o ho.o contract for Canal Repairs ahall kavo been de- .... headock limber aud pl.
iik, 831 80; 4,010 feet 1>. M Oak ...... Sf u * * e M "*' ottw.skavorof Albany,i_. _.
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8 » A * » - T h e U l l ^ i ^ t S 5*ejt*81 was then loenmed. •l.y \, isevit. Ht..W*miMv*mMAxatTA l 0 0 r , » , | , t jk, .u'i rol-kilU •mount to fifty millions was s4osAsM, atnttdVs Wll^pMsrd. ' ****** vein »>'• • i i •:
tb* (kmtmwMOommiUm** tit^m mm IRM . ^ A i T
'./tbrjr;'. o j s.. •••
an I
g eioetjSM ot* Salwet* aekW, lands was passed. f ^ The following amendment to tbe n-flnillna 0*1 » « r • (»**> Ik eor.iltrloe of stub proposal. . Government, shall bo conflscated, so oh eMfltaaRTLAS miul AROUS ( W M c r . t t - O a « OoH» t W U M n , 1 OkMTMaviM.a, Maif.li 11 aron^Mitl l . i u . i b« k . «d«oa»o«u>lad . . ^ ^ _ _ . . . i • wife i.*. a - bond ». >to ... .>. r.VCrV J LA'°W* "»"r tlon to take Immediate effect on the oomatltvpayable In x N — < • ' «. kHttrtAv! 1 Pkopld of thia «t»t«, jrt the penalty of not laaa than Testerday morning our forces, amounting to slon of tbe aot. aad the right and title to the • wemy par eant of tha groat amount of lha proiioaal fbr upwards of 2,000, proceeded to Oenttevllle, pnrsenal property of such pomorr* shall nsaes ino lenn of TERMS.' op. A£vaiK'4i«iNe. • yeara ; * • ! • above Buurd apeoifiad, • i i e c i t i w i , nor ntir In in any a n y caae c u t e laaa i««« i MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. than 00,0000 li-'M.lty.KiiJ ' • w W o h U m d al.Mll i N' f t i t l M U I i y Jjf JfiW YOltK QJBNTRAJLi- UK. —'-T-**4 . . . » A-v--A^^.'V«A-.v«-rt-t -( t w i m itfikt, ok 1*1* M u l l A u n i i t 1 and occupied the village about 4 o'clock in th* and vest lo the United mates " imklti|T Huoh (!ry(V>Ml tttul two or o-oro reapon• ruSqukr., l i n M i ' n . k b 00 On* 8uid bond jnuat be «••.; piui, .1 by tlio certifllotlo pa»sSkf«: •Skatli^ Card*, 81 laee.lt 88 Urrtcg IN N k w Yoga, AT N o . S3* B K M B W A T . * month*. 8 tO Mr Htekmsn did not consider tbe resolution oaio of fed Buparfiao* of tho" town or ward, and the IN S E N A T E . . . . M * « h 11, 7 r . kt. O r r t c t i k B o s t o n , A * ^ro. 00 WASIU.-IOIOH I T B M T . »viBg gone down with her, It Is Impossible to destroyed as inuolt of their property as they, of any great practical Importance but would " Wlioii urn' robollloQ broke nut, If there wo* it. iforretk—Tett e«»i(» • line ....£ Ifor caoh insertion, County ciork or lha County Judge of the cuanty In wkicb I I K S K l t A I . HKIIKltU. coald not carry away, by lire and otherwise. vote for It •aid aurely abatl i«»ide, or any iwo of iheiu, aa lo thora0 h niiv iiHttim iiuilin liiittvnii (bat we looked to for hliilu II list of Hm killed n.nl wounded, t h e VVINTliR ARRANOKMENT. , " n ? , / < ' o , H ^ : " *!" Vf « «,WP«o'«> Notlcet for I . . . aponalhlliiy of akid aure)i«». Mr. HuTonutsos In the chair, the Committee 1 I-illy lcnln,rcll*>ss. No 1-rALUANV. UUPt'ALO, AN1> HUSPKN-tlON i.tiioii as we could d > on our hands, sho kicked uoia or explapauys inuat be lull and ekpUojl, aud mutt URIIMJf, ACCOMMUDAT1UN—l.eavea Albany at 7.30 up that contemptlbto fuss about the Trent, and of eight Managers, three of whom shall be tho 1 Iimpuotors of State Prisons, andfiveto be ap- iMaster M. S. Stuyvcgaut was wounded, also oorored that the rebels, before ovacuatlng their N. )l., Match 11, be signed by Iran oMaaVikkiSg the aeknoVrlMgrnenl.' it 'A. M , slop, si Hcheiiceiadv H.is, HofTman's B.4U, Craint took «nr rebel citliseno IVon( us. 'Oh,* eald ho, \[KW YORK~8l'AtfE CA~ mutt n(..