animals, m a y b e found in the results of Kurtenbach et al. w h o s h o w e d that the pattern of s e r u m sensitivity of different Borrelia genospecies m a t c h e d the k n o w n reservoir status of m a n y vertebrate species for B. burgdorferi (74).

T h e existence of several genospecies of B. burgdorferi sl with apparently different host specificities must b e considered w h e n investigating the role of vertebrates i n the infection of ticks in certain areas. If possible, future studies should s e e k to identify the genospecies found in b o t h ticks and reservoir hosts.

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Treatment and prevention T h e prognosis for patients with Lyme borreliosis is excellent, particularly w h e n diagnosed and treated early in the course of infection. Penicillin and tetracycline preparations are effective treatments, usually administered for a course of t w o w e e k s (93). More specifically, doxycycline, amoxycillin, cefuroxime, and ceftriaxone have b e e n s h o w n to b e the m o s t effective antibiotics for the treatment of the initial stages of L y m e borreliosis (134). Treatment of later stage infection, w h i c h may include cardiac, neurological and arthritic complications, may b e m o r e aggressive and include the use of either oral or intravenous antibiotics ( 9 3 , 124, 125, 134). However, the administration of long-term antibiotic therapy for suspected late stage L y m e disease (e.g. for a p e r i o d of m o n t h s or years), is not r e c o m m e n d e d and remains controversial ( 9 3 , 113). Another controversial issue is the administration of prophylactic antibiotics for 1. scapularìs bites. However, d u e to the l o w risk of acquiring infection f r o m a recognised tick bite a n d the possibility of adverse allergic reaction to antibiotics, routine prophylactic therapy after a tick bite is generally not r e c o m m e n d e d ( 9 3 , 1 3 4 ) . W h i l e treatment of L y m e borreliosis is usually successful, the potential for serious complications resulting from infection m a k e s prevention preferable. Prevention of L y m e borreliosis m a y take t w o a p p r o a c h e s , namely: prevention of infection b y immunisation, or prevention of tick bites through avoidance, personal protection or tick control. T h e recent d e v e l o p m e n t and marketing of a vaccine in the USA has focused attention o n the former m e t h o d . This vaccine, w h i c h targets the OspA of B. burgdorferi, w o r k s b y killing the spirochaetes while in the tick midgut, and is administered in three d o s e s o v e r the course of a year. Although this vaccine has b e e n s h o w n to b e safe and almost 8 0 % effective in adults ( 1 1 5 , 1 2 7 ) , cost-effectiveness studies indicate that the vaccine s h o u l d b e limited to high-risk individuals (88). Given the genetic variation of B. burgdorferi strains, the vaccine d e v e l o p e d in the USA w o u l d not b e e x p e c t e d to b e effective in E u r o p e (48). Studies to d e v e l o p a vaccine for u s e i n E u r o p e are currently underway.

Recent progress in vaccine d e v e l o p m e n t s h o u l d not replace aggressive measures to prevent tick bites in areas that are e n d e m i c for L y m e borreliosis. It must b e r e m e m b e r e d that the current vaccine available in the USA is n o t 1 0 0 % effective, is not licensed for use i n children u n d e r fifteen years of age, is less effective in older adults, a n d will n o t prevent other infections transmitted b y I. scapularis, s u c h as babesiosis, h u m a n granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE), or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). W h e n the risk of acquiring tick bites is recreational in nature (i.e. d u e to visiting recreational p a r k s or engaging in recreational activities in areas inhabited b y ticks), personal


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protection measures s h o u l d b e e m p l o y e d . T h e s e measures include tucking trouser legs in s o c k s or b o o t s to k e e p ticks away from the skin, u s e of repellents, and c h e c k i n g clothing frequently to r e m o v e crawling ticks. Additionally, nightly c h e c k s of b o t h adults and children for attached ticks should b e c o n d u c t e d . T h e s e c h e c k s m a y prevent infection if the tick is p r o m p t y r e m o v e d b e c a u s e transmission of B. burgdorferi by a tick m a y take u p to 4 8 h (100). W h e n the risk is residential i n nature, as in m a n y areas of the north-eastern USA (30), tick bite prevention should e m p l o y personal protection measures, as outlined a b o v e , in addition to reduction of tick n u m b e r s through habitat modification and the use of insecticides to control I. scapularis. Habitat modification includes m o w i n g lawns, cutting b a c k vegetation, and clearing leaf litter. Such practices m a y r e d u c e the risk of tick bites b y rendering the environment inhospitable for host-seeking ticks, w h i c h require relatively h i g h humidities to survive. However, w h e n ticks are abundant and the risk for Lyme borreliosis is high, habitat modification s h o u l d b e c o m b i n e d with c h e m i c a l control for increased protection. Since the annual incidence of L y m e disease i n the USA is closely correlated with the a b u n d a n c e of n y m p h a l I. scapularis in an area, the n y m p h a l stage s h o u l d b e the target of c h e m i c a l control efforts (37). Many studies h a v e demonstrated the effectiveness of chemicals s u c h as carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, and pyrethrin-based insecticides in killing I. scapularis (26). One application of an a p p r o v e d chemical, applied during p e a k nymphal activity, can achieve over 9 0 % control of n y m p h a l ticks throughout the s u m m e r m o n t h s . In residential areas,

