Apr 2, 2012 ... Magister Manajemen Universitas Gadjah. Mada (MMUGM) ... valid passport,
financial guarantee and official application form. For detailed ...
Magister Manajemen Universitas Gadjah Mada (MMUGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia http://mmugm.ac.id/ Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia (544km from Jakarta) Campus: one campus Partner Faculty: Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business This partner university offers courses in the following languages: English Language courses in Indonesian. The fall semester (called odd semester) runs from September through January. The spring semester (called even semester) runs from February through July. The following number of courses/credits at partner school are equivalent to 30 ECTS: 15 TCU The partner university offers the following accommodation options: see http://housing.mmugm.ac.id Living costs per month will range around: A student living in Jogja would approximately need US$ 172 / month to meet basic living expenses such as boarding; (US$ 27, single room), food (US$ 95), daily fares, transportation (US$ 50), medical cover, and other necessities. A visa costs about € 45. Documents to hand in with your visa applications are among others: copy of plane tickets, valid passport, financial guarantee and official application form. For detailed information visit the website of the Indonesian Embassy: http://indonesian-embassy.de Please ensure to inform yourself on required vaccinations in due time (e.g. as recommended by Auswärtiges Amt). The application at this partner university consist of the following documents
Application Form (downloadable online) Curriculum Vitae Copy of passport Statement of financial support Personal statement (not to work during the study) Recommendation letter from applicants institution Recommendation letter from Indonesian Embassy in applicants’ country Copy of academic record (GPA should render at least 2,5 in the German grading system; Students can request a translation of their official transcript from CUAS Studienbüro and should allow up to six weeks for processing) 9. Statement of Good Health 10. 4 passport-sized photograph (red background) 11. Paper based TOEFL of a minimum of 500 points or IELTS of at least 5.5 (alternative: GMAT) Contact Information for the International Office/on-site advisor: Office of International Affairs http://oia.ugm.ac.id/interface Mr Akhdy Prihantono Head of Office of International Affairs Master of Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada MMUGM Building, 3rd Floor, Room #310 Jl. Teknika Utara No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia Ph +62 274 556912 Fx +62 274 564388 Email: anton [at] mmugm [dot] ac [dot] id Important link for incoming students: Do’s and Don’ts list: http://oia.ugm.ac.id/interface/?page_id=139