« -iau> ihut aai I aotrooiioin " ware luada before Village 8 SO, Amrterdara tr.tu, Tribaa Hill U.10, Konda with saroAntlo eniphnsla, 'it tout MCUII / it tvai pointed by the Senate on the nomination of the afbbit Grady and George W. Butt. The fol- much boasted stronghold had set II ro to such The elscUon forCoMoonn, State offloer* and th* Legl* N L 8 B 1 > A , R 8 N 0 T I 0 R si« go" o» If after rlgning, ''were made with Ihe full O.iW, Yosts Oik), Hprukor'a II :|>, l-ultiiiiin Bridge ii.li, Governor. Three of the Managors most re^r on » A , "r ^u' c '«> O O N T R A C of their commissary stores as they could not lature took place today. Three candidates ,°. i, . "! '' .!" °J'(» < ! , > tihaoler l*XJ of ike L a w . knowledge; and consent of all tba parlies signing aald.lu. Port i-i-iui O.M, Hi Johnsvillo 10.00, East Creek 10.18, mtan," The •ndipocn oheored the Hniitlntoiit. side within Ave miles of the Asylum. Managors lojwlng are at tho General Hospital: John Union, •tramenl?' I.IP'II I'.ilia III:I>, llcrkimcrlOOO, llllou III. ;,i, Prank, of 1-*S7, and of • ItaaotviVm c,r (k»* Coair«otw« BoaiJ, oonvenloiitly carry off. The plaoe presented a for Governor were In the Held, vis : Berry, tbe l a o parmu to whom the work may be awarded, will fori II n,, Uiica II •(•>, |..Mvii UtJiw II •!••, Wliiieaboro And now, sold ho, wlmt. oto wo golug to do to rooetve ne oompenoatlon, hot they are to be l'r I.Miii-iitt.H, John Hovlii, Joseph Kuoeoll, n.ilico i» harcby aiveu thai (teal*) l'ropuaala wRl lw r o , coivcdbfika iHiiarudnoiJ, at HM placoa, and unlil Ilia ke required by Ibe Contracting Hoard lo give Ihe bond 11 ii, Onskuny 11 40, Rome 11 S3, Ve/oua 18 «l, tlneida about lif When We got this war off our hands, paid traveling expenses. A Snperlntendent lo •l#'.ii Gardner, Edward Oobb, Jobu Brent, Jas. scene of the utmost desolation—a DISSS of present Incumbent, supported by the Republifor the payment of laborers' wages as required by obapI'd .10, Caiiaslota W4S, flbittenkngo 1 0 0 P. M., Manlius and have time to attend to these matters, provide* ftir, who shall be an ednoated Physl- Benson, John McUivin, Alex. McFadden, John obarred and blackened ruins. Tbe rebels also i.m©» berelnnrtrr montloned, for furnifhina alt ihe mala""** ' 1 lo, ttyroeii.* 140,- (l.eavo Syracuse via Auburn cans; Starke, Deiu ; and Wbeeler. nominated nali aud perlbrtoina; all tho work iieoerakry lo um and K j r U S o f l h e l a w a o f l M O . (luitin/fttitrong pugUutie aition io Ik* word) olaui and an assistant, and suoh asolotants as Contracts or any interest in the same shall not be in. Jl.-i.l in I m P. M , -loiniiiig at all Stations: Auburn D..|:>, to keafkvalltiaieam |(«IKI r«|>aitajirl In Rood navi.alilo f also blow op the bridges along tbe line of tbe as an independent candidate. A majority la shall ire glvp Euglsnd what sbe dosoivoa? The are uecessaiy. Tho Superintendent shall be ( . ' k v i i n i i i i l i . . ...i.:.mm during iue>> lima in aaek your aa lha Canal •Isn-d to any person or ueraotu without the wrllteucon. Cityuga 9.10, fJenevu'l 00, Canandsi.ua 0.10; arriving Orange & Alexandria Kallrosd for some miles required for an etectlou. Cimuiaaionera ahall dlrfcl, and aw lha parioda heraui. iron of tlie Canal Commissioners. kt RoSheelcr at 0.00 P. M.) via Direct Road.—Ohio anil lioiiiii iiiii.ui ilowu with tliiiiiiliiiln;; applause of flu. chlei ii\••; arriving at iioii.ilo.it O.ou P. It.) Tbe assistant physician to receive $60 por Tbe lollnvrlog are killed, wounded and miss repair were also destroyed, ft Is supposed by Dover—Berry, 7871 Starge, 4661 WheeUr, ,.,,- ueh proponiion tulnin ctly krul plainly lnionc.1. when poor Cain felt a tingling sensation In the sider the bill to amend an act to provide lor boat represented that tho Morrlmac, or as it N e w YorkMaii via Auburn Road, 0:13 A. M , stops at bonos of tho brave Unlou soldiers who fell upon Every prdpoeol shall be aimotAponiod by an affidavit luck and \Milc,;h o'.e«, aiul ovary other •lioeluro or old wound. Ho immediately sunt for moil leal rebuilding locks ou the Oneida Lako Canal. Is called by them, the Virginia, had received turn, When our troops learned that Mknassas Hung, of whatever ukw"18 or designation, connected there- cndorMd thereon, el*each person uniting in sack proposal, ill .'ii.itii.oa, ...id emvt-i at Auburn 7:30, Cayuga 7 36, that field,In October Inst. . Impressive remarks advice, and on 8«turday Dr.Bowlby, of Borlin, Ciinaudalgtia 9:45, Rochester 11:80 A M. The ubovo bill was dlscunmd at some length, had beon ovacuated their spirits suddenly with excepting e: oopting only Hie .-ebaiWiug .