w h e r e exposure is constant and the effectiveness of personal protection m e t h o d s m a y b e diminished (34), c h e m i c a l control of n y m p h s m a y significantly reduce the risk of L y m e borreliosis. For this reason, judicious u s e of insecticides in selected areas of high-risk recreational p a r k s with h i g h public usage, s h o u l d also b e c o n s i d e r e d (32). T o date, ground application of insecticides h a s p r o v e n superior to alternative m e t h o d s of tick control, s u c h as h o s t reduction and h o s t targeted acaricides, in reducing L y m e borreliosis risk in the suburban habitats that typically h a r b o u r I. scapularis. However, studies o n alternative a p p r o a c h e s to the control of I. scapularis are ongoing and will p r o b a b l y result i n the d e v e l o p m e n t of m e t h o d s that rely less o n insecticide use and incorporate an integrated a p p r o a c h to the m a n a g e m e n t of L y m e borreliosis risk.

Acknowledgements T h e authors thank T. Daniels, D. McKenna and J. N o w a k o w s k i for advice and c o m m e n t s , and G.P. W o r m s e r for providing the EM p h o t o g r a p h s . This manuscript was written with support from the National Institutes of Health Grant N o . AI42125 (RF), the N e w Y o r k State Department of Education Grant N o . C - 9 8 0 8 3 6 , (RF) and the American L y m e Disease Foundation (RF).

Maladie de Lyme L. Gern & R.C. Falco Résumé La borréliose de Lyme qui est, dans l'hémisphère nord, la plus répandue des maladies à transmission vectorielle, est due à des bactéries a p p a r t e n a n t au genre Borrelia burgdorferi. Il s'agit d'une maladie plurisystémique qui a f f e c t e essentiellement la peau, le système nerveux» le c œ u r e t les articulations. En Europe, le vecteur de la maladie est la tique Ixodes ricinus; aux États-Unis d'Amérique les deux vecteurs principaux sont la tique I. scapularis dans les régions du nord-est et du centre-ouest et I. pacificus sur la Côte Ouest. Plusieurs espèces de petits et moyens mammifères ou d'oiseaux terrestres servent de réservoirs à la bactérie dans les zones endémiques. Le pronostic est excellent, surtout lorsque la maladie de Lyme est diagnostiquée en phase initiale et traitée

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immédiatement. La prophylaxie repose sur deux méthodes: l'immunisation préventive, d'une part, et la mise en œuvre de mesures permettant d'éviter les piqûres de tiques et de lutter contre ces vecteurs, d'autre part. Mots-clés Borrelia burgdorferi - Écologie - Épidémiologie - Ixodes - Maladie de Lyme - Prophylaxie - Santé publique - Signes cliniques - Tiques - Zoonoses.

La enfermedad de Lyme L. Gern & R.C. Falco Resumen De todas las enfermedades vehiculadas por vectores, la borreliosis de Lyme, causada por bacterias pertenecientes al complejo Borrelia burgdorferi, es la más común en el hemisferio norte. Esta enfermedad de carácter multisistémico afecta principalmente la piel, el sistema nervioso, el corazón y las articulaciones. En Europa, el vector de la enfermedad es la garrapata Ixodes ricinus. En los Estados Unidos de América, por su parte, existen dos garrapatas que ejercen de vectores primarios: I. scapularis en las regiones del noreste y el medio oeste, e I. pacificus en la costa oeste. En las áreas endémicas varias especies de mamíferos pequeños y medianos y de aves de alimentación terrestre sirven de reservorio de las bacterias. Los pacientes afectados de borreliosis de Lyme presentan un pronóstico excelente, sobre todo cuando se diagnostica y trata la infección en sus fases iniciales. Para prevenir esta enfermedad caben dos procedimientos distintos: prevenir la infección con medidas de inmunización; o impedir la mordedura de la garrapata previniendo esta posibilidad, protegiéndose del contacto y luchando contra sus poblaciones. Palabras clave Borrelia burgdorferi - Ecología - Enfermedad de Lyme - Epidemiología - Garrapatas Ixodes - Salud pública - Signos clínicos - Prevención - Zoonosis. •

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