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Module 1: Statistical Methods for Quality & Reliability (14 hours). Quality- ... PHI, 1987. 8. Levin R. I. and Rubin, D. S., Statistics for Management, PHI, 1997.
MA3028: STATISTICAL METHODS FOR MANAGEMENT Pre-requisite: MA 2001 Mathematics III L T 3 1

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Total Hours: 56 Hrs Module 1: Statistical Methods for Quality & Reliability (14 hours) Quality- Improvement Programs, Starting a Quality Improvement Program, Experimental Designs for QUALITY improvement, Quality Control - Statistical process control: concepts of stable industrial processes. Systematic variation, random variation. Control Charts for Measurements, Control Charts for Attributes, Tolerance Limits, Acceptance Sampling Reliability- Applications to reliability- Reliability, Failure-Time distributions, The exponential model in reliability, the exponential model in life testing, the weibul model in life testing. Module 2: Forecasting methods (14 hours) The role of forecasting in management, Fundamentals of quantitative forecasting- Introduction, Explanatory versus Time-Series forecasting, Least square estimates, discovering and describing existing relationships and patterns. Exploratory time Series Analysis, Tests for trend and seasonality. Exponential and Moving average smoothing. Forecasting based on smoothing, adaptive smoothing.Time-series as discrete parameter stochastic process. Auto covariance and autocorrelation functions and their properties. Stationary processes and time series models: (1) moving average (MA), (2) Auto regressive (AR), (3) ARMA and (4) ARIMA models. Box-Jenkins models. Discussion (without proof) of estimation of mean, auto covariance and autocorrelation functions under large sample theory. Choice of AR and MA periods. Estimation of ARIMA models parameters. Forecasting. Residual analysis and diagnostic checking. Use of computer packages SPSS, MATHLAB, Minitab. Module 3: Decision and Game models (14 hours) The decision environment, the payoff matrix model, Decision under assumed certainty, decision under risk, decision under uncertainty, game decision models, solution of simple games, games with mixed strategies, graphical solution procedure, solving by linear programming. Module 4: Process Design and Improvement with Designed experiments (14 hours) The fundamentals of experimental design- experiments with one factors, blocking and nuisance factors. Fractional and factorial designs for process design and improvement, response surface methods and designs, Taguchi’s contribution to quality engineering. References: 1. Montgomery, D. C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 3rd edition, John Wiley& Sons. Inc, 1997. 2. Johnson,R. A., Miller and Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 6th edition, PHI, 2004. 3. Wei, W. W. S., Time Series Analysis, Univariate and Multivariate Methods, Addison Wesley, 1994. 4. Makridakis, S., Wheelwright, S. C., and McGee, V. E., Forecasting, Methods and Applications, 2nd edition., Wiley, Hong Hong, 1983. 5. Barlow R. E. & Proschan F., Statistical Theory of Reliability & Life testing, Holt, Rinehart & Winston Ins, 1975. 6. Hiller, F. S. and Lieberman, G. J. Operations Research, 2nd edition, CBS, Delhi, 1994. 7. Fabrycky, W. J., Ghare, P. M., and Torgersen, P. E. 1984, Applied Operations research and Management Science, PHI, 1987. 8. Levin R. I. and Rubin, D. S., Statistics for Management, PHI, 1997.