-ebajWius; of any Looks which | that ke is not directly or Utdlrcclly interested in any other with, PROMCANANUAIOUA visited the unfortunate man. On tho doctor's Mr PIKHOX stating that tbe objoct of the bill dktnsge, hut nothing that was sorlous. They came depressed, as they had antloipati^'^i-aasnncilr.,ed this humane act, and a monument i f I.I, mo opinion of Board or Canal CoaaalMlouors Coninussiniif r. may proposal for tha s u n t work or materials or any part oi or'Canal Mail leaves Canendaigua al 0:30 A. M., arrives at Ua- oltWIng his patlont a cup of toa, Cain sprang was merely to establish a "shunplke," so as to itilmll, the loss of four killed and several woundrequire torkst roboilt Iroforo tkN 1st J e n u v v , loor, -.id fee same; feat iho kaa uo ogreorruttt or aiuteraianding bet neglect was bidden from haman ik any miiar por.»ii to l-eeoine luiersaicd in any l u v i a ut 0:10. reouildiojfimVill bo done ojider aaotK-'aie couiract. spirited contest with tho onoiny back iu horror from the fluid, aud tho worst avi M paying toll upou aeootion of the Bn- ed on board. other propceel'or eontraot for fee same work or materi8CHEDULK ACCOMMODATION—Leave* Uenaiidaigii* at .'..Hi sy mplouis of bydrqphobia developed theiunolvoti. laigod Oswogo Cititaiii. 10 osk lock aauy, fsagieO, IJirtj < iri»» paddlp lovots, als, , or. o n ; pari Uteroof, and that uo other person ib-m iiufe P M.; nirlvea »l llatnviaal 8:10 P.M. About a mile and a half beforo resohtng U»pt. Baebtvann, who commanded hor, was ».; JirabkooW • 1 ^ 0 ! 0 g a i o e y h i . • « ; 8> Wr)«s, (HOI as shall bo named in the propi»*l is interested in Ilio same in bis paroxysms, the unfoituiikto mini was FROM BATAVIA TO TONAWANDA. Mr. Aiyoki) opposed Mr. Piorce's view and Ceil- I J a s a n V y r a c u a u I l i n i t o r a V . l o u l l o u . ioio. I 30, ld'irou hoad)>liK:k.,fOii; 0 g a l e . teps "'nl b o x e s , 0 V ; 1 or haa a n y a g r e e m e n t or uuden>iaadi>ig to becotno soilously wounded on .Saturday, and tho com- trerllle a number of graveo were disuovered, I.ntv* It.tavia al 4:40 P. M . arrive at Toiiarranila terribly violent—half-adoaen men being inca- sustained the bill. ered, WHF" y may bo made in pursuance of S r s k o u s a . March 1 1 . ods, 8 0 . 7 0 i 10 b o u. • rooted ut a n y contract that m a y b o m a d e in 9 | a l e b o m s , 0 1 8 t i; 1 3 c l i m h n l g rodi piinclpally of Alabama troops. Tho graves 0:13 P M. pable of holding lilm while the lit was at the mand devolved upon his Lieutenant. The on. atufe w o n o a e l . . ,, . Mr. SavaifluK proposed to so amend tho bill ,.„! 0 ; l l l i r . u l n v o r i iod«, 0 ;; I10 At the charter election held to-day, a large worst. At (itliiiitlmim bo was quiet; but the tgere marked with bead and foot-boards, with •JiW.o ,; » M psddlp p i l .dip l l e ,llovers o« . w . i Bviory prvv^sal for Ihe above menlloned work or mateinrni, iTOl); 794 golc bolis, ttfO.M: os lo tiiHtiIfo the same toll to bo paid by boats cers say llttlo or nothing about tbo Sunday R A i l T W A R D - F R O M BUFFALO. vote was polled. Tho Republicans elected tb* (ironed)»»»; 0 paddle lovers I w o o ' ) 9140; 10 keel poet ' rials mual b.oa,oooujnaiue4 with a bond to fee p e o p l e d No. 1,-BlIFFAltO AND NKW YORK K X F H K B 8 - paroxysms bocamo gradually frceiticntqr aud passing over tho Oneida Lake Canal, as If passflght. Tho Yorktowu is .aid to hnvo had a tbe names of tho deceased thereon. A guard cellars, 0 1 * IV irou paddle valves, 8111; 3 jack screws, Ikss state in the'penalty speciued above, knd which bond I.eave BuffUlo at 5:|3 A . M . , slops al Balavio at 0:87, more violent, until ou Monday,death merolflilly ing over tho Jiijo and Qawpgo Canals, betweon was plaood near them, as if to shield tbem from Mayor by 291 majofely, and the entlr* elly 010; 3 .ledgee 'liammora. At. i oa'm books,' 83 i 0 iron ! shell b#|sgnee) by tho party making .uek proposal, and Uergen 0:38, Cold Water 7:30, arrives ai Rochester 7:33, relieved the unfortunate man limn stiifoilng i 1.70; 1 i.H>nke>T»*inOb7»l'••»; Oshaokle bars,' A t or atv.e ro-nonstije sarette#, wt»k such avldenoo o/ lircikl.nl, and leave at'7:53. Lyon. 8:07, Clyde 0:13. tho points eouneoted by tho Oneida Lake shot in her bollor. wrenches, 0%. r mutilation, although it was not to be supposed tlokot, except Jiuttce of the Peaoa, Th* SnBoard lliall re* e,*0; 35 wbeelPuWews, 843 73; I pi'e dri, iTjielr loapouiibilty as ino C.outraciuig Br, .., li to cputrueiuij Weedspcrt0:13. Ionian 10:00, arrive at Syracuse 10:43; ho died about noon that day.—Gall Htyorter. I Uaual 01, I g i r i o b l t . - . Tho Norfolk Day .Book of yesterday gives a equal in icwve lU;f3, ChiiteiiaiiKo 11,10, Rome 13:00 Al, Uiica - ublro. and and vshlek f drctles thill skdll Jim,' fu.ijfr ul in sum. i pervlsora stand as f dlows i Kep. 6| Den. 2. which iflretles >ar, OJ04J 1 -JqJr^r weJOJt/iflajV.aJox, 0>13s3. j » Ufg^ such an aot could be committed. I_Mr. Soin. ai IILU opposed tho amondmont, ibe aggregate to t*lco ihe amount of sue suck b'eiteriv, and Ir-ViO; tee ihe t glowing account of tho oponlng of tho James l f :30P. M . - • D l i i o - l e a v c at l.uo, Little Pulls 1:43, Fonhoe *, — . o,*ffJd , •K.ct fl. nt hemlock hn'k iir*c«j, Mdmi.imi : Hep. 8j Dom. 2, by tktocrtiniate of da 3:10, 8cbc,ieciady 3:33, Albany 4:15, connecting wife KT The Marquis of Westmoath, tho lost and urged that uo such distinction as had been by the accom Most of tbe contrabands above alluded to iwo leel B M>. pIVlo lock brace... 4f40. 4,400 feel Id. 31, said l.«ud tuasi »a accomponiod 10 lowu, IOWU, Slid die County Cli llad.oii River, Hiiieil), knd Western Railroads, arriv. male representative of an Irish peorago, at the nupposod iiiitwenii tho interests of the State and river blockade, and tho destruction of the Conheadock limber aud pl.iik, 831 80; 4,010 feet 1>. M Oak lL> HupcrvUor of ibe g"l t i l l i Coui^ljy J u d j e o f tho county In which sold surety hall *rerei>*pty»lrj tbelr liberty, and. remarkably mg in Now York ai U;30 P. M., *iul Botnni 14:00 A. M. age of 70 years, married a dairy-maid whose o count] i,„i'~-rfor lock g a i c , «0i».«0; 8,S»> feot U M. u\f« limPeople, should be rccegnized. He was in favor gross and Ouiuberland. N o 8—BUFFALO ..in ALBANY ACWMMOtjA, ber 8*7 04; 4,810 fool n. M. oak i aihar, frainrn (w Wok reaidi,'or arty Iwo tf Ijjein, at to the responsibility of coskmunloatlve to tbt extent of their Hunted yortt'o iiiuiii,ii,. !lo look iilu pretty war| It Is stated that the Vlfglnte, fJag OAlcer Of the bill without aineftdolent. TION.—Ltavet ll.ni.sls> al 8:00 A. M ; tto.it at all Regugales,801 M; 13 l-aiaiio*bwrs^tfk*;kKoalecklablocks, said sureties. i|:00 Myracusc ohloiieti to the oontinont, and at iimlu plm was 0. 'Total 08 The • 10. Total f..r In Chemung Chcinung: Canal, 81,8(0 81,010 0-3 . a t ',. Ji The Board rcouiro requirt feel all propot>Jt,w«sfeor wiib lar Hietioiia: Baiavia 0:10, Roolioner Mr. f )n.,i:N supported the bill at length, and tta°|f •**" Commanding, wfth tin. i-toum togs kriowlodgu. , i 8lS0 P. M ; Leave al 3:00, arriving- at'Vllce 3:13; Leave indulged at tha top of her lumt In tight* aud was not opposed to the auiondmonl that r8- «0k»l||rt, Lieut. Commanding i/arller, and at»;ll, kcsAUioetadv 8'40. Alb»u/ 8,80 P. M., connect. EDBON & OO/S.. " i«.' • 13; , at li. B. Mr • / 4kS 1 skaqklc bar *». Total for apact kitjet 6a*»s U S v s ieVeo beiM ktAyy-T* .«wv.-.d •"* era) JOWfr. ojioiiepi hoy^k ; ( » » " ; ;!™, , , u lug wiikuuwl>riftiidsrkji Hiyicr RR., Willi sleeping oars nhuppliiK- But while tltiii'M, Alkel olio g^t ao- •(uliod stteli toll to be paid for navigating the leal M. oak plauk, pi aiiaehod.'brrlvingliiNcw VorkktOtOi A, .1). rfualnWd with a dasbing' Ooratnerolafgsnti from Canal and Oneida Lake, and to prevent the Haltllgn\ Lieut. (Iiimmkndlrlg AloxOnder, loft Peeder, 8340.30. l , J .... .;, -WW.1ROTO*,.M*M*,,«., !^.%%^el«c?n^Wtl ' be''n ofrfl 'before .'ignhig .No. It • M A l l . l e o . e a l l . i l l . l . l ill 11:13 P . M " • Total lor C a e m u u g C _ al and Feevlisr, 11,130 U Jiiiiidim and eloped with him. The Maninls ustalillshtaent of A "shWablke." WWsWjriTrard » t ' l i , o'eWfei.'. • ' y - l l g l - i Vl alt t f e t l o n t , a r r i v e at B a t u v i * 4:40 Rot:licaii»r 8 U P E R I . N T P . N D E N T S E C T I O N N O . I , I U v W E U O aote ar «tovaatoa) MfW boAilt end ex^llo^tTnsl utoat ba now sues for a div^itu a»A damages to Iho Mr. STnTSOR, diuihfud tlui ptoprfel!y! df »p« The' Ofmiitamlof «P lhe:'Climb'drlapd Was .rjr dispatch from Fm-tvess Monroe this evenfepiyv's'iowb'-d.-imoutj timu.l L e a.V.J. i t u e b . tmi n , vv.i ai A .Vobmn u b u r u RItooil, o a d , u l 0;i.ll P . M . , SI. p v e iloyb.;• . j ''w*ro niido boforesign. ..in. am ii nut of .€6000. That's the liyit scandal In ing states that all was quiet In that'yloin'j,;..,. f at oil Itntfori, •C.iiuii^a.yuaT:*^ L!H Cnyuga 0:10, An propf)atlng monev *• tho tireseut time for an nrff at a l l l l l l H o P t . v . , , o " . y - ' » - -. , • vfer* Mod* with loo tu'l of as fighting his ship with a oallsntry urn 0:*0,«MI»I«« ul Hyrathrft 1 1 0 0 P .Nl London and tbo town rang Willi R. imiiiovtiuiont of this kliid. The iinpriivwiuoi.t spbksu A flag of 11 mm was ,»ecelT*d M 0 B , Oraney I the panics signing IMP! HI W O r t h P Of a b e t t o r p e s . . . . .* > '"' Fklniyra IO18O, Olvdo llioo, Jordan ll:»0, '•'—-iivg drriviiri ist fy inbuilt possibly l|0 wpl) to dp th|s at itotne time, Twenty-three prisoners arrived at Norfolk ItAWS OF N£W ¥0RK. I I I M I N Sc C O . / squeducit, daws ponds, bridges, balms, slde-CuTs, g-uerd the peyouwt of laUrgte* wage*, M r*tWl«u by chapter racuiUiiJl Mi l«""ea rlyruou.e 18:13 hga aSJs-l' U i d l A. A n M •"l • leaves ' C c i 8yruou.« . i / i . i ' i n ' i 18:33 . . , . , . . A. .. M . . . ,,Obft Cllit I the piorent was not in bis optsilou the proper Skturday night, from the Congress| one died f".".t on Sunday evening, from whloh it msy ho . haul., feeders, i t w v w f s , osU.eiie. waste waija, creek 37rt.o7lo^waodTIt»t»V i in? 1' U , Oiieiia l;30, Home 8:00, Uuoa 1;33, l R>. 11 H u d s o n atreol, AlkaawrUjnaligo, 1: time to make suoh an appropriation, lie inferred that sh* was not Oftpableof making N o a c o e w . n e t o/pprppotal or award of a oou'raci •oksjiurla, ditahee, J w r knd Watch-hottte., arid c*ttf HT AUTHORITY. l,Vi o a v b »:4y, . Uillllori ot Or*ui, and Manafactarrrs of KWrfM - Albany - j S t ' '' Vl .'.° J .'o\'„,cc,ln: nmilil uot sen the wisdom or policy of neglect- on the passage. ome< tiraotara. »t ikiag, nj whatever name or doslgna. by lac C'onlraclji.g lloard, and no cpqlraat made by tbem, l4:30, jhenectdc/OOO, 1 3" A good tlino, Kch«neotdcy3.13, Albtny 0 aV| O e p M n s , • 13; e 3 n 3 f e e t B . H, w o k , pji.ch I. the tubiccl of tko coniraol, shall be fully N ipgai t I1AHLKM RMCKKRBUCKKH'ri, 818 Broadway. No. 1 N B W YORK i;XPBfel«3--I.et»ci Nipgark but could toot agree with him In believing that ; said to have been between f>00 and 1200. and entirely completed i.-..,•-. ik, O s t W v ; l i o i f e o i K M ft ik f r a m e d , 8 8 8 . 7 0 ; 0, f.ccl Fall* at 4:40 A. M., Bk.pintion Bridge at 3:00, L i c k ),•...[ in evtduucp l / o i n the paper m . . I n c h it t h a l l b o noi'ldence tbat tho main body left their Hmes nearly t.inio.l, in all co'urtt df |u«tio*' in thli Hulk, and In till In ease fee Wants/twig Board s!.all b« optalon that such a local bill should be entirely disregarded, i port3:10, Medina 0:10, Albion 0t30, II.oe 1.11 ieel II M . . . . k , - . I I U < J . total, ,1.111.,'). ' ;'k k nor 111:33, Rocll 1/tOH MTIIOORAI-H I'ORTRAITH, BIIOW CARtM proceeding, befor* eny olfiaer, body or board, in which simply because it was local. Uo was not pre- I Tho Day Book says: Having oompletely rid- two weeks ago. Tho roads In Virginia In some X A c , i t a l l t l He proposal* made al any jujipliiiv thereof, pursuunt to C.lei I:'.... l o i a v c m i ' l a i l l N o . 1. S U P E K I N T B N D h N T r-V.UTION N o . * O M W E t i O - refer thereto, until thro* ' t.N . \ i . F o r i ' » i . i i d m . e . i q u a r i o r year e / r o at i k e first any advqiiisemcnt, are, in roHt*«i>euod of any comDi. No. U - 8 U 8 P K N S I O N BRIDlili A.N» ALBANY AC- t .hull be thought nece.tary to dlod the Minnesota, and disabled tho St. Lawe n Alt l.KM KNlCKEKBOCKa.R'8, 818 Broadway. place* are tolerably good and Improving. The pared to say, without Investigation, whether nation or otherwise, excessive and disadvantageous io COMMODATION—Ltavet Niagara Pallt 7:15 A. M., months after th* d o t e of lb* elation union In whielt which it become became l . y of April n e x t | s a i d s e c t n u t r g l e u d s from t h e c i t y of rluspenslon Bridge 7:30,tiopplng at nil Hiatlmt. ; Lockporl a law Bee 0, titio 7, oh*, 8, perl 1 RsviMd Stalkl**, tbe State could now afford the sinount that renoo and Monitor besides, as stated above, sod whereabouts of the rebels, who retreated fie« U . w s g o t o t b s l e n o t l o a o r O i d d t a n d O a w e g o R i v e r s , the ntoit, ikey may decline all or any or lire said propo MKKICAN A N D KNOLI8H NOTK. I'Al'KR tad sal* and adverlito «ncw fur the work and materials em8:83, Medliui 0:10, Albion 0:38, Brocbporl Itliln, nrnviog and laws of 1848, chop OHO.) would bo required if this bill passed. He, destroyed several of tho enemy's gunboats i In Mannssaa, is a subject of earnest apeotklatlon, ineladmg t h i c i d i R i v e r liui.rovc«ienl, lha otiarge of the KNYCLOPKB. In great variety a t braced therein. at Hocheatcr at I0:t0. Leaving ut 11:00 on No. 3 from CHARLBM K N I C R K H B O C R K . R ' H , 018 Rroadway. Hoik I L * 4 r - a e d W a i a r KaavM at o . w e « o | a i a e , i n o l a d . however, favored tbe project, but it was a Contractors wl 1 bo required to receive and use in ihe CIIAI'fKIt 6 a word, baying auoomplished all that they dello.l .1... log allThe b a n k s a n d l o w w-oalh - p a i b v , w a l l s , p a v e m -e n t s , doark ,, Kloven m Iwi.i.,-*, eaptured in the vlflnUy of all tuck tnaterioUas havo been previously pro. No. 8—MAIL ACCOMMOUATION.-Letvsi Niig- A N A C T to amend t h e act e n t i t l e d An s o t to provide for iiuosiiuu, as to when It should be carried out. l o gg.i . I o k . , wcign w c i g n Ujcka, Locks, ao.asdu.ta, ao.aame aweM ' tko oondiiioM ihoy m a r be Jo wbe» Leave BuOalo for Albauy as f o i l P . M. toolltlis conditions and restriction, provided by law previ- aoiioii, ii would have boon no causo for surprise bad it the Oth. to the tenth day of July, slBlitseiilluuillkd and llfty-ons, so breegkt fat* '- aad If fee Stale AatkoriaVoo akall it a brick butkliug, recently occupied by said Plumb as Leave Rochester for- - Niagara were present with about 26,000 moo.. MrCul- liosnl of Traateee. Folia 8:10 A. M ous .laga in respect to contraeU by canal oomtnlislonsra for work of been found impossible to recpnoilo and harmojiiKC tho Gen. Arnold is In command at Pickens, Col. ak.ngs'ihe condilioa of eHkor or All o f said Locke, Dam a Stable and Carrlag* Hosts* Said h)i teiag on fee at KACUI TY O. VipitAHO, A l b a n y , D e e . 80th, libit loch and Mcintosh are reported as mortally variouscoOrllotlog internals therein represented, At tho sr ike break at Holley during tko life of ike comrade, ii.irtii.iriy tide of Spruce street, dtre.iily oppoeua to fee DAVID MURRAY, A M , 'r.in'cpal.aiid Profceior of Senorsl Buperlmenderil. ja4 Brown having sailed for New York The troops nS^^irkr.«,»t,iy. •• J repair eoutrtwlorgrVolN eVreonlretl ta*M •t»\«kooai* l i s t abore mentioned let, and It about i w t o l y nine feet. MaiketMtiei. Aril meeting, Mr. McKnigkt having dccliaed to terve, wounded. n n* and one half inchet in breadth, front and roar, and io keep to.aaroe pa sojaur, i*t1joy3*)»yitk»4»l«ired to Al'. 11. RICHARJ) \ . BWAN, A M., Profeetor of Lall* and Mr. l i n a g e M. Uriilin wot tubsiitutcd In hit place.• • at Fort Pickens wore all well. Contrabands keep in repair any other slrucdure or uai I of fee Canals. in length extending uoriherly from Spruce ttreel lo about U D S O N ' ft 1 V E I, AN ACTlo arntnd okapttrCMtbrii The attack from the rear waa< made by Me,. bundr*d and thirlttn o Tbe Coinmlltee entered upon their dutiet with a ilutn - from Pensocola report a rebel regiment had Hwal ke «i.icily required of ad Keoair coutreeior. half lb* otslaoce kerUssatp 8prou« ttreel and Canal ttreet) RAILROAD. .WINTI'.R ARRANOF.MFN'1. tb* Lsw.of*tsbt*«n loiniliedand tlxty-one, entlHed "An W A R D P. W A T E R B U R Y , A. M-, |-.o(rtso,of And abto. Ik* uadlvided kajf of a term of yeara, ending TIIROUUU TRAINS 1MHEOTVOR NI-.W U l l l K . 7 Cullooh and met by Sigel, who routed-Mm E nEa D ikai iter employ on each aivd every double look, uottee* ectsiviu* theopntenlof the State of New York to tbe mlnalion to ditchargo them in tucb a manner at lo moot left knd two unsrmed regiments bad arrived. lith Liler.lu.e " ' itsn/saresayelsaii msa, so that at all times o f day and April a ; * , 1874, of a »l*o* of labd wife tho bulldingt purohtst by and c*dloir Jonndiotlou to tbe Iinitod NuUss HENRI KAMB11, Protestor of French aad Oetaaxa. On and alter Monday, Deo. 8, 1801,'l"raint will r*e, completely. His cefps scattered In wild conyour entire approval. thereon, tiieato on tko eornorof Sixth Aveuuc and Amos over certain lands within this Httte, tobeoctiplsdatsltti ai|kt, .losiof. ike season of uevigelioo, Iwo of Ik*/taw Aiidmtio.i was to beoourt roartlaled for comTRUMAN D. OA 1LRON, Hajmrlntendent of U . P r * . uutil further notice, at followt; Of light houses, ksepsrs' dwelllnga and foi tiOcatlons, and Ntali be oraeekt and eadaty; on all otktv locks at watt tireeir, ut fe* city of N o w Yoik. said propeny being All personal prejudice* having bean laid asm*, and In* fusion. We have also captured a large amount ptretory Department lsea«» Albany, foot of Maiden Linet tbair appurunuce*,-' passed April tightMnth, •ightesn mencing tbe bombardment of January 1st. Ike aeat* described in aad subject lo fee rents and raaerHa kali oi fee above force will be required,except on prosperity *ad interetu of the Association kept sicadiiy hundred and .eslv-ori*. H O R A C E M R IM I S , T t t t o r In Ma Hit m a l l e i . 0.43 A.M. KXPKRBH TRAIN—Stopping at Stuyveltnt, its lateral Canals wkdr* a t u l e l e a i number of Lock- vation. coolaiacd in a carleln lease of Ike same, bearing Hudson, Oakhill, Tivoli, Barrytowu, Rbinobcck, Slaat*Seven Northern men, deserters from tbe of store*, team*, cannon, small arms asd em- THOMAS II 111 h . N , Tutor in Latin end Oreek. ' in view, llie olaimt of the various otndidatet were clo**!y ill 0* emplovodiij facilitate the pat.age of date fe* 17th day of April. 1833, recorded In tko ofllce oi burgh. Hyde Park, Poughkceitsle, Fithkill, Garment, tender* skall Tbs P*op1. or tb* b ^ e f l a T . w Vork, ™t>re*»mirrin bkntlo AMOS A . CASH, Tutor ia Ike Preparatory Dope, |< monltlon. • let iul kny delay Or or Obst/aolionobtl/acton. A ro force susV fee R*giti*r of Ik* Oily *»1 eounty of N e w York, In Peck skill, Sing Sing a i d Tnrrylown Arriving in Now and A.saiobly,do*naot ca.si.ilu. .1, IL ui ability to terve you oiuofnlly oontide'ed, rebels at Pensacola, are passengers In tbe Philli L I . will'.OUl . ns _ follow.: .Jllcnti ' . . n oi of the Comwis.loner in charge) wdl Liber 048, of Conveyances, ou pego 848. exeodted by the Vork at 18.hu it. cieai (ia tkk oBWon ? * 0 ' ' , !&• ifl* , * , Ml*T" , 4 *»• "tttntb oMtion or 1 •nd at a Dual ratuli tb* following ticket v a s unanlmou*""E'.'II. RIOR,Teacher of Willing and Book ke.pk > rrraaa (Ms) aionihesaaV. > **''' adelphia. .et, mtiiled act giving ihe oou.sutof |b*6l*i "fN*w act, nnnlied ''An ••A".;!t»lvlt)gfttoorna»utofjhjl^teo • i.e. be required elsewhere lo facilitate navigation and Mayor A«^ ol N e w York lo James L. Worth. Male poI-. THIIrtTKKrtr —s-s-—sr" Tklt Tiain leavcaSunday Mornuigi at 0 . 4 3 A. K. tjork oik to tbe the purebee* p.irebs.a by and ceding coding luriadlotlo. lurlttflettcn to the ly adopted, at one eminently worthy of your coidiel a c aitivk. For terns* o f tele, ske., enquire of the under. protect the publio property. - I J . T Vr "'•' OnlOAfio, March 11. Commodore1 Porter's mortar fleet was then 10.40 A M . KXl'REHB TltA(N—Bioppingel Castielon United- '""' Hon. PETER t.ANMKVOORT, Pieesiea Nlatea over eertein land* within title mate, to be ' ' ' "' "' beoo•I slgued. Dated March 1st, 1864. . . _ _ . Ceniraeiort ar* required (and it is keroby repeated to ceptance and earnett tupporl: S i n a x < Hchodac* Stuyvcsnm, Coitkckle, Htockporl, M'idsoi. _ foi fortleupttlwalias>ofll*tnthouaes,ksepsrs'dwsiilnira, and Asjoeolal to the Timu, from Cairo, says Wax. B. Bpraga*, D U., Joan P . Raikbone, KDWARD W A D E , Atsigueo of J. B. Piuiab, awaiting favorable wind to sail from Key West l l i o n i a . W . Oileon For Preoldtiil, htesnlh, Oakhill, Otrniantowo, 'tivoli Barrytowu, Rbinebeck seetleas,andthsie appintenam r..'• pa s*d Apriltighisec Dnvla M a 7 r e > , ' ' ruhl did ORce NOTT! S l a t l ttfekt, Albany. tbat a messenger arrived at Bird's'Point to- J a m e s V. B o y d , M » i t o aat t to JOHN T. MoKNiaHT. Bluaisburgh, Hyde Park, Pougiikeepaie, N o w Hamburg, "'"Ii***'/ il'low for Ship Island. " ' K, k"""*'''' '"">''' ameiidol ao Tkoa. O. Pilliin, 0 . I), i.ay he la weekOle r kokent «o»tr**ta. logo afoot, and For l i t Vice President, Pisbkill, Cold Spring, Harrisons, and Pcektkill. Arriv For tbo purse** of building and maintaining thsrsen bat. j>o) U, e* well at eesp il, la Mcedr. The steamer Magnolia arrived at Key West, night from New Madrid. 'A portion of Gen. O r l a n d o M e a d s , J1HIN P. R O 0 R R 8 . mar In N e w York at 4.00 r. kt. tetkre, forts, m**ttln*s, wharfs and othtr iisesaaary stuioTko peraon or persona pa wkoap ei I k*r of Ut* •ontroak) Christopher Y-1 .analog, Albanr.Pope's column !* a* Point Pleasant, ten mite* ,, For 8d Vice Prerid.nt. 3.13 r. a . POUOHKUKPHIH W A Y F R B I 8 H T A N ) flirts, w l t t l t h l h : a p M i u U a e s , adjacent to V o l t H a m i l t o n , a prise to tbe steamer Month Cerolln*. Sbe f,< tko above a>MavtberFw* * 8 * » a . • • mdlawi onh;*liithlso«o*,aiid03»oerlaTyihattl>eearrie narrow oeekvoe Horn being drowned la Ike river while ^ A P R U C A T O N B F O R ADM BS ON _.oadway r r r Pattetlgerf and llnggage conveyed FRllt-. Ol •aW known a*A fenAdam* Mo***, corner of I k* n m h d be LOUISVILIB, March 11. u , ^ ^ ^ u 3 ^ t » r % k 0 ? o , t i e Central Rail P.Xl'CNBSti to and from the Hudson River arid N e w are a con set tsantoript tneretVom nod of ike nrbpt* o.'t.|-''ffti'f'e '.'.''/it? TRU T TB K n ' W M at* irjr- Passsngers are Caulioned agalalt Pavohsj-ing T :IOEN6KS.--Notio-whereby ed fkrWore the horse and cutter sank down, aad earns tion of the force* whloh evaeunted Oentrevllle G,ap. He first attempted tn oenelll ate the peoTM n W O O DJ T C p l perfect order, ami 1* lawalekad witk allfeem.xl. A < H n U N W dnk t«, iucluijm| ditttttb witter^ bmldr'rpangiven that the undersigned wlH bo In attendance, Very near being lest. xWlh Mr. Blauohard and Mr. have been ordered to reconnoitre Winchester. ple of tbat . ^ o t , , but sirro* his defeat he has H R W H K n m H A n b M > bntlssotilavoars, aOl^yog'sRojai, OJty l i i l T i r Sl«uioii got in the water theintelvet several limes, in Onr plokets were undisturbed last night. 'JM A, P M t l T H , itoeJi H, R. R R . . N o w York U R Am D L U become Irritable and ov«i-b«Mkirh*g. ro X H W O igrktiOkg 13>»>t»MtuOMirnouaa/»U»ii h , u UB< SMITH DRIOOS, AaiaxtV'AlkkJtlr.i•«:-.» dti. n M R DT n m " oeeafor actlie sooutlng was continually kept up. T i e i h w l n relationtoanull.iuoiiiei will uorl* their eflbrlt to retode tho hotte, arid J y i . W i i MMJo liBTo I I • • • Mjiti . y*>n*tt«>l|8lt8u»k»*»i»any l H H n < o f athtRb** the assistance of persons wko **w their plight front the nforood. k t S i V f j p W M S«fRrRM*i>R> Dnvor, flye^ miles IVom ^ b j - v m * , * 3 > < l r t > r d e o n 4 k t y t 8 n a ^ a v t(icf.xiid wont.to ,^alf, r*ll*f, It 1* quite likely ihet tk*y j&bMSUBA ^aAflHRR.Majtkt cheater. March 11, ». x —The Toroes under G*. • large> sjsiaatiaytat'Oiaatiimati stores to ptwoSlNKSS MKN Attention A would have loft. U>R I'TOOs,,,.,, „; saloby i . . _ _ . „ , , ; . ,^, ffiW^r,5U»»RHjkV.. NSLOW'SQBESN CORN A Dteiartae-—Jseob (Usas, uavelkt*; Bast witk .a neral* Hamilton and Williams, constituting an vent tht^vUllng late tbe htmiiot UU rebel ortw ei RRA flktktwiM »rn bs d regiment, jkaped taflke oara at ifondo, aad fosgol to (01 armed ret>oanAi4soj»f>8, have re*tohed this point troops under A . 8 . Johiuxm, who wai ht fnll '*&. wlta>tit »ny -eriovw ot){tt)*J*8a»vto>it.'o V oi w \ on again, |A* w**srr^e,a«*d»*e|t*t, | M BM M * V . 004jrRHA4>l%l*i4Wfb3>t^ ftf0n%Malt.8M.s«»;'' W1'1 «**»'« «lI»